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[TOY] Plaything
Let's focus on playing defense for now, Wait for an opening.
But while we're at it maybe we can keep her distracted.

Okay. Tim has his two points and Polka dot needs one more.
If we disengage from the fight with Devo and get on the other side of Willow, we can force her to play on the defensive. She can't fight on two fronts. But step one of that is getting off the bridge.
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
Cross starts moving to the left, trying to circle you. You follow her movements as best as you can, passing your hammer from wing to wing.

Maybe I can shake her a bit…

POLKA DOT: You nervous at all? We’re almost done here.
POLKA DOT: Last point between you winning or losing.
CROSSBONE: Oh, I plan on winning!
POLKA DOT: You wanna bet?

Cross makes an inquisitive beep, but doesn’t break her stride.

POLKA DOT: If I get a point on you, you gotta do a favor for me, and vice versa.
CROSSBONE: What kiiiind of favor?

You can’t help but smirk.

POLKA DOT: Anything goes.
CROSSBONE: Done deal.

The virtual pet lunges forward, swinging her hatchet- she’s fast, but you’re faster. You strafe to the side-

-and grab her chain tail with your free hand, yanking her out of her groove.

She makes a loud string of beeps, almost like cussing, as she pulls it out of your hand and sends you a step back.

Damnit, I could have used that to pull her in-

CROSSBONE: Ch-cheap move!
POLKA DOT: It was an easy grab!
CROSSBONE: Watch out or I’ll start using it as a weapon back at you!
POLKA DOT: Go for it! Gives me more of a show!

She huffs at you, clearly a mix of flustered and having a good time from the laughter-like beeps in her voice.

CROSSBONE: You’re such a little shit!

TIMOTHY: No, you did great!
TIMOTHY: You saw an opportunity and took it, that’s important.

Tim glances over at the structure across the gym, turning to make his way over. You need his help, after all.

He could make his way over and try to get behind Willow’s back…

TIMOTHY: You did a good job, man-
He makes it 4 steps before he feels something jab into his back, startling him enough to make him jump.

DEVO: What was that about opportunities?
ORTHO: Watch your back! Point for Devo!

ORTHO: Tim’s at 2, everybody else is tied with one point; let’s see some focus out here!

Show ContentSpoiler:
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Tiiiiim! Pay attention!

Polka and Cross are way too evenly matched. If we want a reliable chance of winning, Tim needs to get over here and help. Of course, he needs to watch his back so he doesn't get stabbed by a sneaky gay dog...


TIM: MOVE TOWARDS POLKA (but better this time)
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
We got to win this bet, but we got to keep our defenses up to.

Feels like a bit of a dick move but if we want to win this you got to take advantage of our opponents weaknesses. What's dash towards POLKA at top speed, give Devo no chance to catch up.
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
Tim looks back at Devo, a nervous expression on his face.

DEVO: Huh? What’s wrong?
TIMOTHY: I’m gonna do something kind of shitty.
DEVO: Uh huh.
DEVO: Is this one of those self conscious things-
TIMOTHY: I’ll get you something sweet later, okay?
DEVO: H-huh?

Tim leans forward to plant a quick kiss on the bear’s head-

-before absolutely hauling ass towards the building.


The bean dog can hear Devo starting to chase after him, clearly flopping around and struggling. Thankfully- Devo’s laughing as well.



Meanwhile, neither you or Cross are paying attention to the noise outside. It’s just you and her right now, and while the mood is playful enough, you can tell things are heating up.

Attack or defend, attack or defend-

She could come at me, and then I’d be protected- she’s fucking aggressive, so that may be the way to go-

But! If I get the first strike-

You don’t get to finish that thought, Tim suddenly smacking into the side of the doorway and making Cross whip around.

You don’t hesitate.

Your hammer makes contact with the back of her head, bouncing off harmlessly.

POLKA DOT: Gotcha!
The whistle blows, the synthesizer doing a wide hand motion alongside it.

ORTHO: That’s a wrap!
ORTHO: Tim and Silk Ribbon take the win!
POLKA DOT: Now that’s what I’m talking about!

Devo finally manages to catch up to Tim, tapping him on the head.

