Fenton: See? He gets it.
Hickory: If we're taking the long way we're gonna have to pick up the pace. I don't wanna be out after dark, I'm tired.
Fenton: Same.
Hickory: We're gonna book it.
Charon: What?
Hickory: We barely got any daylight and this town's a little much at night to be wandering about.

Charon: Wait, no, I can't run!
Hickory: You got two legs, you can try!
Charon: Hickory please! I'm bad at it!
Hickory: You're gonna have to learn then!
Hickory starts dashing down the street. Fenton follows suit and you pursue to the best of your ability.
Charon: For real, I can't run! Please slow down!
Hickory: Nah! If you wanna hang with us on the street you gotta be able to keep up the pace.
Fenton: You got this Charon! We're not that far from the Inn, just keep your knees high!
Your prosthetic limbs rattle incredibly hard, it hurts quite a bit trying to stay close. Inevitably you lose them after they stop keeping track of you and find yourself struggling where to go next. People pass you by, not really acknowledging you.
It's a little overwhelming. You feel anxious from the situation. You're not used to this sort of city crowd, even less being alone in another world….
You sniffle a little. You want to ask someone for help but you're a little too overwhelmed to approach anyone.

There's a hand on your shoulder suddenly.
???: You're slowing down traffic standing in the middle of a active area. You need to get moving.
Charon: Who's there?!
???: Relax. I can tell from the way you're dressed that you are a newcomer to the area. Pajamas in public.
Charon: I-
???: Are you alone? It's dangerous for a child to be here without supervision or allies. I suggest finding shelter before dark.
Charon: No… I'm just lost. I'm on my way to the Inn….
???: There's only one Inn around this district. it's not a popular tourist location by any means and mostly just a filler until you find a more consistent, stable shelter.
Charon: Do you know where it is?
???: Mm. Turn around though, I don't like talking to the back of people's heads.

You turn around. A reptilian woman with horns and glowing red eyes.
???: That's good. You have a name?
Charon: Charon.
???: Any nickname you prefer? Maybe Ron or Charlie or-
Charon: It's what I got.
??? Then It'll do.
Charon: And you?
???: Hydra. Tell me Charon, what are you exactly? You need a title.
Charon: I uh…. don't got one I think. I wanna be a knight one day though.
Hydra: Well that's not today. Until you earn a title I'll dub you Squire Charon however, it's a rather good look to the people of this city. Makes you seem promising if you want to be a knight one day.
Charon: Squire Charon doesn't sound too bad.. do you have a title?
Hydra: Perhaps. Where I came from I was to be a heir, fun fact… on paper anyway.
Charon: Heir to what?
Hydra: To a entire kingdom… assuming its ruler fell of course.
Charon: You're a god's kid?
Hydra: Mm. Does not matter much now however, but I managed a rather comfortable position in this world of similar value I do feel.
You're not sure if you can trust her much.
You make direct eye contact and get a scan going.

Proxy Name: Type 0(20), "The Final Planet".
The abilities are rather difficult for you to make out right now. The synchronization between Hydra and her Proxy are incredibly high however. stronger than Hickory.
Hydra: Hmm, you're looking at me with a fiend's eye are you? I can do that too… you certainly have a interesting form you're keeping hidden yourself.
Charon: Don't do that.
Hydra: You peeked first, only fair game but… I'll be polite and stop. Anyway you're in need of help getting to the Inn if I'm correct, yes?
Charon: I do, sorry for uh…
Hydra: Invading my privacy? I'm not mad at you if you're worried.
Charon: Yeah. Sorry.
Hydra: I'll walk you the rest of the way, I apologize too. We're not that far so it's not taking too much of my time up.
Charon: That'd be nice…. you sure?
Hydra: Mm. Talk to me while we walk however, I'm curious.
Charon: Well… my cousin and I got sucked in. We're gonna meet up again with some family that's been here at the Inn but uh…. I went on a errand with two friends. Got lost on the way back.
Hydra: Terrible. Well I assure you that your troubles for now will be handled.. at least until I get you to your destination.
Charon: Mm….
Hydra: After that, all is up to the will of the angels. I advise you to gain their favor if you want to make it big in this world.
Charon: I just wanna go home honestly….
Hydra: Mm. We'll see, that's easier said than done.
Charon: I mean it's possible, right?
Hydra: Sometimes. I've personally settled around here too comfortably to want to go back. If you can't make it back I can offer you some assistance.
Charon: Noted.
Hydra: I'm sure someone misses you where you came from however. How old are you, 12?
Charon: 14.
Hydra: That's around the time I came here….
The thought of being stuck all the way into your adult life fills you with a bit of fear.
Hydra: Tell me, if you had to pick a job around here what would you prefer?