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[TOY] Plaything
POLKA DOT: Sorry, the narrative is kind of a bastard and trapped us both in a hallway. Forced to discuss our feelings and everything.

She gives a knowing nod.

VINE: I’ve been there, think we all have.
VINE: You get used to it eventually.
VINE: It all go okay?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, it’s…nothing to worry about.
POLKA DOT: Had a bad dream, nothing new there, and the narrative is, uh…
POLKA DOT: Probably shoving both me and Tim around our respective crushes.
VINE: Mmmm, got it.
VINE: The narrative does have a love for romance…from experience.
POLKA DOT: Wait, you have a-

Marlowe claps his hands together, his soft paws somehow managing to make a loud sound.

MARLOWE: Welcome to this month’s second official outing- I see some new faces in the crowd, so I’m going to come around and do a quick headcount and name check. 
MARLOWE: Please remember to stay with the group, we’ve had some safety concerns recently and while we’ve got some people here running security and everything should go fine, we need to stick together and cooperate.

You notice that Roulette seems to shrink down at the back of the crowd, Devo sticking close by. Tim looks equally nervous as Marlowe comes by for the head count and you give him a reassuring pat on the back.

POLKA DOT: No need to worry, man.
POLKA DOT: The narrative’s an aggressive wingman, but I’ve got your back.
POLKA DOT: You’re gonna be fine. 
TIMOTHY: If you say so…

Everyone files out the doors of Laurie’s after everyone's accounted for, and you’re nearly blinded by the sun- you realize it’s your first time seeing it, a cartoonish orange shape in the sky giving off an almost harsh light. Your irritation with it is quickly replaced with a sense of wonder as you see how the snow glitters, even the dirtier clumps by the road appearing to sparkle in it. Thankfully, your outfit seems to be keeping you warmer than just going around naked.

TIMOTHY: Really wish I had more than shorts…
VINE: We’ll get you some pants once we get to the thrift store. No one will mind if you wear them on the way back.

You notice Tim keep turning back to check on Devo, a smile crossing your face. It’s cute…wait, is that how you are around Willow? Oh, god.

The streets seem a bit more welcoming than they were when you first showed up, though there’s a bit of an edge creeping in as you notice a few toys around the edges of your group openly carrying weapons, mainly knives. 

POLKA DOT: Is that…necessary?
Vine keeps her voice very, very low, low enough that even Tim can’t hear.

VINE: We had some people added to the blacklist for sexual assault and harassment recently, powerful people. 
VINE: If you see the toys from Laurie’s on edge, that’s why.
VINE: I wouldn’t have recommended you go on this trip if it weren’t for the fact that I have faith in the group system, but…
VINE: Pissing off a major city politician is no joke.
VINE: Granted, he’ll only find out if he tries to get into Laurie’s, which probably won’t happen, but…
VINE: We’re kind of playing with fire here.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
was it the people we reported? Oh god how much did vine just tempt fate? how much did I tempt fate with the stupid shoe drop speech?

Narrow your eyes at the sun "I see your strings, don't you fuck with me where it really counts." if it's necessary flip off the sun.
...Ah. Yeah, yep, sounds like things are hinting at getting rough already. I figured we'd have more time...
In a hushed tone to match Vine's, ask, "Is everyone involved alright? Was this the thing I reported yesterday or something else?"
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Oh, shit. 

Ohhh, shit.

You thought you’d have more time before things heated up.

POLKA DOT: I…reported some people yesterday for harassing someone.
VINE: Yeah, I heard about someone doing that and getting some more people on the blacklist.
VINE: This whole deal, though…
VINE: It started about a month ago.
VINE: I don’t know who reported it or the exact details, but apparently one of our staff members was violently assaulted by Saddler, one of the people who runs this city.
VINE: He’s high status and generally well liked by the elite, but he already had a rough reputation around anyone who’s been around to see his policies.
VINE: The kind of person who prioritizes appearances over the wellbeing of people in the very place he runs…
VINE: And according to the allegations, he had a whole operation luring newbies in and predating on them before they could find other housing.

A chill runs down your spine at that, the realization that that could have been you fucking you up more than a little.

VINE: Whoever reported him managed to escape, but said that there were others still in his “care”.
VINE: There’s…no one we can really report him to officially, considering he’s top of the pack.
VINE: So…all we can do is make sure he doesn’t come anywhere near us…I know some others in our underground network want to try and pull a rescue mission at some point, but you have to keep that under wraps.
VINE: Only reason I’m telling you is because you’re a newbie yourself, and I know how scary hearing something like that is.
VINE: But…
VINE: We’re going to get them out of there.
VINE: And I’m not about to let any of the newbies under my or anyone else’s watch get hurt.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
mmmmnope. I know enough, I'm not digging into that plot hook any more today. thank you. let's talk about normal stuff while being esquarted by armed gauards; how's the weather? it is the sun always so... orange?
Lets look at the falling snowflakes and reflect a little. This is... a lot to take in.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
this is too much im just a little duck
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: …I know enough about it to get by, I think.
POLKA DOT: Thanks for filling me in.
VINE: …don’t let it get to you if you can. Laurie’s is a safe place as much as we can make it.
VINE: You’re gonna be fine.

