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[TOY] Plaything
Falling is always a start that can happen.

Concepts: Getting Lost, The Cyclical Tendencies of Life, Familiar Things You've Never Actually Seen
Reply (music for inspo)

We're determined. We have a bat in our grasp, surrounded by faint and wispy pink and yellow mists. We're standing on a tower, metallic, thin, and circular, with only enough room for us to stand. There is nowhere to go. There is nowhere we need to be more. And a meteor is coming straight for us. We ready the bat.

Concepts? Making Amends. Making things Worse. Not being able to tell the difference.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
It’s quiet at first, but you can tell something’s wrong.

The feeling only grows worse as you hear it, distant but echoing-

A key being wound, pauses in between the sounds of something tightening.

That was the sound before the chaos came.

Your line of sight travels upwards, and you see it break through the mess of pink and yellow clouds as the winding stops, a consistent whirring whine replacing it- a meteor, with a slowly-spinning key protruding from its back.

You don’t have anywhere to move. You barely fit on this pillar.

A pillar which extends so far into the sky,
you can't see anywhere close to the ground from atop it.

There's no room to even adjust your footing beyond assuming a batter’s pose, swallowing as you feel your flippers close to the edge.

This is it.

You have to end this.

but where did it start?

Laughter, familiar. A whirring sound and a hearty chuckle- your two best friends. One a mentor, the other something more.

SANDY: …we really scored today, huh?
????: Yeah, can’t believe how good we got it!
????: Isn’t that right, Polly?

You can’t remember their name.

A pause in the whirr.

????: Cmon, Polly, don’t you think we did good?
????: I thought you’d be happy to find new clothes. You keep going on about them.
POLKA DOT: I…we were too close to-

The whirring becomes overpowering, a metallic whine piercing your ears and clouding your own voice.

????: Huh.
????: Guess I never pegged you as a worrywart.
????: Silly Polly….

The key winds, tightening.

SANDY: ...I didn't see you take that bag, actually.
SANDY: Did you pick it up right before we left? It doesn't even look scuffed.
The scene changes.

Dim, vertical bars of light shine throughout the makeshift shelter,
cutting between the strips of corduroy cloth.

A wind-up key turns and turns in front of you,
as you follow them along,
to a blanket on the floor.

A toy.


You don't know the kind.

And it's dark in here.

They reach for your wrist with their clamping hands, guiding you forward.

When they speak, it's a breathy whisper that distorts and changes on every word, gentle at first.

????: You ready for this?
POLKA DOT: I...I don't know.
????: Cmon, yknow we have to...
????: You can't back out on me now.
????: You've already come so far.
POLKA DOT: W-why can't you do it?
????: I've already got three kills under my belt this week.
????: You have one.
????: We'll never reach a hundred at this rate, and I don't want to leave you behind...

Their voice gets a slight tinge of ice to it.

????: You wouldn't do well alone.

They step back once you're right in front of the sleeping toy, strangling a nervous squeak rising up in your throat as you see them stir, just slightly.

????: Go on.
You raise your bat high over your head.

It looks like their body'll smash easy.

????: What are you waiting for?
????: Go for it-!

You look down.

Their eyes are open.


foaming together.

Sopping wet- Splashing,
strangling moisture,
of motion,
spatters on-
splatter over-

Coating new canvases,
in new coats,
of new-

unbolting a new




Blurry eyes.

You can't see.

The bat's wet.
Stained with orange and violet.
Dripping on the floor.

You can barely hear-

You can't make out their voice. All you can do is wheeze, sobs choking through your squeaker. You can tell there's paint mixing in with the splatters of fluid on your face, on your clothes, everywhere-

Metal clamps onto your shoulder and you recoil, caught off balance.

????: Get a grip!
????: You did it! See, I knew you could-!

Metal clangs across metal,
and you only see your companion as they're falling to the floor.

In the dark,
a long, heavy wrench raised at you,
trying to see through the dark to make any part of them out.

A loose tie hanging from their neck,
a glint of glass in the light,
and the wrench.

They're poised to swing,
but their shaded head tilts toward the end of your bat,
then the floor.

Their hold on the wrench loosens.

Your companion speaks up from the ground, their wind-up legs still cycling.

I remember-

D?????: W-what are you waiting for?!
D?????: GET THEM-

You take a step back from the body, from D??????, the ground feeling as if it warps underneath your flippers.

POLKA DOT: I'm so-
POLKA DOT: I'm sor-

Their gaze holds at the floor,

only for it to pop back up towards you with a sudden shift.

A downward swipe of the wrench comes fast,
seemingly aiming at your skull,
only for it to arc further down towards your right arm.

You cry out as the metal connects- while your body only physically dents in response, it feels like something shatters, failing to keep your grip on the bat completely.

It falls into the mass of plastic shards and swirling, horrible liquid pools, and you collapse, looking up at your assailant with wet eyes.

It takes a few blinks to realize they've already moved away from you,
kneeling to the toy on the mattress.

There's a loud BANG before you can react or reach out-

One you've heard many times before.

The stranger staggers and turns around,
raising the wrench up and tossing it at the wind-up toy.

It makes contact with their head, your metallic partner collapsing with the impact.

You're frozen.

It wasn't supposed to go like this.

The standing figure is shaking,
now clutching their side as their body hitches.

They turn back around to face the figure on the floor,
only for the both of you to realize that they're gone,
presumably left at some point during the chaos.

You see their head turn to you one last time.

POLKA DOT: I didn't-

They don't stick around to listen.

They're gone before you know it.

Leaving you
alone with-

The key turns.

D?????:'re going to have to explain this to Sandy.
POLKA DOT: But! It was-
D?????: What, my idea?
D?????: This is for us, Polly!
D?????: You're just as deep in this as I am-
D?????: And if you didn't falter, if you didn't fuck it all up, they wouldn't have gotten away.

They mutter something under their breath that you can't catch.

Anger starts to burn in your chest.

POLKA DOT: What? What is it?!
D?????: ...nevermind.

They start walking up the steps to the safehouse, pausing on the veranda.

D?????: You're just going to slow me down.
You can't react.

Piercing, stabbing pain.

It's dark.

Winding, tightening, more and more.

And then it's too bright.

You stand in front of a staircase,
looking at the door it leads to.

The bottom floor of this
home you don't recognize is
bright in so many colors that it
hurts your eyes.

Too much vibration.

The upstairs door opens,
then shuts.

Before you know it,
you're at the top of the stairs,
standing in front of it.

You're nervous,
tense for reasons you don't understand.

You open the door anyway.

The room is dark.

Anything could be hiding.

Any outcome for you.

Probably bad.


Horizontal beams of orange light pierce in from the blinds in the window,
washing over everything in the room,
tainting all of it with stripes of color.
Thin, but
enough to be noticeable.

The first thing you notice.

Something tells you to stay anyway.

Your eyes adjust.

A giant bed at the center,
a closet,
a fan in the corner.

Roots have sprouted up through the far side of the bed,
thorned and twisting.

Your legs don't want to carry you anymore.

The jagged roots look sharp.

You don't want more holes.

But you're tired.

You need to lie down.

you slide up into the bed,
keeping distance from the thorns,
wincing as you expect to be punctured.

But it never comes.

It's almost more frightening that way.

One wrong twitch, and More Holes.

But it never comes.

You listen to the cool wind whistling outside.

The fan in the corner blows across you.

You hear the tiny, occasional click as the fan switches direction.

Eyes close.

And open.

There's a skylight above you.


the roots have unfurled the next time you look.

Less sharp.
No longer leafless at the top, either.
You see a little greenery growing.

And you look through the skylight above you.

And you look at the moon.

And you watch the stars glow in the black-blue sky.

You breathe.

You hadn't known your breath was held.

But now,
you breathe.


The fan blows something into your view.

Flickering like embers in the light.



You reach out and catch it.

A petal.

It's fragile,
but it's soft.

