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[TOY] Plaything
You awaken to a cloudy sky, lines of plastic buildings looming above you. The ground beneath you feels moist to the touch and hard, your mind letting you know that it's asphalt.

It's cold, and you get the sense that it's winter.

You try to get your bearings.

What kind of toy are you?

What is the first emotion that you can place?

What is a vague memory from a time before now?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Speak and spell


the breeze through the trees on a warm summer day
Rubber Duck


Watching raindrops race down the window
Give Me Your Coins
Wooden Creature
Deja Vu of entering a veranda by stairs
You are a rubber duck. You're hollow on the inside aside from a squeaker, your voice high pitched and matching. You have a squat frame and a little molded tail, just barely able to be wagged. Your beak can open and close, but you can't swallow anything- not that you'd want to, it'd probably just fuck with the squeaker. Your hands are molded plastic wings, and even without thumbs and distinct fingers, you can hold and manipulate things just fine. You wouldn't be able to fly, but you can definitely float, and something tells you that you miss the water. 

You use she/her pronouns, and your name is Polka Dot. You got it from the spotted paint on your body, big shapes with clean edges...mostly. Some of the paint has gotten scuffed up, but you can't remember how or why. Bright, light blue with white spots feels like it suits you, somehow.

The first thing you can identify feeling is pure, unfiltered rage. Something is really, really pissing you off, but for the life of you, you can't remember. This only manages to piss you off more, and as you stumble to your orange feet, you feel yourself seething.

All of a sudden, you do remember something- a veranda of some sorts, the house it was connected to made of white plastic and built for far more detailed and elegant toys than yourself. You remember feeling out of place and very nervous, and like you had been here before. You had only stepped onto the stairs before being filled with dread, a figure you just cannot recall staring down at you with great malice.

You remember pain, but that was the end of it.

Something has been done to you before this moment, and you're not sure what it is, but whoever did it, they're going to pay.

What do you do now?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
take inventory, you got anything on you? look around, any way to put a picture together of what happened?

Do your remember the area you're in, the town? the region? anything usefull?
Find yourself a way to protect yourself, you never really know.
[Image: blazblue.png]
You pat yourself down, but you are totally and completely naked aside from what feels like a ribbon choker around your neck. Your beak kind of gets in the way of seeing it, but you do get a little memory flicker of what it looks like- it's purple, with a tiny white polka dot pattern. 

It means a lot to you.

Aside from that though, you have jack shit, and you don't like that. It makes you feel too vulnerable, and as someone rudely bumps into you-

????: Watch it!
????: Fucking newbies...
-you get the feeling that that's not a good thing to be around here. 

The other toy's comment makes you wonder just what he means by that, but you also get the sense you're not welcome to just lay in the road in a daze. You hop onto the sidewalk and start walking, startled when your foot touches something cold and wet- snow. Definitely winter, then. 

The street goes straight ahead, no curves to it. Buildings lay in straight lines and blocky forms, offset by curved shapes for the windows, doors and signage. There's different materials all over, alternating between wood, metal, plastic, some brick...but as far as you can tell in the light of the street lamps, it's all pretty brightly colored. The sky above you is dark, with large, defined star shapes contrasted by an even larger crescent moon.

It's rather pretty, but you can't say the same for the scratched up buildings. Whoever lives in this city doesn't take very good care of it, further supported by the trash you find littered on the ground.

You can't remember this place at all, though. You don't even think you've been anywhere like it, and maybe that's why the guy who bumped you called you a "newbie"- you almost wish you asked him what the hell he meant. 

First things first, want something to protect yourself with. A guy bumping into you was...fine, annoying but fine. But you don't like the look of this place, and considering the last thing you remember was horrible pain, something needed to be done. 

None of the trash looks suitable, though. There's a stick, maybe? But even just picking that feel pathetic, just holding a piece of brown, textured plastic. You toss it aside with a disgruntled squeak, kicking a can for good measure. 

You were either going to need some help, or go exploring. You know enough despite your amnesia to know you need to find a place that'll let you either scrounge something together or...something. Someone had to have this kind of stuff, right?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
look down the lines of buildings - do any of them look like public service buildings, like a library or hospital? do any of the buildings look abandoned? is there anything visibly broken?
how hungry or exhausted do we feel right now; how far do we think we can walk?
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
You try looking down the lines of buildings. The signs feel...oddly blurry the further you look, with farther away stores and housing's details melting away until you get closer. It takes practically being next to a place to fully make it out, so you keep walking. You're looking for...a library, or a hospital, or something like that, according to your mind. Somewhere where people have resources.

