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[TOY] Plaything
One down, two to go. If Devo can regroup with Polka, that would help immensely- I don't want anyone fighting one-on-one unless it's absolutely necessary. Tim and Cross will be fine if they can keep things going the way they are now. As for Roulette, it's kind of far away to start helping Polka, but it should at least start moving in that direction. Have it keep an eye (lens?) out for more bad guys, though.

CROSS: ATTACK (blue monster)
TIM: ATTACK (blue monster)
DEVO: MOVE (towards polka)
ROULETTE: MOVE (towards polka)
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
I'd agree with Knux- and I'd also suggest for Tim and Cross to see if either can catch an opening in response to the screech. Losing an ally could startle them, at least long enough to get a good hit in.
☽ ☆jus a buppy ☆ ☾
With the hatchet in its back, the beast locked in combat with Cross and Tim isn't doing so hot, visibly straining and letting out a extra pained tea-kettle whistle when it notices its other comrade going down. It doesn't get a moment to breathe, though, Tim taking advantage of its shock and slicing it across the torso, his eyes stunned for a moment as it cuts through the shadowy half like butter.

Clouds of dust spill out of the wound as it collapses, making an awful wheezing sound before going still.

It is very dead.

You don't have time to celebrate the second victory, the monster lunging forward with its knife without warning. You manage to dodge within a hair's reach, little painted sweatdrops appearing on your brow as you sidestep stab after stab.

You almost don't notice Devo until you see the flash of yellow behind the beast, the creature making a strangled screech as he cuts the back of its neck, following up with a stab down the seam between its two halves, quick and efficient-

Fucking hell, it's just like those hunting documentaries Cross had on one time.

He looks down at the beast, nudging it with his foot.

DEVO: The seam's where dusters are most weak.
DEVO: That, and the dusty half.
DEVO: While a horizontal strike is good to surprise them, vertical is the best way to dispose of them-
POLKA DOT: Where did you learn that?
DEVO: Oh, that?
DEVO: Books, of course!

He has the most cheerful expression you've ever seen him make.

Roulette makes its way over later than Devo.
Seeing all three defeated, it moves its scythe to its back.

ROULETTE: Let's see if that's all of them.
It watches the barrier at the entrance.

The barrier sparkles for a moment before dissipating, Tim letting out an audible sigh of relief.

TIMOTHY: F...first fight went well, at least.
Cross leans down to grab her hatchet out of the duster's back, straining for a moment before tucking it into her coat.

CROSSBONE: Is everyone holding up okay? Any injuries?
DEVO: None here!
ROULLETE: Well done, everyone.
POLKA DOT: Not bad for our first adventure out...
DEVO: Oh, those were little ones.
DEVO: We shouldn't get too cocky!
DEVO: These things can wield guns, you know.
ROULETTE: They can be bigger, yes.
ROULETTE: Though, I would say the victory is worth celebrating, still.
ROULETTE: ...We should move through the building and keep going, while it is safe.
POLKA DOT: Seconded.

You move over to Cross' side, giving her a pat on the back.

POLKA DOT: You were awesome out there, Willow.
CROSSBONE: Hehe...thanks...
CROSSBONE: It was pretty scary, but I like to think I did okay!
POLKA DOT: You were a fuckin' slayer.
CROSSBONE: Cmon, silly...

Tim makes a throat-clearing noise and the two of you straighten out, blushing.

TIMOTHY: L...let's get through this.
TIMOTHY: When we settle down for the night, we can chitchat.

Devo bounds over as best as he can, his eyes closing in a warm expression.

DEVO: I'm looking forward to it! We can have a nice dinner together!
TIMOTHY: After we get moving.

Roulette makes its way over.

ROULETTE: ...We should keep moving, yes.
It leans in a little, speaking low and quiet to Tim without drawing attention.

ROULETTE: Do you need a moment?
TIMOTHY: ...I'll manage.
TIMOTHY: T...thanks, though.

He gets a better grip on his sword, not sheathing it as he walks forward, almost tunnel visioned.

The robot follows along, keeping its eye glancing about for danger.

The hallway Cross had been investigating has a ratty- but ornate- rug along its length, some window-shaped holes cut into the hallway's walls. It's more than a little ominous, but you're grateful for the light being let through as the party makes its way through.

The room on the other side has a massive hole in the floor, everyone tiptoeing around it. Devo seems to peer over into it for a moment, dragged back by a worried looking Tim.

TIMOTHY: Careful...
DEVO: I was!
DEVO: There could be all kinds of weird things down there-

He notices Tim's fraught expression.

DEVO: We! Do not have to go look.
DEVO: But another time, maybe!
ROULETTE: ...I am not sure it's the best idea to look down there, in the dark.

The robot takes the lead as they make their way through the unbroken entrance doors of the building.

The world outside is...significantly darker than you'd expect. It feels like you've only been out here for a few hours since leaving, but the sun's already setting...

DEVO: Huh....
DEVO: Time sure does pass weird!
CROSSBONE: Should we set up camp here?

Devo shakes his head.

DEVO: If there's dusters here now, that means there'll probably be more later.
DEVO: It's said that they like to relay good gathering spots to each other.
TIMOTHY: They're...
TIMOTHY: Not people, are they?
DEVO: Oh, no.
DEVO: There's rumors of ones that are, but there's no proof.
DEVO: They're just really smart! Good at tool use and social behaviors.

Tim doesn't look too assured about the difference there.

POLKA DOT: So...we walk a bit further out and set up shop?
DEVO: That's what I think's safest, yes.
ROULETTE: We can look for a proper spot to set up.

The robot scans the horizon, looking for any sort of cover.

Cross follows suit, peering out into the distance.

CROSSBONE: ...there's some trees over there.
CROSSBONE: Could hide the tent a little better...
POLKA DOT: Anywhere's good with me, as long as it's away from any more ruins.
ROULETTE: That works.

The party makes their way over.

The clearing you all find is perfect to set up the tent, everyone shuffling to figure out how to set the damn thing up.

But...once it's unfolded, it's a rather large playset made of blue plastic, sculpted to look like fancy fabric.

POLKA DOT: Surprised that can even fit in a backpack.
DEVO: Lots of things can fit in backpacks, if you're smart about it!

The bear walks over to Tim, the dog still looking barely kept together.

DEVO: ...hey Tim, you want to go lay down a bit before dinner?
DEVO: I'm pretty tired, and could use a hug and some talking time.
TIMOTHY: Y...yeah. That sounds good.

The yellow-tinged bear takes Tim's paw, the bean dog finally putting away his sword and following him in.
You step inside.

The tent is larger on the inside than it is on the outside, a small campfire miniature in the center of a ring of sleeping bags. The bags look moulded into the ground- though you notice Tim move one with his foot, the bag seemingly sealing and unsealing from the ground on contact. It's cozy, and you can already feel the warmth of the fire as Devo sets it up.

The bot makes its way in, taking note of the space, and the sleeping bags.

ROULETTE: ...Here, give me a moment.

It unrolls several opaque blankets from its bag,
which it begins attaching to the walls of the playset with sturdy pegs.

Two sets of two are hung up to make little room-like spaces at the sides,
while another is put up not too far from the entrance to make a much smaller division.
Roulette drags two sleeping bags into the larger 'rooms', and one into the smaller one.

ROULETTE: I thought you all might want privacy.
ROULETTE: ...I hope that's alright.
DEVO: Thank you, Roulette!
TIMOTHY: Yeah, thank you...
CROSSBONE: You didn't need to-
CROSSBONE: But...thanks.

ROULETTE: Let me know if you would like anything adjusted.
ROULETTE: I'll be keeping watch.
ROULETTE: Feel free to rest as needed.
With that, it quickly leaves the tent.

You can't even get a word of protest out towards it staying inside before it's gone.

DEVO:'ll be okay.
DEVO: It probably needs space, after that...

He gets up with a strained noise and heads to his room, Tim rushing to his side to support him. While he's still looking rattled, it seems like he's starting to focus on helping his partner.

TIMOTHY: I got you...
DEVO: Hehe, thanks...

You're left alone with Cross, now- as alone as you can be, anyway.

The two of you stand by the fire, not saying anything yet.

It feels like there's too much to say, and no idea where to start.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"Are you doing okay, Cross? Emotionally, I mean.

That fight wasn't... too bad. No one got seriously hurt, and we managed to handle everything. But I have a feeling it's going to get tougher from here, you know?"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: doin okay, after all that?
Cross makes a beep of surprise, as if broken out of deep thought.

POLKA DOT: Just making sure you're all good.
CROSSBONE: Oh, yeah...

She looks down at her hands, just enough to be noticeable.

CROSSBONE:'s...weird how easy it was.
CROSSBONE: I feel...okay?
CROSSBONE:'s so weird that it was over so quickly.
CROSSBONE: No one even got a scratch.
CROSSBONE: We didn't even train that long, but it was so-
POLKA DOT: Yeah. I get what you mean.
POLKA DOT: We handled...everything. Went without a hitch.
POLKA DOT: But what if it gets tougher, you know?

She nods, walking back over to the two of you's sleeping bag setup.

CROSSBONE: I think it will.
CROSSBONE: There's no way that it won't- everything we've been told cautions us that things are going to get harder.
POLKA DOT: Yeah...
CROSSBONE: I'd say that I hope it's worth it, but...
CROSSBONE: I know it will be.

I hope so too...

You sit down next to her after taking your pack off, giving her a quick head bump before leaning back.

CROSSBONE: ...weird to see Devo so...excited, though.
POLKA DOT: Guess he really likes monsters.
POLKA DOT: Like Roulette said, he's allowed to have interests.
CROSSBONE: Yeah. That's probably it...
CROSSBONE: Still, he could have told us!
CROSSBONE: Knowing this stuff in advance could be really useful...
CROSSBONE: I think I'll ask him about it in the morning.
POLKA DOT: Solid idea...

You reach around into your bag, pulling out some jerky and...the hardtack.

Both of you look at the solid hardtack miniatures- somehow, despite being made of the same plastic as everything else, it looks completely unappealing.

CROSSBONE: ...we should probably-
POLKA DOT: Wanderer was nice enough to hand these over, they must be useful-

Cross is already reaching for one, bonking it against her face and taking a bite.

The pixel character on her screen makes a face, wiggling from side to side with a displeased beep.

POLKA DOT: That bad, huh?
CROSSBONE: It's fine!
CROSSBONE: You...should try some.
CROSSBONE: Get some nutrients.

You give the horrible little thing a wary look.

POLKA DOT: Can't I just stick to jerky?
CROSSBONE: We should probably save that where we can.
POLKA DOT: I guess.

You go to take a bite before you're jumpscared by a familiar yellow-tinted bear's face poking into your "room".

DEVO: Hello!
POLKA DOT: Scared the shit out of me!
DEVO: Sorry, sorry!
DEVO: I overheard the two of you are trying the hardtack-
DEVO: Try soaking it in some water first.
DEVO: It won't help the taste, but it will help the texture.
POLKA DOT: know this how?
DEVO: Reading!
CROSSBONE: Well...thank you, Devo.
DEVO: No problem!
DEVO: Enjoy your meal!

He ducks out as quickly as he came, leaving the two of you to figure this out.

....thankfully, with his advice, it's significantly easier to eat- Cross says so, anyway.

The two of you lay down in your sleeping bags, scooting them next to each other and looking into each other's eyes.

CROSSBONE: ...hey, Polka?
Her voice is soft, speaking at a volume just for you.

POLKA DOT: Yeah, Cross?
CROSSBONE: Thanks for coming with me...
CROSSBONE: Are you scared, at all?
CROSSBONE: Of what's coming?

She trails off, looking away.

POLKA DOT: You can tell me.
CROSSBONE: ...of what I'm going to become, by the end of this.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"You're not going to "become" anything. You're always going to be my gay spooky girlfriend, the only difference is that you're going to get a bit bigger and a bit spookier- and neither of those are a bad thing in my book!

The only things I'm concerned about are stuff like... Doorways. And chairs. You're probably going to have to throw out most of your old furniture, I think, depending on how monster-y you end up getting.

But I'd never be afraid of you."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Change is scary. It'll be new. But seeing you be more you...

It'll matter, so much more. It'll be worth all of it.

Something can be good, even if it's scary, y'know?

Just like a big scary mouth fulla' teeth, hehehe.
☽ ☆jus a buppy ☆ ☾
It takes you a few moments to think over your words, wanting to make sure you get it right.

POLKA DOT: Change is scary, but...
POLKA DOT: You're always gonna be my spooky girlfriend, yknow?
POLKA DOT: It'll just be more of you to care about.

The pixel character on her face smiles.

CROSSBONE: Always is a nice word.
CROSSBONE: I know we haven't been dating for that long, but...
CROSSBONE: It's nice to have something to hold onto.
POLKA DOT: Well, I'm not planning on going anywhere!
CROSSBONE: You mean that?
POLKA DOT: I like what we've got going on.
POLKA DOT: And I want to keep that safe, even if it means, like...
POLKA DOT: Dealing with things being weird while you adjust.

She makes an inquisitive beep, gesturing for you to clarify.

POLKA DOT: I don't mean, like-
POLKA DOT: I'm not gonna have problems or anything.
POLKA DOT: But, there's stuff like. Yknow. Doorways.
POLKA DOT: Chairs.
CROSSBONE: ...yeah....I've been thinking about that.
CROSSBONE: They may need to get me a bigger apartment...I know that Cindi has a larger scale one, I could definitely ask...
POLKA DOT: Yeah. We can figure it out together.
POLKA DOT: Besides...bigger place means more space for me when I stay over.
CROSSBONE: Are you considering my offer?
POLKA DOT: A little.
POLKA DOT: Kind of a big change, but....
POLKA DOT: Sometimes big changes are good.
POLKA DOT: Like your girlfriend getting a biiiig, scaaaary-
CROSSBONE: Oh, cmon-

You lean in for a little beak boop.

POLKA DOT: Mouth full of teeth!
CROSSBONE: You would like that.
POLKA DOT: What, like you don't?
CROSSBONE: No, I'm thrilled about it.
CROSSBONE: It's just so funny how much you like it...
POLKA DOT: Yeah, well...

You give your girlfriend a nuzzle, which she eagerly returns.

CROSSBONE: ...thanks, Polka.
CROSSBONE: I love you, okay?
POLKA DOT: I love you too, dork.

The two of you share a little kiss, and before you know it, you're dozing off.

...something feels strange about sleeping here, in the wild.

What do you dream?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
(ohhhh theyre both so cute)
After spending the day exploring the ruins-

Dreaming about places that once were. Before they faded, became overgrown and forgotten. What were they like when people poured their lives into them?

You aren't the first to walk a path like this.
☽ ☆jus a buppy ☆ ☾
Dream of... ribbons. Lots and lots of ribbons stretching as far as the eye can see, all tangled up and confusing.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
a fire, a blizzard, ash and snow, vines and ribbons and wires and string and guide ropes tangled together. also your party members are there
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
...You open your eyes.

There's a castle in front of you, its doors opening as if by magic, beckoning you in. Its gray plastic walls are familiar, its sculpted bricks good as new.

...the ruins, maybe? But...

...Before it all went to shit.

Stepping inside fills you with a deep sense of unease, but you do so anyway, almost as if you're compelled to. Something about it draws you in-

How does it feel like...the right thing to do, but so terrifying?

The inside is how you remember, but cleaned up- there's no more rubble on the floor, no more holes in the ceiling. There's even a beautiful red carpet, made from the finest threads you've ever seen. On the carpet itself is a woven circle, made of a shining gold thread.

The compulsions continue, drawing you in and leading you to stand on the edge of the circle, your feet feeling tingly even through your boots.