You look over in the direction it came from.

The far side of the room.

Two tiny buds have sprouted from the greenery.

One red.

The other-

A click, once, and then twice, something getting caught-

Surrounded by plastic trees, holding a familiar hand. There's other figures around you, but you can't make them out.

Just hers.

CROSSBONE: Hehehe...
CROSSBONE: You said you wouldn't be scared of the dark.
POLKA DOT: I'm not!
CROSSBONE: You're squeezing my hand!
POLKA DOT: That's not-
POLKA DOT: I'm just gay, alright!

Someone's foot skids behind you,
pushing into the dirt and dragging.

You turn to check.

POLKA DOT: Stone in the way-?
Just in time to see them stumble,
and fall to their knees,
trying and failing to catch themself.

You can't see them.

The trees cut lines through the moonlight,
keeping them in shadow,
you can only see the shape of them,
as they collapse onto their side and writhe.

POLKA DOT: Hey, wha-
Before you can move to check on them, your wing-hand is caught in a vice grip, enough to bend the rubber.

You whip around and see Cross' face glitching, pixels spreading out in distorted slices.

POLKA DOT: Cr- W-willow?!

She staggers back, clutching her head-

You watch as it cracks like an egg, wide open, from the left side of her face to the right.

All you can do is freeze in horror as her hands burst, plastic replaced with glowing flame. The halves of her head fall like a hood around her neck, a horned canine skull unfurling. She's getting bigger, towering over you, wings spreading and growing large enough to surround her body. Her chain tail lashes and shifts, splitting into three, the round bit at the end turning into spade shaped spikes-

POLKA DOT: H-how do I help-
CROSSBONE: D...don't worry...about me...

She barely manages to point back behind you.

CROSSBONE: was coming for me-
CROSSBONE: But not for-

A sickening crack echoes from behind you.

You swivel,
finding the figure still wreathed in shadow,
its form distorting as it begins to turn bright red.

Some shape unfurls,
but it's all blurry,
as the red color is growing more pronounced across it,
brighter and stronger.

A vague approximation of a head pushes forward enough to leave shadow,
only to stay in some incomprehensible shape.

There's a sound,
something cutting through air at top speeds,


Loud enough to nearly knock you backwards,
something's in your eyes,
you wipe the red away, stinging,
and gaze down to find-

The head

popped open
as before

in the damp remains of the exploded skull,

you find a heavy wrench-

Dug so hard into it during its pulverizing plunge
to have stuck itself into the ground,
standing tall

red in your eyes

on your hands

your hands-

Holding the bat.

The meteor's ticking, approaching faster and faster.

You blink and try to shake off the blurry, bleary feeling- you feel like you've run a marathon, everything cascading into this moment, right here, right now-

A rumbling pulls your attention away,

turning your attention as a tower - just like yours - rises up into place not far from you

a figure at its top.

Obscured by an unnatural dark

clutching the wrench

stained with red at its end.

you know their featureless head is staring at You.

You can't find the words.

Every part of you wants to apologize, but there's no time, the meteor's coming straight for you-

Your hands are losing their grip.

The figure breaks into a sprint,
raising the wrench as they get closer and closer to you.

All you can do is brace yourself, holding the bat out like a miserable, useless shield.

You ready yourself for impact.

Your eyes close.

There's a slick noise of shoes sliding on glass.

????: ...Polka Dot.

????: Are you alright?

You look up, shaking.
Roulette stands over you,
leaning down a little to check on you.

It's wielding your claw hammer in both hands.

ROULETTE: I know you aren't ready, no one could be.
ROULETTE: But I need to know if you can try.
POLKA DOT: What are you doing here? It's not safe!

It stands, processing for half a moment.

ROULETTE: ...If the other option is obliteration-
ROULETTE: -being burned down into scraps...

ROULETTE: ...Then there is no choice I have but to try.

ROULETTE: You can sit this out if you need to.
ROULETTE: But I think our best chance is together.

You hesitate.

Your wing shakes-

But you raise your bat again.

POLKA DOT: Let's do this.

It takes a few steps beside you,
raising your hammer in the same stance,
with the opposite hand - the two of you across from each other.

The meteor looms closer.

You might be melting.
You can't quite tell.
Roulette's chassis is brewing smoke.

The whirring is overwhelming, every turn of the key sending shock waves down your back-

It's your turn to wind up now, readying for impact despite the pain.

ROULETTE: ...if...
ROULETTE: ...if I don't make it through this...

It wipes its forehead, and lowers its stance.

ROULETTE: Tell Devo-


ROULETTE: ...tell him not to look at what's left.
POLKA DOT: Don't...think like that.
POLKA DOT: We're getting through this- together, like you said!

The meteor's here.

It says something else.

The meteor is too loud.

Roulette swings.

You match its movements.

You squeeze your eyes shut as both weapons make contact, the heat boiling both of you at this point.

It's so much pressure, it's too much, you're going to die here-

The whirring stops.

No more turns.

You wake up in a cold sweat, eyes wide open. don't tell Tim or Cross about this one.


Another week passes.

Your sleep has been dreamless, to the point where it scares you a little. Work is good, your friends are great, and you've got a regular work schedule now. Monday through Thursday, weekends off.

You can tell Cross is restless, though. Something's on her mind, every time you're together.

What do you ask?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I read somewhere that communication and honesty is key in any relationship, so lets not beat around the bush here, what's eating you? and don't you dare say you don't want to worry me, I get to decide who I worry about and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
so uh. did you happen to also have a complex and ominous dream that may or may not have been an omen of ills to come

hey, how's it going? you look a lil rough pal.
Communication and honesty are the key in any relationship. I have to be straight with her.

POLKA DOT: So, uh…
You lean against the arm of Cross’ couch, trying to look nonchalant.

She’s in her projected form, something you’ve grown very big on in the past few weeks. You don’t know what it is about having a ghost for a best friend- not that you don’t also love the plastic shell- but it feels so cool.

…kissing the ghost is also a nice bonus.

POLKA DOT: You look…a little rough.
POLKA DOT: What’s eatin’ you?
CROSSBONE: I mean, I don’t want to worry y-
POLKA DOT: Oh no, don’t you dare go down that road.
POLKA DOT: I get to decide who I worry about.
POLKA DOT: You cannot stop me.

She smiles with her eyes a bit at that, following it with a sigh.

CROSSBONE: I guess, just…
CROSSBONE: I haven’t been sleeping well.

A chill runs down your back, but you try to remain calm, cool as a cucumber.

CROSSBONE: I keep…having more weird dreams, and it’s so strange…
CROSSBONE: I can’t tell if it’s just…some weird…fetish thing or if-
POLKA DOT: Or if it’s an omen?

Cross blinks, turning back to look at you.

CROSSBONE: How did you know?
POLKA DOT: I…had a weird dream too.
POLKA DOT: I haven’t talked about it, but-

All of a sudden, she’s leaning in, her spooky eyes peering straight at you.

CROSSBONE: It’s about that forest, right?!
CROSSBONE: The spooky one!
POLKA DOT: I mean, it was a lot of things, but yeah, that was there.
POLKA DOT: I couldn’t make a lot out, a lot was just…obscured, or fucked up in some way.
CROSSBONE: Yeah! Like, things don’t make a lot of sense-
CROSSBONE: But at the same time, it makes too much sense!
POLKA DOT: What d’you mean?
CROSSBONE: It’s just…

She starts making hand gestures you can barely comprehend.

CROSSBONE: I keep seeing myself turn into this thing, more and more clearly every time-
CROSSBONE: And it should scare me! It should!
CROSSBONE: But it doesn’t.
CROSSBONE: It hurts more every time too, but I don’t mind that, I just…feel it and feel changed.
CROSSBONE: And it feels important…
CROSSBONE: Like the most important thing I’ve ever felt, outside of my friendship with you and finding my place here.
CROSSBONE: I think I need to go to that place.
CROSSBONE: I think I know where it is, and I need to go there.
CROSSBONE: Even if it’s scary, or dangerous-

She clasps your wings in her hands, startling you a bit.

