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[TOY] Plaything
POLKA DOT: You did really good…
POLKA DOT: Do you want a kis-
WILLOW: Yes, please.

You waste no time, taking one of her ghostly hands to pull her in close and bump your beak to her face, the ghost using her other hand to cup your cheek. It’s even better than your dream the other night made it out to be, and you’re flooded with warm, tingling feelings…as well as the realization that even though Willow’s face is completely clean, there’s the distinct sensation of cake left there.

POLKA DOT: Hehehe….
WILLOW: What? What is it?
POLKA DOT: Feels like there’s cake left on your face.
WILLOW: What? Is there-

Before she can pull away, you’re nuzzling her, causing her to burst into yet another giggle fit- this time sounding more spectral than a flurry of beeps.

WILLOW: H-hey!
WILLOW: You’re getting it everywhere!
POLKA DOT: There’s nothing to get everywhere! It’s just silly!
WILLOW: You’re silly!

Willow starts counter nuzzling, and now it feels like it’s on your face- god, this is goofy.

When the two of you finally have your fill of making each other laugh and covering each other with imaginary cake and kisses, you just…sit there, looking at each other.

POLKA DOT: You’re cute.
WILLOW: Says you! You’re adorable!
WILLOW: Besides, it’s your turn for cake.
POLKA DOT: Oh? Are you gonna feed it to me?
WILLOW: Maybe…but we do need to talk over what we’re going to get up to.
WILLOW: So…your call!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Hmm...not sure how you start, with this kinda stuff.

Uh...What sort of gear do you have? I don't know if we want to do anything too wild, but it'd be good to know what we're working with, besides our. Besides our hands, I guess.

Though, I've been told I have very dexterous fingers...
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
go for a little sweep.
POLKA DOT: Hmm…not sure how you really start with this kinda stuff.
POLKA DOT: You mentioned having some gear?
WILLOW: Oh, yeah!
WILLOW: Mainly stuff that I’ve just used on myself…though some of it can be used with partners.
WILLOW: Do you want to go see?
POLKA DOT: Yeah! Cake can wait.
WILLOW: Follow me, then…

She extends a spectral hand and you gladly take it, walking with your fingers locked as you head down the hall and hang a left.
Willow’s room is just as decorated as the rest of the apartment, though you’re delighted to see the addition of little red string lights, bathing the room in a glow that’s both warm and a little bit edgy. To your extra enjoyment, Willow appears to glow as well in the dim lighting- it’s so cute! Her bed is round and cushy looking, a thick knitted blanket with pronounced fringe sewn in covering everything. When you go to sit on it, it actually sinks in- you realize it’s actually some kind of dome shape??

WILLOW: It’s not too much, is it?
POLKA DOT: No! No, I love it…cozy.
WILLOW: I’m glad…considering we’re going to be spending some time in here tonight.
WILLOW: The bed’s something I picked up fairly recently, and I’ve never actually um…had anyone else over to use it.
WILLOW: I’m not sure how the whole curved surface is going to work, but it’s a common shape in virtual pet goods…they do it for chairs too!
WILLOW: It’s comfy to sleep in, but we’ll see how it goes for actual sex. Worst case scenario…pull out couch.
POLKA DOT: Works for me.

Willow lowers herself down by a box close to the bed, opening it up and beginning to lay out some stuff that looks a little bit familiar to you, some of it resembling things you’ve seen in the pamphlet.

WILLOW: Okay…got a vibrator wand, that’s good for solo stuff but I could also totally use it on you or vice versa…
WILLOW: A, um, strap on harness, if you wanted me to try playing around with…um…the. Hole.

You get equally embarrassed when she mentions that, but nod and gesture for her to continue.

WILLOW: I’ve also got a lot of silly outfits in here, stuff like, um…
WILLOW: Mini skirts, short shorts, long socks and stockings, heels-
WILLOW: …I don’t really wear shirts on my shell, and I can materialize whatever for the ghost body. Sorry.
WILLOW: It’s silly, but I really like dressing up during this kind of thing, and dressing a partner up too…
WILLOW: So, if you have any suggestions for outfits for me…I can make that work.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
oh I'm not picky, I think you'd look good in basically anything you could put on. maybe some dark lace, and something
like this?
[Image: 80f03224b2dd158335e544c81ff48ff0.jpg]
if you've got a corset and some fishnet for me too in there, that'd be great.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You only live once, dress me up.
[Image: blazblue.png]
thigh high socks sound good

in general some mix between elegant and cool for the outfit
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
POLKA DOT: Hmm, for you…
POLKA DOT: Something elegant but cool.
POLKA DOT: I mean, I’m not picky- you’d look good in basically anything.
WILLOW: Hehehe…you’re too nice to me…
POLKA DOT: I mean it! But…
POLKA DOT: Something kind of gothic, maybe. I want to keep to the vibes you have going on, make sure you’re in your comfort zone.
WILLOW: That’s sweet…
POLKA DOT: Feels right to keep you feeling good right now though, right?

She nods, and pauses to think for a moment.

WILLOW: What kind of materials? I can make anything happen, so…
POLKA DOT: Dark lace, for sure.
POLKA DOT: And…maybe something tight, with a lot of coverage.
WILLOW: Lots of coverage?
WILLOW: I mean…that would help me feel way less self conscious, and I think I can pull the look off…I can do that.

She closes her eyes to focus for a moment, gathering her bearings, before a cloud of pixels swarms her body, fizzling out to reveal a full body, black, leather outfit. The main garment traces her body from the base of her tail to the lower third of her skull, almost as if covering her mouth, and is covered with a fantastic looking floor length jacket trimmed with black lace. It’s not quite what you’d expect compared to the things you saw in your research attempts, but something about it compels you- even moreso when you realize there’s small, diamond-shaped cutaways all along Willow’s torso, allowing that spooky glow to come through.

WILLOW: How’s this?
POLKA DOT: It’s perfect.
POLKA DOT: And…I want my turn, too.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, you only live once, right? Dress me up.

Willow closes her eyes in a clear smile, turning back to her box.

WILLOW: What can I get you?
POLKA DOT: Any corsets in there?
WILLOW: Ohh, I do have one, actually…
WILLOW: It’d be interesting to see how it works on a hollow toy!
WILLOW: I wonder how much of your shape will be changed…
POLKA DOT: Exactly!
WILLOW: Excellent, then!
WILLOW: Anything else?
POLKA DOT: Hmm…thigh highs, fishnets, something along those lines?
WILLOW: I have just the thing, they’re these socks that have stripes of mesh and stripes of opaque fabric…
POLKA DOT: That sounds cute as hell.
WILLOW: It is.
WILLOW: So…you want me to put them on…?
POLKA DOT: Yes, please.

She fishes out the goods and floats on over, looking you up and down in your little party getup before setting the corset and socks to the side.

WILLOW: Give me just one moment with this outfit, it’s still so cute…
POLKA DOT: You really like it that much?
WILLOW: You really did pick something that highlights your body well.
WILLOW: I’m admittedly a little nervous about seeing you with nothing on, but…
WILLOW: I want this. And I want you.
WILLOW: And technically, you got to see my projection nude already, so we’ll be even.
POLKA DOT: Fair’s fair, and I trust you.

Your ghostly companion nods and starts undoing your outfit bit by bit, exposing more and more of your rubber form. Every time she brushes against your bare skin with her hands, you feel her warmth spread all over…even better, when she notices you enjoying it, she makes sure to keep her touches drawn out and lingering, tracing along the spot markings painted on your torso.