Before you can process what's happening to you, your ribbon choker unfurls, as if so much longer than it actually is- still wrapped around your neck, but extending towards the center of the circle, collapsing into a tangled heap.

You feel a tug, against your choker.

It's forked, another branch having grown out of it while you weren't looking, veering off to your right side.
Your eyes follow along it, finding

The many-eyed scarf around its neck wrapping tighter than you imagine is comfortable.
Your lace ribbon has tied itself into a knot around Roulette's scarf, not too far from its neck.

It pulls its head back, but the scarf doesn't budge.
The robot seems to resign itself, standing still.

Its scarf extends, gaining a sort of iridescent sheen as it reaches the middle, and reluctantly coils itself with yours.

As soon as it does, it feels like your vision goes dark.

Another place.

A dark indigo, almost black room.

Giant, white eyes drawn in chalk line the walls in two great lines on both sides.
You watch Roulette walk past you into the room.

Its pace is slow, and heavy; shoulders low.

It passes into view of the first pair of eyes.
They speak a jumble of words, most of which you think you recognize, but all of it is confusing in the dark, hazy room.

EYES: No need to be shy.

EYES: The nature of this is not anything you need to concern yourself with.
EYES: I cannot afford to rock the boat here.

EYES: Show must go on or something, right?

EYES: This isn't working it out.
EYES: I's something you are meant to be vulnerable with.
EYES: ...It felt terrible.

EYES: ...Your loss.

The eyes on the wall close.
Two eyes disappear from its scarf.

It treads forward.
Another pair of eyes.

EYES: ...though, I've never talked to it short of a passing hello.
EYES: From what I hear, it's kinda...skittish.
EYES: It's kinda...the practical type, right?
EYES: ...weird vibes, honestly.
EYES: Like it could crack and fall apart any time...
EYES: ...and you're just...waitin' to see when.
EYES: It's been...reclusive, lately.

EYES: Being in proximity does not mean we have to talk.
EYES: ...there's no reason for you to get this involved.
EYES: Anything to avoid standing out.

EYES: Easy now. Don't break the poor thing.
EYES:'s kind of bad at telling people when it needs something one way or the other.
EYES: Just...hard to open up to people.

EYES: ...I am...not really comfortable, exactly.
EYES: Which brings about feelings of...shame, I suppose.
EYES: presence in the lives of others should be a choice.

EYES: Fair enough, I know this isn't really your scene.

EYES: It was not your fault remotely.
EYES: If it's private to someone, you're doing good by keeping it that way.
EYES: Please don't report it.

The eyes close.
It loses two from its scarf.
It walks forward.

Two more.

EYES: Something has to be sticking with it to make it want to hide things like this.
EYES: And nothing good at that.
EYES: It might be a good idea for us to keep our eyes peeled.

EYES: ...I am not sure it's the best idea to look down there, in the dark.

EYES: I don't think it's going to let us go until we do.
EYES: You want outta this training, Roulette?
EYES: Good way to lose your hand, there.

EYES: You can't break down here.
EYES: You can't afford to.
EYES: Not in front of other people.
EYES: Deeper than that, I don't believe we can know.
EYES: And frankly, I hope we never do.
EYES: I do not see the point in trying to sort any of that out.
EYES: ...yeah, that'll be enough.

EYES: Doesn't...seem to be someone who likes to take risks.
EYES: Coward.

EYES: I think...I am running out of options here.
EYES: Forget I said anything.

Eyes close. Gone from the scarf.
Four left.
It moves forward.

More eyes.

EYES: You gonna be okay with being on your own for a little bit?

EYES: I only needed some quiet, for a little while.
EYES: ...It is comfortable, in a way.
EYES: ...I don't have to Be Anyone.
EYES: I do not even have to be Me.
EYES: Falling into that.
EYES: No one to get hurt.

EYES: It'd be alone.
EYES: And I don't think it'd make the choice to change that.

EYES: I think it'd be better if it was just me.

EYES: ...Would you like to leave right now?

EYES: It's no issue.
EYES: After this, I am done.
EYES: ...I cannot keep doing this to people.
EYES: ...All I can do is hope it works this time.

They close.
Down to two.

The final set of eyes watch the robot,
as it stands in front of the end of the room.

EYES: Where are you going?

EYES: You do not have to worry; I won't make it an issue.
EYES: The decision's been made.

EYES: ...No second thoughts?
EYES: It...still isn't too late to back out.
EYES: The worst hasn't left my head.

EYES: I would like to get this over with.

EYES: And you'd rather risk dying than be like. Stuck like this.
EYES: Then you don't have to be alone for it, alright?

EYES: I don't have time for this.

EYES: Afraid I don't know you well enough to know what to offer.
EYES: Go on. Get yourselves killed.

EYES: I apologize for wasting your time

The scarf is pure black; spotless.
The room is dark.

Its scarf extends out from its neck,
fabric becoming rigid,

Forming a grid around the end of the room.
Entombing the robot within a black cage,
as more and more bars form,

slowly blotting it out completely.

Roulette turns.

It looks at you.

ROULETTE: ...tell him not to look at what's left.

It disappears within the cage as all holes are blacked out with more bars.

The cage suddenly disappears, with little fanfare.

Roulette is gone.

The black cage is gone.

The empty scarf drops to the floor, turning red as if soaking up something.

It smells like rust.

You find yourself back at the golden circle, just as before.
You and Roulette standing at the edges, ribbon and scarf intertwined.

You feel like you've had the wind knocked out of you from all that, almost tempted to rush to its side to ask if it's okay-

I barely know it, why do I...?

Before you can make a move, another figure appears across the circle from you, bursting in in a tangle of- ropes?

Tim stands there, slumped as if carrying a heavy weight on his back- one that's clear immediately. Thick red ropes hang all over him, starting on his shoulders and hanging around him as if they were a curtain. He pants for a moment, and you can tell without any doubt- he's exhausted.

This time, you're taken to a dimly lit room, a figure hunched over in the corner, tending to a stove- a kitchen?

CHEF:'re taking too many chances, Curly.
CHEF: You're reckless. Going to get  yourself killed out there.

The chef's voice is soft, but stern. Something about it makes you feel...uneasy, more than you would have expected from someone you've never met before.

You hear a soft whimper across the room, turning to see Tim, ropes tightening across his body like slithering snakes.

CHEF: Don't you know how much I love you?
CHEF: You're my little girl, and I know you can do a good job.

There's a smile in her voice, and all it does is make you feel sick.

CHEF: But...
And then it's gone, her tone full of disappointment.

CHEF: You're going to get into trouble, hanging out with these...hooligans.
CHEF: You think you're invincible?
CHEF: You're destined for great things, but...
CHEF: That little temper of yours, hanging around with people who-
TIMOTHY: They want what's best-
CHEF: I want what's best for you.

She sets down the spoon you didn't even realize she was stirring with.

CHEF: You think that boy loves you?
CHEF: You think the robot trusts you?
CHEF: What about, you think she's got good ideas in her head?
CHEF: She's going to get you murdered out there.
CHEF: Wanting to become a monster. Please.

The ropes slither around Tim's neck and wrists, tightening enough for you to see the fabric scrunch.

CHEF: And then, god, that little duck.
CHEF: You and her make a sick pair.
TIMOTHY: She's-!
CHEF: Your best friend?
CHEF: I'm your best friend.
CHEF: She's going to drive you off a cliff.
CHEF: Just look at how tense you are...

Tim looks away, the ropes tangling around his waist now.

The chef takes a stride towards the two of you, dread building deep in your chest.

CHEF: You should have stayed with me.

The room shatters.

You're back in the circle. Tim is completely bound now, his hands held at his sides by a rope circling his entire torso.

He says nothing, his ropes tangled in the center of the circle.

Your mouth feels gummed up, as if you can't speak to ask him what's wrong, what happened back there-

A long, slow beep sounds from your left, making your chest twist even more.

When you look and see Cross, you feel sick, seeing a "LOW BATTERY" symbol on her face as the beep sounds again, an alarm asking for help that you cannot move to give.

The room that fades in is white, stark and clean, surrounding the two of you. Cross sits on the ground, facing away from you- it's impossible to see her face, her head rotating to avoid your gaze no matter which way you try to approach her.

Your voice echoes in the massive room, its size not apparent to you until you say something- only to be cut off by your own throat closing, a strangled squeak mangling itself at the end.

Cross speaks, her voice just as low as the battery sound earlier.

CROSSBONE: Was it really worth it?
CROSSBONE: I can feel it.

Feel what? You want to say, but you can't.

CROSSBONE: I can feel the tension.
A panel on her back seems to unscrew itself- you'd touched those screws what feels like thousands of time, but Cross told you firmly never to open it.

Put it back, put it back, she needs that-!

The panel falls to the ground, revealing a round battery held in place by little claws.

A small button sits underneath it.

CROSSBONE: I can...feel it.
CROSSBONE: The ramifications.
CROSSBONE: What I've...done.
CROSSBONE: What I will do.

Wires begin to snake out from underneath the battery, thin and worm-like.

CROSSBONE: I've dragged them all into this.
CROSSBONE: Should never have...

She turns to face you, the low battery symbol flickering with less and less intensity, as if dimming.

CROSSBONE: could just push it, and fix me.
CROSSBONE: I wouldn't remember a thing.
CROSSBONE: Fresh start.
CROSSBONE: No more monster.

She taps the battery on her back, tracing her arm down to the button.

CROSSBONE: Consider it.
CROSSBONE: For everyone's sake.

The room fades in a flurry of pixels, blowing past you like a blizzard and making you hack and splutter.

The circle remains, a mass of wires extending up and over Cross's back, suspended in the air until they cascade down, entering the circle's tangle. They wrap around your ribbon in a death grip- but what startles you most is how they engulf Roulette's scarf, swallowing up so much of it as if consuming it.

There's silence, the air feeling sickly and wrong. You want to leave, you want to get out-

And then there's a "pop!" sound, a pile of fabric materializing from the floor and filling itself with stuffing from the inside, forming a familiar bear with surprising speed.

He looks just as tired as Tim, his eyelids fluttering.

Before he can speak, the two of you are in a room, just as with the others- but none of it can be made out, just blurs and smears of colors.

Red, yellow, blue, black.

You can't see Devo, just a white silhouette, moving throughout the smears as if they were water- dye, your mind tells you.

DEVO: I don't understand.
DEVO: It's so-
DEVO: They're scared of me. Scared of what's happening.
DEVO: What you're doing to me.

You go to object, fear creeping its way into your mind- before he answers himself, his voice higher pitched.

The colors around you shift, tinting him and the rest of the room red.

RED: I'm trying to help you.
RED: To save you!
RED: You don't know what you're doing!
RED: You-
RED: You're-
RED: Please, come back to me...

The colors shift to yellow, the tone that follows similar to the one you heard earlier- though significantly more solemn now, all of the excitement from seeing monsters long gone.

YELLOW: We are, trying to help-
YELLOW: Please, don't push us away.
YELLOW: You have amazing friends, they're here to care about you!
DEVO: Says you.

Devo's voice cuts through like ice.

DEVO: You...
DEVO: They're scared of you, too.
DEVO: ...They're scared of me.
DEVO: How do I-

The yellow tinted voice doesn't respond, the scene changing rapidly to black static, every sound vibrating and echoing with a horrible buzz.

STATIC: They'll understand the real you soon enough.
STATIC: I'll make them see.

The room bursts, colors flooding your vision and blinding you for a moment.

When your sight returns, the colored parts of Devo's face- his cheeks, his eyes- all drip multicolored thread, falling onto the ground and tangling in Tim and Roulette's tethers.

You feel like everything is too much. It's too much, why are you being put through this?

That's the burden of it all.

You feel tear-paint prickle at the corners of your eyes.

Your voice doesn't come, all you have is thoughts.


You wear it well.

Before you can respond, the ruins start dissolving around you, plastic giving way to erosion.

As the ruins begin to fade into nothing,
Roulette raises its scythe up.

To the scarf at its neck.

It catches you watching.
Its eye is half-shut.

ROULETTE: Close your eyes.
ROULETTE: Please, close your eyes.
ROULETTE: No one should have to see this.
ROULETTE: Not any part of it.
ROULETTE: You. Don't have to.

The scythe taps against the scarf.

ROULETTE: ...It is Not your fault.
ROULETTE: You have to know that.
ROULETTE: None of this is. None of it ever has been.

ROULETTE: ...It's nobody's fault but mine.
The scythe slices through.

Every inch of the scarf turns red.
Unfurling from every other knot.

It melts to the ground, dropping in spatters of red,
forming puddles.

Roulette is gone.

It smells like rust.
It smells like blood.

I couldn't make it stay.

Then Tim, the ropes tightening and tightening until he bursts.

I couldn't give him a home.

Then Devo, the threads dripping out more and more, until he's completely unraveled.

I couldn't hear his cries.


She stares at you, with that low battery face.

It's so dim now.

I couldn't be what she needed.

You try to say you're sorry.

She fades.

You wake up, gasping and choking.

You only have a moment to reorient yourself before you realize you hear fighting-

Tim's voice coming through, and-

...the red one from the dream?

TIMOTHY: I don't understand-
DEVO: Don't.
DEVO: Don't touch me.

His voice sounds more cold than you've ever heard out of the bear, enough to make you flinch.

DEVO: Go find someone else to screw.
TIMOTHY: I wasn't-!
TIMOTHY: Devo, please-

There's the sound of boots storming away, bringing you to your feet and immediately looking in the main tent.

Tim's standing by the fire, looking stunned. Devo's nowhere to be seen.

He sees you, and makes an indiscernible gesture with his arms.

TIMOTHY: I have no idea-
TIMOTHY: Can you-?

You nod, getting your friend's drift immediately.  Tim may have been at a loss for words, but you've gotten to know him enough in the past month to recognize a "help me."

You quickly rush back in to check on Cross, seeing her sound asleep. Her pixel character's all tucked into her futon and everything.

Okay, good.
Rest up...

You make your way to the tent entrance, stepping outside into the open air.

Devo's standing there in shock, his- now red- eyes so wide you almost don't notice what he's staring at.

The entire clearing is covered in orange, plastic tracks, wider than your head and capable of floating in the air, curving everywhere and forming loop de loops in places.

Your eyes follow the tracks as your beak hangs open, gobsmacked.

...and then you see it.

Roulette is snoozing softly by the side of the tent, in a sitting position. Its head and arms are leaned against the blunt side of its sickle blade, as if it'd leaned over to rest on it a moment, and passed out.

A fairly large creature, maybe around three feet long and covered in lime green and black banded stripes. It has a long snout and wide eyes, currently snuffling at Roulette's sleeping face and giving it curious bats with its- ...wheel?

You realize you are basically looking at a

Devo stomps, the sound of the snow crunching under foot startling you.


Roulette startles awake with an uncharacteristically-terrified gasp - to the point that it startles You, to hear it make such a noise. Its fans run into overdrive instantly as it topples over itself.

The car-beast is sent flopping over, writhing around for a moment before managing to catch itself on its wheels and clamber back onto one of the orange tracks.

Everyone's frozen for a moment-

-...before its eyes land on the package of jerky in Devo's paw.

Before anyone can react, it rushes towards the bear's legs, orange track materializing in front of it like magic as it zooms by and snags the jerky bag in its mouth with a little hop. It's too fast for anyone to react to, already halfway across the campsite and jumping back onto its pre-existing track.

Devo's eye twitches as he takes in the shock.

DEVO: You little shit!
DEVO: That's MY food!

He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his knife.

DEVO: I'm getting that...that thing!

A purple, distorted barrier shoots up in a circle around the campsite, the weird car bonking into it and snuffling on its way out. Realizing it's trapped- and from the look of the barrier sealing off the tent, so are you- it immediately panics, making track in an upward circle before jumping onto some as far away from you as it can in the arena.

