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[TOY] Plaything
Hmm. I don't know if we've thought about it all that much. We still need to look up some stuff, really. But I think we might dabble in it once we fully get our bearings, being here.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: I mean, I haven’t really thought about it too much.
POLKA DOT: I still need to look up some stuff.
POLKA DOT: …Probably going to dabble in it once we get our shit together though.
TIMOTHY: May as well see what we can find here, right?
POLKA DOT: You bet.

Tim steps up to the counter, studying the menu. A spring-styled toy stands there with a bored expression on their face, sighing as Tim takes his sweet time.

TIMOTHY: Um…is a roast beef sandwich okay?
????: It’s on the menu, right?
TIMOTHY: Yep! So, uh, that!
????: Name?
TIMOTHY: Timothy, please.
????: That’ll be seven dollars…

Your scottie dog friend fishes through his pocket and hands over the money, turning to you with a pleased look.

TIMOTHY: Your turn.
There’s mostly sandwiches and soups on the dinner menu, nothing hugely filling like the bar’s…but they do look pretty appetizing, and you can get them in a big size.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

Got any grapes?
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Italian Wedding soup maybe?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
I'll take a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, four by four, animal-style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim
hmm if we're really hungry i'd suggest soljanka if that's an option? (i have no idea how toy soup works, help)
has enough meat/vegetables + bread to get us sated
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
POLKA DOT: I'll take the...uh...
POLKA DOT: soup?
POLKA DOT: ...what's italian mean
TIMOTHY: no idea
POLKA DOT: I'll take that, and a burger on the side.
POLKA DOT: Animal sty-
????: We don't do that.
POLKA DOT: ...just a burger then.
????: Name?
POLKA DOT: Silk Ribbon.
????: Go ahead and sit down...

They read off your order to the people working the kitchen, the two of you moving to sit back down at the table.

TIMOTHY: I saved you a book that I read early on! Right now I'm just reading up on history, but...
A small but well loved book is passed your way, the cover reading "Basics of BDSM- A Beginner's Guide".

TIMOTHY: Take a skim!
Hmm...what kind of thing are you looking for to start?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
for some reason I feel like this shouldn't be done over food, but that feeling is stupid, bring on the pain/pleasure!

take a look, what's in the book, reading silk Ribbonbow~
You decide to just…dive in, accepting the very weird feeling that you’re doing this over food. 

It’s an easy enough read, and you find yourself sinking into passage after passage. You still don’t totally get this whole pain as pleasure thing, but…from the way it talks about it, about how it can be a way to relieve stress or even other pains that aren’t there by choice, you think you understand Tim a little better. Well…aside from one thing.

POLKA DOT: So, maybe I haven’t gotten to it yet…
POLKA DOT: But I’m reading a lot about why pain feels good. I don’t think it applies to me as much, but I’m getting it, I think.
POLKA DOT: I’m sure if I keep reading, I’ll find it, but-
POLKA DOT: Why cause pain?
TIMOTHY: Part of why I’m interested is less the pain aspect, and more just…feeling confident and directing a scenario, if that makes sense?
TIMOTHY: Like, the pain is a means to an end there.
TIMOTHY: I’d also only be interested in something like that if the other person wanted it as well.
TIMOTHY: So…not like I’m going to go around randomly hitting people.
TIMOTHY: No urge for that!
POLKA DOT: Huh…okay.

You mull this over as you read further…

…you definitely get urges to hurt people, but…not…like this. Not like Tim’s. You think about the thoughts of revenge and the feeling of the bat in your hands back at the store only hours earlier, and a painful feeling creeps into your chest…

TIMOTHY: …hey. Ribbon, you okay?
TIMOTHY: You’ve got a weird look on your face.
POLKA DOT: Sorry, just-
TIMOTHY: I’m sorry if I said something weird-
POLKA DOT: No, dude, you’re fine. I’m fine.
POLKA DOT: Just…thinking about myself in relation to this, yknow?
TIMOTHY: Do you want to talk about it?
POLKA DOT: Maybe. I barely know how to feel myself…
POLKA DOT: I…want to hurt people too, but it’s not like this.
POLKA DOT: You say that you want to do it as a fun thing where people enjoy it, and the book talks about how to keep things safe.
POLKA DOT: It’s just…structured scenes, playing around. That’s the word they use, play.
POLKA DOT: But for me, all I feel is anger.
POLKA DOT: I don’t even understand where it comes from…

He drums his featureless paw on the table, trying to think of the right thing to say.

