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[TOY] Plaything
(...Huh. Not sure how to feel about getting complimented. Are we brave? Or just angry? Is there a difference?)

"...I guess, yeah. I get the feeling she was going easy on me though. She didn't seem to hold back her punch at all, but after she punched me and I punched her, that was about it. Not sure if the next lesson will be as simple as this one."
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
hah, I'm just too angry to feel fear(unless it's social anxiety). Oh, Tim, have you met willow? she's a really cool model.
You aren’t sure how to feel about getting complimented…sure, you might be brave, but you might also just…

POLKA DOT: Nah, I’m just too angry to feel fear.
TIMOTHY: I think…

The dog looks at his paws, thinking things over.

TIMOTHY: It’s okay to tap into that, sometimes.
TIMOTHY: I end up getting really angry sometimes…pissed, even.
TIMOTHY: But I smother it back down, because I don’t really get where it comes from.
TIMOTHY: But I don’t like it…
POLKA DOT: I feel you there, bud.
POLKA DOT: I just…channeled my anger into that punch. 
POLKA DOT: She definitely went easy on me, but it still fucking hurt.
POLKA DOT: One punch each was pretty much it, though. Next lesson’s probably not gonna be so simple.
TIMOTHY: Well…best of luck, then.

There’s quiet between the three of you, the only sound the rumbling of the machines around you.

POLKA DOT: …Tim, have you met Willow yet?
POLKA DOT: She’s a really cool model.

The dog leans over and waves, to which Willow waves shyly back.

WILLOW: I’m not that cool…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
yes you are! i know cool is technically subjective, but i can objectively say you are cool. which only proves how cool you are
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
you are extremely cool. come on you're a goth ghost, that's badass! c'mon Tim, tell her she's badass!
Oh, don't be so modest. She was in a fashion show here a few days ago, really rocked it.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Yes you are!
POLKA DOT: You don’t gotta be modest- Willow here was in a fashion show yesterday, and really rocked it.
POLKA DOT: Plus, you’re like…a goth ghost! That’s badass!
WILLOW: I mean…
POLKA DOT: Cmon Tim, tell her she’s badass!

Willow’s doing that pixel blush at this point, but Timothy can’t help but giggle along.

TIMOTHY: I mean…that does sound pretty badass.
WILLOW: Being a model, maybe, but I just do that for silly reasons…
WILLOW: And…being a ghost doesn’t really- it’s not-
WILLOW: It’s not as cool as it sounds…
WILLOW: Like…do you know anything about...“seasonal” toys yet?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I think someone mentioned that more toys spawn around certain seasons, but I don't think I've heard of seasonal toys yet, no. Are they toys that only spawn in certain seasons?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
no? no. have not. please go ahead and exposit.
POLKA DOT: No, just…heard something about more toys spawning around certain seasons, but not anything about seasonal toys themselves.
TIMOTHY: About the same here…though something about what I heard seemed to resonate with my head.
TIMOTHY: Something about being lonely and upset this time of year…

Timothy shakes his head. 

TIMOTHY: B-but! I’ve always dismissed it as nothing.
WILLOW: I wouldn’t dismiss feelings that easily…
WILLOW: This is mainly thought to be, well, legend, but…I believe it.
POLKA DOT: Like the Store?
WILLOW: Even more disbelieved than that. Apparently other settlements listen to these weird, abstract feelings we get more, but there’s not a lot of “researchers” out here that operate aboveground.
WILLOW: People in charge don’t seem to like them much…

She gathers her thoughts, the character on her screen raising one of its hands to its cheek.

