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First group seems prudent given the whole, lance being well suited to getting that initial wounding done, but if there's a need for more people on the second group and someone else has a preference for first group, it'd be no trouble to go with second.
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06-03-2022, 06:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-03-2022, 07:52 PM by skinstealer.)
![[Image: unknown.png]]( Tiles: I think I’d prefer to be part of the first group if that’s alright. I’d like to build up more pages and take advantage of the improvements to my lance, and I wouldn’t want to steal thunder from the second group. ![[Image: unknown.png]]( Gallows: Doesn’t matter if you steal thunder as long as it works out right? ![[Image: unknown.png]]( Courier: I’d also like to join the first group, think keeping Creme and Gally together would be the best choice. Gallows: What makes you say that? Courier: Your proxy can still operate while you’re behind cover and you’d be better at keeping her safe when she goes in for the kill. Creme: A proxy would be quite fantastic for an approach.. I’m shocked to see someone around here who has one. Sharing information on them is prohibited in most circles. Gallows: Didn’t happen in this region, I’ll tell you for sure. ![[Image: unknown.png]]( Motley: Then it's settled! Time to get the show on the road, right? Gallows: Aye, we got everything we need on our end. Crème and I will wait for our moment, the three of you will go ahead and draw first blood. Courier: Think we'll be enough? Crème: I'd say so, just please don't be too rough... if she dies by anyone else's hand I'm trapped here forever. Gallows: Mm. Don't get too eager. Crème: Don't injure her too much either if possible. I'll have to live with it after. Tiles: Of course, wouldn't want to see you hurt. The cat covers her face in response to that. Gallows: Motley, you know this place well. Take them ahead to the Unmarked Burial spot. Motley: You got it, dear. She leans in to plant a kiss on the bunny's head. Gallows: Aww.. stay safe okay? If things go screwy I'll jump in right away. Motley: Please, you know I can handle this- especially with a proper team! Motley: This'll be a piece of cake. She turns to the rest of the group, raising her scepter and gesturing in a direction. Motley: Okay! First group! Motley: Let's go this-a-way! The various streets and alleys filled with silhouettes of people had a certain uncanny feel to them. The reflections on the floor feel like they could suck you in. Courier: I have no idea how you don't get lost around here. Motley: Practice! Motley: ...and a crew of five ghosts to bicker over a map. Motley: It's not too far...but keep close! Motley: We're gonna take two lefts and a right, quickly. Motley: Like...right now! ![[Image: unknown.png]]( She swerves, sending your party scrambling after her. Tiles: So... may I pester you? We haven't had much opportunity to talk and I feel I should get a little more acquainted. Motley: Fire away, my dear! Motley: I'm an open book.
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What's the scepter do? I assume it isn't just for show.
You have 5 ghosts with you? How does that work, and are they here with us now?
And, most importantly... how did you and Gallows meet? You mentioned it was a chance encounter, but not much more than that.
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What are the ghosts' names?
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07-06-2022, 10:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2022, 10:31 PM by ThreadLurkingComorant.)
Tiles: So... may I pester you? We haven't had much opportunity to talk and I feel I should get a little more acquainted.
Motley: Fire away, my dear!
Motley: I'm an open book.
Tiles: So first off, the scepter. What's it do? I assume it's not merely for show.
Courier: You know, don't think I've gotten the chance to see you in action either, I know Gally vouches for you quite a bit. ![[Image: unknown.png]]( Motley: I'm a wizard of the flesh, you know.
Motley: With this scepter I can bend any meat or muscle or organ known to man. All will bow beneath my fury! She takes on an exaggerated tone with that, brandishing the scepter overzealously.
Motley: Or, you know. Just the crown.
Motley: I can also use it to summon my ghostly crew, though I have to ask nicely first.
Tiles: Speaking of.. 5 of them yes? How does it work? Are they your familiars? Nearby right now?
Motley: So many's a good thing I like to ramble.
Motley: Especially about my guys. They're not familiars, they work with me.
Motley: I helped them scramble their memories back together when they were just stumbling around on their own. They had enough to know their own names and the like, but bits of their past were gone.
Motley: Not all of 'em came from the same source for their respective selves- a couple are made up of similar stuff.
Motley: But having more chunks makes up a whole, and makes them feel better. So we go scouting around for things that'll make them a little more well rounded.
Motley: I let 'em pick goals and seek it out on my own, too. Like a weird little soul grocery list.
Motley: They're outside of the mirror world right now, back at our place. We share a little house in Cups together...I love them so much!
Courier: Hopefully this job works out then so you can treat them to dinner, aye?
Tiles: Crème did promise such a reward, would certainly be a good opportunity to get to know everyone better...
Tiles: If they wouldn't mind of course!
Motley: I'm sure they'd love to get to know y'all. We don't get out of the house for social stuff enough.
Tiles: Mm... I could use that right now myself. Been a good bit since I've gotten to be in such good company in general really..
Tiles: Speaking of...
Tiles: How did you get to know Gallows anyway? Seem close. Mentioned it was a chance encounter but not much more… ![[Image: unknown.png]]( Motley: Ooooh, you want to know the juicy details?
Motley: Hehehe...I'll simply call it an intertwining of two fools' destinies. That's cute, right?
Motley: You'll have to ask Gally for the rest.
She gets back to snickering, clearly pleased with her cryptic answer.
Courier: Fool is a bit of a stretch. He knows where his talents lie... The sword couldn't help but blush a little
Tiles: Ah.... I mean I can certainly respect that.
Tiles: On a side note, are your ghost friends going to be joining us today?
Motley: They've got business at home. I was going to help out, but they get that sometimes, you just need to show the crown who's really in charge.
Motley: Those royals are going to fall one way or another, and I intend on being there for it. So does my gang.
Tiles: Unfortunate, would've been good to have a few extra hands here... next time perhaps. Would it be much to ask a bit about them? Names at least? Would be good to get familiar in advance.
Motley: Benji, Marjorie, Jace, Extra, and Decoy.
Motley: Couldn't ask for better. I'd rather let them speak for themselves, but I'm ride or die for my gang.
Tiles: Feel the same way myself really.
Motley: Take care of your own, Tiles.
Motley: We're all we've got out here.
You give her a solemn nod. ![[Image: unknown.png]]( You open your mouth to say something before Courier grabs you by the shoulder and yanks you behind a pile of shattered concrete.
Courier: Both of you lay low, from here on there's not much cover.
Courier: Two people in view.
You peek ahead a little and confirm it.
Your target and her ally are in view. There's not much cover but enough to at least get closer before engaging.
They're a decent amount out of melee range.
Your puppet could reach but it'd be easy to double team so you can't send it out for too long.
The terrain is fairly uneven on the way there. You have to watch your footing.
Sprinting for it is possible but wouldn't allow much of a good ambush with the layout.
You could always be direct, make a show of it.
Courier: You two got more punch than I do so feel like you're best off deciding how we initiate this. I'll take any orders however.
Courier: I trust the two of you to choose the best plan of attack.
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...being direct and making a show of it seems prudent, so they're less expectant of some sort of weird trick happening later. though, using the slim bits of cover to get closer before engaging, before sprinting up to make a show of it is probably ideal. maybe call out something about 'crimes against the people' while waving the lance around a bit or something? it seems ideal to like, draw their attention to specifically to the knight, while engaging.
the others could? do, whatever they're good at and just, generally make best judgement? idk. if there's some way they can generally like, reduce the other parties' mobility and support, that'd be good.
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I don't know, if we go in direct it'll be obvious we're meant to be a distraction. We're going to need to add a fake distraction on top of things so she doesn't expect anything. I don't think splitting up would be a good idea...but maybe a loud noise somewhere in the opposite direction? Anyone able to do something along those lines? If not, worst comes to worst we can throw a rock or something. It doesn't have to be a good distraction, just something that she'll know is meant to be a distraction. So we seem to be the main threat.
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![[Image: unknown.png]]( Tiles: Mm. I think I've got an idea. I'll need assistance from the two of you.
Tiles: We need to soften things up until the others find a good opportunity to set up the kill themselves. I'm going to take the initiative to confront directly but I need some distraction to make them think our group was the intended full plan.
Courier: You're not going to try to ambush them?
Tiles: No, the others will do that. For now I just need to be convincing as the main threat. I'll pose as a bounty hunter of sorts I think.
Motley: And what shall we be up to?