CROSSBONE: And I want you to come with me.
CROSSBONE: I don’t want to go forever, this place is my home…
CROSSBONE: But I want to do what we talked about, building up a party and going out to this other settlement.
POLKA DOT: You mean…the one for spooky toys?

Cross nods, her energy perking up immensely.

CROSSBONE: I just have a feeling that’s where we’ll find it.
CROSSBONE: We’ll need to do research, and gather supplies, and people to come with us, but…
CROSSBONE: What do you think?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Maybe... we might need to pick up a replacement shell? Even if it isn't an actual one, just a replica made of something.
I saw your head split open, Cross.
I dunno about how I feel playing into the hands of the Narrative. It scares me a little bit, but if it wants us there, then maybe it'd be safe to actually travel(for a given definition of safe). I love Laurie's, and there are places in this city I love. This is my home sure, but I don't want this city to be the only place I've ever seen. There's a certain bit of wanderlust in my heart. so yeah, let's fucking go on an adventure Cross!

(I'll pack the pirate costumes)
Reply I don't - I don't want whatever happened in my dream to - I don't want to meet who it was I saw, I'd, I'd...really, really rather not.

Could I have some time to decide, at least?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
on one hand its very worrying but on the other hand your transformation did look very cool so i think thats complicated. i definitely agree its necessary to properly supply up and maybe. get backup? or others.

considering things like this will probably just. continue to loom narratively until addressed. i think. planning and prepping to deal with it is probably the best way forward? maybe?
You think about your dream.

About the wind-up toy.

About the toy with the wrench.

About the pain Cross was in.

Cross looks at you with concern in her eyes, giving your wings a squeeze.

CROSSBONE: What is it? What’s wrong?
POLKA DOT: I don’t want…what happened in my dream to happen.

She pulls away a little, still keeping her gaze trained at your face.

CROSSBONE: Was it something I did?
POLKA DOT: No, just-
POLKA DOT: I saw your head split open, and there was just-
POLKA DOT: There was a lot of other stuff going on that I don’t want to face.
CROSSBONE: I mean, I’ve felt the, um, head thing, in my dreams too.
CROSSBONE: If it’s what it takes for the weird…it’s not euphoria, but it’s close.
CROSSBONE: If that’s what it’s like to get that feeling after, I’m okay with it.
CROSSBONE: As for the parts you don’t want to confront- you need to tell me more if I’m going to help you through it.
CROSSBONE: I don’t want to put you through anything horrible just for my sake…

She leaves the moment open for you to respond, but you’re struggling to find any words. You don’t know how to articulate any of what you went through with that dream, everything blurring into each other, the raw feelings of terror still palpable-

She’s still looking at you.

POLKA DOT: …I don’t know what a lot of it meant.
POLKA DOT: Or…if it was even relevant to the part of my dream with you in it.
POLKA DOT: And I don’t want to take this opportunity away from you, either.
POLKA DOT: I just…saw people from my past, from what I can tell.
POLKA DOT: People I don’t want to meet again.
POLKA DOT: …I’m scared.

Cross is quiet for a few moments, thinking it over.

CROSSBONE: In my experience, if the narrative wants you to meet a person…
CROSSBONE: You will, somehow.
CROSSBONE: I’m not- I’m not saying this to dismiss your feelings. It’s scary.
CROSSBONE: You…probably will meet those people again.
CROSSBONE: I don’t know if you’ll get to opt out of that.

From the look Cross gives you, you must be making a hell of a face.

CROSSBONE: You…will have people here.
CROSSBONE: You have me, Tim, Vine…
CROSSBONE: I know that I’m not going anywhere, at least.
CROSSBONE: I’m not the strongest fighter, but I’d kick whoever hurt you’s ass.
CROSSBONE: …especially if I become a cool monster

You can’t help but laugh at that, the tension easing up a bit.

POLKA DOT: You’re…really set on this, huh?
CROSSBONE: But…I still don’t want to hurt you. If you can’t go, I can probably live with not doing the trip.
POLKA DOT: I mean…
POLKA DOT: If it’s really that important, then, I don’t know.
POLKA DOT: If we do go, we need to plan. Super hard.

Cross’ eyes light up, and she’s back to grabbing your hands.

CROSSBONE: You mean it? You’ll consider it?
POLKA DOT: I mean, there’s a little bit of wanderlust in me too.
POLKA DOT: I dunno about playing into the narrative this much, but I guess it really wants this for you. For us, even.
POLKA DOT: I don’t want you to be plagued with dreams about something you want that bad forever.

Her eyes well up with little embers, the closest thing she has to tears in this form.

CROSSBONE: You have no idea how much that means to me…
CROSSBONE: It feels so stupid how much this has gotten stuck in my head, but it’s all I can think about these days.
CROSSBONE: It feels like it might be a way for me to actually be…comfortable with myself.
CROSSBONE: It’s gotten easier since we’ve become friends and started sharing, yknow, physical space with each other, but I still get so nervous about the idea of being outside of my shell in front of other people…
CROSSBONE: This…I know my shell literally cracks open, and I’m more monstrous, more ghostly, but it feels like the right way to be. A balance.
CROSSBONE: Even if it hurts…
CROSSBONE: I really want to feel this, for real.
CROSSBONE: Having it just be a dream feels so painful…

You pull her in for a hug before you even realize what you’re doing, and she eagerly returns it.

POLKA DOT: You do look very cool in that dream.
CROSSBONE: I do? You’re not scared?
POLKA DOT: Well, scared for how you were feeling, and the pain of it…
POLKA DOT: But actual monster you? Cool as hell.
CROSSBONE: Hehe…I think so too.
POLKA DOT: Like I said, we’re gonna need to prep.
POLKA DOT: We’ll need backup, supplies…
CROSSBONE: I’ve heard that adventuring parties are typically four to six people.
CROSSBONE: Any more and you have to really go all in on supplies, and any less and you don’t have enough resources to go around, both in terms of skills and things like food and weapons.
CROSSBONE: I have my hatchet, and you have your hammer…
CROSSBONE: So we need at least two other people with weapons and fighting skill.
CROSSBONE: …preferably people we know, too. I don’t want to go with strangers.
CROSSBONE: Though…I don’t think any of the models I know would be down for it.
CROSSBONE: They’re all pretty dedicated to their jobs…
CROSSBONE: …I hate to put the burden of finding people on you, but I think it might come down to that.
CROSSBONE: I’ll still ask, but…yeah. Not expecting any yes’s.
POLKA DOT: I’ll see what I can do…
POLKA DOT: Though I don’t exactly know a lot of people myself.
CROSSBONE: Worth a shot, right?
CROSSBONE: At the very least, we should definitely ask Tim.
CROSSBONE: I trust him, and I know he picked something up from the pawn shop last week.
CROSSBONE: Can’t remember what it was, though…
POLKA DOT: I’ll try and meet up with him after work-

You sit straight up and pull away, looking over at Cross’ oven clock.

POLKA DOT: Which, shit, I gotta get to.
CROSSBONE: You have everything you need?
POLKA DOT: I should-

Cross leans in for a little kiss, which you readily return.

CROSSBONE: Text me after you talk to Tim, keep me posted.
POLKA DOT: Will do…
CROSSBONE: …and thank you, again.
CROSSBONE: This means the world to me.
POLKA DOT: You mean the world to me.

You share another kiss before you get up, grabbing the drawstring backpack that Vine surprised you with.

POLKA DOT: Be good, okay?
CROSSBONE: We’ll see!

You decide to live dangerously and text Tim along the way, nearly stumbling down the stairs as you punch in a quick message.

[SILK RIBBON]: hey tim, can we talk after work?
[SILK RIBBON]: willow dropped kind of a big deal thing on me and i might need your help.

