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help rin make ghosts
so i have a bunch of scrap ghosts that need proper designs/ideas for their sources... let's make them together!

provide a brief chunk of writing or a photograph of any kind and i'll work it into a scrap ghost. provided are names, type of ghost, and how many components they have...see what inspiration you can get from working with other people! components for the ghosts should have some kind of through-line, and while i'm pretty good at making shit up, it's more fun for people to work together and find a common theme.

please only provide one component per ghost max, and remember to leave room for other people to contribute!




-[Image: xWSZkDE.jpg?1]
You had needed to sleep on this decision, given it followed the most difficult conversation of your life. It's possible they were the only one that ever treated you as a collaborator, actually taking your words with seriousness in a time you were able to pay attention to what was happening, and while you didn't need it, lack of emotional and social rapport was starving someone with far more potential than you.
But you weren't flexible enough to help them stay out of trouble, and it's certain that the other choices they listed would have succeeded despite how much you were able to comfort and advise them. - @Shifter55 








these two pieces need to come together somehow

divide it into parts
build upwards from each
define the point they meet and it exists

consider they must meet somewhere
you cant get from one to the other without going in between           
if it starts it must end

there is a [limit], it isn't endless
start big and work your way down
the difference shrinks the further you go

It touches. It fits. It works.
Closed off. No uncertainty. Trapped between touching points.

how do I leave?- @1011686



let's make some ghosts!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: xWSZkDE.jpg?1]
You had needed to sleep on this decision, given it followed the most difficult conversation of your life. It's possible they were the only one that ever treated you as a collaborator, actually taking your words with seriousness in a time you were able to pay attention to what was happening, and while you didn't need it, lack of emotional and social rapport was starving someone with far more potential than you.
But you weren't flexible enough to help them stay out of trouble, and it's certain that the other choices they listed would have succeeded despite how much you were able to comfort and advise them.

Not sure if you want an assignment to a ghost, suggestions are Smooth or Shrimp given this was triggered by an object (but not the one the memory belongs to).
these two pieces need to come together somehow

divide it into parts
build upwards from each
define the point they meet and it exists

consider they must meet somewhere
you cant get from one to the other without going in between          
if it starts it must end

there is a [limit], it isn't endless
start big and work your way down
the difference shrinks the further you go

It touches. It fits. It works.
Closed off. No uncertainty. Trapped between touching points.

how do I leave?

Went for something very weird and abstract, possibly too abstract (I was looking at my mathematics homework for inspiration lol). I had Infinite in mind while writing it.
Oh right we have signatures
I'll do some writing later, but first, for Shrimp
[Image: tumblr_man1vdc7M31qe31lco1_1280.jpg]
mobius ship
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
For Slushie
[Image: blue-sky-bright-cloudiness-1431822-600x400.jpg]
Let's do it!
This is great!
Oh right we have signatures
(For Problem)
[Image: picture.jpg]
It was better than you expected. Which... which you hated to admit. Not because you hated being wrong, (though your wife would argue otherwise,) but because you had expected anything less from him. That this whole time, you had done nothing but discourage him, every step of the way. You never saw any of it beyond the initial sketch, but in retrospect that was probably on purpose. You didn't want it to be good, deep down, you had wanted this endeavor to fail, and that... disgusted you. Why did you want so badly for your own son's downfall? Just to be right? You swore it was more than that at the time. Just yesterday, even, you sat him down for a talk about better professions to pursue. It could be considered condescending, sure, but you had his best interest at heart, didn't you? And sure, it devolved into a screaming match swore it would be what was best for him in the long run.

But it wasn't. It never was. And this art, a portrait of your wife, was just as stunning as she was, even in his, especially in his style. Dedicated to the only person that actually believed in his art.

Your wife took your hand and gave it a squeeze. You were immensely grateful she had put up with you these past few weeks.

"So, what do you think? I had to pose quite a few ways for him to get the face right, but I think he captured me well." she asked, imitating the pose the portrait was of.

"It's beautiful." you reply, without skipping a beat.