You nod, looking up at the snowflakes gently falling.

You’re not going to lie, you’re pretty freaked out by this. You could have gotten snatched up- so could Tim, for that matter. And somebody here at Laurie’s did go through that…

You really hope they’re okay now.

…getting here so early was something to be even more grateful of than you thought.
The group stops walking, almost making you stumble into the person in front of you. 

Marlowe claps again, bringing everyone to attention.

MARLOWE: Okay! We’re here at the Changing Room, the city’s biggest thrift store. 
MARLOWE: They’ve got some deals with Featherweight to sell some discounted gear and outfits, so if you’re looking for something to wear to a party, you’re in luck. Just keep in mind that they might have tiny defects, hence the discount!
MARLOWE: Please do not leave the building without an escort- if you need to step outside, please let one of our staff know.
MARLOWE: Aside from that, have a great time! We’ll head out for the pawn shop after an hour and a half.

The group files in, and you’re immediately met with a warm, pleasant smell- the place is huge, full of aisles upon aisles of clothes, and people seem to know exactly where they’re going- except for you and Tim, standing awkwardly there with Vine. 

VINE: I’ll give you twenty five bucks to work with here, a little extra if you find something you just have to have.
VINE: We’re going to hit up the pawn shop after, and I’ll give you another twenty five to spend. You’re paying me back when you get your check, so I don’t mind.
VINE: Whatever you don’t spend here, you can go work with there.
VINE: Sound like a plan?

You nod, grateful for the help.

VINE: You all set, Timothy?
The dog next to you startles, clearly off in his own thoughts.

TIMOTHY: Y-yeah, I already got my first check from work.
VINE: Alright, good.
VINE: I’m going off to look for some embroidered sweaters.
VINE: Stuff is usually one size fits all here- convenience by the narrative, I guess.
VINE: Come get me if you need me for anything, or if any trouble crops up.

You’re given one of Vine’s token back pats and off she goes. 

You are once again struck with just how large the place is.

Vine’s off in the sweater section, and Devo and Roulette appear to be in the sleepwear aisle, the bear holding up some pants and appearing to ask for his friend’s opinion. Tim doesn’t move, still paralyzed by options.

You could go see how someone’s doing, help Tim find things, or go on your own clothing adventure. If the latter two, you can suggest any clothing, including “gear” or risque outfits.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
How about we get Tim some nice duds?
He wanted a casual, fancy, and sleepwear, right?

For casual wear, I'm thinking a denim or corduroy jacket and a nice shirt (or a sweater, could be good for the current winter weather) maybe with some form fitting slacks?
[Image: 8a243bf90b1632fbbe48df9bde92ae69.jpg]

How about something like this or this for work...
[Image: 259ef150423660174141f52b1ca972c6.jpg]
[Image: ded57020e66d796b38970a244f21b6fa.jpg]

and something like this for sleep? Comfort is the key factor here, and I can't think of anything more comfortable than silk.
[Image: 70db19064946be5edd16c8c826e7bcac.jpg]
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
I'd want to pick up something comfy for us, a loose long dress that's out of a bit heavier fabric maybe, or potentially could work as pajamas. Something to slip into more so when in our room or chilling with someone rather than going out. Maybe with a fancy pattern or a little bit of lace worked into it if we can find that cause that feels like our style

Also seconding helping Tim get some outfits

Also maybe if we are feeling brave we could check out risqué clothing, not necessarily take anything with but look over what type of clothes exists. Perhaps if something catches our eyes we can take it? But in general I would just look around the store and maybe see if anything speaks to us or maybe the narrative shows us a cool clothing piece, who knows
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
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POLKA DOT: Hey man, let’s get you some clothes.
TIMOTHY: Okay…uhh…
POLKA DOT: We start with casual stuff first, right? Could look around there myself.

His confidence seems to return at that, and the two of you start making your way over.

POLKA DOT: Remind me what you’re looking for again.
TIMOTHY: Something nice that I can wear on off days…
TIMOTHY: But…still kind of nice looking. And masculine.
POLKA DOT: Let’s take a look, then.

You start sifting through clothes, Tim occasionally holding up clothes against himself and asking you how it works with the red of his eyes and nose. It’s a bit hard to find something that fits, but you pull out something that makes his face light right up. 