Tiles: Hmm.. good question. Your brand of magic is quite powerful, but we're trying to avoid lethal attacks. Do you have anything that could cover me here?
Motley: I can freeze them in place, sort of!
Motley: Controlling their muscles…
Tiles: ....That'd be quite amazing actually. How far can you cast from?
Motley: Welllll....
Motley: That's the catch.
Motley: I need to be in pretty close for a full freeze, but I could slow them down a bit from only a little bit closer distance.
Courier: They'll catch on eventually but that'll work out for us. Between the two of you it seems like a full, coordinated plan. They'll never suspect that the others are going to jump in for the kill.
Courier: Plus if we're lucky enough, we might be able to just freeze them and avoid any risk.
Motley: I will is...painful.
Motley: If you're looking for merciful options, this isn't it.
Tiles: Will it kill them?
Motley: Not unless I choose to, but having your muscles restrained against your will feels downright horrible.
Motley: I'd be remiss not to mention that aspect.
Courier: Crème wanted us not to hurt the her counterpart's attendant if we can help it, hopefully he won't attack you.
Tiles: The fact that she specified means he certainly will until, at least at first.
Courier: Mm... troubling.
Tiles: If he has such a sense of duty to his family and desperately needs the paycheck, he'll fight until he's been convinced it's a losing battle.
Motley: I'll freeze him if I have to...painful, but it'd be a mercy compared to the rest of my skillset.
Tiles: Understood, hopefully it only takes a tiny amount to discourage him.
Courier: What about me? I'd prefer not to sit on the sidelines.
Tiles: Hmm.. Motley?
Motley: How are you at sneaking around?
Motley: If you could restrain or knock out the attendant, we may get to avoid me injuring him all together.
Courier: Not to brag but... I'd say quite good. My host was meant to be a squire before joining the crown. Are you familiar?
Tiles: Mm, of course....
Courier: Motley?
Motley: Do we have time for a story?
Motley: If so, I'd love to hear....
Motley: If not, keep it brief.
Xey look over, your target seems to be.... praying? Odd.
Courier: Full details after, but I can give the simple version. General gist is squires work with a knight guild by providing support during a conflict. Weave in and out of danger areas without people even noticing. Replacing weapons, resupplying machines, repair work, providing first aid, even the occasional quiet stabbing.
Courier: All of this host's skill seems to have passed on, so I'm excellent at saving lives without people realizing it. It's why I'm working as a courier between safehouses. As far as I can tell, they bailed on the guild as soon as the Crown started busting down doors. Got a cushy little position for switching sides instead of sticking to their guns or going into hiding.
Motley: Interesting...then you seem perfect for the job!
Motley: You make the attendant our captive, and we'll handle the target.
Motley: Keep talking like that and I'll have to invite you to one of Gally and I's nights out!
Courier: Maybe, I could cook something for everyone.
Motley: Ohh, now that sounds like a lovely time!
Motley: Now I'm just thinking of our "client"'s offer for sweets after...
Motley: Let's hurry up and get this done! I'm gonna starve!
Courier: Absolutely!
Tiles: Mm....
You take a moment to breath in. Your mood is a bit soured by Courier's talk of squires and hosts..
You admittedly feel a tad awkward around xem after that but you know it's not fair. You've only known xem for a little but they've only been nice to you this whole time... You pray nobody's noticed.
Courier: You two are up, as soon as you get into position I'll start fishing for an opportunity to get in.
Motley: Lead the way, Tiles.
You nod. You call out your little buddy from earlier.
As a knight, theatrics are your job. You put on a persona to ease the people you're helping, make them feel safe and let them know things are under control. You've done everything from gentleman thief to warrior poet.
With your bunbud you can become a one bug show. Some magic for quick costuming, a little instrumentation, maybe even confetti...
How are you making your big debut today?
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uh...Kicking up a cloud of dust could be pretty aesthetic. Not too much of course, don't want to obscure your allies' sight. just enough to make a grand entrance and kind of, show off in that sort of, final boss showy bounty hunter style. Maybe wave around the lance for dramatic effect? Something that screams 'i am going to beat you up and this is obviously the very bad thing in of itself there is no followup this is the main event'. as for costuming something kind of edgy, and maybe like something with some harsh noises or whatnot? like a final boss or whatnot
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You call in your familiar. It gives you a concerned look, more than aware that what you’re planning is more than a little hubris.
You lean toward and start whispering in its ear. The hesitant gaze slowly shifts to a smug little grin.
When you finish, it stops pondering and gets to work immediately. Costuming, presentation, sound, all in the matter of minutes.
You have to say you’re proud of the enthusiasm your new buddy has for this. Admittedly you miss your old one quite a bit watching it work though…
No time to linger on it for too long.
You’re ready to step out.
You give your comrades a little wave as they get into their positions. Courier blushes just a little. ![[Image: Niche.png]]( A trail of dust and static accompanies your march, your familiar is putting its little heart into it as hard as it possibly can. You catch your target’s attention.
She gives you a tilted glare, a split between confusion and genuine amusement.
???: I’m in the middle of something important, so I’m glad to see you put some effort into your interruption.
???: I take it you’re here on important business?
Tiles: Very, it’d be in your best interest to hear what I have to say.
???: State yourself.
Tiles: I have a bounty for you. Whether I bring you in quietly or in chains is your choice.
???: Oh? Well at the very least it seems you’d prefer me alive. You don’t seem to be with the crown, and I couldn’t fathom what rival considers a single bounty hunter sufficient.
Tiles: I’m more than enough.
???: I hope so, for your sake. May I hear the name of those who seek business with me?
Tiles: Can’t do that, would be terrible for business. My client would like to keep this as under wraps as possible. All I’ve been told is to seek out the witch who visits this gravesite on the hour. No name, no documents that could be traced.
???: That vague? Now that has me curious. In that case, I’d like to trade names with my opponent.
Tiles: Tiles, professional executioner.
???: You certainly have the look down.. I can’t say I anticipated someone sending in a knight.
???: It’s unfortunate what happened to your people, I’ve always been a fan of your guild’s work.
???: Admittedly I’ve spent my own time working with knights before, but when the crown wants their way you have to cut your losses.
???: Are you the last of your family?
Tiles: Mm…
???: Such a weight to carry on your shoulders, yet you present yourself with a radiance… ![[Image: Deadendsss.png]]( ???: You certainly have my interest in more than one way at the very least. I’m Ibarra Creme. Witch Advisor.
Ibarra: I’d hate to be the one to make your name disappear. Certainly we can settle this out some other way? How much are you being paid?
Tiles: I’m not for sale.
Ibarra: Are you worried about future job opportunities? I can more than compensate.
Ibarra: Or perhaps… you’re doing this out of favor to someone?
Ibarra: I wonder..
Tiles: If you’re finished rambling, I’d like to hear your decision now.
You look over to the assistant with her.
Tiles: I’d appreciate it if you didn’t drag others into this either. My business is with you, I’d like to avoid needless casualties.
Ibara gives her assistant a little nod. He steps back.
Ibarra: Lead this.
Execution in Progress
You have initiative….
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Properly starting the fight seems to be the reasonable next step...maybe something a bit spooky is a good first option. There's kind of some disadvantage in going first too so trying to throw this off rhythm right off the bat could be good? Really sell the feeling that this is going to be an intense [and nonlethal] 1v1.
Trying to go for a sort of feint pretending to go for a blunt whap but instead transition into a pierce attack to proc Freeze could be good?
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08-20-2022, 11:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-20-2022, 11:23 PM by ThreadLurkingComorant.)
![[Image: Wild.png]](
You make your first approach, planning not to commit immediately by throwing a fakeout swing but….
The moment you do you find yourself immediately regretting it.
She directly slams in and fades, cracking the world around you like stained glass.
You feel a sharp pain in your chest.
Ibarra: You’ve initiated combat, but there’s some rules to this world that I can tell you’re not familiar with.
Ibarra: If you’ve met one of the guardians here, you might have been challenged to a test of skill. This is a land for those who specialize in the mystic, not brutes.
Tiles: Should’ve expected as much…
Ibarra: Before we can continue, we must set some rules.
Ibarra: So I propose we keep things interesting.
Tiles: Am I not?
Ibarra: You absolutely are, I’d like to pick at the mind of my would be assassin. Something about you intrigues me…
Ibarra: We both have our aids, a perfect medium for this….
Ibarra: During this fight, our allies will temporarily become vessels of the past, manifestation of our memories.
