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[TOY] Plaything
Take a seat. "alright, what do the people you watch tend to do? like say you saw a... goose and and a robot across the room, how would they be having fun?"
Wiggle with your tail a little as you sit down, not like a Lot that it's really noticeable, just a bit to see if Willow reacts/was actually checking out your tail and have an internal gay panic moment if she did
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Give her a nod and sit down next to her. And just...look at her, I guess.

...oh gee but is it obvious we're staring? Let's, uh, look at the partygoers going in and out.

"You people-watch, ey? Seen anything wild at any of these?"
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Oh yeah, ask if she's seen anything particularly interesting or that stands out yet, even if it's just getting started/hasn't fully gotten going yet
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
POLKA DOT: Yeah! Yeah, sounds good…
You take a seat next to her, managing a little tail wiggle as you sit. You can tell Willow saw that, the character on her screen jumping a little before she could stop it. A rush courses through you at that- She’s checking me out! She’s into it!

The two of you awkwardly just…sit there in the extremely gay silence, until neither of you can’t hold back a fit of giggles.

WILLOW: This is so silly…
POLKA DOT: Huh? What is?
WILLOW: Just…being here.
WILLOW: It’s the first time I’ve ever actually talked with someone at one of these things outside of small talk about my modeling jobs.
WILLOW: People recognize me, but they mainly just want to congratulate me on a good job or give me compliments that always feel kind of…well, I appreciate them, but they always feel a bit hollow.
WILLOW: I do have some people I say hi to now and again, but very little in the way of actual friends…
WILLOW: So this is…nice!

Hearing Willow call you her friend again just makes your tail start wagging- not on purpose, this time. Unfortunately for your virtual pet companion, she notices you smirking at her expression, and the two of you burst into awkward, silly giggles again.

WILLOW: S-sorry, I shouldn’t-
POLKA DOT: No, you’re good.
WILLOW: I mean! I’m usually better about…you know…checking people out.
WILLOW: But…I guess…
WILLOW: I think you’re really cute.

You are going to heat up and die.

WILLOW: I’m not good at expressing that kind of thing, though…
WILLOW: Even though I’ve been here a year, I’ve only hooked up with people, like, twice.

…oh god she’s talking about-
WILLOW: And! It was fun! I did have a good time, I guess…
WILLOW: But it was more just experimentation than actually having a connection…
WILLOW: Mostly just fooling around with the other models, and even then, I’d only talk to a handful of them off of work.
WILLOW: …this is a lot of aimless rambling in order to try and explain something simple, huh?

All you can manage is a nod, followed by you shaking your head furiously.

POLKA DOT: No! I mean yes, it’s rambling, but that’s okay! Rambling’s all good!
POLKA DOT: I’m, just, uh…
POLKA DOT: Processing!
WILLOW: Oh…I’m sorry if I misunderstood or assumed-
POLKA DOT: Nope, uh, you did not, misunderstand me, I…I mean, I really do think you’re pretty.
POLKA DOT: And the fact that you think I’m cute…makes me really happy too.
POLKA DOT: So…yeah.
POLKA DOT: You’re good.

Willow makes a happy set of beeps and chimes at that, the character on her face smiling and giving off little sun symbols.

WILLOW: That’s awesome!
WILLOW: I’m so happy to hear it…relieved too.
WILLOW: I kept worrying that I’d make a fool of myself…
POLKA DOT: I don’t think that’d happen. You’re too cool for that.

There’s quiet again, and the two of you settle into watching people mill around.

POLKA DOT: Anything stand out yet?
WILLOW: It’s the usual crowd, I only see one newcomer aside from you…

She nods over towards the other corner, a shimmering snake-like sand plush coiled around itself.

WILLOW: I’ve seen it around Laurie’s before, though. I think it’s been waffling on coming in for a bit.
WILLOW: Aside from that…

The virtual pet turns her gaze to the stage, gesturing to a trio of toys setting up some kind of display, with some more setting up a few chairs up in front.

WILLOW: One of the topics they got people to speak on today is various toys and such, new releases…
WILLOW: Not like, people toys, just…yknow. Gear.
POLKA DOT: Ohhh, yeah. Saw some of that in my catalog.
POLKA DOT: Skimmed it, admittedly…
WILLOW: I don’t know if I’ll watch too much, but I may listen in to whatever can be heard from over here…
WILLOW: I’ve got plenty of stuff at my place, so I’m not really in the market for anything new.

Plenty? Plenty?!
You are starting to realize your initial interpretation of shy, easily flustered Willow might be a bit off base…but…

You’re not opposed to it.

WILLOW: Still, sometimes gimmicky trends can be fun.
WILLOW: If you’re interested, we can.
POLKA DOT: I’ll think about it…
POLKA DOT: …what do people usually do aside from that?
POLKA DOT: Like, say you saw…a goose and a robot across the room.

That gets another little laugh out of her, and you can’t help but grin.

POLKA DOT: How would they be having fun?

To your surprise, she takes on an overtly flirtatious tone, resting her head on the back of the couch.

WILLOW: People chat. They small talk.
WILLOW: They show off what new spoils they’ve gotten, clothes, gear, etc…
WILLOW: Sometimes there’s cuddling or very light play, but no actual sex.
WILLOW: See that couple over there?

She makes a subtle point at a pair of toys by the door, a canine fashion doll having a virtual pet not unlike Minnie on a leash and collar.

WILLOW: That’s Enrique and Dominion, they’re a sweet couple that does S&M role stuff a lot of the time.
WILLOW: It’s nothing serious, just casual enough for a party like this, but it’s still play for them.
WILLOW: As long as you’re chill about stuff and respect the energies of the party…a lot of stuff goes.
WILLOW: If someone asks you to dial it back, you listen.
WILLOW: Within that…
WILLOW: The sky’s the limit.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
How about something along the lines of...

"well, small stuff seems pretty nice honestly, and being this close together physically already is a good start, however If something a tad more intimate were to occur, (hold out your hand to like indicate for her to hold it) I don't think I'd be entirely opposed (give her hand a smooch)"
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
Sky's the limit, eh? Good to know, good to know...

And what would that look like for you?
What have you been itching to try?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Sky’s the limit, huh?
POLKA DOT: Good to know…

You do your best to shoot a flirtatious look back at her, feeling more than a little silly over it in the process.

POLKA DOT: Small stuff seems pretty nice to me…
POLKA DOT: Being this close is a good start.

You not-so-sneakily extend a wing, the virtual pet placing her hand in it. The plastic’s texture is smooth with gentle ridges along the fingers, making a somewhat satisfying noise as it makes contact. With as much finesse as you can muster, you bring her hand up to your beak for a quick smooch- causing a flurry of beeps out of your friend in the process.

POLKA DOT: How’s that?
WILLOW: Really…cheesy.
WILLOW: But I like cheesy! It’s sweet…
WILLOW: It helps take the edge off, you know?

She scoots in a little closer so you could both get comfortable holding hands, leaning over onto your shoulder just a smidge.