It’s a white sweater with red stripes, with extra long sleeves- Tim looks around before slipping it on over his top, giving rolling up the sleeves a try.

TIMOTHY: Huh…it looks super cozy when unrolled, but…does it look kind of classy when they’re rolled up?
POLKA DOT: Hell yeah, man. You look great.
TIMOTHY: Okay! It’s, uh….
TIMOTHY: Only three dollars?!

He double checks the price tag, looking to see if there’s any misplaced stickers.

TIMOTHY: I heard that this place keeps stuff at a discount to help out newbies and people within Laurie’s network, but…
TIMOTHY: Fabric isn’t cheap! How are they even staying in business?
POLKA DOT: Guess there’s people who give a shit even outside of the club.
TIMOTHY: I guess so!
POLKA DOT: You’re gonna need some pants to go with it, right?

Your dog friend’s tail is wagging as the pair of you make your way over to get some pants, and this time, he’s the first one to find some dress pants.

TIMOTHY: Look! These gray ones would stand out against my fur!
POLKA DOT: Perfect.
TIMOTHY: Now we have to find something for you!
TIMOTHY: What are you looking for?
POLKA DOT: Hm…some kind of long dress, I think.
POLKA DOT: Something comfy. Good for vibing or sleeping.
TIMOTHY: Dresses are over there!

You realize as the two of you look through stuff together that you’re having…a genuinely great time. You just met Tim, but he’s genuinely pleasant to hang out with, his positive attitude when excited almost infectious. 

You both manage to find the dress at the same time, pulling it out and holding it up. It’s purple, just like your ribbon, and long enough to reach your ankles. You try it on over your clothes and sure enough, it fits wonderfully. You feel…cute? Huh. Kind of nice.

It’s four dollars, and you are definitely getting it.

POLKA DOT: You wanted something kinda imposing and fancy, right?
POLKA DOT: For both work and parties?
TIMOTHY: Y-yeah…
POLKA DOT: Suit time.
TIMOTHY: Oh, god..

Even though he’s nervous at the prospect, the fact that his tail’s wagging gives away his excitement as well.

Once you get to the formalwear section, he clams up, simply shaking his head at most of the stuff you offer. 

Finally, you pull out a red and white striped suit, and his eyes light right up again.

TIMOTHY: I’m…going to go try it on!
You follow him to the changing rooms and sure enough, it fits like a glove. He looks sharp, and even with the twenty five dollar price tag, he’s willing to pay- he says that’s a hell of a deal, anyway.

POLKA DOT: Okay, last stop for you…sleepwear.
Tim makes sure to check that Devo’s gone before heading into the aisle with you, and almost immediately goes for the silk section.

TIMOTHY: I love this material…feel!
You follow suit, surprised at how nice the texture is. 

POLKA DOT: You should totally get some.
POLKA DOT: Look, red!

He gleefully adds his findings to the pile, and turns to face you.

TIMOTHY: Okay, your turn again!
TIMOTHY: You said you wanted a hot outfit!
TIMOTHY: The risque section might have something for your party!
POLKA DOT: R-right…
TIMOTHY: Cmon, be strong! You can do this!

He practically has to drag you over, just like you did for him with the suits, and before you know it, you’re looking at a rack of fancy, sexy outfits…some have loose threads here and there, but they all look to be in good condition otherwise.

TIMOTHY: Okay, I don’t know what you’re looking for exactly, but you can ask me for an opinion on anything. No judgment.
POLKA DOT: Alrighty then…

You start sifting through, your face heating up at the thought of wearing any of it. Though…

Two things stand out to you.

A lacy piece of underwear labeled a “femme jockstrap” that could probably fit your tail, and a top/skirt combo with straps of sleek fabric banding across the chest and stomach- leaving plenty of skin exposed. The skirt also seemed…very short.

You remember the feelings you got over poking at your tail, and just about die thinking about the fact that it’d be exposed.

POLKA DOT: Uh…okay, so…
POLKA DOT: I found these, and I like them, but I’m worried whether it’d be weird to have my tail out.
TIMOTHY: …your tail’s already out.

You turn to look, and sure enough, you’ve somehow missed the fact that your skirt rides up over your tail, not long enough to hang over it.

TIMOTHY: You didn’t feel a draft?
POLKA DOT: So my ass has just been out this whole time?!
TIMOTHY: I thought it was intentional!
TIMOTHY: No one’s going to mind!
POLKA DOT: Oh, god…
TIMOTHY: Willow would probably like it! It’s fine!

Your face is practically covered in blush at this point, and Timothy hesitates for a moment before trying to mimic one of Vine’s pats.

