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Thread Review (Newest First)
Posted by AceOfNothing - 09-15-2024, 08:02 PM

The Fifth One!!!

Can’t believe it’s number 5 wow. 
I maybe pushed having themes this year a bit too much but I like what I came up with. If you want to follow a weekly schedule, that’s on the side.

Simple rules, be nice about people's work and don't give criticism that isn't asked for. You can pick and choose whatever days to enter, and whatever creative means you want to use.
Like Twister last year, Aether is helping present this year’s calendar.

Please keep it sfw and spoil if needed.

[Image: 9_15_09_24_7_59_10.png]

If anything is hard to read please let me know.
Feel free to enter for any days or do them in whatever order you like, this is just my personal guide for people. I will not be upset if you don't follow it.
Please share anything you make and remember to have fun!!!

Side notes:
You can find last year's thread here: [FANDEV EVENT] MORBTOBER 2023
And I'll take suggestions for next year here: [MORBTOBER] Suggestion Thread (