WILLOW: These are so cute…
POLKA DOT: You like them?
WILLOW: Mhm…It was a bit of a nice surprise finding out you had them on more than just your face, but I guess it makes sense.
WILLOW: Now I get to see all of them…
POLKA DOT: See? Nudity isn’t too bad.
POLKA DOT: You’re doing great.
WILLOW: With you, it’s a lot more comfortable.

Willow returns your affection with a kiss on each spot, getting a giggle out of both of you. She finally manages to work your whole outfit off, leaving you completely exposed.

WILLOW: …can I see something?
POLKA DOT: Go for it.
WILLOW: Lay down on your back…

You flop backwards, cupped gently by the bowl-shaped bed. She approaches slowly, tracing a hand around the edge of your flat-based body.

WILLOW: Well…you definitely have it. The hole, I mean.
POLKA DOT: Yeah? It look okay?
WILLOW: It’s…cute, actually?
POLKA DOT: Eh? It’s just a hole, right?
WILLOW: I-I mean, yes, just!
WILLOW: I think it’s cute!
POLKA DOT: You’re silly.
WILLOW: Just for you…

She almost moves to touch it, but hesitates.

WILLOW: I don’t want to go too fast. That’ll be for later.
POLKA DOT: Y-yeah, you got it…
WILLOW: …Roll over really quick.

You follow suit, your tail sticking straight up into the air. She reaches forward to feel it, getting a squeaky noise out of you that you swear you didn’t know you could make.

Both of you freeze.

WILLOW: That’s…
WILLOW: So cute…
POLKA DOT: I-it’s a reflex!
WILLOW: I know! But it’s so cute!
WILLOW: I didn’t know you’re sensitive there!
POLKA DOT: Neither did I, to be fair!
POLKA DOT: …okay, maybe a bit. I did poke around a little.
WILLOW: I feel so lucky…that’s one of my absolute favorite parts of you. It’s so sweet.
WILLOW: I-I mean, I love all of how you look, but…something about that just gets me.
POLKA DOT: Trust me, I noticed.

She rolls you back over and gives you a kiss, starting in on the socks. They’re black like the rest of her wardrobe, and when they slide on, you’re delighted to see the stripe effect looking dramatic as hell with your yellow legs.

POLKA DOT: That looks awesome.
WILLOW: You like them? You can borrow them whenever!
WILLOW: I love how they look on you too…

You can’t help but kick your legs around and pose after they’re on properly, and to your delight, it gets Willow laughing and looking at you with the warmest expression in her eyes. You can’t get enough of it.

WILLOW: Okay, corset next.
WILLOW: Sit up for this one.

You sit straight up at attention, Willow grabbing the corset and slowly wrapping it around your torso.

WILLOW: Okay, let’s see…I’m going to start lacing you up, okay?
POLKA DOT: Take your time.

You feel the intimacy of the situation set in as she slowly works the corset together, and you can’t help but feel a warm daze settle in over you…you can still hardly believe this is happening, and having this sort of thing together, just you and a super pretty girl dressing each other up…

It’s a dream come true, one you didn’t even know you had.

WILLOW: I’m going to pull it tight now, okay?
POLKA DOT: You got it!

You aren’t prepared for the squeak that bursts out of you when she pulls it tight, or the squishing that results- your midsection is squeezed together just enough to form a curve, and oh god, the sensation of it-

WILLOW: Is that okay?
POLKA DOT: Y-yeah…
POLKA DOT: Oh god, that’s…really nice.
WILLOW: I figured you’d like it, considering the talk of pressure earlier…
WILLOW: It looks so cute on you, even from behind.

She finishes tying it up and takes your wing in hand, leading you to a full length mirror.

Your formerly pear shape body now has a distinct curve in the middle- you’re still bottom heavy, but it’s almost like you have a subtle bust now- and you very much like that.

WILLOW: You’re so pretty…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You're one to speak. I can hardly keep my eyes off of you. You pull it off well.

...I'm tempted to pull it off myself, but like, we already put all the effort into putting it on, haha. What would you like though? What makes you feel good?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You think so? You gotta tell me why if you're going to say something like that. Helps me keep it in mind just in case for future occasions you know.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: You think so?
POLKA DOT: You can’t just say shit like that without telling me why, though.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, helps me keep it in mind.
POLKA DOT: Both to make me feel good, and to hold in my pocket for later.
POLKA DOT: I wanna know your weaknesses.

She wraps her ghostly hands around your newly-curved waist, hugging you from behind.

WILLOW: I like it when your legs get highlighted…
WILLOW: The black color against them is really, really nice.
WILLOW: Solid black in general works really well on you, considering how colorful and patterned you are…
WILLOW: It creates contrast. I love contrast.
WILLOW: The corset also highlights your shapes…
WILLOW: You having wider hips is even more noticeable now, and I like what it’s doing up top, too…
WILLOW: That, and just…you. The outfit works so well on you, but just, you in general…
WILLOW: I love it.

She nuzzles at your neck, skull smooth against your choker.

POLKA DOT: I mean, I can’t keep my eyes off you, either.
POLKA DOT: I swear, you could pull off anything…
WILLOW: Even as a spooky ghost?
POLKA DOT: Especially as a spooky ghost.
POLKA DOT: Look at you! You glow!
WILLOW: Hehehe….I guess I do.
POLKA DOT: It’s good stuff…and honestly, if you hadn’t just gone to all that effort to put this stuff on, I’d be taking it off and getting right to it.
WILLOW: You’re really that into this?
POLKA DOT: Hell yes. I’ve been into literally everything we’ve done since we walked through the door.
WILLOW: Then…hm.
WILLOW: We don’t need to take off our clothes to have fun.
POLKA DOT: What’d you recommend, then?
WILLOW: Cuddling up and feeling each other out would probably be a good start…
WILLOW: Hmm….let’s make a game of it, actually!
POLKA DOT: Oh? Like the three questions game?
WILLOW: Kind of, but a lot more hands on.
WILLOW: We’ll take turns feeling each other and see what places are the most sensitive.
WILLOW: …winner gets to try the vibrating wand on that spot.
POLKA DOT: What’s that do?
WILLOW: It sends a lot of sensation to the body, more than a person can all at once.
WILLOW: We’d start on low settings to start, because that thing…can get intense.
WILLOW: Sound fun?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, I’m down!

Willow walks you back to the bed, and you both flop onto it, rolling into the bowl-like shape of it.

WILLOW: I’ll let you start first.
WILLOW: Oh, but- feel free to drag it out and experiment.
WILLOW: The more buildup we have, the better it’ll be, right?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Maybe the emblem on her chest, the mist where her hands connect, and her neck? Kisses for the neck, especially.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Boop/gently grab those horns/ears

maybe gently pet the top of her head, reaching through the flame hair if that isn't uncomfortable
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Right where the neck connects to the chest and shift toward the indent between the neck and collarbone. Press down just a bit.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: I gotta make this first turn count.
WILLOW: It’s not that serious!
POLKA DOT: I wanna make a good first impression!
POLKA DOT: So let’s see…
You reach up to rub one of her horns between your wing-fingers, immediately getting a shiver out of the ghost.

POLKA DOT: That good?
WILLOW: It’s so much more sensitive in this body…
WILLOW: I forget how touch starved I can get, admittedly.

You decide to try and sneak another little move in, dragging your hand away from her horn and towards the flame on her head. As soon as your hand passes through it- a warm sensation filling you as you do- Willow breaks into a fit of little giggles.