TIMOTHY: Seriously, no one’s going to judge you.
TIMOTHY: And…I think it’d be cool to accentuate it!
TIMOTHY: Work with what you’ve got!

You check the prices, and somehow you’ve only managed to accrue 26 dollars worth of stuff. Vine did say she’d cover any extra, so…success. 

All of a sudden, you hear a slightly familiar voice from the next aisle over- still in the risque section.

DEVO: I just don't know...I want to get over it and just go already, but I need something to wear that's better than...what I've usually got on.
ROULETTE: I am sure anything you wear will look nice. I doubt you would stand out.
ROULETTE: In a negative way, I mean.
DEVO: I guess...
DEVO: I feel like I will, though.
DEVO: It's just, been a bit...

Tim immediately shrinks behind the rack, scared shitless at the prospect of Devo literally around the corner.

TIMOTHY: Oh god, he's right there.
TIMOTHY: What do w- I do?
TIMOTHY: Now's a good chance, but he's busy, and I just-
TIMOTHY: Should I go ask- fuck, I don't know-
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
twas fate that bring the bear before us timothy... unless you DO wanna dip, in which case fate is probably gonna keep doing this until you Do It. i can be your wingedman, like i can go in there and signal to you when there's a good place to butt in - and then at that point, it's up to you!
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
Let me make this easy for you Tim. You got two options.

Option One: We can go over there and talk to them about the party when the conversation lulls, or...
Option Two: We look for something sexy for you. While they're right here. And we have you try it on.

Pull out a leather harness and shake it about invitingly.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Use this as a moment to gauge their tastes, do it. There is no better time than now.
POLKA DOT: Okay...this is your chance.
POLKA DOT: There's no better time to do this.
POLKA DOT: Let's wait for a good moment to bust in there- you can probably learn something about what Devo likes, too!
TIMOTHY: You don't think it's weird to listen in?
POLKA DOT: Well...
POLKA DOT: As long as you're upfront, it should be fine?
POLKA DOT: You got this.
TIMOTHY: Okay...

The two of you focus back on the conversation at hand.

DEVO: it too much though?
DEVO: Like...I don't have cleavage or anything like that, but it conforms like I do...
DEVO: Is that weird?

Next to you, Tim is going to combust.

ROULETTE: I don't see why it would be.
ROULETTE: Is it something you dislike?
DEVO: No! It...actually looks like it'd be pretty cool.
DEVO: But...
DEVO: You know how self conscious I get.
DEVO: With...everything.
ROULETTE: I know. That's alright.
ROULETTE: If you enjoy it, and you'd like to, you could find something to accentuate that.
ROULETTE: It all really depends on what you'd want with something more 'risque,' I think.
ROULETTE: ...Though, I am not sure I'm the best person to give advice on that.
ROULETTE: It's all guesswork to me.
DEVO: Fair enough, I know this isn't really your scene.

POLKA DOT: Okay time to get in there-
POLKA DOT: Tell him you're going to the party!
TIMOTHY: O-okay!

Tim slowly makes his way over, with you hiding behind the end of the rack, listening in.

TIMOTHY: I hear you're uh, going to one of the parties?
TIMOTHY: I'm also from Laurie's!
DEVO: Oh, yeah...
DEVO: You're, uh...
DEVO: Timothy, right? 

As you look on, Roulette backs up a few paces, probably not wanting to intrude.

It takes you a moment to realize they're backing up towards you.

Before you can move, they swivel around. 

Their camera-head points in your direction, the robot now right next to you.

You freeze.

They stare blankly.

At least... you think so. Their lens aperture doesn't give you much insight into how they're feeling.

They look back at Devo once, then-

ROULETTE: Could I have a word with you? 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Yes, over there, in clear view of the rest of the store but away from tim and devo.
get that kind of anxiety you get when someone goes "can i talk to you about something serious" instead of stating upfront what they're about to say. clam up uncharacteristically. stammer out a "yes"
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
Play it close to the vest. Not too suave but don't act like you're in any trouble.
[Image: blazblue.png]
Shoot. We probably look pretty sketchy hiding around the corner like this. I wonder if they recognize us.

"Uh...yeah, sure. What's up?"
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You have to play it cool. Suave.'re probably not in trouble, right?

POLKA DOT: Yeah, ssssure...but...let's give Tim and Devo some space.
POLKA DOT: Just a bit over there okay?

You walk over a little ways, getting some distance between you and the other pair. You won't be able to hear their conversation now, but....

They also wouldn't be able to hear yours.

POLKA DOT: What's up?

The robot glances away to the side, taking a moment before it addresses you.

ROULETTE: Were you the one who reported what happened in the hallway?
It doesn't say it in an accusatory way, as far as you can tell, but the question throws you off regardless.
You...aren't sure how to answer this- but your silence speaks volumes.