Surprisingly, you get a message back right away.

[TIM]: sure thing!
[TIM]: i’ve got a favor to ask you too, so maybe we can trade!
[SILK RIBBON]: let’s hit up the bar once i’m off shift, then
[TIM]: same time as usual?
[SILK RIBBON]: yeah, should work.
[TIM]: see you then!

You walk into the kitchen with a lot on your mind, but after greeting Vine and Beans, you’re back in the zone. Today you’re making pizza, something new to the menu here at the bar, but it’s not too hard. Plus, you get to go nuts with toppings.

Even with your newfound focus, though…

Vine confronts you on your break.

VINE: …that’s a face you’re making.
POLKA DOT: What? What face. I’m not making a face.
VINE: Yes you are, that’s the face you make when something’s troubling you.
VINE: What’d you get yourself into?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]


Willow and I are going to go out on our first adventure. We both had a dream that regarded a certain forest, and it's really important to her that we go. But my dream about it included some...stuff, I'd rather not see again.

And well. If we don't I think what I'm afraid will confront me there will confront me HERE, which would be SUBSTANTIALLY WORSE, so. I'm just dwelling on it a little. ~As you do.~
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
the universe has forcibly assigned me an adventure in the vague future with a pal and that may or may not (probably will, actually) involve mortal peril. nothing big really. coincidentally, in the vague future would you be able to assist in a quest to walk around spooky woods

...(bonus notes, probably a good idea to consider, talking to people known about the topic in general. Roulette in particular is a must-talk to, at some point I think. If we're following inferences from the dreams...and considering the past narrative shenanigans.)

You rub the back of your head.

POLKA DOT: I might…be going on my first adventure soon.
VINE: …outside the city?

You nod.

VINE: Hmm. Go on.
POLKA DOT: Willow and I both had a dream about a certain forest, and it’s really, really important to her.
POLKA DOT: It could, yknow, involve some real dangerous stuff…
POLKA DOT: And I’m worried that some of it will be stuff I’d rather not see again.
VINE: Mhm.
POLKA DOT: And…if I don’t confront it there, it might show up here, and that feels worse.
POLKA DOT: It’s got me all mixed up…
VINE: And you’re doing this because you love her, right?

You blink, taken aback.

POLKA DOT: I-I mean…
VINE: You’ve been together for a month, and I can tell how close you two are.
VINE: It’s okay to admit it.
POLKA DOT: …yeah, I am.
POLKA DOT: I want her to be happy…
VINE: Mmmm…

The bean bear takes a minute to think, every moment spent without any talking filling you with anxiety.

VINE: I may be able to help.
POLKA DOT: Wait, really?!
POLKA DOT: Will you come with us?
VINE: God, no. I care about you, Ribbon, but I have too much at stake here to go on any dangerous journeys.
VINE: My trips around the city are enough risk for me.
VINE: However…
VINE: I know of someone who can give you advice.
POLKA DOT: …you do?

Vine nods, crossing her arms and leaning back.

VINE: Her name is Wanderer, a traveling toy who comes around every month or so.
VINE: She’s seen a lot of places, knows things like magic, and can give advice about what’s out in the wilds.
VINE: As far as I know, she likes doing it, even.
VINE: I’ve even seen her trade goods with other toys before.
VINE: The narrative must really want you to go on this journey, because she’s here for a few days.
VINE: Usually gets some good meals, a nice rest, maybe helps around the place to pay.
VINE: You can probably find her in the bar after we close up.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Set me up whenever there' a good time, I could use all the help I can get here. Worried a lot's going to go down, I want to be prepared for that and deal with it the cleanest way possible if I can.

Anything else you can tell me about this person by the way? Anything I should be aware of before I accidentally push the wrong buttons?
thanks!!! you're a lifesaver vine. always very cool. (also definitely, agreeing with the notion of asking for anything else that we should know before talking to Wanderer)
Wait, what kind of magic? I mean, I know some stuff around here is magical in the sense that it's driven by the narrative, but is there like... wizard magic? Can I learn to cast a fireball or something like that?
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: Set me up when there’s a good time, I already feel like I’m in over my head…
POLKA DOT: You’re a lifesaver.
VINE: Think nothing of it. You’ve been a big help to us here.
VINE: …You are coming back, right?
POLKA DOT: This is my home, of course I am.
VINE: Then it’s my duty to make sure that you can get back, as much as I’m able.
POLKA DOT: …Is there anything else you can tell me about Wanderer, though?
POLKA DOT: Anything I should be aware of? I don’t wanna push the wrong buttons.

Vine takes a second to think.

VINE: She’s pretty old, so…don’t go hounding her too much.
VINE: They’re here to rest, after all.
VINE: Besides, she’s not really prone to giving straight answers about herself.
VINE: Prefers to be cryptic.
POLKA DOT: I can work with that, I think.
POLKA DOT: …but wait, magic? What kind of magic?
POLKA DOT: I know there’s like, narrative stuff, but-
POLKA DOT: Can I learn how to cast fireballs-
VINE: Hold your horses, don’t get your hopes up.
VINE: Not for while you’re here, anyway.
VINE: Different settlements have different magic “rules”, and this one technically doesn’t have anything but the narrative’s shenanigans.
VINE: Wherever you’re going might be different.
VINE: Stuff from other settlements might stick around while you’re here…but you won’t be casting any spells any time soon.
VINE: …I think it still work out in the wilds, though. Hard to say, I’m not a magician or a wizard or anything.
VINE: That’s for Wanderer to answer.

The bean bear gives you a pat on the back, and your conversation flows back into work stuff, how Laurie’s is doing…

And before you know it, you’re back in the kitchen, a proper pizza making machine. The hours pass by without you even realizing it, and as you pack up your backpack to go, Vine waits by the door out to the bar.

VINE: Ready?
POLKA DOT: As I’ll ever be.
VINE: I checked, and she’s here.
VINE: Remember to be polite.
POLKA DOT: …got it.

She leads you out, and starts taking you to a booth on the side.

Sitting there is a tall purple knitted toy, she has her hands wrapped tightly around a glass and is mumbling quietly to herself. As you get closer, you notice the wings she has on her back begin to shake and jitter before she slowly turns towards you. haven't seen a knitted toy in a while, but it's...familiar.

You are definitely staring too long.

VINE: Hey, Wanderer.
VINE: I've got a friend to introduce you to.

Vine elbows you.

WANDERER: You're... new, are you not?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Yeperunies to that, friendorino. Dope ass wings, btw.

(Explain the thing)
Yes! Uh. Hi, thank you for your time. If one has to journey into spooky deathwoods, how does one not die? thanks.
POLKA DOT: Yes! Uh, hi!
POLKA DOT: I’m Silk Ribbon, and, uh-
POLKA DOT: If somebody was gonna go into some spooky…death…woods, how do they, yknow, not die?
POLKA DOT: …cool ass wings, by the way.

She looks you over, though she doesn’t seem to open her eyes.

WANDERER: Vine, I take it that you’ve already told them it’s dangerous and they shouldn’t go?
VINE: ...

Vine glances away.

VINE: Trust me, it wouldn't have worked if I tried.
Wanderer lets out a low sigh.

WANDERER: …Figured.
WANDERER: I’m not in the habit of letting young fools go to their deaths unprepared, so sure, I’ll help.
WANDERER: Do you have any more about where you want to go? Spooky forests are a dime a dozen out there
WANDERER: Do you know a name, or magic system, or anything like that?
POLKA DOT: It's...a place my friend and I are seeing in our dreams.
POLKA DOT: It's this...dark, purple and green forest, with plastic trees.
POLKA DOT: In all of the dreams, she turns into some kind of monster-
POLKA DOT: But she wants to go, she says it's good for her, somehow.
POLKA DOT: ...I'm a little worried about it, to be honest, but this is really important to her.

Wanderer sighs again, harder this time, and slumps forward.