WILLOW: A-ah! Hey!
WILLOW: It’s ticklish!
POLKA DOT: Your hair is ticklish?
WILLOW: Yes! Yes, it is!
WILLOW: Also- cheating!
POLKA DOT: It’s still the same spot! Just! Head area!
POLKA DOT: Touching your head!
WILLOW: I guess!

You give her a little more tickling just to see her laugh and squirm, the flame dancing around your hand as you do. It’s adorable.

WILLOW: Okay, okay, my turn…

She reaches out and rubs your bare shoulders and what’s exposed of your back, the warmth from her hands feeling like a nice massage…you can’t help but lean in closer as she does, getting a laugh out of her.

POLKA DOT: That’s really nice…
WILLOW: I figure it’s a safe spot to try and start with…
WILLOW: There’s something nice about being dressed up and having the uncovered parts of yourself touched, isn’t there?
POLKA DOT: Absolutely…
POLKA DOT: It’s like…
POLKA DOT: It feels more sensitive there, even just to have someone looking at it.
WILLOW: It’s part of why I prefer semi-clothed to nudity, I think…
WILLOW: It changes your awareness. Suddenly, every touch on open skin feels more dramatic…
POLKA DOT: I think I can get into it, honestly.
WILLOW: Why don’t you take your turn to explore it a little?

Her words linger in her head as you pull away just enough to look her over, plotting your next move. She’s mostly covered up, aside from the little cutouts in her outfit…

…including one exposing the crossbone emblem on her chest.

POLKA DOT: Hey, Willow.
POLKA DOT: Is this part sensitive?

You press your hand against the emblem, your wing-hand covering it entirely. It immediately gets a noise of surprise out of her.

WILLOW: O-oh, do you like that?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, it’s cool!
POLKA DOT: Really goth…
WILLOW: I-I guess!
WILLOW: It’s a weird thing for me…
WILLOW: …most people are too spooked by it to touch it, though.
POLKA DOT: Not me.

You run your fingers up and down it, little sighs escaping your friend. It glows a bit brighter than any of the other parts of her, now that you’re looking closer at it…
POLKA DOT: It suits you…
With all the care you can muster, you lean in and give the very center of it a little kiss.

WILLOW: It’s…funny that you say that…
WILLOW: It’s, well…

She looks embarrassed to say it.

WILLOW: My real name…
POLKA DOT: Wait, really? What is it?
WILLOW: Crossbone.
WILLOW: I still really like Willow as an alias, definitely would rather be used around Laurie’s…
WILLOW: But you can call me that if you want, when we’re alone.
POLKA DOT: I love it.
CROSSBONE: I’m glad…it doesn’t really come off as “pretty”, but I am kind of attached to it.
CROSSBONE: It’s silly, but having the alias makes me feel more confident. It’s a mask, just like me staying in my shell…
CROSSBONE: But right now, I want you to see me as I am.
CROSSBONE: …is that okay?

You nod, giving her the softest smile you can.

POLKA DOT: I wanna see every part of you, Cross.
CROSSBONE: Ohh, Cross, I like the sound of that…
CROSSBONE: That sounds pretty!
POLKA DOT: Of course it does, it’s you.

You lose track of time as you spend more of it kissing and petting at the emblem, using her name from time to time to reassure her as you tell her every nice thing that comes to mind.

She loves it, every second of it.

When it’s her turn, she moves to run her spectral hands along your pinched waist, starting at your bare chest and sliding down the curve, trailing along the hourglass figure. It makes you feel hot all over, just feeling that sensation through the fabric, just barely, tantalizingly, kept away from your skin.

CROSSBONE: Touching over clothes can be nice, too…
POLKA DOT: Yeah, I’m really into the feel of this…
POLKA DOT: It’s nice to have the uh, figure? Stuff highlighted too…
POLKA DOT: It’s like how it was looking in the mirror with you, having that focused on…but…softer. Warmer.
CROSSBONE: I’m glad..

She keeps it up for a while, each turn seeming to take longer and longer, both of you just…getting absorbed into everything.

When it’s your turn again, you go straight for a flurry of kisses to the neck- and this time, you get results. The noise Cross makes is hard to describe, but whatever it is, you love it.

POLKA DOT: You like that?
CROSSBONE: It’s so cute and nice…
POLKA DOT: Heh…sounds like I’m getting close to winning, then.
CROSSBONE: I can still hold out…
CROSSBONE: probably

You’re determined to drive her over the edge, already planning ahead for your next turn, the killer move-

-when she goes for your legs, rubbing her hands up and down the stockings and making you have to cover your face to hide your blush.

CROSSBONE: Who’s winning now?
POLKA DOT: I…I’m good!
POLKA DOT: I can take it!
CROSSBONE: You’re shaking!
POLKA DOT: It’s just…the raw gay energy! Yeah!
POLKA DOT: It’s no big! I can keep going!

She feels up the upper part of your thighs where the stockings end, and you are going nuts over it, just completely crazy over how good it feels and how cute she is. The look in her eyes is like nothing you’ve ever seen before, half lidded and caught up in it all, just as much as you are…

You’re not sure how long it goes for before it’s your turn again, and you’re having a hard time getting your mind together. This is simultaneously better and more overwhelming than you expected- but not in a bad way, for the latter. You can get why people are so interested in this stuff, now…

When you finally manage to catch your breath, you go in for the kill.

You know her neck is sensitive. You know that your shoulders are sensitive- so it stands to reason that hers might be too. So, with that in mind…

She watches you carefully as you place your hands on her shoulders…and slowly massage your hands around her collar. To your delight, she seems to melt into your touch, shivering and mumbling for you to keep going.

CROSSBONE: That’s soooo nice…
CROSSBONE: I didn’t- I didn’t even know that was a spot for me…
POLKA DOT: I’ve got you…got you right where I want you.

She can’t help but lean on you when you do it, mirroring your own moves earlier…it’s enough to make your chest ache, seeing her so close to you.

But when it’s all said and done, even with her an absolute wreck…

She still has energy for one more turn.

Oh no.

CROSSBONE: I definitely won’t last another round, so…
CROSSBONE: It’s time to seal my victory.
POLKA DOT: …I bet I can take it.

She reaches around your body, letting one of her hands float over behind you.

Ohhhh no.

CROSSBONE: This almost feels like cheating.
You can instantly tell when her hand is on your tail, warmth surrounding it as she cups it with care. That alone is enough to get an awful squeak out of you, but it just gets worse when she starts to fucking rub it.

POLKA DOT: T-that is cheating!
POLKA DOT: You already knew about that!
CROSSBONE: T-to be fair, this is indulgent for me too…
CROSSBONE: You have no idea how much it kills me for you to just, have something so cute out in the open all the time…
POLKA DOT: I’ll keep it out there, just for you-

Before you realize it through your haze, she’s moved in for a kiss- which you gladly accept. Time feels like it’s stretching again, and all you can think about is her, and this, and how for the first time in what feels like ages, you are safe.
When she pulls away, you feel like you must look like a total mess.

CROSSBONE: Do you remember what the prize for winning is?
POLKA DOT: …oh god.
CROSSBONE: You can back out if it’s too much!
CROSSBONE: We’ve already gone so far with things…
POLKA DOT: No. No, I want to feel it…
POLKA DOT: If it’s too much, I’ll say so.
POLKA DOT: Right now, I want to feel that so bad.

Cross nods, reluctantly pulling away to grab the wand. When she flicks the switch and it starts to vibrate, you can’t help but have your eyes widen- that’s going to make you feel good?