The robot nods slightly.

ROULETTE: I don't blame you for doing that.
ROULETTE: Not at all.

It pauses.

ROULETTE: I doubt... the likelihood of that happening again, to me.
ROULETTE: And I doubt that you would be there again to see that, if it did.
ROULETTE: But... I am sure you're aware how this place can be.

At this point, the robot glances away from you entirely.

ROULETTE: If something like that happens again-
ROULETTE: Specifically with me-

It resumes eye contact.

ROULETTE: Please don't report it.
Roulette's shutter 'blinks',
and it moves its gaze straight ahead now, close enough that you can hear the rotors moving.

ROULETTE: I apologize... for putting this on you.
ROULETTE: But I cannot afford to rock the boat here.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
...Gotcha. This is tricky.
"Look, I'd love to respect your wishes on that front, but... in order to keep Laurie's safe from creeps, stuffs going to have to be reported. Like, more people than just you would be affected if I don't. I doubt I'd see something like that happen again to you specifically, but... I can't just turn a blind eye if I see something, I guess? Would it be easier if I leave your name out? ...What is this about?"
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
I cant sit idly by and just watch as someone gets hurt, If I can do something about it, I should. I don't know what your deal is, but I believe in what Laurie is trying to build. I believe that we should trust each other and look out for each other.
POLKA DOT: I…get you, and I’d love to respect your wishes on this, but…
POLKA DOT: I can’t sit on the sidelines and watch as somebody gets hurt.
POLKA DOT: In order to keep the creeps out, stuff’s gonna have to get reported.
POLKA DOT: Even if nothing happens to you again specifically, or I’m not there to see it…
POLKA DOT: I believe in what Laurie’s trying to build, here. 

You flash back to what Vine told you on the way, about newbies getting hurt by that Saddler guy.

POLKA DOT: …Some kind of sanctuary, where people don’t have to worry about getting…hurt, assaulted, the works…
POLKA DOT: I can leave your name out if I see it again, but…
POLKA DOT: What’s this about?

The robot stares at the floor.

ROULETTE: ...I understand.
ROULETTE: The nature of this is not anything you need to concern yourself with.
ROULETTE: Beyond know my feelings on the matter.
ROULETTE: At the very least, leaving my name out is better than nothing.
ROULETTE: I apologize for wasting your time.

With that, Roulette makes its way back over to the risque section, hanging back to give Timothy and Devo plenty of room.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Return back awkwardly.
[Image: blazblue.png]
I feel like that...could have gone better, yeah. Maybe we'll ask Vine for advice about it later? Or would that make things worse?

...For now, let's check how Tim's doing.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You start shuffling back over, returning awkwardly to your hiding place.

DEVO: Yeah, and…
DEVO: I dunno.
DEVO: There’s lots of reasons why I feel like I can’t go yet, but…
DEVO: The encouragement is nice.
DEVO: …and so is the suit you picked out.
TIMOTHY: Really?!
TIMOTHY: You don’t think it’ll be too much?
DEVO: Well…
DEVO: I admittedly don’t have the best experience with like…
DEVO: People in formalwear?

From what little you can see, Devo looks…uneasy at that. 

DEVO: But yours is fun, not stuffy or anything.
DEVO: I think if I were to show up at a party and saw someone wearing that, I’d more just think it’s cool.

Tim’s tail is wagging a mile a minute.

DEVO: So…yeah.
DEVO: I was worried about my outfit, but you and Roulette reassured me on that.
DEVO: Only right that I do the same for someone- and I do mean it, I mean.
DEVO: Just, yeah, you know.
TIMOTHY: Yeah! It’s totally cool!

Devo hesitates for a moment before reaching his hand out to shake, and Tim eagerly takes it.

DEVO: Next week, I might try to come by the munch you mentioned.
DEVO: I dunno if BDSM will be my scene at all, but…
DEVO: Nice knowing there’s somebody I at least know a little there, right?
TIMOTHY: Yeah! And it’ll be my first time there too, so…yeah!
TIMOTHY: Thank you!
TIMOTHY: I’ll make sure to be there!
DEVO: Better get back to shopping though…time’s almost up, and I want to make sure me and Roulette got everything.
TIMOTHY: R-right!
TIMOTHY: See you!
DEVO: See you. 

He starts walking back, turning for just a second.

TIMOTHY: …thanks again!
With that, he zooms back to you, practically flopping over and wheezing when he does.