Roulette scrambles to its feet, looking disoriented and still fairly exhausted; you don't think it got much sleep.

It raises its weapon, anyway,
piecing together what happened as best it can.

ROULETTE: Did it hurt you?
ROULETTE: Is everyone alright?
POLKA DOT: I'm fine, but-

Devo seems...preoccupied.

DEVO: It took my goddamn food-
With that, he's bounding after the car, stumbling through the snow with reckless abandon.

ROULETTE: Hold on, do Not Rush Straight At It-
It chases after the bear.

POLKA DOT: Fuck's sake-!
You pull your hammer out of your pockets.

Time to skirmish, you guess.

Show Contentstats and arena desc:
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Run after them, I guess???

If you can, try and get a better look at the situation. Are there more of these things? How much track is in the area already? Anything else important you should know?
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
You try to take in the scene as you're rushing down the hill, the sheer amount of orange track dotting the scene- hanging in midair, swirling around, and forming loops and twists- suddenly dawning on you. Most of the room to move around is free, as if this thing was content to zoom around in circles around the campsite and its nearby territory, with some track going up and down the hill in order to pick up speed and launch itself at the end.

It'd be pretty cute to think about if you weren't rushing down a snow covered incline with a hammer clutched in your wing.

There don't seem to be any more, at least-

Jeez, this thing made this much by itself?

-and while it is fast, really fast, it's very much blocked by the barrier right now.

Devo's gait is stumbling and frantic as he tries to catch up to it, clearly at odds with how much he wants to take the weasel-like creature out.

DEVO: F...fuck!
DEVO: Nowhere to go now, you little rat!

Its robotic friend still looks somewhat out-of-it - which makes sense, given the rude awakening - but it's rushing along just the same, now nearly caught up with Devo.

ROULETTE: We don't know what it can do!
ROULETTE: I will get your food back; I'll handle this!
ROULETTE: If we run straight at it like this, when it's this fast-

DEVO: I can take it!
The creature is still trying to get away, looking frantically between your party and the barrier-

-before it seems to realize that the barrier isn't going away no matter how far it gets.

It turns on a dime, doing a little hop as it rotates back to face Devo and rushes him.

Before anyone can react, it's already upon him, jerky bag clenched firmly in its mouth as it does a tight ring around the bear, laying down track in an upward spiral before launching itself off and away from him at about waist height.

Devo starts cussing and fumbling with the track, completely tangled up as it puts some distance between itself and the party- completely past you and Roulette.

Roulette has to stumble to the side to get out of the way when the creature whizzes past the both of you.

It faces the train, scythe drawn, getting between it and the tangled-up bear.

The creature glances over its shoulder, seeing the barrier still up and looking more nervous.

DEVO: S...stop standing there!
DEVO: Get it!
ROULETTE: The barrier is only up because you're attempting to attack it.
ROULETTE: This creature could be dangerous, I don't think it's worth trying to hunt it down and risk injury or worse over a bag of jerky.

He huffs, glaring at his friend.

DEVO: You say that now, but we need that food!
DEVO: Now please-
DEVO: Do something!
ROULETTE: I think we would have enough, we have extra, I think... but I can try to get the bag back, if it means that much.
ROULETTE: I am Not going to move first until I know what it can do, though.
ROULETTE: ...Silk Ribbon, are you alright?

It addresses you without taking its eye off the creature.

POLKA DOT: I have no idea what to make of this shit.

The weasel car is beginning to roll back and forth, as if deciding what to do.

POLKA DOT: ...but if Devo's gonna insist-
You get your hammer ready.

ROULETTE: If you tend to Devo, I can handle this.
ROULETTE: Can you do tha-

The car rushes forward before it can finish-

Charging you.

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[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
If Polka can wait until the last possible second, this is the best chance for her to take a swing. The little gremlin is faster than everyone here, which means it's going to be able to choose when it wants to engage.


That said, the tracks might be a vulnerability if we can use them right. If they're flexible enough to grab and shake, we can disrupt the thing's movement as long as it's close enough.

EDIT: Reread the post and it seems like Roulette is potentially in range of it, so

Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Go for a low sweep kick into a launcher so you can go for a easy takedown when it lands.
As the creature rushes forward,
Roulette makes its way between you and the creature, attempting to intercept the charge.

You're already in the middle of grabbing the track, leaning over to grip the sides in your wings-

The bot glances back just in time to witness your plan in action, and hurriedly slides off the track.

With Roulette out of the way, you lift the track up-

-and slam it down, a ripple effect going down the track and launching the weasel car into the air with a terrified squeak.

The robot dives towards the creature and...

catches the car.

The weasel looks up at Roulette with wet eyes, belly up and wheels wiggling futile-ly around. It keeps making distressed squeaks, trying to wrench itself free out of its grip.

The bot snags the jerky,
then sets the creature down.

It pulls a jar of peanut butter and spins the lid open,
offering it up to the car.

ROULETTE: ...Here.
ROULETTE: Please take this instead.

Arm outstretched.

One claw is still holding the sickle tight, at the ready.
Just in case.

The beast looks between the sickle and the peanut butter, leaning forward to sniff at it. Looking at it up close, it appears to be covered in little scribbles- as if vandalized by something else.

With a quick motion, it lunges forward to shove its nose in the jar, hopping up and getting on a freshly-made track to zip away- the jar still stuck to it.

Seemingly content with the offering....the barrier fades, leaving the three of you in a mess of track.

POLKA DOT: ...fucking hell.
Roulette's systems whirr, winding down as it gradually lowers the sickle.

It walks back over to Devo, helping the bear out of the mess of track and handing over the jerky.

ROULETTE: ...I apologize.
Devo says nothing, giving it a glare as he snatches it back.

The bot flinches, looking away.

It's a few moments of awkward silence before he actually speaks.

DEVO: ...don't know why you wasted your own food on that thing.
ROULETTE: The creature was incredibly quick and had capabilities that weren't well understood.
ROULETTE: Giving up some food is a small price to pay to resolve the conflict quickly.
ROULETTE: That, and I didn't want to kill it if I didn't have to.

ROULETTE: ...Besides, it is entirely my fault that this happened; I fell asleep when I was supposed to be keeping watch.
ROULETTE: So, me taking a loss with my own supplies instead of yours is appropriate.
DEVO: ...hmph.

He starts walking away, going back up the hill towards the tent-

-and then past it.

POLKA DOT: Where are you going?!
DEVO: To get some goddamn space.

You can't help but flinch at his tone.

DEVO: I'm not leaving.
DEVO: Just.
DEVO: Leave me alone.

You're left in near-silence, only hearing the wind, and Roulette's fans spinning fast.

ROULETTE: ...Are you alright, Silk Ribbon?
ROULETTE: After the encounter with that creature, I mean.

It's quiet, not making eye contact with you.

POLKA DOT: ...yeah.
POLKA DOT: Weird...little car guy.
ROULETTE: I will...keep watch again.
ROULETTE: There won't be issues this time.

It makes its way up to the hill, posting up just outside the tent.
Roulette gives a look in Devo's direction, but stays where it's at.

You head up the hill yourself, pausing a bit away from the tent.

Roulette's right there, and you can see Devo sulking in the snow a ways away.

Tim and Cross are inside, too.

The tension's killing you, and you should probably talk to someone about whatever the hell is happening.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
As much as I'd like to know what's going on with Devo, I don't think talking to him directly is the best course of action. Maybe go see if Tim and Cross are okay, and if Tim is willing to talk about the argument he was having. It seemed like it was something personal, so don't pry too hard.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Second this, after that encounter try to help people steady their nerves a bit. Have to imagine it soured plenty of moods.
...I kinda want to go see what's up with Devo, but...
...maybe...not yet.
Probably just piss him off.

You grip and ungrip your wings before turning to go inside the tent.

Tim is sitting by the fire, pulling his knees to his chest and burying his face in them. Cross is still in your little section of the tent, tucked up in her sleeping bag- even in all that chaos, she's still knocked the fuck out.

Something to do with her internal's really hard for her to wake up early, I think.

POLKA DOT: ...hey.
Tim flinches as you speak up, not having heard you step in.

POLKA DOT: I-it's just me.
POLKA DOT: You, uh-

You can tell he's been crying, blue embroidery all over his face- a stark contrast with his red accents.

POLKA DOT: don't look so good.
TIMOTHY: shit, huh?

He huffs, trying to wipe his face off- he's clearly embarrassed, but unable to keep the tears from leaking out still.

TIMOTHY: W-was there some kind of scuffle out there?
TIMOTHY: Couldn't leave the tent to see what all the noise was about.
TIMOTHY: ...was worried one of you, like, fought Devo or something.

You make your way over, plunking yourself onto the ground next to him.

POLKA DOT: Nah, it was-
POLKA DOT: Some kinda animal.
POLKA DOT: Was rummaging around in Roulette's stuff, but it ended up taking Devo's food.
TIMOTHY: Is he okay?
POLKA DOT: He got his pride hurt, but...
POLKA DOT: Physically, he's fine. Got the food back too.
TIMOTHY: Phew...

He sniffles.

TIMOTHY: I just-
TIMOTHY: I don't know what's going on-
TIMOTHY: Everything was going so awesome!
TIMOTHY: I h-had this partner who I cared about so much, and he cared back-
TIMOTHY: But this morning, he just, I just-
POLKA DOT: can tell me what happened.

The scottie dog nods, taking a deep "breath" before continuing.

TIMOTHY: He woke up before me.
TIMOTHY: This happens a lot when we're sharing a space, like-
TIMOTHY: He'll wake up earlier than me, because he tosses and turns and has nightmares.
TIMOTHY: So if I wake up and he's already up, I'll reach over and put my hand on his back.
TIMOTHY: If he's o-okay with more, I'll give him a hug.
TIMOTHY: It's our little signal. A check-in.
TIMOTHY: But today he just-
TIMOTHY: It was like I burned him.
POLKA DOT: Eesh...
POLKA DOT: That bad of a reaction?
TIMOTHY: He yelped, Ribbon.
TIMOTHY: I'm surprised it didn't wake you up immediately, it felt so loud-
TIMOTHY: Maybe it...maybe it was just because it was my hand, but it felt like I had done the worst thing to him, just by a light touch.
TIMOTHY: He started- he started swearing at me, slapping my hand away-
TIMOTHY: Accusing me of trying to-

He has to stop, choking up.

TIMOTHY: Assault him-
TIMOTHY: I would never, ever, not in a million years.
TIMOTHY: We talked so, so much about that kind of stuff, it's- it's a major aspect of our BDSM relationship.
TIMOTHY: But the look on his fucking face-

Tears start pouring out before he can stop them, his voice hitching.

TIMOTHY: I-I don't think I've ever felt worse in m-m-my whole life-
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Try to calm him down, comfort him.

Has he ever had this kind of reaction with people before?

Maybe it's just the stress of the trip, it's not exactly the most fun adventure. It sounds completely out of nowhere.
"Listen, you didn't do anything wrong, okay? I'm not sure why Devo's acting the way he is, but it sounds like you weren't doing anything you wouldn't normally do.

...Are you going to be okay here for a bit? I want to talk to Roulette and ask it if it has any idea what's going on. It's known Devo longer than anyone here."

and if Roulette doesn't know anything, we can try talking to Devo himself. Hopefully our respective conversations with Tim and Roulette give him enough time to cool down. i think polka's seen enough to have a theory at this point, but it's probably not the best idea to share it with Tim until he calms down some.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
i agree this seems completely out of nowhere. on one hand it's very likely devo, for whatever reason, feels really raw (?) right now. maybe he had a really bad nightmare that made him freak out a bit! but also, you are NOT the asshole here, not by any stretch, and when devo gets back i think i'm gonna be a little pissed if he doesn't apologize to you or at least try to explain himself! like, i don't want to start more conflict here, but that sounds really unfair!
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
POLKA DOT: I don't get it.
POLKA DOT: This is totally out of nowhere, and like-
POLKA DOT: No way you did anything wrong.
POLKA DOT: Not sure why he's acting like that, but he's been weird the whole trip.
POLKA DOT: You're just doing what you always do, from what I can tell.
POLKA DOT: Maybe he like, had a bad dream or something, but you're not the asshole here. No way.
TIMOTHY: ...I g-guess...

He tries wiping his face again with a couple of sniffles.

TIMOTHY: I just-
TIMOTHY: I've done everything I can to be a good partner, and he was fine last night!
TIMOTHY: Weird, but like- fine.
TIMOTHY: He even asked for a hug before bed, it was...sweet.
TIMOTHY: Like... he wasn't really acting as himself, but he was still really kind to me, and- I wasn't doing well after the whole...killing a monster thing.
TIMOTHY: But he sat with me and we talked and it was nice.
TIMOTHY: Every time he changes colors, it's just- it's like seeing a whole different side of him.
TIMOTHY: And I don't know how to deal with it.
POLKA DOT: I mean, if he doesn't apologize to you, I know I'm gonna be pissed.

He looks up at you with a startled expression, causing you to wave your wings around defensively.

POLKA DOT: I'm not trying to start shit!
POLKA DOT: But like-
POLKA DOT: This isn't fair to you!
POLKA DOT: I know you'd do anything for this guy!
TIMOTHY: ...I know, but...
TIMOTHY: I can't...pretend I'm also not mad, at least not a little bit.
TIMOTHY: I do so much to try and make this work, even if I stumble sometimes...
TIMOTHY: And to have him turn on a dime like that-
TIMOTHY: I don't get it.
TIMOTHY: B-but...
TIMOTHY: If...if you do talk to him...
TIMOTHY: Leave any like, anger, to me.
TIMOTHY: He's probably going through a lot right now, if he's acting this volatile.
TIMOTHY: I'm scared of whatever's going on with him, but...that's my place to handle that.
POLKA DOT: you want me to talk to him?
TIMOTHY: M...maybe. I'm still really raw, so...
TIMOTHY: Might be good to have a third party go see what's up...
TIMOTHY:, I guess?
TIMOTHY: the end of the day, I still love him. I want him to be safe.
POLKA DOT: Well, if I'm going to talk to him...
POLKA DOT: I should probably check in with Roulette first.
POLKA DOT: See if it knows anything.
TIMOTHY: Not a bad idea....
TIMOTHY: It knows him better than me.
TIMOTHY: If anyone has an inkling as to what's up, it would.
POLKA DOT: Is there anything else I should know first?
POLKA DOT: Has this happened before?

He thinks to himself for a few moments.

TIMOTHY: ...for the past while, sure. Since the training exercises, I think.
TIMOTHY: It' only happens when his face changes color.
TIMOTHY: Red, yellow,
TIMOTHY: I've only seen the black once, back with Wanderer.
TIMOTHY: Wait, no-
TIMOTHY: Once more.
TIMOTHY: He woke up from a bad nightmare and didn't want to be touched- kind of like this, but...more quiet. Like he didn't want to talk, either.
TIMOTHY: Almost dazed.
TIMOTHY: The yellow tint seems to be, like- nice?
TIMOTHY: Like yesterday...really cheery.
TIMOTHY: ...Red is angry. Really angry.
TIMOTHY: I've never seen this before though, and I have no idea what to even look up to help...
TIMOTHY: And...he's still scared of doctors. He doesn't want to go.
TIMOTHY: ...that's all I know. I've been trying to make sense of it ever since I noticed the mood swings.
POLKA DOT: Hmm...I guess that's something to go off of.
POLKA DOT: I'll see what Roulette thinks, I guess.
POLKA DOT: ...thanks, man.
TIMOTHY: I'm the one who should be thanking you...
POLKA DOT: You gonna be okay on your own?
TIMOTHY: ...yeah.
TIMOTHY: I'm...gonna eat breakfast and try to calm down.
TIMOTHY: of luck.