TIMOTHY: Well…I don’t think it’s a good idea to approach this with that kind of anger in mind.
TIMOTHY: I think that and, like, safe sadism, are very different.
TIMOTHY: You can get a thrill off of causing pain with BDSM, but…it should never be motivated by hate or anger towards your partner.
TIMOTHY: Everything I’ve read about indicates that it could go sour fast, and extend past people’s boundaries into abusive territories fast…
TIMOTHY: N-not that you would ever do that! I know we’ve only known each other for a short period of time, but I can tell already that you don’t want to make people suffer.
TIMOTHY: …right?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
no... not really, people who are chill i definitely don't want to hurt
not.. entirely sure about the assholes though, people who hurt others (...or have hurt me)
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
I don't want to make people suffer, for the most part, but I think I have a lot of baggage around violence and pain.
Only specific people.

...That's not the right answer, is it.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: …I…don’t think I have the right answer for that.
TIMOTHY: I mean…
TIMOTHY: I want to hear anyway.

He seems a bit tense at that, but you can’t pin down exactly why.

POLKA DOT: I don’t want to make people suffer.
POLKA DOT: Ffffor the most part.
POLKA DOT: There are people who are just. Assholes. Those who hurt other people.
POLKA DOT: Them, I’m not sure about.
POLKA DOT: I can’t remember it all, but I think when it comes to violence and pain, I’ve got baggage.
POLKA DOT: …is that fucked up?

Tim keeps tapping at the table, both hands now. 

TIMOTHY: It’s not great, but I do get it.
TIMOTHY: I can’t really go into it, not yet, but I get that too, a little.
TIMOTHY: It’s just…important to me that I don’t let it cross over into wanting to do scenes like this.
TIMOTHY: It’s different.
TIMOTHY: I think…as long as you work on things, that’s what matters.

He seems to stare off into the distance, just a little.

TIMOTHY: Violence seems unavoidable in this world…
TIMOTHY: If I have to choose, I want to pick the kind where people are actually happy and safe.
TIMOTHY: Maybe that’s silly-

The cashier calls out your names, both of you getting to your feet.

TIMOTHY: Let’s get our food and get back to it, yeah?
POLKA DOT: Yeah. Sounds good.

It’s clear that whatever Tim’s concerned with, it’s…hard for him to talk about.

You’re not going to pry. Yet.

You return to your table with a tray full of food, and god, you are delighted with the flavors immediately. You love food, as it turns out. Soup is especially tasty, but the burger isn’t bad either. Tim seems just as happy to dig in, and the two of you enjoy your meal wordlessly. It’s a little bit awkward, but from the warm look Tim gives you, it’s clear that he isn’t judging you for earlier. 

At least there’s that…

When you get back to it, you skim around a bit more- ooh, outfits…
You can’t help but smile as you look through latex and leather gear…even if you have zero interest in any of the play around pain and domination, you just can’t get enough of this stuff. Masks and hoods seem especially cool right now, but you have no idea if it’d just look silly with your beak. 

TIMOTHY: Found it!
TIMOTHY: Stuff on munches!

He turns the book around for you to read.
“Munches and other casual gatherings are commonplace in the BDSM scene, though how they operate depends on location and settlement culture. The majority of munches take place in public settings with no play or fetishwear present, and are mainly set up as a way to meet others interested in play before committing to anything. Some private locales do offer gatherings with more risque or explicit content allowed, but these are rarer and mainly recommended for people at the very least versed in the basics of conduct.”

TIMOTHY: Looks like the Laurie’s munch is the less common kind…
TIMOTHY: I’m not too worried, but I doubt I’m going to actually get up to anything there. 
TIMOTHY: I’ll probably just try to hang out with Devo the whole time, haha…
TIMOTHY: Is that weird? Like, I should socialize with others too, right?
TIMOTHY: At the same time…
TIMOTHY: If I’m new to this, it may be a better idea to just watch from a distance and take things in.
TIMOTHY: I dunno! What do you think?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
can't hurt to stick with people you know, I'd stick with devo first and once you're comfortable and maybe socialize a bit with the rest
also can't hurt to get some more bonding time with devo specifically
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Hard to say until you get to the place and get a feel for its vibe. I think being your usual friendly self should go fine, though. Hard to imagine it wouldn't be.

