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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: let me check
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: ok so i got my new guyyyyy and it's talking!
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: it mostly says hi but i did get it to say my name
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: and also ":)"
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: it's smiling at me uwu
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i still havent touched mine yet and im not touching it until we know whether or not these are 100% alive or just code, for sure, no questions about it
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i think i could live with the fact that critters are real and honestly, may scratch a weird creative itch i have, but i don't want to get in fucking trouble
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: if these guys are real we need to look up construct laws, digital ones especially
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: and either come clean about it to people looking to play the game or shut the project down
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: im not going to be responsible for people making new life and torturing it, we get that enough with sessions
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO DEVELOPMENT] - by skinstealer - 04-12-2022, 12:28 PM

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