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[TOY] Plaything
We're not gonna breakdown here. We can't afford to. Not in front of other people. Set it back.
We'll...come back for it if we can't find anything better.
Let's try for something else. A hammer, maybe?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Maybe put the weapon back before you dive into a bad memory? Still it should be something you should go after. Try to remember it later, write a note with the phone about how you're feeling if the battery has enough charge to turn on.
You can’t break down here.

You can’t afford to.

Not in front of other people.


You shake off the voice in your head and set the bat down. Time to leave that buried, at least til you’re fucking out of here.

Roulette, likewise, puts down the wrench, giving you a final glance. Even from across the store, you can hear its internal fans whirring faster.

It quickly moves to another shelf, scanning through it and eventually selecting a rusted sickle; about as tall as the robot itself. The camouflage-painted bot snags a lightweight chef's knife on the way to the checkout counter, holding a few other miscellaneous items in its claws.

TIMOTHY: …you okay?
POLKA DOT: …yeah. I’m fine.
TIMOTHY: You sure?
POLKA DOT: We…can talk about it later.
TIMOTHY: Alright…we should probably go home after this, you look really freaked.
POLKA DOT: …yeah. Good idea.

You start skimming over the discount section, hand hovering over stuff…until you come across a claw hammer, somewhat dulled on the claw end but still…

Now this could work.

POLKA DOT: Think I’m getting this.
TIMOTHY: How much?

You check the price.

POLKA DOT: 7 bucks.
POLKA DOT: Let’s find Vine and check out…

Thankfully, Roulette’s gone by the time you get downstairs, Vine waiting for you by the counter. 

VINE: …that a hammer?
VINE: Nice. Practical, but still something you don’t want to mess with.
VINE: Claw end can be used as a seam ripper, too.
VINE: See you picked up a phone, too. I’ll have to give you my number.
VINE: We can set you up after we get back.
TIMOTHY: Speaking of…
TIMOTHY: We should probably head over to Laurie’s after this.
TIMOTHY: Ribbon’s having some issues…
VINE: What’s up?

Her expression is worried as she hands over the money, Tim chipping in with his twenty.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
It's nothing to worry about, really. Weapons just brought up some memories was all. Memories I'd rather not talk about here.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
The narrative is giving me flashbacks in public, no big deal. Let's keep going, I'm sure it won't forcibly insert it into my path again later on.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
had a Mexican standoff with me, my trauma, and roulette. I feel like I could have dug into whatever memory was floating there, but traumatic memory re-living is bad in public, and even worse when you are holding, and surrounded by, weapons.
POLKA DOT: …narrative’s giving me flashbacks in public.
POLKA DOT: It’s not a big deal. Nothing to worry about.
POLKA DOT: Let’s keep-
VINE: No. We’re going back.
VINE: Don’t mess with the flashbacks, especially not this early.
VINE: If you’re having trouble, we’re going home.

You go to protest only for-

Home. It’s home now? I-

-your brain to start clouding up again.
POLKA DOT: …yeah. Let’s go back.

You put your stuff on the counter and pay for it, handing back what little extra there is to Vine. You feel…both successful at your purchases and defeated all at once, but you get the feeling there’s not much room to argue with Vine when she’s being firm like this. 
Vine goes over to Marlowe as your goods get bagged, and when she waves you over, some guy running with him has already come over to supervise. 
MARLOWE: Chip here will be leading the group home- there’s some other people coming with. 
MARLOWE: I hope you newbies had a nice time.
TIMOTHY: I’m looking forward to more.
MARLOWE: And what about you, Ribbon?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
It was nice, good to be out and about, even if ringed by armed guards. looking forward to more trips.
Yeah, I had a great time. I think I got some good stuff...and I definitely wouldn't be opposed to doing this again sometime. Hopefully after I get my first paycheck, though.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Yeah, had a great time being out and about. 
POLKA DOT: Got some good stuff, and I’m not opposed to doing this again sometime.
POLKA DOT: …After I get my first paycheck though.

Marlowe nods, giving you a friendly expression.

MARLOWE: Glad to hear it!
CHIP: Okay, let’s get going. Stay close.

Chip leads the three of you outside, a couple of toys waiting outside- oh, great.