POLKA DOT: So, uh…what else would this kind of thing look like for you?
POLKA DOT: Anything you’ve been itching to try?
WILLOW: Let me think on that for a second.

You can just barely get a glimpse at her screen from this angle, looking over to see the character on her screen in what you can only guess is an exaggerated thoughtful expression.

WILLOW: We could play a little game.
POLKA DOT: A game?
WILLOW: Mhm. We ask each other questions back and forth.
WILLOW: Like…getting to know each other that way.
WILLOW: I’ll even let you ask me anything, no matter how weird.
WILLOW: If something’s too much, we’re both allowed to pass, and I’ll respect anything you don’t want me to ask you…
WILLOW: All I ask is that we’re truthful with each other.
WILLOW: How’s that?
POLKA DOT: Yeah…think I can go for that.
WILLOW: Awesome!

Willow lets out an excited chirp, giving your wing a squeeze.

WILLOW: I’ll let you start. Let’s do…rounds of three. Three questions at a time.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
What's your favorite Pokemon
Are you a gamer?
How'd you get into modeling?
What's your favorite place in town, besides Laurie's?
Aaaaand...where are you most ticklish?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
If you could have anything right now, what would you want?
POLKA DOT: Okay, so…
You wrack your brain for premium gay shit- but wait, what if it’s too gay? May be good to start slow.

POLKA DOT: How’d you get into modeling?
WILLOW: I was pretty instantly drawn to clothes upon showing up here…before I had a place at Laurie’s, I would wander around the city and look at all the nice outfits in the store windows.
WILLOW: It always felt like something I couldn’t have, just barely out of reach.
WILLOW: I couldn’t figure out ways to make money for a long time, and being homeless was hard on me, especially during the winter…
WILLOW: But when I finally got to Laurie’s, they gave me a set of clothes that was mine, and I got to pick it out from his big box in his office and everything.
WILLOW: I started working in Laundry, just to see all of the cool outfits that people brought in…you have no idea how much I wanted to try stuff on, but that’d be, you know, kind of messed up…so I just took note of what looked my speed.
WILLOW: After a few months of that, I signed up with Featherweight’s program.
WILLOW: I had already been spending my paychecks on his stuff, and he had a line in the works meant to work with virtual pets- things like silicone covers, stuff that worked with a screen and buttons…
WILLOW: I was a good fit for it, and since then, I’ve been the go to model for more goth or edgy styles.
WILLOW: It makes me feel a little silly to be playing into the spooky thing so hard when I have mixed feelings about it, but I really do like dressing like this.
WILLOW: And I love modeling! Getting dressed up is the only time I really feel at home with myself…
WILLOW: …oh god, you got me going. Is that okay?
POLKA DOT: That’s the point of the game, right?
POLKA DOT: I want to hear all of this.

You squeeze her hand and she returns it with a pixel smile.

WILLOW: Thanks…
WILLOW: Gimme another.
POLKA DOT: What’s your favorite place in town, besides Laurie’s?

This one gets a groan out of her, and you worry you may have made a misstep- she shakes her head when she sees your face, trying to look reassuring.

WILLOW: Don’t worry, it’s not you- it’s just…
WILLOW: This city sucks.
WILLOW: I’m sure you’ve heard that plenty of times by now, but it’s awful here…
WILLOW: Anything outside of Laurie’s network is outright risky, so he tries to make as many affiliates with honest businesses as he can.
WILLOW: That way, people can get resources without having to worry about being in danger.
WILLOW: So, I guess if I had to pick from stuff I know is safe-
WILLOW: Featherweight’s studio and shop are like, amazing…
WILLOW: There’s so many things to look at, and sometimes he lets me use his equipment to make my own stuff.
WILLOW: It’s really peaceful there, just the hum of sewing machines all day long…
WILLOW: Aside from that, I like the roof.
POLKA DOT: Of…Laurie’s?
WILLOW: Yeah, as long as the weather’s good.
WILLOW: I can’t do much in the rain or snow, and too much sun’s going to bleach me, but…
WILLOW: When it’s a nice cloudy day, or a clear night, I like to go up there and sit for a while.
WILLOW: It’s kind of lonely, but it helps me clear my head.

She seems to get lost in thought for a few moments before shaking it off.

WILLOW: Third question. Go.
POLKA DOT: Okay! Let me think…

…maybe now is the time for gay.

POLKA DOT: If you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?
WILLOW: Oh, that’s a good one…

She pretends to think it over in great detail, making an exaggerated pose as she does. It gets a proper giggle out of you, only for her to intensify the gesture. Before either of you can stop it, you’re both laughing.

WILLOW: Well…I may have to give that one a half pass.
POLKA DOT: …half pass?
WILLOW: Mhm. I think it’d be more fun to tell you what kind of thing I’d want, without actually saying it.
POLKA DOT: O-okay, what is it then?
WILLOW: I’m thinking…
WILLOW: Something cozy.
WILLOW: Something gay.
WILLOW: Like, really gay…and something…new.
WILLOW: For both of us.
WILLOW: That’s all you get.

Your mind’s going wild with possibilities, but you don’t get a moment to really consider it before she’s steamrolling ahead.

WILLOW: Hmm…okay, let me think….
WILLOW: What’s your favorite part of Laurie’s so far?
WILLOW: What made you pick out that outfit?

The character on her screen gets a mischievous look on its face.

WILLOW: What about you? If you could have anything right now, what’d it be?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
this might be a cop out, but my favorite part of Laurie's is the people. the rooms are just places, the people make this place feel full of life.

I picked this outfit because it is rad and I have amazing taste. Also I thought you'd like it

Right now, I think I'd just want this moment to last forever. So I don't have to face my past, or whatever the narrative has cooked up for me. So I don't have to work, and struggle to fine my place. So I can just be here, with you.
Favorite part of Laurie's? The pool. Hands down. No contest.

What led me to the outfit was A, my namesake. Thought it fit me well. I think I really like lace and ribbon in clothes in general though - basically anything you have to tie up, like corsets and stuff. Also, B, full honesty here, I wanted to look hot. And I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I do. I feel hot at least, and that's all that matters, right?

And if I could have anything right now? Ok. Ok ok, ok ok ok this is cheesy but hear me out here. Could I have your number?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Favorite part of Laurie’s…

You think it over, tumbling around poignant answers…

But you’ve gotta go with what speaks to you.

POLKA DOT: The pool. Gotta be.
POLKA DOT: No contest on that, unless you count, like…
POLKA DOT: The people here.
POLKA DOT: Does that count?
WILLOW: I’d say it counts if you want it to.
POLKA DOT: Saying both isn’t a cop out?
WILLOW: It just means I get to learn more about you, right?
WILLOW: So…multiple answers are okay.
POLKA DOT: Okay, cool.
WILLOW: I will say…I really wish I could join you at the pool, more.
WILLOW: There are ways that my kind can go in the water, but getting a proper suit for it is really expensive, and I’ve heard they aren’t the most comfortable things in the world.
WILLOW: Still, I might look into it.
WILLOW: …well, there is one other way…
POLKA DOT: Wait, really?
POLKA DOT: There’s a way you can go swimming? Safely?