DEVO: Oh, we are having a talk about that.
TIMOTHY: S…sorry…
DEVO: It’s okay, just-
DEVO: On the battlefield, I’m having you fucking carry me instead.
TIMOTHY: A-alright…

The bear helps your friend up with a grunt, the dog giving him an apologetic head bonk.

TIMOTHY: I’m sorry.
DEVO: We’ll talk later, alright?
TIMOTHY: Promise.

ORTHO: Alright you four, head on outta there. C’mon.

They hold back the net for everyone to clear out.

Your party heads out with a spring in their step, though Devo looks a little winded.

ORTHO: Alright. Line up for me. Order doesn’t matter.
Cross steps forward first, then Devo, then Tim, and yourself at the back.

…for some reason, you feel nervous.

Ortho makes their way in front of you all.

ORTHO: Alright. Reviews, tips, whatever you wanna call it.
ORTHO: Willow.

Cross stands up straight, nodding.

ORTHO: Good use of speed and your weight to pounce on something like you did.
ORTHO: You’ve got a lotta physical capability, too; plenty of raw strength.
ORTHO: But your fundamentals need work, and it seems like you have trouble in stand-offs.
ORTHO: It’d pay to be more aggressive during a fight, you got the force and defense to back it up.
ORTHO: …And cut back on the flirtin’ when you’re in a real fight, alright?
ORTHO: Same goes for your favorite duck.
ORTHO: Easy way to get distracted and get killed. Things out there aren’t gonna hesitate.

She shoots you a sheepish look, which you shrug back at. Not much you can do about it now.

CROSSBONE: I can try to get my aggression up.
CROSSBONE: I figure a real fight will be a lot different…
ORTHO: Hundred percent.
ORTHO: I’d love to give you all some more trainin’ beforehand, but seeing as you’re headin’ out so soon; not time to do much.
ORTHO: Try to keep diligent.

ORTHO: Next up…

They step to the side.

ORTHO: Devo.
DEVO: …hey.

He looks even more nervous than you feel. Way more, actually.

Even though he was having fun a second ago, something about the situation’s got him tense.

DEVO: H…how bad did I screw up, hah…
The synthesizer shakes their equivalent of a head.

ORTHO: Who said anything about you screwin’ up?
Devo slouches a little.

DEVO: Sorry, just…
DEVO: Get self conscious when lined up like this.
ORTHO: Devo, you’ve got some serious speed with your strikes; just bein’ honest.
ORTHO: That knife I assume you picked out is a great choice for that sort of fightin’ style.
ORTHO: And you demonstrated good intuition on opportunistically getting in hits whenever you see an opening. When the enemy’s distracted, lookin’ away, all that.
ORTHO: You’re very suited to bein’ a close-range fighter, though I think quiet ambushes would suit you well.
ORTHO: I know movin’ fast can be difficult for you, but that’s not somethin’ you really need with how you fight.
ORTHO: I’d say work on tryin’ to move slower, stay stealthy.
ORTHO: If you spot routes you can use to flank your opponent - that is, goin’ around behind ‘em or beside ‘em where they’re less likely to see you comin’ - use ‘em.
ORTHO: That sorta stuff could be your greatest strength: Move slow, quiet, deliberate.
ORTHO: Sneak up behind ‘em while one of your friends distracts ‘em, and hit ‘em where it hurts.
ORTHO: So, try n’ work on that sort of approach. I bet it’d work well for ya.
ORTHO: That, and you’ve gotta work on your confidence.
ORTHO: Not just sayin’ that cause it’d be good for your head - though, that too - but…
ORTHO: In a fight, if your thoughts are all jumbled up with how much you think you Can’t do this, it’ll make it that much harder to do much of anything.
ORTHO: Just focus on what you can do, apply it to the situation, and don’t leave room to doubt yourself.
ORTHO: In a fight, you don’t have the luxury to dwell on that kinda stuff.

Devo blinks, clearly taking all of the information in.

DEVO: …thanks, Ortho.
DEVO: I…I’ll try.

Even with his trepidation, you can tell he’s perked up after that.

Seems like solid advice, too…

Ortho nods, then steps over.

Tim looks nervous, just like Devo was- but something tells you it’s for entirely different reasons.