When she applies it to the underside of your tail, you just…

The feeling is indescribable, but it doesn’t take long.

You are a melted puddle in her hands, and she’s just as worked up as you are, just from this- you’re not even touching her aside from leaning onto her lap, but judging from the look in her eyes, she’s in just as much bliss.

When she turns the wand back off, you’re shaking.

POLKA DOT: I…I think need a minute.
CROSSBONE: M…me too.

She leans over to curl up around you, giving you a little kiss on the cheek. The bowl-shaped bed seems to surround the two of you, making a cozy cocoon to snuggle in.

CROSSBONE: Did you have fun?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
oh for sure, though I'm sure that was obvious from how I just...melted in your arms. I couldn't have imagined how this would feel...

did you have fun?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Mmhmm, better than I could've imagined really. How're you holding up?
POLKA DOT: For sure…
POLKA DOT: It’s better than I could’ve imagined. Had no idea this stuff could be…well, like that.
CROSSBONE: It’s a bit of a surprise with your first time, yeah…
CROSSBONE: You looked like you were having a great time, though.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, I mean- I’m sure it was obvious, considering I kinda just melted all over the place.

She giggles at that, cupping your cheek with a hand. You nuzzle into it, enjoying that warm feeling seeping into you.

CROSSBONE: You sure did…
POLKA DOT: How are you holding up, though?
POLKA DOT: Did you have fun?

She nods, smiling with her eyes again.

CROSSBONE: I’m really glad I invited you over…
CROSSBONE: It’s…impulsive of me, considering we really haven’t known each other for that long- all of this.
CROSSBONE: Showing you my projection, my real name, doing sex stuff…
CROSSBONE: But…I don’t know, there’s some kind of connection here.
CROSSBONE: I legitimately felt, just…excited, and peaceful, and safe, and happy-
CROSSBONE: It feels like I finally met someone I can resonate with.
CROSSBONE: Someone who I can actually talk to about my interests and have it be more than just a career thing- not that I don’t like talking with the other models, it’s just…different.
CROSSBONE: It feels like you get it, even if a lot of this stuff is new to you too.
CROSSBONE: Like, we’re just…on the same page.
CROSSBONE: I needed that.
CROSSBONE: I think I have ever since I got here.
CROSSBONE: I don’t know why it took me a whole year to actually get to the point where I could approach someone about being friends out of nowhere, let alone express that I’m attracted to them, and go this far so suddenly…
CROSSBONE: But I’m glad I did.
CROSSBONE: I really, really like you, Ribbon.
CROSSBONE: It’s too early to say where things will go, I think, and I don’t want to put pressure on you in any direction, but…
CROSSBONE: I’m really glad we’re friends. And I’m really glad we can share this together.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Oh yeah, you've shared your name with us, it's more than fair that we return the favor isn't it?
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
Should we share our name? How comfortable are we with that, right now? Sure, we're close to her and all, but... I can't shake the feeling that the minute that we open up that much, the moment we mention our old name, or the wind up toy we're at the edge of remembering, it's all gonna come up in the narrative. It's all gonna come to bring our one aspect of safety crashing down.

...Though I'm not sure if we can stop that either way.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
If we don't return the favor, how can we expect to keep her trust? She deserves that much. Narrative or not, it's good to have friends.
Her words sink in, everything still swirling around your head…there’s so much to think about, but two things stand out to you in the moment.

One, is that she wants to be friends with you, something feeling so profound about that. It’s not the first time she’s said it, or the second, but right now, after you’ve shared such a tender moment together…after seeing you so vulnerable...

That feeling you got earlier, with that hug…it comes back in full force, and before you can stop yourself, you have Cross in another tight hug, the ghost returning it with plenty of enthusiasm.

POLKA DOT: I really want to share this with you, too…
POLKA DOT: I…for whatever reason, it feels like I need this.
POLKA DOT: I need time like this.
CROSSBONE: I’ll give you all the time you want!
CROSSBONE: Well, as much as I can give with work, anyway.
CROSSBONE: But…I want to feel safe with you, and help you feel safe with me.

The other thing on your mind comes up again- it’s…hard to make a call on, but…

What if you told Cross your name?

Like, your real name?

You mean, she told you hers. It’d be fair to return the favor- but…what if things go weird and bad? What if the narrative decides that that’s enough to make your past come back to haunt you?

What if talking about the past brings it all crashing down on top of you- and Cross as well?

You lean back and get one look at her gentle, serene face, and cave.

Fuck it.

I want her to trust me.

And…she’s my friend. I can allow this.

POLKA DOT: About that…
CROSSBONE: Is everything okay?
POLKA DOT: Yeah! Yeah, everything’s good, just…
POLKA DOT: You trusted me enough to tell me your name, earlier.
POLKA DOT: I want to return the favor.

Her eyes quite literally light up, glowing a bit brighter at that.

CROSSBONE: If you’re sure!
CROSSBONE: You’re not obligated to, it’s okay, just-
POLKA DOT: Shhh. It’s fine, Cross.
POLKA DOT: My name’s, uh…
POLKA DOT: Polka Dot.

It seems almost silly coming out of your mouth- why did you have to pick an alias that’s so much cooler?!


She smiles with her eyes again as you say it, taking it in.

CROSSBONE: It works so well, especially with your spots…
CROSSBONE: Do you prefer Polka, or Dot?
POLKA DOT: Any of those work, I’m not picky.
CROSSBONE: Okay…Polka it is.
CROSSBONE: Just when we’re in private though, right?
CROSSBONE: Our little secrets, then.
CROSSBONE: I like it…

Cross rests her head on your shoulder, and you instinctively move your wing to pet the top of her head- enjoying the feeling of her flame-hair in your wingtips.

CROSSBONE: That’s nice, too…
POLKA DOT: You’re nice.
POLKA DOT: No, I’m evil.
CROSSBONE: No, you’re not!
POLKA DOT: Watch, I’ll prove it.

You move in to rapidly nuzzle your beak against her neck, getting the giggle fit out of her you’ve come to love, even in such a short time.

CROSSBONE: Oh no, I’ve been captured by a diabolical duck!
POLKA DOT: And I’m not gonna let you go until I’ve gotten alllll the giggles out.
CROSSBONE: Noooo! I’ll never stop, though!
POLKA DOT: Mine forever, then!

You’re not sure when the nuzzling turns to kisses, and the kisses turn to holding each other so close, but it’s cozy, and you can’t get enough of it.
When everything settles into silence, though, your mind can’t help but wander.