Have you gone over the basics of conduct already though? Seems like that'll be important.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
I dunno man, I think that's something only you can answer. you gotta figure out what you're comfortable with, and act responsibly. I don't know what your limits are, I don't know how you feel. You gotta suss this out yourself.
POLKA DOT: I dunno, man…kind of something you gotta figure out.
POLKA DOT: But…it wouldn’t hurt to stick to Devo, yknow, someone you know.
POLKA DOT: Get a feel for the vibes and be yourself.
POLKA DOT: But, I don’t know what your limits are, that’s your deal to explore.
POLKA DOT: …does that make sense?

The scottie dog nods, taking it in.

TIMOTHY: Yeah…yeah, that makes sense!
TIMOTHY: Sorry to spring such a personal question on you, just…
TIMOTHY: I like being able to get advice from someone, especially a friend.

You can’t help but smile at that- it’s not the first time he’s used the term “friend” by any means, but…it’s nice. You definitely don’t get the same feelings as you do for Willow for this guy, but there’s something genuine about spending time with a guy who you know has your back. 
Both of you get back to your books, chatting all the while. It’s easy to get lost in it, and before you know it, the cafe’s closing up for the night.

TIMOTHY: …well, looks like we’re getting the boot.
TIMOTHY: I’ve got work tomorrow, and you’ve got your party…
TIMOTHY: So I guess we’ll hang out some other time!
TIMOTHY: I definitely want to catch up after the munch on Monday, at the very least.
POLKA DOT: Monday…tomorrow’s Friday, right?
POLKA DOT: Then we’ll meet after the weekend, for sure.
TIMOTHY: It’s a plan.

He raises his paw up, the gesture foreign to you for just a few moments before you go for the high five. Tim’s tail starts wagging all over, looking pleased as can be.

TIMOTHY: You have a good night!

The walk back is easy enough, and it looks like everybody’s got places to go…it’s still not too late, but after everything, you are Tired with a capital T as soon as you get back to your room. It….wouldn’t hurt to get an early rest, right?

You get into your sleeping clothes and flop right back into bed, your eyes closing as soon as you hit the pillow. Bed is warm, and soft, and welcoming…

You dream. But of what?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
a boundless ocean to swim in, a sun that hangs in a cloudless blue sky. dark shapes of fish swim in the water, some many times larger than us. There's a McDonald's there for some reason.
We have something important with in our hands. It is small, glimmering, and precious. We were told not to lose it. It feels slippery in our grasp.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You and Willow on a fantasy quest! You are both to rescue Lady Penne Pastamonious, Heiress apparent to the Spaghetti Throne, who has been kidnapped by the great and terrifying Meatball Ogre Craigenald.
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
You open your eyes to a sight that makes your metaphorical heart race- endless swaths of pristine ocean waters, a light blue sky hanging overhead. It’s so much brighter and more welcoming than the city you’ve come to call home in such a short time, and-

The ground sways slightly and you realize you’re on a boat- your mind calls it a pirate ship. Huh. Weird. There’s billowing sails with a silly duck face and crossbones- it must be yours.

You walk to the edge of the boat, leaning on the rails- there’s fish down there, big enough that you can see their shadowy shapes swimming through the water. You can even see…windup keys along their sides, which fills you with a weird feeling…

Familiarity, maybe.

You stay transfixed by them for a few more moments before the sound of someone else on the deck makes you whip around, your face heating up as soon as you make eye contact.

Willow, fresh in pirate garb, a bandana tied around one of her horns and a ruffled collar hanging above her shirtless chest. Boots look especially nice on her, and the sound of them approaching is unmistakable.

WILLOW: So…are you ready, Captain?
…you very much like the sound of that.

POLKA DOT: Uh, captain? I’m no-
WILLOW: You’ve got the hat for it, don’t you?

