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These messages are private between you and [3D] and [CRITTER_CATCHER].
MessiRoom Staff will NEVER ask for your login details or personal information!

[DIGITAL_HORROR]: okay...did everyone get in alright?
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: blew up my fucking phone at 3 am though
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: ...i was up anyway but the point stands
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Ok so quick debrief: We figured out that Raggedy did something extremely illegal in making this game and my lawyer type friend says they can spend up to 30 years incarcerated in the region they're from. So we have to drive sales for this game up so we can pay for Raggedy's legal feels and/or move them to another region. So Crit if you cooperate with us here we'll make sure you get 60% of the sales cut of the game. Is that a good deal for you
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery

[PASSWORD_JOURNAL] joined the chat!

[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: hey can i pet the animals yet
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: no one's petting any animals until 3D explains whether anyone's going to jail
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: no one's going to jail! 3D!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: LOL
[D]: Ok yeah I was fucking around. We haven't committed virtual pet crimes yet
[D]: Also hi @[PASSWORD_JOURNAL], nice to meet you
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: don't fuck with me man ive got paranoia problems
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: diagnosed and everything
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: i think ive seen you around the forums before, in raggedy's threads!
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: rags said he got a cool new friend to help him work on the game, so i figured ohh i am also a cool friend why cant i come along so he let me be a tester UwU
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: and we're going to need it, because the new feature i added to the game is gonna need, uh...testing's a word for it?
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: you mentioned as much, but didn't say what it was at all
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i already know about the game being haunted because i had to shove models into it but what did you do now
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: wait the game's haunted :O
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i added 3D's suggestion for a dialogue input box...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: game fully fleshed out the feature before i could even get half of the nodes setup. i can't alter them at all, either.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ...starting to get a little spooked, admittedly
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: It finished itself?
[D]: Either this is a really good sign or a really bad sign I think
[D]: The fact that it's untouchable though is kind of uhh
[D]: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[D]: Well
[D]: No need to wait
[D]: Send over the files then
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: the function works, though i dont know if it proves whether the friends are sapient or not?
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i typed "hi" at mocha and got "hi" back
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: now she'll occasionally just say hi, especially when i'm petting her????
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: oh send me the one you saved just for me~!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: alright, i'll DM that one
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Turns out I am a god at talking to little computer ghosts
[D]: I got my pet to say multiple different things instead of Just hi
[D]: But I think it was because I did a lot of like repetition trial and error stuff
[D]: I do want to say
[D]: There is no way these things are sapient I think
[D]: Like I thought it was just messing with me at some point but
[D]: Here let me attach the log output actually
[D]: sent log.txt

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[D]: At one point you can see I tried to ask squeaky if it wanted food
[D]: And it said "yes or no" in response to me saying "Are you hungry say yes or no"
[D]: I thought it was being an asshole but I think it was actually just interpreting my words literally, like a program
[D]: i.e. it did not understand the first part, but it took "say" as a command, and it said "yes or no"
[D]: Mine did the same thing yours did though where it kept saying hi over and over
[D]: I think that might just be something coded into the system
[D]: Do you think you could take a look at the code or whatever it is for the system. If like  there's something special about the word "hi"
[D]: Or are you locked out from viewing the code too
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: let me check
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: ok so i got my new guyyyyy and it's talking!
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: it mostly says hi but i did get it to say my name
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: and also ":)"
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: it's smiling at me uwu
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i still havent touched mine yet and im not touching it until we know whether or not these are 100% alive or just code, for sure, no questions about it
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i think i could live with the fact that critters are real and honestly, may scratch a weird creative itch i have, but i don't want to get in fucking trouble
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: if these guys are real we need to look up construct laws, digital ones especially
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: and either come clean about it to people looking to play the game or shut the project down
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: im not going to be responsible for people making new life and torturing it, we get that enough with sessions
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: I do not think these are alive, period
[D]: The dialogue just seems like pattern recognition, it's not anything unusual for a particularly smart video game
[D]: Especially these kinds of simulation games, and I'm a simulation games expert. I'm pretty sure I own games with more complex speech systems than this one.
[D]: I can poke squeaky more though
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: yeah, i still want more testing done first.
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: ive got a few more models waiting to be implemented but im leaving those to raggedy and i'll test shit if and only if we're sure
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: i know i probably sound really paranoid but i do not want to fuck with this unless i know what i'm getting into
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: i think it's exciting! ^w^
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i'll just...implement the rest of my asset backlog and keep testing stuff myself, i guess.