Looks like Devo and Roulette are waiting to head out too.

Your group gets moving, Vine giving you and Tim space- but still staying close.

The bear is now holding the knife Roulette bought earlier, with the robot keeping the sickle along with a plastic bag in its other hand.

It doesn't seem to notice you as it sits up from a bench to leave, too focused on its conversation with Devo.

DEVO: So, what'd you pick up in there?
ROULETTE: Our weapons, various other things.
ROULETTE: ...Maybe a surprise for you.
DEVO: Really?

The bear perks up, looking a lot more lively. 

DEVO: You know you don't have to get me anything.
ROULETTE: I am aware, yes.
ROULETTE: But I am still allowed to treat you to nice things.
ROULETTE: You cannot stop me.

By this point the two had already joined the group,
Roulette not seeming to realize that it was walking right next to you.

DEVO: Heh...guess I can't, but...
DEVO: Now I wish I had the stamina to go in and get you something too.

The robot's head rotates to the side as it speaks, idly surveying the city environment.

ROULETTE: There's no need for that. A gift is a gift.
ROULETTE: And, you deserve-

Roulette's turning head finally lands on you, its lens widening.

DEVO: ...everything okay?
It whips back around to the bear.

ROULETTE: Yes. Thinking. I apologize.
ROULETTE: You deserve it. That's all I was going to say.
DEVO: If you say so...

Devo's glance slides over to where Roulette's just was, but he settles on Tim instead. He drops his voice down to a whisper, but it's just loud enough for the robot to hear.

DEVO: Hey, the guy from earlier's here...
DEVO: you think I should chance talking to him again?
ROULETTE: If you want to, absolutely.
DEVO: I'm pretty rusty, but...
DEVO: I dunno, first time a cute guy's actually shown interest in a way I like.
DEVO: You gonna be okay with being on your own for a little bit?
ROULETTE: Of course.
DEVO: Okay...I won't be too long. 
DEVO: Call me over if anything happens.

With that, Devo scoots over (extremely conspicuously) to Tim's side, the dog's face lighting up.

DEVO: Hey...looks like we're uh, both headed home?
TIMOTHY: We got tired, so...
DEVO: Yeah, us too.

You start to phase out their conversation as the fact that it's now you and Roulette walking together starts to take over any mental space you have. Roulette seems similarly distracted, and similarly unsure of anywhere else to go.

...this feels alarmingly familiar to the situation with Tim earlier, and you are not looking forward to a repeat.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Ok, you might not want to address it, might not want to address it, but I have an ever increasingly sinking feeling that the narrative is pulling some horseshit today with rough and difficult topics. So in the kindest and most patient way I can muster right now, What the Hell is going on?
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
You steel yourself for what could be a very bad idea.

POLKA DOT: …look.
ROULETTE: We don't have to-
POLKA DOT: I don’t want to address it either, but…
POLKA DOT: This happened to me earlier, too.
POLKA DOT: Not- the weird feeling but…
POLKA DOT: The fact that the narrative is fucking with me, especially around rough and difficult topics.
POLKA DOT: I don’t know what the hell is going on, but…

You give the robot a strained look.

POLKA DOT: I don’t think it’s going to let us go until we do.
The robot's shutter closes entirely, its fingers lifting up to its equivalent of a forehead.
Its internal fans are heating up again, spinning faster.

ROULETTE: I don't... know... any more than you do.
ROULETTE: When we saw each other, in the store, everything felt... hazy.
ROULETTE: I believe my mind was trying to remember something, if I had to guess.
ROULETTE: Which means it must be from the toy store.
ROULETTE: Which means we... must... have... known each other, or... seen each other, while there.
ROULETTE: Deeper than that, I don't believe we can know.
ROULETTE: And frankly, I hope we never do.
ROULETTE: Every memory I have ever recovered from there has been terrible.
ROULETTE: I do not see the point in trying to sort any of that out.

It gazes upward briefly, trying not to get lost in thought.

ROULETTE: If anything happened, we are... different people now. Surely.
ROULETTE: ...And I have enough issues, at the moment.
ROULETTE: I am sure you do as well.

The robot's middle rises and falls, like a breath.
A small amount of smoke leaks from an exhaust port somewhere near the bottom of its head as it exhales.