Either that, or somewhere abandoned. That'd work too, somewhere you could scavenge something up. 

You're slowly becoming more and more aware of how cold it is as you walk, and you realize that you're hungry as're not all that tired, but a sense of panic starts to settle in as you realize you might be in real trouble out here on your own, not even knowing where you are or how to take care of yourself. You get a glare from a doll passing by and feel sick, not knowing what you're even doing to provoke their ire. 

You slow down as you reach a red building with glowing lights, curtains hung over the windows and the sound of laughter coming from within. The place practically radiates warmth, and you can't help but feel...enticed. It doesn't look like any kind of public service building, and frankly, you can't really tell what it is.

There's a sign on the door, though.

"cold outside? come on in...
find some arms to hold you, or just something to fill your belly
income or work-based payments available"

You glance back up at the sign above the door, the neon lights beckoning you in.

[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
work-based payments? so if you do work for these guys, they'll feed you and keep you from dying to the cold? to quote an ancient adage... "sign me the FUCK up"
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
Be careful, this might be a good opportunity, but don't agree to anything without hearing the full details.
We aren't going in. We're desperate, but something about this place doesn't seem right. From the few fragments of memories we have... people don't just GIVE you things. They always expect something in return. And we don't have anything we could afford to give them. We'd be better off taking whatever we can from an abandoned building... or a house of someone who's out of town.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You're hesitant at first. Nobody gives anything for free, that's the feeling you get. You don't have anything on you but your choker, and like hell you're giving that away, even if someone else considered it valuable. No way. You could probably just ransack some place, either abandoned or hell, just someone who wasn't home...


This could be a good opportunity, as long as you played it safe and didn't agree to anything until you had full details. Besides, the sign seems to imply that you could work for food and a place to stay, and that's something you could figure out, probably. 

The cold seems to speed up your decision as you shiver, reaching for the handle before you can stop yourself.

You step inside.

The room you enter is small but...immensely warm feeling, both in temperature (thank god) and overall vibe. The walls are lined with wood paneling and crushed red velvet, framed pictures of toys having a great time serving as the main decor. Some of them are wearing...weird outfits and costumes, but they all seem to be laughing and holding each other. It's like nothing you've ever seen.

A toy ahead of you makes a throat-clearing noise, and you look to face them. There's a tinted fluid-filled toy standing at a podium, dressed in a red velvet vest and black slacks. Her body seems to be made up of half translucent plastic (letting the tinted water shine through) and half opaque, a tiny floating figure suspended between the opening of the vest. It moves when she talks, almost as if dancing- and with a closer look, you can see it moved by thin internal strings.

????: Party of one?
????: What services can I help you with today?
Her voice is professional, but you don't feel threatened by it.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I'm... new here i fear? Details of what kind of work need to be done in exchange for food and warmth would be great.
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
I'd like to keep from telling her we're new if we can, but I'm pretty sure we radiate "newbie-ness" at the moment. Still, it'd be good not to bring it up.

Ask her what kind of work they do here, and if they're hiring.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: The sign out front says you're looking for work.
POLKA DOT: What kind, and what do I get in return. 
You spot a name tag on the other toy- her name appears to be Minnie.
MINNIE: We provide work opportunities in exchange for our services, including temporary and long term lodging, use of both our public and private playrooms, food and drink at the bar and cafe, costume, gear, and outfit rental, etc.
MINNIE: We do offer money-based payments as well, but we greatly prefer to provide services in exchange, as it helps keep us running and gives people the opportunity to have a roof over their heads in a city that does not offer said things willingly-
She pauses, seeming to look you over.
MINNIE: Especially not to new toys.
Damnit, were you really that easy to figure out? You guess that you're not wearing clothes or anything in the winter...

POLKA DOT: What kind of work opportunities?
MINNIE: Room service, help in the kitchen, performances of both a risque and chaste nature, escort services, playroom chaperoning and bouncer duty, bartending, gear cleaning, laundry, cleaning in general...
MINNIE: Lots of things. You have options.