[DIGITAL_HORROR]: two new friend species uploaded, finally got a room going, and finished some pillows so they can actually sleep somewhere comfy
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: added a day/night cycle to itself and also the actual sleeping interactions themselves, though
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: saves me some work, i guess?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ok, i immediately wanted to make some more special colorations for the new models or assets or something but it's clear i'm going to have to actually do some AI testing before i get too ahead of myself
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: will report back with some logs...
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ok....back with my first tests!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: mixed bag, i don't think there's any signs of "life" yet but
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: well ill let the logs speak for themselves

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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: basically i feel like i committed some kind of crime teaching a virtual slug how to swear...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: but- i did feel like...idk
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i know it doesn't seem like there's any actual life here, it's just repeating words....
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: but i did feel something, even then
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: how do i post logs? :o
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ill teach you in a second, just
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: had another little session and im kind of freaked out

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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: speckle is the weird edgy one i didn't make, just showed up in my game
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: it's behaved otherwise normal until now...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: what do i do?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Okay I'm back from irl stuff
[D]: I mean, rude not to answer when someone knocks on your door, right? Maybe you accidentally tripped a hotkey that got added secretly
[D]: You should try to get speckle and wiggles talking to each other, should be fun, maybe helps with the attachment issues (joking)
[D]: Anyways, my logs are long and it's really tedious to trim them down so instead of posting the whole thing I'll just post snippets
[D]: Oh yeah while I'm here, are you fine with me getting my partner on board to check out the pet dialogue system? In the meantime
THREEDEE: Hi squeaky
THREEDEE: squeaky Do you know what yes means
squeaky: hi
squeaky: yes
THREEDEE: squeaky Do you know what no means
squeaky: no
THREEDEE: Well youre gonna learn pretty quick lol
THREEDEE: What is your name
squeaky: hi squeaky
THREEDEE: Am I stupid. That is not a yes or no question
THREEDEE: Let me try that again
squeaky: i love you

(note: I was distracted I did not see that message. It is very cute though)

THREEDEE: Are you an Inktrail
squeaky: inktrail yes
THREEDEE: Are you hungry
squeaky: no
THREEDEE: Thank god because I have nothing to give you
THREEDEE: Do you like saying hi
squeaky: yes hi

[27 more lines...]

THREEDEE: Are you in a video game
THREEDEE: Okay that one tripped you up huh
THREEDEE: Can you see me
squeaky: yes
THREEDEE: What do I look like
THREEDEE: What do I look like squeaky
squeaky: hello
THREEDEE: That's what I thought lol

[D]: I think the game likes acting creepy. I don't think it's dangerous at all.
[D]: The input mechanic definitely feels implemented "gamey". Like, the input feels like a game mechanic rather than a legitimate tool of communication.
[D]: But it's charming
[D]: Here is squeaky
[D]: sent sfdghghjfdsqueaky.png

[Image: petz1.png]
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: …ok, jury’s still out on whether wiggles is alive for obvious reasons but
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i am…/worried/ about speckle

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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: at this point im pretty freaked but i need to figure out what’s going on
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: wiggles was all the way across the screen from speckle and speckle was just…stretched out and watching him
[DIGITAL_HORROR] sent friend130.png
[Image: ZNlfaA1.png]
[DIGITAL_HORROR] sent friend131.png
[Image: Sp0Gfys.png]
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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: still nothing out of speckle, but it decides to go to the corner and watch from there

