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[TOY] Plaything
well maybe if they have a problem with it they can go die? did they fucking go to the hell forest? no. fuckers can just begone like its none of their business sock em upside the head. beat the shit out of them.

I mean that's not really a practical solution, but fuck em!!!! fuck em!!!! they can rot.
That's the first time you've called us girlfriends, I think. (Insert big dopey smile here)
Id rather have to kick the ass of every harasser as your girl- as your girlfriend then be safe and not have this relationship. I love you.
Monsters are cool, they can deal.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: Yeah, well…
POLKA DOT: Monsters are cool. They can deal.
POLKA DOT: Plus, if somebody’s got a problem with it they can just go die.

Cross’ pixel character blinks, stunned.

POLKA DOT: I mean it. We’re the ones going to the hell forest to get this done, their opinion means jack shit.
POLKA DOT: I’ll just beat the shit out of em. No problem.
POLKA DOT: I know it’s not like. Practical or nice but if anyone gives me shit about being with you, they can go rot.
POLKA DOT: I’m not sacrificing that just for somebody’s stupid opinion.
POLKA DOT: I’d rather have to kick the ass of EVERY asshole out there as your girlfriend than play it safe and not be in this relationship.
POLKA DOT: …I’m not great at this stuff, but I…
POLKA DOT: I love you.
POLKA DOT: And I wouldn’t let anybody come between us like that.

You take a long breath after all of that spills, out- terrified that you said too much.

Cross makes a soft, low beep, then another-

POLKA DOT: H-hey, are you crying?
POLKA DOT: I’m sorry, I-
CROSSBONE: I…I never thought someone could be here like this-
CROSSBONE: N-not for me, and I-
CROSSBONE: When I told you about the dreams I was so excited that you said yes to going-
CROSSBONE: All of this stuff keeps coming up about how hard it’s going to be, and how scary and dangerous-
CROSSBONE: And I keep thinking, e-every hour-
CROSSBONE: “One of these i-issues is going to be the l-last straw. And then she’ll leave.”
CROSSBONE: B-b-because!
CROSSBONE: N…no one’s…ever supported me like that-
CROSSBONE: Nobody’s ever m-made that commitment-
CROSSBONE: A-and I didn’t want to use any terms for us because I-
CROSSBONE: I didn’t want to make you feel w-weird, not after we met each other so fast, and I didn’t want to be cl-clingy-
CROSSBONE: But you make me f-feel so cared about-
CROSSBONE: I l-love you too…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
big hug time. bring it in, it's gay time.

you know, I was worried you were keeping me at a distance. that you weren't ready to have me as a girlfriend. I guess that makes us both big gay idiots, huh?
I second big hug.
[Image: blazblue.png]
You get up from your station and walk over to Cross’, wrapping your wings around her and making your best attempt at a comforting squeak.

POLKA DOT: I got you. Bring it in.
CROSSBONE: Y-you’re too n-nice to me-
POLKA DOT: Nah. This is just right.

She slowly quiets down her crying, leaning onto your shoulder and giving you a soft nuzzle.

CROSSBONE: Thank you…
POLKA DOT: I meant it.
POLKA DOT: …yknow, I was pretty scared you were keeping me at a distance.
POLKA DOT: That you weren’t ready for us to be like. Partners partners.
POLKA DOT: Guess that makes us a couple of gay idiots, huh?
CROSSBONE: I’ve wanted this for like. Since the first week passed…
CROSSBONE: All the nights with you staying over, and us doing things like cooking together, and talking about clothes…
CROSSBONE: All of the intimate moments too, it just got so hard to deny it’s what I wanted-
CROSSBONE: …but I never really dove into something like this before.
CROSSBONE: It was kind of scary, how hard and how deep it all happened…
CROSSBONE: But in an exciting way. Like I’d found someone who finally got me at last.
CROSSBONE: Someone who I was scared to chase off.
CROSSBONE: Not on purpose, but-
CROSSBONE: Clearly, clearly one day I’d fuck up.
CROSSBONE: And over the course of the past month…it’s the happiest I’ve ever been.
CROSSBONE: I’m not good at making friends, and now I have one that I can be extra close to, in ways I know I’ve needed but never actually got to have.
CROSSBONE: You accepting the fact that I want this adventure, that this is something desperately important to me, even if it’s scary, even if it’s dangerous…
CROSSBONE: …it makes me so, so happy…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I'm happy too. And soon you'll be even happier.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: I’m happy too.
POLKA DOT: And soon….

You lean in to give her a little kiss, which Cross happily returns.

POLKA DOT: You’ll be even happier.
POLKA DOT: The true you, right?
CROSSBONE: The true me.

The two of you soak in the glow of the moment, before the sound of a throat clearing snaps you out of it.

FEATHERWEIGHT: I hate to break up such a tender moment…
FEATHERWEIGHT: But I think there’s sewing to be done, yes?

The stork doesn’t sound upset at all, more…amused.

CROSSBONE: R-right, sorry!
CROSSBONE: …how…much did you hear?
FEATHERWEIGHT: Not much. Enough to know you needed it, but also enough to know that if I didn’t stop the two of you now, you’d likely end up canoodling the whole afternoon.
POLKA DOT: Heh….guilty as charged.
FEATHERWEIGHT: I’m no prude, but let’s save that for after hours, yeah?

Your face paints with blush at the idea of after hours with Cross, and from the look of it, so does hers. You detach from your now-girlfriend and head back to your station, startled as the tailor sits by your table.

FEATHERWEIGHT: You seem to know your hand with a machine.
FEATHERWEIGHT: What’s your history?
FEATHERWEIGHT: What do you like to make?

Oh, god, I’m getting grilled-

FEATHERWEIGHT: Where do your passions lie?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Still figuring out the passions thing, I guess I like making pretty things? I mean when I first got to Laurie's, I saw Willow in a fashion show and, well, something in those clothes caputered my heart(and I'm not just talking about the girl wearing them). Clothes, fashion... it just feels right to me. we don't need to wear anything, but we do. it's a kind of... self expression, to wear clothes. making clothes just feels like getting closer to that, y'know?
Think we're both going to have to find that out together really.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: …still figuring a lot of that out, honestly.
POLKA DOT: Something me and Willow are gonna have to figure out together.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Surely there must be some kind of origin story, though!
FEATHERWEIGHT: You’re taking so well to the embroidery.
POLKA DOT: I-I mean…
POLKA DOT: When I first got to Laurie’s, I saw Willow in a show.
POLKA DOT: Kinda captured my heart right away- both her and the clothes.