TIMOTHY: Go for it.
ORTHO: First off: Don’t feel bad about losin’ to Roulette.
ORTHO: Using a longsword against somethin’ like a scythe is gonna be challenging as hell on its own.
ORTHO: You combine that tiny bridge you were on, where you couldn’t really maneuver to the side to get in close or back up to get more room…
ORTHO: You’ve got a recipe for disaster on your end, even moreso with how Roulette handles that thing. It’s got experience with that I haven’t seen in a good long while.
ORTHO: That really seemed to shake you, so wanted to tell you front and center: Not your fault, and you did great considering the situation.
ORTHO: Though, I think a rush straight at it could’ve helped out there, in a situation like that.
ORTHO: Maybe even a grab. If you managed to get in close, you’d have the advantage, but it’s tough either way.
ORTHO: …Movin’ on.
ORTHO: You’ve got real good precision with that weapon, especially in the moment.
ORTHO: And your movements look pretty good, can tell you’ve had some practice - got a good sense of what to swing for and how to adapt in the moment.
ORTHO: But keep in mind - a sword is one of the most versatile weapons out there.
ORTHO: There’s a hell of a lot of… stances and swings and all that to try out.
ORTHO: I think you’d do a lot better utilizing that weapon of yours to its full potential.
ORTHO: The more approaches you have, the more likely you are to use the best one in just about any situation.
ORTHO: So that’s part of your homework, get some of that under your belt before you leave.
ORTHO: Practice ‘em, add ‘em to what you can do, and be thinkin’ about when to apply what.

ORTHO: Last thing we gotta talk about: That anger of yours.

Tim’s ears droop.

TIMOTHY: H..hah, yeah…
TIMOTHY: I’ll…try to keep it more in check.
ORTHO: I think ya can use it in combat.
ORTHO: …Maybe.
ORTHO: See, thing is, you were hittin’ much harder when you were lettin’ that out.
ORTHO: Bit faster, too, looked like.
ORTHO: Though, looked like a lotta your focus went out the window. Not nearly as precise when you’re goin’ off like that.
ORTHO: So, learn to know when to use it, and when to keep it in check.
ORTHO: If your back’s against the wall and you just need to take out a monster that’s come at ya?
ORTHO: Go all out.
ORTHO: If you need to keep smarter, keep yourself more versatile, then keep it together.
ORTHO: Most importantly, though?
ORTHO: Learn to work through those emotions more outside of combat.
ORTHO: If you go into a fight and all that’s been bubbling up in ya for weeks without you workin’ through it?
ORTHO: You’re gonna get stuck in that without thinkin’. Get yourself hurt, or get someone else hurt.
ORTHO: Learn to work it out - for your head and for the practical value - outside combat, and channel it when ya need it.

Tim seems taken aback, at first, having expected a scolding more than…well, coaching.

TIMOTHY: Th…thank you.
TIMOTHY: I’ll do my best.
TIMOTHY: Thanks.

Onto the next.

ORTHO: Silk Ribbon.
You’re still nervous, even after seeing everyone get constructive critique.

What if I’ve lost my touch? Did I even- do I even have that? Fuck-

POLKA DOT: …yep.
ORTHO: You got a lot of raw ability in you.
ORTHO: Plenty of confidence, and I can tell you’ve got experience under your belt based on how you move.
ORTHO: That’ll do you well, no doubt about it.
ORTHO: But when I say ‘raw’, I mean that.
ORTHO: You’ve had a lot of direct experience, but seems like not a lotta training.
ORTHO: Your positioning, how you use your weapon, all that, could use a lot more creative thinkin’, I’d say. Bit too passive, too.
ORTHO: Seemed to me like you were havin’ trouble takin’ this training seriously, so maybe you’d have more luck out there.
ORTHO: But can’t deny that it doesn’t seem like you went into your fights with all that much of a plan.
ORTHO: Ya gotta think ahead a bit more when you’re out there. Plan out what to do, where to go; how to move, how to strike.
ORTHO: You’ve got a claw hammer; one hell of a tool; blunt, raw breaking power with one end, and a sharp, curved spike on the other.
ORTHO: I’d say swing wider to get more momentum into your strikes. Bet you’ll hit a lot harder.
ORTHO: Either way, don’t be afraid to use it in all sorts of situations when you’re out in the field; to attack and as a tool.
ORTHO: Not to mention all that taunting of yours.
ORTHO: That’s a hell of a skill. Serious.
ORTHO: If you know how to pull enemies over to you well, and it seemed like ya did…
ORTHO: Then you can absolutely open up opportunities for your friends in the middle of a fight.
ORTHO: You don’t have much in the way of stealth, but I’d say the opposite approach is better for ya anyway.
ORTHO: So don’t try to sneak around too much like Devo can.
ORTHO: One of your main tactics should be tryin’ to draw enemies to You instead of your friends.
ORTHO: Just make sure you get your brain workin’ before ya do: Extremely important to have a plan before you call a monster over..
ORTHO: You’ll have a lot of control at where to position the enemy; make sure you make ‘em as vulnerable as possible to your friends.
ORTHO: All in all, I think you got great potential in coordination.
ORTHO: And if you work on thinkin’ a little more in a fight; how you move, how you use that hammer of yours, where to draw the enemy?
ORTHO: You’ll have the whole battlefield at your control.
ORTHO: Don’t waste that.