ROULETTE: Hopefully that should suffice.
ROULETTE: Unless you feel something is being left out.
ROULETTE: I assume you want to make sure this is handled and over with as much as I do.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You're right, we're different people now. I'm not sure I could blame anyone for what they did in the toystore. But for me, I want to remember. even if it's bad, even if it's horrible and traumatizing, because those events made me who I am today just as much as what I've done since I got out. If you don't want to remember that's fine. I still do, if I learn anything about you would you like me to not mention it?
Yeah, that should be enough. I don't know if we left anything out, save for anything that'd be digging up the memories themselves. Which, I understand your desire to let lie. Sorry this keeps happening.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
That... Feels like enough to me. Hopefully the narrative feels the same way.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: That…yeah, that’ll be enough.
POLKA DOT: I don’t think I could blame anyone for what they did in the Toy Store.
POLKA DOT: I want to remember, because it feels like even if it’s bad, it still made me who I am today but…
POLKA DOT: I don’t know. I get your desire to let it lie.
POLKA DOT: If I do learn anything about you, do you want me to not mention it?
ROULETTE: ...I would've assumed you wouldn't want to speak with me again after this.
ROULETTE: If that's true, then you shouldn't feel obligated to do so, regardless of what you learn.
ROULETTE: ...If... that isn't the case-

The bot pauses, looking dead ahead as it considers its options.

ROULETTE: ...Then... it might be better for me to know.
ROULETTE: ...I will leave that up to you, though. 
ROULETTE: Being honest... there's no reason for you to get this involved.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
i mean, as long as you're hanging out with [gestures to the bear] him and i'm hanging out with [gestures to the dog] him, we're probably gonna be around each other a lot. to say i'm not gonna talk to you at all would be absurd. so, why not talk about it then?
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
I don't see the harm in continuing to talk with you, the... narratives and memories may be fucking with us, but you've not really given me much reason to think you're bad company

I'll let you know if I figure anything out
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
You haven't...wronged me in any fashion, I'm not against talking to you. I just figured you seem uncomfortable around me, so I typically wouldn't without the narrative pulling strings.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: You haven’t done shit to me, I’m not against talking to you.
POLKA DOT: You just…seem uncomfortable around me.
ROULETTE: It isn't-

It stops, having trouble getting its thoughts together.

ROULETTE: ...It's nothing against you specifically.
ROULETTE: I wish you hadn't reported what happened,
ROULETTE: I very much wish you hadn't.
ROULETTE: But it happened and it's done, and we've both made our positions clear on that.
ROULETTE: As far as seeming uncomfortable around you...
ROULETTE: ...I am... not really comfortable with... anyone... here, exactly.
ROULETTE: Not, because of any sort of... malice, or-

Roulette closes its eyes, fans working overtime, drawing the idle glance from one or two others in the group.
Noticing this, it seems to quickly reign it in, straightening its posture so as to look like everything was fine.

ROULETTE: ...It is... complicated.
ROULETTE: But nothing personal against you.
ROULETTE: At most... I do not like that you witnessed what happened.
ROULETTE: Which brings about feelings of... shame, I suppose.
ROULETTE: More than a little humiliating having someone see... something like that, happen.
ROULETTE: But nothing personal.
ROULETTE: ...complicated.
ROULETTE: And the rest - of all of this - is not exactly worth getting into.
ROULETTE: As I said: There is no reason for you to get this involved.
POLKA DOT: I mean…
POLKA DOT: As long as you’re hanging out with him-

You gesture to Devo.

POLKA DOT: And I’m hanging out with him-
You gesture to Tim.

POLKA DOT: We’re probably gonna be around each other a bunch, provided things go well for them.
POLKA DOT: To say I’m not gonna get involved is kind of silly.
POLKA DOT: So…I’m cool with talking.
ROULETTE: Being in proximity does not mean we have to talk.
ROULETTE: And it definitely does not require you getting involved with me on a personal level.
ROULETTE: I tend not to involve myself with anyone here save for Devo, and only because we met prior to arriving.
ROULETTE: I do not think that's a good idea for... anyone, frankly.
ROULETTE: ...I am not exactly opposed to the former, though.
ROULETTE: I don't... suppose there's any harm with, chatting. On occasion.
ROULETTE: I will leave that up to you.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Yeah, I'm down to talk any time we're stuck third wheeling for the those two over there. Might as well, y'know? ...I'll try to have more to talk about next time besides all the weirdness going on currently though.