You nod, giving him a pat on the back before getting up...

...and heading outside the tent.

Roulette is just next to the entrance.

It's standing perfectly still; sickle in one claw, touching down to the grass.
The robot is staring off into the distance at nothing.
You've spent enough time around it to notice that its lens looks different, somehow; almost Vacant, in a sense.

You approach slowly, the snow crunching under your boots.

POLKA DOT: ...hey, Roulette.

It answers a bit too quickly, without looking at you.

POLKA DOT: You, uh...
POLKA DOT: Up for talking a bit?
POLKA DOT: ...about Devo. I just talked to Tim, and...
POLKA DOT: He's going through some shit with Devo, and wants me to go check on him.
POLKA DOT: But...I figured I would check with you first.
POLKA DOT: You know him best. Could have some info that might help.
ROULETTE: ...I can ch-
ROULETTE: We can talk, though seeking a second opinion - one other than mine - might prove more helpful.
POLKA DOT: I mean, Tim's definitely, uh-
POLKA DOT: We talked.
POLKA DOT: We both thought you'd be good to ask too.

It doesn't respond.

You blink, unsure what to do.

It...did say we could talk, so...

POLKA DOT: Have you, seen, uh-
POLKA DOT: Any of these..."mood swings", before?
POLKA DOT: With the color changing, and stuff.
ROULETTE: Yes, I have.
POLKA DOT: Can you, uh-
POLKA DOT: Tell me? About them?
ROULETTE: I can...attempt, to.
ROULETTE: If you really think it may help in some way.
POLKA DOT: Whatever I can get to help is good.
POLKA DOT: ...even if you don't think it's important.
ROULETTE: It's less about the information possibly being 'unimportant', and more that I am not sure my observations would be accurate at all.
ROULETTE: I do not want to mislead you in any way that would make the situation worse.
ROULETTE: So please take anything I say with a grain of salt, and I will do my best to leave out most details for the sake of Devo's privacy.

It adjusts its position very slightly, looking uncomfortable.
The bot's claw squeezes its sickle a little tighter.

ROULETTE: I have noticed four different patterning colors from Devo that seem to, at least in part, correspond to different...modes, is how I thought of them.
ROULETTE: Certain emotions tend to come about more often depending on which color is present, though it doesn't tend to be that simple.

ROULETTE: Devo most often has a blue pattern, as I'm sure you're aware.
ROULETTE: Blue seems to be when he's at his calmest, and usually his most social.
ROULETTE: He can still become anxious, or upset, or happy, or anything else; but typically the largest pattern I've noticed with blue is that he is socializing, or at least feeling more social than otherwise.
ROULETTE: It's often when he seems most receptive to spending time with others, and talking more at length; heavy socialization.

ROULETTE: I have seen black a few times, and he seems entirely the opposite.
ROULETTE: He seemed to be in more of...what I would consider a 'low' state of mood.
ROULETTE: Low energy, out of it; possibly depressed, but it seemed like more than that.
ROULETTE: ...Vulnerable, almost. Raw. Unable to keep up with average social standards, possibly due to social exhaustion?
ROULETTE: I can't really say.
ROULETTE: He has sought out my company once or twice while like that, but didn't speak much.
ROULETTE: I tried to do my best to go along with the 'mode', and stay relatively quiet, and calm.
ROULETTE: Typically I would keep the lights low, and put something on the TV or radio in my room; low volume, as well.
ROULETTE: Sometimes I would share snacks with him when he was like this. He seemed to appreciate this, but I do not want to speak for him.
ROULETTE: I tried not to talk too much, or pry into things.
ROULETTE: I would occasionally try to ask if he was alright, or just talk a little about other things.
ROULETTE: I thought the distraction might help. I am unsure if it ever did, or if he needed the help at all.
ROULETTE: As I said, I can't speak for him.

ROULETTE: Yellow often seems more high energy, to me.
ROULETTE: Not quite 'bouncing off the walls' high energy, but more...having seen or thought about something that made him excited.
ROULETTE: While yellow, he seems much more likely to talk about things that interested him, or be curious about things around him.
ROULETTE: ...I...have an easier time when he's talking a lot about his own interests, while yellow.
ROULETTE: There are times when he seems to want to ask...questions about Me?
ROULETTE: ...Not anything inappropriately personal, but still...personal, in some ways.
ROULETTE: I have a more difficult time with that.

The robot looks away from you a few moments, as if self-conscious.

ROULETTE: ...Apologies, irrelevant.
ROULETTE: At any rate, the sort of carefree nature that comes about in that state often isn't conducive to things, for instance.

ROULETTE: Red is...a little harder to define for me.
ROULETTE: He's angry often, when he's red, but he would often vent at length about things that were bothering him, when like that.
ROULETTE: To me, it always seems like he gets red when he feels he was badly hurt, or was very frightened of being hurt.
ROULETTE: A...'defense mode', is almost how it seems, to me.
ROULETTE: When something has upset him greatly, and he wants to avoid that at all costs.
ROULETTE: ...It always made me think, that something must have frightened him, when he gets like that.
ROULETTE: It makes me think of animal defense mechanisms; bright colors to ward off predators.
ROULETTE: ...I don't think it runs that deep at all- Sorry, not worth bringing that up.

The robot pauses, looking down in thought, before returning its gaze to the distance ahead.

ROULETTE: I think I've just given you a lot of unrelated, unhelpful guesswork about Devo's behavior.
ROULETTE: As I said before, please take this with a grain of salt.
ROULETTE: You may be better off not taking any of that into account at all.
ROULETTE: But, I hope somehow this was not a waste of your time.

It's a lot of information...

POLKA DOT: ...seems to line up with what Tim said, at least.
POLKA DOT: I...think it's good stuff to know.
POLKA DOT: ...Red Devo never got mad at you, though?
ROULETTE: Devo did seem to be upset with me, earlier.
ROULETTE: ...That is the first time I can remember, that it was directed at me.
ROULETTE: I am not sure there is much to read into, with that.
ROULETTE: I made mistakes, and it was a high-stress situation.
ROULETTE: I am sure Devo has likely gotten upset with me more often, but likely not shared it.
ROULETTE: He may have vented to Tim about me when upset with me, for example.
POLKA DOT: ...Tim never mentioned it, at least.
POLKA DOT: I...wouldn't worry too much.

You rock back and forth on your heels, a bit.

POLKA DOT: ...thanks. For sharing all that.
POLKA DOT: Do you think there's anything I should keep in mind while talking to him?
ROULETTE: ...What are you wanting to address, with him?
POLKA DOT: He, uh...
POLKA DOT: Really freaked out at Tim, this morning.
POLKA DOT: Between that and the jerky thing, I want to figure out what's up.
ROULETTE: ...oh.
POLKA DOT: Yyyyyeah.
POLKA DOT: Something, about, like-
POLKA DOT: Tim did this like, check-in thing he usually does.
POLKA DOT: Tap on the back.
POLKA DOT: Devo, uh....
POLKA DOT: Accused him, of, uhhhh-

You make some useless hand gestures.

POLKA DOT: Not...great shit.
ROULETTE: ...He does
ROULETTE: tend to be sensitive to touch, at times.

The bot's fans spin faster.

ROULETTE: ...I'm not sure.
ROULETTE: I do not want to say anything that would make things worse.
ROULETTE: You should probably stick to Tim's advice.
ROULETTE: I apologize for b-
ROULETTE: I apologize for being unable to help.
POLKA DOT: No, you-
POLKA DOT: This is a lot of help.
POLKA DOT: Thank you. Seriously.
ROULETTE: I hope it goes well.

You nod, standing there awkwardly before giving a little wave and turning around.

POLKA DOT: goes nothing.
Walking towards Devo feels like a weight settling in your belly, making your nerves go on high alert. He's sitting and staring out into the distance just like Roulette, not even noticing you as you approach from the side.

POLKA DOT: ...hey, Devo?
As you get closer, you can see his red accents-

-and the fact that like Tim, he'd also been crying.

He doesn't bother to wipe his face, though.

DEVO: ...what do you want.
Even with his harsh words, he sounds, more....

[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"I just want to know if you're okay. Not just in terms of how you're feeling, but if you're in a state that you feel safe continuing this adventure with us. We're not too far from the city, we could turn around and drop you off."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Seconding that, really make sure things are alright after that attack.

Try not to sound accusatory, you don't want to make him think you're here to pick fights either.
POLKA DOT: ...just wanna know how you're doing.
He just gives you a dull stare, his face still tear-streaked.

POLKA DOT: ...that good, huh?
DEVO: Sure.

His voice is- you're dead certain of it now, that's the "red voice" from your dream. Even without the frantic tone you heard the night before, that's it.

Not sure what to make of that, but...uh...let's see what we can achieve here.

POLKA DOT: I mean-
POLKA DOT: Even, aside from like, emotionally.
DEVO: Okay.
POLKA DOT: Because, like-
POLKA DOT: If you're not feeling good enough to keep goi-
DEVO: Stop.

His voice is cold.

DEVO: You think we can't keep up?
POLKA DOT: No, I ju-

You blink.

Devo pales, looking away and scrunching up with his legs against his chest.

DEVO: ...forget it.
DEVO: Just.
DEVO: Know that I'm not going anywhere.
DEVO: ...even if I wanted to.
POLKA DOT: ...sorry.

Despite the nerves in your belly getting worse, you sit down slowly, the snow crunching under you as you do.

His eyes trail back over to you.

POLKA DOT: I'm not here to fight you.
DEVO: ....sure you are.
DEVO: You don't like me.
DEVO: You don't know me.
DEVO: You think you can make me better, or something, right?
DEVO: I know you probably talked to Tim.
DEVO: And I bet you want me to go make things "better", huh?
DEVO: Well, let me ask this-

He turns to face you fully, his eyes fierce.

DEVO: What about what I want.
POLKA DOT: But don't you-
POLKA DOT: Don't you love Tim? I thought you-
DEVO: You wouldn't get it.
DEVO: You couldn't even begin to.
DEVO: What makes you think you know what's going on with me?

I may not...have words for it-

You think about the Devo in your dream, covered in multicolored string.

But maybe I do know.

His gaze doesn't break.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
...You're not Devo, are you? You're... another person. You swap back and forth, right? Or... Wait. No. Because you were yellow before, so is that a third person?

Look, I just want what's best for everyone, not just Tim. And whatever it is you're dealing with, not knowing is putting people in danger. You put me and Roulette in danger when you ran after your food, and the yellow one put everyone in danger when he insisted on taking a closer look at the monster yesterday.

I want to know I can trust Devo, and that means knowing I can trust you and the yellow guy whenever you show up. I'm not upset, and I'm not forcing you to do anything you don't want to do, but for the safety of the entire group, I need to know what's going on.

We don't have to talk about Tim yet, but can we talk about the, uh...
(gesture to Devo indistinctly)
This... whole... deal?
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Put your foot down firmly.

When you change color it's like you're a different person. Maybe you are.

And that's something that right now we need to know, because we're in dangerous waters and we can't have people fighting each other. We can't be keeping secrets when they're things that will come up, and will impact people on board.

I'm not saying you're not good enough, you're not strong enough, whatever you might be expecting.

If something is going on, especially something we can help you with, we need to know.

I will take us all back and drop off people back in town if this team can't work together.
...I can't just let this get worse.
There's so much on the line.
We can't fall apart now.

You meet his stare.

POLKA DOT: I am not trying to hurt you.
POLKA DOT: Or fight you, or any shit like that.
POLKA DOT: I don't know everything.
POLKA DOT: But I know enough.

He doesn't move, not even blinking.

His red stare feels like daggers against your throat, challenging you to say the wrong thing.

POLKA DOT: When you change's like you're completely different.
POLKA DOT: ...You're not Devo, are you?

There's a moment of surprise on his face, breaking the gaze for just a moment-

But when he looks away, there's just a bitter laugh.

POLKA DOT: You switch back and forth, or something.
POLKA DOT: There's...there's you, and the yellow guy, from yesterday.
DEVO: ...figures.

He looks back at you with a completely different look now, his red eyes now full of...exhaustion.

DEVO: I figured Roulette would be the first to know, not you.
DEVO: Maybe it does.
DEVO: It always seemed...polite, about that sort of thing.
DEVO: Unobtrusive.
DEVO: Do you want a prize, then?
DEVO: For figuring us out?
DEVO: What does it change?
????: I'm not Devo. Congrats.
????: You want him back, right?
????: I'm just a problem.
????: I don't like Tim-

Something changes in his voice, just slightly.

????: -and I'm mean-
A little more, a slight intake of breath.

????: -and I don't imagine any of you people like me.
You realize that there's tear embroidery at the corners of his eyes.

????: Why would you.
POLKA DOT: H...hey...

You reach out for a moment before pulling back, remembering his reaction to Tim.

The red bear is clearly barely holding it together, doing his best to keep a stern look on his face.

????: I'm f...fine.
POLKA DOT: You don't...have to be.
POLKA DOT: And we don't have to talk about Tim right now, either.
POLKA DOT: I don't, like-
POLKA DOT: I don't really know jack shit about what's going on.
POLKA DOT: But I just want to, like-
POLKA DOT: I just want to make sure you're getting help you need.
POLKA DOT: do that I gotta know what's going on with you. Like,
POLKA DOT: You put me and Roulette in danger earlier, and the, uh, yellow guy did yesterday with the monster.
POLKA DOT: And I'm not-
POLKA DOT: I'm not saying that you're worse, or not good enough, or any of that shit-
POLKA DOT: I just want to know what's going on.
POLKA DOT: I just want to trust you.

He doesn't speak, completely silent until a loud string of sniffles break through.

????: You-

The soft sob that escapes as he buries his face away from you, deep into his knees, is enough to make your chest ache.

????: It's-
????: It's not like I w-w-want to be like this-
????: You don't-
????: You don't have any goddamn idea what this is- what this is doing to me-
POLKA DOT: Which...part?
????: Existing.
????: H-having to wake up to some-
????: To some pervert next to me-
????: Thinking he has the r-right to touch me, and-
????: S...stealing him away....

He trails off, as if the words are too painful to say.

POLKA DOT: I don't-
POLKA DOT: I don't know if I get it, but-
????: You don't.
????: one does.
????: And no one ever will.
????: Th-the closest person is- is Roulette, and-
????: It p-probably hates me now-
????: Over some stupid jerky.
????: Like I said.
????: Just a p-problem.
????: ....

He's quiet, trying to let himself get a grip.

It's a while before he speaks again, his voice back to that exhausted state.

????: I want-
????: I want to k-keep going.
????: This means a lot to Devo. To help.
????: I...
????: I would do anything for him.
????: But I can't stand-
????: M-men touching me. Especially not Tim.
????: But...I can t-try behave.
????: I can't say the same for the others.

The red bear peeks up from his knees.

????: I want to see this through. For Devo's sake.
????: That's the point I'm trying to make.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"That's all I really need. I know you've got a lot going on, and it's not all going to go away right this second. But being able to communicate is important for fixing things, and now I know that I can sit down and talk with you if either of us needs that, so thank you.

I think the others are going to have to know about this at some point, and it doesn't have to be now, but we all need to be able to communicate with you- the collective you- if we're going to make it through this. Just tell me if you want my help.

Oh, and um... I never got your name. And the name of the yellow guy, if you happen to know it."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Offer them the option to talk to you anytime, doesn't need to all happen at once.
POLKA DOT: That's...all I really need.
POLKA DOT: You've got a lot going on and nobody can make that like, just...go away.
POLKA DOT: At least not right this second...
POLKA DOT: But I do want to help.
POLKA DOT: Pretty sure everyone would.
????: Tim-
POLKA DOT: Even Tim.
POLKA DOT: don't have to talk to him right now either.
????: ....

She wipes her face, trying to look more composed.