WANDERER: Of course you’d want to go there for your first journey.
...what the fuck has Cross gotten me into?

POLKA DOT: It's, uh...
POLKA DOT: You know the place?
WANDERER: Yeah, I'm... familiar.
WANDERER: It's full of curses, which, well, sounds like that's your goal.
WANDERER: Is getting cursed.
POLKA DOT:'s....

You look down at the ground, trying to gather your conviction.

POLKA DOT: It's really, really important to her.
POLKA DOT: Even if it's dangerous, I think she needs this...
POLKA DOT: And I want to help.

Wanderer ponders for a moment, and her wings begin to flutter and jitter again. She turns her head slightly to look at them before nodding.

WANDERER: I have some advice I am willing to give you, and some supplies you may need, but there will be a small cost to pay.
WANDERER: Though perhaps it could be thought of more as a wager.
POLKA DOT: ...what kind of wager?
WANDERER: If what I give, of words and tools, ensures your survival, then when you come back you shall owe me a favor.
WANDERER: The kind you would be willing to do for a good friend.
WANDERER: However, if you do not survive, you shan't owe me a thing.
WANDERER: I think this is a good deal for you.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Reply'd be really funny if to still owe a favor after death because imagine if ghosts are real.

but uh, yeah. sounds like a great deal.
sorry, sorry, can we go back? the woods curse you? I...

Why would she want that? Would it have other effects she's not aware of, or...

...Right. Right. Ok. Anything I should uh...know about how to handle curses, if it doesn't take well, or heck, if someone besides her gets cursed?

Can you answer me this before any wager? I'm not sure I want to owe anyone a favor, especially when they refer to my...surviving, as a wager. I'm sure I'd be fine with or without you.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
(08-26-2022, 12:47 AM)skinstealer Wrote: WANDERER: If what I give, of words and tools, ensures your survival, then when you come back you shall owe me a favor.
WANDERER: The kind you would be willing to do for a good friend.
WANDERER: However, if you do not survive, you shan't owe me a thing.
WANDERER: I think this is a good deal for you.

This sounds like fae-ass double trick and you'll make me rob a bank or something because I'm ride or die like that for my friends, but I can't say no and ask for a different, safe one, because you've got bullshit fairy magic.
[without a beat to think it over] this is a great deal im in
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
POLKA DOT: …This sounds kinda like some kind of fairy trick.
POLKA DOT: Like,,,you’re gonna make me rob a bank or something because I’m ride or die for my friends, but I don’t think you’re gonna let me say no and ask for a different one.
POLKA DOT: Some kinda bullshit fairy magic.
VINE: Ribbon-!

Wanderer raises a hand, cutting off Vine.

WANDERER: Good answer.
WANDERER: But if you suspect someone of trying something dirty, its a bad idea to say it to their face.
WANDERER: You can't cast spells in this city, however.
WANDERER: Naught but your word shall bind you to this.

You think it over, weighing your options.

POLKA DOT: Do I have to accept the wager to get any answers?
POLKA DOT: I want to know what a curse does, whether it happens to my friend or someone else.
WANDERER: I'll give you that answer for free, because you'd feel cheated to pay for it.
WANDERER: It varies, there's lots of different kinds of curses.
WANDERER: Even ones that are superficially similar can have stark differences.
POLKA DOT: ...and I'm guessing hearing about specifics means taking the bet.
WANDERER: If you even know the right questions to ask.
WANDERER: I could identify a curse if you put it in front of me, but I doubt you know what signs to look for to tell them apart.
POLKA DOT: ...fine. I'll take the wager.

You glance over at Vine.

POLKA DOT: Vine vouched for you, so...
POLKA DOT: I'll do it.
WANDERER: Excellent! Normally I would do something dramatic to seal the contract, but I already let you know deal magic won't work here, so it would be a waste.
WANDERER: It is likely I will just need you as an escort, you do not have to worry about doing anything suspect.

She pauses.

WANDERER: Not like, 'escort' escort, I realized after saying it that that may have been confusing, considering our whereabouts.
WANDERER: Just, I might call upon you to help with one of my journeys for a time, something like that.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
oh, that actually sounds cool and fun. I was almost sure you were gonna ask for something I'd regret. but yeah, paying you back in good faith feels right. I'd says sorry about the suspicion, but you already said it was a good answer(minus saying to your face but I'm just a bad bitch like that), so I'll save this apology for when I inevitably fuck up something an indeterminate amount of time from now.

So what do we(Me and my aforementioned friend who is a girl but not quite a Girlfriend (yet(hopefully))) gotta do?
Look, it doesn't really matter what it is, I don't like owing people anything. But the choice is made. So.

Where is this forest, what do I need to be careful of?

Is there any way to avoid getting cursed for the rest of my party that'll want to avoid it?

I've never fought a... monster, before, so I guess I wouldn't be able to tell, but are the monsters there different?

Is there any difficulty for getting in or out, due to narrative shenanigans or other magic? I don't wanna go in and get trapped until my whole party is cursed.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Oh, okay! That's honestly not as bad as I was expecting.

So, uh, basic stuff, I guess... What should I bring? Weapons, food, camping gear maybe? What sort of curses should I expect in there, and how can I get rid of any if someone becomes afflicted? I heard that adventuring parties are generally four to six people, is that accurate?

...Actually, hold all those thoughts, I'm gonna grab a piece of paper real quick.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
are you allowed to say fuck shit and hell in the forest of curses
POLKA DOT: That’s…not as bad as I was expecting, honestly.
WANDERER: The Hallowed Wood.
POLKA DOT: That's its name?
WANDERER: Wrong question.

You blink.

POLKA DOT: What's...the right question?
WANDERER: The correct question is:
WANDERER: "How do I get there."
POLKA DOT: What's the difference?
WANDERER: Location doesn't work the same in the wilds.
WANDERER: Some say its because the narrative's influence is stronger away from settlements.
WANDERER: I think it just doesn't care about details as much there.
WANDERER: You'll get where you're going if you have a goal in mind.
WANDERER: Unless it decides you've become 'lost.'
POLKA DOT: Great, it can fuck me over like that, too...
POLKA DOT: So provided it doesn't, just, decide that I'm shit out of luck, all I need to do is go "I'm going to the Hallowed Wood!" and I'm good?
WANDERER: Well, you don't need to say it out loud or anything...
POLKA DOT: Yeah, but that's the gist?
WANDERER: In terms of heading towards a place? yes. In terms of surviving the journey? No.
POLKA DOT: I guess I have heard of monsters out there, but I don't even know what they'd look like.
WANDERER: There's too many kinds of monsters to answer that.
WANDERER: Just know, that if it doesn't look like a person, you should get your weapons ready.
POLKA DOT: Okay...I guess that's...easy enough.
POLKA DOT: Are the ones at the Wood different?
WANDERER: Yeah, as you get 'closer' to it, the monsters will be more based upon fears, and tend towards a more...
WANDERER: Spooky theme.
WANDERER: Again, this was a bad pick for your first go.

You get the distinct feeling she's probably right, but...Cross needs this.

POLKA DOT: Then I guess it's up to me to ask the right questions to prep.
POLKA DOT: Is there any way to avoid getting cursed?
POLKA DOT: I doubt the other members of the party would want that, even if Willow does.

You swear you see a slight smirk at that.

WANDERER: Asking about prevention is the right move.
WANDERER: There are ways to cure curses but...
WANDERER: They aren't easy, and usually involve finding the person or thing who placed the curse in the first place.
WANDERER: Not always easy.
WANDERER: The best way to prevent a curse is with a charm.
WANDERER: Something that's enchanted with a protection spell.
WANDERER: Hard to come by, though.
POLKA DOT: You make it sound like I'm shit out of luck there.

Wanderer's wings shake once more as she answers.

WANDERER: Not... exactly. I have a spare but...
WANDERER: It would only be a loan if I gave it to you.
WANDERER: And it's very valuable. I don't like the idea of giving it to someone without some form of insurance.
POLKA DOT: Hey, we made a deal that includes tools.