Half of this stuff is going over your head.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
There seems to be a lot of cleaning they need to get done. Maybe we could offer to help with that? Or maybe we could help in the kitchen - there might be someone there who'd be able to train us.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
cleaning sounds... easy enough, we don't have to worry too much about getting dirty either, since we're not made of cloth
if the kitchen is willing to train people though that's definitely another option i'd consider
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
POLKA DOT: I'm interested in cleaning and kitchen work if someone's able to train me.
MINNIE: Vine's a great chef, she's willing to train anyone.
MINNIE: We get a lot of people with no prior skills, and by the time they're through with training, they could get a job anywhere if they wanted.
MINNIE: ...better for us to have them stick around here of course, but if people see it as an opportunity for other places, that's cool too.
MINNIE: Next questions:
MINNIE: Are you comfortable with seeing potential sexual interactions, or cleaning up playrooms?
POLKA DOT: Uh...not...sure what that means.
MINNIE: I'll count that as a no then, or at least until you're actually up to speed on what that kind of stuff means.
MINNIE: Laurie doesn't like making newbies who aren't even aware of what sex and kink are get exposed to it, though there will be some inevitable running across it as you walk through the bar. Performances and whatnot.
MINNIE: We have resources available for that kind of thing too, but...if you're fresh and new to the world, it'd probably be better to start you on cleaning up our lodging rooms and helping in the kitchen. 
MINNIE: You might still run across some stuff in the former, but it's a lot less explicit than taking care of the playrooms. 
All you can do is nod, and you get the feeling that she's a bit concerned for you.

MINNIE: long are you willing to stay?
MINNIE: We can offer long term living solutions in a more apartment-like setup upstairs after you've proven you're willing to commit to the job, or specific tasks in exchange for an hourly rate.
MINNIE: The latter's not that bad, and a night's stay typically only requires an hour or two of work.
MINNIE: You don't use up your hours for time outside the room, either. It only ticks down when you're inside of it, and since time can stretch inside the could end up feeling a lot longer for you.
MINNIE: Your call.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I'd stay for a bit longer, this place sounds safe enough and we can get food, shelter and information here
after we understand this world, the area we're in and what things in general are we could think about leaving

I think hourly rate would be better for now though, since it's not certain it will be permanent yet
unless long term lodging works for that too? not entirely sure about that
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
consider talking to other workers of this place too, preferably on your own (i.e. without "supervision"). don't tell minnie this next part, but it might be a good idea first to get a feel of whether these people seem to be genuinely enjoying themselves here , or if they seem visibly weighed down/stuck on something. if she says no, we're leaving.

edit: probably something we can do during hourly work to consider whether we should continue this deal or not
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
We're definitely going to stay the night. We can't promise more than that until we get a hang of what's going on though, and how tough kitchen work might be. Hourly rate will work for now.
Thank you.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
we won't promise to stay on for too long, we need to figure out a lot of stuff about what we want and if this place and the work here is something we actually want to do.
Stay the night, maybe longer? I do think we should talk to other toys first before being stuck in one thing.
But yes, definitely stay tonight at least. We can get a little experience and maybe remember something.

Hourly is fine for now, thank you
Give Me Your Coins
POLKA DOT: I want to stay the night, maybe longer.
POLKA DOT: But...under one condition.
POLKA DOT: I want to be able to talk to other toys here.
POLKA DOT: conditions and shit.
MINNIE: That's perfectly fine and we encourage it, frankly.
MINNIE: You will actually need to talk to Laurie before getting signed on for real, he's very big on checking to make sure peoples' characters are good to go for working here.
MINNIE: Is that okay?
POLKA DOT: ...sure.
MINNIE: Excellent. Right this way.
She gets up from behind the podium, leading you to a door to the side. She knocks on the door three times before a voice tells you to come in, the water-filled toy holding the door open for you.

MINNIE: You got this.
The room you step into is covered in silk drapery, a tie-dye bean bear sprawled across a lounge, wearing a black sequin-covered dress and what looks like high heels. He's looking over some kind of phone, and sets it down as you come closer. 

LAURIE: Take a seat.
His voice is calm and collected, but you can't help but feel slightly nervous- this is the guy running the place, after all, and he looks like he knows what he's doing a hell of a lot more than you do.

You follow his gesture to an armchair, sinking in as you sit. It's way more comfortable than your time sitting in the road, and you know you're going to have a hard time getting up.