TIMOTHY: Oh my god…
TIMOTHY: He’s so cute.
TIMOTHY: Do you think I did okay?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You did great Tim. It looks like the two of you really get along.
You got a date, dude. Hard to do better than that. And he likes your suit!
Well, I think you got a date anyway. What's a munch, going to lunch or something?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: You got a date, dude.
POLKA DOT: Hard to do any better than that. 
POLKA DOT: Looks like the two of you really get along, and he likes your suit!
POLKA DOT: …what is a munch, anyway?
TIMOTHY: Well, they vary. The usual definition is just…a get together, usually with snacks, for people to gather and talk about kink stuff and arrange events.
TIMOTHY: There’s a couple of groups in the city outside of Laurie’s that do stuff, but, yknow, here’s safer…
TIMOTHY: The one I’m going to allows for fancy dress-up because it’s not in a public space, and some demonstrations of gear and techniques are gonna happen…
TIMOTHY: More in an educational way than for anyone’s gratification, but some light cuddling and teasing is allowed aside from that…
TIMOTHY: …I’m not going to try and get my hopes up for things going that route with Devo, but even just going and trying to see if he likes this stuff is going to be nice.
TIMOTHY: He’s been here in the city for a few months, but only at Laurie’s for one, so he’s trying to branch out and experiment a little.
TIMOTHY: I think he’s nervous, but…so am I, considering I barely know this stuff myself!
TIMOTHY: So…learning experience for us both!

His tail is wagging again as he explains, and you can’t help but smile to see your new friend so happy.

TIMOTHY: Oh! We should find Vine and check out before we have to leave!
POLKA DOT: Yeah, sounds like a plan…I hope she’s okay with me going a little over.
TIMOTHY: She said so, right? I’m sure it’ll go fine!

It takes a bit to find Vine, but luckily, she’s at the end of the check out line. 

VINE: Hey, you two.
VINE: Get everything you need?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, think so.
VINE: How much did it all cost, Ribbon?
POLKA DOT: 26 bucks.
VINE: Easy enough…nice and in budget.
VINE: Here.

She reaches into her embroidered purse and pulls out some bills, rifling through them to make sure the right amount’s there.

VINE: Should be set. 
POLKA DOT: Thanks, Vine!

The line moves slowly, but you get a peek at Vine’s haul as she starts to pay. All stuff with hand-done embroidery and patches…

POLKA DOT: Huh. Those are nice.
VINE: Thanks. I worry it makes me look old fashioned sometimes, but maybe that’s not a bad thing.
VINE: …I have been told I “dress like a grandma”, though.
POLKA DOT: …Cindi?
VINE: Mmmhm.
VINE: But, I don’t take it badly. After looking the word up, it doesn’t seem like the worst thing to be.
VINE: …still not fond of being parental in any sense, but grandmothers seem like they’ve got kind but stern energies. I can work with that.

She hands over the money and her clothes are bagged, and then it’s your turn. You try not to feel nervous as you hand over your two piece outfit, but the cashier doesn’t even bat an eye. A little thrill of excitement goes through you as you take your bag and join Vine on the side, Tim scooting forward to pay for his pile.

VINE: …couldn’t help but notice you talking to Roulette.
VINE: Everything okay there?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
It's fine. Roulette gives off some weird vibes though. not bad, I just don't know what to make of it.
I uh... dooon't know how much I should say, but uh.

It basically asked me not to report if I see someone harass them in the future. I tried to understand where it was coming from, but...I told it I couldn't do that. If I leave something unreported, that means that that person will stay in Laurie's until they hurt someone else, and if I could've stopped that I'd feel awful. I want to keep Laurie's safe.

I did ask if leaving its name out of my hypothetical future reports would help, and it said it would, but they still seemed unsatisfied. I don't know if I'm making the wrong call here.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You…aren’t sure how much to say, but…

POLKA DOT: …weird vibes, honestly.
POLKA DOT: Not bad! Just…

You shuffle in place a bit. 

POLKA DOT: It pretty much asked me not to report it if I see somebody harass it in the future. 
VINE: So, Roulette was the one you saw yesterday?

You nod.

POLKA DOT: I tried to understand where it was coming from, but I just…couldn’t agree to it.
POLKA DOT: I can’t just leave something unreported!
POLKA DOT: If I did that, the person who did it would still be here, until they hurt somebody else…
POLKA DOT: If I could of stopped that, I’d feel like shit.
POLKA DOT: I like it here…I want to keep it safe.

Vine nods along, taking in your words. 