Blush spreads across Cross’ face, the virtual pet shrinking shyly. Featherweight nods, listening carefully.

FEATHERWEIGHT: Such is how young love tends to go…a fated encounter, inspiring the mind…
FEATHERWEIGHT: Go on. Tell me more.
CROSSBONE: Oh my god…

You can’t help but smirk, thoroughly enjoying this.

POLKA DOT: We don’t gotta wear anything out here, but we do, and it’s like…self expression.
POLKA DOT: I like that.
POLKA DOT: And I like being able to make those clothes happen.
POLKA DOT: Kinda feel the same way about cooking, too…
FEATHERWEIGHT: You’re an artist, then! Through and through!
FEATHERWEIGHT: I could tell by looking at you.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Have you considered going to our local art museum at all?
POLKA DOT: …there’s an art museum?
FEATHERWEIGHT: Mhm. It’s…rather sparse and underfunded, due to not many people up top appreciating this kind of thing…
FEATHERWEIGHT: But people persist in spite of that.
FEATHERWEIGHT: If you enjoy fashion shows, you may get a lot out of that as well.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Why not give it a try after that adventure of yours?
FEATHERWEIGHT: You could even take Willow here and make it a date!
CROSSBONE: …that does sound nice…
FEATHERWEIGHT: Wonderful. If I manage to get my hands on some tickets, I’ll let the two of you know.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Some of my collaborators and I do textile sculptures, which are always a hit.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Seeing sculptures made out of toy materials…it’s quite visceral, don’t you think?

Huh…never thought about it like that.

POLKA DOT: Yeah. That makes a lot of sense…
POLKA DOT: …wouldn’t expect you to be a “visceral” kind of guy, admittedly.
FEATHERWEIGHT: I have my love of the macabre just as much as any other! Well, maybe a little moreso.
FEATHERWEIGHT: I’m particularly interested in whatever spooky things you’ll come across on your adventure…
FEATHERWEIGHT: And what our dear Willow will become!
FEATHERWEIGHT: Perhaps even a bit jealous…but I couldn’t spare the time, no.
FEATHERWEIGHT: I will live vicariously through you youngsters.
FEATHERWEIGHT: But with that…
FEATHERWEIGHT: Do you have any questions for me? Your turn to interrogate.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
couldn't anything be considered 'toy material'? like grass backed clay hedgehogs or pet rocks or wooden ducks on wheels? yeah stuffed toys exist sure, but i dunno seems like you're making it weird for no reason, like in the same line of logic you could say all clothes are like the skin of plush toys but we don't.

anyway uh, how'd you wind up getting this shop?
Let me in on your "art", the things that give you goosebumps and get you through life.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: Alright, hmmm…
POLKA DOT: On the sculpture thing.
POLKA DOT: Couldn’t, like….anything be “toy material”?
POLKA DOT: We don’t go calling clothes, like, “skin” or whatever.

Cross can’t help but giggle at that, making the tiniest warm and fuzzy feeling build in your chest.

Every time she thinks I’m funny…

FEATHERWEIGHT: Oh, I see what you mean…
FEATHERWEIGHT: Why, yes, toy material could be anything.
FEATHERWEIGHT: But the identification as the fabric we use for our sculptures as such is a deliberate choice.
FEATHERWEIGHT: We try to capture the toy experience through our pieces, albeit in an abstract form.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Intimacy conveyed through simplified blending together, forming a unit with distinct parts, both halves and two wholes…
FEATHERWEIGHT: It’s meant to be transgressive. To be evocative of toy flesh.
FEATHERWEIGHT: …besides, I do hold the belief that it’s fine to treat cloth in general as if it were skin.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Cloth has a duality- it can be used to heal the body, but also accentuate what’s already there. Anyone can benefit from it…
FEATHERWEIGHT: That’s part of what makes it beautiful, to me.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Clothes are an extension of the body, after all.
CROSSBONE: I-I agree completely!

Both of you turn to face Cross, surprised by her outburst.

CROSSBONE: Without clothes…I don’t feel like myself.
CROSSBONE: At the very least, in a shelled form…
CROSSBONE: When I project, it’s a little different- but I’d like to dress that up someday too!
FEATHERWEIGHT: Dressing a projected form…I can’t say I’ve ever done that before.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Could be fun to design something for that…
FEATHERWEIGHT: Providing you’re willing, of course.
CROSSBONE: …maybe after my adventure, if that’s okay?
CROSSBONE: If I’m to show that much of myself…

A little smile forms on her screen’s character.

CROSSBONE: I want to be my real, genuine self.
Featherweight nods, clearly pleased with that answer.

FEATHERWEIGHT: I await taking your measurements with great glee!
FEATHERWEIGHT: It would be an honor…
POLKA DOT: I mean, that’s, like…what art means to you, right?
POLKA DOT: The whole…extension of the body thing. That’s what gets excited?
FEATHERWEIGHT: More than anything.
FEATHERWEIGHT: To display someone’s inner self, in one way or another…
FEATHERWEIGHT: Or even a persona! Some deliberate choice as to how to present!
FEATHERWEIGHT: The possibilities are endless…
FEATHERWEIGHT: Sculpture captures the same message with different methods- you have to create the illusion of toy form where there is none.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Even if there’s no actual body, no actual person to hang the fabric on…
FEATHERWEIGHT: You must compose it as if there was one, to the point where you can picture a living, feeling soul to it.
FEATHERWEIGHT: It’s incredible, don’t you think?
POLKA DOT: I’m trying to wrap my head around it, honestly…
POLKA DOT: There’s…a lot going on there. Might help me to actually see it in action.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Then you will, you will.
POLKA DOT: You’ve…got a whole lot going on, then. Both the shows, the museum and the shop…
FEATHERWEIGHT: Oh yes, I like to keep busy.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Idle wings make for a dull mind.
POLKA DOT: How’d you even get into it, anyway?
FEATHERWEIGHT: Well…it’s kind of a long story.
FEATHERWEIGHT: But I’ll try to abridge.

He rests his face on a wing, neck craning over.