You reach up and feel a proper captain’s hat perched lazily on your head, a quick check to the rest of your body revealing a dapper, matching coat.

POLKA DOT: …guess so!
WILLOW: Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten our quest!
POLKA DOT: …quest?
WILLOW: Um…well…
WILLOW: We’re on a journey to fight Lady Penne, an evil macaroni drawing who’s stolen some kind of precious thing from you- you won’t tell me what it is, though.

It nags at the back of your mind, but you can’t remember either.

POLKA DOT: You’ll, uh, know it when you see it.
WILLOW: If you say so..
WILLOW: Still, I…don’t know if I was the best choice for this journey…
WILLOW: I know I volunteered, but the water’s so scary…

She pulls out something from a holster at her side-

It’s a hatchet, and actual metal to boot.

WILLOW: All I have is this, while her guards must have swords…

You place a wing on her shoulder, the virtual pet making a thankful beep.

POLKA DOT: You’ll be fine.
POLKA DOT: We’ll do it together, both of us.
WILLOW: If you’re sure…

Before you can react, she has you in a hug, her plastic arms warm under the sun’s rays.

WILLOW: I know I can always count on you.

….for some reason, you feel like crying.

For the second morning in a row, you wake up with tear-stain paint on your cheeks.

POLKA DOT: …fuck this.
You check your phone’s clock, only to find that you somehow slept 14 fucking hours. It’s already noon.

Four hours to burn.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Let's wash up, and try to...journal about something. I think that's the healthiest use of our time we can get.

Do we have a journal though? Shoot. We must have a journaling app on our phone, right? And that way we can know it's private.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
seconding washing up and journalling, esp writing down that dream (maybe esp. trying to remember and writing down the outfits?)
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
you should go find cindi, see if you can't punch your feelings away.
You may as well shower and wash up…

When you reach the bathroom mirror, you take a good few seconds to stare at yourself in the mirror. Your face feels weird, and you can’t say you enjoy looking at it too much…but you manage to wipe off the tear paint anyway, washing your hands of it-

God, I want a hug.

You hate it, you hate it so much, but more tears come, and for some amount of time that you can’t be bothered to keep track of, you’re in the shower crying. The water does help to calm you down some, but something about this thought feels profoundly lonely. You just-

You turn off the water and reach for your towel, drying off with a few quick motions.

…maybe you could get these feelings out on paper. Metaphorically.

You remember seeing some kind of notes app on your phone…you don’t bother getting dressed again as you sit on the edge of your bed, taking the device in hand and flipping it over.

Sure enough, there it is. You open it up and start typing…whatever comes to mind.

i dont know what to do. i keep having these awful dreams

well the last one was nice actually but that sucks too

when its good it feels wrong, both because its willow but also because something is just. fucked about it. it reminds me of how messed up stuff is, except i dont even remember what’s messed up about it. i just keep feeling horrible and weird and i want a fucking hug

this is pointless

im just going in circles

This is supposed to make you feel better, right? Writing stuff down?

Why does it just make you feel sick?

You try to catch your breath and get ahold of yourself, setting the phone down for a few moments as you screw your eyes shut. When you open them up again, you pick the phone back up and start typing again.

You write about what happened in the dream, all of the little details you can remember. When you get to the stuff with Willow, you can’t help but feel a mix of giddy and embarrassed- this is still…weird, and you feel guilty for it, but there’s something nice about having a silly dream with her in it instead of a nightmare.

Besides, hugs were…less pressure than whatever the kiss was last time.

When you’re all done, you start to feel a lot better…writing down the pirate outfits was fun, at least.

…but now you’re restless.


No, it’s stupid.

You don your usual outfit- you’d come back for the party gear later. Once you’re all decked out, you’re out the door- and headed for the bar.

POLKA DOT: Is Cindi here?
Vine’s getting lunch specials set up, her expression hard to read.

VINE: Thought you weren’t coming in today.
VINE: Don’t you have a party in two hours?
POLKA DOT: I’m not, just…
POLKA DOT: Is Cindi around?
VINE: …they’re out back.
VINE: You’re not planning on fighting them again, are you?

You try not to look guilty of that exact line of thought.
Judging by the look your mentor gives you, you’re doing a horrible job of it.