????: ...okay.
????: You're not going to make me...make up with him, or anything?
POLKA DOT: No, but-
POLKA DOT: He will need to know eventually.
POLKA DOT: Technically everyone here does, if we're doing this together-
POLKA DOT: But it...doesn't have to be now. Just soon.
POLKA DOT: ...preferably really soon.
????: ....and you really think everyone would be okay with it?
POLKA DOT: I mean...I don't think it'd be-
POLKA DOT:'s a lot to adjust to, but I don't think it'd be cool of anyone to get mad at you for it.
POLKA DOT: Maybe, uh-
POLKA DOT: You might get some people irritated at you, but I don't think anyone's gonna judge you for
POLKA DOT: If they did, I'd have to give them a real talking to, haha...
????: You'd do that for me?
POLKA DOT: We're working together, right?
POLKA DOT: We have to things out, and fix them together.
POLKA DOT: Just tell me if you want my help. I'm here anytime.

He looks away, thinking it over.

????: ...okay.
????: I...okay.
POLKA DOT: you have a name?
????: ....

The bear's quiet again.

????: Fatale.
FATALE: ...she/her, as well.
FATALE: The others are all men who use he, so you don't have to worry there about...memorization.
POLKA DOT: Can I get their names, too?
FATALE: The yellow bear is Scout.
FATALE: You already know Devo-

Her voice softens at the sound of his name, a tone that reminds you of how you talk about Cross.

FATALE: ...the shadowy one doesn't talk to us much.
FATALE: I don't actually know his name.
FATALE: I...would avoid him.
FATALE: I can do my best to remain civil, but him...

She scoffs.

FATALE: Good fucking luck.
POLKA DOT: ...should I be-
FATALE: Worried?

She waves a paw, not quite dismissively so much as with the body language of someone about to settle down for a gossip session.

FATALE: Oh, probably.
FATALE: I can try to keep an eye on him for you, but he hates pretty much all of us.
FATALE: Don't think he likes any of you either.
POLKA DOT: ...really?
FATALE: If you think I hate Tim.

She laughs, tipping her head back and sounding entirely bitter.

FATALE: Even my distrust has limits. Not for him.
FATALE: Aside from that...
FATALE: As far as I can tell, he thinks the adventure is a waste of time.
FATALE: offense meant to Cross on my behalf. I'm just playing the messenger.
FATALE: As dangerous as this is and as much as I hate having to deal with Tim, I can respect her goals.
FATALE:'s understandable to want to change oneself when you don't like the cards you're dealt.
FATALE: ...We know that very well.
FATALE: ...thank you.
FATALE: I suppose I can...tell you what I can.
FATALE: ...and then I should probably figure out apologizing to Roulette.
FATALE: ...and maybe Tim. Maybe.
FATALE: As long as he doesnt touch me again.
FATALE: ...go on, then.
FATALE: Let me tell you what you need to know, and in return, you can help me figure out...apologies.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"Well, uh, stop me if I ask anything too personal of course, but...

You seem to be at least aware of the others, but can you talk to them at all? Internally? Somehow? (gesture vaguely) Or maybe you guys could... I don't know, keep a notebook and take turns writing in it? With a multicolor pen or something?

How much control do you guys have over who's here and who's not? Like, if it were the ye- if it were Scout and I asked to talk to you, would you guys be able to do that? Would you be willing to do that? I mean, obviously it depends on the situation, but just in general.

And, um... I really, really hate to ask this, but you mentioned the shadowy guy might be a problem later. Is there anything you can do... in there... to stop him or slow him down if he tries anything? And if you can't... ugh, I'm really sorry to ask this. Obviously we'll try not to hurt you, but if he attacks us, would you be okay with us... defending ourselves? Like, we... we wouldn't seriously hurt you. Maybe just... You know what, I don't want to think about specifics until I have to. But you get my point."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Honestly I think letting people know about the situation is going to be good for everyone. It's clear you all have your boundaries you need and people will likely respect them if things are communicated well. I think ya'll will be received fine, and I wouldn't let ya'll be treated weird.
POLKA DOT: Okay, well...
POLKA DOT: Stop me if I ask anything too personal.
FATALE: Trust me, I will.
FATALE: Go on.
POLKA DOT: You know that there's three other guys in there, and you said one of them hates you- the shadowy guy.
POLKA DOT: Do you, to each other.

She makes a face.

FATALE: S...sort of.
FATALE: It's...something we used to do a lot more.
FATALE: ...explaining more about that would be in the too personal territory.
FATALE: But...
FATALE: We struggle with knowing what happens when other people are out, and it's very hard to talk to each other outside of lucid dreams.
POLKA DOT: ...that must be the doppelganger stuff Devo's mentioned.

Fatale huffs, rolling her eyes.

FATALE: I really wish he'd stop calling us that-
FATALE: ...but I understand where he gets it.
FATALE: Devo has...

Her voice turns pained.

FATALE: Issues, remembering our conversations.
FATALE: It appears that the rest of us can remember things talked about there, but he barely remembers any specifics.
FATALE: ...there's a lot of things he doesn't remember about before.

Even more strained, now, her voice dropping down to a mumble.

FATALE: ...Maybe telling other people that we're real will finally help him see it too.
POLKA DOT: ...he's really important to you, isn't he?

She glances up at you.

FATALE: I said.
FATALE: I'd do anything for him.
FATALE: Including out myself.

This can't be easy for her...

POLKA DOT: I mean...I think it'll be good.
POLKA DOT: Telling everyone about the situation will help everyone be on the same page, or something.
POLKA DOT: You'll get support. And, like-
POLKA DOT: Won't have to pretend anymore.
FATALE: ...I hope you're right.
POLKA DOT: I won't let anybody treat y'all weird.
POLKA DOT: Promise.

She laughs to herself, looking off into the distance.

FATALE: ...we'll see.
POLKA DOT: If you can't, like, think at each other, though-
POLKA DOT: Maybe you could...write stuff down?
POLKA DOT: With...some kinda multicolored pen or something.
FATALE: That'd be great, if we brought anything like that.
FATALE: Devo didn't exactly pack with journaling in mind.
POLKA DOT: ...we can keep an eye out at the Hollowed Wood, then.
POLKA DOT: Gotta be like, shops.
FATALE: Mmm...
FATALE: I'd be willing to try, but there's no guarantee of the shadowy bear doing anything productive.
FATALE: For all we know, he could rip out pages. Censor us.
FATALE: That would be his style.
POLKA DOT: he dangerous?
FATALE: To you, maybe not.
FATALE: He doesn't like you, make no mistake.

I didn't even do anything to the guy...

FATALE: But he has more issues with Tim.
FATALE: As convenient as it would be for me to omit that information and let nature take its course...I should probably let him know that he has a target on his back.
FATALE: I may be coldhearted towards him, but I just want him out of the picture in a...normal, completely reasonable way.
FATALE: ...and not in a way that would make Devo hate me forever.
POLKA DOT: I have to worry about stabbings or some shit?
FATALE: No promises!
POLKA DOT: Great...

You rub your temple, already feeling a headache coming on.

POLKA DOT: Yeeeeeah, we are going to need to tell Tim about that.
POLKA DOT: Is there any way we can like, stop him from doing that?
POLKA DOT: Can you guys, like, choose when to come out?

She rocks back and forth as she thinks it over.

FATALE: Somewhat.
FATALE: Not necessarily...purposefully.
POLKA DOT: I can't just go "oh shit, Fatale, come rescue me!"
FATALE: No. At least, not quite.
FATALE: Asking for someone probably isn't going to do anything.
FATALE: However...
FATALE: There are certain situations where we're drawn out.
FATALE: I've been trying to keep track of my own, but you'd have to ask people individually for theirs.
FATALE: Memory blocks and whatnot.
POLKA DOT: I...can try.
FATALE: In my case, though...
FATALE: I seem to just, wake up after dreams, like earlier.
FATALE: Perhaps that applies to everyone. A sort of wild card situation...
FATALE: But...violence draws me out as well.
FATALE: Often I find myself with our knife in our paws.
POLKA DOT: You didn't come out yesterday, though.
FATALE: ...was there combat yesterday?
POLKA DOT: Yeah. Dusters, or something.
FATALE: Ahhhh....

She leans back, nodding.

FATALE: I'm guessing it was Scout then as well, you mentioned him being out.
FATALE: Hm. I wouldn't assume him to be the violent type.
FATALE: Interesting.
FATALE: He must have had some reason to be drawn out, then.
FATALE: Even in the face of combat...very strange.
FATALE: I suppose if I remember, I can ask him about it myself the next time we dream.
FATALE: Aside from that...ah.

The red bear makes a scrunched up face.

FATALE: Catcalling, sexual harassment, that sort of thing brings me right up.
POLKA DOT: ...jeez...
FATALE: Mm. I don't recommend such a fate.
FATALE: But it is unfortunately the hand I was dealt.
FATALE: Aside from that, I'm...not sure.
FATALE: I haven't exactly had a lot of pleasant experience since "coming back".
FATALE: Which, again, personal.
FATALE: But...I suppose we could experiment.
FATALE: I imagine Roulette may have some ideas, if it's been observant.

Considering the ramble earlier, it's guaranteed...

POLKA DOT: if the shadowy guy comes out, we're fucked?
FATALE: Maybe. Not necessarily.
FATALE: I think he is a real threat, for certain.
FATALE: But...
FATALE: Someone who isn't Tim might be able to reason with him.
FATALE: ...that may be giving the bear too much credit.
FATALE: But I would rather you try that then put a knife in our chest.
FATALE: Or, I suppose in your case, a hammer to our head.
POLKA DOT: ...yeah, I'm trying to avoid that too.
POLKA DOT: Don't even want to think about the specifics of that situation.
FATALE: Me neither, frankly.
FATALE: ...I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
POLKA DOT: If. Hopefully if.

She's quiet again, putting her mittened hand in the snow and fiddling with it.

FATALE: Now, for your side of the deal.
FATALE: How...should I go about this?
FATALE: The whole...apologizing and introducing and not making an ass of myself thing.
FATALE: While I know you have a reckless soul, you still know this whole "friendship" thing better than I do.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I think the simplest way to do it would just have a team huddle real quick, you could introduce yourself, and then the others could sit and ask questions, just like I did earlier. I'll make sure no one starts any shit, but I honestly don't think anyone will. Roulette already knows some of this stuff, and Cross should adjust fairly quickly.

I do want to make sure Tim's doing okay first, though. Would you be okay waiting here while I just... poke my head in and see how it's going? I should be back in a minute or two.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
I do think Fatale should apologize to Tim though cause like
Even if she doesn't want to completly address Whatever she has against him, holding a situation that he Could not have in any way before now known about against him is fucked up. Especially when he was attempting a safety check that he had previously set up and known about to check if things were alright

If we Are going to do a group meeting I think there are somethings that we should address as well, Namely Dreams and uhhh setting up watch for at night.

For the latter we should 100% emphasize that what happened with rhe funny worm isn't really any one of our faults and more of a novice mistake across board + i think we're all a bit fucked up from what happenedwirh the dusters yesterday we made some lapses where we normally wouldn't have.

As for the former since like something "funny" is going on with dreams in this reality and stuff in those dreams we should pay attention to a bit more. Not saying going full prophetic vision with them but maybe check notes with others on them.
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
POLKA DOT: Hmm....
POLKA DOT: Well, first things first, you have got to apologize to Tim.
FATALE: I know, but-
POLKA DOT: He was trying to check in on Devo when you got touched, like-
POLKA DOT: It was some kind of safety check thing.
POLKA DOT: Not...whatever you thought it was.

She doesn't make eye contact.

POLKA DOT: You don't have to like, address everything going on between you two, but-
POLKA DOT: He couldn't have known it was you.
POLKA DOT: I'm sure if he hears about your boundary, he'll respect it.
FATALE: Tch...
FATALE: Men like him-
POLKA DOT: I know Tim well enough.
POLKA DOT: You asked my advice, and just-
POLKA DOT: If you want to apologize, you have got to acknowledge that it is at least a little bit fucked to accuse someone of that kind of thing when they don't even know what the full situation is.
POLKA DOT: I'm not trying to be mean.
POLKA DOT: And I'm not trying to like, police whatever your beef is with him.
POLKA DOT: But if you want to make it right with Tim, you're going to have to be upfront about the...multiple bears thing, and you're going to have to admit it was kind of shitty of you to yell at him like that.
FATALE: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

She tips her head back and continues to groan before sighing and flopping forward.

FATALE: But I am not going to be friends with him.
FATALE: And if he touches me again, I'm not holding back.
POLKA DOT: Sure, fine, just-

Jeez, she's bad at taking advice she asked for herself...

POLKA DOT: Try to be chill about it, okay?
FATALE: I'll...try.
FATALE: What about the rest?
POLKA DOT: Well...I think everyone else is going to be okay with this, even if it's confusing at first.
POLKA DOT: Simple way to do it is some kinda team huddle.

She pales.

FATALE: A group conversation?
FATALE: I don't know how to feel about that.
POLKA DOT: It's that or talking to everybody one at a time.

Her face scrunches up, displeased.

FATALE: This is a terrible choice.
POLKA DOT: Group meeting gets it one and done.
FATALE: ...fine, I suppose it's an "off like a bandage" situation-
FATALE: ...not that those come off easy when you're fabric, anyhow.
POLKA DOT: I'll make sure nobody starts shit. Roulette already knows some of this stuff, and...Cross will adjust quickly.
POLKA DOT: We could sit down, you introduce yourself, then everybody asks questions just like I did.
FATALE: Fantastic, an interrogation...
POLKA DOT: Nobody's going to treat you like a criminal.
POLKA DOT: I didn't, and I wouldn't let anyone else either.
POLKA DOT: ...I've got some other stuff I can bring up too, while I'm at it, but... yeah.
FATALE: ...and what about apologizing to Roulette?
POLKA DOT: ...uh....
POLKA DOT: With the Roulette thing, just...make it clear it wasn't all its fault for things going crazy earlier.
POLKA DOT: That...will probably help, and I'll back you up.
FATALE: Okay...
FATALE: ....
FATALE: It's...worth a shot.
POLKA DOT: Alright, well...
POLKA DOT: I'm gonna go check on Tim and see if he's up for the meeting.
POLKA DOT: I'll be back in a minute or two, okay?

She nods, going back to fiddling with the snow.

FATALE: ...don't take long.

You get up slowly, cracking your back before crunching your boots through the snow, back towards the tent.
Tim and Cross are sitting by the fire inside, Cross with her hand on Tim's knee. By the look of it, the two of them have been talking as well.

Tim's ears perk up when you enter, and Cross lets out a startled beep.

CROSSBONE: What on earth happened? Tim said there was a scuffle with some kind of animal-
POLKA DOT: It's...a whole thing. I can catch you up in a sec, but...

You turn to Tim, taking a look at your friend's face. His tears had dried up since talking with you, likely helped by Cross' support as well.

POLKA DOT: ...hey, man.
POLKA DOT: You doing any better?
TIMOTHY: A little...
TIMOTHY: Is....Devo okay?
POLKA DOT: He's, uh...


POLKA DOT: He...wants to talk. And apologize.
TIMOTHY: Thank god...
POLKA DOT: We want to like, have a group talk to settle everything out.
CROSSBONE: That would help me understand what's going on, yeah...
TIMOTHY: be okay if I talk with Devo myself? Alone?
POLKA DOT: I mean-
POLKA DOT: There's some stuff that's, like-
POLKA DOT: Probably best to talk over all at once-
TIMOTHY: I get it, but...
TIMOTHY: ...he's my partner, and I want to hear his apology without, like...people around.
TIMOTHY: I...have apologies for him too.

You sigh, relenting.