WILLOW: Basically…their work says that all toys come from another world, sort of.
WILLOW: Or…we’re based on feelings and experience from somewhere else, is more accurate.
WILLOW: People play with toys and go through life with them, and those feelings come here…or, well, the Store.
WILLOW: They’re not always from a single toy’s experience, and are more just…mushed together from lots, common threads…
WILLOW: Researchers say that the form a toy takes reflects what those experiences were, as well as having some impact on their memories and personality.
WILLOW: And, well…
WILLOW: For me, that comes in the sense of being a “special model”.
WILLOW: I showed up here in December of last year, but I’m a model corresponding with a holiday in October. 
WILLOW: Something about candy, and monsters, spooky things…I know some settlements celebrate it.
WILLOW: I’ve figured out from a lot of self analysis that part of my deal is…being outdated. Out of season.
WILLOW: Some kind of gift found in a discount bin months after when I would be desirable…
TIMOTHY: But that doesn’t define you, does it?
TIMOTHY: You’re still you!
TIMOTHY: I don’t know if it’s a good idea to say you’re not desirable or anything!
TIMOTHY: Everyone has worth, at least to me…
WILLOW: I’m not sure.
WILLOW: People seem to think the ghost thing is cool, and I do play into it, just…
WILLOW: It does serve as a reminder that I’m out of place.
WILLOW: Born out of being unwanted.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
The circumstances of our birth are irrelevant. It's what we do with the gift of life that defines us. If you keep thinking like that, about what you are instead of who you are and who you want to be then you'll always be stuck. You're not unwanted here, you aren't out of place, hell you're hardly the weirdest thing I've seen in all my time outside the store. and you're certainty the cutest, I MEAN COOLEST.
I don't feel like the circumstances we come from should define us forever. They can hurt, they can fuel us now, we can use them, but we can move past them as well. Processing them is good, it helps you figure out you, otherwise it might linger in yhe back of your mind and come back when you dont want it to. But it doesn't have to be everything. I for one think you're wanted, Willow.
Give Me Your Coins
Okay this is a lot of very existential stuff, but regardless... and I hope im not overstepping so please stop me if I am, but if it all works like you say, then the feelings we have come from.. being played with in another world. And for that to have happened someone must have found you eventually and cared about you, right? Even out of season or maybe even exactly because of it! Maybe whoever found you would have picked you up even if you were in season but couldn't for whatever reason.

Point is, maybe you aren't as unwanted as you think you are, and even if whatever happened before.. we got here... does not have to define you. Of course I don't want to dismiss your experience... and just changing how you feel about stuff is hard, but people will want you around, I mean, they already do! At the very least I want you around cause you are very freaking cool regardless of how you came to be.
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
I...I know I can't really say anything to change your mind on that, I can tell you've certainly given that a lot of self-reflection (and I'm sure being an outdated model like you said probably makes it especially hard to find replacement parts) but I think... you aren't alone in that, not really. In coming from that. Being...unwanted or outdated. And even if you were born from that, you have a place here. And people appreciate you here. And you don't have to play into or play against your typing to deserve that.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: This is some heavy shit, and I don’t know if I can say anything to change your mind on that, but…
POLKA DOT: I don’t think stuff like that should define us forever.
POLKA DOT: Stop me if I’m overstepping, but if all that’s true, then we came from somebody playing with us in another world.
POLKA DOT: For that to have happened, somebody must have cared about you, right?
WILLOW: I guess so…
WILLOW: Some people I’ve talked to says that seasonal toys are “special editions”, so for all I know, I could have been considered extra important…
POLKA DOT: Yeah! Like, maybe someone picked you out because of it!
WILLOW: But…I don’t really want that, either.
WILLOW: If all I’m wanted for is a gimmick, is that really genuine?
WILLOW: Is that really being wanted?
POLKA DOT: I mean…I think you’re wanted, really. In a genuine way.
POLKA DOT: You’re not alone in coming from that, but you’ve got a place here.
POLKA DOT: That’s the whole point of Laurie’s, right?
POLKA DOT: At the very least, I wanna be around you.
POLKA DOT: We just met, but you’re really fucking cool, and hearing about how you came to be or whatever doesn’t change that for me.

Everyone’s quiet again, thinking your words over.