VINE: …you young toys…
VINE: I can’t stop you, but don’t get too messed up before you go out.
VINE: You don’t want to be dented up on your first night out.
POLKA DOT: You’re the best, Vine.

She watches as you zip towards the back, passing by Beans getting xer apron on. Xe does a little wave, which you return before going straight out to the alley.
Cindi’s leaning against the wall, some kind of toothpick stuck into the fabric of their muzzle.

CINDI: …old lady said you had the day off.
POLKA DOT: I want to fight.
CINDI: What, you think I’m a punching bag now?
CINDI: Get real.

They pull the toothpick out of their face- a gesture that makes you cringe- and tosses it to the ground, crushing it with their hoof.

CINDI: We fight when I say we do.
CINDI: You got that?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You know, a literal punching bag for our room might not be a bad idea. Let's make a note to grab one later on if we can.

For right now, though...

"So, hypothetically speaking, if I were to start swinging, you would just stand there and take it, since you're not in the mood for fighting?"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Fine. I got it. I'll find someone else.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Curse and storm off. maybe punch the wall in frustration.
Their refusal makes you even more tense and worked up, all the bad feelings from before coming back.

You turn to storm off, punching at the wall on your way out- it’s a familiar gesture like so many others at this point, but you instantly regret it- it really hurts your wing.

There’s a noise behind you, and when you peer over your shoulder you’re immediately startled by the horse’s head looming over yours.

CINDI: You got a temper, duck.
CINDI: Tempers like that get you killed out here, especially when you combine it with literally looking for trouble.
CINDI: I’m not in a fighting mood right before work, but I get the feeling that if I don’t stop you, you’re gonna end up dead by nightfall.
CINDI: Really, ain’t my problem.
CINDI: But I guess today I’ve got a case of bleeding heart.
CINDI: You wanna explain why you’re so intent on trying to wail on me before I call your sweet, precious Vine on your ass?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
because I've had enough bullshit and I just want to punch something, is that so hard to understand? That the entire world is fucking with me and I can't fight back? that we're all stuck playing pretend, puppeted by some bullshit entity that wants to make our lives into stories? Is that enough reason? or would you like to hear the bits and pieces of my tragic backstory I've pieced together after waking up crying every morning?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: …I’m stressed.
CINDI: That’s how you deal with it, then?
CINDI: Just gonna rough somebody up to get the rattling out of your system?
CINDI: You’re dumber than you look.

You whip around with your beak scrunched up into a scowl, the horse looking smug as can be.

CINDI: You can’t get away with beating on people unless you’re tough enough, duck.
CINDI: You think you’re some kind of big shot even when you’re fresh on the streets?
CINDI: Like I said. You’re going to get your ass killed.
CINDI: If I believed in that Store garbage, I’d be surprised you even survived that.

You’re fuming at this point, your wings clenched into fists. Cindi doesn’t move, simply cocking their head.

CINDI: Don’t take it too hard, duck.
CINDI: Consider it some more helpful advice. For free, even.
CINDI: Know your goddamn place.
CINDI: Or it’ll be your head.

Without warning, they shove past you, heading back into the club.

CINDI: …good talk.
You’re left to stand there in the snowy alley, still all tensed up and shaking.

…This was a terrible idea.

You look down at your phone. 2:30.

An hour and a half to go, but you’d be damned if you missed out on that party with Willow. You just have to work this out, somehow.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
...Have we eaten breakfast yet? That might help.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
….breakfast. You need breakfast. Brunch, even.

You head back inside the club, passing by Cindi getting their apron on.

They don’t make eye contact.

You reach the bar and slide onto one of the stools.

The usual bartender’s there, drying a plastic mug.

KATIE: Hey, you’re Silk Ribbon, right?
KATIE: Sorry for bein’ nosy- Vine’s told me a lil bit about you.
KATIE: Nice to see a fresh face actually stick around!
KATIE: Can I get you anything?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
give me the best comfort food you've got, and a root beer, scratch that, a root beer float.
Just pancakes with butter again for me. Maybe with some orange juice.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: You got pancakes?
KATIE: That’s more the cafe’s deal, sorry…
KATIE: Looking to get some comfort food down your gullet?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, exactly.
KATIE: May I recommend our lasagna special?
KATIE: It’ll get you all warm and fuzzy.
POLKA DOT: Yeah…yeah, that sounds good.
POLKA DOT: That and a root beer- no.
POLKA DOT: A root beer float.
KATIE: That’s what I’m talking about!
KATIE: I’ll get that order in.