She nods, though the character on her screen does a nervous shimmy.

WILLOW: My projected body isn’t affected by things like that. It’s tangible, but it doesn’t damage me to get wet or cold at all…
WILLOW: I just…get weird about it. Some people are totally good about leaving their bodies around other people, but it makes me really nervous…
WILLOW: I’d…probably be okay with showing you. But not around other people.
WILLOW: But…maybe after…
WILLOW: I-I dunno! Up to you!
WILLOW: Next question!

Okay…the idea of seeing Willow’s “true form” or whatever definitely has you excited, but it’s clear she doesn’t want to talk about it quite yet. Maybe you could ask more about it on your next round…

POLKA DOT: Okay, so…the outfit.
Willow leans in, listening closely. You get the feeling she’s really, really interested in this answer.

POLKA DOT: I guess you could say that part of it was…my name. Silk Ribbon.
WILLOW: Is it an alias? Like, a chosen name?

You nod, and Willow smiles.

WILLOW: Mine too. It takes a lot of the pressure off, especially when we seem to come with names we didn’t even pick…
WILLOW: I still like my given name, but…
WILLOW: It…has a different vibe.
WILLOW: People would probably just get scared of me.
WILLOW: Yours, though, it’s so elegant! Silk Ribbon!
WILLOW: Matches your choker, too.

Your face lights right up.

POLKA DOT: Exactly! That’s exactly it!
POLKA DOT: I showed up with it, but I also just…really like lace and ribbon in general.
POLKA DOT: Anything you have to tie up is just…nice to me.
POLKA DOT: I really liked seeing corsets in the pamphlet I got…
WILLOW: I wonder if it’d have a shaping effect on you…even if not, I think you could totally pull it off.
WILLOW: Maybe one of these days, you could come with me to Featherweight’s and I could do some measurements! I have plenty of stuff for that…
WILLOW: …sorry if that’s a little much, I just…really like the idea of making clothes for other people too.
POLKA DOT: No, no, are you kidding me? I’d love that.
POLKA DOT: I wanna see what you make for sure.

Another flurry of happy beeps sends warm feelings all over your body, your head even feeling a little fuzzy from just how nice it is, talking with her.

POLKA DOT: And…one other reason.
POLKA DOT: Full honesty, I wanted to look hot.
POLKA DOT: I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure I do. I feel like it, anyway.

Willow takes a moment to reply to this one, the character on her screen hiding its face.

WILLOW: I mean…I c-can’t really disagree there…
WILLOW: You definitely made me turn my head, and I wouldn’t be surprised if other people got a good glimpse of you when you walked in.
WILLOW: It really suits you…
WILLOW: So…yeah. I’d say you’re hot.

The character peeks out from behind its hands, just a bit.

WILLOW: really hot
Okay, you are definitely starting to heat up a little. This was…probably…that weird arousal thing you read about, and you can’t say you mind it too much, at least not now. Something about Willow complimenting you and your outfit like that, and being so genuine about it, is really pushing some buttons.

…you wonder if she feels the same way.

WILLOW: Last question, right?
POLKA DOT: Yeah…what I want right now.
POLKA DOT: I think…well, two things. Is that okay?
WILLOW: Yeah, two things is fine! Like I said earlier, you’re good.
POLKA DOT: Okay, but one of them is really cheesy.
WILLOW: Said that earlier too, I like cheese.
POLKA DOT: In that case…

You hold up your bag, setting it down again to fish your phone out with your free hand.

POLKA DOT: I want your number.

She chirps out a little melody, a wonderful laugh.

WILLOW: That is cheesy!
WILLOW: You can have my number, of course…
WILLOW: Here. Can I type it in real quick?

You nod, remembering to think about giving her access as you hand it over. Surprisingly, she’s able to navigate it with one hand.

WILLOW: …cute background!
…oh god you forgot about that.

WILLOW: I didn’t know you’re a fan of ghosts…
Her voice gets that mischievous, flirtatious tone again, and you are going to go crazy for it.

WILLOW: That bodes well for later.
WILLOW: …yknow if youre up for that its fine

She punches in her number and hands it back- to your delight, there’s a little heart symbol in her contact listing. Perfect.

You put the phone away, and get back to it.

POLKA DOT: Th…the other thing…
POLKA DOT: I just…
POLKA DOT: Want to be here with you.
POLKA DOT: Right here.
POLKA DOT: I want this to last forever.
WILLOW: …you really mean that?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, like…
POLKA DOT: I don’t want to have to face my past…
POLKA DOT: Or whatever the narrative has in store for me…
POLKA DOT: I don’t want to have to work right now, or struggle to figure out where the fuck I belong…
POLKA DOT: I don’t want to have to think about any of that stuff.
POLKA DOT: I just want to be right here. With a nice girl, holding hands, in a nice warm club where I can be myself.
POLKA DOT: …whatever that actually means, for me.
POLKA DOT: …is that too much?

She shakes her head before burying it back into your neck.

WILLOW: I love that.
WILLOW: It’s so easy to get caught up in everything this place has to throw at you…
WILLOW: I just want to escape it all too, sometimes.
WILLOW: Sometimes I think about running away from this city, going somewhere new…
WILLOW: But I’d miss Laurie’s too much, I think.
WILLOW: Even if I don’t have a lot of people I’m close to here, I don’t know if anywhere else would really capture this…
WILLOW: Energy.
WILLOW: Moments like this…I want to think they can happen anywhere, but I’m glad Laurie’s makes it easier.
WILLOW: For us to just. Share.
WILLOW: And spend time together.
WILLOW: …your turn for questions.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Okay so.... this is a bit of a simpler one, but... you got any favorite foods? While clothes are definitely my biggest interest, I've been working in the kitchen a bit and apparently quite good at it... been real fun too, especially making it fancy and decorating it... guess that's similar appeal to clothes actually... very visual and pretty
But anyway... so... who knows, maybe I could make something for you at some point if you'd like that?
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Give me your dream date, I wanna know what the perfect day is.
[Image: blazblue.png]
Ok. So, you mentioned you like the thought of making clothes. Which is really fun, because I do too, but wasn't able to get fabric from the store last time we went since I wanted to get the phone. So...have you made anything yet? What's your favorite fabric to work with?

...Those are both one question.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Ok, simple one first- favorite foods?
POLKA DOT: I’m definitely, like. Interested in clothes and fashion the most, but I’ve been working in the kitchen a little and Vine says I’m pretty good at it.
POLKA DOT: Not…trying to brag or anything, just…
POLKA DOT: I like making stuff fancy and decorated. Kind of the same visual appeal as fashion, in that sense.
POLKA DOT: But…yeah. I wanna know what you like, so I could maybe…make something for you, or something?
WILLOW: …you’d cook for me?
POLKA DOT: …yep.

Her little character wiggles around and covers its face, shimmying from side to side.