TIMOTHY: I don’t know you literally at all, but I’m with Ribbon on like…
TIMOTHY: The fact that Laurie’s is all about this stuff.
TIMOTHY: I feel really accepted here! And I even want to check out some of the play stuff, maybe…
TIMOTHY: If there is a place where people can be wanted, I think it’s here.

The character on Willow’s screen smiles, just a few pixels making all the difference.

WILLOW: …thanks, both of you.

She turns to you, addressing you specifically.

WILLOW: I don’t know if you’ll still think I’m cool the more we’ll get to know each other…
WILLOW: But knowing that I’m not worth getting to know any less helps. 
WILLOW: Let’s be friends, okay?
WILLOW: You too, Tim.
WILLOW: It'd be nice to have more people to hang out with...
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Yeah! friends! we can braid each others- er, no. we can go swi- no that's just me. go on a road tr- none of us own a car. point is we can do fun stuff together!
Yeah, sure thing, I'd love to be friends with the both of y'all. With what I've learned of outside, seems like we're gonna need every friend we can get.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Yeah! Friends!
You feel a little tingly feeling in your chest, warm and happy. It’s familiar, in a way…but you don’t want to think about that. Not now. Right in this moment, you want to focus on what’s in front of you, not…whatever past memories you have going on.

Tim looks just as excited, tail wagging again.

TIMOTHY: Of course!
TIMOTHY: We’ve gotta stick together to survive, is what I’ve heard! 
POLKA DOT: Same here…we’re gonna need every friend we can get.
POLKA DOT: Plus, it’d be nice to do fun stuff together. 
WILLOW: You did ask me what I like to do earlier…
WILLOW: But…I’m still shy about that.
WILLOW: I’m always scared that people are going to make fun of my interests, and even if we’re friends now…
WILLOW: I think I’d rather keep those to myself for the time being.
WILLOW: No offense meant!
WILLOW: Just, you know…
WILLOW: Bit by bit.
TIMOTHY: That’s totally fine. Hell, I’m still figuring out what I want to do.
TIMOTHY: I think I had interests before, but…they’re kind of lost to me now.
TIMOTHY: Do you have anything like that, Ribbon?

You can remember some things…but you need to sort them out.

What interests did you have before coming here?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Map-making. I remember constantly getting lost and trying to work around that. It helped, sometimes.

Fashion, pretty sure. Making something look good out of whatever we could find. I remember being really proud of a look I made out of a cheap shawl and some rain-boots. We made it work.

...Piano. Playing piano. I think. I don't remember much.

And trivia. I kicked ass at trivia.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
I think... Embroidery might have been a thing? It might explain the ribbon around our neck.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
board games, it's always nice to sit down with folk and play some games, and there's so much to chose from, it's great!

Gardening, It feels soothing, and I can get down and dirty in ways a plush or electronic toy couldn't. I don't stain you can just wash me off.
You think to yourself, trying to dig up what you’ve done in the past…well, there’s plenty of things, but a lot of it’s on the tip of your tongue. Willow gives you a concerned look, but just as she’s about to speak, it all comes to you.

POLKA DOT: Fashion! And crafting.
POLKA DOT: I used to make stuff with my two friends…one of them more than the other.
TIMOTHY: What were they like?
POLKA DOT: Sandy was…

I miss it.