Tiles: You swore you would avoid additional casually, you’d keep others out. I don’t find this particularly sporting.
Ibarra: I’m planning to keep to that, just not in the way you may think.
Ibarra: With that said, your little friend in the corner cannot fight as is. Pick a form to manifest. I’m certain that among your many fallen comrades there’s someone you miss..
Ibarra: Be quick about it, if you take too long I’ll pick for you, and I think you’d prefer anything else.
You do, you think hard about it….
You need to pick someone you once relied on… A friend, a mentor, a former idol. Many race through at once.
It’s almost overwhelming
![[Image: 905Lp5g.png]]( Anura: Bastion is a member of your current party, but will be temporarily subbed in with another piece.
Anura: Someone of “your” memory.
Kolita: It’s a bit much to ask me to improvise a new character on the spot, isn’t it?
Anura: You don’t have to be too detailed, just give us enough to work with. Details can be as precise as a name, species, and memories, or as abstract as things that make you think of this person.. Maybe even just the feelings you had around them.
Anura: Perhaps we’ll learn something about both of you in the process.
Kolita: Both? Ya’ll are being cryptic with that…
Anura: Only a little. I will give you time to figure it out.
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hmm...I have some potentially interesting ideas. for about a construct? a parody, or a fiend? something a bit out of left field could be interesting.
and as for things that make you think of them: >Solemn Twilights >Mint and Candlelight >A Melted Coin >Bittersweet Stories
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A family member of ours, on older sibling or cousin, from far in the past. Looking back, they probably were a lot less sure of themself as I remember them, but I used to think they were indestructible. I learned they weren't quicker than a kid should have to.
Things that remind me of them are leather jackets worn long after they were barely more than shreds, an out of tune harmonica that they'd never let me play, and caramel candies they'd sneak us when our moms weren't looking.
A core memory I have of them is when they took me out to see the stars on their shoulders. From up there, I almost thought I could reach them.
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Your mind immediately wanders back.
To the start of this all.
Before you embraced knighthood.
Before your guild burned down.
The everything you once knew, and the world that was lost.
His old jacket that he wore with pride.
The broken harmonica that sang through torn lungs.
Played his heart out every night.
His old jacket that he wore with pride.
That he only gave up to warm you through the night.
He came from the earth with darkened blood.
The face he shared with you, his chosen form.
Not a parody, but tribute.
Embracing the family he loved.
The life you carry, his parting gift
The guilt that remains, the fire you need.
It should not be possible but…
If the witch’s words are true.
A reunion at hand is the power you seek.
???: …’Scuse me? Someone there?
Your heart nearly stops, each breath becoming harder
![[Image: unknown.png]](
???: Miss?
He leans in closer to get a good look at you and is immediately startled.
???: Mum…? No, that’s absolutely not right…
You feel yourself struggling to get anything out.
You should say something but.. Where do you start?
There’s so much you want to catch him up on..
You gotta hug him just to be sure this is real…
You reach one hand out.
???: You need to explain yourself, who are you?
Tiles: Jackie….
You can see everything piece together in his head, his eyes widening.
Jackie: ….. Tiles?! That really you?
You give a gentle nod.
Tiles: It’s been a long time…
Jackie: No kidding, you grew so much… look like a knight…
Tiles: Mm, I’ve had plenty of years to do so…
Jackie: Even your accent’s changed some, I don’t think I understand what’s happening but…
Jackie: Did… did something happen to me?
Jackie: Last I remember is us getting caught up in the crossfire.
Tiles: Back in swords…
Jackie: Thought I was a goner but… you’re here! And I’m here too right?
Jackie: I….I'm a little lost but I'm glad you're okay after all that...
So much to say to him….
Now might be your only chance.
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uh,,,,,,maybe, a mix of an apology, a thank you, and a request for some help. something along the vibes of
>Hey there starlight, sorry you couldn't make it out with me. Thank you for everything...I need a little more help, if you can oblige though.
i doubt there's too much time for a reunion, so getting the core of it, out of the way first might be good?
I'm not sure I have the heart to tell him. But I think our expression gives it away. Give him a tight hug. That way we don't have to look him in the eyes when we let him know.
"It's just good to see you again. You... you didn't make it out, Jackie. This is some sort of sorcery that brings back...lost, loved ones and...well."
I hate to do this again, but we need it right now.
"Could you play that old song you used to play? The battle tune you were writing up? I know you never got to finish it, but...I think it'd really help me right now."
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Tiles: I…
You go for a hug. Partially because you need it….
And partially because you can’t look him in the eyes with what you’re about to confirm to him.
Tiles: It’s good to see you again.
His face slowly turns solemn. You don’t have the heart to tell him but.. A look at him makes it clear he’s pieced it together.
Jackie: Ah, you mean… I see…
Tiles: You didn’t make it out Jackie… This is some sort of sorcery, brings back the lost..
Tiles: Loved ones… and well…
Tiles: I’m sorry just…
Jackie: You’re okay… I’m just glad you made it out after all that…
Jackie: Grown up and everything.. And a knight?
Tiles: Mmhmm?
Jackie: Guessing that explains the cracked mandible…
Tiles: Just a run in with the squads, you know how the crown is…
Jackie: Know how it is, got no love for them.
Tiles: Mm..
You bury your face in the shoulder of his jacket.
Jackie: Tutor? You okay?
Tiles: I need a big favor… massive one.
Jackie: Go ahead.
Tiles: Old piece you used to play? That battle tune you’d been working on? Know you never got to finish it but….
Tiles: Think it’d help me right now.
Jackie: Easy…
He digs through his pockets and pulls out a harmonica, one very well loved that showed signs of many years of use.
Tiles: Amazed that carried over with you..
Jackie: Lord must’ve known I’d need it again. You ready?
Tiles: Mm… With just a moment to prep plays with all he’s got…
It’s like he never left…
If only for a moment, it’s the peace you need.
He reaches that same point as always, never really knowing how to wrap it up.
With a slick bit of work, he improvises a little something.
It’s rough, and you know he’ll be wanting to tinker more later but you can’t help admire it.
Takes a moment to catch his breath.
You break the silence.
Tiles: Thank you… for everything.
Jackie: Not really a big deal…
Jackie: Just glad to see you all grown up. Mum would’ve been proud…
Tiles: I hope so. I have a fight ahead of me.. One that I’d like your help in.
Jackie: Want me to teach someone a lesson?
Tiles: Something like that, a bounty to capture. Someone the crown wouldn’t appreciate slipping out of their grasp.
Jackie: Know I’m always good for that, point me at them.
The world around you twists, battlefield forming. A fog of war barely hides your opposition in the shadows.
You feel a voice echo….
*To bring back into the world one who’s long gone, a contract must be made…*
*A task to be done, a job to be paid…*
*Your ally’s heart is strong, but their form lacks bite.*
*Give them your blessing, aid them good knight..*
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Anura: Gonna need a little input, if you don’t mind.
Anura: Job system applies to anyone who joins your party, even if only temporarily.
Anura: Current jobs taken are as follows.
COMEDIAN (Gallows)
COURIER (Courier)
BUTCHER (Motley)
Anura: Play to their strengths, bless them with the following.
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(taking a shot in the dark on this one as to something potentially interesting + useful to the situation at hand)
TOOL OF CHOICE: Rifle (Or bow, if guns aren't a thing.)
JOB DESCRIPTION: Focuses on ranged support and battlefield control. (like shooty stuff and snares)
FAVORITE FOODS: Butterscotch and Calzones
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TOOL OF CHOICE: These guns! (his arms.)
JOB DESCRIPTION: Good at rushing the opponent, getting up close and personal. Good at taking all of an opponents attention.
PERSONAL STRENGTH: Is good at finding what makes his opponents tick, and toying with them appropriately. Is good at landing a few hard-hitting blows. Can keep an enemy within his space easily.
PERSONAL WEAKNESS: His close range fighting style often makes him the first to get hit, and he can't take as many hits as he boasts.
MAJOR TAROT ARCANA: The Wheel of Fortune
FAVORITE FOODS: Deviled Eggs and Ravioli
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JOB NAME: Illusionist
TOOL OF CHOICE: Paired Hammer and Sickle
JOB DESCRIPTION: Varied Class that specializes in disorienting opponents with a multitude of options. Works best focusing on one or two adversaries at a time, or groups of adversaries in close proximity to each other
PERSONAL STRENGTH: Brilliant Strategist and Trap layer, good at isolating targets
PERSONAL WEAKNESS: Cockiness but also overthinking situations
FAVORITE FOODS: Chili, Burritos, Curry. The spicier the better
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Your scrapbook opens up, pages rapidly lined with connecting threads as Jackie is engulfed in light.