You notice her face twitch slightly as she sits up straighter.

WANDERER: Yes, tools. Maps, bags, waterskins, that sort of thing.
WANDERER: Do you take me as a fool who would loan you something valuable without knowing if you'll be around or willing to give it back after your journey?
POLKA DOT: ...Guess that's a fair point.

Wanderer slumps forward again, moving the glass in her hands back and forth across the table.

WANDERER: You don't have to take that deal. Most people don't have charms.
WANDERER: If you're careful and lucky you won't even need it.
WANDERER: But we can talk about that later.

She gestures around her.

WANDERER: As you can see, I don't have my things with me to give you.
WANDERER: When you are ready later, you may come to my room and pick out what you will borrow from me.
WANDERER: But for now, are there any more questions you have?
POLKA DOT: What kind of curses are there, anyway?
POLKA DOT: Like, I know the monster one from the dreams, but...
WANDERER: You may as well ask me what kinds of people there are.
WANDERER: But I shall tell you of a few, so you know how wide the range is.
WANDERER: One is known as the Itching Curse.
WANDERER: Usually used as a prank among beginner curse users, it causes mild itching that won't go away even if you scratch for up to an hour before it fades naturally or the caster dispels it.
POLKA DOT: ...that's it?
WANDERER: Another is called the Inside-Out Curse.
WANDERER: It takes a toy's insides and-
POLKA DOT: W-wait, what if you're hollow? I'm hollow.
WANDERER: You still have an inside layer, don't you?
POLKA DOT: do you get rid of that one.
WANDERER: You're lucky if you live long enough to even think about getting rid of it.
WANDERER: Or unlucky, I suppose.
VINE: really sure you want to do this, Ribbon?
POLKA DOT: If I bring the right people and do the right things, I'll make it through.
POLKA DOT: Four to six people for a party, right?
WANDERER: Depends on your goal, but yes, that number works for what you're doing.
POLKA DOT: Okay, uh...

You wrack your mind for any more questions.

POLKA DOT: Is it possible to like, get trapped there?
WANDERER: In the wild?
POLKA DOT: Meant more in the Hallowed Wood, but that works too.
WANDERER: By the narrative you mean?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, or anything else.
WANDERER: If the narrative keeps you in a place, it's usually just until something specific happens.
WANDERER: As for anything else...
WANDERER: Well, there are a lot of people there.
WANDERER: And people aren't very trustworthy. As a rule.
POLKA DOT: Got it...
POLKA DOT: ...and we'll go over supplies when I've got my people together?
WANDERER: Yeah, just knock on my door when you're ready.
POLKA DOT: What's the number?
POLKA DOT: Got it...
WANDERER: Now if you don't mind, I was hoping to get at least some time to relax while I was here.

Vine lays a hand on your back before you can react.

VINE: We'll get out of your hair.
VINE: You've gotta meet up with a friend anyway, right?
POLKA DOT: ...yeah, Tim...
VINE: Then let's handle that.
POLKA DOT: Well....
POLKA DOT: Thanks, for the help. I really appreciate it.

She simply nods in response, returning to her drink.

Vine guides you away, sighing.

VINE: She…usually just gives advice for free. Must be having a bad day or something…
The look she gives you is worried.

VINE: Please, pick people who you think you can trust.
VINE: Tim’s got a good head on his shoulders, and I get the feeling he’s more experienced than he lets on…
POLKA DOT: What makes you say that?
VINE: Just…a hunch.
VINE: It should work out if you’re with him and some other good folks.
VINE: Part of me really wishes I could come with you, but I think Laurie would have nightmares if I were gone, among other things.
VINE: …you’ll call me, won’t you? Phones work out in the wilds, for the most part…
POLKA DOT: Of course, yeah. I won’t leave you hanging.
POLKA DOT: Besides, I gotta get stuff together first…I’m not leaving tonight or anything.
VINE: I know, just…
VINE: Guess I got a bit soft.
POLKA DOT: You’re a bean bear, you’re always soft.

That gets a laugh out of her, and she turns to start heading out.

VINE: Don’t push your luck, kid.
POLKA DOT: It’s what I’m best at!

You take a seat as she leaves, your usual table thankfully free.

Time ticks by. You're not sure how long-

You nearly jump out of your skin when a familiar dog slides into the opposite chair, not announcing his presence in any way beforehand.


He squints at you.

TIMOTHY: You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.
TIMOTHY: Like, not the Willow kind.
TIMOTHY: What’s up?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Willow and I are planning an adventure. Our first one. I won't go into her reasons why, but...well, after doing a little digging I found where we need to go. And it sounds particularly awful. Curses, monsters that take the form of your deepest fears, the works.

And I'll be honest, I was wondering if you'd like to come with us. I'm doing a wonderful job selling it, I know, I just...I feel like we're gonna need all the friends we can get.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
hey! are you interested in the potential to get maimed, cursed, and/or otherwise harmed in a bid to try to minimize the collective risk of an expedition that at least two people will be going on at some point regardless

agreeing with the above post with the addition of asking 'do you have any ideas of other people to recruit'. might as well see if there's anyone else worth asking.
POLKA DOT: Willow and I are planning an adventure.

His ears perk right up.

TIMOTHY: Outside the city?
TIMOTHY: …you don’t sound excited.
POLKA DOT: It’s…important to Willow, and the two of us will definitely be going at some point.
POLKA DOT: I did some digging and found out where we need to go, and it’s not pretty.
POLKA DOT: Feels like if I ask people to join up with us, it’s just asking people to go on a suicide mission…
TIMOTHY: But getting a party together minimizes risks, yeah?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, exactly.

He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms, closing his eyes to think.

TIMOTHY: How bad are we talking?
POLKA DOT: Curses, monsters that take the form of your deepest fears…
POLKA DOT: Yeah. The works.
TIMOTHY: That…really doesn’t sound great, no.
TIMOTHY: If you’re going out somewhere dangerous, I’d feel awful not coming along, especially not if it helps Willow too for me to tag along.
TIMOTHY: I’m guessing we’ve got a lot of prep to get together.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, and I’ve got some old plush willing to help out and give us gear.
POLKA DOT: …you got a weapon recently, right?

Tim nods vigorously and very carefully reaches under the bottom of his sweater, startling you as he pulls out a plastic pistol, likely from some kind of action figure.

TIMOTHY: I figure most of my friends have melee weapons, so…
TIMOTHY: If something like this were ever to come up, it’d help to have some range.

You can’t help but shake a weird feeling just being around the gun, but now’s not the time for that. Or ever.

POLKA DOT: Works for me…I don’t know how close I want to fight stuff that’s based on fears, anyway.
TIMOTHY: What else do you need?
POLKA DOT: Do you…know anyone that’d be good to recruit?
POLKA DOT: Willow says that a party is ideally, like. Four to six people.
TIMOTHY: Well, I know that Devo’s been practicing his knife skills.
TIMOTHY: He doesn’t have the most physical strength, and we’d definitely have to support him along the way…
TIMOTHY: But he’s capable of helping, I think, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving him behind.
TIMOTHY: And if we’re bringing Devo…
TIMOTHY: I mean, we should probably ask Roulette too.
TIMOTHY: I still don’t know it very well at all, but I get the feeling that it’s really nice!
TIMOTHY: Just…hard to open up to people.
TIMOTHY: Devo vouches for it, anyway, and I can trust that.
TIMOTHY: We don’t exactly have a big friend group or anything, but…
TIMOTHY: Between the five of us, I think we could make a pretty well rounded party.
TIMOTHY: Or, at the very least, one where everybody knows and trusts somebody, instead of taking on anyone who we’re iffy on.

He takes another moment to think.

