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[D]: Turns out I am a god at talking to little computer ghosts
[D]: I got my pet to say multiple different things instead of Just hi
[D]: But I think it was because I did a lot of like repetition trial and error stuff
[D]: I do want to say
[D]: There is no way these things are sapient I think
[D]: Like I thought it was just messing with me at some point but
[D]: Here let me attach the log output actually
[D]: sent log.txt

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[D]: At one point you can see I tried to ask squeaky if it wanted food
[D]: And it said "yes or no" in response to me saying "Are you hungry say yes or no"
[D]: I thought it was being an asshole but I think it was actually just interpreting my words literally, like a program
[D]: i.e. it did not understand the first part, but it took "say" as a command, and it said "yes or no"
[D]: Mine did the same thing yours did though where it kept saying hi over and over
[D]: I think that might just be something coded into the system
[D]: Do you think you could take a look at the code or whatever it is for the system. If like  there's something special about the word "hi"
[D]: Or are you locked out from viewing the code too
VYN - website programmer and designer
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RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO DEVELOPMENT] - by sarcovyn - 04-12-2022, 12:07 PM

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