Tiles: J-Jackie?!
It becomes blinding briefly, before eventually lulling.
Jackie stands in front of you, looking as strong as you remembered him being as a kid. He clutches a rifle close, adorned with a bayonet and knuckledusting studding to the stock and scope.
Class: THE TRENCHBUSTER Combat Ranges: Close Quarters (A) Mid-Range: (A) Long Range: (A) Class Traits:
TRICKSHOOTER: Rifle fires snares, traps, and flares that debuff opponents in various ways.
SILENCER: Melee attacks attached a tether to the opponent that severely weakens their ability to cast magical abilities. Tether decays rapidly with distance and time but is reset with another successful melee strike.
DECOY: Can use illusions to create various decoys of people and objects by striking a surface.
TROUBLESHOOTER: Effects of abilities are stronger and more disruptive on those with drastically heightened tension.
Personal Traits:
MIRROR SUMMON: Can only appear in party while in the mirror world or when magic levels in the area are heightened.
“I’ll always be there…”: Gains a random buff when protecting party members.
“Fine, one more time…”: Can play a harmonica to give the ENCORE buff to a party member. ENCORE gives benefits to certain skills when cast twice in a row, such as a free use without burning pages.
“Gotta survive however you can…”: May PICKPOCKET opponents in close range. (Prioritizes FOOD and CASH, will not target those in poor circumstances)
“I am what I am…”: Jackie has a slime based biology without vital organs.
Jackie: Now what’s all this?
Tiles: I… don’t know actually.
Jackie: Feel stronger…
Ibarra: Your brother didn’t seem to get much time in this world. Barely reached the early days of adulthood at best.
Ibarra: This world was merciful enough to give him the tools needed to survive and grow even if it’s a little late for that..
Ibarra: Seeing your reunion… I don’t think I really have the heart for this today but…
Ibarra: Cherish this time, as long as it lasts..
Ibarra: I'm sorry, I refuse to go down after everything.. She whips out a axe, bigger than the three of you combined.
Ibarra: Have at you.
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Uhh...trying to go in for a pierce hit on the arm to try to Freeze to make wielding that axe harder might be good?
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09-30-2022, 06:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-30-2022, 06:32 AM by MarxzVulpez.)
Okay so with Jackie's skills we definitely have some advantages, especially since we're trying to incapacitate rather than kill
I think we should start with kicking up dust to give us some cover (we could have Bastion help with this maybe in a similar way to our entrance a bit ago?), simultaneously have Jackie set up some decoys with Decoy, potentially as a part of setting up our dust cover and try to get into position to stun or pin down either or both of our opponents. We should also definitely be cautious of both that Fuck Off Huge axe and of the fact that we're privy to Ibarra being a skilled illusionist; Perhaps try to hit her with a flare? Locking her in place seems to probably be a good idea and probably easier to do if she's disoriented, and it could also help reduce the accuracy and or potency of her illusions. Speaking of the Really Big Axe we should probably throw up an instance of REINFORCE, cause that looks like it would NOT feel good to get hit with Also we should keep in mind that we've got help lying in wait. Granted we absolutely should not take this lightly and still be cautious
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![[Image: unknown.png]]( You burn a page to REINFORCE yourself, a solid aura protecting your body.
Tiles: I’m going to approach, need to disorient.
Jackie nods and looks down his sight, a little uncomfortable with the rifle’s weight but prepared regardless.
You start approaching, Ibarra slowly starts building momentum with her axe.
Tiles: Flare! Bastion, dust!
Big flash of light blasts toward you and your foe, you duck your head just enough to avoid the blinding effects.
Bastion… seemingly never shows up. You haven’t seen them once since Jackie showed up…
What was it that Ibarra said?
“During this fight, our allies will temporarily become vessels of the past, manifestation of our memories. “
Right… seems like Bastion and Jackie can’t exist at the same time for now..
Ibarra knocks the flare away with a massive swing, derailing her attempt to hit you.
You manage a shoulder tackle to knock her off balance… only for her to seem to vanish into thin air.
You’re shoved in return, her full weight knocking you to the ground.
Tiles: Jackie decoy!
Jackie starts running in, pulling a throwing device out of one of his pockets.
Ibarra swings her axe through the ground, a massive wave of raw force and rubble flying across the room pushing him back.
Not intended but…. It gives you enough time to get back on your feet.
Suddenly the dust starts kicking up again..
Must be your allies overhearing you during all this. You manage to catch a bit of Courier in the corner. You thrust your lance for a PIERCING blow toward her Axe.
On impact it’s instantly buried in a deep layer of ice, weighing it down. Her eyes seem to fixate on your weapon, pause in thought.
Ibarra: Where did you get that?
Ibarra: That technique, swore it’d never see the light of day.
Ibarra: She made that for you…
She dropped her axe.
Ibarra: You have backup ready to take me out, she’s desperate enough to give you… that monstrosity.
Ibarra: I suppose I’ve had this long coming… sins had to catch up one day.
Ibarra: I don’t want her to take me to be quite honest, rather just be done with altogether.
Ibarra: Besides, being felled by one such as yourself…
She blushed a little.
Ibarra: It’s more ideal than the alternatives for me.
Ibarra: Just… be quick about it. I don't want to feel it for more than I need to.
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...yeah I don't really think there's a reason to play along with that 'last request'. Like, this is someone who chose to made weapons for the, continue as planned Pierce tactically to reduce movement and work on ensuring things go to plan. Definitely be careful to try to avoid, any possibility of major harm happening before Creme gets in for the finisher.
and i guess if there's something to say to justify this maybe. something along the lines of 'yeah no...use your extended time, in this mirrorworld, as an opportunity to rethink what's important, focus on your craft, or other things'. not much to say in terms of comfort to someone who you know, aided the crown.
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10-15-2022, 09:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-15-2022, 09:13 PM by ThreadLurkingComorant.)
![[Image: unknown.png]]( You proceed to jab the lance into her armor, frost quickly building up over it.
She squeaked in genuine shock.
Tiles: Don’t think there’s any reason to play into that last request really.
Tiles: You made your decision to side with the crown, this is something you’ve done to yourself.
Ibarra: I did what I needed to out of necessity.
Ibarra: Took my peers, my family, my proxy… gone.
Ibarra: Threatened to confiscate all my tools as well.
Ibarra: Should I have not made the choices I’d done right now, I’d have lost everything. Knowledge of thousands of contributors lost all in one night..
Ibarra: I could not allow that. If I’ve paved a path to hell, so be it.
Ibarra: I picked the side I know will continue long after I'm gone, the one who will be able to keep their efforts and struggles in history.
Ibarra: But I refuse to let the work of everyone else vanish from the world forever.
She started reaching for her axe but the icy glaze was too heavy.
Ibarra: She has her heart in the right place, but she doesn’t have what it takes to survive in that world.
Ibarra: I can’t let her burn it all down. She wasn’t there when it happened, she doesn’t understand the burden of being the last one alive…
Ibarra: They'll catch her, and when they do? It'll be like neither of us ever existed...
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...OH. This sounds like a discussion that needs, the other invested party involved. Not really something that can be decided upon alone.
...definitely something that requires some tact though. It'd, be less than good for the world to lose a lot of important knowledge. Which...would probably have been lost if a kill happened too? I doubt they'd take care of information after you die. Or if they did...well, that's arguably worse as itd probably be heavily weaponized.
...finding a way to prevent knowledge from being lost would, be good though, before flipping off the crown and setting things on fire.
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Don't shut her out anymore, then. Her body will be your body, and you can do better with her. Even this demonstrates a lack of idleness.
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![[Image: unknown.png]]( Tiles: She’s repeatedly tried to talk to you, no?
Ibarra: What does it matter? It goes nowhere…
Ibarra: She spills her dreams of heroics but she doesn’t have any endgame in mind.
Ibarra: At least here I can accumulate resources and stall-
TIles: This is a discussion that needs the invested party involved, nothing that can be decided on alone.
Ibarra: It’s a waste of time-
Tiles: Don’t shut her out anymore.
Tiles: Her body will be your body, and you can do better with her.
Tiles: You’re clearly not happy kissing the boot that kicked you.