That’s a lot of information…

Your head is swimming trying to parse it all, but as the words sink in, you realize this is exactly what you need. Solid strategy to work with, and-

There’s something nice about the idea of being able to protect your friends while being a cocky little shit. You kinda like that.

POLKA DOT: Think I can follow through with that…
POLKA DOT: You really think I’ve got all that potential?
ORTHO: All of you do.
ORTHO: Just gotta work on your weak spots and refine everything together with each other.
ORTHO: If you apply all this as a team?
ORTHO: Nothin’s gonna stop you.

You grin.

POLKA DOT: We’ll make sure of it.
DEVO: What about Roulette?
DEVO: I could, uh…probably pass on some stuff.
ORTHO: Roulette?
ORTHO: …whoof…

They rub their ‘temple.’

ORTHO: Where to start…
They stand up a little straighter, thinking.

ORTHO: Don’t think I’ve ever seen someone be so simultaneously talented in combat while also bein’ as unnecessarily risky as possible
ORTHO: It’s focused, adaptable, and has reaction time to spare. Near-perfect movement, too.
ORTHO: …But if any of you five were gonna get killed out there? Make a mistake that costs your life?

It takes a pause.

ORTHO: …I’d bet on Roulette. No offense meant.
Devo’s face pales, but he says nothing.

Probably thinking about how to rephrase that. Jeez.

Ortho picks up on the expression, explaining.

ORTHO: Don’t get me wrong. It can handle itself, I saw plenty from just that one match.
ORTHO: But it put itself in a vulnerable position multiple times just to get a hit in, or prevent one of y’all from takin’ one.
ORTHO: I think it bein’ able to protect others is good, even with a bit of risk at times.
ORTHO: But if that’s what it leans into. Every time. Always…
ORTHO: …Well.
ORTHO: Let’s just say that’s no good way to stay alive.
ORTHO: …Beyond that, don’t wanna go too negative with this.
ORTHO: Y’know how Ribbon’s got all that big potential for control on the battlefield?
ORTHO: Roulette has that, but with opponents instead. Especially in a one-on-one fight.
ORTHO: I think if I was to set you all up in one-on-one fights, in a training setting, with everyone givin’ it their all?
ORTHO: Roulette would find a way to outplay and outmaneuver everybody.
ORTHO: Might even give me a run for my money. Hell of a duelist.
ORTHO: And it can coordinate pretty well, but…like I talked about before: Only by puttin’ itself more at risk.
ORTHO: And in the long run, that’s not gonna help anybody.
ORTHO: Another big point…
ORTHO: Does seem like it gets nervous…easily. Even without much goin’ on.
ORTHO: Though, I don’t really think that’s from fightin’. Couldn’t tell ya there.
ORTHO: But it was real eager to bail on trainin’, and seemed like it was gettin’ more and more stressed the longer that first match went on.
ORTHO: The longer it was around in general, if I’m bein’ honest.
ORTHO: …Felt like watchin an egg tumblin’ down stairs. Like it could crack and fall apart any time, and you’re just…waitin’ to see when.
ORTHO: Stressed me out a li’l just watchin’.
ORTHO: Might be me seein’ things, readin’ too much into it. It’s definitely harder to read than most.
ORTHO: But bein’ a bundle of nerves is dangerous when your life’s on the line.

The party’s quiet for a good few moments.

