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[TOY] Plaything
At first, you hear nothing.

You open your eyes slowly, met with only a slightly shimmering black wall.

You reach your hand out-

Only for a familiar paw to latch onto your wing-arm, desperately clutching on.

POLKA DOT: Don’t what-?

Tim shakes his head, his pupils pinpricks.

You realize you do hear something, now-

A whimsical hum, just slightly off key.

TIMOTHY: It’s hunting.
 There’s a laugh from the wall in front of you, and chills go down your back.

POLKA DOT: What…is it?
TIMOTHY: I d-don’t know, but-

Tar splatters against Tim’s leg, and he reels back- but he’s not fast enough. Something swoops around him, further splattering him, causing a pool to form around his feet and whispering horrible, sweet nothings.

The monster’s whispers are too distorted to make out, but you can hear the raw, utter panic in Tim’s voice as he strains against the tar-

The tar swallows him up, and nothing you scream makes him resurface.

Devo’s on your other side, frozen in fear-

His hand soaked in tar, eyes wide as the voices swirl over to him now, speaking in a low, unintelligible hum.

You think you hear him crying before it takes him as well, dragging him into the unseen depths.

You take a step back, your legs shaking-

A scream nearly escapes you as you feel something at your back-

Only for it to be Cross, her arms wrapping you in a bear hug.

CROSSBONE: I got you, I got you, it can’t get you if you don’t-
POLKA DOT: I-it got Tim, and Devo, and-
CROSSBONE: It’ll be f-

Drips of tar hit your head, and then Cross’.

Your eyes travel upward.

Your gaze meets the beast’s, looming over you as black sludge drips from an unseen mouth.

You hear the sound of a key being wound.

Cross hears a steady, beeping death knell.

It has you both now.

You wake up clenching the edge of your blanket, caught in a death grip.

Your phone says you’ve got a few hours before work.

Time to wake up and face the day.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
We can't go on this trip. We can't, we just. We can't. But Cross needs to. But if that dream is *anything* to go off of, it'll kill us. Dreams here are often prophetic, right? Even if that particular dream is solely from our own head, we can't just ignore that possibility.

What can we do?

Can we get enough gear to save ourselves? Or would that not be enough?

Or, or... if we bring another person with us besides Cross and Tim and Devo, could we be safe then? Someone strong? Someone who's fought monsters?

Or...fuck, fuck I don't know. We're screwed.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Take a few moments and just breathe. Do something to ground ourselves. Dream's over, everything's fine, we can relax for a bit before work. We could take a warm shower and still have plenty of time to take things slow.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
...would it be weird to plan how to murder a goop monster that might not exist? i think it's definitely something that should be considered. maybe talk with it about the others. though, if i recall right, tar is flammable so...

...perhaps looking for a lighter is in order.
You rub your face against your wing, the panic setting in-

You can’t do this. You just-

The dream’s over.

You still have some time before work.

You take a moment to breathe, getting out of bed slowly and heading for the shower.

The water’s just warm enough, not hot enough to burn- perfect for thinking this through. No panic.

The dream could have been prophetic. That monster could be real, but it also might not actually exist, and you’d be worrying for nothing. Still…planning ahead for it would probably be a good idea. Even if that thing isn’t real, there’s probably shit just as bad.

…tar’s flammable, you think. Could probably get a lighter or something, see what Wanderer thinks about it…and talking with the rest of the group could be good, as well.

You linger a little bit and let the water wash over you, mulling over how you could kill a weird goop beast. The more you do, the more mixed your emotions get- on the one hand, you don’t want to have to fight that thing at all, but on the other…

You’re pretty sure you could, if you were smart about it. You hate remembering anything about the Store, but you know you had a history there, and Cindi’s been saying you’ve improved a lot…

Combat practice would probably be a good idea. There’s gotta be a place where you can get some in…

You walk out to your phone buzzing- looks like you’ve got a text.

[ Cross ]: you up?
Cross ]: i just had the /craziest/ dream!
[Silk Ribbon]: no kidding, me too.
[Silk Ribbon]: did yours involve horrible tar monsters?
Cross ]: huh, no
Cross ]: but it /did/ involve the trip!
Cross ]: i think i understand why i need to do this better, now
Cross ]: i know that its been a hard sell but
Cross ]: i think i get it now.
Cross ]: are you up for me going on a big ramble? you’ve got time before work, right?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Should still be plenty of time, we weren't in the shower that long. What's up?
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
[Silk Ribbon]: yeah, ive got time
[Silk Ribbon]: just got out of the shower
[♥ Cross ♥]: ooh, cute
[♥ Cross ♥]: wish i was there to see~
[♥ Cross ♥]: (after you towel off)
[Silk Ribbon]: hehe…

You can’t help but smile at that- Cross always knows how to cheer you up.[/font][/font]
[♥ Cross ♥]: about the dream, though…
[♥ Cross ♥]: i became a monster again.
[♥ Cross ♥]: but this time, i heard a voice-
[♥ Cross ♥]: they were…teasing me, kind of?
[♥ Cross ♥]: but not in a bad way. they told me that this was a /blessing/, not a curse-
[♥ Cross ♥]: and that it draws out the true version of a person…
[♥ Cross ♥]: up until now…i’ve been thinking that’s what my ghost self is, because i can’t really come to terms with my shell under most circumstances
[♥ Cross ♥]: i can dress it up, i can refresh my paint, but it still feels off to me, especially exposing it…
[♥ Cross ♥]: but as they changed me, i realized-
[♥ Cross ♥]: it’s a mix of both of my bodies, in a way that feels /right/
[♥ Cross ♥]: i felt love
[♥ Cross ♥]: different from what we have, not any better or worse, but
[♥ Cross ♥]: self love, for the first time
[♥ Cross ♥]: like i actually /wanted/ to be seen, even though i was huge, and scary
[♥ Cross ♥]: it was like nothing else ive ever felt
[♥ Cross ♥]: i don’t know, just
[♥ Cross ♥]: am i crazy for wanting that?
[♥ Cross ♥]: for wanting to see if it’s real?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
???how would that be crazy.

