VOIDSY: Don’t talk about yourself like that, either.
VOIDSY: You don’t deserve shit from anyone, especially not us. We don’t want to hurt you, but knowing us…it’s inevitable.
VOIDSY: We care about you so much, but it’s going to be rough.
VOIDSY: What you deserve is a much better friend, and better treatment than you’ve got all around.
VOIDSY: So, if and when we fuck up- don’t stop at one punch. Give us hell, and we’ll do our best to fix it.
WRETCH: im not a hard hitter but i wont let you get away with it if it happens again!!
WRETCH: were gonna try to make this work
VOIDSY: We are, for sure.
VOIDSY: Are you okay with us saying that we want to get you to a place where you don’t feel this way?
WRETCH: idk if that could ever happen tbh
WRETCH: i got
WRETCH: issues. a lot of em
WRETCH: but i can try.