CROSSBONE: …is there anything we could, like…
CROSSBONE: Do to help that?

Devo shakes his head.

DEVO: Roulette doesn’t accept help from pretty much anybody if it can help it.
DEVO: I’d like to hear if there’s anything we can do too, because, like-
DEVO: I believe in it. I think it can go the whole way with us.
DEVO: But I don’t think it’s going to accept that easy.
DEVO: If there’s anything you’ve got, Ortho…it’s gotta be something good. Something that can break through that.
DEVO: …though I’d do just about anything to help it out, there.

The synthesizer scratches the side of their head.

ORTHO: …Buddy, I’m-
ORTHO: I’m about one-fourth as qualified as anyone else to tackle this kinda thing.
ORTHO: I’m a combat trainer, not a head shrink.
ORTHO: Maybe stuff to help it relax more? Stuff it might like to do.
ORTHO: Does it like pizza?
ORTHO: Pizza relaxes me.

They judge Devo’s expression.

ORTHO: …Yeah, didn’t think that’d do it.
ORTHO: Maybe ask Laurie? If he knows somebody who might know more?
ORTHO: …Though there’s also the fact that you’d be doin’ all this without your friend knowin’, I’m guessin’.
ORTHO: Not sure how much it’d appreciate that, but I don’t know it personally, so…

Ortho shrugs.

ORTHO: Sorry I can’t help more. Not my field.
ORTHO: …And keep in mind, take anything I’m sayin’ that isn’t combat advice with a grain of salt.
ORTHO: I’m no expert, I’ve just seen different issues crop up in the field enough to spot things sometimes.
ORTHO: But I can be wrong just as often.
ORTHO: So…yeah, take this easy.

The synthesizer awkwardly glances up at the clock on the wall.

ORTHO: …Got other trainees I gotta go meet with.
ORTHO: Good sessions, y’all. Keep at it.
ORTHO: Find me if ya need me before ya go.

Everyone says an equally awkward thank you all at once, somewhat overwhelmed by all this information.
With a wave, Ortho makes their way out and down the hall.

POLKA DOT: We’ll keep in touch!

Your party files out after collecting your weapons, standing outside the doors and taking everything in.

CROSSBONE: That…was a lot.

The bear clearly looks sidetracked, as if the talk about Roulette turned his mood around for the worse immediately.

Tim rests his paw on his partner’s shoulder, managing a soft expression.

TIMOTHY: Ortho said you did awesome.
TIMOTHY: And I bet we’re gonna work great as a team- Roulette too.
DEVO: Yeah, I know…

He’s able to give a soft look back.

DEVO: I just worry, yknow?
DEVO: It’s my best friend.
TIMOTHY: We’ll make it work.

Cross rocks back and forth on her feet, trying to figure out a way to break the tension.

CROSSBONE: Why don’t we go out to eat while we’re all the way out here?
CROSSBONE: My treat!
POLKA DOT: I could go for a bite…
DEVO: Same here, but it’s gotta be close by.
TIMOTHY: I think I saw a ramen bar next door?
TIMOTHY: …granted, I barely know what ramen is, but I’m pretty sure it’s food-
DEVO: It’s food.
TIMOTHY: Ramen, then.
WILLOW: No complaints here, then!
WILLOW: Ribbon?

You don’t know what ramen is either.

POLKA DOT: Yeah, why not.
The four of you head out, the cold hitting you with an icy blast.

POLKA DOT: God, this sucks-
DEVO: Let’s get next door before my legs start giving in.
TIMOTHY: I’ll carry you on the way home if you need it!
DEVO: You better.

The ramen place has a welcoming exterior, with lots of signs advertising current deals and a cute fabric awning up above the door.

Cross can’t help but let out a whistle-like beep.

CROSSBONE: That kind of fabric doesn’t come cheap…this place is fancy.
CROSSBONE: The prices on the signs don’t look bad, though.
CROSSBONE: Probably something to draw people in…

You’re already holding the door open for everybody, too eager about the prospect of chowing down.

CROSSBONE: Oh! Thank you!
TIMOTHY: Thanks, Ribbon!

Devo just gives you an appreciative nod.

Just as quickly as the cold air hit on your way out, the warm air hits you again on your way in.

DEVO: Oh, thank god.

The server’s a…very round- practically spherical- two toned toy made of some kind of speckled rubber material.