TIMOTHY: …this could work out for me too, actually.
TIMOTHY: Yeah! I had a favor to ask you, but it looks like it’ll be in your best interest to help after all!
POLKA DOT: If you’re coming with me, I’ll do pretty much anything in exchange.

His ears perk up again, eyes smiling.

TIMOTHY: Then come to this party with me!
TIMOTHY: It’s at a partner of the Place’s house, so it’s confirmed safe…
TIMOTHY: Devo and I wanted to check it out, but we wanted to bring some backup friends just in case.
TIMOTHY: Yknow, like you and Roulette.
TIMOTHY: It’d be the perfect opportunity for you to ask both of them to come with! We could even have a sitdown talk about it!
TIMOTHY: I’d ask if Willow could come too, but I don’t want Roulette to feel, like. Out of place, yknow?
TIMOTHY: I already worry about that with me and Devo being there together as boyfriends…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"I'll join your party if you join mine, then?"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Hell yeah! Party^2: Achieved [Imaginary Doot Doo doo doot! sound effect here]
Party sounds interesting. hey Tim? you and Devo seem to be getting along well. you're boyfriends now, so well... I just wanna ask, when did that happen? when did you get comfortable enough with calling each other that?
POLKA DOT: Hell yeah, man.
POLKA DOT: I’ll join your party if you join mine.

Tim reaches out a paw and you gladly take it in a victorious gesture, your elbows on the table and clenched hands raised high.

TIMOTHY: I knew I could count on you.
POLKA DOT: Same here, man.
POLKA DOT: When is this party, anyway?
TIMOTHY: …uh….
TIMOTHY: Tomorrrrrrow?

You give him a look, squeezing his hand on reflex.

POLKA DOT: Dude, I’ve got work tomorrow.
TIMOTHY: It’s a late night party! Starts at eight!
POLKA DOT: I get off at eight!
TIMOTHY: You could just meet up after! You can be a little late!
POLKA DOT: I guess, but don’t expect me to be super energetic.
TIMOTHY: Considering you’re asking me to go on a deathly adventure, I’d say it’s a fair trade…

You sigh, finally letting his paw go and dropping your wing onto the table.

POLKA DOT: Should I dress up at all? What’s the deal?
TIMOTHY: No real need to, it’s not a kink party or anything like that…
TIMOTHY: I was told that most people just show up in t shirts and stuff, so your usual clothes should be ok.
TIMOTHY: It’s meant as like…a social event with drinks, food, dancing…
TIMOTHY: The guy running it is named Heath, he works with Laurie to help organize stuff like this, in case people want to get out of the Place and stretch their legs a little.
TIMOTHY: He’s apparently been hitting up a lot of the meetup events and inviting people, so it’s gonna be all folks from here, same blacklist too.
TIMOTHY: I dunno! It’s gonna be neat.
POLKA DOT: We’ll see how it goes…
POLKA DOT: Though…I am curious about something.
TIMOTHY: Huh? What is it?
POLKA DOT: You’ve mentioned you and Devo being boyfriends before, but like-
POLKA DOT: Spill the beans, tell me about it.
POLKA DOT: I wanna hear juicy details.

Embroidered blush sneaks across Tim’s face, clearly flustered with the prospect of going into his gay escapades.

TIMOTHY: W-well…
TIMOTHY: We really did end up hitting it off well at the BDSM meetup…
TIMOTHY: One thing lead to another, we ended up experimenting a little…
TIMOTHY: And it went so well that we just, had to start hanging out after that.
TIMOTHY: I don’t want to say “love at first sight”, because, yknow, that’s kinda silly…
TIMOTHY: But I fell for him hard. He’s….

Your canine companion struggles to find words.

TIMOTHY: He’s got a lot going on, and he’s not the best at reaching out for that, or articulating when he needs help…
TIMOTHY: But with me, he’s been opening up and starting to talk about the things that bother him.
TIMOTHY: There’s a lot of stuff where it feels like we have similar ground to stand on, as well…
TIMOTHY: I’m not gonna go into his history without his consent, but talking with him, it feels like I’ve really met someone who gets a lot of what I went through before coming here- especially as I’m starting to remember more and more.
TIMOTHY: Not the same experiences, per se, but…he just gets it.
TIMOTHY: I didn’t realize how much I needed that.
TIMOTHY: If I didn’t have his support with that right now, I just…I don’t know.
TIMOTHY: I feel like I’d be a lot more judgmental towards myself, and what I went through, and a lot…angrier.
TIMOTHY: He makes me feel like it’s okay.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
i for one think that parties are far worse than deadly adventures
cool. uh what else is there to talk's the weather?
That sounds... really nice.

I'm glad you have that.

I mean, I see have that with Willow, but like. I don't know. I know she's there for me, but at the same time I don't... want her, to be? It's... like, really weird. Personal sorta shit. I'm not sure if I want her to know all the stuff I've seen.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: That sounds…really nice, honestly.
POLKA DOT: Glad you have that.
TIMOTHY: Thanks…
TIMOTHY: It’s…really helping.
POLKA DOT: I guess I kind of have that with Willow, but it’s…complicated.
TIMOTHY: Oh? What d’you mean?
POLKA DOT: She’s there for me, like, obviously she is.
POLKA DOT: But at the same time, I don’t really…want her to be.
POLKA DOT: It’s fucking weird and personal but I don’t know if I want her to know all the stuff I’ve seen.
TIMOTHY: I guess I can get that…
TIMOTHY: I’m still making heads and tails of what I went through in the Store, and I think having a sounding board helps me put the pieces together.
POLKA DOT: But…what if I don’t want to put the pieces together?
POLKA DOT: What if I just want to leave it all behind? Move on to my new life!
POLKA DOT: Just…focus on what’s here. What’s now.

Tim shakes his head.

TIMOTHY: I wish it was that easy.
TIMOTHY: The more I uncover about my own past, it’s…
TIMOTHY: I get scared.

He looks at his paws.

TIMOTHY: I mean, I was working up to telling you anyway…
POLKA DOT: You don’t have to-
TIMOTHY: No, it’s important, I think.
TIMOTHY: I won’t be able to make my point as easily without it.
TIMOTHY: Basically, just…

He takes a moment to gather his thoughts.

TIMOTHY: When I was back in the store, I was traveling with another toy.
TIMOTHY: I can’t remember when we met- I think early on, but I can’t tell how early.
TIMOTHY: She was…strange.
POLKA DOT: Strange how?
TIMOTHY: Very affectionate, for one.
TIMOTHY: And she knew a lot more than me, about pretty much everything.
TIMOTHY: She’d tell me these stories about the world outside…
TIMOTHY: …those, I remember in my dreams, lately.
TIMOTHY: But she had this massive collar around her neck- big enough to weigh her down- and for some reason, even to me back then, it felt important.
TIMOTHY: …and then I looked into it.
POLKA DOT: Wait, so you found something about that?
TIMOTHY: Yeah, I was able to do some digging into urban legends surrounding the Store, and well…
TIMOTHY: People who come back to the Store after leaving get marked.
TIMOTHY: They’re not supposed to be there, so they’re given a weight to carry.
TIMOTHY: Normally, the longer you’re in there, the worse the feeling of needing to escape gets-
TIMOTHY: And for returning visitors, the weight gets heavier and heavier.
TIMOTHY: It’s…well, I don’t know if I’d believe it if I hadn’t seen her with my own eyes.
TIMOTHY: I don’t entirely know why she came back, but she was already pretty ragged by the time she found me, I think.
TIMOTHY: And when she found me, she latched onto me hard.
TIMOTHY: I was doted on and spoiled with all kinds of things, but…

He goes quiet for a moment.