FEATHERWEIGHT: I was given this shop as a gift from an older friend, a “homemade” plush named Benjamin.
FEATHERWEIGHT: He was a more traditionally minded toy, and wasn’t always fond of my…more eccentric and indulgent creations.
FEATHERWEIGHT: He considered it a waste of fabric, that such things would be better put towards practical, durable outfits made for travel.
FEATHERWEIGHT: His notes are actually what Willow here is working off of.
CROSSBONE: Really? I just assumed they were yours-
FEATHERWEIGHT: Oh, no, I definitely lean more towards the frivolous in my design work.
FEATHERWEIGHT: I like making gear. And I like making fetish and kink pieces.
FEATHERWEIGHT: But it also puts money on the table using his old designs, and keeping his legacy going.
CROSSBONE: …legacy?
FEATHERWEIGHT: Yes- I’m afraid he’s no longer with us.
FEATHERWEIGHT: His old age was unkind to his seams, and for all of his insistence on practicality, he insisted after a point that he would stop getting patches, and allow himself to fall apart gracefully.
FEATHERWEIGHT: I helped him during his aging years and eventually, he passed on.
FEATHERWEIGHT: I inherited his shop, almost like a parent passing onto a child- a foreign concept to us toys, but an interesting one in fiction, at least.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Admittedly, he’d probably shake his fist at me in disgust for me turning his shop into a pervert’s playhouse, but he can deal.
FEATHERWEIGHT: For all of the weight I pulled at his bedside, the least he can do from the afterlife is respect my goals and dreams as well as his.
FEATHERWEIGHT: A perfect blend of his work and my own…that’s the goal of my shop.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You ever feel all that weigh on you? It's quite a lot to have to think about that legacy in your work.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: …does it ever weigh on you, though?
FEATHERWEIGHT: How do you mean?
POLKA DOT: Legacy and all, feels like it’d be a lot to think about with your work.
FEATHERWEIGHT: It gives me drive more than it gives me pause. Some out of spite for what he thought I couldn’t do, and some out of wanting to make him proud.
FEATHERWEIGHT: And simply put- he’s dead. It’s not like I’ll ever have to deal with him being disappointed in me again.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Perhaps that’s a morbid way of looking at it…
FEATHERWEIGHT: But I prefer to think of him as proud of me when I do think about how he’d feel, watching over me.
FEATHERWEIGHT: At the very least, he’d be approving of the partnership with Laurie’s.
FEATHERWEIGHT: While he was a bit of a prude, he did want the best for this city.
FEATHERWEIGHT: The fact that I’m making a difference, even if a small one, would please him, I think.

The stork chuckles to himself, closing his eyes for a moment.

FEATHERWEIGHT: That’s all we can do, right?

The room settles into a comfortable silence despite the heavy topic, no one feeling a need to say anything.

It’s peaceful.


It’s dark by the time you and Willow are walking back, a tote bag slung over your arm carrying Roulette’s new outfit. You had managed to finish its scarf and then some in time, with Devo’s outfit all done and Tim’s most of the way there.

CROSSBONE: You know, you never told me what you want for your outfit.
CROSSBONE: I need to make sure my girlfriend’s nice and warm out there, after all.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
My long neck and low shoulders are practically begging for a big poofy collar. There's a lot of space to fill here [gesture to neck/shoulder area].
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
I kinda want one of those big coats that are also kinda like dresses? but I don't think it'd look good with my duck butt. just like imagine me wearing a trench coat, all mysterious like, and then it's ridding up on my tail. hmm... maybe something like a furred poncho? with puffball drawstrings and a hood. then some big stompy hiking boots. not sure what else to do about the underlayer.
BIG SCARF. Earmuffs.
[Image: blazblue.png]
You think about it, watching some snowflakes gather on Cross’ head and shoulders.

What would be nice…

What would I like?

What would she like?

POLKA DOT: I got this whole, like…long neck situation.
POLKA DOT: I feel like something’s gotta go there.
CROSSBONE: Like… a scarf?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, or like…a big poofy collar. Something cute, but kinda pretty.
POLKA DOT: Could be nice with one of those like. Coat dresses.
POLKA DOT: Could be a problem with the duck butt, though.
CROSSBONE: Not if you put leggings underneath!
CROSSBONE: …I mean, it’d still be out, but…
CROSSBONE: I dunno, you make it work with your other looks.
CROSSBONE: I think it’s pretty cute….

Your face heats up with blush-paint, getting a little giggle out of you.

POLKA DOT: Well then, I have to consider it.
POLKA DOT: Some big hiking boots could be cool, too.
POLKA DOT: Maybe….earmuffs.
CROSSBONE: Hmm, hmm…
CROSSBONE: All this should be doable.
CROSSBONE: And…I have some ideas for how to make it just right for you.
POLKA DOT: Oh? Do I get to know?
CROSSBONE: Nope! It’s a surprise.
POLKA DOT: With you, I love surprises.

Leaning over to plant a kiss on Cross’ forehead is tricky while walking through snow, but you manage it anyway, and get a happy little beep in return.

CROSSBONE: And I love giving them, silly.
CROSSBONE: You’re going to really like this, I just know it…
POLKA DOT: Guess I’ll have to get you back, then.
CROSSBONE: And how are you gonna do that?

There’s the slightest bit of implication in her voice- just enough to get you thinking about that phrase from earlier.

After hours.

CROSSBONE: We’ll have time when we get back to my apartment…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Should I expect any surpises?
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: Well, you’re the one who loves doing surprises.
POLKA DOT: While I wanna get you back…
POLKA DOT: It sounds like you have more up your sleeve for me.
CROSSBONE: It’s…something kind of special to me.
CROSSBONE: And I hope it’ll be special for you, too.
POLKA DOT: …any other hints?
CROSSBONE: Consider it…

Her next words are loaded with suggestion- of what, you’re not entirely sure…

CROSSBONE: A preview.
But you know you’re into it.


It’s barely after you walk through the door to Cross’ apartment before the two of you are kissing, no one sure who started it first. It had been simultaneous, the need building up through every step home. Getting each others’ coats off is a fumbling affair, a mess of limbs and fabric and plastic and rubber. But as it turns out, coats aren’t enough, your wings slipping under Cross’ shirt to literally press at her buttons, sneaking in a little treat command with a few presses you’ve come to memorize.

Cross’ pixel character gulps it down, the virtual pet sounding winded in a way that gets you going even more.

CROSSBONE: N-not fair that you can do that so easily…
POLKA DOT: You said I could.
POLKA DOT: And you also said-

She blushes as much as a low resolution ghost on a screen can.

POLKA DOT: -that it gets you in the mood more than anything now.
CROSSBONE: Yes, well…
Her character makes a little grabby gesture, waving its hands around- and you reward it with another treat, your girlfriend gobbling it down with enthusiasm.

POLKA DOT: Good girl.
CROSSBONE: We’ll see how much you can keep up being in charge with what I have in mind…
POLKA DOT: Yeah? You know I like a challenge.
CROSSBONE: This is going to be your biggest one yet.
POLKA DOT: Try me.

She leans in, whispering close to you.