POLKA DOT: Older, I think.
POLKA DOT: It taught me how to make clothing out of whatever we could find, and I made some really unique looks…
POLKA DOT: We made it work.
WILLOW: It sounds like a good mentor.
POLKA DOT: It was.
POLKA DOT: …think I played piano, too.
POLKA DOT: Don’t know when I’ll get to do that again, but I’d like to.
WILLOW: I got into fashion after getting here, but once I found it…I could never go back.
WILLOW: It’s nice, being able to get dressed up, and look however I want…
TIMOTHY: I dunno if I could get too into it- I’m too boring!
WILLOW: Mundane fashion’s still a thing, you can make a lot work with simple outfits.
WILLOW: Maybe you and Ribbon could find some stuff on your trip tomorrow.
TIMOTHY: What do you think would suit me, Ribbon?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
hmm, something colorful, maybe in pastels? but simple. a button up and some slacks, maybe a bow tie, you give off bow tie guy vibes, or perhaps a sundress if you're looking for a more fem option, something with a ribbon tied around the waist would be perfect, I think.
Hmm. Depends on what you're looking for. You said you want a work outfit, a casual outfit, and some pajamas, right? Take everything I say with a grain of salt, you'll know what you're comfortable with. Whatever you go with, I'd say maybe add a red accent, like a red jacket, hat, or scarf. It'll bring out your eyes.

Work outfit? I'm thinking a plain red button up with a black vest, a white pinstripe jacket, white pinstripe pants, and a black tie worn loose. Maybe some leather shoes.

Casual outfit? I'm thinking a red festive sweater with black overalls, with one shoulder loose. Either some laced leather boots or fuzzy ones, but boots. (inspo) [Image: e174c44aad5c98b1c2680f8df2cb6258.jpg][Image: e164c2d0ac08719a3a2e65fb68ea4fc3.jpg]
Pajamas? I'm honestly thinking the stereotypical pinstripe button up pajamas in red with a matching nightcap. But if you don't want to get too matchy matchy with your work uniform, a red silk shirt and pants would both look and feel amazing.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: do you feel about colors? Pastels?
TIMOTHY: Oh! I like to keep things simple, really…
TIMOTHY: Grayscales, muted colors…with maybe some pops of red.
TIMOTHY: Apparently it brings out my eyes.
TIMOTHY: Pastels, maybe? If they’re muted enough. 
TIMOTHY: Bright, springtime colors? Not really my thing, I don’t think.
TIMOTHY: But a nice, winter-y feel…
TIMOTHY: That’d be nice!
POLKA DOT: Got it, got it…
POLKA DOT: Okay, so…button up and slacks.
TIMOTHY: Oh! Sure, that sounds nice. 
WILLOW: It’d be good for a dress casual look!
POLKA DOT: If you wanted to fancy it up, you could do a bow tie too.
TIMOTHY: Hm…maybe! I’d have to try one on.
POLKA DOT: And how do you feel about like, more femme styles?
TIMOTHY: Gonna say no on that…I can’t remember much before, but something feels like I’m pretty concrete on liking masculine or neutral stuff.
POLKA DOT: Easy enough…
POLKA DOT: Maybe vests? Sweaters? Sweater vests?
TIMOTHY: Oh! Shit!
TIMOTHY: I didn’t know you could combine sweaters and vests!
WILLOW: It’s mostly cozy, but you can really pull it off with the right colors and patterns. 
WILLOW: A scarf could be nice too, especially in this weather.
POLKA DOT: For your pajamas- maybe something with stripes. 
POLKA DOT: You think a nightcap would work with it, Willow?
WILLOW: It depends, mainly on whether you could get something that fits your ears through.
WILLOW: Anyone with a bit of sewing technique could cut holes through and keep the edges from fraying, though.
TIMOTHY: That sounds…cute.
POLKA DOT: Is that an issue?
TIMOTHY: No! Just…
TIMOTHY: I never thought of myself as someone who could pull off cute.
TIMOTHY: I don’t know if it…suits me.