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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i spawned in a pillow to see what would happen, and wiggles went right to it. i took a picture, because i thought it was cute…
[DIGITAL_HORROR] sent friend132.png
[Image: XLbyt01.png]
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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: at this point speckle swooped in from his corner and pounced on wiggles…
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i separated them by picking wiggles up but when i dropped him back on the ground, he just…
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: laid there
[DIGITAL_HORROR] sent friend133.png
[Image: SJiVMND.png]
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ive been keeping an eye on him while sending these messages but all that’s happening is speckle sleeping on the pillow and sending “.” occasionally
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: what the fuck?
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: also fuck sorry got so absorbed in this stuff that i forgot to say yes 3D you can invite your partner
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: just...warn them first, ok?
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: are we seriously sending /more/ people this game????
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: last time i checked, you didn't mean to install *murder* into it!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i don't think he's dead!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ...probably
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Okay hmm
[D]: Okay I don't have much of to say about that
[D]: That is fucked. I am sorry
[D]: I do think my friend will be okay though, they're pretty resilient
[D]: Did that interaction create a log message of any kind? Like the ones when you load and unload pets
[D]: I'll try to report on my friend's findings
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: yeah hold on i missed that part
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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: well...frozen isn't dead, right?
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i don't know what to do about that error message, though i guess my ability's probably to blame there
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: trying to freak me out with dumb cheesy bullshit...
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: okay im going to see if i can get wiggles moving again
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ill bbl with results…
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: hopefully
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: youve got this babe <3
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: ive got logs of my own!
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: have any fucked up murder animals shown up for you yet?
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: nope! just my little sluggy
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: she is sooooo cute.
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: says some weird stuff but that’s okay!
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: who isn’t weird these days, right?
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: just show us the logs, please
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: this shit has me on edge
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: ok ok! just a note i taught her a bunch of words before this

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[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: at this point she just flopped on a pillow and went to sleep…
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: she was showing signs that she was tired before, so it could have been nothing
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: i recommend teaching your friends smileys!!
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: nonverbal communication is important uwu
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: So here's what's going on
[D]: So my friend thinks it's impossible to prove whether these are alive or not without a vocabulary large enough for the opportunity to exhibit person-like intelligence
[D]: I can kind of get on board with that
[D]: So
[D]: They've been chipping at trying to teach a new pet as many words and concepts as possible, I'll get around to that but ignore the pet's name when they get there
[D]: They said they're willing to write up the "curriculum" if you guys want to do the same for your pets
[D]: They did talk to squeaky a bit I thought it was pretty funny
THREEDEE: hi squeaky, it's me your pal THREEDEE.
squeaky: not THREEDEE
THREEDEE: you are a quick one, i'm impressed.
THREEDEE: good job squeaky.
squeaky: yes squeaky
THREEDEE: you are not going to be impressed by what happens next though.
THREEDEE: i'll be your teacher for today.

[D]: They did not go far with that idea thank god
[D]: But like I said they made their own pet soon after
[D]: And they had a chatlog they specifically wanted me to share with you guys
[D]: sent meckeranns.txt
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VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: that...tracks, i think
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: points towards these guys being alive...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]:'s still weird.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: why can't they just, talk to us?
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: hmm…maybe they, can’t? :o
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: they feel…
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: maybe not kids, but like they’re figuring stuff out
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: you need to give them words to work with, but maybe that’s not the only thing?
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: you need to give them love too!! ^w^
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: if they /are/ real, i can get down with that, but
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: how the hell are you supposed to put “love” inside a computer?
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: they’re data!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: …digital constructs do exist
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: if it’s possible for them to pick up on external peoples’ emotions and react in kind…
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: that would mean these could. and if they do, they’re constructs, and thus, people
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i don’t know how to test “love”, though…
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i will take the library of words, at least
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: sent wordlist.txt