VINE: So…what was its reaction?
POLKA DOT: Well, I also made sure to ask if leaving its name out of any possible reports in the future, and it did say it would…
POLKA DOT: But it didn’t seem super satisfied with that.
POLKA DOT: …I don’t know if I’m making the wrong call here.
VINE: Well…
VINE: I think standing your ground on reporting people is more than commendable.
VINE: That’s the kind of attitude we want at Laurie’s.
VINE: But…
VINE: That kind of request makes me worry about it.
VINE: I can’t help but wonder if it’s being threatened…or at least, feels like it is in some way.
VINE: Even if there’s not a person or thing actually putting it in danger…
VINE: Something has to be sticking with it to make it want to hide things like this, and nothing good at that.
VINE: It could just be a personal hang up…
VINE: But it might be a good idea for us to keep our eyes peeled.
POLKA DOT: …yeah. Will do.

Tim comes over to join you, bags in hand.

TIMOTHY: S-sorry for the delay! My money got all crumpled up, and I had to flatten it, even if the cashier said it was fine, I-
TIMOTHY: You know how it is!
VINE: You’re looking like you had a successful trip, Tim. Good job.
TIMOTHY: I ended up having fun, yeah!
VINE: Well, it’s the pawn shop up next.

As if on cue, Marlowe’s voice comes over the store’s speakers.

MARLOWE: Okay, everybody involved with the Laurie’s trip, please come to the front as soon as possible for headcount! We have a lot more to see- if you’d like to head back early, we’ll have a smaller group traveling back to the Place.
VINE: Guessing you want to keep going?
VINE: Still have to get you a weapon, after all.
TIMOTHY: I need one too…but I’ll go with whatever Ribbon’s up for.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
(i got ninja'd becos i forgot to REFRESH Sad)
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
Honestly even if I don't buy anything Id like to go to the pawn shop. Like who knows what you'd find in there?
Might as well go to the pawn shop. We need a weapon, yeah, but it'd be interesting to see what else we could get. Like... some crafting supplies or something. Would be nice to get into our old hobbies again.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Might as well go to the pawn shop. Even if we don’t buy anything, sounds like you could buy anything there.
VINE: Just about…
POLKA DOT: Besides, I need a weapon.
POLKA DOT: ..maybe some crafting supplies too.
VINE: Those might be a bit pricey…
VINE: But if it helps you get a hobby and you’re willing to pay, I can spring for that.
TIMOTHY: I’d like to see if there’s anything that rings any bells for me, too…
TIMOTHY: Let’s go!


The walk to the pawn shop is easy, just a bit down the street…Tim seems to be regretting forgetting to put on his new pants, but you can tell by the way he keeps glancing back at Devo that he’s not too upset by getting distracted. Vine keeps an eye on the both of you, making sure you don’t get too wrapped up in your conversation to be unaware of your surroundings. 

The store itself has two floors, and when you’re welcomed inside, you’re taken aback by just how much stuff is in here. There’s floor to ceiling shelves and stuff mounted on any shred of open wall space, and you can barely hear Marlowe’s opening spiel. 

VINE: Okay…you’ve got another twenty five here. It’s gonna be a bit harder to pick stuff up for cheap, so choose wisely. 
VINE: Should be able to get a weapon and…well, a sewing kit and some scrap to work with, maybe.
VINE: Take a look around.

Well, they’ve got pretty much everything…what do you look around for?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
ok, if our memories are anything to go by we're probably pretty good with blunt weaponry so we should look for something suitable for that even if it isn't perfect. intent will help some and all that

let's see if they have any sewing supplies, even if it's like an emergency kit it could help the stuff we already have go a long way.
as for craft stuff, maybe a sketch book, some cheap pencils and some cheap colors? could help us with fashion design stuff and also as like, a journal.

let's also keep an eye out for other potentially useful things
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
I think some sewing supplies and scrap could be good, could be useful if we want to help someone in Laurie's fix themselves up, too. Though, I gotta say, if we can find some watercolors, or painting supplies? I think that'd be worth a try.

Maybe they have a piano here...while we wouldn't be able to afford it, I want to try playing it and see what songs we remember how to play. Maybe it can help bring back some memories.

We can...we can figure out the weapon bit later.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You start wandering around, starting with the craft section- it’s full of scraps of all different kinds of material, but they’re definitely…scraps. You’d probably have an easier time ransacking cheap clothes from the thrift store and making new fashion from that than trying to piece stuff together here. Maybe you could make some accessories?

You pick out a sewing kit- five dollars. That’d be necessary for sure.

There’s…the names of fabric start coming back to you as you look stuff over. 

Velvet, silk, terrycloth, leather….what kind of textures and colors should you look for?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Hmm, it's currently winter, do they have warmer materials like flannel or wool? I think we should be able to pull something off reasonably well with those, both in a practical and fashion sense
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
Leather! I love the way it looks, been meaning to make myself some leather things. Plus. We could look hot in it.
Maybe for colors we could go for purple or black?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
do they have any laptop? if that's too expensive maybe an old tv? something for on-demand entertainment in our room.
You decide to look around for something warm to start….sure enough, you find some flannel and wool, in mostly neutral colors…

There’s some black leather, too.