CROSSBONE: Everything okay?
POLKA DOT: Huh? Yeah, I’m fine.
CROSSBONE: You just…look like you have something on your mind.
CROSSBONE: You can talk to me.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
'Yeah recently I've been thinking about a lot, like for example, if i was to get a wind up boat, right, and name it after you because i think naming boats after other people you like is customary, and something happens or it just gets old and the motor breaks, say, and i scrounge up enough to replace the motor, then that fine, right? That's still my boat. But what happens if like, the plastic siding breaks and I have to replace that, and then the little bit that makes a whistling sound breaks and so on and so forth until I have replaced every part of my boat. Is that still my boat, is that still the SS Crossbone? Also would I need to be a pirate to name a boat that or do you think it'd be fine?'
you can trust her, I think
Maybe not necessarily go into too much detail, unless it feels right/safe to do so, but i think we should open up a bit more about the fact that the past is haunting us and some of the intrusive thoughts/memories we keep having/the narrative pushing us to confront shit we may not feel ready for

Also that you're happy to be close to her... her friend, it's really nice
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
I guess, I was just remembering... it's a lot! It's a lot, but uh...I think the last people who called me by my real name either ended up really really hurting me, or got hurt. I can't remember if they were hurt by me or someone else. And, y'know. I don't think you'll be like either of them. But my brain can't stop trying to fit this in a box, figure out if you'll hurt me or if something will hurt you because of me, I guess?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
So... What's it like for you when you're inside the shell? Is there, like, a little room in there that you sit in or is it more like wearing a suit?
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
...I had a dream about us, we were Super Hot pirates or adventurers or something (I took notes on the outfits, like I said Super Hot, we should try to find/do something with or like them some time if you're game for that), but in it you hugged me and
It felt great, almost as good as the real thing! But when I woke up afterwards there was a sense of sadness and hurt. I don't think it was related to you, I think it was related to what happened to me before Here, and it's been weighing on Me a bit.
But I do think tonight's given me some hope for moving forward, it was wonderful, and you're wonderful!
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
POLKA DOT: …I had a dream about us last night.
CROSSBONE: …was I cute in the dream?
POLKA DOT: Oh, yeah, for real.
POLKA DOT: We were super hot pirates. Or something.
CROSSBONE: I’d make a terrible pirate!
CROSSBONE: …I mean, name would imply otherwise, but outside of this state, I can’t go anywhere near the water!
POLKA DOT: Yeah, you were kind of spooked about that in the dream too…
POLKA DOT: But you wanted to be there with me.
CROSSBONE: I mean…yeah, I guess that is true, I do want to figure out ways to be in the water with you…
POLKA DOT: Then maybe we can figure out how to be super sexy pirates someday. I took notes on the outfits and everything.
CROSSBONE: Maybe we could make them sometime…
POLKA DOT: I’d be totally game for that.

She squeezes your hand, and you eagerly squeeze back. The look in her eyes encourages you to press on, strength building up in your chest.

POLKA DOT: In the dream….you gave me a big hug.
CROSSBONE: That’s sweet…
POLKA DOT: You think so?
CROSSBONE: Mhm…it’s nice to know you think of me like that…
CROSSBONE: I think…it’d weird some people out when we had barely talked, but for me- I got some weird dreams too.
CROSSBONE: Keep going, though. I don’t want to derail.

You can’t deny that the feeling you get when Cross mentions having you in her dreams is a warm one.

POLKA DOT: We can talk about it after though, right?
POLKA DOT: Okay, good. So…
POLKA DOT: You hugged me.
POLKA DOT: It felt great, almost as good as the real deal-
CROSSBONE: And now you have that for comparison!

She gives you a big squeeze for emphasis, and predictably, you squeak. It gets both of you laughing again, and you’re somehow at ease even with the next part coming up.

POLKA DOT: Yeah, I do.
POLKA DOT: But…when I woke up, I felt this awful hurt.
POLKA DOT: It sounds stupid, but I was just…sad.
POLKA DOT: I tried journaling down my feelings, but it just fucked me up more at first. All I could think was that I wanted a hug, so fucking bad, and I kept going in circles.
POLKA DOT: Eventually it did start feeling better, once I focused on the nice parts of the dream and actually, yknow, took comfort in it.
POLKA DOT: And…now that I’m here, and actually doing stuff- not just with anyone but with you-
POLKA DOT: I know we just met. I know this is just…new, and the narrative is kind of fucking with me-
POLKA DOT: -but this feels right.
POLKA DOT: I feel actual hope.

Cross is quiet for a moment, and you start to feel nerves set in- did you fuck up? Did you say the wrong thing-
-the ghost pulls you in for another squeeze, and holds you there.

CROSSBONE: You can ask me for a hug any time.
CROSSBONE: After tonight, I know that I want to be here for you.
CROSSBONE: Sometimes, with the narrative, and the Store, and all of that stuff…
CROSSBONE: I know it can be a lot.
CROSSBONE: I said I had my own bad dreams, and I meant it. Being homeless for a while before coming here wasn’t kind to me, especially not during the winter…
CROSSBONE: And even if I ignore my own Store memories, I still get worked up over those days.
CROSSBONE: Life here is hard.
CROSSBONE: But…we have each other now.
CROSSBONE: I might not be able to help with everything, but I can at the very least give you a hug when you need it.
POLKA DOT: Thank you…
POLKA DOT: That…means more than you probably realize-

You can feel tears welling up, little pinpricks of paint at the corners of your eyes.

POLKA DOT: I just…this is a lot…
POLKA DOT: I think the last people who called me my real name either ended up hurting me, or they got hurt, or I don’t know-
POLKA DOT: What if I hurt them?
POLKA DOT: What if-
POLKA DOT: I don’t know.
POLKA DOT: I don’t think this is going to go like any of that, but my head keeps trying to put it in that box.
CROSSBONE: I’m not as delicate as you think, you know.

She smiles with her eyes again.

CROSSBONE: I’m able to stand up for myself. If you misstep, you’ll know.
CROSSBONE: And…if whoever hurt you in the past comes back…
CROSSBONE: I’ll show them the door.

You can’t help but smile back, making a choked up squeak as she wipes your eyes.

CROSSBONE: Let’s just…take it one step at a time.
CROSSBONE: You and me.
POLKA DOT: You and me.

You curl into each others’ bodies again, occasionally giving each other kisses in the silence that follows.

POLKA DOT: …you said you’d talk about your own dreams too, after.
CROSSBONE: Mmm…what kind do you want to hear about?
POLKA DOT: Any of it, I guess.
CROSSBONE: Hm…I’ll go for bad dreams first. Good ones are a treat.
CROSSBONE: With my bad dreams…I get chased a lot.
CROSSBONE: Sometimes by toys, sometimes by monsters…
POLKA DOT: Monsters? Like the ones you mentioned earlier?
CROSSBONE: There’s creatures outside of settlements that hunt down passing toys…
CROSSBONE: They don’t look like toys at all themselves, just…strange.
CROSSBONE: I haven’t seen any up close, but I’ve heard stories, and I am interested in seeing one myself some day…
CROSSBONE: But some of the scarier tales people have told me stuck with me, and I dream about them sometimes.
CROSSBONE: I don’t know if such things existed back in the Store, but that’s where I usually get chased.
CROSSBONE: Endless aisles lined with empty bodies…
CROSSBONE: And none of them come to help.
POLKA DOT: That sounds awful…
CROSSBONE: Oh, it is.
CROSSBONE: But it’s scarier when it’s an actual person.
CROSSBONE: When I was homeless, I was attacked a few times…I eventually got my hands on my hatchet and was able to start fending people off, but electronic toys like myself are really wanted for parts.
CROSSBONE: Combine that with the fact that I showed up here during the winter, and the cold affects me a lot…
CROSSBONE: It was pretty bad, and I’ve had to get a few repairs to my shell since.
POLKA DOT: Wait, really?
POLKA DOT: Your shell looks brand new!
CROSSBONE: A lot of scratches got buffered out, new paint jobs…
CROSSBONE: Truth be told, I’ve had plenty of opportunity to ditch the whole skull thing on my shell, but it felt…important to keep.
CROSSBONE: The buttons were completely replaced, though.
CROSSBONE: Had one ripped out and couldn’t feed myself for days without having to actually reach inside to press the electronics…

She shudders.

CROSSBONE: That I dream about. Having to see and feel my own insides, even if only a little.
CROSSBONE: I never want to go through that again, but my dreams make me relive it every so often.
POLKA DOT: That sounds god awful…
CROSSBONE: It is, but…at least I know it’s over when I wake up.
CROSSBONE: I’m safe here at Laurie’s, at least relatively.
CROSSBONE: That’s what’s important.