like that's really cool! of course you should see if that's real and whatnot!
its not like such opportunities are plentiful and available anywhere.

it'd be a bit silly not to give it a shot.
that's not crazy at all, doll
i hope its just as euphoric irl as its been in your dreams
and i hope everything
i hope everything goes well for us in there

ive been worrying about it, a lot. im not gonna chicken out, but i hope we know what we're getting ourselves into

Thinking over it, lets not send that last one. I don't want to ruin this moment for her.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[Silk Ribbon}: how would that be crazy?
[Silk Ribbon]: it’s a really cool thing! of course you gotta see if it’s real
[Silk Ribbon]: i just hope its as good in real life as it is in your dreams
[♥ Cross ♥]: me too…
[♥ Cross ♥]: i am a bit nervous, but…
[♥ Cross ♥]: more about other people than myself
[♥ Cross ♥]: going alone really isn’t viable, and just the two of us would probably get our shit wrecked
[♥ Cross ♥]: and i do feel pretty bad about dragging some other people into it, when it’s probably really dangerous
[♥ Cross ♥]: …how did asking people go, anyway?

You take a deep breath and rattle off yesterday’s adventures, everything from Wanderer’s advice and bargain to Tim and the party.

[♥ Cross ♥]: hmm okay
[♥ Cross ♥]: so…probably /really/ dangerous, then
[♥ Cross ♥]: shit
[♥ Cross ♥]: i know a place where we can get some weapons training in, at least…
[♥ Cross ♥]: …it’s not exactly advertised outright to people here for safety concerns, but it’s under a partner business of laurie’s jurisdiction. should be safe
[♥ Cross ♥]: i’ve already practiced a lot there with my hatchet, but they’ve also got a firing range that tim could use.
[♥ Cross ♥]: i don’t want to go on this adventure unless we’re /sure/ we’re capable of taking on monsters
[♥ Cross ♥]: though…on the way back, i should be able to protect everyone, provided i /do/ turn into a wild beast!
[♥ Cross ♥]: best not to bank on that, though.
[♥ Cross ♥]: are you going to be okay for the party tonight, though?
[♥ Cross ♥]: i can’t come with even if i /was/ invited, i’ve got a featherweight’s meeting tonight-
[♥ Cross ♥]: but if there’s anything i can sneak over to you before you head out, lemme know
[♥ Cross ♥]: or, yknow, words of advice, support, anything!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
combat prep, sounds like a good idea and...

uhhhh idk what's good for parties?
[Silk Ribbon]: combat prep sounds like a good idea…
[Silk Ribbon]: idk tho, what’s good for parties?
[♥ Cross ♥]: i could give outfit advice, though i’m guessing you’ve got that handled…
[♥ Cross ♥]: oh!
[♥ Cross ♥]: with roulette and devo…be gentle, but realistic
[Silk Ribbon]: huh?
[♥ Cross ♥]: with the whole adventure pitch, i mean
[♥ Cross ♥]: let them know the real dangers here- i wouldn’t want anyone to come along if they’re underprepared
[♥ Cross ♥]: but…if you can, try to pitch it in a way that doesn’t make them want to run for the hills. not sure if that’s even possible, but…
[♥ Cross ♥]: we’re going to do everything we can to keep this from being a suicide mission, and i’ll gladly give up some of my pay, resources, anything in exchange for them tagging along
[♥ Cross ♥]: i don’t expect anyone to want to do this for free…
[♥ Cross ♥]: so! make sure to add that i’m willing to compensate, with anything they want. i could even get them in with a more ideal position with jobs here, considering i have a good reputation here and could vouch for people…
[♥ Cross ♥]: i dunno! do your best!
[Silk Ribbon]: i’ll definitely try…
[♥ Cross ♥]: you can do it!

Your phone buzzes in your hand, and you panic a little as you realize it’s your work alarm.

[Silk Ribbon]: shit okay i gotta get going
[♥ Cross ♥]: okay! be good!

You speedrun getting your outfit on, looking yourself over in the bathroom mirror before heading out.

POLKA DOT: Looking sharp.
Work awaits.

Vine’s really got you busting your ass today, putting you on noodle duty for what feels like the millionth time this month.

VINE: Sorry kid, you’re just the best pasta maker here, and people have been asking when your sauce is coming back.
VINE: …some people said it was too spicy last time, though.

She gestures to the familiar jars of slime, the pantry all for you.

VINE: Let’s make something new. Your choice.
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VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
make plates of spaghetti except PRANK! each plate is made up of one single, continuous noodle that's really long but it's bundled up to look like it's a plateful
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Red plum, roast bell pepper, and red onion sauce. Everything new is- wait, this is just neapolitan sauce!
peanut butter, mint, and chocolate. dessert pasta.
You consider your options. None of the slime stands out to you at first, and Vine can clearly tell you’re zoning the fuck out.

VINE: You okay there, Ribbon?
POLKA DOT: …pizza…bagels.
VINE: …huh?
POLKA DOT: I want to put pizza bagels on the pasta.
VINE: …try again. You might get rave reviews, but I’m not letting you get away with that.
POLKA DOT: Maybe, uh…

Shit, all of your ideas are weird. This forest trip’s got your mind all scrambled.

You reach for some brown slime, one jar of dark, one of light.

POLKA DOT: Dessert pasta.
VINE: …go on.
POLKA DOT: Peanut butter. Chocolate.

Balancing the jars in one wing, you reach for a little container of green glitter.

VINE: You want to put all of that on pasta.
POLKA DOT: …yes.
VINE: …how bad did Wanderer scare you yesterday?

Her voice has nothing but concern in it, and she slowly starts taking the jars away from you.

VINE: Your head’s not in it, kid…
VINE: Maybe today’s not the day to go all in on new things.
POLKA DOT: I want to!
VINE: I know, I know you do, but-
VINE: I can take one look at you and see that you’re all over the place.