Flannel is 7 bucks for a yard, 8 for wool, and…there’s only a few scraps of leather, but if you were to pick them all up, they’d be 12 bucks. 

What about…a laptop? Or a phone? Something you could get in-demand entertainment with…

You have to go to the top floor to find the electronics, and god, all the plastic here is really banged up- but there are options. Laptops are 50, a phone is 30.

Hm. Decisions, and you still want a weapon-

POLKA DOT: Oh, hey.
TIMOTHY: I found this-

He holds out a plastic sword, all one solid color- red, of course.

TIMOTHY: It’s not great looking, but it should cut, right?
TIMOTHY: It’s discounted, probably because nobody wants it…

There’s a look in his eyes you can’t place.

TIMOTHY: I see promise in it.
TIMOTHY: But… for now this is all I want to pick up.
TIMOTHY: I’ve got some extra cash, though…
TIMOTHY: So I want to make you a deal!
TIMOTHY: If you help me research some stuff for my munch next week, I’ll give you twenty bucks for the trouble!
TIMOTHY: All it’d be is looking up stuff in the library when we’re off shift, might take some coordination…
TIMOTHY: But I figure a friend could help me look twice as fast!
TIMOTHY: What do you say?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I still think that should be a food thing... but sure, I'd be happy to help.
You try to hide your excitement at the premise of having some extra spending cash.

POLKA DOT: I can do that.
TIMOTHY: What are you thinking of picking up?
POLKA DOT: Already picked out a sewing kit for sure, but there’s some fabric I’m considering…
POLKA DOT: A phone could be nice too, though it’d take like, most of my money now that I’ve got a bump up from you. 
POLKA DOT: I’d only have 15 dollars left for either a weapon or the fabric…
TIMOTHY: I think the phone’s a good plan! I’m considering picking one up myself.
TIMOTHY: We could put each other in our contacts!
TIMOTHY: Aside from that, hm…
TIMOTHY: Weapon would be a lot more practical.
TIMOTHY: But…it could be good to get into a hobby again.
TIMOTHY: What’s your call there?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
How much is the sword Tim's got? That would give us a sense of scale as to how much weapons cost here.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
I think the phone would be a good idea, and we can get the sewing kit for 5, leaving us 10 for a weapon. Any extra we can use to pick up some fabric. But fabric or no fabric it should be useful for maintaining the clothes I already have, and maybe fixing up some of what I got from the thrift store.

I am. Tempted to see if we can shoplift a scrap or two or leather scraps, since they'd be relatively hard to miss, but... might be best not to try to push our luck while we're still new.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
I'd say look into a slashing weapon of some kind, you don't want to need it and then not have it.
POLKA DOT: Well…how much is your sword?
TIMOTHY: Ten bucks! But…
TIMOTHY: Like I said, it’s heavily discounted.
TIMOTHY: There was some other discount stuff there, though!
TIMOTHY: Something’s better than nothing!
POLKA DOT: Guess so…

You take a second to pick up a plastic phone the size of your palm, startled when a little keyboard pops out of the bottom when you apply a bit of pressure- well, a keyboard sticker, anyway. You get the feeling you’ll be able to type on it just fine, and the sign next to it says that wifi still works. You…aren’t sure what wifi is, but hey, if it’s advertised, that means it must be good, right?

You put it in the crook of your arm along with the sewing kit, and let Tim lead you over to the weapons section.

You get a strange sensation as you approach it, seeing plastic pieces of all shapes and sizes- including some you’ve never seen before in your life, greebled and highly detailed. You don’t even know how someone would use them…

TIMOTHY: Okay, here’s the discount section!
Oh, boy, these are really beat up. You’re presented with a rack full of scratched up plastic, but try to focus on what you think would work despite its condition. Maybe a slashing weapon, something sharp-

Your wing finds itself already touching something, and when you refocus your eyes, you’re holding a dented, scuffed baseball bat.

The shop suddenly feels...quieter, somehow.

Feeling an odd sensation, you turn and look up.

Across the store, you spot Roulette.

It's holding a bulky adjustable wrench, the robot in the middle of the same motion: looking up in your direction.

The two of you catch each other's glances simultaneously.


You can't place it.

But the bat in your hands feels heavy, and you can feel your wing-fingers clench and unclench around it, seemingly unconsciously.

It feels like something is bubbling up within you.

A half-formed memory of something you'd really rather not remember.

You could risk it and dig deeper, 
or shake it off and leave it buried.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I sayyyyy lets leave it buried for now, we have a bat not a shovel. We could potentially ask someone about it later, in a safer, less public space
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]

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