CROSSBONE: How do you feel…
CROSSBONE: About taming a monster?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
You’re struck with the potential of what she’s saying, almost taken off guard at first.

She still looks like she always has…
Is she offering, like, a roleplay?
I could do some rolepl-

Your thoughts stop mid-sentence as you see her tilt her head in a way you’ve come to understand as her inviting you in for neck kisses, right along the ridged edges.

Your favorite.
POLKA DOT: Let’s fucking go.
You dive in beak-first, dotting little kisses up and down her neck, cheek and shoulders, getting a delighted beep out of her.

CROSSBONE: You’re not even gonna ask for more info?
POLKA DOT: I know whatever you’ve got cooking, I’m down.
POLKA DOT: Besides, if it’s some…monster, thing, you’re probably gonna be really happy when we do it.
POLKA DOT: I can’t pass that up.

You hear a familiar sizzling noise as you pull back to look at her screen, starting to glitch out and project her true form. You love this little moment in between-

It’s only for a split second that you realize the character on her screen seems to be…flickering in between the ghost form you know, and something more… wolf-y.
Oh. Oh shit.
The projected form that follows is large as details fade in, pixels slowly clustering into solid shapes.

Sharp teeth, with hair hanging down in long strands- still made of flame. Her skull face is still there, but with an elongated muzzle now, and her claw hands feel even more dangerous with the new size.

She peers down at you with another signature head tilt, her eyes just barely visible through her hair.

CROSSBONE: It’s not…the full transformation.
CROSSBONE: It’s not where I want to be yet.
CROSSBONE: But it’s a start.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"You look... Amazing. I like this part the best." (Gently boop the snoot)
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Who's a cute doggy? Is it you? Yes it is!
So, you're a devil, a ghost and a werewolf? Awesome! I love you so much Cross
does that make me the creature from the black lagoon?
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
POLKA DOT: How’d you do that?!
CROSSBONE: I don’t know!
CROSSBONE: I mean, I sort of know.
CROSSBONE: Virtual pets can change internal form sometimes, usually as they get older and more experienced…
CROSSBONE: So I guess this is just….the next stage of what I’m supposed to be?
CROSSBONE: More evidence towards this being right for me!

She grins, looking happy as can be- if not a little menacing.

CROSSBONE: I don’t know whether it’ll stick, though.
CROSSBONE: I was able to shift into it for a bit before work, but it poofed back shortly after I cut the projection.
CROSSBONE: It was kind of a guess as to whether I’d shift upon projecting again, but looks like trying was worth it!
CROSSBONE: …good thing, too, considering I did all that dramatic lead up…

Cross blushes, embarrassed- only for you to stand on your tiptoes and bonk your beak against her snout.

POLKA DOT: I loved the lead up. You ham.
POLKA DOT: Yep. Every bit.
POLKA DOT: And you look amazing.
CROSSBONE: Think so?

She blushes more, getting a grin out of you this time.

POLKA DOT: You’re a devil, a ghost, and a werewolf!
POLKA DOT: That’s like…the killer horror trifecta!
CROSSBONE: I mean, it does kind of track considering my model…
CROSSBONE: But I guess I am!
POLKA DOT: Cute, too.

Cross tries to cover her face, the fire peeking between her claws.

CROSSBONE: Noooooooo-
POLKA DOT: Yes! You’re a cuuuute doggy-
CROSSBONE: Oh my god-
POLKA DOT: Who I know just how to get going.

You reach over to start scratching at her belly, finding it marked with a familiar crossbone symbol and made of the same ghostly material as her last form.

POLKA DOT: You made a biiiig mistake telling me you like getting touched here.

She can’t help but lean into it, moving her hands just enough to peek through her claws at you.

POLKA DOT: Your marking moved there from your chest, even…I think your new look knows.
CROSSBONE: Oh god, really?
POLKA DOT: Tells me exactly where to touch.
CROSSBONE: S-so embarrassing….
POLKA DOT: Nope. You’re cute and you gotta own it.
CROSSBONE: …maybe with some convincing…
POLKA DOT: Oh, so you’re fishing for it!

You see a little smile.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You're the most beautiful thing anyone can be, yourself. unapologetically, totally, confidently, the monster you know you are. I see you, the you you are at your core, and you're amazing. I've always thought so.
You're allowed to fish sometimes, you're valid.

Just gotta hear it from someone else. Right now I'm gonna make sure you get all the praise you want.
POLKA DOT: Hehehe…
POLKA DOT: You’re allowed to fish sometimes.
POLKA DOT: Sometimes you gotta hear it from someone else, right?
POLKA DOT: And I’m gonna give you everything you wanna hear.

She blushes at that, and you grin- you know you’ve got her before you’ve even said anything.

POLKA DOT: You’re so, so beautiful. Seriously, prettiest toy I’ve ever seen.
POLKA DOT: And you know why that is?
POLKA DOT: Because you’re you.
POLKA DOT: Right now, I feel like I’m seeing you.
POLKA DOT: This cool, cute monster who has big teeth and a nice belly and long, flaming hair…
POLKA DOT: I see you at your core, and I love it.

Cross is quiet for a moment, staring at you with wide eyes-

Shit, did I go too far?

-and then she wipes the corner of her eye, a goofy smile growing on her face.

CROSSBONE: Thank you…
POLKA DOT: You okay there?
CROSSBONE: More than okay…

Before you can react, she’s swooped you up into her arms, clutching you close to her body and getting a little flustered squeak out of you.

You’ll never get over how much you like pressure like this- but this is an all new experience, with her so huge.

CROSSBONE: I wanna get you back.
Your smile comes right back, pulling your head back just enough to see her face better.

POLKA DOT: Do your worst.
CROSSBONE: My worst, hmm?

You don’t protest one bit as she brings you to the wall, pushing you up against it and giving you more of that pressure that you can’t get enough of.

CROSSBONE: You’re such a brave, beautiful toy…
CROSSBONE: I love your spots, and your choker, and that tail…
CROSSBONE: And more than anything, I love how you’re so…it’s not quite confidence, but you’ve got this swagger.
CROSSBONE: When I’m with you, I know that you’ll have my back, no matter what.
CROSSBONE: And hearing that you like the way I am now-
POLKA DOT: I love it.
CROSSBONE: That you love the way I am now…
CROSSBONE: I’ve never been more confident to go on this adventure.
CROSSBONE: Me and my Polka…

She leans in, mouth parted just slightly.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Stick your whole head in there, it'll be fun.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
(05-05-2023, 12:39 AM)knux400 Wrote: Stick your whole head in there, it'll be fun.