The dismayed look on your face makes her sigh, and she slowly starts placing the jars back in your arms.

VINE: Fine…giving me the sad eyes is cheating…
VINE: But I’m advertising it under dessert. I’m not going to sell people this as an entree.
VINE: With any luck, the noodle dough will turn into something more like a pastry intent-wise by the time it’s out the door…

You brighten back up immediately, a grin crossing your face.

POLKA DOT: Thanks, Vine.
VINE: I mean…
VINE: It’ll help you feel a bit better to play around, right?
VINE: I know you like to experiment.
VINE: Just be careful not to go too hard.
POLKA DOT: You got it.
Your first attempts at the dessert pasta come out…well….
Not great. Vine makes a bit of a face at you when she tries them, her muzzle scrunching up.

VINE: Try again. Less mint.
VINE: And, uh, remember, pastry feelings. On the noodles.
VINE: Please.

It takes some concentration to actually get the noodles tasting like soft, flaky pastry- but you somehow manage it after what feels like ages.

VINE: …that actually works, yeah.
VINE: I wouldn’t call it pasta when you’ve got the pastry illusion going on for the dough, but it’ll work as a novelty gimmick.
POLKA DOT: You think so?
VINE: Yeah, I do. It’s good.
VINE: Shows that I should have more trust in you, Ribbon.

She smiles with her eyes, and you take that warm, proud feeling in.

VINE: You’ve definitely proved it.
Your shift passes without much fanfare, but getting into the rhythm of shaping dough into noodles and covering them with thin layers of slime helps you not think about what’s to come. You really have come into loving making food, and even with it being hard work, it’s something you look forward to every day.

When you tell Vine this on your break, she says a lot of toys in this city don’t have that kind of option, even if they should. That it’s one of the reasons why Laurie’s needs protecting, that this kind of space is a haven of sorts, at least for the people who need it.

The longer you stay here, the more you find yourself agreeing.

…you hope that this trip isn’t going to take too long.

You get off work at eight, right on time- but at this point, late for the party. Speeding back to your room, your nerves are starting to set in….you try to tell yourself you’ve got this, but god, it’s scary.

You whip open your slowly growing closet.

You don’t have a lot of options, here. You have:

-the casual outfit Laurie gave you, complete with skirt and lacy top- you’re wearing it now, actually, but it didn’t get dirty during your shift.
-your sleeping gown? It’s here, in any case.
-the sexy outfit you got for the party a month ago- too much, or just enough? Tim didn’t exactly specify a dress code.
-a simple dress Cross made for you- it’s black, has scalloped lace edges, and sports a little skull charm on the chest.

What do you wear?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
wear Cross's dress, soak in the gay moral support via osmosis. with your powers combined, you can do this!
the cross dress seems like a good pick. skulls are cool for parties
It’s a no brainer….you grab the dress cross made you, stripping down and getting yourself all gayed up.

POLKA DOT: The power of cute girls will get me through this…
Tim’s sent you the address on your phone, and as you hit the cold night air, you can’t help but feel a bit on edge. You haven’t been out this late by yourself since the night you got here, and even then, it wasn’t this dark. The streets are lit with buzzing plastic lampposts, but it still feels…oppressive.

You really wish you could be walking with someone right now.

Every step feels more nerve wracking, but soon enough, you start seeing landmarks- each one easing the tension. You’re still getting used to how travel works even a month later…but you have the party’s location locked down in your head, your mind latching onto it with a death grip.

You stop walking once you arrive at a house matching Tim’s description- a compact, modern dollhouse with white trim. It’s a lot brighter than the surrounding square buildings, but you figure that’s a blessing in your case- easier to find.

As you approach the front steps, you can hear music inside…another good sign.

You ring the doorbell with just a bit of hesitance, standing there and feeling more than a little awkward.

The toy that answers the door is green and blue, made of a matte vinyl and sporting brushable hair. You can’t exactly parse what kind of animal they are, but they have a warm smile and fluttering, painted on lashes.

????: Can I help you?
POLKA DOT: I’m, uh-
POLKA DOT: Here for the party?

You quickly bring up your text messages, double checking the details Tim sent.

POLKA DOT: Mi..asma’s party?
????: That’s me! Cmon in!

Miasma steps aside, their glittering outfit giving off all kinds of sparkles in the low, colored lighting. You cross the threshold and blink, taking it in- there are a lot of toys here, most of them dancing or talking.

MIASMA: Take a load off, make yourself at home-
MIASMA: Drinks and food are in the kitchen, but if you make a mess, clean it up!
POLKA DOT: Y-yeah. Got it.

You stumble around at first, getting your bearings… people bump into you easily, and you find yourself scooting off to the sidelines before too long.

You nearly jump out of your skin when a hand rests on your shoulder.

TIMOTHY: O-oop! Sorry!
You whip around, relieved that it’s someone familiar. Tim’s in there in his casual outfit, just a shirt and shorts, while Devo’s sporting a pair of gym shorts and a low hanging sweater.

POLKA DOT: F-fuck’s sake, Tim!
TIMOTHY: Sorry! Sorry, just-
TIMOTHY: We were wondering when you were going to show up….
DEVO: We’re, uh, glad you could make it.

The bear looks a little awkward, clearly not used to talking to you at all.

DEVO: …Yeah.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
so how's stuff going so far?  is the party, partyriffic?
Would it be a bad idea to get a few drinks? Might help take the edge off for me, but I don't wanna get lost getting home. Not sure, uh, what else you do at events like these? Seems a bit more lowkey than the parties at Laurie's - almost afraid I overdressed, haha.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: So…how’s stuff going so far?
POLKA DOT: Everything going, uh…party-riffic?

Devo can’t help but snort at your little goof, but he doesn’t seem meanspirited about it, at least.