LAURIE: So...admittedly, I overhear everything in the lobby from here.
LAURIE: You're new, aren't you?
You hesitate, but end up nodding anyway. Looks like everybody just...has that figured out, damnit.

LAURIE: We're used to people ending up here right seems our attempt at creating a haven for the lost and looking worked out in the end.
LAURIE: I'm going to need a name for you, but it doesn't have to be your real one. Aliases are more than welcome here, if it's more comfortable.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Why would we need an alias? Is this work dangerous in some way?
Look around the room, then to our choker.
"Silk Ribbon."
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
seconding silk ribbon
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
POLKA DOT: ...why would I need an alias?
LAURIE: You don't, but some people prefer anonymity, especially when sexuality comes into play.
LAURIE: Some people prefer to keep things private.
LAURIE: We like to offer the option to anyone here, regardless of their interaction with that side of my establishment.
POLKA DOT: So...the work isn't like, dangerous or anything?
He hesitates. 
LAURIE: The only work that's potentially dangerous here is escort work, and we do our best to only accept clients who will behave correctly and treat our staff with respect.
LAURIE: Everyone is screened, just like what we're doing now.
LAURIE: Some people find it excessive and it drives away their business, but I'm interested in building a community here. Somewhere legitimately safe.
You look around the room at all the drapery, and then think of your choker.

POLKA DOT: Silk Ribbon, then.
LAURIE: An excellent name! It suits you.
POLKA DOT: And...what is escort work?
LAURIE: Anything to do with servicing a customer directly, be it with sexual favors or simple company.
LAURIE: Typically done in private rooms or a customer's lodging, it's a very intense job that pays best out of all of our options, either in hours, food, or in money.
LAURIE: But I don't allow newbies to take it up, frankly.
LAURIE: Not until they're at the very least accustomed to sexual content and what it entails.
LAURIE: I'll be giving you a pamphlet in any case, considering you'll be talking to people who do specialize in this, escorts and customers alike.
LAURIE: It should have all the definitions and information you need to get the gist.
He sighs, reclining slightly. 
LAURIE: ...You're lucky to have wandered in, especially considering the cold.
LAURIE: You're best off getting something to wear before going out there again, which...we have some secondhand clothes available for rental- newbies get one for free.
LAURIE: The box for new folks is in the corner-
He points to a large box full of haphazardly scattered garments.

LAURIE: -if you'd like to take a look.
LAURIE: Workers get a pin put on them to signify they're a part of the staff, so you'll need something big enough for that.
LAURIE: However, don't feel a need to wear anything you don't want to. Uniforms go against our comfort policies, and nudity isn't an object in this world.
LAURIE: Especially not here.
You get out of the chair, already missing its soft cushion, and walk over to the box.

Good god, they've got everything in here. What do you even choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
something comfortable, maybe like.. a poncho like a blanket? something warm and soft
maybe with something thinner beneath while we are staying indoors
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
big fluffy dress or sweater to keep warm in. nothing that covers up your choker though. maybe a sunny yellow to go with our blue or a light mint green.
Ok, so. I think a thin shirt and poncho is a good idea, also some good boots. Not picky about the color scheme, but I think these styles would be fun.
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png][Image: unknown.png] (not sure what these are but they look neat!)
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
seconding the style suggested by kc

maybe adding a skirt to that suggested shirt?
so the outfit is fancy shirt + medium length skirt (I'd say long but medium for the movement), and warm fluffy poncho

mmmmaybe boots if there are any that fit our feet
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
You pick out a thin, lacy shirt, and a poncho-like capelet to go over it- the shirt may not be too warm, but the capelet definitely is, and you feel like it's going to help a lot out in the cold. You pick out some thigh high boots while you're at it, the material weirdly conforming to your duck legs without much trouble. It's a bit hard to stand up straight with the heels, but you get used to it after a few minutes of walking in circles.