Seconded, can't think of anything better.

You can’t help yourself.

Once she gets close enough to touch your beak, you gently- but firmly- stick your head in deeper.

She opens her mouth wider to accommodate, but keeps it properly around your head, not pulling back.



You feel the warm feelings from earlier building up again, for reasons you can’t quite place.

It’s warm…

Not super wet, but not quite dry, just…comfortable…

And I’m surrounded by teeth, but she’s not biting….

Her tongue- oh god, she has a tongue? -brushes against the bottom of your chin and neck, and you make a little involuntary sound.

CROSSBONE: A-ah oo oohay?
You nod before thinking, shivering as her tongue rubs up against you again.

POLKA DOT: F-fine, just!
POLKA DOT: Hahaha, you know-
POLKA DOT: That’s, uh…
POLKA DOT: K-k-kinda nice….

You’re pulled out of her mouth carefully, still a bit dazed from the experience.

CROSSBONE: That could have been dangerous, PD…
CROSSBONE: You liked it?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I'll be honest that was an impulse but. uh. I mean.

...Did you like it?
You've got a big mouth, I've got a tiny head, I did the math. couldn't not try it. Anyway yeah I didn't think about the danger mostly because I feel so safe around you that I didn't consider the possibility you could even hurt me by accident.
"...Just making sure you're as cute on the inside as you are on the outside."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
You’ve got a dazed smile on your face, trying to come up with an answer and only managing a blissed out expression.

It lasts until she gently shakes you, clearly concerned.

CROSSBONE: Are you good??
POLKA DOT: Yeah! Yeah, just-
POLKA DOT: Making sure you’re just as cute on the inside.

That gets a flood of blush on her skull face, your girlfriend making an embarrassed noise.

CROSSBONE: S-so silly…
POLKA DOT: Yeah, well-
POLKA DOT: It was kind of an impulse. Big mouth, tiny head, couldn’t not try it.
POLKA DOT: I feel safe around you!
POLKA DOT: Didn’t think you’d bite down for a second.
CROSSBONE: …even when I’m like this?
POLKA DOT: Especially like this.
POLKA DOT: You’re too careful.
CROSSBONE:  You should still be a little more cautious. I don’t know my own strength yet.
CROSSBONE: But if you’re interested…
POLKA DOT: I mean, did you like it?
CROSSBONE: Is…is that bad?
POLKA DOT: I mean! What’s the worst that can happen, right?
POLKA DOT: Not like you can, like…
POLKA DOT: Digest stuff, right?
CROSSBONE: I can eat food in this form-
POLKA DOT: Yeah, but like- what about.
POLKA DOT: People.
CROSSBONE: …you want more than just putting your head in there?
POLKA DOT: I’m just saying! It’s kind of a cool idea!
CROSSBONE: You think me eating you would be cool.
POLKA DOT: Why the hell not!
CROSSBONE: …I gotta think on that.
CROSSBONE: Maybe do some research….
CROSSBONE: But…I’ll keep it in mind.
POLKA DOT: Hell yeah.

You lean in to give her a kiss, your girlfriend gladly returning it.

CROSSBONE: …where do we even go from here? That…wasn’t exactly the direction I expected you to go for.
CROSSBONE: Derailed my plans, haha…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
yeah I kinda made the vibe weird, huh? want to snuggle and make fun of bad movies? or just snuggle? or just snuggle?(wiggle your eyebrows whilst saying this)
Well, what were your plans? I don't mind getting back on track.
POLKA DOT: Heh, did I make the vibe kinda weird?
CROSSBONE: No! No, just-
CROSSBONE: …okay, maybe a little weird.
CROSSBONE: Not in a bad way, just…
POLKA DOT: Hey, hey, it’s okay.
POLKA DOT: I’d be interested in your plans, yknow.
POLKA DOT: I don’t mind getting back on track.
CROSSBONE: …maybe after a bit of time to cool off.
CROSSBONE: That got me really excited, but…
CROSSBONE: In ways I don’t know how to process yet.
CROSSBONE: I need a breather before I do just about anything…

You lean in for a nuzzle, giving her an affectionate squeak-quack to make her laugh.

POLKA DOT: You wanna watch some bad movies or something?
POLKA DOT: We could snuuuuggle.
CROSSBONE: I do like snuggling.
CROSSBONE: And your commentary is always so funny…
POLKA DOT: Hell yes, then. Let’s do it.
POLKA DOT: You and me. Whatever bad tapes you’ve got.
CROSSBONE: Oh, I’ve got a really terrible one…
POLKA DOT: Bet you can carry me over to the couch like this.
CROSSBONE: …you think so?
POLKA DOT: Try it-

Cross hauls you under her arm like a suitcase, getting a loud laugh out of you this time.

POLKA DOT: That’s!
POLKA DOT: Like the least flattering way to do this!
CROSSBONE: I’m dubbing it the girlfriend carry.
CROSSBONE: As a tribute to the new step in our relationship.
POLKA DOT: Well, when you put it like that…
POLKA DOT: Let’s do this thing.

The two of you settle in after a bit more teasing, watching movie after movie- but it’s not really watching, more just…back noise for your commentary. It’s something you’ve done a couple times before, but it feels nice and new every time, and you always learn a bit more about each other.

Her favorite ice cream flavor is pistachio.

Her least favorite color is yellow.

Her favorite songs feature indiscernible screaming.

Sometimes, she leans in to whisper secrets just for you to hear, almost drowned out by the movie- but just loud enough.

She does want to eat you, a little bit, now that you brought it up. But you have to promise that if the two of you figure out a way, it has to be safe, and that you can come right back. She never wants to lose you.

Not ever.

Sleep comes without you even realizing, consciousness fading as a schlocky romance-horror plays.

You dream in her arms.

What do you see?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
We're riding a massive titan, a being that peirces the clouds as sha walks, massive lake sized footprints left behind. It's cross, cross is the titan.
We're in Cross' arms in the dream, just like where we nodded off in real life.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
what're a monster here too?
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
It’s warm.
You love when your dreams grant you this- not any flashbacks or horrible omens, just…

The feeling of your best friend’s- no, girlfriend’s arms. It’s not unlike the dream you just had recently, but something about this one is even more tender. It’s not the feeling of plastic against you (as much as you do like that), but ectoplasm that radiates warmth, filling you with the sensation of being surrounded and held. Her whole torso is soft and inviting, the curve of her chest and belly cushioned enough for you to sink in, just a little.

You would never have expected to be so into a ghost, but here you are.  

You realize just how lucid the dream is when Cross speaks, it feeling just as real and cohesive as the waking world.