DEVO: It’s okay…
DEVO: Roulette went off to go socialize, I think.
DEVO: …I don’t know where it went, but I don’t think it left.
DEVO: Tim and I have been hanging out and talking, there’s a good corner to sit in and chat.
TIMOTHY: We might dance a little, later! If you want to join us!
DEVO: …not too much, though. I want to make it home.
TIMOTHY: Hmm…maybe we could just jam out on a couch, then.

The bear smiles with his eyes at that, closing them and nodding.

DEVO: That sounds a lot more doable…less exciting, but more doable.
Remembering you’re there, Devo startles out of his thoughts.

DEVO: A-anyway, not much has happened yet.
TIMOTHY: You haven’t missed much, but that’s okay!
TIMOTHY: I’m just glad you’re here.
POLKA DOT: Glad to be here…
POLKA DOT: Would it be a bad idea to get a few drinks? Or something?
TIMOTHY: Oh, drinks? They’ve got some soda in the kitchen-
DEVO: I think she means alcohol.
TIMOTHY: Uh, I’m not sure. I think it’s just soda cans for safety reasons.
DEVO: Laurie would probably pitch a fit if anyone spiked a drink…
POLKA DOT: Fair enough, just…
POLKA DOT: Wanna take the edge off.
TIMOTHY: Let’s try heading over to that corner I mentioned! Get you eased in…

Tim starts walking, leading both you and Devo into a room to the side, gesturing to some floor pillows. Everybody flops down and gets comfy, and you’re surprised at how nice it feels from the get go.

POLKA DOT: …these are pretty good pillows.
DEVO: Miasma has in’s with manufacturers from other settlements, is what I heard.
DEVO: Better quality stuff, better prices…but it has to be taken across the wilds.
DEVO: No idea what they actually do to get the funds for that, but it’s how Laurie helps supply his doctor partnerships.
DEVO: …I’ve looked into it a bit.
TIMOTHY: They seem like a cool person…kind of intimidating, but in a very…friendly way.
TIMOTHY: I saw them spend the first hour just walking around and checking on people…I guess that makes them a good host, at least…

There’s quiet as Tim trails off, awkwardness filling the air.

TIMOTHY: You and Devo haven’t really met before, right?
DEVO: Nope…but I’m, uh, glad to.
DEVO: I want to get to know my boyfriend’s best friend, if possible.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Oh Tim, Timothy, T-man. Best Friend? You honor me.

I'm just a goofy gay duck, not much to tell. Hobbies include sewing. That's it thats the one. I like reading, but that ain't a hobby, that's like saying you like tv.

I do pretty well as a chef, or cook, or whatever. Not sure I'd call it a hobby, work life balance and all that.

What do people tell people about themselves other than their job and hobbies?
"Oh, I'm just... Me, I guess. I haven't really been around long enough to get, like... much more than a few hobbies I like. I like sewing, I like swimming, I work as a chef at Laurie's... that's about it, really!"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Oh, he considers me his best friend? ...Real glad to hear it.

Has he told you anything embarrassing?

(A sly grin crosses her face.)

Ah gee, he probably has. I'm mortified. Did he tell you about the time I got caught naked in the pool?

Want raunchy or anything, just. You can't really swim with these sorta clothes on.

Uh but yeah, I like designing as hobby, when I can. And I like cooking when I can't. I like creating things - new designs, me recipes, taking what anyway exists and really making it my own. Makes me feel fulfilled and shit. How about you?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: …Best friend?
You can’t help but grin, giving Tim a nudge with your elbow.

TIMOTHY: I mean, yeah!
TIMOTHY: I know you’ve always got my back…
POLKA DOT: ‘Course I do, but it’s still nice to hear it.
POLKA DOT: I guess, uh…
POLKA DOT: There’s not a whole lot to tell. I’m just me.
POLKA DOT: I work as a chef at Laurie’s, I like to sew and design clothes, uh…
POLKA DOT: What about you?
DEVO: Well…
DEVO: I don’t really know what to say about myself either.
DEVO: Kinda spent a lot of time wandering around, no real time for self exploration or anything like that…
DEVO: So I guess I spend most of my time reading about stuff when I’m not doing errands around Laurie’s.
DEVO: That, and watching movies…I’m…pretty boring.
TIMOTHY: That’s fun stuff, though!
DEVO: Yeah…someday I wonder if I could make my own stuff, but I’m not even sure what medium it’d be in, let alone what the focus would be.
DEVO: …Tim and I have discussed maybe trying out playroom demonstrations, though. That’s kind of creative, I think.
DEVO: Not sure if that’s weird to bring up, but full time errand work hasn’t been great for my health, and while it can be more intensive, I think doing occasional shows versus working every day might make it worth it…
DEVO: …can’t tell if that’s a good reason to do it, though.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Hey, whatever works for you. If you find you're uncomfortable with it after, you can always stop, right? Not like Laurie's forces you into a contract or anything.

...I could make you outfits. Raunchy ones. If you wanted them, for that.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Hey, whatever works, right?
POLKA DOT: Laurie’s not gonna force you into doing it if you ever wanted to stop.
DEVO: Yeah…that kind of security really helps me feel…okay about it.
DEVO: If it weren’t for all the rules this place has, and the fact that there’s, yknow, a proper blacklist…
DEVO: I wouldn’t even think of doing it.

Quiet seeps back in, and you think of something to say…

POLKA DOT: …yknow, I could probably make you outfits for that.
POLKA DOT: Like, for shows and stuff. If you wanted that.
DEVO: Huh, really? I mean…
DEVO: That’d be really great, honestly.

He raises a paw up to his shoulder, tapping a strap sticking out from under his sweater.

DEVO: I’ve been experimenting with, uh, bras. That hold everything inside in a certain way.
DEVO: Gives me more of a chest, yknow?
DEVO: If I could have more revealing outfits that actually incorporate that, it’d be awesome.
DEVO: All I have right now is the bodysuit I got for Tim and I’s party and a couple bras to switch out every so often, but everything else that I’ve seen with this kind of feature is way too expensive for me at the moment.
DEVO: …would be nice, to have some help with that.
POLKA DOT: Consider me your tailor, then.
POLKA DOT: I might have to look shit up on how to do it, but…
POLKA DOT: Yeah, I’m down for that.