Ibarra: I… I have so little control of my life at this point…
Ibarra: I don’t want to lose what’s left....
Tiles: You were willing to die to prevent your knowledge from being lost to time. You trusted it in the hands of the crown.
Tiles: As much as you would’ve despised it being lost, I don’t imagine they care a lick of preserving your art.
Ibarra: It really has been a downward slope for a long time..
She glances at your lance.
Ibarra: You can come out now…
Creme’s form projects itself from your weapon, taking it from your hand.
Creme: Been looking forward to this for a long time but..
Creme: Now that it’s here, I’m.. feeling disappointed.
Creme: It would’ve been easier to do this if you were kicking and screaming…
Ibarra: Mm..
Creme: All it’d take is one swift blow and our positions would be switched.
Creme: Your life tied forever to this sad little world.
Creme: But… I’ve lived here enough that I know it wouldn’t be much fun frankly.
Ibarra: And I’ve distanced myself up there to know that you’re lacking quite a bit of crucial info.
Ibarra: You make take my life over but well..
Creme: Never ran a business.
Ibarra: Never had to please suits.
Creme: Certainly never have or ever will bow for the king.
Ibarra: Mm…
Creme reaches over to pick up the axe.
Creme: Poor thing…
Ibarra: Mm…
Creme: What… happened up there? Never knew the details but… it’s been clear for a long time.
Ibarra: Unresponsive, felt hollow ever since to be honest..
Ibarra: Crown forbids those with a vendor’s license to have a proxy..
Creme: Mm…
Creme: I… I think I want to form a pact.
Ibarra: Pardon?
Creme: A friend I’ve been in talks with for a while now taught me something.
Creme: My kind count as entities, albeit of a lesser form.
Creme: Your power is long lost but… I think I can restore it.
Creme: But the conditions have to be made clear..
Creme: I need your body to exit this place…
Creme: But I want to give you the opportunity to be part of this as well.
Creme: So we’ll be returning to the surface world together so long as you don’t harm my allies.
Creme: And in exchange, I will replace what strength you’ve lost..
Ibarra: Is.. that really possible?
Creme: Mmhmm.
Ibarra: I see…
Ibarra: So we’ll be…
Creme: Sharing one body, yes. My time will take priority when it comes to helping the resistance, but you will have plenty of your own as well.
Ibarra: Hmm…
Creme: The alternative is I go up there without you, and our odds are much worse.
Ibarra:... can your allies ensure our safety?
Creme: I believe so…
Ibarra:.. I suppose this is the best option for both of us..
Creme hands both you and Ibarra your weapons back.
Creme: Tiles?
Tiles: Yes?
Creme: Should she pull anything, stop her.
Creme: Protect me, my knight…
Creme: Now um…
She slides a card into your free hand.
Creme: Normally I’d need a vessel according to him but… you can do this part for us.
Creme: You can assist us in finishing this.
Creme: Picture something in your head, something powerful and return the card.
Creme: It will help us make a new proxy.
You take a look.
There’s a picture of a spectral figure wielding a weapon. ![[Image: unknown.png]]( It’s quite fancy.
You feel a heavy responsibility right now…
Don’t try to think about it too hard just..
What are:
Your Feelings on Creme?
Your Feelings on Ibarra?
The first thing you want after returning from this job.
What you want most at the feast Creme promised..
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Hand it to Jackie, then, if nothing else you'll be thinking of him afterwards, so why not share that with someone else?
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Feelings on Creme: I feel like there's still much I don't know about her, but I find her kind. Far kinder than she should be, perhaps, in this circumstance, but I cant say I blame her. I hope she can regain her strength, as well as her confidence, in this coming deal. I hope in her attempt to recover the life that she lost that she's able to fashion her life into one she can call her own.
Feelings on Ibarra: I can understand what it feels like to have the Crown take everything, but in that...I find her weak. We both know loss - but while I've taken it, fashioned it into a weapon, she become one of the wolves at her door for her own safety. I hope in taking this deal she can do better. But I cannot help the malice I feel towards someone in her position, no matter how reluctantly she took it.
The first thing you want after returning from this job: A hot drink. Some time to myself. A clear night so I can see the stars, and refocus. I have a long fight ahead.
What you want most at the feast Creme promised: Good company. And alcohol.
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11-13-2022, 07:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-13-2022, 09:20 PM by skinstealer.)
![[Image: image.png]]( You think about it.
You reflect on the kindness Creme’s managed to present you despite everything. It’s almost too kind under her circumstances but… you really hope she can recover. Her strength, her confidence, everything.
You wish for her to find the best life she can.
You have a little sympathy considering Ibarra’s situation but… you find it hard to find something nice to say all things considered. You find her weak but…. No. You worry you’ll taint the impression.
You hand it over to Jackie.
Jackie: Everything okay?
Tiles: Help me here, what are your thoughts on Ibarra?
Jackie: I mean… she brought me back. Can’t help but give credit there but..
Jackie: I don’t know. She sold out quite a bit, but it’s clear she was cornered.
Jackie: And well.. Your friend has the right to choose how she wants to engage with her other half, yeah?
Tiles: Does bother me how after all that build up she really didn’t seem to put up much fight…
Gallows: Maybe she was tired.
The rabbit enters the frame with Courier and Motley.
Gallows: Sometimes you have to admit you’ve made a mistake. Sometimes you need help.
Gallows: Whatever happens, better to build alliances than risk losing allies.
Tiles: Were you up to this?
Gallows: Had a heart to heart, though I’m not the one who discovered this opportunity on my own.
Gallows: You’ll meet my friend in the shadows eventually. Got an eye in the sky and all that.
He tosses you something, a card.
Gallows: Should assign your own sibling an arcana. Can’t bring him back with you otherwise.
Tiles: Is…
Gallows: He’ll fade without something to anchor him. Right now your little mate is hosting him but… eventually you’ll want your friend back, no?
That’s true, can’t imagine Bastion wants to nap forever…
Gallows: Could also pick another personal item as well to tie him to. Might bring you luck. Working with fragments of the dead is well… I think Mot’s got more to say on that.
Motley: Simply put, this guy's not gonna be the way you remember him, not all the way, anyway.
Motley: If you wanna flesh him out a bit, you gotta give him stuff to latch onto! Preferably stuff from the old days, but eh- if you're willing to accept you're not getting "the" guy, you can help by asking him questions and giving him scraps and things to help him get what he needs.
Motley: Just, whatever you do- don't try to get your old brother back. What you've got is great, but there's no such thing as bringin' back a person wholesale. Take what you can get and get to know this guy as a new person if it comes to that.
Motley: ...that's what I know from working with my gang and playing scavenger for 'em.
Tiles:... Is he not...?
Motley: I'm telling you as a professional necromancer: there's no way to fully bring back the dead.
Motley: He seems to remember you pretty good, and that's real. So's all the feelings going on right now. She manages a wide smile, trying to look reassuring.
Motley: You got really lucky in that regard! Most people don't get that far, not by a long shot!
Motley: But...
Motley: He's gonna have holes, probably in his memory. From what I can tell, you've got emotions well intact, and that's really good for a situation like this...but you're probably gonna need to coach him a bit. More than a bit.
You nod and take a look over at Jackie. He's avoiding eye contract, face with a tinge of guilt.
Tiles: Is there... any good way to keep in contact? You know a lot on this and I want to make sure this second chance is given the best it can.
Tiles: Admittedly feels strange taking care of someone who used to do the same for me but... he deserves that much.
Motley: Hmmm....
Motley: Eh, sure! Hold out your hand!
You do so.
She focuses for a moment, clenching her fist- before tossing something marble sized into your own palm. It's...wet.
Motley: Give it a little poke.
It unfurls into a pulsating orb of flesh, an ear sticking out on one side, and a mouth on the other.
Motley: Pocket sized communication, a direct line to me and my gang!
Motley: Just focus on it and give me a shout. I'll hear.
Tiles: That simple?
Motley: Well, you gotta feed it regularly for it to stay up and running- but I assume that'll be fine! She grins even wider, and you can't help but feel a bit uneasy at how excited she is over this...thing.
Motley: Just let it bite your finger every so often. No big deal!
Gallows: You'll get used to it fast... now um.. shall we commence?
Jackie walks on over to hand Creme her card back.
Gallows: Figure if we do both of these at once, the magic will rub off. Something special and all, controlled simultaneous rituals and such.
You nod.