Her voice comes off as a soft whisper, almost conspiratorial.

CROSSBONE: You awake?
CROSSBONE: I wanna ask you something.
POLKA DOT: Is it a good something.
CROSSBONE: It’s a weird something.
POLKA DOT: Well, go ahead. I can take it.

She smiles, planting a quick nuzzling kiss on the top your head.

CROSSBONE: If you could be a monster…
CROSSBONE: What would you be?
POLKA DOT: …hmmm.
CROSSBONE: Is it too weir-
POLKA DOT: No, no, just thinking.

A monster….
I don’t think I’d ever really want to be one like, for real.
But this is nice. This is just us…just pretend.
I bet I could be something fun, just for her…
…she’d probably want me to be something I like too, though. She’ll be able to tell if I’m just pandering…
What kind of monsters even are there? Uhhh…

CROSSBONE: …you’re taking this pretty seriously.
POLKA DOT: It’s a good question. I wanna give a good answer.

If Cross is some kind of ghost…werewolf…thing….
Maybe I could be a little bit more…natural?
Maybe not a fantastical monster, but more……….

POLKA DOT: I want to be-
Before the words can come out of your mouth, a puff of smoke blasts in your face and surrounds you- and when you open your eyes and finish coughing, you know that you are different.

POLKA DOT: What? What is it?
CROSSBONE: Are you a dinosaur?

You pat the top of your head, finding two horns and a large frill along the back of your head. Your back is also spiny now, all still soft molded rubber- and your tail is much longer, something you can tell Cross is staring at.

POLKA DOT: What! Dinosaurs are cool!
CROSSBONE: PD, dinosaurs aren’t monsters.
POLKA DOT: Says who?
CROSSBONE: Says, like! Science or something!
POLKA DOT: I don’t know any science, so I’m immune to it.

That gets a huge laugh out of her, her shoulders shaking.

POLKA DOT: Plus, if you’re gonna be so….out there- and I mean that in a good way- I wanna be grounded. And cool.
POLKA DOT: And ferocious.
CROSSBONE: …triceratops are herbivorous, Polka.
CROSSBONE: They’re prey dinos!
POLKA DOT: What? No!
POLKA DOT: They’re totally huge and scary!
CROSSBONE: T-rexes eat them!
POLKA DOT: Maybe that’d be cool too!

The words escape before you can stop them, a ton of blush spreading across your face.

CROSSBONE: Hehehe, I see….
POLKA DOT: L-look…
CROSSBONE: You really are leaning into it…
CROSSBONE: Why don’t I give you a more special kiss, then?

Just like your last dream, she leans in…

And this time, you get to feel it.

A week passes, time flying by in the blink of an eye. You work and work and work, and eventually Cross makes plans for your party to do some weapons training- or at least, to start. Nerves set in the closer the day gets, but you manage to hold it together and keep going with work…

It’s absolutely torturous when so much pressure is on you to get this upcoming adventure right.  You know that Devo, Roulette and Tim are probably already there and training by now…but Cross will be waiting for you as soon as you’re done.

…not that that makes the wait any easier….

Only three more hours to go…

Devo approaches the training facility carefully- almost hesitant. His new leg braces helped make the walk over with Roulette easier, but there'd still be a lot more physical activity in his immediate future...

DEVO:'re you doing after the walk?

Roulette turns its head just enough to see Devo.

ROULETTE: ....Are the braces helping?
DEVO: Yeah, a lot...Willow did a good job.

He manages a soft look.

DEVO: It doesn't hurt yet, which is nice...this'll be the real test of how much I can take.
It's quiet.

ROULETTE: ...On a scale of one-to-ten, how embarrassed would you be if I offered to carry you piggyback style when you need it?
ROULETTE: I'm sure it might not be ideal, but if your legs end up hurting too much at any point, I'd rather that than you being in pain.
DEVO: I'd be more worried about your back than embarrassed...
ROULETTE: I'm rated for twice your weight.

Roulette speaks, deadpan. The flat tone belies that it'd make a joke at all.

DEVO: Are you sure.
DEVO: I know I'm understuffed, but these pellets can get pretty heavy...
ROULETTE: We could test it out now, if you'd like.
ROULETTE: I am sure Tim would get a kick out of seeing you being carried around.
DEVO: ...he probably would, honestly. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try...
ROULETTE:  . . .
ROUELTTE: I was half-joking about doing so now, but sure, we can test it out.

The robot crouches down in the hall.

ROULETTE: Transport Mode: Engaged.
ROULETTE: Assume steering position-
ROULETTE: Pilot: Devo.

Voice as flat as ever.

Devo can't help but burst out laughing as he clambers on.

DEVO: Ready to rock and roll.
The robot holds the bear's legs as it stands back up.
Its movements are slower than before, but it manages to keep a smooth gait as it walks down the hall.

ROULETTE: How is my driving?
ROULETTE: Is it satisfactory?
ROULETTE: Maybe I can get Laurie to employ me as your personal chauffer instead.
DEVO: ...if you could get paid for that, though...
ROULETTE: ...If it wouldn't draw so much attention, I would consider it.

The pair steps through the door of the training facility; Roulette making sure to crouch slightly so its passenger wouldn't bump his head.

It takes a cursory glance around.

ROULETTE: Tim may not be here yet.
ROULETTE: Or, he could be in the back.
ROULETTE: The others are coming later, correct?
DEVO: Yeah, I think Willow said something about waiting for Ribbon after work.
DEVO: Should be a couple hours...
ROULETTE: Well, are you ready to get started in the meantime?
ROULETTE: Or are you simply content to use me as an all-terrain vehicle for a while yet?

Its lens glances up at the bear.

DEVO: ...can I be honest for a sec?
DEVO: It's...kinda silly.
ROULETTE: Absolutely.
DEVO: After that whole, like...thing with me being shitty, back at the party...getting Polka to tell you about me going and all that...
DEVO: I really want to prove that I'm taking this seriously.
DEVO: I know we've talked about it a lot, but I think Tim's worried about me still, both emotionally and physically.
DEVO: I don't know if he really believes I'm cut out for this. I can't necessarily blame him, but...
DEVO: ...I want to like...not quite impress him, but make an impact.
DEVO: I don't know that I can do that as I am now, though.
ROULETTE: ...Well, I am happy to train you.
ROULETTE: Though, you may fare better with one of the trainers here.
ROULETTE: You can likely find one or two at the rest area, through there-

Roulette points at a nearby doorway, setting Devo down gently.