Devo gives you a warm look, his enthusiasm at getting to potentially have that cutting through his overall tired vibes.

DEVO: Thanks in advance, then.
DEVO: We can meet up and talk stuff over some time…
DEVO: How can I repay the favor?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
oh nothing much, just come with me on a deadly mission to turn my friend who is a girl into a giant monster.

I mean I did want to ask you about that, but I don't want to play the trading favors game. I do nice things for my friends because I like doing nice things. they can do nice things for me too but I'm not gonna bother keeping score.(also if we were playing the favors game it'd be like trying to buy a solid gold toilet with a single penny.)
there's no need to repay the favor.

on an unrelated note, are you a fan of cursed death woods?
You wouldn't owe me anything, don't worry. Save for maybe the cost for supplies if you wanted, but I've got a pretty good stock of fabric now.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Eh, you don’t owe me anything.
POLKA DOT: At most, I’d want to have the cost of supplies paid for, but I’ve got a good stock at this point…
DEVO: If you’re sure…
DEVO: It’s just, I know it’s a big deal.
DEVO: …thank you. Again.
POLKA DOT: …there was something I wanted to ask, though.
POLKA DOT: Unrelated to this, it’s not a favor so much as…I don’t know what to call it.
DEVO: Tim did mention you having something to talk with me about.
DEVO: …is everything okay?

Tim gives you an encouraging look, which somehow just makes this harder.

POLKA DOT: My friend, Willow-
DEVO: The virtual pet, right?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, her…
POLKA DOT: She keeps…having these weird dreams, of going out somewhere dangerous and having herself changed into a monster.
DEVO: …uh huh.
POLKA DOT: She…wants to go there in person.
POLKA DOT: But we can’t go without a full party of people.
DEVO: And you want me to come.
POLKA DOT: …yes. Yeah.

You go into the whole thing all over again, trying not to leave out any detail. The bean bear listens, not turning his gaze away from you for a second.

When you're done, Devo crosses his arms and closes his eyes, leaning against the wall.

TIMOTHY: You don’t have t-
DEVO: I’m thinking.
DEVO: Tim, let me think.

The silence among your group just allows the rest of the party’s noise to edge in, somehow more ominous than comforting.

DEVO: …Tim’s going, isn’t he?
POLKA DOT: …yep.
DEVO: Hmmmgh…
DEVO: It’s a hard call.
DEVO: I want to support Tim here, and I love him a lot…
DEVO: But you taking me on this adventure, uh…
DEVO: It might be less of an advantage than you think.
DEVO: I’ve been practicing my knife skills, but my body is super weak.
DEVO: If you take me along, the journey’ll be a lot longer, because we’ll have to rest more.
DEVO: And there may be times where people need to bail my ass out.
DEVO: I got a cane recently for longer walks, but it’s not going to be enough to keep me up to speed with the average toy.
DEVO: I’m willing to do it, on two conditions.
DEVO: No, three.
DEVO: One: you’re willing to put up with me and my hell body without yelling or giving me shit over it.
DEVO: Two: you keep your promise on teaching Tim how to sew, and do it before we leave.
DEVO: And three…
DEVO: You somehow convince Roulette to come too.
DEVO: …I don’t want to leave it alone here.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Of course. All of that is completely reasonable.
If you're up for it, we'll make whatever accommodations. Just let us know.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: All that sounds good to me, just, uh, let me know if you need anything.
DEVO: I’ll try not to be too much of a bothe-
TIMOTHY: …there’s a problem, though.

Both you and Devo turn to face Tim, whose brow is furrowed and scrunched.

TIMOTHY: I…have only really talked to Roulette once, and never one on one, but…
TIMOTHY: I don’t think it’s going to want to go, if that’s your take on it.
DEVO: …why not?
TIMOTHY: Well…think about it.
TIMOTHY: It looks out for you, and if we go by this, if it doesn’t go, you don’t go, and you stay safer.
DEVO: …I can take care of myself.
DEVO: I just don’t want it to-

He shakes his head and lets it hang, stopping himself from finishing that thought.

DEVO: I just don’t want to leave it by itself.
DEVO: We’ve been through a lot together.
DEVO: I…don’t want to throw that all away.

You’re not entirely sure what he means by that, but…

POLKA DOT: So…what do we do, then?
TIMOTHY: You could-

Devo looks back up at you with newfound conviction, the intensity in his eyes scaring you a little.

DEVO: Tell it that I’m going.
DEVO: I want to help Tim out, and…
DEVO: This could be good for Roulette, too.
DEVO: So, just tell it I’m going. It’ll come.
TIMOTHY: Are you sure, Devo?
TIMOTHY: You don’t have to-
DEVO: Tim, all I’m doing here is running errands and reading horny books, and while I love Laurie’s, I want to try actually making something out of my life.
DEVO: …I don’t know what that something is, but the way I see it, maybe a journey to some sort of hell forest will help me out.
DEVO: At minimum, I’d be helping your friend Willow, and spending time with you.

He glances over to you.

DEVO: And if I’m lucky, I’ll come out of it with some new friends for both me and Roulette.
DEVO: …besides, elections are coming up, and I’m sick of seeing campaign ads on TV.
DEVO: I don’t want to be around when that choice gets made, now that I have the option.

Tim immediately shuts up.

DEVO: …So, yeah, I’ll go.
DEVO: You got that?
POLKA DOT: …yep.
DEVO: Just make sure to tell Roulette.

Everything’s all awkward now, up until the point where Devo speaks again.