Gallows: Pick a item, arcana. We'll handle this quick and clean.
Jackie's current Major Arcana is: The Sun.
A secondary Arcana can add a lot to his current spread.
It will also apply its benefits to yourself.
Pick wisely....
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This I think we need to ask Jackie's opinion on. Let him know the options and pick which ones he feels best suits him.
I don't want to try to make him as I remember him. Someone's identity is an important thing for them to choose for themself.
...If he gets struck by indecision, however, we can suggest Temperance for the arcana, and his harmonica for the item.
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Seconding the asking his opinion and the harmonica and such.
However, I'd like to suggest the Wheel of Fortune if he's not sure as I think that'd be an interesting read into indecision. (That or the Magician. not really a reason for this I just feel it'd be fun)
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You look over you see Jackie and Courier helping Ibarra’s assistant up from the floor, surrounded by the shattered fragments of the axe.
Jackie: I’ve got you..
Courier: Careful not to step on anything sharp.
???: Two rebels…. A ghost and a body snatcher..
Courier: I… don’t really like seeing it framed like that but that’s not wrong really…
???: You’re… not going to hurt her are you?
Jackie: Hmm? What do you mean?
Courier: I’ll handle the talk, you need to be filled in on a lot…
???: Don’t hurt Ib.
???: I really need the money… and without her, the crown’s going to lock me up. Working for her’s part of a deal we worked out.
???: Long as I make myself useful to an associate, I’m out of prison.
Courier: We wouldn’t let that happen.
Courier: You’re not going to-
Ibarra: You’ll be fine. Creme and I will be… cooperating from now on. You’ll see a little less of me but I’ll be here.
???: What’s going to happen to you?
Ibarra: Just… a change in management. That’s all.. If they pull anything, I’ve done plenty to ensure you’ll be safe..
She looks directly at you.
Ibarra: I’m trusting you with Dive….
Ibarra: I’ve come to realize that my days are numbered anyway..
Ibarra: I yielded for his sake. If he wasn’t here, this entire fight would’ve been completely different.
Gallows: Why did you take him here in the first place?
Ibarra: I suppose I should disclose something since Creme is going to be sharing this body now..
Ibarra: I come here for the sake of seeing my fallen. That’s something she should be aware of.
Ibarra: This site connects you to those you’ve lost…my family, my peers..
Ibarra: I’ve sustained injury of which I do not want to disclose to anyone but my other sellf.
Ibarra: I need him here to make sure I can make it back after….
Tiles: That seems reckless…
Ibarra: As are you…
Ibarra: We’ve both lost plenty, and you had nothing left.
Ibarra: So to understand each other better, I’ve burdened you with something to lose again…
She gestures over to Jackie..
Ibarra: Protect my comrade and I’ll protect yours…
She looks over as Creme walks closer…
Ibarra: Can only hope to become allies and not a prisoner by the end of this now…
Ibarra: I’ll carry my weight.
Creme: I really never wanted to hurt you…
Ibarra: That’s why you were so weak before… but now you’ve managed to find the strength to commit to such a mindset.
Ibarra: If only it were not in a way so reliant on others.. They can be taken so fast.
Creme: Don’t say that Ib… I haven’t lost you..
Ibarra: You’re too nice for your own good…
Ibarra: But that’s part of your charm now isn't it?
Ibarra: I’m ready..
A light flashes from the tiles on the ground, engulfing the two of them and tightening in a coil.
All that was left behind was a single cat.
![[Image: image.png]](
She sprints toward you and pulls you into a hug.
Creme: You’ve all actually managed it..
Creme: With a better conclusion than I could’ve ever made happen..
Tiles: Yes well….
Creme: She’s here by the way but..I plan to be in charge for the rest of the day.
Creme: Very much not happy about having to invite you all over for the feast however…
Gallows: She’ll warm up to us..
Jackie approaches you, Dive quiet in the background..
Jackie: My turn next, yes? I overheard everything…
Tiles: Mmhmm.. You need to decide on an arcana, something to bind you with too….
Jackie: My harmonica. Long as my music is in the world somehow, I am too..
Jackie: And as for arcana… I want something to help our new allies.
Jackie: Something that’ll bring good luck.
Tiles: Oh?
Jackie: Birth arcana was the Sun, something I clung onto a lot admittedly…
Jackie: Like to think that it worked out for me in the long run. May not have lived long but…
Jackie: Seeing you all grown up. Makes it worth it, you know?
Jackie: I think now… I want the Wheel of Fortune.
Jackie: Because I want to be that change for everyone.
Jackie: We’re going to knock the crown down a peg and make a better world for the people.
Tiles: Mm… I can do that…
There was a flash coming from his pocket.
![[Image: image.png]](
He pulled out his harmonica, now engraved with a marking… a single X.
Despite its roughed up nature, the instrument had a gleaming feel about it.
Gallows: Honesty, a fantastic pick..
The rabbit holds out his hand to Jackie.
Gallows: Welcome aboard.
Jackie reaches over and shakes with enthusiasm.
Jackie: Looking forward to this.
Gallows: Likewise, we’ll get you set up as soon as you return.
He looks over at Creme.
Gallows: You too, if you need a place to stay for the night.
Courier: Aye! We have a lot of two and three person units set up at this base.
Courier: Might want to think about roommates for the next few days we’re stationed there.
Creme: Ah well… I don’t know for sure there…
Creme: Everyone’s still quite new to me.. But I’d be fine with any of you.
Gallows: Mm. Courier?
Courier: Tempted to mix it up, but don’t mind either.
Gallows: Oh?
Courier: Figure it’d be a good way to get to know our new recruits.
Gallows: Mm.. Likewise.
He turns directly toward you.
Gallows: What about you?
Tiles: Me? Hmm.. well.. I’m used to being on my own but… that’s actually difficult. I hate to sound needy but…
Tiles: I need a spot for my familiar.. And a place to hold Jackie’s harmonica.
Gallows: We can accommodate.
Tiles: In that case… I suppose I can room with someone else.
Gallows: Mm.
Tiles: If I had to pick…
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Courier or Creme seem like interesting picks.
if you want to be very silly you can make a suggestion of sharing a bed w/someone or two people sharing a bed or something like that to up the space for people in a room
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share the bed with creme right now
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I think it's best Dive stay with Gallows or Courier, someone they'd connect with easier, and our deal. I'd like to keep an eye on Creme, to be honest.
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Tiles: Hard to think, would like to get to know everyone a bit more in general.
Tiles: Also would be willing to save space by sharing a bed with someone.
Tiles: I’ve seen the other safe house, imagine you folks can use all the room you can get.
Gallows: Mm… I suppose so. As much as I’d love to get you a place of your own, those are somewhat difficult with how much of a struggle things in our part of town are.
Gallows: Paradiso has a depressing number of people living on the streets.. But you know that I imagine, you’re local, yes?
Tiles: Mm. I was one of those for a long time…
![[Image: image.png]](
Gallows: I’m sorry to hear that… I hope we can do this much at least to thank you.
Tiles: It’s fine. Made it easier once knights became fugitives in the eyes of the crown… I won’t say no to a bed.
Tiles: The kindness everyone here has shown me is very appreciated…
Gallows: More than proven a friend of the cause.
Tiles: Hmm…
Tiles: I think someone should take up watching Dive for the night.
Gallows: I’m actually going to be busy late so it might be tricky…
Courier: One of those nights?
Gallows: Mm… sorry…
Courier: Then I can handle the job. As much as I’d like to get to know you more, we can wait til tomorrow then…
Tiles: Are you certain?
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Courier: Aye, you probably need to rest anyway. Count on me.
Tiles: Mm.. I guess in that case… Creme?
She’s immediately flustered, hairs poofing up.
![[Image: image.png]](
Creme: Yes?
Tiles: Would you like to join? Would be nice to familiarize myself with you more.
Creme: Gladly… yes? If you are certain.
Tiles: Mm. Do wonder if you’d consider sharing a bed though, it does seem like the safehouses are tight…
Creme: I’m a bit large…
![[Image: image.png]](
Gallows slides in, giving you a wink before opening his mouth.
Gallows: We have a extra large bed for guests who are especially tall. You’re a little under the height limit though so it could be good to fit two together. We’ll accommodate if you need space but-
Creme: If you insist well…
Creme: I can make such a sacrifice.
Gallows gives a little smirk before pulling out a piece of glass and placing it on the floor.