Her voice softens significantly. "...You know he really wanted you to like it. He didn't say it, but...I think it's important that you let him know. He nearly threw it out yesterday."

Your throat catches. You weren't sure how you could fix this, if this was something you would be able to fix. You give your wife's hand a squeeze, and say the only thing you can muster.

"I will."
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
for slushie

[Image: Jorts.jpg]
[Image: 33852512-radical-kids-skating-over-the-word.png]
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
For Carpenter
[Image: unknown.png?width=284&height=379]
[Image: tumblr_inline_pdfaqmgqOg1robfbt_640.png]
(For Infinite)
[Image: 6bfa894307214d37928f0d58d6ccf8a7.jpg]
It looks just like him, doesn't it?
I collected what I could, it was hard with what was left of him.
But I think you'll find it feels quite the same, moves quite the same.
I know you were never a fan of my profession, but you should at least give it a chance.
I assure you, this is the closest you can get to bringing him back.
You're welcome.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[Image: tumblr_ngs7nyzZPJ1re2hhdo1_1280.png]
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]

There are no gods here, in the wilds. Though these lands are in the providence of the cogged one, these wilds are no land of his. There are no clanking, whirring, twisting metal beasts. Only those of sinew, salt, and sacrilegiousness. Fiends roam these wilds, tearing and rending earth and flesh alike. The lands that sit between the beasts of order and chaos are lands truly without gods. Not a soul is touched by their divine paws. These fiends were not shaped, modeled, guided, or crafted, they are freedom, unshackled. No nature nor disposition taints their being, no desire but those that the flesh requires. No craving for smoke nor crystal.

The divine races, shackled to their creators, wayward without them. Mothlie and pockitt flee alike wander, lawless and feckless but still bound. Bound forever to the dead eye'd gods. Shattered in the glass maw of the creature the two mountains had borne. It is true freedom, to be of the fiends. To be untethered to the lands and the gods, and yet, they are still bound. The gods raised not only the creatures, but the land. Even in this place of no divinity, the mountains in their staggering forms, loom from the very soil at your feet, suffused into the soil they shaped with hands clasped together. And fruit of this soil, is fruit of the gods themselves! Of divine providence placed upon these lands! No god must touch these lands again, no god may grasp these fiends. May they be free, forever.
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 

(skull warn)

You had warned her about joining the dueling scene. She had promise, but her skills were crude, unrefined. Very easy to counter, and especially easy to reflect back to it's caster. It really was a shame.
You would have to keep her scraps somewhere safe. You despised the idea of someone using them, using...her, in battle.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[Image: 2ec799df271c95b9c2dbb23baaa2ab78.png]
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]

This can't be fixed, can it.

[Image: DbO0rWBUQAU8sJg.png]
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]

My chest is a rock,
My breath, they are rocks,
They are all rocks.

My eyes, 
They are rocks,
My nose is a rock,
They are all rocks.

Ashes into dust,
Dust unto ashes.
Cross foreheads, 
Into palms.
Painted in grey.

I am rocks,
I am dust, 
And I am nothing,
If not composed.
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
For Infinite, perhaps...
[Image: 40d66b61cda8b88f.jpeg?1592935722]
[Drawn by Anthracite]
(CW: possible eyestrain)
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[Image: de93fe3408129f0ef4063aea754dfdaf.png]
(Kristi seems blue to me, not sure why)

They left you here to die.
They left you in terrible shape, but you've been in worse shape before.
You're going to tear them to shreds.
You can hear them, smell them, find them.
All of the eyes of this forest become your eyes, its ears become your ears.
The wind and earth fills every part of you, the forest parts for you.
You grip your arm and take a breath and break into a run.
They should've known to finish the job.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
(CW: Body Horror, Eyes)
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[Image: 4d6e230167242bd072177dce48983b8b.png]
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
For Swallow:
[Image: 46339704055_2dd96db809_b.jpg]

I've never been there.
It looks nice though.
feels like home, somehow.
Oh right we have signatures

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