DEVO: But…now that we’re going on an incredibly dangerous adventure together…
DEVO: I guess if there’s anything you want to know about in advance, ask away.
DEVO: Soothe any worries you’ve got over taking me along, etc.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Plan your pitch to Roulette, you're going to need to prepare for a possible argument.
POLKA DOT: Well….I should probably plan my pitch to Roulette, right?
POLKA DOT: Like, what if there’s an argument?
DEVO: Eh…I don’t think there will be.
DEVO: I think it might be a bit spooked by the idea, but if it knows I’ve decided to go, I’m guessing it’ll be more inclined to go.
DEVO: Still…planning could be good.
POLKA DOT: Anything that’d be good for me to know, then?
POLKA DOT: I want this to go well, so…
DEVO: Roulette is…I think people think it’s grumpy, or something, but it’s really not that.
DEVO: I don’t really know how I’d describe it, but unless it outright tells you that it’s upset with you, try not to assume.
DEVO: …that said, it’s kind of bad at telling people when it needs something one way or the other, so…just…ask if you’re unsure, I guess?
DEVO: I don’t think it likes when things get too personal, but that could be just my experience.
DEVO: But…don’t treat it like a business meeting or anything, yknow?
DEVO: Just treat Roulette like a person.
POLKA DOT: So…be chill about it, ask questions if I can’t read what it’s thinking, don’t assume it’s mad at me?
DEVO: Yeah, that’s a start.
DEVO: Oh, uh…
DEVO: If it starts asking about my safety, tell it that Tim’s going to sew me up.
DEVO: …it’ll know what I mean.
DEVO: And! Possibly the most important thing, actually-
DEVO: You probably need to like. Initiate and drive the conversation.
DEVO: It’s been…reclusive, lately.

The bear sighs, his shoulders hanging.

DEVO: I don’t know why and it won’t tell me.
DEVO: Something like this adventure could be really good for it, but…
DEVO: It’s probably not going to small talk right now.
DEVO: Don’t talk over it or anything, but just know that it’s not all that chatty unless prompted.
POLKA DOT: I think I got that…
POLKA DOT: Anything else?
DEVO: Should be good, at least off the top of my head.
DEVO: …if it doesn’t want to go, even if you say I’m going, don’t press the issue. I’ll just back out of the trip.
DEVO: I just…don’t want it to be alone.
POLKA DOT: Well…hopefully it all works from here.

Tim makes a throat clearing sound, looking more than a little nervous.

TIMOTHY: Actually, uh…can I talk to you a bit, Devo?
DEVO: Oh, uh, sure.
DEVO: You should go enjoy the party a bit, Ribbon.
DEVO: Plenty to do, right?

You get up slowly, stretching out.

TIMOTHY: I’ll text you when we’re all done, okay?
POLKA DOT: Works for me…

Well, you’ve got a whole party to look around now. There’s people talking, people dancing, people watching some kind of sports on the TV, people gathering in the kitchen…

What do you do?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
If Roulette is as reclusive as Devo says, it probably won't be participating in any of the main festivities. Check the corners of rooms or other quiet places.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Well…if Roulette is as reclusive as Devo’s saying it is…

You should probably take a look around for some quiet places, little spots where there’s less action going on.

You start wandering around through the throngs of people, trying not to get your flippers stepped on as you do- there’s a lot going on.

The noise starts to pound in your head.

A back corner, behind the kitchen.
A...second living room. You think anyway. People are laughing and yelling.

You forget about Roulette.
You realize you’re looking forward to finding a quiet spot for your own sanity.

Outside in the backyard.
It's loud here, too; there's speakers here, synced up with the ones inside.
How is it so Loud out here, too?

There’s just…people.
And the longer you’re aimlessly bumbling around, the less you believe that such a place could even exist.

You’re just about to give up hope until someone bumps into you, nudging you into something hard-

A banister, a staircase leading up to a second level.


You’ve been here before-
It feels like you must have, at least-

You take a step up, and then another.

As the music fades into a pulsing beat, it sinks in.

You remember the lights.
The noise.

You remember it was more bearable up above. ...You think.

There’s a door at the top of the stairs.

You raise your wing to turn the knob, but as you grip it between your pseudo-fingers, you hesitate.

Anything could be behind this door.

Playing into the hand you're dealt. Again.
What horror do you have to face now?
What's going to come crawling back into your head this time?
Was this all just a setup from the narrative to get you Here? Right Here?

And yet-

...You can't take the noise anymore.

You open it, slowly.

It's a bedroom.

A big bed.

There's something on the opposite side.
Junk, you think.
A heap of scraps someone had left-

It moves.


The camera's aperture looks in your direction,
then resumes staring at the ceiling.
Its electronic voice rolls out; slower and quieter than usual.

ROULETTE: ...Did you need to use this room?
A pause.

ROULETTE: ...I can leave.
It doesn't move to get up, though.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Hey Roulette! I could use this room yes, that party is

Fairly overwhelming to put it lightly, which uhhh we seem to be in agreement about. But you don't need to leave, I was actually looking for you. Both at the behest of Devo and myself: I had a question, and Devo wanted to pass along a message related to that question. (Explain Situation)

... We'd love to have you along Roulette. I don't know what your situation is, and you only have to tell me if you absolutely want to but
And this is 100% a hunch, but I wonder if Willow isn't going to be the only one who has something positive and life changing happen on this trip
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
POLKA DOT: Hey, uh-
POLKA DOT: I could use the room, the party is…overwhelming.
POLKA DOT: But I actually, uh…
POLKA DOT: I was looking for you. Yeah.

You can faintly tell that Roulette looks in your direction, difficult to discern in the dark room.

It says nothing for the moment, though.

You hear a click from the corner.

A quiet whirring noise.
You'd mistaken it for Roulette's internal fans, but, it's-
a standing fan in the corner, clicking as it switches direction.

You can only see it in pieces,
cut apart by the faint orange-yellow sifting through the blinds at the window.

ROULETTE: ...did something happen?
It finally responds.

POLKA DOT: Sort of? Not really? Uh...
POLKA DOT: I have a request, from, like, both me and Devo.
POLKA DOT: It's kind of complicated, though.