I think that should be enough conversation before we get to Laurie's, but if the narrative drags on longer, maybe we can ask Roulette what it got at the thrift store, if anything? What sort of look does it try to go for?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You shrug.

POLKA DOT: Yeah, I’m good for talking any time we’re third wheeling it up.
POLKA DOT: Might as well, right?
POLKA DOT: …I’ll try to have more to talk about besides all that weirdness, though.
ROULETTE: Alright.
ROULETTE: And, that is fine. I have no idea what to talk about, either.
ROULETTE: I am not very good at this sort of thing.
POLKA DOT: Well...

You gesture to its bags.

POLKA DOT: We could talk about our shopping adventures.
POLKA DOT: What'd you get?
ROULETTE: ...Nothing exciting.
ROULETTE: Weapons for myself and Devo, and then... tried to find some new clothes.
ROULETTE: The others may not be working as I wanted them to.
POLKA DOT: Oh yeah?
POLKA DOT: What kind of style are you going for?
ROULETTE: ...It... isn't exactly like that.

The robot sighs, idly rifling around in one of the bags, drawing your eye down to it.

It seems to contain nothing but very... plain clothes; black, brown and grey hoodies, jeans and sweatpants.

ROULETTE: The business suit was meant to make me look akin to someone only here to service guests.
ROULETTE: I did not want to look... 'available,' or stand out in any sort of...

It cocks its head back and forth, swirling a metallic claw as it searches for words.

ROULETTE: ...attractive...
Roulette speaks the word quietly, as if it was taboo.

ROULETTE: ...way.
ROULETTE: But, that plan has backfired.
ROULETTE: Those previous guests seemed to find it...

The bot's face and lens wrinkles slightly, metal bending in a way it shouldn't to add an extra layer of expressiveness.

ROULETTE: ...'cute.'
ROULETTE: I do not understand why, and I do not want a repeat of that incident.
ROULETTE: So, as much as I may have enjoyed those clothes, a switch is necessary.
ROULETTE: Something more average may do the trick, so I purchased several outfits with that in mind.
ROULETTE: Anything to avoid standing out. 
ROULETTE: I told you before:  I cannot afford to rock the boat here.
ROULETTE: ...All I can do is hope it works this time.

You can see Laurie's pop up in the distance. If you want to say something, you should do it now.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I'm very genuinely sorry that you've had something you enjoyed ruined for you. If you're looking for something that would be low key and out of the way of the more uhh 'main' attractions of the place would you like us to try and help you find something? we've been working in the kitchen for instance and you don't directly interact with anyone, you make the food and someone else takes it out.
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
It...wasn't your fault. Like, I understand wanting to be careful, really, but.
Bad people will be bad no matter what you do.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: I’m sorry somebody ruined something like that for you, seriously.
POLKA DOT: But…it’s not your fault.
POLKA DOT: They probably would have been awful even if you weren’t wearing that outfit. They’d find a reason and just…that’s why they gotta get kicked out.
POLKA DOT: If it wasn’t you, it’d be someone else. They’re just terrible people.

The bot looks about ready to bolt ahead when you speak up,

pulling back into the conversation with you.

ROULETTE: I... don't want to make assumptions about the morality of others based on a single incident.
ROULETTE: What happened was simply... unfortunate, nothing more, and... it-

It shakes its head, cutting off the thought.

ROULETTE: ...being honest:  The less I think about it, the better.
POLKA DOT: I...get you there, yeah.

You think to yourself for a few quiet moments.

POLKA DOT: If you're looking for something that would be low key and out of the way of the more uhh....'main' attractions of the place, you want me to try and help you find something?
POLKA DOT: I've been working in the kitchen for instance and you don't directly interact with anyone, you make the food and someone else takes it out.
ROULETTE: Already tried kitchen work here.
ROULETTE: Disaster.
ROULETTE: I do not believe I should be allowed within ten feet of a kitchen anymore.

It glances down at the pavement, keeping its voice quieter.

ROULETTE: ...Or Vine, for that matter. I feel I should trouble her as little as possible after last time.
The bot sighs.

