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[D]: Okay I'm back from irl stuff
[D]: I mean, rude not to answer when someone knocks on your door, right? Maybe you accidentally tripped a hotkey that got added secretly
[D]: You should try to get speckle and wiggles talking to each other, should be fun, maybe helps with the attachment issues (joking)
[D]: Anyways, my logs are long and it's really tedious to trim them down so instead of posting the whole thing I'll just post snippets
[D]: Oh yeah while I'm here, are you fine with me getting my partner on board to check out the pet dialogue system? In the meantime
THREEDEE: Hi squeaky
THREEDEE: squeaky Do you know what yes means
squeaky: hi
squeaky: yes
THREEDEE: squeaky Do you know what no means
squeaky: no
THREEDEE: Well youre gonna learn pretty quick lol
THREEDEE: What is your name
squeaky: hi squeaky
THREEDEE: Am I stupid. That is not a yes or no question
THREEDEE: Let me try that again
squeaky: i love you

(note: I was distracted I did not see that message. It is very cute though)

THREEDEE: Are you an Inktrail
squeaky: inktrail yes
THREEDEE: Are you hungry
squeaky: no
THREEDEE: Thank god because I have nothing to give you
THREEDEE: Do you like saying hi
squeaky: yes hi

[27 more lines...]

THREEDEE: Are you in a video game
THREEDEE: Okay that one tripped you up huh
THREEDEE: Can you see me
squeaky: yes
THREEDEE: What do I look like
THREEDEE: What do I look like squeaky
squeaky: hello
THREEDEE: That's what I thought lol

[D]: I think the game likes acting creepy. I don't think it's dangerous at all.
[D]: The input mechanic definitely feels implemented "gamey". Like, the input feels like a game mechanic rather than a legitimate tool of communication.
[D]: But it's charming
[D]: Here is squeaky
[D]: sent sfdghghjfdsqueaky.png

[Image: petz1.png]
VYN - website programmer and designer
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RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO DEVELOPMENT] - by sarcovyn - 04-17-2022, 09:35 AM

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