You give her a reassuring nuzzle, which she readily returns.

POLKA DOT: And the good dreams?
Your grin spreads before you can help it.

POLKA DOT: You said you had some weird ones.
CROSSBONE: Well, okay, hmm….
CROSSBONE: Last night, you also showed up in my dream.
CROSSBONE: We were walking through some kind of forest together…
POLKA DOT: A forest?
CROSSBONE: Mhm, big trees and a mossy path. Not real moss mind you, but…springy rubbery stuff.
CROSSBONE: It was dark, and spooky, and you got scared, so I held your hand…
POLKA DOT: Wait, I got scared of the dark?
CROSSBONE: Only a little.
POLKA DOT: I can handle the dark!
CROSSBONE: But if you did, you wouldn’t have an excuse to hold my hand.
POLKA DOT: …good point.
POLKA DOT: What happened then?
CROSSBONE: Oh, just…some weird stuff.
CROSSBONE: …really weird stuff.
POLKA DOT: You can tell me.
CROSSBONE: …well….
CROSSBONE: …turn into a monster.
POLKA DOT: …like the ones you’ve mentioned?
CROSSBONE: Sort of? Except I’m still, like, me.
CROSSBONE: But all of a sudden, I’m just…bigger and more powerful, and it feels good, especially because I’m able to protect you better…
CROSSBONE: and then i carry you and its really cute
CROSSBONE: Is that weird? Like, I have to be weird for liking that, right?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
No it's not at all weird! I think it'd be nice to be carried around. don't have to walk, I could take naps in your giant purse, sit on your shoulder... it sounds nice, to be a little little. I think that dream is adorable, you're adorable. do you get cool spikes or flame breath?
you know what? i think i WOULD like to be carried around by a BIG HOT GIRL!
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
If you do turn into something like that, I have permission to ride into battle on your back, right? I could be the cool warrior type with the sword and all, and you'd be the ferocious beast that's secretly super nice...
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
no, that's the coolest!! I think... i would like that too honestly. having a cool monster girlfriend that can carry me sounds awesome
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
POLKA DOT: No! No, that’s not weird!
POLKA DOT: You know what-
POLKA DOT: I think I WOULD like to be carried around-

You bury your face into her neck and nuzzle up hard again, getting those ghostly giggles out of her.

CROSSBONE: You’re so silly-!
POLKA DOT: I’m serious, though!
CROSSBONE: …you are?
POLKA DOT: I think it’d be cool, to like…
POLKA DOT: I dunno. Having a cool monster girlfriend sounds awesome!
POLKA DOT: I wouldn’t have to walk, I could go ahead and sit on your shoulder and take naps in your giant purse-
CROSSBONE: Wait, where’d the giant purse come from?
POLKA DOT: Well, you’d be big now, right? You need a big purse to go with it.
POLKA DOT: And that purse will be my bed.
CROSSBONE: I’ll have to keep an eye out for giant purses, then…
POLKA DOT: …did you get cool spikes? Or flame breath?
CROSSBONE: I can’t remember most of the details, honestly…
CROSSBONE: I think I got a mouth?
POLKA DOT: That’s, like. Advanced kissing territory, if both of us have mouths.
CROSSBONE: I could figure out ways to use that.

She gives you a teasing look.

CROSSBONE: Girlfriend?
POLKA DOT: I-I mean!
CROSSBONE: I mean, if I do turn into a monster and you’re cool with it, we could be girlfriends at that point, I think.
CROSSBONE: I do like the idea of being that close…
CROSSBONE: I just….didn’t want to rush things. Even though we kind of are already.
CROSSBONE: But if that’s a direction you want to go…
CROSSBONE: We could try it.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
we dont have to rush things!! aa im sorry... i just got kinda excited cause this is very comfy... being vulnerable and listened to genuinely.
i think.. taking things a bit slower for now would probably best, but... I'd like that, one day. Being girlfriends would be nice...
Once we're both ready for it and not still in this jumble of a rush of new things and narrative and all of that

If that sounds good to you?
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
We can really take as much time as you need but... wouldn't mind testing things and seeing how we feel long term personally. I think no matter what we'll figure out what works best but I really do like you.
POLKA DOT: W-we don’t have to rush things!
POLKA DOT: I’m sorry, I just-
POLKA DOT: I got kinda excited ‘cause this is really comfortable and safe and…yeah.
POLKA DOT: We can take things slow and give ourselves as much time as you need…
POLKA DOT: I wouldn’t mind testing things out, and trying things someday.
POLKA DOT: Figure out how we feel long term.
POLKA DOT: Being girlfriends would be nice, and I really do like you…

Cross leans in to give you a little kiss on the forehead, and you blush at the tender gesture- even with how subtle it is, it’s perfect for the moment.

CROSSBONE: That’s sweet…
CROSSBONE: I really like you too, Polka.
CROSSBONE: We’ll take it slow then, and maybe when the time is right, we’ll know.
POLKA DOT: Yeah. We’ll know.

It’s quiet again, and you sink into the cocoon-like feeling of the bed once more.

CROSSBONE: …do you want to mess around some more, or are we just cozy for tonight?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: blazblue.png]
I'm leaning cozy. I just want to have this moment with you, to relax, to breathe, to hold and be held and not worry about what tomorrow will bring.
last round got kind of intense, and I kind of want to relax. but, do you know of anything more low key we could do potentially, even if it's just something like being close/making out?
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
uuugh I really wanna mess with you more, but I'm feeling pretty sleepy now as it is...
mind if I just, lay against you and nap for a little?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: …is it okay if we stay cozy?
CROSSBONE: I wouldn’t have offered if it wasn’t, of course we can.
POLKA DOT: Thanks…it just, got kinda intense, and I wanna have this moment with you.
POLKA DOT: Maybe we could kiss a little, but I kinda just want to lay against you and nap.
CROSSBONE: I’ve got just the thing…hold on for one second.

You wait patiently for something to happen, and you nearly jump out of your skin as the bedroom door opens- Cross’ shell walking in from the hallway.

POLKA DOT: Scared me!
CROSSBONE: I figured I could sandwich you…
POLKA DOT: Yes please.

The shell scoots in at your back, and your friend’s two bodies squish you between them, getting the faintest squeak in the process. Two completely different feelings, but both of them are nice…

CROSSBONE: Hehehe….I get to hug your tail.
CROSSBONE: The gayest.

As you start to drift off, you find yourself alternating kisses between Cross’ bodies, almost sleepily overwhelmed in the best way possible. It’s clear she’s just as tired as her bodies slowly get less active, snuggling against you.
You finally sleep, and it is blissfully dreamless.


The days pass. You work tirelessly, your skill in the kitchen growing with only a few mishaps…

Vine chastises you on something, Cindi praises you on another. You make a new special and treat Cross to it, and she says it’s her new favorite.

What are these things?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Vine chastised us for going out into the city without a buddy. We knew it was stupid, and it could go wrong, but we had just made enough money to get some good fabric from the thrift store. There wouldn't be another trip there for some time, for some stupid reason I can't remember, so we just went on our own. It was fine. We brought our weapon, and we got to and from safely, remarkably, but she wouldn't let us hear the end of it.

Cindi praised us on our technique. We're handling our temper better, and are more focused now. It's slow, but we're improving. I still get the feeling she doesn't quite respect us yet, but I'm trying not to let it get under my skin.