He sounds almost like he’d be frowning.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Tim, Timothy. you are a plush dog. you are by your very nature, adorable. objectively.
I think that's the sort of thing that you don't know until you try it on proper. We could try a few different outfits at the thrift store, some snazzy, some cozy, some cute, and see what you like. If you'd rather steer clear from anything cute that's alright too.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Dude. Tim. You’re a plush dog.
POLKA DOT: You’re adorable by default.
TIMOTHY: But what if people think I’m the kind of cute where they go “aww, so defenseless…” 
TIMOTHY: If I end up wanting to be cute, I’d want to still look capable, and to be for more reasons than just being a dog…
POLKA DOT: Well, I guess that’s the sort of thing where you don’t know until you try.
POLKA DOT: Could try on a few outfits at the thrift store, bit of everything.
TIMOTHY: Hmm…yeah, okay!
TIMOTHY: I guess I’m still reserved about the whole thing- like, I want to be approachable in a way some people might find “cute”, but at the same time…
TIMOTHY: I dunno. I’m still new, but from what things I’ve looked into since showing up…
TIMOTHY: There are some interests I miiiight have that could conflict with that.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Nod knowingly.
"I getcha."
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You nod as knowingly as you can- you get that it’s probably one of those “kink” things, at least.

Wait…was he talking about-

WILLOW: Guessing something along the lines of BDSM?
Timothy looks up with surprise in his eyes.

TIMOTHY: You could guess?
WILLOW: I mean, it was either that or something else that demands not appearing “cute”. 
WILLOW: I’m also guessing you haven’t actually had the chance to explore any of it yet, seeing as you’re so new.

The dog plush nods, glancing down at his paws. 

TIMOTHY: It interested me in the pamphlet…I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about it and why…
You remember this one…this was the one where people hurt each other, right? You’d admit that you didn’t peg Tim for someone who’d be into that…but if someone as nice as him was interested in it, maybe it wasn’t so bad?

TIMOTHY: …Ribbon, you’ve got a weird look on your face.
TIMOTHY: Are you okay? Did I make you uncomfortable?
TIMOTHY: We can stop talking about me!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
nothing's wrong, just having an existential crisis about the fundamental nature of harm.
Oh no no no, it's fine, really! I'm not uncomfortable, you don't have to worry. Just didn't really understand BDSM really when I saw the pamphlet, like, I didn't understand why someone would be into hurting or getting hurt. Figured it was a niche thing. But now I'm sorta realizing that that's just a personal hangup on my part.

If you want help finding an intimidating sort of outfit when we go thrift shopping I can certainly help you with that.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
no, this is interesting to hear about! i'm also interested in stuff from that pamphlet, but like, different stuff.
i'd love to have a loose conversation about what stuff appeals to you and why. if you're okay talking about it?
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
POLKA DOT: No! No, nah, it’s fine. Seriously.
POLKA DOT: This is interesting to hear about, I’m not uncomfy or anything like that. No worries.
POLKA DOT: I’m interested in stuff from the pamphlet too, just…different stuff.

You think you almost catch a brief flicker on Willow’s screen, but it’s too quick to tell.

You rub the back of your head with a wing, trying to figure out the best way to phrase this.

POLKA DOT: Didn’t really understand BDSM when I saw the pamphlet either- like, the hurting and getting hurt part.
POLKA DOT: Thought it’d be like…niche.
POLKA DOT: Kind of realizing that’s a personal hangup on my part, though. If somebody cool like you likes that sort of thing, it’s worth learning about, I guess.

Tim untenses with a relieved sigh, looking up at you with gratitude in his eyes.

TIMOTHY: Thanks…
TIMOTHY: People here seem really kind!
TIMOTHY: But…from the book I managed to take out of the lending library today after my shift, it seems like there’s a lot of stuff you can go too far with. It’s really risky if you aren’t careful…so I wouldn’t blame you if you’re hesitant.
WILLOW: It sounds like you’re being cautious, at least…
WILLOW: I recommend looking into mimicry and “pretend” stuff. Less actual risk of wounding someone.
TIMOTHY: Huh…yeah! I remember that from the pamphlet, and I think the book I took out has something on that!
TIMOTHY: Thanks!
POLKA DOT: I’m pretty interested in hearing about what stuff is appealing to you about it- like, keeping it loose though.
TIMOTHY: …are people cool with that here? Like, in the laundry room?

The three of you look around- there’s only one other person left, and they’re way over on the far end.