POLKA DOT: Alright...he's out to the left of the tent.
POLKA DOT: Gives me time to catch Willow up...
TIMOTHY: Wish me luck, then.

He gets up slowly, heading for the tent entrance with a sluggish step.

CROSSBONE: Break a leg!
TIMOTHY: Hopefully not!

With that, he's out of the tent, leaving you and Cross.

CROSSBONE: What exactly did I miss while I slept?
POLKA DOT: So there was this...weasel, car, thing....

Tim's chest tightens as he spots her, sitting there off to the side- both toys flinching when they make eye contact.

Even so, he trudges forward, up until he gets a foot or so away from the red bear.

FATALE: can sit.
FATALE: I'm guessing Ribbon sent you out to deal with me?
FATALE: so much for the group meeting...
TIMOTHY: No, uh, the group meeting was suggested-
TIMOTHY: We're...still doing that.
TIMOTHY: ...but I wanted to talk to you first. And apologize.

Her eyes widen, turning to face him.

FATALE: You? Actually-
FATALE: You're apologizing to me?
TIMOTHY: Y...yeah.

He sits down in the snow, his paws in his lap.

TIMOTHY: I'm...I'm so sorry, for-
TIMOTHY: For scaring you.
TIMOTHY: I don't know what happened, still, and I don't understand-
TIMOTHY: But whatever happened when I touched you, that scared you so bad-
TIMOTHY: I....I'm sorry.
TIMOTHY: I never want to hurt you like that, ever again.
TIMOTHY: I know that...I might, even if I don't want to, and I'm not trying to.
TIMOTHY: I remember you telling me when we first started things that- that mistakes happen, in the kind of relationship we have.
TIMOTHY: But you need to- you need to make good on making them right.
TIMOTHY: If you need me to stop touching you, period-

Fatale's stunned, staring at him with wide eyes.

TIMOTHY: ....are you-
FATALE: I'm...
FATALE: You're...full of surprises.
FATALE: I can't say I expected you to get down on hand and knee and beg for forgiveness, but-

She takes a deep breath, visibly struggling with her words.

FATALE: It's...not...entirely-
FATALE: Your...fault.
FATALE: There are-

Small embroidered sweat drops appear on her brow.

FATALE: There are things-
TIMOTHY: ...things?
FATALE: Yes, things-
FATALE: That you do not know about me.
FATALE: That you'd have no way of knowing.
TIMOTHY: this about Saddler?

She bristles, Tim flinching away and raising his paws up apologetically.

TIMOTHY: Sorry, so-
FATALE: Everything is about Saddler, Timothy.
FATALE: You're...not wrong.

She presses a paw to her temple, struggling.

FATALE: this is harder than i thought
TIMOTHY: It''s okay, you can take your time.
TIMOTHY: I know I don't-
TIMOTHY: I know I don't know everything about you. And that's okay.
TIMOTHY: We promised we'd take it one step at a time, right?

Fatale gives him a blank stare, unable to feign recognition.

Tim slumps.

TIMOTHY: you...remember that?
FATALE: a part of the problem.
FATALE: I am not-

She sputters.

FATALE: I am- I am not-

The words won't come, her tone getting increasingly more frustrated.

Tim doesn't say anything, his face growing more and more concerned.

FATALE: I...don't look at me like that.
FATALE: I can do this.
TIMOTHY: I know, I-
TIMOTHY: You look like you're in pain.

She can't help but laugh, just as bitter as it was while talking to Polka.

FATALE: It's...nothing new, for me.
FATALE: This situation? Yes, but pain- no.
FATALE: ....
FATALE: not Devo.

Tim blinks, not sure if he heard correctly.

TIMOTHY: You're....what?
FATALE: I am not Devo.
TIMOTHY: That's, uh-
FATALE: many times are you going to make me say it?
FATALE: Though I suppose it is good practice.
TIMOTHY: No, I just- I don't think I'm-
TIMOTHY: You're...not Devo.
FATALE: That's what I'm saying, yes.

The words sink in, Tim processing them with gears visibly grinding in his head.

It clicks.

The scottie dog groans, placing his face in his hands.

FATALE: ...what now?
FATALE: Am I so repulsive that you-
TIMOTHY: No, no, I just-
TIMOTHY: That...
TIMOTHY: I don't-
TIMOTHY: It makes...more sense, now, even if I don't-
TIMOTHY: ...fuck, so I just-
TIMOTHY: That really-
TIMOTHY: ...I'm...I'm really...

He's struggling, fumbling over his words.

TIMOTHY: I'm really, really sorry for touching you-
TIMOTHY: I didn't- I didn't know, I didn't know that could even-
TIMOTHY: How exactly did this-?!

Fatale's quiet for a few moments, taking in his mess of a reaction.

FATALE: ...we don't know.
FATALE: We're this.
FATALE: We used to be, before and during Saddler'
FATALE: ...and then we stopped.
TIMOTHY: Stopped...what?
FATALE: Existing, I suppose.
FATALE: ...and then Devo met you.

She can't keep the malice from sinking into her voice, Tim wincing.

TIMOTHY: I...get the feeling that you don' me very much.
FATALE: ...somewhat of an understatement, but yes.
FATALE: Unfortunately for me, I have agreed with Silk Ribbon to "play nice" for the rest of this journey.
FATALE: ...this means a lot to Devo.
FATALE: And while I can't stand you-

Another wince from Tim.

FATALE: ...I will admit that me accusing you of unsavory intent earlier was off base.
FATALE: At the very least, that time.
FATALE: I do not! Approve! Of this whole relationship!
FATALE: ...but I will go along with it. For now.
FATALE: And I am...sorry.
FATALE: For screaming at you.
FATALE: ...and hitting your hand.

Tim nods, still looking rather stunned.

TIMOTHY: W...well...thank you for...apologizing.
TIMOTHY: God, this is-
TIMOTHY: This is a lot.
FATALE: You're telling me.
FATALE: You don't have to share a body with three other-
TIMOTHY: Three?!
TIMOTHY: There are four-
TIMOTHY: Oh god, the colors...
FATALE: least you catch on quick.

His face heats up.

TIMOTHY: Who did I-
TIMOTHY: Who did I hug last night-
FATALE: ...he got a hug out of you?

She can't help but throw her head back and laugh, gleeful this time.

FATALE: That sly dog.
FATALE: You'll hear more about him at the meeting, I'm sure.
FATALE: Ribbon thinks it's a good idea for us to have a little Q and A.
TIMOTHY: Sheesh...alright...
TIMOTHY: Thanks for...talking with me about this beforehand.
FATALE: ...I'm...glad we did also.
FATALE: But let me make this clear-

She points to her red cheek markings.

FATALE: If you see this color-
FATALE: Do not touch me.
FATALE: I am not your friend, let alone your....ech.
FATALE: And if you don't know, you ask.
FATALE: Do I make myself clear.
TIMOTHY: ...crystal.

He gives an affirmative nod, looking intimidated but assured.

TIMOTHY: What, do you, anyway?
TIMOTHY: Do you have a name?
FATALE: ...Fatale. She/her.
TIMOTHY: Oh, uh-
TIMOTHY: Cool. I'll try to...remember that.

POLKA DOT: Yyyyeah.
POLKA DOT: big old clusterfuck.
CROSSBONE: No kidding...
CROSSBONE: ...but...a group chat, then?
CROSSBONE: You said Devo has something to talk about- is he okay?
POLKA DOT: We'll...get to that.

The door of the tent unzips, Tim and Fatale stepping inside. The bear's putting some distance between herself and the scottie dog, sitting on the same campfire seat as Tim- but a good bit apart.

FATALE: You...should probably get Roulette.
FATALE: I was too nervous to invite it.
POLKA DOT: ...sit tight.

You give your partner's hand a pat as you get up and poke your head outside.

POLKA DOT: Hey, Roulette?
POLKA DOT: You, uh-
POLKA DOT: You got some time to come in here and talk over stuff?
POLKA DOT: Team...huddle...thing.

It doesn't look up.

ROULETTE: ...I need to stand watch, still.
ROULETTE: I apologize.
POLKA DOT: It's, uh-
POLKA DOT: It's really important.
POLKA DOT: Like, really important.
ROULETTE: ...did something happen?
POLKA DOT: ...kind...of.
POLKA DOT: Everything's-
POLKA DOT: Everything's fine, Devo just- he wants to talk about some stuff.
POLKA DOT:'s important for him for you to be there, I think.

The robot turns to look at you, very briefly.

It says nothing as it makes its way cautiously inside.

You try to ignore the nerves building in your chest, making you feel sick. we go.

Fatale glances up at Roulette as it makes its way in, her swear you can make out some degree of remorse.

It glances about the tent, not making eye contact with anyone,
waiting for someone to speak.

Fatale clears her throat.

FATALE: I-I, ah-
FATALE: It is...
FATALE: I wanted to-

Words stutter out, clearly struggling.

FATALE: Oh...fuck it.
She huffs, gripping the seat with her plush paws.

FATALE: I am NOT Devo, and I-
FATALE: I am sorry, for causing problems, earlier.
FATALE: I didn't- I shouldn't have snapped and been so, ridiculous, with the jerky.
FATALE: It was stupid and I could have gotten...people hurt.

Her eyes trail over to Roulette, words still spilling out before anyone can get a word in edgewise.

FATALE: I was reckless.
FATALE: ...this issue of mine, specifically. I think.
FATALE: And I did not- I do not want to do that again.
FATALE: ...I'm sorry.

Roulette's lens widens slowly.

It looks up in time to see that Fatale is looking at /it/.

ROULETTE: I...fell asleep on watch.
ROULETTE: If...anyone put us all in danger, it was me.
ROULETTE: I apologize. ...Profusely.
ROULETTE: ...I appreciate you...speaking with us.

The robot looks back at the floor.

FATALE: Why are y-
She huffs, rubbing the side of her face.

FATALE: I'm the one apologizing here.

She raises a paw to shush you, turning back to Roulette.

FATALE: You don't- don't do that.
FATALE: You and Ribbon caught that thing in the first place and I was stupid about it.
FATALE: I wasn't able to do anything, and you handled it.
FATALE: ...give yourself some credit.

You can hear its fans spinning up louder, but it doesn't respond directly.

She waits for a response, before sighing.

FATALE: ...there you have it.
CROSSBONE:, wait, you're-
CROSSBONE: You're not Devo.
FATALE: ...correct.
CROSSBONE: That's...

She snaps her fingers.

CROSSBONE: I've! I've heard of this!
POLKA DOT: You have?!
CROSSBONE: Sometimes, with us vpets-
CROSSBONE: There can be more than one pet in a shell.
CROSSBONE: Multipets, they call them.
POLKA DOT: ...multipet?
CROSSBONE: There's other kinds of toys, too-
CROSSBONE: ...but I've never heard of it happening with a bean bear.
CROSSBONE: Most toys I know who have this have,'s they show up.
CROSSBONE: It's a part of their...whole deal.
FATALE: I assure you, I don't exactly feel not a part of a "whole deal."
CROSSBONE: S...sorry, yeah.
CROSSBONE: Bad wording on my part.
FATALE: Still....I get what you mean, I think.
FATALE: I don't exactly know why we're like this, either.
FATALE: As far as I can tell, it is, in fact, how we've always been.
TIMOTHY: couldn't tell any of us, right?
FATALE: ...correct.
FATALE: It was only relatively recently that myself and the other two- Devo aside- started...waking up again, I suppose.
FATALE: We can't...exactly tell what happens when the others are out.
FATALE: I can't tell what Devo does, he can't tell what I do, etcetera.
FATALE: We've been able to piece together enough of the "big picture" to know who you all are, but...
FATALE: Effectively, aside from-

She glances over at Roulette again before looking away.

FATALE: ...some small encounters-
FATALE: We do not know you all very well.
FATALE: Scout- the bear you met yesterday-
FATALE: -is likely to be friendly enough.
FATALE: ...though I get the feeling he caused a bit of trouble himself.
ROULETTE: ...he didn't.
ROULETTE: far as I am aware.
TIMOTHY: He was, kind of....
TIMOTHY: Curious, though.
CROSSBONE: That's a way to put it, yeah...
FATALE: Let me guess-
FATALE: Monsters?
POLKA DOT: ...yup.
FATALE: Oh, he loves those.
FATALE: I have to clean up after him leaving books everywhere. Such a mess.

She sighs, not without fondness to it.

FATALE: ...he's a good person.
FATALE: But very...spontaneous.
FATALE: If you see the yellow accents, that would be him.
CROSSBONE: And you're, red, right?
FATALE: Correct.
CROSSBONE: And your name?
FATALE: Fatale. And- she/her.

She seems more confident, saying it this time.

FATALE: I can't say that I'll be the most...sociable.
FATALE: But I want to be civil, for Devo's sake.
TIMOTHY: ...what about the fourth one?
FATALE: Oh, him.

She scoffs.

FATALE: Yes, I suppose I should cover the elephant in the room-
FATALE: The black tinted bear has no name, at least not that I know of.
FATALE: He is possibly going to be a thorn in your side.

The bear gestures dramatically to Tim.

FATALE: Both he and I do not want to be in a relationship with Timothy here.
FATALE: Unlike me, however, he's not willing to cooperate for the sake of Devo.
FATALE: In fact, he hates all of us in here.
FATALE: With any luck, he won't bother you at all, but-
FATALE: Watch out, I suppose.
ROULETTE: ...I, have been around him...a few times.

Fatale snaps her head around.

FATALE: He didn't hurt you, did he?!
Roulette flinches, putting its gaze back to the floor.

ROULETTE: It didn't...seem as if he wanted to at all, either.
ROULETTE: We were around each other least, a few hours, at a time...
FATALE: ....

Her expression seems...shocked.

FATALE: That's...
FATALE: Uncharacteristic of him.
FATALE: He's never uttered so much as a kind word in my direction.
FATALE: All I've seen of him is a violent brute.
FATALE: Are you sure-

Its fans whirr faster.

ROULETTE: ...yes...
ROULETTE: He seemed to...not be doing well.
ROULETTE: He came to my room, and was very quiet.
ROULETTE: I would...turn the TV or radio on low. Sometimes I would share snacks.
ROULETTE: ...we would talk, a little. He wouldn't answer when I would ask if there was anything wrong.
ROULETTE: I...assumed he was upset, and did not want to share, so I wouldn't try to pry.
ROULETTE: ...I...apologize, if I have caused more issues by bringing this up.
ROULETTE: ...I do not want to violate his privacy, either, s-
ROULETTE: ...apologies...for...

It trails off, and doesn't continue.

FATALE:'re fine.
She doesn't elaborate, lost in thought.

POLKA DOT: W-well, uh-
POLKA DOT: We'll, just-
POLKA DOT: Have to...see?
TIMOTHY: W-well...if he gets along with Roulette, he can't be a bad guy, right-

Fatale shoots him a dirty look, the dog shutting up.

TIMOTHY: ...just saying.
CROSSBONE: If he's willing to, um, be nice, then...we can try to be welcoming him.
CROSSBONE: Just like the rest of you.
FATALE: ...your funeral, I suppose.
FATALE: But I can't stop you from being nice.
POLKA DOT: And, uh-
POLKA DOT: The dream, thing.
FATALE: Right...
FATALE: So far,, has only been able to communicate via dream.
FATALE: It didn't used to be like this, but since coming back, there have been...barriers, like I said.
FATALE: Devo still doesn't even...know we exist, not really.
FATALE: He keeps...forgetting, when he wakes up.
FATALE: matter how hard I try.
FATALE: ...I'm not sure what to do about it.

...this could be a good point to poke at the whole dream thing...everybody's been seeing weird shit, right...?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"Uh... On that note, actually. I wasn't planning on doing this, Fatale, so I apologize, but has anyone else been having... Weird dreams lately?