ROULETTE: You could train on your own with them until you believe you're ready to train with the rest of us.
ROULETTE: The others won't be here for a few hours, anyway, as you said.

He dismounts with a stretch, giving the robot a grateful look.

DEVO: Thanks...and yeah, that's...a good plan.
DEVO: You should probably go train with Tim when he gets here, but  I guess a trainer wouldn't judge, right?
DEVO: I mean...hopefully.
ROULETTE: ...If they do, you can let me know.
ROULETTE: Don't put up with it, if so.
ROULETTE: Either way, I'll be here if you need me.
DEVO: You're the best, Faysal...thank you.

He gives the bot a nod before heading into the rest area, giving a little wave.

DEVO: Say hi to Tim for me if you see him!
ROULETTE: It's no issue.

It waves back.

DEVO: ...We'll see if he's here or not.
The robot leans sideways, peeking through the doorway.
It watches Devo find one of the trainers, starting a conversation.

Alone in the room now, it briefly takes in the quiet before making its way through a nearby door, down a set of stairs.
The facility is quiet today, not seeing much foot traffic on the Sunday evening; a time Roulette had purposefully picked out for the group.

As such, the locker room it makes its way to sits mostly unoccupied. The only person inside being a familiar scottie dog...holding a plastic pistol in his lap, his paw still on the grip.

He's shaking.

Roulette steps near the doorway, about to enter,
then stops.

Seeing Timothy, it keeps itself still,
turning to slink away.

Only to spot his hands.

It steps into the doorway.

ROULETTE:  . . .
ROULETTE: Is everything alright?
TIMOTHY: H-huh?!

He jolts up, nearly dropping the gun.

TIMOTHY: I, uh- y-yeah!
TIMOTHY: I'm good, just...firing...arm's...tired.
ROULETTE: don't look tired.
ROULETTE: ...I apologize.
ROULETTE: I know it's none of my business.
ROULETTE: I can leave you be.
TIMOTHY: No, uh-
TIMOTHY: I checking in.
TIMOTHY: Thank you.

He manages to smile with his eyes, but...

There's something not quite in it, his usual enthusiasm missing.

ROULETTE: -you need to talk...?

He just looks back down at his lap, withdrawing a bit.

TIMOTHY: It's...
TIMOTHY: I guess…

Roulette wordlessly takes a seat as far away from him as it can on the bench,
giving the dog room to breathe.

TIMOTHY: I've never...fired a gun before...
ROULETTE: ...Are you afraid of guns?
TIMOTHY: No, I- I thought it'd be, um...
TIMOTHY: It's...I thought it'd be easier than something close range.
TIMOTHY: But...that's the problem.

Roulette cocks its head, merely a centimeter or less.

ROULETTE: ...I am not sure I follow.
TIMOTHY: It's...I could just…shoot someone.
TIMOTHY: And kill them.
TIMOTHY: And that'd be it.
TIMOTHY: I know that we're going to be going against monsters we need to kill, but...
ROULETTE: ...You're afraid of... accidentally hurting people instead of monsters?
TIMOTHY: ...yeah.
TIMOTHY: If I miss...
ROULETTE: Well...that's why you practice.

It reaches out towards the gun in his lap. He hesitates before holding it out.

Roulette very slowly takes the gun, and walks over to the range, facing towards a target in front of it.

ROULETTE: The thing about a firearm is that...
ROULETTE: There is a repetitive series of steps that you take, before every shot.
ROULETTE: That, if you take them, you can use it well…’safely.’
ROULETTE: Or as safe as a gun can be - they are made explicitly to be unsafe towards others, after all.

It focuses, demonstrating each action as it narrates its own movement.

ROULETTE: The first step is deciding that you have a will to fire.
ROULETTE: You run the process in your head.
ROULETTE: You make sure that there is something in front of you that you wish to do harm to.
ROULETTE: Then . . .
ROULETTE: You grip the pistol firmly, with both hands, or whatever your equivalent may be.
ROULETTE: You make sure you have it held carefully - that your grip is strong, without squeezing too hard.
ROULETTE: Enough to make sure, that under no circumstance, are you going to drop it,
except those entirely outside of your control.
ROULETTE: Then . . .
ROULETTE: With those two checks in place-
ROULETTE: -then and only then-
ROULETTE: -do you remove the safety.
ROULETTE: Then . . .
ROULETTE: You raise the pistol to eye level, whatever that may be for you-
ROULETTE: -and make sure you don't go on to the next step-
ROULETTE: -until it is fully raised up-
ROULETTE: -all the way to your eye-
ROULETTE: -where you line up the sights with each other-
ROULETTE: -then with your target.
ROULETTE: Then . . .
ROULETTE: With the target lined up-
ROULETTE: -then-
ROULETTE: -and only then-
ROULETTE: -when all checks are passed-
ROULETTE: -all possible reasonable precautions taken-
ROULETTE: -bearing in mind-
ROULETTE: -that any of them could change at any time-
ROULETTE: -so you have to make sure each is still there;
ROULETTE: that you have a solid grip,
ROULETTE: that it's up to eye level,
ROULETTE: that your target is lined up, et cetera,

ROULETTE: and most importantly-
ROULETTE: that you still have a will to fire . . .

ROULETTE: -and absolutely only then-
ROULETTE: -do you fire.

The gun goes off,
the target pierced right through center mass.

Roulette lowers the gun.

ROULETTE: And then…
ROULETTE: The other, most important part about firing.
ROULETTE: When you are not ready to fire-
ROULETTE: -always make absolutely sure that the safety is on.
ROULETTE: In fact, it should most often occur to you to leave the safety on.
ROULETTE: That is, and always Should Be, a gun's default state.
ROULETTE: Better to not fire when you need to-
ROULETTE: -than to fire when you don't.

With the safety off,
Roulette very carefully hands it back to him handle-first,
the gun turned sideways,
making sure that the barrel is pointed towards the floor.

ROULETTE: And of course…
ROULETTE: …never point it at another person.

With that, Roulette sits back down.

ROULETTE: It may seem like a lot of steps-
ROULETTE: -but remember - as before - that it is always better to take too long to fire when you needed to…
ROULETTE: …than to fire when you should not have.
ROULETTE: At any rate…
ROULETTE: If you are worried about hurting someone-
ROULETTE: -practice those steps.
ROULETTE: Over and Over and Over.
ROULETTE: Not so that you gradually do them more quickly-
ROULETTE: -in fact, it's better you take it slow as best you can-
ROULETTE: -but instead so that they all always burn into your mind, whenever there is a firearm in your hands, or even nearby.
ROULETTE: If you do that-
ROULETTE: -there is an infinitesimally small chance of hurting another person.
ROULETTE: ...Monsters will be another story, though.

