Fenton: You sure?
Charon: Yeah, we can run the rest of the way there if we gotta.
Hickory: If he's good with it he's good with it, why you so worried Fent?
Fenton: Just don't wanna worry his folks but if he says we're good I don't see why not.
Hickory: See? There we go.
Hickory starts walking off ahead.
Hickory: Both of you keep up, Fenton knows but I'm gonna keep it a surprise.
Charon: Why?
Hickory: Cause I know you're the type who'd appreciate something like this.
Fenton: Don't go too fast, got a bad leg.
Hickory: I'll try not too.
You struggle to keep up with both of them just a little bit more than you'd like to admit. You tough it out if only to maintain looks.
Fenton: You doing okay back there?
Charon: Yeah… we're almost there right?
Hickory: Course'. Just past this last alley.
Charon: This place is uh… legal right? We're not breaking a entering?
Hickory: Nah, nothing like that. Right there. See that?

There's a bodega ahead.
Charon: We gonna stop by and pick up something?
Hickory: Something like that. No trouble, I promise.
You all enter, the entrance jingles as people step onto the front mat. Must be a relatively recent addition if there's full electricity running. You take a moment to soak up the cushy air conditioning.
Charon: So uh…. for real what are we doing in here?
Fenton: Hick's got a special friend here who they try to visit whenever they're nearby.
Charon: Someone important?
Hickory: Very. Check this out.

You follow right behind. Around the corner is the store's counter with a cozy looking critter sitting in on top.
Hickory: You ever seen a scruffle before?
Charon: Nope.
Hickory: This one's real good, just look at him.
Fenton: One very good creature.
Hickory: I wanna have one someday. Whenever I'm free from all this nonsense I'm gonna adopt one, give it a tiny little bed next to mine.
You can't help but smile a little.
Fenton: If you get a scruffle I wanna get a ferret.
Hickory: They'll fight!
Fenton: Nope, if you get them both when they're young they won't be likely to fight each other because they get to know each other.
Charon: You both plan to live together?
Fenton: I mean… I got nowhere better to go.
Hickory: Same. Honestly I wanna start fresh in a new world, back home sucks.
Charon: I mean… I'm sure my grandma would help you both if you came back.
Fenton: Really? I'd like that.
Hickory: I'll consider it. Your family seems alright. You wanna pet the scruffle?
Charon: I don't know if I should….
Fenton: The owner doesn't mind! Long as we behave we're good.
Hickory: Yep. Do it, pet the scruffle.
You reach your hand out to pet the scruffle. It seems a little confused by you, but makes no effort to try and get away from you.

Charon: It's so cute….
Fenton: Soft right?
Hickory: These things are so cool, I wanna get a big one….
You all spend a little time interacting with the creature. The folks passing by seem endeared.
Fenton watches the clock.
Fenton: Hey uh, I know you're both having fun but it's getting pretty dark, we should make it back soon.
Hickory: Yeah…
Hickory backs away from the counter.
Hickory: You ready to go?
You're also hesitant to stop petting the scruffle but you need to make sure Geezer is okay.
Charon: Yeah. Let's not mess around anymore.
Fenton: We'll stay in high traffic area right now, it'll take longer but we'll get there fast.
Hickory: We don't wanna keep them waiting though. We can hop a few fences.
Fenton: Hick…
Hickory: It'd be rude.
Fenton: Charon… Help me out here.
Charon: I think we should….