Bouncy ball, maybe?

Their smile widens as the four of you make your way in, gesturing to some open tables just outside of the entry way. It’s a nice restaurant, though smaller than you would have expected- most people are at a bar towards the back, with just a few seating places aside.

SERVER: Come on in- table for four?
DEVO: Booth would be good, if you have one…

The server looks over their shoulder and gives an affirmative gesture.

SERVER: Expecting more?
DEVO: Just want to text a friend to check when we sit down…
SERVER: Easy! Let me get you seated…

When you’ve made your way in and gotten seated in the rather cushy booths, everyone seems to let out a sigh of relief. It’d been such a long day, even if you’d only been at it for a few hours.

The menu itself looks like it’s full of- oh shit, noodles! Ramen’s noodles? Noodle soup? That sounds awesome!

Cross takes note of the growing smile on your face and giggles.

CROSSBONE: Do you want my recommendation?
POLKA DOT: You bet.
CROSSBONE: I think the spicy ramen sounds pretty good. Are you good with hot stuff?
POLKA DOT: Only one way to find out.

Devo- who had settled down in between you and Tim- looks down at his phone with a sigh. You manage to sneakily get a peek-

Looks like some from a bit ago-
Some from walking over-
Another one just now-

Devo asking it, response.

DEVO: Yeah, Roulette’s not coming, unfortunately.
DEVO: I’ll just bring it back an appetizer or something- that okay, Willow?

As everyone looks over their menus and starts picking out their choice of miniatures, the server comes back around and takes the order.

It’s nice, finally getting a break…

…but it looks like people are awkward about actually talking.

Cmon, this is my adventuring party…

I gotta have something to chat about!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
anything y'all are hoping to see out there? I want to see big natural bodies of water, get a chance to swim if the weather permits. that and wildflowers.
"Hey, so... We kind of accidentally made this a double date, huh?"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
We got to make a mental note to talk about Roulette once we're done having fun. We can't be the only one who's worried about it.
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
You all excited about...that...
You make a mental note to talk to Roulette before you head off on the journey…

It’s clear that Devo’s worried about it, and you can’t help but feel some nerves in your belly thinking about what Ortho said.

But for now…

POLKA DOT: So, uh!
POLKA DOT: Guess this ended up being a double date, huh?
DEVO: Not on purpose…
DEVO: But… yeah.
CROSSBONE: I don’t mind! It’s nice to finally get some time to hang out, Devo.
DEVO: Likewise.
DEVO: Shame we couldn’t face off in the match, but…we’ll be working together out in the field anyway, not fighting each other.
TIMOTHY: I think it’ll work out!
DEVO: Oh, and-
DEVO: Thanks for the braces, Willow.
DEVO: They helped a lot today.
DEVO: Made me feel like I could actually do something out there.
CROSSBONE: It’s no issue at all!
CROSSBONE: I’ve just got a little to finish for gear, and then I’ll be all set.

Devo nods and seems to get lost in thought for a moment, Tim peering over at him.

TIMOTHY: You alright?
DEVO: Yeah! Yeah, it’s-
DEVO: Just thinking about some stuff.
DEVO: I felt…a lot more capable than I thought I would be.
DEVO: I don’t think I’ve really ever been in big fights before, but…
DEVO: Felt like some kinda instinct hit.
DEVO: Like the knife felt natural, even with the short range.
TIMOTHY: Huh…maybe you’re just good at this!
DEVO: Ortho seemed to think so, yeah…
DEVO: I’m really gonna take their advice to heart.
POLKA DOT: Hell yeah.

There’s quiet again, and you decide to break the silence once more.

POLKA DOT: Anybody got anything they’re looking forward to seeing out there?
DEVO: I’ve been outside the city a couple times- it’s how I met Roulette.
DEVO: Never too far, just like…
DEVO: Rooting around scrapyards looking for extra pellets.

He looks embarrassed all of a sudden.

DEVO: Y-yknow. Normal. Plush stuff.
DEVO: Just in case.

Tim subtly places his paw on Devo’s under the table, a movement you just barely catch.

You’re not sure what to make of his stammering- and if Cross has any comments, she keeps them to herself.