WILLOW: That’s so cute…
WILLOW: I’ve always dreamed of a nice girl making me something tasty…!
WILLOW: Aaaaah, that’s such a big fantasy of mine!

She wants you to cook for her! She wants you to make her food! Ohhh, my god, you’re acing this.

WILLOW: I love sweets, as cliche as it is for a spooky variant toy…
WILLOW: I love cake, and pudding, and ice cream-
WILLOW: The snack option for me is even wrapped hard candies.
POLKA DOT: Snack option?

All of a sudden, there’s that look on her face again.

WILLOW: …You wanna try something?
POLKA DOT: I mean, sure!
POLKA DOT: …though it depends on what the something is.
WILLOW: Ok, so…I’m gonna show you how to navigate my menus.

She nods.

WILLOW: My kind of virtual pet often has menus that you can scoot around with the buttons on my chest.
WILLOW: You can do stuff like play games with the character on my face, or give it blankets to sleep in, check my overall status, and, well…
WILLOW: Feed it.
WILLOW: It’s…pretty trusting to let somebody else push the buttons, because the stuff inside is more…how do I put it…
WILLOW: I like to tuck myself in both on the screen and in real life when I go to bed, because I can feel the digital blanket better- unless I’m projected, then I feel stuff outside just as well.
WILLOW: The same for food…while I have a limited selection of stuff inside, it does taste a lot more flavorful than stuff outside, again, unless I’m projected.
WILLOW: So…I really like my little candies.
POLKA DOT: …you want me to give you one, then?

She nods again, the pixel character giving a shy smile.

WILLOW: I’ve never let someone try it.
WILLOW: But…I don’t think anyone would mind here, considering the whole rules about touching being allowed.
WILLOW: N-not that it’s inherently a horny thing! Just…
WILLOW: Yknow. Touching someone’s chest.
WILLOW: Are you up for that?

Before you can even consider otherwise, you’re vigorously nodding- the idea of touching Willow right now sounds like a dream come true.

WILLOW: Okay, so…hit the first button two times. That’ll take you to the food menu.
You poke at the first button, eyes widening as it squishes in your hand. Willow lets out a beep as you do- it must be involuntary, but there’s something…sweet about it. As you do it, an icon highlights at the top of the screen.

POLKA DOT: Okay…like that?
WILLOW: One more time.

You follow through.

WILLOW: Middle button to confirm, and then select “snack” with the first button.
POLKA DOT: Like this, right?
WILLOW: You got it.
WILLOW: Press middle button to confirm, and there you go!

Pressing confirm puts Willow back on the screen, a little hard candy dropping from the top of the screen. The tiny pixel ghost eats it right up, giving you a warm expression as soon as she’s done.

WILLOW: Peach flavor! That’s one I don’t get often…
WILLOW: Thank you!

You realize your wings are shaking a little, but not in a bad way…you just…touched Willow, more than just holding hands.

WILLOW: …you okay?
POLKA DOT: Yeah! Yeah, just…
POLKA DOT: I can see what you mean about that being more intimate…
WILLOW: Did you like it?

She goes back to resting her head on your shoulder.

POLKA DOT: …yes. Yeah. Yes I did.
WILLOW: Maybe I’ll let you mess around with it more sometime…
WILLOW: I’ve got plenty of secrets hidden around in there.

Fuck, she’s good at this.

POLKA DOT: I wouldn’t mind poking around…
POLKA DOT: Next question though, right?
POLKA DOT: You mentioned making clothes.
POLKA DOT: Well, I do too. I can’t remember a lot of stuff about it, but I know the skill is there.
POLKA DOT: I wasn’t able to get fabric while going out to the pawn shop yesterday, wanted the phone more…
POLKA DOT: But I’m curious- what kind of stuff do you make?
WILLOW: I’m still a newbie at it myself, but I like working with a mix of sturdier materials and delicate stuff.
WILLOW: Leather looks so nice, but so does lace…
WILLOW: But my absolute favorite is silicone.
WILLOW: It’s a completely different process, no sewing to it, but making protective pieces for plastic toys, even if just partial and made more for aesthetic purposes…
WILLOW: It’s so nice.
WILLOW: You can get really cool marbling effects, too…
WILLOW: I’ll have to show you at some point!
POLKA DOT: I’d love to see…that sounds awesome.

She extends her hand again, and you gladly take it. It feels…warmer somehow, as if both of you are basking in the sheer pleasant energy of this sort-of-date- no, it’s definitely a date now. But…

POLKA DOT: Last one.
POLKA DOT: Gimme your dream date.
POLKA DOT: What’s the perfect day?
WILLOW: Well, this right now is really nice!
WILLOW: But if I had to cap it off…
WILLOW: I’d say going back to my place, or my date’s place, and just…unwinding would be nice…
WILLOW: Curl up together, maybe mess around a bit…
WILLOW: Talk some more, eat dinner together…
WILLOW: Maybe watch a movie, or just whatever’s on TV.
WILLOW: Just…mundane it up, I guess?
WILLOW: …I know that’s not super exciting, but I like the idea of it…
POLKA DOT: …are you…?
POLKA DOT: Inviting me to do that?
WILLOW: Maaaaybe.
WILLOW: Depends. I almost…did, admittedly, back in the laundry room…

Wait, what?

WILLOW: You know, when I was going to ask you something…
WILLOW: Maybe it was presumptuous of me before we even went on a date together, but in that moment, with just the two of us…
WILLOW: I really was considering inviting you over.
WILLOW: I guess I got cold feet.
WILLOW: Not because of anything to do with you, I just, I didn’t know if it’d be weird to invite someone I just met over for more than a hookup…
WILLOW: …okay, maybe a little bit of a hookup too, but I know you’re not, like, super experienced.
WILLOW: Which, neither am I for that matter, but seeing you want to talk about stuff and experiment makes me a bit more confident in getting to know you…closer.
WILLOW: I could probably teach you some stuff, but I’m just barely not a newbie myself.
WILLOW: So…you could probably teach me stuff too, just through playing around and talking.
WILLOW: It…sounds nice, to me…
WILLOW: A lot less scary than inviting more experienced toys over for a night like I have before…they were nice, but I did feel out of my depth sometimes.
WILLOW: With you, it’d be…an adventure! Figuring stuff out together!
WILLOW: …sorry, I really went off…
WILLOW: But…it’s my turn for questions now.

WILLOW: One: do you like me like that?
WILLOW: Two: if so, do you want to learn things together?
WILLOW: Three: if so, do you want to come by tonight and try?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
yes to all three
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
okay this is definitely a gay panic moment, i dont know if ducks make embarrassed noises but i imagine polka Definitely ends up doing weird little rubber ducky squeaks as willow reveals that and just burst out yes yes yes! while blushing

also once the initial emotional rush is over reassure her that she doesn't ever need to apologize for rambling, you really do enjoy her company and listening to her thoughts and you want to figure this out with her/try this out with her
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Yep, uh, yep, and
ᵒʰ ᵍᵉᵉ

Thought to self... Was our dream prophetic again? We were on a...pirate adventure with Willow last night. And tonight, apparently we'll be on a different sort of...