And not just weird, but... Kind of prophetic in a way? That's part of how I figured out your situation, Fatale. I saw Devo, but there were also colors and voices, and it wasn't until I talked to you earlier that I realized the red voice from my dream was the same as yours."

DO NOT bring up the more fucked up parts of the dream unless it seems like the group is ready to hear them. Best to take things slowly here imo
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Out of curiosity, do the colors mean anything at all?

Also is it really just only Devo who forgets? Anything that's ever managed to sneak into waking memory inspite of this issue?

Any correlation to when dreams are able to connect ya'll? Is it consistent? Disconnected?
POLKA DOT: it really just only Devo who forgets?
FATALE: As far as I can tell, yes.
FATALE: Scout and I remember the dreams very well, and considering the shadowy bear has it out for-

She avoids eye contact with Roulette, clearly unsure of what to make of its testimony.
Roulette looks at the floor.

FATALE: ...or, at the very least, doesn't like us specifically-
FATALE: We have no reason to believe he doesn't remember them as well.
FATALE: Anything that manages to slip through the cracks...I wouldn't know too much about, if he hadn't told me in a dream specifically.
FATALE: It feels like he is holding onto little bits and pieces, but never the big picture.
FATALE: ...keeps....calling us doppelgangers.
FATALE: ....
FATALE: I don't care for it, much.
TIMOTHY: He's brought up the doppelganger thing, yeah...
CROSSBONE: I remember it coming up while talking with Wanderer.
FATALE: There have been...moments, where one of us others pops up when he's fully out.
FATALE: This happened a bit during training over the past few...however long it's been.
FATALE: ...I'm not sure how much memory he retains during those moments.
TIMOTHY: ...from what I remember, he felt really woozy during a bunch of our training sessions...
FATALE: Noted.
POLKA DOT: So...the different colors, that...correlates, right?
FATALE: Correct.
POLKA DOT: Do they...mean anything?

Fatale visibly bristles.

FATALE:'s just a change in color accents.
FATALE: What meaning is there to be derived from just a color?
FATALE: Ridiculous.
FATALE: Don't look too much into it.

You rub the back of your head.

POLKA DOT: S...sorry.
FATALE: Hmph. Next question.
TIMOTHY: I have one, if that's-

Fatale's muzzle scrunches in a pre-emptive grimace, Tim's ears flopping at the sight of it.

TIMOTHY: -if that's okay.
FATALE: I did agree to this, so, go ahead.

She doesn't sound happy about it, but Tim presses on.

TIMOTHY: How, exactly, u-uh-
TIMOTHY: I know this-
TIMOTHY: How am I going to, uh, navigate, all this?
TIMOTHY: Not just relationship stuff, but also that, but like-
TIMOTHY: We tend to spend a lot of time together, and we're working together as a team here.
TIMOTHY: Are we, just, going to drop everything if you or the shadowy guy come out?

Fatale jiggles her leg, thinking it over.

FATALE: ...I suppose I don't have an ideal answer.
FATALE: The life I once knew is gone now, replaced with the one Devo's built.
FATALE: I don't particularly miss a lot about that life.
FATALE: And I can see appeal in what Devo's sought out.
FATALE: But I don't know where I fit into it all, yet.
FATALE: ...and I can't speak for the other one.
FATALE: Scout has expressed wanting to be involved in just about everything, so...
FATALE: Congrats, you may have picked up a second boyfriend.
FATALE: Lucky you.

Her tone on the last line isn't necessarily mocking, more...resigned.

TIMOTHY: ...I...guess I'll talk to him about it when I get the chance.
TIMOTHY: Thank you.
TIMOTHY: ...I'll give you and the shadow guy some space, when I can.

Fatale blinks, not expecting that kind of response.

FATALE: ...that' best.
FATALE: As for the rest...I am willing to work as a team member, for the time being.
FATALE: If combat truly does bring me out, you may have to put up with me being here a decent amount.
FATALE: ...there won't be any repeats of my behavior from earlier, with any luck.
CROSSBONE: I appreciate the help...

Fatale simply nods, gesturing for the next question.

POLKA DOT: ...are there any correlations for y'all being able to connect in dreams?
POLKA DOT: Is it, like, consistent? Or disconnected?
FATALE: be honest, due to not having much time in the outside world, it's hard to tell.
FATALE: It all kind of blends together.
FATALE: One dream flowing into the next one, I suppose.
FATALE: But...
FATALE: I would argue that it has to be fairly regular.
FATALE: Regular enough, anyhow.
CROSSBONE: I guess the only question I have is how we can make things easier on you.
CROSSBONE: ...that's okay to ask, right?

Fatale looks surprised at the question, but responds eagerly.

FATALE: Timothy's already agreed not to touch me, so that's a plus.
FATALE: I suppose checking in on what color we are would be ideal.
FATALE: And...keeping track of what's happening, so you can refresh whoever's out on past events.
FATALE: Polka suggested getting a little notepad to scribble in when possible, but...
FATALE: We are trusting you all to keep us up to speed.
FATALE: ...even you, Timothy.
TIMOTHY: O-oh, uh!
TIMOTHY: Yeah! Of....of course I can help with that.
POLKA DOT: S-so, uh...
POLKA DOT: I've got a topic change, kinda.
POLKA DOT: Wasn't planning on doing this so I'm sorry to Fatale-
FATALE: Please, I'd love a break from question barrage.
CROSSBONE: What's up, Ribbon?
POLKA DOT: The...weird dreams, lately.
POLKA DOT: Have they been getting weirder for anyone else?

Roulette's head sinks in against its shoulders as it glances away.
Tim looks similarly uncomfortable.

FATALE: ...ours are....mostly literal.
FATALE: As literal as a dream can even be, anyhow.
FATALE: It's the four of us interacting in a space that seems to stay consistent, though sometimes there are changes.
FATALE: I have my room, Scout has his, and...the shadowy one has his, somewhat.
TIMOTHY: ...Does Devo have a room?
FATALE: ...not that I know of.

The red bear sighs.

FATALE: I can't do much to change that fact, but he's been welcome in mine and Scout's.
FATALE: ...aside from that, they're mainly just ways for us to converse.
FATALE: Not very useful to any of you.
CROSSBONE: ...mine mainly have to do with the monster transformation, which...has been the same for a few weeks.
CROSSBONE: Sometimes I do dream of other things, though...
CROSSBONE: ...there's one that's been standing out to me a lot, but I still don't know why.
POLKA DOT: ...oh?

You remember hearing about plenty of monster dreams, but...

CROSSBONE: Mhm....I keep forgetting to bring it up.
CROSSBONE: There's this...dust cloud.
CROSSBONE: A sword sits in the middle, but it's like it's made up of all these different kinds of plastic, no one mold to it....
FATALE: ...Hm.
FATALE: I don't see how that has much bearing.
CROSSBONE: Neither do I, but-
CROSSBONE: What I keep coming back to is all the drawings on the ground around it.
CROSSBONE: ...weird...rabbit things.
CROSSBONE: Or something with long ears.

You almost miss it, but you swear you see Fatale's eyes widen-

-and flash yellow, if only for a moment.

Fatale notices the look on your face.

FATALE: What is it?

You gesture to her eyes, the bear not understanding for a moment before making an expression of shock and recognition.

FATALE: Right now?
FATALE: I could barely feel it!
POLKA DOT: There was yellow for a second.
FATALE: Scout...I'm not sure what could have drawn him out, there.
FATALE: Likely something to do with him and his books.
FATALE: If he didn't stick around, there's not likely to be all that much importance to it.
FATALE: least, I think so.
TIMOTHY: ...well...hi, to Scout....

A little blush crosses his cheeks.

TIMOTHY: ...If he can hear me.
FATALE: ...I'll...pass it on.
FATALE: ...Ribbon, you're the one who brought the dreams up.
FATALE: Have you had any?
POLKA DOT: W-well, uh-
POLKA DOT: Yyyyeah.
POLKA DOT: Last night, before I got woken up this morning, I had...
POLKA DOT: ...a weird one. Wasn't great.
POLKA DOT: But I heard the voices of the, uh- the different bears.

You gesture to Fatale, the red bear's face paling.

POLKA DOT: That's how I was able to recognize her as her own person.
POLKA DOT: I saw Devo, but the other voices and colors were there too.
FATALE: Well that's-
FATALE: Intrusive.
POLKA DOT: I'm n-not choosing to do it!
FATALE: Still!

There's quiet for a few moments before Tim speaks up.

TIMOTHY: ...did you...see anything else?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Just lay out what you've seen, as much as you could make out and see if you're able to register much of anything.

If there's some validity to these, getting other people's insights would be very valuable.

You have no idea why these are happening, if these are visions, if any of these are something to begin with or just coincidence. That's something to let people know but not eliminate the possibilities without evidence

Could be a warning for all you know.
Seconding Como's suggestion. Just try and explain everything as calmly as you can, even though there's some pretty scary stuff in there. Stop if anyone seems too overwhelmed.

Briefly regarding Scout popping in just now, it seems to be related to creatures and wildlife? He seemed interested in the duster yesterday, and this rabbit thing might also be some new kind of creature he's curious about. It might honestly be as simple as "oh a cool bug, let me see".
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
You nod.

POLKA DOT: It's hard to figure out a place to start, but...
POLKA DOT: It started with me walking into the ruins from yesterday- but like, before it was ruins.
POLKA DOT: There was, and I went and stood in it.
POLKA DOT: ...people started showing up in it too, and I saw, like...

You are now realizing just how...private these visions must have been- or at least, if they were actually depicting things accurately for people.

POLKA DOT: ...reflections of them, I guess.
TIMOTHY: ...well, what does-
TIMOTHY: What did you see, then?
POLKA DOT: Like I said, the...bears? Were there, not first, but-
POLKA DOT: I saw Devo, like...talking to the other voices.
POLKA DOT: There were all these colors, and everyone seemed pretty at odds with each other...
POLKA DOT: Eventually it all came to a stop, when- the shadowy one talked.

Fatale tenses up.

FATALE: ...what did he say?
POLKA DOT: Something along the lines of..."making them see the real you", or something, to Devo.
POLKA DOT: Them, I guess.

The red bear makes a loud "tsk" sound, looking away.

FATALE: The nerve.
FATALE: Always thinking he knows everything...
POLKA DOT: He didn't say much, but...didn't sound very friendly.
FATALE: That's because he isn't.
CROSSBONE:'s...a dream, though.
CROSSBONE: Yeah, it's- it's very, very weird that he would show up when you don't actually know him, but-
CROSSBONE: We can't...make judgments based on a dream.
CROSSBONE: At least, I'd- I'd rather know this person first.

She "hmph"'s, but doesn't speak up further.

CROSSBONE: ...were we all there?
POLKA DOT: You were...

You feel yourself have trouble, with this one.

POLKA DOT: You were low battery.
POLKA DOT: And, not doing good-
POLKA DOT: You kept talking about...a reset.
POLKA DOT: To have me reset you.

Cross makes a startled beep before wringing her hands.

CROSSBONE: I'm sorry.
CROSSBONE: I- I wouldn't ask you to do that.
CROSSBONE: It's- it's something I used to think about a lot, before we met, but-
CROSSBONE: Sorry. aren't sure what to say.

TIMOTHY: Okay, so-!
TIMOTHY: It's definitely showing personal stuff!
TIMOTHY: Things that- are not really things people want to be known.

You can see some franticness in his eyes, your own anxiety rising.

TIMOTHY: What was there-
TIMOTHY: -f-for me.

It comes out as a pained exhale.

POLKA DOT: You had...ropes on you.
POLKA DOT: Lots of them, and they kept getting tighter.
POLKA DOT: There was this- this other toy there, and she was calling you the wrong na-
TIMOTHY: Don't say it.
TIMOTHY: I want to know the rest.
TIMOTHY: ...but not the name.
TIMOTHY: Something...about that feels like it's too much.

He rubs his eyes.

TIMOTHY:'s not something I want to remember.
Fatale seems to  have some degree of...recognition on her face, as if considering expressing sympathy and deciding against it.

POLKA DOT: ...that's fine, man.
POLKA DOT: She was just...weird to you.
POLKA DOT: Trying to say we were bad influences.

He nods, taking it in.

TIMOTHY: ...sounds about right....
TIMOTHY: ...thank you, for telling me.
TIMOTHY: I...don't buy into the idea that you're "bad influences", any of you.
TIMOTHY: So...whoever that was, she can fuck off, or whatever.
TIMOTHY: Weird...dream person.

There's quiet as the obvious next step in the explanation sinks in, Roulette's refusal to say anything feeling....foreboding. are not sure you want to talk about it either, to be frank.

POLKA DOT: So, uh-
POLKA DOT: Roulette's, stuff-

Roulette's lens opens a couple millimeters wider at mention of itself.
It's still glancing away, or at the floor; anywhere but at Anyone in the group.

POLKA DOT: It had its scarf on, and there were these eyes it was talking back and forth with-
POLKA DOT: Some of it sounded familiar, but it's hard to say.
POLKA DOT: ...a lot of negative stuff. None of it was really...kind, or positive, or anything- don't really want to elaborate on that.

POLKA DOT: And the eyes on its scarf would close. The wall ones, too.
POLKA DOT: ...until it got...put in some kind of cage.
POLKA DOT: Sorry, I-
POLKA DOT: I can't remember every detail.

You expect to hear the robot's fans whirring up faster as they usually do, but strangely they drop in speed to a near-whisper in volume.
The bot has yet to look at you, its posture statue-still.

ROULETTE: I apologize.
ROULETTE: That you had to deal with any of that.
ROULETTE: ...If that's all you need from me, I should return to my post.
ROULETTE: I do not want to leave us undefended.
POLKA DOT: W-wait, uh-
POLKA DOT: At the end of the dream, everyone-

You don't have it in you to go into specifics.

POLKA DOT: ...died, I think.
POLKA DOT: a shitty nightmare.
ROULETTE:    .   .   .
ROULETTE: ...everyone?
POLKA DOT: ...yeah.
POLKA DOT: I...think, it might have just been stress on my end.
ROULETTE: ...I. Apologize.
ROULETTE: ...that you had. T-o...

It trails off.

FATALE: It's a dream.
Her voice comes out cold, irritated at first- but softens.

FATALE: It's not something you- or any of us- need to apologize for.
FATALE: Yes, it's showing Polka things she has no right to know.
FATALE: But it doesn't sound like Polka has a situation like mine, where dreams are all I have.
FATALE: If anything, it sounds like the narrative's trying to rattle us.
FATALE: I refuse to kneel to it!
FATALE: No but's!
FATALE: You want this, don't you?
CROSSBONE: Y-yes, well-
FATALE: Then have a spine and own it.

Roulette 'calmly' makes its way to the tent entrance.

ROULETTE: I need to return to keeping watch.
ROULETTE: Ap...ologies.
FATALE: Roule-!

She sighs, unable to get the word out before it's gone.

CROSSBONE: ...are you sure, we should keep going?
CROSSBONE: I could go alone-
TIMOTHY: No way.
TIMOTHY: We're not that far out yet, but-
TIMOTHY: Fatale is...probably right.
TIMOTHY: It's just the narrative trying to shake us up.
TIMOTHY: Makes for a "better story", right?
CROSSBONE: ...right.
CROSSBONE: ...I just hope I'm doing the right thing...
FATALE: Well...

The bear gets up with a stretch, heading back to her and Tim's section of the tent.

FATALE: I'm not risking my life for this to be nothing to you.
FATALE: You'll get what you want one way or another.
FATALE: I'm going to gather our things.
TIMOTHY: Do you need any help-
TIMOTHY: I'll...wait for you to clear out, then.
CROSSBONE: I...should clean up too.
CROSSBONE: We don't want to lose too much daylight...