POLKA DOT: ...How do I look?
LAURIE: Like a proper star, hun.
LAURIE: You'll fit right in.
Laurie gestures for you to come back over, reaching into a box on his table and pulling out a heart shaped pin, along with a key with a large looking fob. 
LAURIE: You wanted a night, right? I'll give you ten hours.
A number changes on the fob, some kind of yet-to-start countdown. 
LAURIE: The room will boot you and any possessions you have out when the time's up, but you'll get a warning chime.
LAURIE: Time may stretch in either direction, but the fob will tell you how much has passed in your room overall. Just keep an eye on it.
LAURIE: We'll start you in the kitchen, one hour shift of training, one hour of actual work- to get acquainted.
LAURIE: You'll also be allowed a meal, anything on the menu under twenty dollars. 
LAURIE: You might also be allowed to snack on the job, Vine likes to treat her workers.
LAURIE: Minnie will take you to the back, through the bar area.
LAURIE: Any other questions for me?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
how does this key work? some kind of magic? oh and you said you'd be giving me a pamplet about sexual? really interested in what makes the people in the pictures so happy.
Let's quickly rummage through and see if we can grab a good warm skirt as well, I forgot about that.
For questions... what should we expect going in? Are there other people we can chat with besides Vine, or clients?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: How do these keys work?
POLKA DOT: some kind of magic?
LAURIE: I don't know the exact method, but a dear friend made them for us.
LAURIE: We have plenty to go around, and they all seem to work just fine. 
POLKA DOT: And...what about that pamphlet?
LAURIE: Ah yes, thank you- just give me a moment.
He gets up and heads for a bookshelf on the far side of the room, giving you a chance to dig out a warm skirt from the clothes box, slipping it on. 

LAURIE: Here we go...
He hands over a rather dense looking pamphlet, titled "SEXUALITY IN TOYS, A BEGINNER'S GUIDE" in friendly, easy to read font.

LAURIE: Also made by a friend of ours.
LAURIE: Please, let me know if you have questions- though they could also be asked to any of our staff on duty, honestly.
You pocket it, grateful that you picked out a skirt with storage space.

POLKA DOT: ...thanks.
POLKA DOT: So I can talk to other staff? What about clients?
LAURIE: We try to foster a feeling of community here, so anyone who doesn't look occupied should be up for talking.
LAURIE: Though, do be respectful of peoples' boundaries, please.
LAURIE: That's one of our rules, and I want you to follow it as best as you possibly can.
POLKA DOT: Got it...
POLKA DOT: Anything to expect going in?
LAURIE: Well, there's no seriously risque shows until later tonight, so I'm pretty sure there'll just be a singer onstage in the bar...
LAURIE: You may see a lot of affection in our establishment, as that's allowed in any area. Hugs, cuddling, kissing, etc.
LAURIE: Playroom doors are closed by default, though some are open to participants without invite as long as you buy a ticket from the front desk.
LAURIE: I wouldn't advise going there until you've brushed up on things.
POLKA DOT: Easy enough...
This is a lot to keep track of, but you think you've got it. Laurie extends a hand and after a moment's hesitation, you give it a good shake.

LAURIE: Good luck out there. 
LAURIE: Minnie will lead you to the kitchen.
LAURIE: I'm certain you'll do fine.
With that, you're lead out of the room and back into the lobby, Minnie waiting for you. 

MINNIE: This way, please!
She takes you through a curtain, the sound of laughter and people talking getting louder. The space you step into is large and packed with people, toys of all kinds sitting together and eating, some draped on each other in a way that makes you just a little bit self conscious. The energy is inviting, and you almost wish you could sit down and get your own meal- but work comes first, you're guessing.

The kitchen is far less busy, but there's a bunch of toys working here too- mimicking cutting and stirring motions with plastic tools, the toy food seeming to shift forms as they did. There was large, simplified food along with intricate and detailed miniatures, the latter making you feel even hungrier- somehow, even with your damaged memory, you know that's the good stuff. 

Minnie leads you over to a bean bear in an apron, her muted purple fabric suiting her kind expression.

MINNIE: Got a new one for you, Vine. This is, ah...
POLKA DOT: Silk Ribbon.
VINE: It's very nice to meet you, Silk!
She doesn't take her eyes off of the vegetables she's stir frying, a browned tint appearing on the edges of the plastic food. 

VINE: I've got my hands full right now, but I'm guessing you need training...if you wait just a minute, I can show you the ropes of dough dishes.
VINE: We've been getting a looot of orders for our special tonight...and it's not that hard to make. 
VINE: You can still talk to me while I wrap this up, I just can't be in two places at once!
Minnie claps you on the shoulder and starts heading out. 