WILLOW: I’ve heard weirder…
WILLOW: This one time, a guy came in asking if his sex toys were washable. Like…in the washing machine.
WILLOW: It turned into a whole debate, even I chimed in.
TIMOTHY: …can you put them in the washer?
WILLOW: Only the plush ones, and it depends on the material.
WILLOW: …some toys like to climb in the jumbo ones themselves, if it’s safe. Laurie discourages it, but…
WILLOW: Some people prefer it to showering, especially if they’re compatible with a dryer.

You briefly consider whether a washing machine would be pleasant for you, and decide that being rubber probably wouldn’t feel too good getting jostled around.

WILLOW: We’re getting off topic though, um…
WILLOW: It should be fine. If you talk about it, I mean.
TIMOTHY: Okay…uh…where do I start…
TIMOTHY: I guess part of my reasons are like…unknown to me?
TIMOTHY: It probably doesn’t make much sense, but I’m pretty sure something happened when I was back in the Store to make me interested in, well…
TIMOTHY: Being strong. Commanding, even- but not in a way that actually means I’m some kind of authority or anything.
TIMOTHY: I just..want to have presence.
TIMOTHY: Even if it’s just for a night, an hour, a few minutes…
TIMOTHY: I want to be able to stand up tall and matter to somebody.
TIMOTHY: I know I can get that without kink stuff!
TIMOTHY: But…I think it could be a way to play around with it and figure out my limits first.

He sinks into his chair a little.

TIMOTHY: …also the idea of having a dedicated, committed partner or two to spoil and dote on would be nice…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
TWO partners??? i didn't know you would be an ambitious one
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
Oh? Anyone specific caught your eye yet? What's your type, do you think?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: TWO partners?
A smirk crosses your beak.

POLKA DOT: I didn’t know you’d be an ambitious kinda guy!
TIMOTHY: W-well!
TIMOTHY: I’ve got two hands, and I dunno…
TIMOTHY: I don’t want to limit myself or any partner I have to something exclusive…like, I want commitment for sure, but what if I can’t give them everything they need?
TIMOTHY: What if there’s stuff that I want that they’re not down for?
TIMOTHY: I definitely want to start slow, but…I’m open to it.
POLKA DOT: Well…anyone specific caught your eye yet?
POLKA DOT: What’s your type?
TIMOTHY: Um…well…

He sinks further into his chair, practically slipping off at this point.

TIMOTHY: There’s this bear I’ve seen around who seems kind of cute…
TIMOTHY: He has a really casual style, kind of nerdy, but from what I can tell he might be someone cool to hang out with.
TIMOTHY: I don’t even know his name, though!
TIMOTHY: I just see him around the cafe sometimes, but usually when he’s just there to read books or talk with his robot friend…
TIMOTHY: So I’ve never talked to him at the counter or anything…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Tim, let me give you some romance advice, have I ever been in a relationship? irrelevant. you gotta be brave, gotta look inside yourself and know you're feeling anxious but go ahead and face it anyway! talk to the guy, ask him what he's reading, or what he likes to get from the cafe. Once you've hit him with the small talk, try to probe for shared intrerests, common ground. from there you just gotta feel it out.
Hmm...maybe wait until the cafe is really full and there's no individual seats left, and ask if you could sit with him? Not sure if that'd feel too calculated, though. Does he hang around anywhere besides the cafe?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You place a wing on Timothy’s shoulder, the dog looking over at you.

POLKA DOT: Tim, let me give you some romance advice.
TIMOTHY: …have you ever been in a relationship?

...sort of.

POLKA DOT: Irrelevant.
That gets an amused giggle out of Willow- or at least, you think that’s what the string of beeps and chimes is. 