[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You can barely believe this is real right now. Willow is legitimately inviting you to…oh god. Oh gosh, oh god, you are having a true and honest to god moment of gay panic, your face covered in red and pink paint.

You try to reply, but all you can get out is a line of squeaks, getting a laugh out of your date.

WILLOW: Oh no…
WILLOW: Did I fluster you too much? Are you okay?
WILLOW: You sure?

You nod furiously, getting another cheerful beep in return.

POLKA DOT: I…yes! Yes, and yes.
POLKA DOT: Yes to all of it.
POLKA DOT: I really, really want that.
POLKA DOT: I like you a lot, and the idea of figuring this stuff out with you…
POLKA DOT: That sounds perfect.
POLKA DOT: I’m honestly relieved, because, uh…
POLKA DOT: I’m trying to figure this shit out on my own, and it’s a lot to take in.
POLKA DOT: Getting to do that with somebody I like…like, a lot, even if it’s only been a few days, sounds great.
POLKA DOT: So yes. Triple yes.

Before you can react, Willow’s got you in a hug, which you gladly return. She’s not particularly warm temperature wise, but the hug itself is warm like the handholding just moments earlier, in a super emotional way that you can’t quite place.

WILLOW: I’m so happy to hear it…
POLKA DOT: Oh. One more thing.
WILLOW: Hm? Is everything okay?

She pulls back just enough for the two of you to make eye contact.

POLKA DOT: You don’t gotta apologize for rambling, yknow.
POLKA DOT: Like, ever.
POLKA DOT: I want to hear what you have to say.
POLKA DOT: I wanna get to know you.
POLKA DOT: It’s never gonna bother me.
WILLOW: If you’re sure…
POLKA DOT: I promise.
WILLOW: Okay…thank you.
WILLOW: I don’t get the chance to go off much, so when I do, it can be a bit much for people…
POLKA DOT: Not for me.

Willow doesn’t let you go as she leans over onto your shoulder, humming a soft string of beeps.

WILLOW: It’s your turn for more questions then, if you want.
WILLOW: I’ll ramble as much as you want.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Alright then... if you could go anywhere out of this town safely, to really see the sights, where would you go?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
pull a fast one and ask what the best next question is.
just to be careful - so, we've been getting used to the touches all night, obviously we're fine with the hand-holding, we're probably gonna keep this going all the way to your room. is there anywhere that's off-limits?
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
POLKA DOT: Okay, uh…this one’s cheating.
POLKA DOT: What’s the next best question.
WILLOW: Hehe…um…hm.
WILLOW: Maybe…ask me what I find cute about you.
WILLOW: I’d like to ramble about that.
POLKA DOT: …do I get to ask that for free?
WILLOW: Yes, silly.
POLKA DOT: What do you find cute about me, then?

Willow pretends to take a long time to think it over, still warm in your arms.

WILLOW: I like your shape a lot…
WILLOW: Curves are always something I’ve been drawn to, and you have a nice pear shape…
WILLOW: Ending in that tail! It’s so cute…
WILLOW: Seeing you wiggle it is just. It gets me.
WILLOW: …I kinda want to touch it.

You raise a brow, giving her a look.

POLKA DOT: Just kinda?
WILLOW: Okay, okay, a lot.
WILLOW: Rubber is also just, a really nice texture…hugging you has give, and I like that.
POLKA DOT: Just don’t do it too hard, or I’ll squeak.
WILLOW: What if I want to make you squeak.
POLKA DOT: I mean…
POLKA DOT: Yknow what?
POLKA DOT: Go for it.

Without hesitating for a moment, she dives in for a tight hug, compressing you and filling you with more of that tingling, hot feeling.

…are you into being squished?
When she lets you go, you let out a huge squeak, getting some looks from the people nearby and sending the two of you into a massive giggle fit.

WILLOW: Okay, I love that.
POLKA DOT: I did too, actually…
POLKA DOT: Something about it just feels…
POLKA DOT: Exhilarating.
WILLOW: More of that later, then. For sure.
WILLOW: Aside from all that…I think your eyes are really nice.
WILLOW: I like the dark eyelids…and with the liner you put on, you’re really selling it.

Fuck yes! You knew that was a good idea!

WILLOW: And then, god, your fashion sense…
WILLOW: You know I’m all about the lace, too.
WILLOW: I just want to dress you up…
WILLOW: Is that we-
POLKA DOT: Hey. No feeling bad about rambling!
POLKA DOT: …also I’d be down for that.
WILLOW: Hehe…we’ll make it a date, then.

POLKA DOT: Here’s one that’s less charged, I guess…
POLKA DOT: Gotta give you a breather-
WILLOW: Oh, I don’t need breathers. I can keep going.
POLKA DOT: Still! I wanna know other stuff too.
POLKA DOT: Like…if you could get outta here, out of this city and really see the sights out there, where would you go?
WILLOW: Oh! I actually have an answer to that, but it’s kind of silly.
WILLOW: There’s a settlement not too far from here that’s mainly full of spooky variant toys like me…
WILLOW: I want to see it, at least once. I want to see if people have the same feelings as me…
WILLOW: I hear it’s kind of dangerous, though. I have a weapon for whenever I go out, but I don’t want to go alone.
WILLOW: Even a relatively short journey to another settlement can still take days, and there’s…things out there.
POLKA DOT: Like…other toys?
WILLOW: No! Like! Monsters!
WILLOW: Beasts!
WILLOW: …admittedly, I think it’d be cool to see one, but I don’t think I’m that good at fighting to take one on, let alone multiple.
WILLOW: Maybe someday, though….

You know you don’t have plans to leave the city any time soon…but maybe…

POLKA DOT: Maybe when I’m more acquainted with stuff, we can go on a little adventure.
WILLOW: Oh, I’d love that…
WILLOW: But we’d need at least one other person to be safe, and I definitely wouldn’t want to stay. As much as I hate this city, I can’t leave Laurie’s behind.
WILLOW: How’s that for a breather?
POLKA DOT: Perfect, considering future plans…
WILLOW: Yeah! It’s fun to plan!

POLKA DOT: Hmm…last question of the round.
POLKA DOT: This one’s kind of spicy again, but just to be careful…
POLKA DOT: We’re going to be doing, like, a lot of touching stuff tonight, right?
WILLOW: As long as you’re good with it, I’d like that…

She leans up against you again, nuzzling against your chest. Every place she makes contact with your bare skin feels like it’s lighting up, and you can tell you’re blushing all over again.