Our treat for Cross? It was a dessert of course, we know her sweet tooth. It was macarons. One that matched her shell with a little skull printed on top, one that was speckled with some sprinkle glitter we found, and a bunch of plain ones. We ran out of energy making them fast, but she told us they were lovely nonetheless.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
1. Daydreaming on the job
2. Exceptional growth in combat skill
3. chocolate frosted devil food cupcakes with white chocolate skulls. you call them jolly rogers.
VINE: You…
Vine sighs, pressing a paw against her forehead.

VINE: Let me get this straight.
VINE: You went out, on your own.
VINE: After everyone telling you not to.
POLKA DOT: I handled it-
VINE: I know, and I’m glad you’re safe.
VINE: But for the love of- Saddler’s still out there!
VINE: Just because you’ve been here for over a week doesn’t make you invincible, Ribbon.
POLKA DOT: I…I had my weapon, and I’ve been practicing with Cindi…
VINE: A weapon isn’t going to be enough against someone like him, not from the stories I’ve heard.
VINE: Once the blacklist went up, we started hearing more and more.
VINE: I have half a mind to sit you down and start telling you some, to scare you enough to take this seriously…
VINE: But by the look on your face, you’ve learned your lesson.
VINE: Right?

You nod vigorously before looking down in shame- for some reason, this is…definitely reminding you of someone you used to know.

Sandy. It was always telling me to stop screwing around…

Your mentor just sighs again after seeing the look on your face, and gives you a pat on the back.

VINE: Look…
VINE: Was it worth it, at least?

You look up, pinpricks of tears in your eyes.

VINE: What you went out for, what’d you get?

Her voice softens.

VINE: Had to be pretty cool, if you risked going out on your own.
Your face lights up as you pull out your shopping bag, letting her rifle through.

VINE: Huh…lots of fabric remnants. Good stuff, too.
VINE: Are you planning on making something?
POLKA DOT: Willow and I had some ideas to try out together…
VINE: Sit down and tell me about ‘em.
VINE: You two are sweet, I want to be caught up on what’s going on there…

She listens to every word.

CINDI: N…not bad, heh.
The horse plush is doubled over, using their long arms to support themself.

CINDI: Gut shot…nasty when paired with a hammer.
CINDI: If you were really aiming to kill, you could go for a seam rip with the claw end.
CINDI: …do that to me, and you’re totally fired, though.
CINDI: Laurie doesn’t hire murderers.

There’s a smile to her voice as she says it, and you can’t help but feel a distinct sense of pride.

CINDI: Didn’t get pissed, either.
CINDI: You’ve got focus. Good.
POLKA DOT: …it’s really that significant?
CINDI: For a week’s work? Yeah.
CINDI: You’ve got a long way to go, duck, but I’m seeing promise.
CINDI: You’re getting somewhere.
CINDI: …though I gotta wonder something.

You brace yourself as she stares you straight in the eye, almost as if she’s trying to puzzle you out.

CINDI: You really do seem like you’ve fought before.
CINDI: Maybe not with a hammer. Maybe not well.
CINDI: But you’ve done some damage.
CINDI: …I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t worrying.
POLKA DOT: Why’s that?

You can’t help but sound defensive when you say it, your skin prickling.

CINDI: Feels like I’m giving a loose cannon actual training.
CINDI: Loading up a weapon or something.
CINDI: You better not make me regret this, duck.
CINDI: Your anger’s getting better. Way better.
CINDI: But you better keep it that way, or I feel like we’re gonna see some guts splattered.
CINDI: Got that?
POLKA DOT: …got it.


CROSSBONE: Really? Just for me?
POLKA DOT: Well…it was the special today, so not just for you…
POLKA DOT: But this one’s got some extra flair.
POLKA DOT: That’s just for you.

She’s practically bouncing as you set the plate down in front of her, hopping up on the adjacent stool and swinging your legs. You can’t wait for her to try…

The dessert in question is a cupcake- you used a blank base miniature and carefully painted each one a chocolate brown, letting them “bake” to dry…the resulting flavor? Devil’s food cake.

CROSSBONE: Is that a little skull on top?
POLKA DOT: Mmmmhm.
POLKA DOT: They’re called Jolly Rogers.
CROSSBONE: You really love that pirate dream!
POLKA DOT: I mean, I had another one and everything. Maybe it’s a sign.
POLKA DOT: We still gotta make our costumes…
CROSSBONE: Hehehe…maybe we could debut them at a costume party.
POLKA DOT: They have those here?
CROSSBONE: On occasion.
CROSSBONE: Usually during the fall season, but…people here love getting dressed up.
CROSSBONE: I’ll keep an eye out for one…
POLKA DOT: Hopefully not too soon. We’ve got work to do.
CROSSBONE: I’ve got some sketches, actually.
CROSSBONE: We can go over them after this!
POLKA DOT: Sounds perfect.

You lean in to give her a little kiss on the screen, her internal character shimmying around, all embarrassed.

CROSSBONE: You’re so sweet…
POLKA DOT: Not as sweet as the Jolly Roger I made.
POLKA DOT: Go ahead, try it.
CROSSBONE: Here goes.

She raises it to her face and her pixel character takes a bite, a happy little sun icon popping up.

CROSSBONE: It’s perfect.
CROSSBONE: Super rich!
CROSSBONE: And the skull on top compliments it a lot…

You watch her eat until the cupcake disappears, and you can’t deny a little tingly feeling as you do. Eating sweets had become kind of a…thing for the both of you over the past week, and admittedly, you’d spent a few more evenings taking turns sharing food with each other. Even stuff like this, where it was a completely chill environment separate from that…it gave you a little thrill to see Cross eating your cooking.

CROSSBONE: Delicious.
CROSSBONE: You’re going to have to make me some of these in private…

The thought of it makes your head spin- looks like she had the same idea.

You’re going to have to memorize this recipe.

Another week passes.

You and Cross go on a date, outside of Laurie’s. You and Tim see something incredible. You and Beans get to know each other a little bit.

What happens with each?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You see a Cheesy Giant Monster movie for the date with Cross, See a shooting star with Tim (and I don't remember who Beans is sorry so I'll just suggest for those two)
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
Cross and I went to an indoor roller skating rink. It was a really fun time, but she had a lot better balance than I did. I swear, the rink was filled with muffle squeaks as I ran into walls and fell on my face over and over. She felt bad about it, but we laughed it off and told her it was fine, we'd been through worse scrapes. Then the disco ball came down. And we danced in the middle as well as we could manage on wheels, and leaned in close for a short kiss. It would've been longer, but I slipped again halfway through. I'm blaming the skates. They weren't made for flippers like mine.

Tim and I were sitting outside of Laurie's despite the bitter cold to relax, and to talk about life and stuff with some semblance of actual privacy. He still seems worried about me... I'm not sure how to take that. After a bit there was a lull in the conversation, before he grabbed my arm and pointed up at the sky. At first I thought it was a shooting star, but then I saw more of them. So much more. It was a full-blown meteor shower. Not sure if it's an omen of anything, but I'm choosing to believe it's a good one if it is. I'm...not sure if you're supposed to, but I secretly made a wish. I'm not gonna tell it, though.

I've tried to make small talk with Beans a few times during my shift last week, but we were always too busy with orders to really talk much. Plus, I wouldn't have a clue what to start with. "Hey, here's my trauma from the Store?" I'll pass. "Hey didja know I'm punching our other coworker in the parking lot every other day?" Not really much more to say there. So it was kind of a stalemate. But today they had a, it looked like? A whole sleeve of em. I joked about if they were temporary tattoos or not, and we actually had a pretty interesting conversation from there! We should really talk more often.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
We go see a horror movie for the date, a bad one. we laugh and banter and make fun of it. as the end credits roll, kisses.

on a trip outside Laurie's, Tim and us see the night sky change permanently, as if someone was swapping out an old backdrop for a new one.