POLKA DOT: You gotta be brave! Gotta look inside yourself and yeah, you’re anxious, but you’re gonna face it anyway!
TIMOTHY: Okay…okay!
TIMOTHY: But what do I…do.
POLKA DOT: You could wait until the cafe’s really full, maybe when there’s no individual tables left, and ask if you can sit with him.
POLKA DOT: Not sure if that’s too calculated, though.
TIMOTHY: Yeah, I dunno…
TIMOTHY: Besides, he usually comes in with his robot friend, and they look like they’re always having serious conversations…
TIMOTHY: I don’t want to intrude on that!
POLKA DOT: What other places does he hang out other than the cafe, then?
TIMOTHY: Uh…I think he does laundry?
WILLOW: Wait…is he a white bear with blue accents?
WILLOW: That’s Devo. Sometimes our shifts line up.
WILLOW: He came in with his robot friend Roulette, and off shift they’re pretty inseparable. 
WILLOW: I’m pretty sure they’re just friends, but it’s well known at this point that they hang out a lot.

That’s definitely the pair I met earlier…they must have been working their own shifts.

WILLOW: Not sure what you’d have to do to talk to Devo alone, short of interrupting him at work or finding out when he has time off to himself.
WILLOW: Or, you know…you could try talking to both…Roulette seems nice too, though I’ve never talked to it short of a passing hello.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I haven't talked to Roulette either, but I know it's supposed to be kinda skittish, so be gentle with it. Still, I don't see why you can't talk to both of them if they're always together. Maybe you'll end up dating both of them, who knows! romance is weird, or so I'm told. and then tell other people, because my advice is flawless.
Hmm. Maybe wait until they're both at an event that would be reasonable to approach them at, like if they go on a thrift trip or to the library. there a common interest you can bring up?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: I haven’t talked to Roulette myself, but from what I hear, it’s kinda…skittish.
POLKA DOT: So you might want to be gentle with it. 
POLKA DOT: I dunno why you can’t just talk to both though, if they’re always together.
POLKA DOT: Like, if they’re both at an event like a thrift trip or a trip to the library, that’s fair game, right?
TIMOTHY: I guess so…
TIMOTHY: We’ll see how it goes, then.

One of the machines beeps, Tim standing up and checking it out.

TIMOTHY: Oh! My stuff’s all dry!
TIMOTHY: I should probably get dressed and take my stuff back…

Both you and Willow avert your eyes as he pulls on a sweater and shorts- you doing it more out of following Willow’s lead than any actual embarrassment. The scottie drapes his work outfit over his arm, giving the two of you a grateful wave. 

TIMOTHY: Thanks for the conversation…don’t stay out too late!
As he leaves, Willow shuffles out of her own chair, gesturing to her washer.

WILLOW: We should…check our clothes too.
WILLOW: You know. To transfer them.  

You nod and get yourself up, both of you walking over to check on things- both washers beep in unison, just as you get close, and you remind yourself that that’s just how things are here. Magically “convenient”.

WILLOW: Just take them to an open dryer and throw them in…it’s easy.
POLKA DOT: I got it.

You shuffle your laundry over, a bit surprised at how heavy even just a little clothing is when wet- but you manage to get it rolling just as Willow does, heading back over to your seats.

And now it’s just you two.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
So... is the whole 'naked' thing really such a big deal? you could have melted your casing with that blush.
Reply think I could fit in one of those
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Struggling to think of a conversation topic, you just…go for the first thought in your head and point to a washer.

POLKA DOT: …you think I could fit in one of those?
Willow giggles, but shakes her head.

WILLOW: You’re made of rubber, so…
WILLOW: Your body’s not, really, well…
WILLOW: Squishy…enough…

That gets the blush back on her face, and the silence continues. 

WILLOW: …that can be a blessing, though…
WILLOW: As a rubber duck you’re hollow, but you don’t conform to pressure easily.
WILLOW: So…you can bounce back from an impact, but it takes a lot to actually deform your body.
WILLOW: …I bet you’d like the water. 

The character on her face gives you a genuine, tiny smile, and your heart melts. 

