VOIDSY: Might be a bad time, but our new cat’s having issues.
VOIDSY: Jasper’s having a really hard time getting comfortable, and we were wondering if you have any tips.
VOIDSY: We were…kind of overbearing, and they’re pretty overwhelmed right now.
WRETCH: well hmmmm
WRETCH: kinda having a similar thing happen with jetter
WRETCH: hes my new kitty and uhhh i prrrobably shouldnt have made a weapon type bc hes really really nervous and harsh on himself
WRETCH: i mean thats probably not bc hes a weapon type but its a really bad combo and im a lil worried hes gonna end up hurting himself
WRETCH: but i got him to calm down a lil by givin him some stuff hed like and talked bout what he wants to do
WRETCH: i think hell be a REALLY GOOD fighter but like
WRETCH: i guess hes got issues just like me
VOIDSY: We also made an Unhallowed Sanctuary- it’s an area where all the TCPs can meet without any god supervision.
VOIDSY: We’re hoping it may help with talking Spit’s TCPs into not killing us, honestly.
WRETCH: eastwood told me bout that
WRETCH: sounds cool as shit
WRETCH: im down
VOIDSY: One more thing-
VOIDSY: We have an idea on how to have a group call- it’s a bit bullshitty, but it could work.
VOIDSY: You and Eastwood get in the same room, we call you and Eastwood calls Miller.
VOIDSY: If Eastwood cranks his volume up enough, we can pull it off.
WRETCH: thats super smart??? we can definitely try