ROULETTE: ...Working in the kitchen was what I attempted first.
ROULETTE: When that didn't work out, I tried to serve rooms, and-
ROULETTE: Well, you witnessed how that turned out.
ROULETTE: ...I... think... 
ROULETTE: ...I am running out of options here.

Roulette straightens up as the group approaches Laurie's.

ROULETTE: Ultimately this isn't your issue, and nothing you should worry about.
ROULETTE: I apologize for bending your ear for so long. I appreciate you listening.

The bot awkwardly makes its way back over to Devo once everyone gathers inside, not really giving you time to respond. 

Vine and Tim shuffle over, thankfully giving you a break from your own now-restless thoughts.

VINE: Okay…we should probably get your phone all set up.
TIMOTHY: Kind of wish I got one now…
VINE: Another time, Tim.
VINE: …how’d things go over there, though? I thought you were all done talking to Roulette. 
TIMOTHY: Wait, you talked to Roulette? Was that while I was over with Devo in the store?
TIMOTHY: What’s up?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
It's not really mine to share, I think. Sorry.
What sort of stuff can my phone do now?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: …It’s not really mine to share, I think.
TIMOTHY: That’s okay!
TIMOTHY: If it’s private to someone, you’re doing good by keeping it that way.
VINE: Agreed with Tim, I just want to make sure you’re hanging in there.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, I’ll be good…

You rustle through your bag and pull out the phone, which got loosely boxed up with what looks like an instruction manual.

POLKA DOT: What kinda stuff can this thing do?
VINE: Let’s take a seat and find out.

The three of you sit down at a bar booth, getting comfortable as you take the phone out of its box. 

VINE: Hand me the manual.
You do so, and your friendly mentor starts nodding as she looks it over.

VINE: Newer model than mine, anyhow. Nice.
VINE: So, with a lot of plastic “electronics”- this model of phone included- you’re going to have to “activate” them first.
VINE: It’s not universal, so always check a manual 
VINE: See how the screen sticker’s black and dull?

You check, and sure enough, the screen’s a plain, matte black.

VINE: It’ll look like this when it’s off too, but it’ll have a shine to it.
VINE: I’m guessing it got…wiped or whatever it is, when it got pawned off.
VINE: No more traces of ownership.
POLKA DOT: Okay, so…how’s this work?
VINE: Hard to explain, but…hold it in your hands.

You do so.

VINE: Press the on button…with feeling.
POLKA DOT: …feeling.
VINE: Yes, with feeling!
VINE: It is your phone, after all. 
VINE: Consider it sort of a reset button.
VINE: Other people will be able to use it if you let them, but if someone you don’t know tries to make a call, they won’t.
POLKA DOT: Huh. Neat.
VINE: So, press the button with feeling. It’ll turn on and be fresh and new.

You go ahead and press the button, and the sticker screen changes color, turning bright blue with a sunshine-y logo. It even makes a little chime.

POLKA DOT: And…it’s mine now?
VINE: It’ll only shine for you or the people you allow.
POLKA DOT: How can I allow people to use it?
VINE: You just kind of carry it in your mind. Hard to explain.
VINE: It’s all “pretend”, after all, playing into the narrative.
VINE: Your phone will know whether it’s in the right hands.
VINE: Any questions before we do some customization?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
does this apply to other stuff? like If I soul bonded a knife or whatever, it would only cut for me?
What happens if I forget someone who used to have access, or forget they have access? Will that person still have access?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Do I have to consciously grant someone permission every time they use it, or is it more like... toggling it on and off? I can take permission away again if I need to, right?
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: What about other stuff?
POLKA DOT: Like if I…soul bonded my hammer or whatever, it’d only hurt when I used it?
VINE: I’ve heard of things like that happening, but…it’s rare.
VINE: Whatever justifies this whole “bond” as you call it happening, it seems to work for some things better than others.
VINE: You can’t just make a book unreadable to other people. You can’t make food inedible.
VINE: …works on phones and computers, though. Don’t ask me why those specifically, I don’t know.
POLKA DOT: What if I forget somebody who used to have access, or forget that they have access?
POLKA DOT: Will they be able to get into my phone?
VINE: Hm. Not sure.
VINE: Might be best to keep your list small just in case. That’s what I do.
POLKA DOT: Okay, and…do I have to like, consciously grant someone permission every time they use it?
VINE: Not really. Just know who you want to be able to and it works.
VINE: Again, I recommend having a very short list. Emergency contacts.
POLKA DOT: I can take permission away again if I need to, right?
VINE: Yeah. It’s not permanent, just as flexible as you need it to be.
VINE: …no idea what would happen if you flip back and forth, though. Best not to mess with it.
VINE: That all?
POLKA DOT: For now, yeah.
VINE: Okay, good. So…some fun stuff now.
VINE: You can go here-