He takes the information in, nodding his head...and taking the gun back.

TIMOTHY: Thank you...I'll try to commit it to memory, as best as I can.
TIMOTHY: know a lot about this sort of thing...where'd you pick that up?

Roulette is silent for a few moments.

ROULETTE: . . . I have held a firearm more than I prefer to admit.
ROULETTE: I hate them, even if they can be useful.
ROULETTE: ...They are always there more to hurt others than to help; that's why they were created-
ROULETTE: -and it's too easy to treat them like a...well, a toy.
ROULETTE: People can easily hurt or kill themselves, or others.
ROULETTE: It is far too easy.
ROULETTE: I don't think that sort of destructive power should be in something so simple, so small-
ROULETTE: -so easy to fumble, so easy to make a mistake-
ROULETTE: -and so... complicated, at the same time, knowing how everything works.

It moves its head to gesture towards his pistol.

ROULETTE: That is one of the most dangerous weapons you can have.
ROULETTE: Because it is small, cheap, and easy to acquire.
ROULETTE: …Personally, I prefer revolvers - less shots, slower to reload.
ROULETTE: Rifles are even ‘better’ in that regard.
ROULETTE: More powerful, sure- but Heavier, single-shot, and take a long time to fire between each shell.
ROULETTE: It makes sure you have to really commit to the act.
ROULETTE: Pistols…are just asking for trouble,
TIMOTHY: I'll was kind of an impulse buy.
TIMOTHY: ...probably for stupid reasons.

He looks back down at the ground, looking more than a little embarrassed.

TIMOTHY: It's not something I really researched, or put a lot of care into...but I'm trying to commit to it.
TIMOTHY: Too broke not to.
ROULETTE: ...It isn't too late to pawn it, and buy something else.
ROULETTE: Something safer.
ROULETTE: I can help a little, with the money, if that's what it takes.
ROULETTE: ...If you want something that's...well...about the 'safest' weapon you could own,
any sort of blunt weapon - or even better, a taser or other non-lethal defense weapon-
TIMOTHY: blunt weapons. I...can't really go for something close range.
TIMOTHY: I just...
TIMOTHY:'s stupid.
ROULETTE: You can tell me.
TIMOTHY: I...I'm scared of getting too angry in a fight.
TIMOTHY: Too aggressive.
TIMOTHY: The longer it goes on, the more threatened I feel...
TIMOTHY: I'm scared of showing some kind of, awful, terrible, I don't even know, I'm just scared of it.
TIMOTHY: ...if...I can finish fights quickly…
ROULETTE: That is not a solution to your problem, Timothy.
ROULETTE: ...What happens when you try to fire and miss?
ROULETTE: Over and over?
ROULETTE: Or when you pump an entire clip into a monster-
ROULETTE: -and it keeps coming?
ROULETTE: The fight will still be drawn out.
ROULETTE: Only you will be holding the potential for instant death in your hands-
ROULETTE: -for yourself-
ROULETTE: -and anyone around you.
ROULETTE: A firearm of any kind is not going to help you there-
ROULETTE: -and if you have aggression issues during's the last thing you should be holding.
ROULETTE: ...not to mention-
ROULETTE: wanting a gun to make things...quick and easy, is-
ROULETTE: ...You should not use that.
ROULETTE: Not with that mentality.

He's silent at that, withdrawing his limbs a little bit more.

TIMOTHY: : ...I know. I know, it's stupid-
ROULETTE: ...I’ll go with you, anytime.
ROULETTE: Today, even.
ROULETTE: We can go to the pawn shop, sell the gun, and pick out something else for you.
ROULETTE: And I will practice it with you.
ROULETTE: We can work on the aggression - I am fairly durable.
ROULETTE: ...It is not just your safety at stake here.
ROULETTE: ...Devo will be with us.
ROULETTE: Polka Dot and her partner, too.
TIMOTHY: W-wait, you're-

His head jolts up, shaking his head.

TIMOTHY: I am not using you as a testing dummy!
TIMOTHY: I-I can agree to the pawn shop, but- don't agree to that!
ROULETTE: ...Tim, I was not offering to have you beat me senseless.
ROULETTE: I am saying that if you become aggressive during a sparring match, I can take it-
ROULETTE: -but it is not a behavior that I am going to encourage.
ROULETTE: That is not safe for any of us, either, potentially; although I do not want to assume exactly how this manifests.
ROULETTE: We can practice, with light sparring; with the foam weapons, if we have to.
ROULETTE: We can deliberately let the fight go on long, and...let that get drawn to the surface, if that happens-
ROULETTE: -and we can find ways to help you work on that.
ROULETTE: ...And Devo does not have to know.
ROULETTE: ...Because that is really what this is about, if I had to guess.
TIMOTHY: I...are you really sure?

He doesn't confirm or deny the Devo comment.

ROULETTE: I am deadly serious.

Roulette replies with absolutely zero change in tone, volume, or posture.

TIMOTHY: If...we do foam weapons, I...can probably be okay with that.
ROULETTE: Alright.
ROULETTE: ...Would you like to leave right now?
ROULETTE: ...I would personally prefer to deal with the gun, at least, as soon as possible.
TIMOTHY: ...yeah.
TIMOTHY: Let me just...

He fishes out his phone, quickly punching in something on the keyboard.

TIMOTHY: Texting Devo to let him know we're going out.
TIMOTHY: He'll be fine here on his own for a bit…

POLKA DOT: That's it, right?

You squint, pointing out the building with a goofy boxing glove painted onto the side.

CROSSBONE: Yep. The one and only.
POLKA DOT: looks, uh...big?
CROSSBONE: There's a lot of stuff in there!
CROSSBONE: They've got a little bit of everything.
POLKA DOT: Not a fan of the fact that this place needs something like that, but...
CROSSBONE: Better to have it than not, right?

There's a familiar voice that piques your attention before you can reply, coming from behind you.

TIMOTHY: Thanks again, Roulette...I think I made the right choice.
ROULETTE: Not an issue, I don't-

Tim and Roulette walk up next to the both of you, the robot's sentence cutting off in the process.

ROULETTE: ...Hello. Devo is already inside.
ROULETTE: We were just taking care of something.

It looks...awkward, as if it hadn't planned on speaking.

ROULETTE: ...Are you both ready for training? Any issues?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I'm exited to see how my training so far will stack up against others in the sparring ring. Maybe I should take up like a martial arts sport... Thing. It'd be nice to have a hobby that encourages punching.

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