With that, the party fully disperses, leaving you in the center of the tent.
Cross is in your section, Fatale is in hers, and Tim's close by, by the fire. Roulette's outside, keeping watch.

...what do you do now? Is there anything you want to do before leaving?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Take inventory, help things get going, look for the least irritated person around and ask them what they think about the day ahead of you.
Maybe you should take a moment for yourself. It's been... A lot.
...this is a lot.
I need a second.

You head to the side and lean against the wall of the tent, trying to get your thoughts in order.

So much is happening, but- we can't give up here.
Fatale's willing to cooperate, and Tim's going to do his best there. I can't be too preoccupied with their drama.
...worried about Roulette. Not sure what's up with it right now.
But...I really should check on Cross....
I hope everyone's going to be okay. Fuck.

You close your eyes and try to think back to happy, calming thoughts. Cooking. Holding Cross. Hanging out with Tim. Those weird horny dreams, even.

It's gonna be okay.

With new conviction, you head for your portion of the tent.

I could do something to help. Maybe take inventory-

Cross is already there, sorting through her stuff- and yours, by the look of it.

POLKA DOT: ...Hey.
CROSSBONE: I'm just-

Your girlfriend gestures to the mess of stuff around her.

CROSSBONE: Organizing.
...she's on top of it already, I guess.

CROSSBONE: helps me think.
POLKA DOT: Lot to think about, huh?
CROSSBONE: No kidding...

She sighs, a soft humming sound.

CROSSBONE: I'm starting to feel doubts, but...
CROSSBONE: ...Fatale is right in that I should commit.
CROSSBONE: For some reason, hearing it from a relative stranger helps a lot...
CROSSBONE: Feels like we're all going to have something uncovered by the end of this, though.
POLKA DOT: ...yeah.

The atmosphere is awkward, the two of you unsure of what to say as Cross moves items from one pile to another. You're not even sure what kind of sorting she's doing, but...if it helps, you guess it's fine.

CROSSBONE: I've got your stuff covered. It'll be packed up when I'm done.
CROSSBONE: I think I...need some space to think things over.
POLKA DOT: ...I getcha.
POLKA DOT: Can I at least give you a kiss before I go bug somebody else?

She nods, and you lean over to give her an exaggerated peck on the forehead. Her little giggles come out and make your  chest tighten, and you feel just the slightest bit better.

POLKA DOT: Love you.
CROSSBONE: Love you too...
POLKA DOT: I'll go check on Roulette, then. Bring my stuff out when you're done?

You sneak in one more kiss, and head out of the tent.

Roulette surprises you as you come out;
standing guard rigidly, in the same position it'd been doing so before.

Only this time, snow is accumulating along its shoulders and atop its hat.

You look up to find the snow lazily drifting down,
adding to the piles on the ground.

ROULETTE: Are we leaving now?
It doesn't move an inch from its spot.

POLKA DOT: People're packing up.

You tilt your head at its current situation.

POLKA DOT: You, uh-
POLKA DOT: You've got some snow there.
POLKA DOT: ...yep.
POLKA DOT: It's not, uh, too cold, right?
POLKA DOT: I know Willow gets kinda sluggish if it's chilly out...
ROULETTE: You do not need to worry about me.
ROULETTE: Did you need anything?
ROULETTE: ...I should focus on taking watch until we leave.
ROULETTE: I do not want to miss any threats, as with last time.
POLKA DOT: I mean-
POLKA DOT: I can watch, too.
POLKA DOT: Just wanna talk to somebody before we head out.

It shuffles on the spot, fans slowing down to a whisper.

ROULETTE: I have never been good at conversation.
ROULETTE: I do not think I would be good company for that purpose.
POLKA DOT: I mean, I like talking to you.
POLKA DOT: You really helped with Fatale earlier. All of the, like, background info.
POLKA DOT: Helped me understand her.
POLKA DOT: Feels like you'd have good thoughts about how today's gonna go.
ROULETTE:    .   .   .
ROULETTE: that it. Helped.

You hear the bot's fan hitching, as if it were getting caught on something,
suddenly kicking up in speed, but getting stuck intermittently in the process.

ROULETTE: Today would
ROULETTE: Sure that t
ROULETTE: I was thinking that- Today.
ROULETTE: ...It's snowing.
ROULETTE: aybe Cross s

It reaches up, smacking the top of its head with a closed fist.
Its fans stop hitching.

ROULETTE: ...Apologies.
ROULETTE: We should keep an extra blanket or two out of our packs, in case Cross or anyone else gets too cold.
ROULETTE: Since you mentioned. That she can become sluggish in cold.
ROULETTE: I hope that is helpful.

You wince as it smacks itself, unable to keep from flinching a little.

POLKA DOT: S-sure. We can do that.
POLKA DOT: Good to, uh-
POLKA DOT: Take measures.

It notices the flinch, glancing over.

ROULETTE: Apologies.
ROULETTE: I am not well-put-together.
ROULETTE: Sometimes I need a knock to function properly.
ROULETTE: I did not mean to scare you.
POLKA DOT: No, it's-
POLKA DOT: I get it. Yeah.
POLKA DOT: Does it, uh- help?
ROULETTE: Sometimes it helps.
ROULETTE: It is really the only thing to try.
ROULETTE: As I said, I apologize for the scare.
ROULETTE: I am sure it can look visceral, but sometimes it's necessary to remain as functionally-adequate as I can.
ROULETTE: It is nothing to worry about.
ROULETTE: Was there anything else you needed help with?

Someone unzips the tent behind you and steps out- Tim and Fatale, all geared up.

FATALE: ...were we interrupting something?
TIMOTHY: Willow said she's just about ready to go.
ROULETTE: You are not interrupting anything.
ROULETTE: Silk Ribbon was asking about our journey today.
ROULETTE: Maybe you could speak with her about your opinions on that.
ROULETTE: ...Either of you. Whoever would like to. Or both.
ROULETTE: I am sure both of your input would be valuable.

It steps towards the tent entrance.

ROULETTE: I will make sure we are not leaving anything behind.
TIMOTHY: Oh, uh-
TIMOTHY: S...sure!

The bot disappears into the tent.

You're left with the two bean plushes, Tim shuffling around a bit.

TIMOTHY: Well, it's-
TIMOTHY: It's snowing!
FATALE: It's winter. It does that.
TIMOTHY: Yeah, but-
TIMOTHY: Technically, it's my first one out of the Store.
TIMOTHY: First one period, I guess.

She looks away.

FATALE: You get used to it.

Tim gives her a strained look, almost as if he wants to say something out of concern-

-before turning to you.

TIMOTHY: has been a lot so far, but I'm trying to get my head on straight.
TIMOTHY: Lot to think about, but-
TIMOTHY: It....we're on this adventure to help Willow.
TIMOTHY: Me and Fatale did talk about that, a bit.
FATALE: ...We reinforced our truce. Came up with some additional conditions.
FATALE: Simply put, I won't get in his way if he doesn't get in mine.
FATALE: In exchange for him behaving around me and not getting touchy, I'll put in a good word in our- us bears, I mean- next shared dream.
FATALE: With Scout, at minimum.
FATALE: ...I'm sure Scout'll be pleased to know there's some interest in him.

She doesn't sound thrilled about this, but Tim can't help but blush a little.

FATALE: If I'm going to be along for the ride for helping Willow, I may as well make it easier on myself- at least for now.
FATALE: We'll see how it goes.

Cross steps out before the two can continue, Roulette in tow.

CROSSBONE: Everybody ready to take the tent down?
TIMOTHY: Let's get it done.

The tent is packed up and stuffed into Fatale's pack, the map consulted and the walk resumed. The snow isn't too bad, just a light powder- but it does keep tickling your beak.

You're walking with Cross when she leans over.

CROSSBONE: ...look at how we're walking right now.
You glance over your shoulder, taking a mental note.

You and Cross are up front, leading the pack. Tim and Fatale are next to each other but a good few feet apart, clearly awkward. Roulette is way, way in back, also saying nothing.

CROSSBONE: I wanna swap places with Tim. He probably needs you right now...
CROSSBONE: And...maybe Fatale needs a buddy, too.
POLKA DOT: You good with that?
CROSSBONE: You're always saying I need to work on being more...spontaneous.
CROSSBONE: Is that okay?
POLKA DOT: Sure thing. Shuffle Tim on up here.

Cross nods, backing up a bit and bumping shoulders with Tim. You can't make out what's said, but Tim swaps places with her, running up to meet you.

TIMOTHY: Looks like I, uh, got a get out of jail free card, huh?
POLKA DOT: Looks like it.
POLKA DOT: ...Fatale's not that bad, though.
TIMOTHY: I know, I know-
TIMOTHY: But it sure is awkward.
TIMOTHY: It's...I mean, how do you even process this kind of thing?
TIMOTHY: My boyfriend is four people? When the other three aren't him, too?
TIMOTHY: It's making my head spin, but it makes too much sense...

He buries his nose in his scarf.

TIMOTHY: I...just hope I don't fuck it up.
TIMOTHY: And I hope Devo's gonna be okay when he comes back.
TIMOTHY: I can't imagine this is going to be easy on him, considering just-
TIMOTHY: I dunno. He doesn't even remember the rest of them.
TIMOTHY: No idea what I'd do in those shoes.
POLKA DOT: Me neither.
POLKA DOT: But, he's like- he's got a good head on his shoulders.
POLKA DOT: It'll work out.

Your friend gives you a grateful look.

TIMOTHY: I sure hope so.
FATALE: ...hello.

Fatale's voice is quiet, contemplative.

FATALE: Come to see the new party member?
CROSSBONE: A little bit...
CROSSBONE: I really...appreciate what you said back in the group meeting.
CROSSBONE: About me needing to have conviction.
CROSSBONE: It helped ease my doubts, a little bit.
FATALE: ...really?
FATALE: I feel like most people would have thought I was being a huge bitch.

Cross can't help but giggle, more out of being surprised than anything.

CROSSBONE: No, no, it's-
CROSSBONE: I think it's refreshing when people speak their mind.
FATALE: Must be why you ended up with Silk Ribbon, then.

Cross' pixel character blushes.

CROSSBONE: Heh, yeah...
CROSSBONE: But I like it in friendships too.
FATALE: Friendships...
FATALE: We'll see how I do, with that.
CROSSBONE: I guess your situation isn't exactly...conducive, towards meeting people.
FATALE: Oh, I knew plenty of people.
FATALE: The most glamorous plushes you've ever seen. Some of the best people in the world.
FATALE: ....

She looks at the ground, not slowing down her pace.

FATALE: one left over now, though.

The virtual pet is quiet, not sure how much to press.

Thankfully, Fatale presses on.

FATALE: ...they'll be fine without us. And I highly doubt any of them knew me as me.
FATALE: Just Devo as a unit.
FATALE: Perhaps now that I'm out and about once again, it'll be time for me to make new bonds. Meet more people.
FATALE: Forge a life for myself, or something.
CROSSBONE: You'll have plenty of opportunities to do it at Laurie's!
FATALE: ...making things work with Roulette again would be nice, as well.
FATALE: I can only hope I didn't burn that bridge.
CROSSBONE: I don't think it's as bad as you're worried about...
CROSSBONE: And...we'll work on getting Devo up to speed.
CROSSBONE: I'm sure we can get him to remember you.
FATALE:'re very sweet, Willow.

Her tone is soft.

FATALE: I'm glad that I said what I did, earlier.
FATALE: Don't make that faith misplaced.

The character on Cross' face smiles.

The five of you seem to press on for what feels like hours, chatting here and there-

Tim sees it first, taking a step back and making Cross bump into him.

CROSSBONE: W-what is-

She lets out a sharp beep, pointing above the treeline.

You turn your head.

[Image: figure.png]
[image description: a figure towering over the treeline, made of abstract shapes and segmented parts. it has 5 sparkle-shaped eyes and is vaguely bipedal, as well as being hoisted up by puppet strings leading to nowhere.]

There's an impossibly large figure in the distance- from the look of the fog, way off. Nowhere near you.

But even so, your chest tightens. It's bipedal, probably, and lumbering at what looks like a snail's pace from so far away. Its body teeters and totters, and you see these massive strings hooked into its joints- extending upwards into nothing. You can't make out its features too well through the fine snow and the distance, but you can see large eye holes carved into its beak-like face, looking like nothing you've ever seen before.

No one says a word, the faraway beast lumbering on its own path, separate from yours.

Roulette pulls out its scythe, stepping briefly in front of the rest of you, remaining quiet.
Its lens is wider than you've ever seen it.

Everyone else is frozen in place.

After what seems like an eternity, it's passed by your frame of view. No interaction with you, no recognition- it had to have been miles away.

When the beast is finally gone, Roulette gradually puts its scythe away.
It says nothing as it returns to the back of the group.

The snow has picked up. A little more prominent now. It's calming, seeing the glinting white flakes falling in the air as you walk.

It's a while before anyone moves or speaks.

Tim's the first to.

TIMOTHY: ...crazy shit, out here.
CROSSBONE: No kidding...
CROSSBONE: ...I hope it had a nice trip, going where it's going.
FATALE: You like that thing?
CROSSBONE: It wasn't hurting anybody...
CROSSBONE: Just going on its way.
FATALE: ...guess so.
TIMOTHY: Now that we're just walking again, maybe we could- we could play a game, or something!
POLKA DOT: What kind of game-
CROSSBONE: I'd be happy for anything to talk about!
TIMOTHY: Maybe...a question game.
TIMOTHY: We take turns asking people questions.
TIMOTHY: Like, I ask Willow a question, and then she answers, and picks someone else to ask.
POLKA DOT: Huh...easy enough.
POLKA DOT: A kind of...getting to know you game.
FATALE: ...sure, why not.

Tim glances back at Roulette-

It's looking off into the trees, where the giant creature had been before.

-his ears drooping when he doesn't notice a response.

TIMOTHY: W...well...okay.
TIMOTHY: Willow! You first.
TIMOTHY: ...what kind of monster are you hoping to become?

She lets out an excited string of beeps.

CROSSBONE: Oh, I hope it's like my dreams.
CROSSBONE: In my dreams, I have a skull head, and flames....
CROSSBONE: And huge claws!
CROSSBONE: It's a very wolf-y look, and I love it a lot...
CROSSBONE: I'd give anything to look like that, even a little bit.
FATALE: Hmph. I understand, somewhat.
FATALE: In our dreams, I have a much more curvy figure, and a lovely devil's tail.
FATALE: There's nothing wrong with how we look in reality, per se, but I'd much rather look like that.
POLKA DOT: ...what if you, like....
POLKA DOT: Got a detachable tail, or something?
POLKA DOT: That's a thing, right?

Fatale thinks to herself for a moment.

FATALE: Potentially. I wouldn't mind....
FATALE: Though it'd be expensive.
FATALE: I'd like to be able to earn my keep, first.

You nod.

Cross pauses before turning to you, a sly expression on her pixel character's face.

CROSSBONE: I pick you, Ribbon.
POLKA DOT: Oh boy, I'm in for it now.
POLKA DOT: Do your worst.
CROSSBONE: What's the spookiest thing you can think of that you still think is really cool?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"Is it cheating if I just use your answer? I mean, I can't think of anything spookier than my girlfriend turning into a big... what did you say? Skeleton monster with a flaming head and wolf claws? That. But it's still really cool, and I'm super excited for it."

"...Although... It might be even spookier if you kept a few pieces of your shell here and there as, like, spikey armor bits. Maybe you could have a pair of wristguards, a pauldron on your right shoulder with spikes sticking out... That'd be fun, right?"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Hmm Dreams. they can be really scary sometimes but also super awesome. I was a pirate once. that was neat.

Fatale, what do you do for hobbies, or what you want to do?

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