It leans its head back a little more, its movements sluggish.

ROULETTE: ...I can go back down to the party, if he's wanting that.
ROULETTE: I only needed some quiet, for a little while.
POLKA DOT: Nah, it wasn't that...
POLKA DOT: Just...
POLKA DOT: I'm going on an adventure soon. Like, out of the city.
POLKA DOT: It's for my friend, Willow...
POLKA DOT: And we need an adventuring party to like. Ensure safety.
POLKA DOT: Tim asked Devo to come along, and we thought we'd invite you as well.
POLKA DOT: I know we don't...know each other well, but I think you'd be good for it.

The robot glances over at you, the emotions of its expression impossible to discern.

ROULETTE: ...why...?
POLKA DOT: I mean, uh- have no idea if you should mention the dream.

POLKA DOT: You seem like you'd be reliable in a fight-
POLKA DOT: And from what I can tell, Devo vouches for you pretty hard.
POLKA DOT: I don't know him well either, but I know Tim, and Tim trusts Devo, and Devo trusts you, so...
POLKA DOT: Logic, I guess?
ROULETTE: What...kind of fighting?
ROULETTE: Is it dangerous?
POLKA DOT: ...potentially very dangerous, yeah.
POLKA DOT: I can hold my own, but somebody who knows a lot about the world out there told us there's monsters on the way, ones based on fears and...
POLKA DOT: The destination itself isn't safe, either.
POLKA DOT:'s a lot to ask.
ROULETTE: And Devo's going?
ROULETTE: are absolutely positive that he's coming along?
POLKA DOT: ...yep.

Roulette puts one of its claws over its lens.

Its internal fans become audible, hardly, mixing with the white noise from the stand-up fan as it clicks again.

ROULETTE: If...he's adamant, then-

The robot goes dead silent.

Its cooling system whirrs louder.

ROULETTE: ...I can...go.
ROULETTE: ...but I don't believe this is a good idea.

You're quiet for a few moments, trying to think of what to say as you sit on the opposite edge of the bed.

POLKA DOT: I' my own doubts, honestly.
POLKA DOT: It sounds terrifying, and I'm scared I'm gonna eat shit somehow.
POLKA DOT: ...but this is something my part- friend really needs, I guess.
ROULETTE: This is not about me.
ROULETTE: ...I don't want Devo, or anyone else, getting hurt.
ROULETTE: ...And I owe you.
POLKA DOT: Hold up-
POLKA DOT: Owe me? For what?

A long pause.

ROULETTE: This past month...

It moves its claw, looking up at the ceiling.

ROULETTE: ...The narrative has thrust you into my life in...inconvenient and - I'm sure - uncomfortable ways.
ROULETTE: It wasn't your choice to get involved with me; it wasn't your fault that you witnessed what you did.
ROULETTE: ...I try to make as few waves as possible, for everyone else here.
ROULETTE: I do not want this to be a persistent pattern.
ROULETTE: Whether it's you, or anyone else: No one deserves to be caught up with-


ROULETTE: presence in the lives of others should be a choice.
ROULETTE: Not one forced on anyone else, at any point.
ROULETTE: Whether through circumstance, or the narrative.

ROULETTE: ...For my involvement in that, especially for speaking with you directly-
ROULETTE: -I apologize.
ROULETTE:, I owe you.
ROULETTE: I can go with you.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
That's bullshit. sorry, but what the fuck kinda mobius strip logic is that? the narritive will do what it wants, we also do what we want. sure the narrative puts us in a place, but as far as I know, it doesn't mind control us. I saw you getting harrassed. I had a choice, and it was a damn easy one. but I still had it and you, personally, have like, negative blame because you were being harassed!

And talking to me? jeez you are allowed to talk to your coworkers. you're allowed to talk to the friends of your friends, you're allowed to just. talk to people if they want to talk. I get wanting to keep your head down, you don't want to get hurt. But circumstance isn't something that's anyone's fault, except the nebulous entity that likes stories I guess. BUT absolutely not YOUR FAULT. You don't owe me a damn thing.

As much as I want this to work out, I want you to come because you have good reasons. not because you 'owe me'

and if you're really worried about having a choice in this, about your involvement with other people how about this? want to be friends? open offer no strings attached, no penalties for saying no.
It's greatly appreciated that you'll be along, as it improves everyone's safety but really.

No apologies are necessary. (If they are, then, you're owed one too.) It's not your choice either. Unless you're secretly the narrative or something.
Something about what Roulette says just…

Gets to you.

POLKA DOT: I mean, I appreciate you coming along- it’ll help everybody stay safe.
POLKA DOT: But…that whole “being forced to be around you” thing…
POLKA DOT: That’s bullshit.

The robot's camera swings over in your direction.

POLKA DOT: The narrative does what it wants! And we do what we wanna do.
POLKA DOT: It goes ahead and shoves us places, but last time I checked, it’s not, like…mind controlling me to be around you.
POLKA DOT: I saw you getting harassed, I made the call to report it.
POLKA DOT: Easy choice, too- but it wasn’t me being forced into it.
POLKA DOT: You have like, negative blame here.
ROULETTE: That isn't-

Its fans whir up, faster and faster.

ROULETTE:'re wrong.
POLKA DOT: ...wrong? How is saying you don't deserve to get creeped on wrong?
ROULETTE: It was Not-

Roulette's motors go into overdrive, fans becoming louder than you've ever heard them.

ROULETTE: Sorry, but in no way do I have negative blame.
ROULETTE: It isn't only about the incident in the hallway, but I can start there as an example-

It sits up perfectly straight, staring straight at you.

ROULETTE: Back in the hallway:  You saw what I had on, correct?
ROULETTE: Wearing that was my choice.
ROULETTE: I happened to have the...moronic train of thought that a SUIT such as that would somehow prevent me from standing out.
ROULETTE: That I would only be thought of as an employee of some sort; only there to help, not 'available' for anything else in any sense.