POLKA DOT: I’m down for it, and obviously handholding is good…
POLKA DOT: And I’m guessing we’re probably gonna keep this going all the way back to your room.
WILLOW: I’d really like that too…we do have to be careful not to be too handsy outside of private spaces, but I wouldn’t mind being close on the way out.
WILLOW: And when we get there…
WILLOW: Well, I think we’ve got a lot to try.
WILLOW: So much, in fact…
WILLOW: That I’m basing my next questions around it.
WILLOW: 1, what are you nervous about?
WILLOW: 2, what are you excited for?
WILLOW: 3, what’s something weird you’d want to try, if anything?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
1) Honestly? I'm not sure right now. This is really nice.
2) You, obviously.
3) Depends, how weird are we talking?
1. Finding out what makes me tick. And it being, like, something stupid.
2. Finding out what makes you tick.
3. Hmm... do you have any rope?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Honestly…not sure what I’m worried about.
POLKA DOT: I’m having a good time right now. This is…really nice.
POLKA DOT: But…I guess if I had to pick something…
POLKA DOT: I guess I am a bit worried about all this.
POLKA DOT: …Finding out what I like is kinda scary.
POLKA DOT: Like, what if it’s something stupid?
WILLOW: I can guarantee you, unless it’s something like. Morally abhorrent, which I don’t think it would be, I’m not gonna judge you.
WILLOW: We both literally got a rush out of you giving me a little snack. A piece of candy!
WILLOW: You could be into something like being buried in sand or dressing up as a vampire and I’d be down to at the very least hear about it.
WILLOW: Even if it’s not something I’m into, talking is fun.
WILLOW: I don’t have a lot of triggers with that kind of thing, at least not as far as I know…
WILLOW: Okay, maybe the nudity thing a little. But I want to get better about that.
WILLOW: The point is…
WILLOW: I want to help you figure stuff out. If it’s silly, that’s fine.
WILLOW: And you can help me figure stuff out too.
POLKA DOT: Yeah…I’d really like that.

POLKA DOT: For stuff I’m excited about, it’s gotta be you. All of this, but especially you.
POLKA DOT: I wanna find out what makes you tick.
POLKA DOT: Figuring that out would be really nice…
WILLOW: We’re in this together, you know?
WILLOW: And…it’s exciting for me to know you’re excited about that.
WILLOW: I kind of have a lot I’ve wanted to experiment with, but I figured I’d want someone I feel really comfortable with to try things.
WILLOW: And well…even though we just met, I feel really drawn to you.
WILLOW: Like, really drawn.
WILLOW: I want to figure out what that means for me, and while I’m not usually impulsive or anything, I think this is something I want to chase.
POLKA DOT: You wanna chase me?
WILLOW: Until I can’t.

You can’t help but squeeze her a bit at that, emotion welling up in your chest. Something about it feels…not familiar, but wanted, something you’ve needed for a long time…

Even if it’s only been a few days since showing up in this world, something about this moment tells you that before you came here, things had been bad. You knew that much from the horrible hell dreams and whatever makes you crave violence against your better instincts, but something about this, this moment…

Whatever this is, it’d been taken from you for god knows how long.

WILLOW: …are you okay, Ribbon?
You pull away and she startles, reaching up to wipe tiny pricks of tear-paint away from the corners of your eyes.

POLKA DOT: S-shit, my liner-
WILLOW: Shh….it’s okay.

The virtual pet reaches over for a messenger bag tucked behind her, pulling out a piece of cloth and very gingerly wiping your makeup clean.

WILLOW: You look just as good without it.
WILLOW: …did I bring something up?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, but…not a bad thing.
POLKA DOT: Something to do with before, I guess.
POLKA DOT: …can we handle that later?
WILLOW: Whatever you want to do.
WILLOW: Do you want to be held, or is that a no?
POLKA DOT: No, I’d like that. Please.

She gestures for you to sit in her lap, at which you hesitate.

POLKA DOT: …I may be too big for that. Like, size.
WILLOW: I can take it.
WILLOW: You’re hollow, and I’m tough plastic.
POLKA DOT: If you’re sure.

She gives her legs a pat for good measure, and you shuffle over. You’re absolutely more bottom heavy than she is by a long stretch, and you have to rest your back against the arm of the couch, but you can’t say you mind too much. Having one of Willow’s arms around your shoulders and the other draped on your legs feels nice…

POLKA DOT: I barely fit.
WILLOW: You fit!
WILLOW: And you barely weigh anything. I’m pretty sure I’m heavier than you.
POLKA DOT: I mean, you’ve got all that, like…electronics…stuff.
WILLOW: And a heavy chain tail, too.

You almost jump as the chain raises on its own, wiggling around.

POLKA DOT: I didn’t know you could control that!
WILLOW: Of course I can, it’s part of me!
POLKA DOT: It…always dragged on the ground!
WILLOW: Well, it’s heavy, like I said.
WILLOW: Takes more exertion…so most vpets just let it drag, or get it clipped.
POLKA DOT: Doesn’t that hurt?
WILLOW: So I’ve heard, so…I’m keeping mine.
WILLOW: I think it’s cute, even if I have to carry it or keep it tucked up when I go outside.
WILLOW: It gets so gross in the slush…
POLKA DOT: …can I carry it for you?
WILLOW: Yes, please.

POLKA DOT: Okay, so…weird stuff. That I want to try.
POLKA DOT: How weird are we talking?
WILLOW: Well…hm.
WILLOW: I guess the first step to considering “weird” is to look at what you have to work with.
WILLOW: You’re new, so I’m guessing you don’t have any, like…mods.
POLKA DOT: Not a one.
WILLOW: But I did, um, do a little research on rubber ducks, just to know like-
WILLOW: N-not to be weird! But to know more about your deal.
WILLOW: And I guess I did get a few ideas…
POLKA DOT: Oh? Like what?
WILLOW: Well, you’ve got, like…

Her little pixel character hides its face again.

WILLOW: A hole…
WILLOW: Don’t worry! It’s just!
WILLOW: To help you float!!
WILLOW: Did you not realize this??
POLKA DOT: Where is it?!
WILLOW: Um! It’s! You know!
POLKA DOT: I don’t!! That’s why I’m asking!
WILLOW: Oh god, I’m so bad with this-
POLKA DOT: My ass.
WILLOW: …around there, yes.
POLKA DOT: Can you see it-
WILLOW: No! No, I wouldn’t be able to unless you bent over!
WILLOW: I am not staring at it!
POLKA DOT: Okay, okay, but…
POLKA DOT: …what about the hole. In relation to uh. This.
WILLOW: Well! It’s just something that you can work with!
WILLOW: I don’t know if it’s, like, sensitive or anything…
WILLOW: But there’s stuff to work with there! I guess!

You take a deep breath, trying to calm down after the initial hole panic.

POLKA DOT: We can figure out the hole situation, then.
POLKA DOT: Jeez, scared me…
WILLOW: Are you okay?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, yeah I’m good, just…

You make a silly face of horror and she laughs, giving your cheek a nuzzle.

WILLOW: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you…
POLKA DOT: Initial shock’s over. I can deal with a hole.
WILLOW: Okay, so…stuff like that is something we can work with. If we can’t come up with something, we can always…I dunno, look something up online.
WILLOW: I’m game for almost anything.
POLKA DOT: Hmm…what about…

You think back to your pamphlet, going over options in your head.