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[D]: You know this is actually more and less than I expected
[D]: A devil works hard but my friends work harder
[D]: I should get back to squeaky but now I'm thinking about the development side of things again. Like items we could add to the environment to give the friends more things to have opinions about
[D]: I wonder if they have drastically different personalities too?
[D]: Rags how's wiggles coming along
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ive made some progress while going through this stuff.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: took some screencaps…
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: wiggles was unresponsive to me picking him up and moving him, he’d just flop back over…
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: put speckle away, still kept happening…
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: so i just…
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: kept talking to him, hoping he’d be okay…
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: …sorry if this gets weird, i get really attached to my virtual pets
[Image: bZJ1CLd.png]
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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i went quiet for a bit but then
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: he actually started moving again!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i put him on the pillow right away so he'd be cozy
[Image: pmU8Ma5.png]
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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: and…that’s where i’m at.
[Image: YHTWyUk.png]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ...okay. i think that's everything we need to get a beta tester group going.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: the FF mods are on board with giving us a space and everything, can't say i was expecting that, but...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: let's do it, right?
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: if you're sure.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i'm sure. we looked into construct law and technically, /technically/ this is above board and allowed within digital construct rules after i added the wandering feature.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i still want to apply for proper registration, but the beta test should help us figure out if these really are alive or not...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: can't say i expected to ever become a construct creator, but here we are.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: wiggles and mocha are excited, at least. speckle too, though it's hard to tell when he's excited or in a manic mood...
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Sick
[D]: How does wandering work anyway? I haven't looked into it in depth
[D]: I know you added it for like, in case of bad players but I am Not one of those. I think it would be so funny to send out messengers
[D]: Is there Ethical Wandering
[D]: We've really made the mother of all pet games lol
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: basically if a friend wants to leave, it can.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: like the rest of this goddamn game i honestly don't know how the nitty gritty of it works! but!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: two of my crackles are "ethical wanderers" as you called it in that they like to go out and wander around the internet and come back. sometimes they talk to me about weird internet stuff they saw so i guess they're...literally looking at stuff. it's weird.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: so yeah, hypothetically i guess you could send out messengers!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: completely up to the friend in question whether they're leaving, where they're going and if they're coming back, though.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: There's my beta plans I suppose
[D]: Thankfully squeaky loves teaching newly spawned friends so
[D]: It's really really funny hold on let me get the log
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i'm looking forward to giving out these specially designed friends i've made up...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: thankfully, i don't feel too guilty about keeping them untouched in a folder due to our findings
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: friends that aren't interacted with still seem to be basic and non-sapient, so that's a relief for testing and stuff like this.
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: i guess i just think of them in some kind of cryosleep before i find them new homes!
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: you think me and crit can bribe people into the beta with promises of fully custom stuff
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: i think it'd be cute! Smile
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: fine but it'll be simple
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
User has adopted a new pet: GIGANTICSIPPY
Loaded character "GIGANTICSIPPY"
THREEDEE: Im so sorry for this
squeaky: engaging SUPER KILL BLAST
squeaky: hi hello hey sup howdy heya goodbye bye farewell goodnight night cya seeya see ya you yes FUCK FUCKING
squeaky: FUCKER fucked fuckhead no i feel am are is as who what where when why how shit shitty shithead get owned pwned idiot

[59 more lines...]

squeaky: capitalism COWAFUCKINGBUNGA BABY cowbell ccowbell cowbll cwbell many less more win some cash stage
squeaky: now greater early late silly goofy fun giggle clown jester blood die death kill got go stop your music taste sucks
squeaky: ok im done
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[D]: Unfortunately squeaky's super brain blast doesn't have much of an effect on sapience like actual conversation does
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: fuck's sake
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: well i don't feel as bad about teaching mine how to swear by accident now
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: there anything we should include in the beta test announcement?
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: or good threads to start with in the new forum section?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: I mean if we're beta testing, what's the end goal? Full release? Coming to a conclusion about the being alive thing?
[D]: It'd be good to have a thread or two explaining what the goals are and what players should look out for. Like bugs, or signs of awareness or whatever
[D]: Besides that, maybe a thread for mechanics research? Like, documenting unusual behavior with the game
[D]: A trading post
[D]: A place for funny friendzoo quotes
[D]: Maybe we can get datamining going?
[D]: Get a group of people who could try to detangle whatever is going on with the code
[D]: I worry our feeble tiny cat minds are not prepared for what goes on in there though
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: full release for sure, but i really want to figure out whether these guys are alive or not...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ...construct registration and inspection is kind of super expensive and involved and i really don't have the funds to take the plunge on that unless i know for sure that it's something i should do...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: could you set up the threads on mechanics research and datamining?
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: i can do the funny friendzoo quotes thread!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Come to think of it yeah that would be weird for the dev of the game to make those threads
[D]: Sure thing
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: okay, got stuff set up
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: everything but the trading post anyhow, i wanna save that for when we have more players...
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: but yeah, this is happening! i guess i'll go make a new group DM for beta testing specifically- we'll still have this for more private and sensitive discussion, as well as just. development stuff.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: how stupid would it be to make a bunch of critters for darkest night and put them in the game
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: like. i did a bunch for it a while back and i've been meaning to model them but i figure some new ones would be good too
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: would be a nice surprise for beta testers, in any case...
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[D]: Do it
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery

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