We get paired with Beans for trivia night and learn about xer interests.
CROSSBONE: So you’ve never seen a movie before.
POLKA DOT: I mean…I don’t think in a theater, at least.
POLKA DOT: It’s not gonna scare me to see moving pictures, if that’s what you’re worried about.
CROSSBONE: It did cross my mind, but…
CROSSBONE: Even still, are you sure you want to see a horror movie for your first try?
POLKA DOT: Please. I can take it.
POLKA DOT: Worst case scenario, I get to hold your hand.

Little pixel blush pops onto the character on Cross’ screen, and she can’t help but sway from side to side at the gay thought of it all.

CROSSBONE: I guess that wouldn’t be so bad…
CROSSBONE: But please let me know if you want to leave at any time!
POLKA DOT: I will. Promise.

The theater is mostly empty as the two of you walk in and take your seats, sitting in back.

CROSSBONE: This way, nobody kicks our seats.
POLKA DOT: Huh, that the pro strategy?
CROSSBONE: I mean, I wouldn’t call myself a pro...I just went to a couple of these with the model crowd when it was my turn to pick out movies.
POLKA DOT: You go out with them regularly?
CROSSBONE: Sort of? It’s more of a thing we do after rehearsals sometimes, not guaranteed or anything.
CROSSBONE: I’m not, yknow, close with any of them, but it’s nice to have an excuse to get some air…
CROSSBONE: Though with it becoming more dangerous these past few months…we haven’t really gone out at all.
CROSSBONE: I know we’ll be safe, though.

She extends her hand for you to squeeze, and the theater grows dark.

The movie itself is…well…

It establishes itself as bad very quickly, but thankfully not in any kind of objectionable sense. The opposite- it’s funny, and the two of you have to keep from laughing too loud and getting yourselves kicked out of the theater. While you can’t quite joke to each other out loud, you make silly faces back and forth at all the right moments, and when you can finally let the laughter out as the credits roll, you get plenty of glares from the sparse theatergoers.

As the two of you kiss though, it barely matters.

TIMOTHY: What’re you thinking about?
TIMOTHY: You’re staring off into space a little.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, just…thinking.

You’re sitting on the bench outside of Laurie’s with Tim, both of you decked out in your warmest clothes and kicking your boots in the dirty snow. It’s night and only just barely outside of the building feels safe enough to get some fresh air, but the two of you are taking the opportunity to get some feelings out.

TIMOTHY: I’ve been thinking a lot lately, too.
TIMOTHY: Mm…I can’t say I was expecting either of us to get partners so quick-
TIMOTHY: Wait, do you and Willow use terms yet?
POLKA DOT: Not yet, but we’re open to it someday.
TIMOTHY: Gotcha…Devo and I are boyfriends now, I guess?
TIMOTHY: Which! I am super psyched about!
TIMOTHY: I’m glad we hit it off so well…
TIMOTHY: But I’m worried I may not be able to help him in all the ways he needs it.
POLKA DOT: What? You’re like, the most supportive guy I know.

Tim shakes his head.

TIMOTHY: That’s not what I mean, exactly…
TIMOTHY: I can’t really go into it, not without violating his privacy and trust- and I’m not about to do that.
TIMOTHY: But Devo needs some help that I don’t know if I know how to give yet…I’m going to try and learn.
POLKA DOT: …is it anything, uh, I can help with?

His eyes light up.

TIMOTHY: Maybe, actually!
TIMOTHY: Do you, um…
TIMOTHY: Wait, no, you do! You do know!
POLKA DOT: Know…what exactly?
TIMOTHY: Sewing! You know how to sew, don’t you?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, of course I do, silly.
TIMOTHY: Ugh, I’ve been wracking my mind on who to go to for help with this, and you were there the whole time…
TIMOTHY: …could you teach me how to? Sew, I mean.
POLKA DOT: I don’t see why not. It’s kinda important.
TIMOTHY: Thank you…I can’t go into details, but even just knowing basics would be huge…
TIMOTHY: I can get my own materials and everything! So don’t worry about that-
TIMOTHY: I just…it’s important.
POLKA DOT: Of course man, I got you.

You reach out to give Tim a shoulder pat, and he gives you a warm look.

TIMOTHY: Thanks…
There’s quiet for a little bit as the two of you watch the occasional car go by, taking in the city ambiance before Tim’s tugging on your arm, pointing his paw towards the sky.

TIMOTHY: Ribbon! Ribbon, I just-
POLKA DOT: What, are you okay-
TIMOTHY: I saw a shooting star!

You look up and see the plain ol’ night sky backdrop the same as it always is, a crescent moon hanging overhead.   

POLKA DOT: Looks the same to me.
TIMOTHY: Keep looking-!

You keep your eyes trained on the sky, and nearly jump out of your skin when you see it.

POLKA DOT: Oh my god!! There!
TIMOTHY: I told you!!

Another one shines down and the two of you are hooting and hollering, getting some irritated looks from toys passing by.

You make a little wish on a particularly bright one, but you don’t tell Tim.

It’s just for you.

POLKA DOT: So, uh….Beans.
You lean over on the counter in the back room, making what you hope is a casual expression.
The spirograph just looks at you, xer expression a little bit nervous.

BEANS: …yes?
POLKA DOT: I’ve been uh, trying to talk to you.
BEANS: …mhm.
POLKA DOT: Because, yknow, we’re coworkers.
POLKA DOT: And you seem cool.

Xey nod.

POLKA DOT: …yyyyeah.
BEANS: I’m…not the most….
BEANS: Interesting toy here…
POLKA DOT: Yeah, but-

As xey turn to fuss with xer bag, you notice ink patterns along xer arm.

POLKA DOT: Wait, is that a new tattoo?
BEANS: Huh? Oh…

Xey hold up xer tattooed arm, the patterns spiralling around from xer shoulder down to xer wrist. It’s all abstract designs, but there’s something…whimsical about them.

BEANS: I guess I did get this done this weekend…
BEANS: I couldn’t come in yesterday because it was still hurting pretty bad.
POLKA DOT: Wait, tattoos hurt? It’s just painted on, right?
BEANS: Sorta…it…varies.
BEANS: They hurt because they’re supposed to hurt, I think…

Xey seem a little embarrassed at your interest in xer new ink, but as you ask more questions, xey perk up, bit by bit.


Another week passes.

Your sleep is restless, just as it has been the past three weeks. But this time…

A specific dream jumps out at you…a really, really weird that you're not sure how to feel about.

How does it start?

Some abstract concepts influence your dream, pulled from the depths of your psyche.

What are they?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
The dream starts with you tending to a garden in a backyard. The backyard is on a hill overlooking an ocean. There's also a Full length mirror slightly taller than you are propped up against a tree in the backyard.

As for concepts: recognition, conversation, ebb and flow, reconciliation
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
you're running up giant cake that towers higher than the clouds on stairs made of chocolate and frosting. you never seem to get higher. you feel desperate and are screaming a name that you can't remember.

Concepts: The duality of hope and despair, the feeling of catharsis after you've grieved enough from loss, what it feels like to kick off your shoes after a long day, the sound of laughter at a joke that only makes sense in the context of the community that created it.

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