MINNIE: You got this. Vine'll tell you the way to your room after.
VINE: Putting more on my plate...I will, though.
MINNIE: Oh, right- one hour of training, one hour of work.
VINE: Easy enough...
And with that, it's you and the chef, the bear tipping a completely sealed bottle of sauce over the stir fry and getting a sizzling sound with no direct source in return.

VINE: Talk to me, Ribbon. What do you know, and what made you choose this job out of everything we have to offer?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
uh... you eat food with your mouth. you cook it with... fire? and knives? that's all I got.

not sure why I picked it, seemed interesting, I guess. and safe, in a way that putting myself out their with other people when everything is so new isn't.
food was definitely on the mind when i walked in; minnie recommended your training. but i think i'm also just not comfortable yet with getting "close" to other customers, whether directly or by cleaning whatever "mess" they leave behind. this seems like a position that's more "away" from that stuff
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
I figured this job would come with some training...and I was a little hungry when choosing what job to take. Still am, a little, but I can eat after training.

What I know is very little, just vague memories, and what Minnie and Laurie have told me about how this place operates. I'm a bit of a newbie, not gonna pretend I'm not.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Food was on my mind when I walked in...
POLKA DOT: And I know you eat it with your...mouth? Probably?
VINE: Close enough!
VINE: Eating is as simple as mimicking the action, and cooking is the same way.
VINE: You don't need a mouth to eat- you just bring the food to your face and mimic eating in the way that feels right to you.
VINE: You should be able to taste it, and the food will disappear whenever it's ready.
This sounds must have been aware of this at some point. Good.

VINE: This means that food can often be shared- in fact, I have a theory that whatever makes it appear and disappear wants it to be shared.
VINE: The people in power, though...they promote hoarding of food, saying that you need to keep it to yourself to avoid it from disappearing faster.
VINE: But in my experience, it tends to stick around longer if more people eat it.
VINE: Many of the orders we do are group orders as a result...and if it's not finished by the time they're all done, they have the option to take it home or send it back.
VINE: We save leftovers for newbies we find outside, which is another job you might get assigned here- going out and making deliveries to people without homes yet.
VINE: Even if it only lasts a short while, it's something...
...maybe you were wrong about this world, but you're still not sure about everything. Sounds like people outside of this place are as shitty as you thought, but...that sound pretty good, actually.

POLKA DOT: I'm a newbie myself.
VINE: You do have a fresh feeling to you...did Laurie give you that outfit?
She finishes her stir fry, spooning it out onto a set of plates. 

POLKA DOT: It look alright?
VINE: It suits you.
She hands the dishes off to a passing toy, leaning against the counter and looking you in the eye.

VINE: ...and I'm guessing since you're new, you don't have any skills with this.
POLKA DOT: Minnie recommended your training.
POLKA DOT: All I've got is vague memories and what Laurie and Minnie told me.
VINE: We can work with that.
VINE: I'm not the best chef in this kitchen, but I am the oldest, and I have the most experience.
VINE: And I'm not going anywhere,'ll be best off working with me.
VINE: Any reason why you chose this?
POLKA DOT: I...don't know if I'm ready to be "close" to other customers.
POLKA DOT: I still have to read the thing that Laurie gave me-
VINE: The pamphlet?
VINE: That should can look it over after work.
VINE: For now, we're going to get you on dough duty.
VINE: C'mere.
Vine leads you over to a couple of plastic vats, popping the lids off of them- there's some modeling dough inside, in all kinds of colors. She gestures to a variety of tools on the nearby counter, all plastic with lots of different shape cutouts and mechanisms. 

VINE: We've got a recipe book here with the special- it's a dessert.
VINE: You need to take some orange and green and knead it into a brown, cut a disk out, add a dollop of "whipped cream"-
She gestures to a tool with a crank. 

VINE: -By loading some of the white through here and cutting it off after a short bit.  
VINE: It'll come out in a nice swirl.
VINE: Then, take whatever colors you want and cut some little shapes for accent. Make it cute.
VINE: Take it as an opportunity to get creative.
VINE: You think you can handle that?
You could either ask for Vine's help getting this done, or go ahead and do it yourself. You should probably have ideas for how you're going to get this done, though.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I think we can handle that, yeah. I do have a few questions though. What do I do with the spare dough? And precisely how much swirl is enough? I don't want anyone to complain.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
i think i remember some bit about chefs saving "leftover" or "faulty" food scraps to eat for themselves. might as well, right?
let's try...... something green and yellow and flowery for the shape patterns. something that evokes a warmer, happier landscape than the winter outdoors right now
or we can do... maybe little "strips" in a + shape going down the sides, like a gift-wrapped present? i'm not sure why, but it feels "festive", and for some reason festivity is on the mind as well
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
We should keep it simple for our first attempts, stick to whatever cookie cutters there are for the dough, and try to get things right rather than getting super fancy. Ask for help when you need it.
POLKA DOT: I can handle it, but I have some questions.
POLKA DOT: What do I do with the leftover dough?
POLKA DOT: And how much swirl is enough? I want the customers to be satisfied here.
VINE: This much should do it.
Vine puts some white dough into the machine and cranks it, cutting it off after a set length. 

