You can feel your anger rising up, but it’s not the time- you need to focus and keep it from overcoming you. Hark needs you right now.

VOIDSY: Even if Spit dedicates her time to spitefully haunting you, there are people who are willing to keep you safe, Hark.
VOIDSY: We hate her, not just our collective but so many others.
VOIDSY: There are entire pantheons of gods who can’t stand Spit.
VOIDSY: You wouldn’t have to be alone.

Hark looks at you hesitantly, slowly moving to face you.

VOIDSY: What Spit has done to you will always be there.
VOIDSY: She may be like a mother to you, but she doesn’t act like a good one.
VOIDSY: It’s never easy to get over that.
VOIDSY: You may not have a choice right now, but we can help you get there.

She makes eye contact, and for a second you think you can almost see hope.

VOIDSY: Spit made these collars that make it so that gods can’t communicate with their TCPs while they’re wearing them. We have a few of them already.
VOIDSY: We could give one to you.
VOIDSY: No more gods in your head.
VOIDSY: Writhe already chose to wear one, so we know it works.
VOIDSY: Just let us know.

The hope is gone as soon as it came, her head falling.

SPIT: Awww, you went and got her hopes up.
SPIT: Fraid that’s not gonna work, kitty cat.

She moves her hand away from Hark’s throat, leaving scratches behind across her chest.

SPIT: Try to take this bad boy off and-

She drags a glass claw across the collar, making a horrible grinding sound.

SPIT: Off with her head!