TIMOTHY: It gets…more muddled, around the rest of it.
TIMOTHY: I remember being hurt, and shown things that felt wrong.
TIMOTHY: I didn’t feel like I had any control, and when I finally got away from her…
TIMOTHY: When I woke up in a pile of snow here, I was just…angry.
TIMOTHY: Angry at someone I couldn’t remember, at myself for reasons I didn’t know, just…
TIMOTHY: And then the fear hit, and I realized I was alone.
TIMOTHY: I found Laurie’s fast, thank god, and I tried to be around people as much as possible.
TIMOTHY: But I couldn’t shake this feeling that I wasn’t like the people I was around.
TIMOTHY: Not that I was like, “special” or anything, kind of the opposite…
TIMOTHY: …that somehow, I was the one with the weight around my neck. Like I was marked.
TIMOTHY: That someone would find out that I was just, actually sick and messed up, even if whatever happened was behind me.
TIMOTHY: I thought, maybe I can move past this entirely. Maybe I can just forget, and fake it til I make it.
TIMOTHY: It doesn’t go away.
TIMOTHY: It’s gotten better only because I’ve been reaching out and getting help, and not, just…stifling it.
TIMOTHY: You can’t erase the Store, or anything else.
TIMOTHY: Trying to do that…you’ll never get through it.
TIMOTHY: Even if looking at my past is scary, and freaks me the fuck out, and makes me worry just how deep it goes…
TIMOTHY: I wouldn’t be where I am now without at least trying to understand it.
TIMOTHY: That’s my thoughts, anyway.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
...right. you're probably right. thank you for sharing, really, you didn't have to...

I just...hhh

I will face it. Talk through it, and all that. I know I'll have to. It'll probably come up at the worst possible time, and I should really be proactive about it, but...

I don't think I'm ready yet.

I won't just pretend it doesn't exist, I just. I just can't bear to face it yet I think.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: …you’re right. I know, just-
POLKA DOT: You’re right, and I really appreciate you sharing.
POLKA DOT: I just…
POLKA DOT: I don’t know if I’m ready.
POLKA DOT: I want to face it, and talk through it, and I know it’ll probably come up at the worst possible time if I don’t do something about it-
POLKA DOT: I can’t…do it. I can’t face it yet.
POLKA DOT: I’m not gonna pretend it doesn’t exist, but I’m not ready.

There’s quiet for a moment before Tim reaches out and pats you on the shoulder.

TIMOTHY: It’s…okay if it takes time, I think.
TIMOTHY: Just as long as you never lose sight of it.
TIMOTHY: And I’ll be here for you the whole time!

You manage a genuine smile, and Tim returns it with his eyes.

TIMOTHY: You don’t have to go into things before you’re ready.
TIMOTHY: Just, know that you’re surrounded with people who are here to help.
TIMOTHY: And, well…
TIMOTHY: Think of it this way, I guess.
TIMOTHY: When something bad happens, something genuinely fucked up that’s hard to talk about…
TIMOTHY: Chances are, it’s also happened to someone else.
TIMOTHY: Maybe not in the same exact way. Maybe there’s just similar feelings…
TIMOTHY: But talking to Devo about that feeling of being hurt, of being loomed over by someone stronger and more knowledgeable than me, of feeling…
TIMOTHY: Well, at someone’s mercy.
TIMOTHY: …It taught me that talking about this kind of thing can help other people feel less alone too.
TIMOTHY: And it helps us stick together and keep it from happening again.
TIMOTHY: If we’re going to be an adventuring party…
TIMOTHY: We should probably try to get that kind of trust going.
TIMOTHY: Not! That you should go and ask Devo and Roulette all sorts of personal information right off the getgo!
TIMOTHY: But we’re probably going to see some shit that we can’t unsee out there in the wilds.
TIMOTHY: Devo’s been out a few times, and while he never went too far, he still ran into…weird…things, out there. Had a hard time describing them to me.
TIMOTHY: And with that, we’re going to have to do things we may not want to.
TIMOTHY: Being able to support each other despite that….that’s the ticket, I think.
TIMOTHY: Are you up for that, at least?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Yeah. Yeah, I'll do my best. Whatever that ends up looking like. But I've...
I've got your back too.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Yeah, I’ll try to do my best there, whatever that ends up looking like…
POLKA DOT: I’ve…got your back too.
TIMOTHY: Glad to hear it…
TIMOTHY: Is there anything I should worry about with this journey in particular?
TIMOTHY: Both…in regards to your past stuff, and the kind of things we’ll be dealing with.
TIMOTHY: I know you mentioned, uh, curses?
TIMOTHY: It’d probably be a good idea to know what I’m getting into…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Oh yeah, definitely should bring up the example curses that were mentioned by Wanderer.
POLKA DOT: I talked to some old lady who travels through here, and she told me a bit about the kind of curses we could run into.
POLKA DOT: There’s, like…
POLKA DOT: The curse that Willow wants, which turns you into some kind of monster.
TIMOTHY: …she wants that?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, and…badly.
POLKA DOT: It feels super important to her, and neither of us really know why, but she’s insistent on going.
TIMOTHY: Kind of sounds like it’d hurt.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, and from what I’ve seen in the dreams I’ve been having, it looks like it will.
POLKA DOT: But….she says she’s willing to endure it.
TIMOTHY: I mean…
TIMOTHY: I guess I can understand that, sort of.
TIMOTHY: Sometimes you have to do weird things to feel more comfortable with yourself, or something like that.
TIMOTHY: If this is what she wants, and she’s sure of it, I’m willing to support her there.
POLKA DOT: That’s about where I’m at, too.
TIMOTHY: What else are we dealing with?
POLKA DOT: There’s this curse that makes you itch all over-
POLKA DOT: And one that turns you inside out-
POLKA DOT: And god knows what else.
TIMOTHY: Looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us…
TIMOTHY: For a friend, I’m willing to endure it! Just like how Willow’s going to endure the pain of the curse!
TIMOTHY: …just hope there’s not too much fallout as a result.
POLKA DOT: Whatcha mean?
TIMOTHY: Just…the more people we have, the more chance of others getting hurt.
TIMOTHY: With Devo, I’m pretty sure he’ll come if I ask.
TIMOTHY: Roulette’s going to need some convincing.
TIMOTHY: I’ve only really talked with it once, at a lunch Devo set up, and it…
TIMOTHY: Doesn’t…seem to be someone who likes to take risks.
TIMOTHY: You’re going to need to have a pretty solid argument for getting it to come.
TIMOTHY: But…I believe in you! You’re really good at making friends!
TIMOTHY: I mean, you have me and Willow, right?
TIMOTHY: I’m sure that if we all get together and make things work as a team, we’ll be a great adventuring party!
TIMOTHY: And when you get back, you can give Vine a big hug and get right back to work.

Tim’s positivity is infectious…and you can’t help but feel a little better.

TIMOTHY: Tomorrow, we’ll hit up that party and really get things going.
POLKA DOT: If you say so.
TIMOTHY: That’s the spirit!

As the two of you move to other topics of conversation, you start to relax…

Tim’s right.

You’re going to be okay.

That night, you dream again.

What do you see?
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...probably monsters, metaphorical or otherwise.

between the literal, upcoming events and the hypothetical monsters therein and whatever happened in the past there's plenty of monsters to dream about.
We find ourself in a bright, blistering heat. It takes a few moments for our eyes to adjust.

We're on a chessboard, of sorts. Or what our mind recognizes as a chessboard. It's comprised of all different shades of blue, and it stretches on for what looks to be miles. We aren't alone here, but we're not with faces we recognize. We're surrounded by strangers that look as bewildered as we do.

Across from us lies the opposing team. Pieces that look exactly like us, but all twisted and unrecognizable.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Seated at a fancy dinner table, that stretches to our left and to our right until it's no longer visible. Are you here waiting for something? is there food there or not? who knows but The table is indeed immaculately set for as many people as the table could theoretically hold, and in fact you aren't seated here alone: you recognize a few people. Perhaps Willow, perhaps Tim and Devo perhaps others that you know from Laurie's, but also perhaps some...other faces from your past and perhaps even as you look closer Lack of Faces. In fact, several of these characters seem to be not quite... living or maybe intact is a better word....
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]

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