As she turns to pass your order over, you can’t help but feel a little better now that you’re interacting with someone who actually gives a shit. Or at the very least, seems to.

KATIE: Ok, so…
KATIE: What’s eatin’ you?
KATIE: I can see the look on your face, you’re troubled as hell right now.
KATIE: I’ve got a knack for this kind of thing.
KATIE: And…if you’re a friend of Vine’s, I’d like to know you too.
KATIE: Her being my partner and all, heh…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Bad dreams, echoes of a past I don't remember, you know, the standard amount of trauma.
I just... didn't sleep well last night. Bad dreams and shit.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
I wanna punch something - there's nothing to punch. Had a talk yesterday that kinda worried me that my need to, punch shit, isn't good for me.

And I'm slowly realizing that I'm more messed up than I realized. And it's not getting better.

And, gosh, I've got a date (ish?) tonight and I can just tell I'm gonna fuck something up before it starts.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: …didn’t sleep well last night.
POLKA DOT: Newbie bad dreams.
KATIE: Ahhh, yeah…I remember those.
KATIE: Kept dreaming I was being chased by some kind of massive creature with like…knives for hands.
KATIE: …still unsure what was up with that.
POLKA DOT: Huh…so everyone really does go through this?
KATIE: Oh, yeah. You’re definitely not alone.
KATIE: Everybody’s got a story behind them, and it can get…well, rough!
POLKA DOT: Yeah…it’s like…echoes, but of a past I don’t remember aside from vague snippets.
POLKA DOT: Guess it’s just the standard amount of trauma, though.
KATIE: Pretty much…
KATIE: But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t mean something.
KATIE: You should pay attention to all the clues you get, see if you can piece them together…
KATIE: Because then, you can start working on healing that hurt.
KATIE: You know?

You manage a smile, and she gives you a warm look.

KATIE: See! You’re gonna be fine.
POLKA DOT: I guess so…

Just as quickly as it came, your smile falls.

POLKA DOT: But…I keep getting these visions and feelings of violence. That I was violent.
POLKA DOT: I just want to punch something, but there’s nothing to punch. Not anymore.
POLKA DOT: And I talked with a friend, and I realized that’s not…good for me.
POLKA DOT: But what am I supposed to do? It feels like it runs so fucking deep.
KATIE: Well, that’s how this stuff is sometimes.
KATIE: You have to puzzle it out, like I said…
KATIE: If you figure out why you’ve ended up like this, the sooner you can make sense of the whole picture.
POLKA DOT: …but what if it doesn’t get better.
KATIE: Maybe it’s naive of me, but I always hope that it will.
KATIE: We aren’t bound to being the people we used to be.
KATIE: You just got here. You’re a young adult now!
KATIE: You’ve got plenty of time.
POLKA DOT: Thanks…guess you have a point there.
KATIE: Now…what else?
KATIE: That can’t be all of it. I can sense it.
POLKA DOT: …I also kinda have a date tonight-
KATIE: Ooooh!
POLKA DOT: -and I’m scared I’m gonna fuck it up somehow, probably before it even starts.
KATIE: Well…hm. What are you scared of happening?
KATIE: And what are some things you’re excited for?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Well there's the obvious cliche of 'what if she doesn't like me back', as a starting point. I'm also scared if I show her some of this anger, this rage I have, that she'll see how ugly it is.

as for things to be exited for, I dunno, I haven't put much thought into it. I'm just living day to day. the party, my maybe date, was the big thing. It'd be nice if I got some pool time, but I dunno how to swing that. I'm just trying to figure out life, now that I'm basically starting over.
Well, almost picked a fight with Cindi, so I would've gone into the party uh. Covered in scrapes and stuff. So I guess I'm scared of doing something else right before that party that might ruin it. Or losing time and missing the party entirely. Or just saying something stupid I think. Like, coming off too strong or something? She's really cool, I don't wanna mess this up. Also I've been having memory stuff come up here and there and...I don't want it to come up at the party. I just want to have a good time.