POLKA DOT: Do you have any rope?
WILLOW: Hm? For like, bondage?
POLKA DOT: Yeah…I kind of enjoyed, uh…getting squished earlier.
WILLOW: Ohhh. Hm.
WILLOW: I don’t have any, but I could probably work with some fabric scraps.
WILLOW: With enough intent, it should be enough to squish you good.
WILLOW: …we’re gonna wake up the neighbors, though.

That sends both of you into conniptions all over again, and you feel way more at ease now.

WILLOW: So…one last round, you think?
WILLOW: It’s your turn to ask.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
1) Favorite thing about me?
2) What's a weird thing you want?
3) What next?
[Image: blazblue.png]
1. So you looked up a book about ducks? (That's a relief, I got a book on virtual pets but didn't read it much beyond the fashion section because I didn't know if that'd be, weird, or not.) Didja find out anything else interesting?
2. In general, a less flirty question, what sorts of books do you like to read? Or you more of a mystery, fantasy, or a horror sort of gal? Or something else?
3. Are you ticklish?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: So…you looked up a book on rubber ducks?
WILLOW: S-sorry! If that’s weird!
WILLOW: I just…wanted to know more, considering I’d never met one before.
POLKA DOT: No, that’s a relief! I got a book on virtual pets, haha..

Willow giggles at that, making a low beep of relief after.

WILLOW: Oh, thank god…
WILLOW: I didn’t look too deep-
POLKA DOT: Neither did I, just the fashion section.
WILLOW: I read about…how do I put it.
WILLOW: I did look up the anatomy section, admittedly, but that was more just…wanting to know what would be safe and what wouldn’t.
WILLOW: I didn’t know if your model of toy would come with any sort of weaknesses like mine does.
POLKA DOT: …does it?
WILLOW: Well, you’re hollow.
WILLOW: That could be either a weakness or a strength, depending on the situation.
WILLOW: For example, it lets you float really easily and safely- but you can’t go below the water when swimming without making yourself full of water and sink, either.
WILLOW: Very situational stuff, for rubber ducks…
WILLOW: But…that’s the kind of thing I want to learn.
WILLOW: I mean! I want to learn everything I can! But knowing how to keep the people I’m around safe is pretty important in a city like this. You know?
POLKA DOT: I get you…thanks, Willow.
WILLOW: I’d be more than happy to sit down and swap book info at some point- maybe we’ll learn something about ourselves, too!

POLKA DOT: Okay, hm…
POLKA DOT: What’s a weird thing that you want?
WILLOW: Just one thing?
POLKA DOT: Just one for now.

She does that silly overly exaggerated thinking expression again, getting you to snicker.

WILLOW: I guess…hmmm.
POLKA DOT: Are you actually thinking about it, or hamming it up?
WILLOW: Bit of both.
WILLOW: I’m thinking about stuff with my projected body…but…
WILLOW: I’m still really nervous about showing someone.
WILLOW: It’s a very low chance that you’ll dislike it, knowing what I do about you, but it’s still…
WILLOW: I’m self conscious about it.
WILLOW: It’s also not super “weird” in and of itself, it’s pretty normal to use projections for sex stuff…
WILLOW: …but…I guess….
WILLOW: I do kind of like the idea of multitasking…
POLKA DOT: Multitasking?
WILLOW: Like…using both my shell and my projection at the same time. It’s hard to get the hang of, especially when you don’t have practice, but I’ve always wanted to try…
POLKA DOT: Wait, does that mean I get double the Willow?
WILLOW: Yes! And I could hold you on both sides, or all kinds of other things…
WILLOW: I dunno! It could be cute!
POLKA DOT: It sounds very cute!
WILLOW: Let’s see if I have the guts for it, then…

POLKA DOT: …last question, right? Of the whole thing.
POLKA DOT: What next?
WILLOW: Is that your question?

You nod, and she makes a satisfied hum.

WILLOW: You and I could walk back to my apartment upstairs, maybe get something to eat while we talk stuff over…
WILLOW: Figure out what kind of mischief we’re going to get up to…
WILLOW: And just…enjoy.
WILLOW: You want to go do that?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
yes absolutely
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
Yes. yes I would love that. Can we check out the soda bar here real quick? Just to sip while we walk to your apartment.
I have to admit, I've been kinda curious what flavors they have since I entered to room.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Absolutely, yeah.
POLKA DOT: I’d love that…but one thing real quick.
POLKA DOT: Can we check out that bar real quick?
POLKA DOT: I’ve been curious about what flavors they’ve got over there since I stepped in the room.
WILLOW: Oh! Of course!

She pulls away to give you room to stand, and the two of you get up and stretch. Both of you make sure to do a quick bag check- everything’s where it should be, thank god- and you make your way over.

They’ve got cans of all kinds of soda, and some other drinks as well.

WILLOW: If you can, pick something non-alcoholic.
WILLOW: Not a fan of that kind of thing, especially not when we’re going to be doing stuff in a bit…
POLKA DOT: You got it, uh…

...should I be concerned that I know what that is? It doesn’t matter whatever just pick uh-

You pick out a grape soda, the squishy toy running the bar giving you a nod of approval.

POLKA DOT: Thanks.
WILLOW: Oh, nice pick…I’m a lemon-lime person myself.

Willow extends a hand as you make your way out, and you gladly take it.

Every so often as you walk down the hallway, she gives you a quick squeeze and a lean onto your shoulder, only really leaving you be when you need to take a sip of your soda. You can’t deny that the affection is making you feel very, very warm all over- this really is a dream come true, and all of your worries from earlier have been shoved to the side in favor of savoring this moment.

WILLOW: Okay, we’re gonna go straight past the bar to the other stairwell.
WILLOW: Up there’s the staff apartments, I’ll let you know when we get to mine…

You follow her instructions to a T, your soda can disappearing as you start heading up the stairway.

WILLOW: Convenient timing, I guess?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, and I got a good few swigs…next time, I want a proper bottle, though.
WILLOW: Are you one of those toys that likes it better from a “glass” bottle?
POLKA DOT: Guilty as charged…
WILLOW: Hehe…fits you, somehow.

She stops you after a bit more walking, fishing through her messenger bag for her key and unlocking the door. The virtual pet holds it open for you with an overdramatic flourish, neither of you able to hold back giggles over it. You’ve been doing that so much tonight…

Willow’s apartment is…cluttered, but well decorated. She’s set up some cloth tapestries on the walls as well as what looks to be posters for bands and movies, all with kind of a spooky vibe. There's magnets on the fridge with little notes to self, patchwork pillows scattered across the couch, and a couple shelves with figurines on them.

WILLOW: …do you not like it?
POLKA DOT: No, I love it, just-
POLKA DOT: You seemed so worried about the whole…spooky variant thing.
POLKA DOT: And then you’ve got all these horror movie posters…
WILLOW: W-well!
WILLOW: There’s a lot to appreciate about goth culture and aesthetics and I think horror movies are cool and-

You reach over to give her a reassuring hug, the virtual pet relaxing immediately.

