VOIDSY: Oh, is that all?
VOIDSY: Believe it or not, we’ve actually got something for that.
VOIDSY: Hark, we think we can save you.

The corner of Spit’s mouth twitches, and for a split second you could almost swear she was frowning.

VOIDSY: You’re better than she is.
VOIDSY: She needs you, but you don’t need her.
VOIDSY: Spit’s strong, but we ARE void.
VOIDSY: We do absence.
VOIDSY: We can take things away.
VOIDSY: We know it seems hopeless now, but please, trust us.
VOIDSY: What she’s done to you is nothing short of a sin, and you deserve to live a happier, healthier life- one where you don’t have to worry about the random, sadistic whims of some shitty, stupid person.
VOIDSY: We don’t want you to suffer anymore.
VOIDSY: We have a way around this, we have a way to get you a fresh start, entirely at your control.
VOIDSY: It would mean crossing into our base, but if you come with us, we promise you’ll get out.
VOIDSY: We know it’s not easy to trust us, it’s not easy to hope, but would you rather remain a prisoner, tortured constantly, or take a leap of faith?
HARK: I’m not…I’m not a prisoner! I can take this!
HARK: This is where I belong!
HARK: I’m not coming with you, not now, not ever!

There’s uncertainty in her voice, almost as if she didn’t really believe what she was saying. It’s not a solid victory, but it’s something.

You’ve done all you can, and now it’s time to return your attention to your TCPs. It’s time to get out of this murderfort once and for all, and as quickly as possible.

VOIDSY: It’s your choice.
VOIDSY: We’ll be waiting.

As you start to tune out of this conversation, bailing before Spit can make any more snarky comments, you hope that that spark of hope counts for something, that you’ve done the right thing.

That’s all you can ever hope for, really.