Gallows: In that case, we’re pretty close to our destination. We’ll flip back into the surface world.
He turns over toward Motley.
Gallows: Think you can afford a little cooldown time, or is the gang thing urgent? Motley: I gotta run for sure, as much as I'd love to stay... Motley: Though, I may steal Gally for the night once he's all done. She saunters over and places a kiss on his forehead. Motley: I promise I'll return you by the's just been too long…
Gallows: I understand, fighting battles of your own. Gallows: Try to keep yourself safe, alright? Let me know when you're done.
Motley: I will, and we can lick each other's wounds when you're back with me. Before you can wonder whether the flesh-warping clown is being more literal, she turns to the rest of your party with a grin. Motley: Best of luck with the crown thrashing! I'm off!
Gallows gives her a little wave before shattering the glass. The rift opens up, a secluded alley now within view.
Courier leads the party through, Gallows closing the portal behind himself.
You can’t help but smirk.
Tiles: The two of you are silly together.
Gallows: Way it should be, talent of ours really.
Tiles: It’s good on you. Very slick earlier by the way.
Gallows: I’m not going to let you waste an opportunity. Worst case, you make a new friend.
Tiles: Suppose you’re right. I’ll let it slide for now.
Gallows: Just doing my job. Two recruits today…
Tiles: Don’t know about Creme yet but… for now, you’re certainly making a good impression.
The rabbit’s ears perked up at that.
Gallows: Glad really, worried that the mirror trip getting so derailed might’ve put you off..
Gallows: You ready to meet Starman?
![[Image: image.png]](
???: Better be. You all had me a bit worried, was about to start a search myself.
The two of you are interrupted by a tall figure with a starfish across their face, the mark of a fugitive punished by the royal guard.
???: This the knight? Didn’t think I’d see one of you ever again.
???: Good posture, plated gear… really are the real deal.
???: Not that it would’ve mattered that much, anyone for the cause is an ally I’m grateful for.
???: Starman, head of the community safehouse project. Honored to meet you. And you?
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oh yeah! introductions time. and with someone who knows their stuff!
maybe go for something formal or dramatic appropriately? can't let em down if there's already a certain judgement going on. i dont know what else? compliment the safehouse work and that there seems to be a good thing going here? in any case! making a good impression seems keen as well as trying to get more of an idea of like, what's next. what's going on. etc.
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![[Image: image.png]]( You performed a bow with a sweeping confidence. You managed to catch a detail right away.
Mismatched fingers on one hand, and rings bearing the mark of royals.
You maintained your position.
Tiles: I’m the last representative of the guild of Tiles. I’m more than ready to aid your efforts wherever I can.
Starman: Last representative? That’s unfortunate to hear…
Their ears pulled back.
Starman: When Scab reported that a knight of your guild appeared, we were hoping to find out that some of you had found shelter.
Tiles: No, unfortunately I really am what’s left..
Starman: I’m sorry. Your family always did so much for the local communities in Coins.
Tiles: Mm.. the crown saw a business opportunity and didn’t care much for the locals wishing to maintain the culture. You’re more than familiar, yes?
Starman: Aye.. place is gentrified to hell these days, hate how uniform and chrome it looks.
Starman: If you don’t have any place to stay you’re more than welcome to. Told you were in pretty rough shape…
Tiles: I’m managing fairly well.
Starman takes a good look at you.
Starman: Your mandible is cracked..
Tiles: A couple of guards did it. Need to have it filled in..
Starman: Unfortunately this safe house doesn’t have a dentist who’s familiar with your kind. I’m surprised though, what happened there?
Tiles: Jumped after leaving the local pub. Someone there snitched on me…
Starman: Nasty.
Tiles: At that point I’d been jumping from spot to spot so long I didn’t have it in me to put up my best.
Gallows: Still managed to put in a lot of work despite that, be proud of that.
Tiles: It was far from my best but..
Gallows: Don’t be modest! You managed to handle a job I’d been planning to sooner or later. Aye?
The rabbit looked over at Creme.
Creme: I’d been in the talks with one of his collaborators for a while..
Gallows: The job ended up being a bit impromptu admittedly but you managed to carry it quite well.
Creme: You really came through for me… I owe you.
She couldn’t help but swish her tail.
Starman had taken a good look at the cat.
Starman: Gally, this the deserter you mentioned?
Gallows: Hard to call her that, doesn’t seem like her heart was ever in it.
Starman: Mm…
Starman: Gonna need some time before I feel confident letting you in on certain things but…
Starman: I’ve been told your situation. You’re welcome to stay so long as you contribute.
Creme: Of course.. I may have to vanish at points to avoid suspicion though..
Creme: And my other half is still here.
Creme: Transparency is key, I don’t expect your trust without showing that much..
Gallows: Also have Tiles keeping an eye on her. Volunteered to share a room just to keep watch.
Starman: Normally I’d like someone closer for that but…
The star-faced creature looked directly at you.
Starman: Get the sense you’re someone who’s got too much bad blood with the crown to even consider pulling a scheme. Aye?
Tiles: You have no idea…
Starman: Very well then. We have some time til dinner but it’s fairly soon relatively.
Starman: You can meet up with Scab and get the tour, or cool off in your room with Creme til we summon you all.
Starman: Also feel free to ask any questions…. But only if I can ask a few in return. I am curious about our new recruits.
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Of course answering questions in return is fair game. and as for what to ask...let's mix it up. Some work(ish) questions for posterity's sake, some other to get to know em better.
Is it fair to presume you might know some good ways to stick it to the crown, or otherwise help people in a position to do so? I suppose it's rather obvious that's going to come up. Or at least will in the future?
Which of us would win in an arm wrestling contest?
What's your favorite weapon?
What's your favorite color?
If you were a scented candle, what would you be and why?
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Tiles: I’d be more than fine with answering, so much as it’s within reason. If anything’s too personal I’d like the both of us to be able to pass on a question.
Starman: More than fair.
Tiles: A bit of levity first. Get acquainted.
Starman: Certainly, we all could use some.
Tiles: Mmhmm. First thing’s first, which one of us would win in an arm wrestling cont=est?
Starman: I see what you’re up to. Gotta gauge me a bit. Gallows? GIve me your take.Should we find out?
Gallow gave them a solemn look.
Starman: Ah… Are you sure?.
Gallows: Love yourself, don’t.
Courier: I wanna see admittedly… but I think I have a good gauge.
Creme: Same..
The rabbit frowned.
Starman:... We’ll save it til dinner.At the moment though I’ll give it to you.
You can’t help but feel a little satisfied with that.Shouldn’t let it get to your head.
Tiles: Continuing on then. Favorite arm?
Starman: Uh… left. Right one’s a bit jumbled admittedly.
They rolled up a sleeve and show even further mismatched rings of fur and flesh.
Starman: Long story that..
Tiles: I meant weapon.
Starman: Ah! Well..
They tapped at the side of their head.
Starman: The greatest weapon we’ve all got, the one were all born with.
Starman: Do like this game, got any more?
Tiles: Favorite color?
Starman: Good question, bit complicated for me to answer admittedly. Folks here have to help me make sure my wardrobe’s all good when getting new clothes.
Starman: Got a friend who’s actually pretty big into fashion, very bright. You’ll meet her soon I think.
Courier: Bright?
Starman: I mean.. That’s indisputable.
Gallows: We know what you mean. Think you have more of a twinkle though.
Starman: Yes well.. If I had to say though? Quite big on blue. Just like it.
Tiles: Mm…
Starman: Not the most exciting answer but it’s there. You can have a couple more, then it’s my turn.
Tiles: If you had to be a scented candle, what kind?
Starman: Cigarette.
Tiles:... I’m sorry?
Starman: Lot of my friends growing up smoked, so it makes me oddly nostalgic…
Starman: That said we have a no smoking policy in the safehouse. Too many fume in the morning with how much hairspray some folks use.
Starman: One more.
Tiles: I presume you have a plan regarding the crown? It’s going to come up eventually and I imagine you’ve got a means to stick it to them.
Starman: Plan is to empower citizens, cut off their supplies.
Starman: Make this district less reliant on their direct support, make it harder for them to thrive as they are.
Starman: And build connections with other districts in the process too.
Starman: I also got a few nest eggs but… I’d like to get everyone in on those together. High risk at the moment.
Tiles: Understood.
Starman: Are you ready for my turn then?
Tiles: Certainly.
Starman: I’ll toss the rapid fire.