But for what I'm excited for, uh...I guess I'm excited to wear the new outfit I got for the party. It shows a lot of skin, but, I mean just a few days ago I was showing nothing but skin so I think it'll be fine. Plus, I wanna see how she reacts to it.

Ooooh now I wonder what she'll be wearing, actually. Probably something cute. I mean, you saw her modeling stint, right? No matter what she brings I'm sure she'll wear it well.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: I almost picked a fight with Cindi, so I could’ve gone to the party covered in scrapes and bruises…
POLKA DOT: And I’m scared of doing something stupid like that again.
KATIE: Well, you didn’t get into the fight in the end, right?
POLKA DOT: Only because they stopped me!
KATIE: And it was good of them to. They…can be a little abrasive sometimes-
KATIE: Okay, more than a little. They’re kind of a dick.
KATIE: But I’m glad to hear they didn’t take you on like that.
KATIE: Prrrrobably wouldn’t have went well for you.
POLKA DOT: Probably not…

Your order pops up in the window, Katie reaching over to grab it and hand it over.

KATIE: You can keep talking if you want! But I don’t mind if you just want to eat, now.
POLKA DOT: No, no, I can do both…

You take a bite and savor the warmth of it. Chased down with a sip of that root beer float, it’s heaven.

POLKA DOT: There’s also, just…what if Wil-
POLKA DOT: What if my date doesn’t like me back?
POLKA DOT: Or if she does, I say something stupid, or get too angry and ugly and violent…
KATIE: You wouldn’t get rough with her though, right?
POLKA DOT: God no.
KATIE: The anger’s definitely something to work on, but I don’t think you’re as scary as you seem to think you are.
KATIE: To me, you just come off as inexperienced, followed by some kind of dark past…
KATIE: Maybe an ugly past as well, but I doubt your date had things much better. It’s rough for everyone out here.
KATIE: You could always try talking about it with her- maybe not as a first date conversation, but if or when things settle down.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, I…don’t want it to come up at the party.
POLKA DOT: I just want to have a good time.
KATIE: Then just try to focus on the now! Easier said than done, but ground yourself in what’s going on and enjoy all the little sensations and experiences you’re going to have.
POLKA DOT: Guess so…

There’s quiet for a few minutes as you dig more into your food, mulling over the bear’s second question.

POLKA DOT: Guess I haven’t put much thought into what I’m excited for.
POLKA DOT: I’m just living day to day. This party, that was my big goal for the week.
POLKA DOT: Kinda want to try getting some pool time, but I dunno how to get my hands on that either.
KATIE: No harm in asking, right?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, but…I dunno.
POLKA DOT: I’m starting over and I feel like the odd one out, sometimes.
KATIE: Everybody does. You gotta start somewhere!

Something about Katie’s attitude is…oddly infectious, and a smile returns to your beak.

POLKA DOT: I guess another thing I’m excited about is the new outfit I got for the party…
KATIE: Oh yeah?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, it shows a lot of skin, but like- I wasn’t wearing anything a few days ago.
POLKA DOT: …I wanna see how she reacts to it.

That gets a huge giggle out of Katie, the bear covering her muzzle with a paw.

KATIE: That’s so cute.
KATIE: Ah, young love…how I miss the days when things felt new and exciting!
KATIE: That’s not to say things don’t feel exciting now, but it’s different. Way more mundane.
KATIE: Better in a lot of ways, but there’s all the little rushes that come with figuring out how people feel about things- enjoy them!
KATIE: Even if you just end up being friends, that’s still a relationship to treasure!
POLKA DOT: …You’re really good at this.
KATIE: I consider it part of the job, at this point. People want somebody to talk to when they’re lonely.
KATIE: Speaking of…

She waves at a new customer taking a seat, giving you an apologetic look.

KATIE: Looks like our time’s up, I gotta bounce to this new guy.
KATIE: You’re all covered on today’s food, so you can head out whenever you’re ready!
POLKA DOT: Thanks, Katie.