WILLOW: Maybe you could try a whirlpool tub at some point.
POLKA DOT: Those exist?!
WILLOW: Yeah, they get the water all swirling…I’ve heard that there’s one somewhere in the playrooms, but I’ve never actually been. Feels like there’s so many that I haven’t even been able to see them all in the year I’ve been here.
WILLOW: Besides, I can’t do water anyway. I have to be careful even changing my laundry.
POLKA DOT: Huh…well, at least you’re cautious.
POLKA DOT: I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.

She shuffles a bit at that, clearly embarrassed- but maybe not in a bad way.

The two of you grow quiet again, and another thought comes to mind- this one far bolder.

POLKA DOT: So...what’s the big deal with you and nudity? 
POLKA DOT: You could have melted your casing with that blush.
WILLOW: I know, I know, it’s silly…
WILLOW: Most people don’t care! Not just here, but in the entire city…
WILLOW: It’s usually not considered indecent at all, considering we’re all adults here.
WILLOW: Clothes are for practical or personal aesthetic reasons, for the most part.
WILLOW: But for me, I just…

The vpet shakes her head.

WILLOW: There are…layers to how virtual pets work, and even without projecting my “true self” or whatever outside of my shell, I feel…laid bare.
You remember Vine talking about this, you think…the “true form” thing.

WILLOW: I’d rather wear something, anything, even if it’s revealing.
WILLOW: …no excuse for me getting awkward around other people, though. They’re just doing their thing.
WILLOW: I can usually take it at the lounges and play parties I go to, because I know to expect it there, but when I’m taken off guard or in an environment where it’s not expected, it’s a lot for me to take in. I get nervous, and flustered, and embarrassed…
WILLOW: I know it’s just projecting my own insecurities, I know. I’ve been trying to work on it the whole time I’ve been here.
POLKA DOT: So…you’re uncomfortable around me right now?

She raises her hands up, shaking her head.

WILLOW: You’re fine! Honestly, I should be fine with it here, considering people have to strip to do clothes all the time…
WILLOW: But with Tim, I barely know him, and it was my first time seeing him like this, and while I’ve seen you naked before already… 

Willow rests her hands in her lap now, the character on her screen glancing to the side in a single-pixel movement.

WILLOW: …it’s different.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I getcha. Everyone has those things that get to them, and that's one of yours. Nothing to worry all too much about. It probably makes working in a place like this difficult though, doesn't it. Even if you are expecting it in the playrooms.
I'm not quite entire deal I have going on, but I know there's been things here and there that have bothered me. It's hard to pinpoint, though. It's mainly stuff with like, trusting people I think?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Look, I get it.
WILLOW: You do?

She looks back over with a soft beep.

POLKA DOT: Well, not that exactly…
POLKA DOT: But…there’s stuff that bothers me too.
POLKA DOT: I’m still figuring my shit out- I’ve only been here for two days, for fuck’s sake, and so much has already happened…
POLKA DOT: But I think it’s…issues with trusting people.

She kicks her feet a little as she thinks it over.

WILLOW: Not trusting enough, or trusting too much?
WILLOW: You said that you’ve only been here for two days, and you’ve already made a bunch of friends.
WILLOW: That reads to me like you’re potentially more open than you’re giving yourself credit for.
WILLOW: But…maybe that’s the problem you have in mind.
WILLOW: Trusting too much, or not enough?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
A bit of both? Like I want to give people the benefit of the doubt, but ever since I got here I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Things are too good. I got room and board, a job, and now friends and it just seems too good to be true.

What's the catch? Is Laurie secretly evil and stealing peoples life energy or something like a succubus? Is the city going to foreclose us? Will I fuck up and draw the ire of someone dangerous?

And these aren't even unrealistic worries because the fucking narrative could conspire to do any of them because it felt like I should have more drama or some shit.
...I don't know, it's hard to tell. Trusting people and being open feels fine, feels right, until it doesn't, I guess? It stings every so often. And I can't tell if I'm worried over nothing or if I'm not worried enough.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]

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