She pokes at a page in the manual, displaying some menu options.

VINE: -to customize it a bit. 
VINE: Please pick a different ringtone than the default or you’ll end up startling half of the people in the bar when you get a call.

You can now pick a background and ringtone for your phone. Anything will do.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Backround: a bunch of little tiled ghost/monster sprites
Ringtone: 8-Bit Toxic (Britney Spears)
Background: Simple geometric shapes and patterns, maybe an animated wallpaper? Like little circles and triangles that bounce around the screen (slowly, as to not be too distracting)
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
background: One like the bouncing dvd logo, but instead of the dvd logo it's an earth rubber duck (yes it can land in the corner)
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
After sifting through the background options, you settle on a tiled background with a variety of monster and ghost sprites- it’s cute, and admittedly reminds you of Willow…

Tim seems to notice the blush on your face, but you’re relieved to see that he doesn’t say anything, just gives you a knowing, supportive look. 

As for a ringtone…you go through each one, immediately having to turn down the volume with a little help from Vine. A couple of them stand out to you, but you eventually come back to one with a poppy vibe, something kind of fresh about it.

VINE: There you go.
VINE: Your very own phone.
VINE: How’s it feel?
POLKA DOT: Great! 
VINE: Let me put my number in…

You hand it over, making sure to mentally allow Vine to use it- that’s gonna take some time to get used to. 

VINE: There. I’d recommend getting Tim’s as well when he gets one.
TIMOTHY: Yeah! I’d love to be able to talk to you when we’re off work!
VINE: So…you’ve got the rest of the day to yourself. It’s only the afternoon.
VINE: How’re you feeling?

Options swirl your mind, and you consider all of the infinite potential of the day-

…but honestly, you’re really tired. You had that fucked up nightmare and you’re exhausted after the whole Roulette debacle, let alone all the walking around you did.

POLKA DOT: Think I’ll just head back to my room…
TIMOTHY: Okay! I’ve got some stuff to do around the club, so I can’t walk you back…
POLKA DOT: It’s cool, I got it.
POLKA DOT: Thanks for today. Both of you.
VINE: Any time. You coming in tomorrow?
POLKA DOT: Actually, I’ve got a party tomorrow-
VINE: Oh yeah, there’s one happening around 4, isn’t there?
VINE: Those can go pretty late, but I hear they’re pretty casual too. You should probably take the day off and take it easy.
TIMOTHY: Oh! Maybe you could come by the cafe and we could look through stuff, like we planned earlier!
POLKA DOT: Sure, easy enough…

You get up from the booth, stretching out and grabbing your stuff.

VINE: Best of luck, Ribbon.
POLKA DOT: You too.

The walk back to your room feels strangely lonely after you’ve been around people all day…but there is a sense of weight leaving your body as you close the door behind you and kick off your boots.

There’s a pile of books on your nightstand, all the spoils you’ve picked up over the past few days waiting for you.

You have things to read.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
you need to relax, pick up that novel and snuggle up in bed.
good time to put on that comfy dress that you got for chilling/sleeping and relax
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
The party's tomorrow, right? Let's read a bit of our informational books we got. While I'd love to read the romance...that can always be for another night.

How about we skim through the wind-up book and the virtual pet book?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You take off your clothes and fish through your shopping spoils to pick up your new comfy dress, letting the soft fabric drape over you. Hopping into bed like this is amazing, and you even dare to get under the covers. Luxury.

So many books to choose from…you settle on the virtual pet guide with the tiniest bit of nerves- but you were going to meet Willow tomorrow, and it’d be good to figure out some things. Just… a little peek.

There’s an introduction.