The rest of your lasagna is just as good as when you were talking- almost better now that you can fully focus, even. It’s comforting…

And then, it and the float are gone, all eaten up.

You have twenty minutes left- just enough time to get back, get dressed and do whatever you can think of last minute.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Let's get ready for sure, and... oh I wonder if we could get some makeup. I think we remember how to use it...eyeliner at least.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You make one quick stop before heading back to your room.

The bear gives you a look as she stirs some fresh pasta, the plastic shapes clicking and clacking in the pot.

VINE: Ribbon, I love your company, I really do, but-
POLKA DOT: Do you have any makeup?
VINE: -I am on the clock.
VINE: …and yes, I do, but it’s in the back.
VINE: I don’t know how well it’ll work on you, but the eyeliner should go okay.
VINE: If I let you sneak some, will you let me get back to my job?
POLKA DOT: Yes! Thank you!

She sighs, her eyes softening.

VINE: Go have a nice date, kid.
You find Vine’s stuff easily- her bag has her name embroidered into it. Digging through, you find an eyeliner pen in a dark purple. Thank god for you and Vine both having common taste in colors…

The staff bathroom is cramped with boxes and supplies that wouldn’t fit anywhere else, but it’s got a mirror and that’s all you care about. You line your eyes as best as you can remember how, taking a step back and doing some silly poses as a final check. Perfect.

You make sure to wave on your way back out, practically running back to your room- you didn’t have a lot of time to spare now, and you nearly lose more than you’d ever want on fumbling into your new, strappy garment.

One last look in the mirror before you step out.

…damn, you’re actually pulling something off here.

You hope Willow will like it just as much as you do, because you feel like you’re selling it.

Filled with confidence, you’re out the door, carrying your phone in one of your leftover shopping bags. It made for a poor purse, but it’s what you have.

Finding the room takes some effort, but once you get there, it’s unmistakable- people are lining up to enter and good god, the outfits. Some people aren’t wearing anything at all, some are fully clothed, but a lot of toys are in that in between of showing just enough skin, selective sections of their bodies laid bare and exposed.

To say it gives you a thrill is an understatement.

When your turn comes to walk in, you’re met with a large room not unlike Laurie’s office- the walls lined with plush, red velvet padding and drapery, long, deep crimson sectional couches sitting against every corner. There’s a stage on the far end of the room not unlike the bar, a giant closed shelf labeled “the toybox” in kind of cheeky lettering, a minibar with snacks and drinks on the side, and…

Willow’s taken a seat on one of the sectional couches, a can of soda in her hand. She swirls it around idly, staring at the other partygoers and seemingly looking them over- you can’t help but wonder if she’s taking in all of the outfits, just like you.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
ok. it's go time. saunter up to willow, bat your eyelashes, and immediately forget your line and say: gosh you're pretty
Wave and let Willow see you before you walk over, you're just as confident as she is pretty darnit
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
You take a deep breath. It’s go time.

You try waving, having to stand there like a chump for a few seconds before she finally notices you, the vpet startling a little and chirping as she waves back. Your walk over is a little less than slick as you have to sidestep and sneak around the other toys, but eventually, you’re face to face, standing there in your best attempt to look confident.

WILLOW: I’m…glad you made it.

All words stutter in your mind as you look over her outfit- it’s the same from the show, all lace and mesh bodysuit with a cutout for her chest buttons. You have no idea how she could get so worked up about nudity when this feels like it shows so much more…everything.

POLKA DOT: God, you’re pretty.

A giggle of beeps sneaks out before Willow can stop herself, the little character on her screen blushing.

WILLOW: You’re sweet.

To your delight, she also seems to sputter out as she gets a look at you, and you swear to god, you catch her trying to peer around and catch a glimpse of your exposed tail.

WILLOW: …your outfit’s good too. Really nice.
POLKA DOT: You think so?
WILLOW: Yeah…that kind of strappy look is really fashionable right now, and it does a great job of highlighting, um-
WILLOW: Shapes. Yeah.
WILLOW: …do you want to come sit with me?

She pats the seat on the couch next to her, setting her soda can to the side.

WILLOW: I usually just hang back at these events. It’s fun to people watch.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Sounds like a good plan to me!
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]

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