ROULETTE: And that is exactly what happened:  Those three more than likely thought I was a Performer.
ROULETTE: That I was here for Them. To further entertain, or what-have-you.
ROULETTE: So, because of My choice, they got a little over-zealous.
ROULETTE: I am not going to defend what happened.
ROULETTE: It wasn't alright for them to do what they did. Not at all.
ROULETTE: But it was - in my mind - a minor offence; a mistake made - again - because of the outfit I Chose To Wear.

ROULETTE: Now the three of them are banned from Laurie's.

ROULETTE: I am not going to pretend that I know them.
ROULETTE: It's highly possible they would've been banned no matter what happened with me.
ROULETTE: But I can't Know that.

ROULETTE: All I know is that the three of them were kicked out because of me.
ROULETTE: Because I was there; because I made the decisions I made.

ROULETTE: So how exactly can I say there is No Blame where I'm concerned?

By this point, smoke is beginning to funnel from exhaust ports on the back of Roulette's head.

ROULETTE: And that is hardly the only issue!
ROULETTE: I haven't stopped screwing up since I arrived at Laurie's.
ROULETTE: I've caused issues for Vine, Laurie, and You; not to mention Devo.
ROULETTE: And I already had a track record of making trouble for others before I ever arrived here.

It shakes its head and lays back down on the bed, clutching its temple with a claw, resuming staring through the skylight.

ROULETTE: ...I cannot keep doing this to people.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
um. i mean this in the best way possible? but i disagree with you. i highly doubt you have fault in that like. no matter what's someone is wearing you shouldnt be a jackass to them. while theres no, context for the other stuff. from what i can tell you've? done nothing objectionable or wrong. like. your existence, isnt something to apologize for????????

i dont really know what else to do than, offer condolences and doubt that it has done anything objectionable based on whats known so far.
that's the standard you hold yourself to?? if you saw that happen to someone else, would you be blaming them for picking their outfit, or is that an arbitrary burden of responsibility you only place on yourself?
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
You press your wing-hands together, trying to figure out the best way to put this.

POLKA DOT: Well…I mean..
POLKA DOT: I mean this in the best way possible. Swear to god.
POLKA DOT: But I disagree with you pretty hard there.

Roulette is still rubbing its temple.

ROULETTE: ...I am...Sure that you do, and that's alright.
ROULETTE: But it does not change my feelings on this.
POLKA DOT: No matter what somebody's wearing, that doesn't make it okay for somebody to be a jackass to them.
POLKA DOT: If you saw somebody else get harassed like that, in the same exact clothes, would you blame it on what they had on?

You hesitate, your voice going quiet.

POLKA DOT: Is it just...
POLKA DOT: Something you're holding against yourself.
ROULETTE: ...Of course I wouldn't judge anyone else for that.
ROULETTE: And it isn't...about an outfit, making-

There's a slight grinding noise coming from the robot's head,
internal fans chugging as smoke puffs out in small bursts.

ROULETTE: -out m-
ROULETTE: -y actions, and mine alone.
ROULETTE: That's the Only Reason I can judge them.
ROULETTE: Because they were my actions.

ROULETTE: And these are...highly specific circumstances-
ROULETTE: The outfit in question - in my opinion - caused them to think I was a member of staff who had come for that sort of thing specifically.
ROULETTE: An entirely separate context from-

Its fans spin up too hot again, that same grinding noise repeating.


ROULETTE: doesn't-
ROULETTE: It's...fine.
POLKA DOT: ...I...still disagree, but...
POLKA DOT: I don't know about the other stuff you're holding against yourself, either.
POLKA DOT: With Devo, Vine, anybody...
POLKA DOT: From what I can tell? You haven't done anything wrong.

You take a deep breath.

POLKA DOT: Your existence isn't something to apologize for.
POLKA DOT: Not now, or ever.
POLKA DOT: ...that's how I see it right now, anyway.

It takes some time to respond again at all,
the bot's head making all sorts of noises - at points looking like Roulette is entirely unresponsive.
You're not even particularly sure it heard what you said.

It comes to eventually, though, slowly but surely.

ROULETTE: apologize-
ROULETTE: -I...should, not have...brought this up.
ROULETTE: This is...not your problem.
ROULETTE: The kind words are appreciated.

ROULETTE: Even if I, still can't...say that I agree.

Its lens focuses over on you.
The aperture itself is lower than it usually tends to be, and somehow spread wider as well.
You pick up, for one of the first times, on the complex facial expression being conveyed:  Despondency, guilt, and a marked vulnerability.

Roulette's voice is faint,
and an unsteady wavering is only just noticeable, purely due to the stark contrast between its normal speech patterns.

ROULETTE: ...there are things, you do not know about me...
ROULETTE: ...I haven't...told Anyone...I can't.
ROULETTE: you...cannot...assume the kind of person, that I am...

Its eye clamps shut. Roulette gently grips the bed and hangs it head in front of you.

ROULETTE: don't-
ROULETTE: one- no one here, really knows me...not even Devo.

You take it all in.

POLKA DOT: ...I...can kind of relate, there…
Roulette's claw returns to its forehead,
the bot not raising its head back up.

You're not sure it heard you.
...Or if it did, you're not sure it took you seriously.
You think about the Toy Store.
You relate to what it's saying more than you've let on.

...You could talk about it.

But you aren't sure you Should.
Or what exactly you would share if you did, and what you Wouldn't.

You could also sugarcoat it.
Or make something fake up instead, not get into it at all.

You wish it was easier, to know what to say.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
It seems a bit overwhelmed right now, to say the least. I don't think pushing this topic any further would be worth the stress it would cause Roulette. I do think the way it's approaching this situation is less than healthy, but it's not worth getting it all riled up right now. We can wait for it to calm down and discuss it later.

It already agreed to go with us to the forest, so let's try and just... bring the topic down a couple notches.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Keep things simple and digestible for now, complicating matters will be tricky for the rest of the task ahead.

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