Starman: What are your first impressions of my crew? Any concerns
Starman: What are you looking to gain out of this for yourself?
Starman: What kind of world do you want to build after it’s all said and done.
Starman: And…
They leaned in to whisper.
Starman:I asked my regulars but, what’s your gauge on our other potential newcomer?
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1. Your crew seems pretty good. Rabbits a little spooky, but in a good way! Also a good sword. All of them are good actually. Nice crew. Giving the crew a 6/5 stars on medieval yelp. (is that like? a herald? idk. newspaper editor column?)
2. Uh, help. People. Personal intense vengeance against the crown? Friends. More stabbing the crown. Stab the crown again. Stab the crown with friends. You know, the usual. Stabbing doesnt have to be literal, by the way. the usual, really! [...maybe? teach some people. idk. whats the point of stabbing people if you die and nobody's left to stab after you? i guess if nobody needs to stab again thats fine?]
3. One where people arent thrown around like a twig in a tornado and slammed against the inside of a shed over and over. Maybe also somewhere that can have more nice calm moments, without a scythe directly pressed against the neck, bleeding people dry to let a few live luxury.
4. ...Potentially risky, but...incredibly valuable and with skill. Odds should be in our favor though, I think, on this play.
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01-18-2023, 09:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2023, 12:38 AM by skinstealer.
Edit Reason: typo
Tiles: Your crew seems very together, looking forward to working with them from what I’ve seen. Courier’s been nothing but sweet and Gallows… hard to pin down? A little on the spookish side but I actually quite appreciate it.
Starman: He certainly has his fair share of tricks and secrets but I assure his reasons are out of concern for others.
Tiles: I’ve gotten the feeling.
Tiles: As far as my goals? Simple I suppose. Make friends and allies, stab at the crown, aid those in trouble, and perhaps a bit of metaphorical and literal cutting of royalty.
Starman: Common sentiments among people here, myself included.
Tiles: Imagine we’ll get along quite well.
Starman: I think so too.
Tiles:As for after? One where the people aren’t thrown into the storm like a twig in the hurricane’s eye. Without waking to a scythe at your throat and poverty. Bleeding the people dry for the sake of luxury, can’t stand it… I’d give a lot for a world with more calm than famine.
Starman: Well spoken. Fan of reading?
Tiles: Very…
Starman: Mm.. I’ll keep that in mind.
Tiles: As for the other new recruit, Creme…
Tiles: Potentially a risk with Ibarra, and as kind as Creme has been she’s still quite new to me but…
Tiles: I think what she brings is incredibly valuable, and I do think the odds are in our favor.
You can’t help but smile thinking about her repairing your lance even if in a unfinished state.
Starman: That’s a look that tells me a lot.
Starman: Just a quick assessment, standard for anyone. Creme and Ibarra will go through the same once I feel more comfortable..
They handed you a needle.
Starman: Hold that pointing to someone within a meter’s distance and twist. It’ll let me know you’re in trouble and cast an enchantment to stabilize someone who’s injured. Advanced medical magic.
Tiles: Long distance healing?
Your knowledge of supernatural beings kicks in.
The ability to harvest life can be felt from the simple looking tool.
You recognized it as magic only found in what several comrades refer to as “Noble” category beings.
They’re not common in this region, and most of them are aligned with the crown’s main family.
Tiles: How’d you get your hands on something like this?
Starman: Painstakingly. Crown marked me long ago, so I’ve made a point to do the same.
Starman: Shy about showing off too much in public though…
They gestured toward a door in the alley ahead.
Starman: For now let’s get some rest in, shall we?
Your group scooted into the safehouse, set up with many of the same makeshift decor style and comforts as the other one.
You find a familiar rabbit. ![[Image: cT35aPl.png]]( Tiles:.... Scab?
Scab: You made it! Took awhile.
Gallows: Got sidetracked, happens.
Scab: I can tell!
Tiles: Who’s handling the other safehouse right now?
Scab: Me? Who else?
Tiles:... Pardon?
Gallows: Gotta fill her in on it.
Courier: Scab had a bit of an accident. Multiple bodies working multiple safehouses. Can create new ones but it takes time to learn how to control all of them at once each time.
Scab: Really try not to do it if I can avoid it, throws me off for a week each time.
Scab:A curse but a handy one.
Scab: Anyway, go rooms to make sure they’re ready.
Scab: Feel free to use any of our facilities and services til then, sound good?
Tiles: Would love that…
You looked over to your party, Starman already busy with other staff at the safehouse. Must be be hectic running a resistance.
TIles: Already gone…
Courier: They’ll be back soon.
Gallows: Aye. May as well take advantage of what time off you can.
Creme: What are you both planning?
Courier: Thinking of changing into something comfortable and exchanging stories in the tavern. Meet folks there, listen to music, trade stories and secrets.Might make a few friends. I’ll cover the two of you if you’re feeling peckish.
Gallows: Planning to get a little labbing done. We’ve been taking apart all sorts of crown relics and putting their tech to good use. Feel like the two of you might be able to do a lot with what we’ve got set up here.
Courier: You’re still tinkering? Aren’t you tired?
Gallows: Not yet, we’ll have plenty of time to later.
Courier: Ah… well anyone’s welcome to join me today!
Gallows: Likewise, would be good to get you both familiar with the place.
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While going and tinkering on stuff with Gallows sounds enticing, I think we should go recuperate with Courier right now. While our fight with Ibarra was short it was still fairly intense and we could probably go for some food, plus hanging out in the tavern would give us a chance to get to know/ see more people. Definitely let Gallows know that we want to hang out and tinker in the future though
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Agreeing with the above. Going into a lab with potential danger while you're tired is asking for you to accidentally trip and whack your lance into a priceless artifact and your face on a vial of cursed liquid on the way down.
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![[Image: unknown.png]](
Tiles: As much as I’d like to learn more about your research facilities, I do think after a fight like that I’m a tad too tired to feel comfortable fumbling around a place like that.
Tiles: But I do appreciate the offer and I’ll join you some other time.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Gallows: Ah… understandable really, been a lot.
![[Image: image.png]](
Creme: Likewise, I’m still getting used to this form and well..Exhausting, no idea how Ibarra did this..
Creme: Being in the physical world in general. I’d like to take it easy.
Creme: Being alive is hard...
Gallows: Mm.. In that case would you mind saving me a spot?
Gallows: I’d like to join everyone just a little after I’m done handling progress.
Courier: Aye, you know you’re always welcome!
Gallows: I know…
Gallows: Trusting you to be good with the new recruits.
Courier: I’ll do my best.
Gallows gives your group a little wave.
Gallows: If I’m not there, I’ll still show for dinner.
Courier: Sounds good. Now get going, I know you’re excited to work on you-know-what.
Gallows: Mm..
The rabbit scurries off.
Courier starts going xeir own way.
Courier: Follow along, just need to get changed.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Courier: Been at this a little too long, outfit’s not my choice for relaxing.Gonna do a quick change as I said.
Creme: Mm, understand how that feels.
Creme: Been bound to wearing armor for years.
Courier: Aye..
Xey stop at a door and creek it open.
Courier: Won't be long at all, just stay here, aye?
Tiles: Best I can.
The door shuts.
![[Image: image.png]](
Creme looks over at you nervously.
Tiles: Everything alright?
Creme: I’m less than confident about this whole thing admittedly, a lot going on.
Creme: I feel… like I’ve been too weak in the past.
Creme: For someone who makes weapons and armor, I’m not much good with them.
Creme: Suppose that’s why my form in the other world is that of a mannequin.. The kind used for practicing combat or displaying equipment...
Creme: You’re quite strong though. The others also stand out in their own way. That rabbit did me such a big favor on the bet that I’d be a good ally to this group..
Creme: I fear being a weak link…
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Mm...I can't tell you what you should or shouldn't feel.
But you shouldn't speak poorly of yourself or your abilities. You did me a great service just in helping me get my lance back in working order - it's helped me feel...more like myself again, rather than just being a reminder of what I've lost. If you could do even a fraction of that work for anyone else, I really don't think you'd be a weak link for the rebellion at all. Just...more of a background player, someone who keeps the place running and keep everyone in working order.
...But, if getting stronger is something you'd be interested in, I'd always be down to practice sparring with you, if you like. Show you a few pointers on how I do things. Though I'm quite sure you know the basics already, it could be good to refresh seeing as you're new to inhabiting a body again.