WILLOW: Sorry…I get self conscious easy.
POLKA DOT: You really don’t gotta worry about that, Willow.
POLKA DOT: Promise you, I’m not gonna judge.
WILLOW: Okay…thank you.

She gives you a squeeze before pulling away, setting her bag down on a small dining table.

WILLOW: So…I believe the plan was food first while we talk ideas over?
WILLOW: I don’t have much in the way of ingredients, just pre-prepared food…
WILLOW: But I’ve got some sandwiches, soup, popcorn, uh…cake…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I just had soup earlier today, so how about some sandwiches? Or popcorn or cake if you want, I'm chill with whatever.

...Though, from how you said cake, is it something embarrassing? I won't look if you aren't comfortable, but it shaped like something silly?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Just had soup earlier, so maybe sandwiches would be good.
POLKA DOT: Though…
POLKA DOT: From how you said cake, is it like, embarassing somehow?
POLKA DOT: You don’t gotta show me if it’s uncomfortable but is it like-
POLKA DOT: Silly shaped or something?

Willow heads over to the cabinet, making an embarrassed beep as she does.

WILLOW: No! No, it’s just normal cake, just…
WILLOW: It reminded me of you feeding me that bit of candy earlier.
WILLOW: It was a really cute moment, and I liked it…
WILLOW: That’s all.

She pulls out two sandwiches and two slices of cake, placing them on the counter. Both are plastic miniatures, seemingly good quality as well judging by the paint being clean and details being nicely sculpted in.

WILLOW: We can have either.
WILLOW: …though I may project to eat, if you don’t mind.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
okay so. silly thought... what if I like, feed you the cake too?

also i dont mind at all, whichever form you prefer is good with me
(internal gay panic over seeing Willow's other form)
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
POLKA DOT: Whichever form you want to take’s all good with me…
You have an idea.

It’s a silly idea, but an idea nonetheless.

POLKA DOT: Feel free to shoot me down on this, but…
POLKA DOT: What if I like…fed you the cake too?

Willow beeps in surprise, but follows it up with a vigorous nod, clearly excited by the prospect.

WILLOW: I’d really like that…
WILLOW: I never really thought about it too hard as a thing I’d like, but earlier was really nice.
WILLOW: Let me just…

The virtual pet grabs two plates and sets the cake slices on them- more a formality than anything. There’s three chairs at the table, and she pulls out two for herself as you take a seat.

WILLOW: One for the shell, one for the projection…
She places your slice of cake in front of you as she sits in the chair furthest from you, getting comfortable.

WILLOW: …you sure you’re really up for seeing this?
POLKA DOT: Of course!
POLKA DOT: I wanna know you, and that includes your project-y form or whatever.
WILLOW: Even if it’s spooky?
POLKA DOT: Spooky is good, Willow. You’re good.

She blushes at that, pixel character wiggling around shyly.

WILLOW: Okay…here I go.
Her screen seems to glitch out for a moment, pixels distorting and fizzling everywhere- until they seem to pop right off of the screen itself, a chunky cloud of black squares swirling together and slowly taking physical shape…

The person that stands- no, floats before you is a light lilac color, and very clearly a ghost. She’s wispy and has slightly darker, floating hands, tipped in sharp claws and almost resembling flames. Her head is a white skull, pointy horns on top, a tuft of red flame-hair, and red eyes traced by delicate lashes. She blinks as she adjusts to the world around her, stretching out a bit and shaking herself off-

When she makes eye contact with you, red blush spreads across her skull face.

WILLOW: So embarrassing…
WILLOW: I-is it okay?
WILLOW: Do I look too scary?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
you look perfect (gently hold one hand of the shall and one of the ghost and give her a reassuring squeeze)
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
you're adorable willow! ahh this is so cool you got floaty hands! Though I have to admit I was imagining your projection to be in monocrome like your screen, but this is better, now you can blush in technicolorTM
Wow Willow, you're gorgeous! Who would have thunk I'd stand a ghost of a chance with you ;--^)
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
oh she's so cute

[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Playfully fake fear.

"Ahhh! A spooky ghost! Oh noooo!"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
So…she really is a ghost…

oh god no wonder she said that about my ghost phone wallpaper

You fumble for words, Willow looking more and more nervous as you try and fail to get something out.

But finally, it comes.

POLKA DOT: W-wow, you’re…Willow, you’re gorgeous.
POLKA DOT: You’re adorable! You have floaty hands!

You reach out and take one, feeling its warmth- actual warmth too, not just perceived. You would have thought a ghost would be cold, but no, she’s just a little bit heated up, like something left in the sun.

POLKA DOT: So warm, too…
WILLOW: I don’t know why I’m not, yknow, cold…
WILLOW: Maybe it’s the fire thing? I dunno.
WILLOW: I’ve cycled through a few forms by now, but I’ve been settled on this one for the past few months.
WILLOW: You…you really like it?
POLKA DOT: I love it.
POLKA DOT: It’s really, really cute.
WILLOW: You’re too sweet…
POLKA DOT: …not as sweet as the cake you’re gonna get.
WILLOW: Hehehe…you didn’t forget in all the excitement?
POLKA DOT: Wouldn’t dream of it.

She floats onto the chair next to you, scooting it in close. You take her slice of cake in hand, figuring out the best way to do this.

POLKA DOT: So you just…eat the same way, right? I don’t see a mouth.
WILLOW: Same way any other toy eats, yes.
WILLOW: Just raise it to my face and I’ll take bites until it either disappears or I’m full.
POLKA DOT: Easy enough.
WILLOW: Admittedly, forks probably would make this a bit sexier…probably? It’s not like I’m an expert.
POLKA DOT: Maybe, but I like it like this.

You hold out the miniature, keeping it close to her face without shoving it in it completely.

POLKA DOT: I get you eating out of the palm of my hand.
Willow’s face floods with red, but she doesn’t pull away at all, leaning in and very gently bonking her head against the cake. Even with no actual pieces taken out of it, you can sense her taking delicate bites, taking her time with every bit- the soft vanilla cake, the strawberry filling, the buttercream frosting, all delicately sculpted out of clay by some unknown force, made just for this moment shared together.

At some point, she closes her eyes, completely lost in it.

You’re just as transfixed, unable to tear your own gaze away from her, your eyes shifting from watching her blissful expression to the flickering flame on her head, moving and twisting as she eats. Every so often, her cheek brushes against your wing, and you feel that now-familiar heat build up- the intimacy of the moment making you feel a hell of a lot more than you expected over a simple slice of cake.

When the slice blinks out of existence, both of you are startled, and…from the look on Willow’s face, she shares just as much disappointment that it’s gone. Even so, her eyes are soft and warm, the ghost’s form just a little bit shakier.

WILLOW: That’s…really something else.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Nuzzle that fucker's cake covered face.
Pull her forward by the hand and kiss her
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
maybe give her a small kiss or rather ask her if she would be okay with a kiss

"you're very cute"
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]

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