Electronic/virtual pets are a species with many models and variants, with plenty to discover and learn about them! Within these pages you will find info on Clipchains, Stickbugs, Aqua Dancers, and more! You can purchase our companion pieces, “The Complete Guide To Robotic Pets!” and “The Complete Guide To Pet Games!” at most book stores- this will be mainly focused on variants with an outer “shell” body and an internal “pet” body, as well as projection abilities. 

Huh. Easy enough.

On to the table of contents…

-Health Conditions
-Models + Variants
-Fashion and Accessories

Even if you’re just skimming, you’ll need a place to start.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I'm curious about projections, they seem to be more personal and important in a way, so i'd like to know more about them and learn if there is anything that we should know to treat that respectfully ...not that it's gonna come up anytime soon most likely, but! still!

also obviously fashion sounds interesting
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Anatomy feels too about Fashion and Accesories? We like those, it should be an easy enough place to start.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Fashion and Accessories sounds like a good place to start, especially since that seems to be a topic of special interest to both Willow and yourself
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
You go to the Projections section first.

Huh. On a brief look through, you get a gist…

Like the intro said, vpets have an outer shell, typically plastic, an inner “pet”, typically on a screen, and a hidden, “true” self based on the pet’s form. The true self gets projected out as a second body, but can’t go too far from the outer shell. Most projections are tangible and made out of varying substances, but some have specific materials based on the vpet model.

So…would Willow be a cool ghost? That’s what her sprite looks like, right? 

You’re curious…

You check outthe Fashion and Accessories section next.

Ohh! Pictures! Of…

Full body suits? 

Not fancy formalwear like Tim’s, but full body coverings made with silicone, crochet, plastic casings…all leaving the screen uncovered.

There’s charms for the keychain tails as well, screen protectors, stickers and paint and clay modifications-

You get caught up in looking at all the pictures, wondering if Willow has any of these-

Your phone buzzes.

[VINE]: I forget, did you eat before we left?
Shit. You check your phone’s clock and it’s already six. How’d it get so late? 

[VINE]: You should pick something up when you see Tim.
[VINE]: …sorry to be a busybody. I just worry about you newbies forgetting to eat.
[VINE]: You can put something on your tab at either the cafe or the bar. I vouched for you. 

You forgot about everything in the excitement of the day…from the way Vine talks, this isn’t an uncommon issue for new toys like yourself…but now that you’re thinking about it, you’re definitely hungry.

If you go to the bar, you could get some more reading time in…or you could go see if Tim’s at the cafe yet.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Huh, neat

I'd say go to the Café and check for Tim, you can bring a book with you in case he isn't there yet
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
seconding above
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
Lets go to the bar, wanna get some good reading in before we meet Tim quite yet.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You go to text back, taking a moment to get used to tapping the keyboard sticker. 

[SILK RIBBON]: on my way to see tim
[VINE]: No sweat. Have a good day!

You decide to take a book with you- not the virtual pet book, you don’t need Tim making you all self conscious. The romance will do fine.

You (reluctantly) get back into your clothes and head out.

The hall doesn’t seem to stretch that long this time, and before you know it, you’re back at the cafe. Much to your relief, Tim’s there- and absolutely surrounded in books.

He doesn’t even notice you coming, nose completely buried in the book on the table, even when you’re right in front of him. 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Hey Tim, doing research into your butmunch party thing?
First things first. We need to get something to eat. Also, might be good to check if Tim's got something to eat as well. We're both newbies, he may have forgotten too. Especially when engrossed in research.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Hey, Tim.
No response. He’s in deep.

POLKA DOT: Tim? Hey.

You take a chance and try gently poking the back of his book- the dog startles with a yip, nearly dropping the book- but you get a better look at it now. ”History of Domination”, from your passing glance.

TIMOTHY: Ribbon! Hi!
TIMOTHY: Sit down with me! Let’s do this!
POLKA DOT: One sec, man…
POLKA DOT: I haven’t eaten at all today.
TIMOTHY: …me either.
TIMOTHY: Want to get something?
POLKA DOT: You bet.

The two of you get up to go to the counter, waiting a little in line together.

TIMOTHY: …you excited to see what’s out there?
TIMOTHY: In the field! Kink stuff!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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