VINE: Keep this on the counter as a guide, but like the rest of the dough- either reuse as much as you can, put it back in the vats if it's unblended, or feel free to nibble the tiny scraps left behind yourself. 
VINE: There's generally not enough to actually save for someone's meal after you've gotten a good few shapes out of it, so do what you want with it.
VINE: Alrighty! I'll be right over here. We need five of these, so don't dawdle- but don't rush, either. Find your happy pace.
You nod and set your sights on the dough in front of you, starting to work on the process Vine went over with you.

You start off simple, just using the cookie cutters that your new mentor gave you. There's hearts and stars and flowers and other simple shapes...and when you use a combination, they end up looking kind of like sprinkles, or confetti. Something makes you feel pretty proud of your first attempt, though it is a little bit messy on the whipped cream swirl.

Vine looks over and gives you an encouraging gesture as you put it out for someone to take, and you feel a boost of confidence. Maybe this was going to work out. 

Your ego properly inflated, you start to try and get a little fancy...after all, you got it right on your first try. Your second try however, doesn't go quite as well- now you've just got a mess. When Vine looks over again, she just yells for you to put it to the side and try again, and so you press on, newly humbled...but just as determined.

You do two of each design you have in your head- two of them with flowery shapes, both made from cutouts and delicately placed round balls, and two of them with thick, overlaid stripes- kind of like a present. Something to keep people's heads out of the cold weather outside, and something more...festive. Just felt right.

They're not perfect, but you do like them, and from the look of it, so does Vine as someone picks them up and carries them out past her.

VINE: Nice work. 
VINE: picked up your training faster than I thought, didn't need my help practically at all...
VINE: I could either put you to work overtime to fill up our two hours, and give you something extra for it, or let you off now so you can get some food and rest.
VINE: What'll it be, Ribbon?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I said I'd do two hours so I'll do two hours. Gimme that overtime.
Ooh, something extra? I'd be alright with some overtime.
I would like to get some food first, though. I'm pretty hungry, and I don't want that distracting me from the work. I can eat fast.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Overtime doesn't sound bad for now, not like we have anywhere else to go today.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: I said I'd do two hours, gimme the overtime.
POLKA DOT: Not like I have anywhere else to go, right?
VINE: Fair enough, you gonna eat first?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, I was just about to ask.
VINE: Let's take a break and get you some food then, you said you were hungry when you came in.
She gestures to your flopped attempt at the special from earlier. 

VINE: Give that a shot. Once you're done with work for real, we can get something more substantial in your belly.
You pick up the plate and follow Vine as she takes you to a break room in the back, the chef sitting down with you and handing you a fork. 

VINE: Best off eating dough with silverware. Unlike plastic food, it tends to fade a lot faster, usually with every bite.
POLKA DOT: Got it.
You take a piece off of your dough creation and raise it to your mouth, surprised as the taste of fresh cake and whipped cream comes to mind. It immediately makes the hunger pangs in your belly fade away, and before you know it, you're digging in. Like Vine said, every "bite" you take of it makes more dough disappear, and it doesn't take long for you to have a clean plate.

VINE: Dough's a bit more expensive than the plastic stuff, because it's so easy to dissipate...
VINE: But it's not as pricey as miniatures, considering you can usually find lots of dough in big quantities. 
POLKA DOT: Makes sense...
POLKA DOT: I guess. I don't like that you have to pay for any of it.
VINE: You and me both, Ribbon...
She reclines in her chair, and you can't help but do the same. 

VINE: We've got some time before we gotta head back, the other chefs'll handle the next wave of diners fine.
VINE: You have anything you want to ask a veteran of this place, newbie?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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