CROSSBONE: Personally…I’m kind of excited to see a monster.
POLKA DOT: That’s just ‘cause you wanna become one.
CROSSBONE: Maybe so, but I bet they’ll be pretty cool.
TIMOTHY: I dunno, I’m kind of spooked by the idea…
DEVO: I’m down for it, but I’d, uh, rather see them from afar, yknow?
DEVO: As little danger as possible for me, thanks.
DEVO: The idea of getting up close to a monster is-

He catches Cross’ amused face.

DEVO: I-I mean! It’s not bad!
DEVO: Just!
CROSSBONE: Don’t worry, I’ll be a cool monster.
CROSSBONE: Surely there’s got to be some out there, right?
TIMOTHY: Haha, yeah…

Tim doesn’t look so sure on that one.

Before you can continue, your noodles are here, delightfully sculpted miniatures that look just right.

Vine would kill to make something like this, I bet…

POLKA DOT: Oh, wow.
POLKA DOT: Do you think they’ll tell us the recipe if I ask?

Tim’s already digging into his when he speaks up, his voice muffled.

TIMOTHY: Not a chance.
TIMOTHY: Prolly a house recipe or something.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, but…cmon, not even a hint from the chef?
CROSSBONE: Industry secret, I bet…
POLKA DOT: What if I ask really nicely?
DEVO: I dunno, maybe she’s got a shot.
POLKA DOT: See! Devo believes in me!

Your conversation goes on a lot smoother from there, the tension eased by a delicious meal and the pleasant company. The noodles are definitely spicier than you expected- but you tank that shit and manage to impress Cross a little in the process. Totally worth it.

You manage to chase your worries away about Roulette- for now, anyway.

As promised, Cross pays the check, and after a bit more milling around, you’re on your way back.

It’s getting dark, but the streets are lit, and you feel safer in a group than you expected as you walk down the snowy sidewalks. Maybe it bodes well for the adventure itself...

Tim and Devo lag behind a little, and when you ask whether they’re doing okay, Tim says to just keep moving, and that he’s gonna talk with Devo- and probably carry him home. The two of them seem content in their own little world, and it gives you time to talk with Cross as well.

CROSSBONE: …I think this is going to work out.
CROSSBONE: I’m still a bit worried, but…
CROSSBONE: I’m excited.
CROSSBONE: We actually managed to pull off some training!
CROSSBONE: I dunno! It feels…really real now!
CROSSBONE: I couldn’t be more grateful for you all…

She reaches for your hand, her fingers interlacing with your wing.

CROSSBONE: How are you feeling about it all?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I kind of feel cautiously optimistic? Like yeah things are probably going to work out but it also feels like one wrong step then everything is going to go absolutely fubar at the slightest mistake. We're also kind of wondering how we'll know when we find the right curse, from what I've heard A lot of curses can seem pretty similar if not downright identical except for a few subtle details. I don't doubt the curse were looking for is in the hollowed forest, but you know what they say "the devil's in the details."
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
I'm still a bit nervous- I mean, spooky dangerous forest and all- but at the same time, I'm a lot more ready than I was before! Not to get all sappy or anything, but it's reassuring to know we can count on each other in a pinch.

((OOC DISCUSSION: do we want to bring up Roulette right now? i feel like we should talk about it at some point, but i also don't want to ruin the positive vibes here))
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
((OOC DISCUSSION: It feels like we don't really have much of a better time to talk about roulette, so we might as well.))
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
Let's save Roulette for last, if we can- but definitely make sure to bring it up before people leave. Its behavior lately is worrying, to say the least.

(Adding to previous suggestion)
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: Still a bit nervous, to be honest…but kinda optimistic.
POLKA DOT: Things are probably gonna work out!
POLKA DOT: And we’re gettin’ ready for it, we’re making prep and all…
POLKA DOT: But yknow, it feels like if we take one wrong step and screw up…
CROSSBONE: We won’t.
CROSSBONE: I can’t say that for sure, there’s always the chance of something going awry…
CROSSBONE: But I think! We can take it!
CROSSBONE: I have faith in this stuff!

Her pixel character smiles, and you can’t help but follow suit.

POLKA DOT: It’s good to know we can, like…count on each other when shit gets rough.
CROSSBONE: We’ll be a okay!

She definitely seems chipper about this…

You keep walking, swinging Cross’s hand along with your own.

POLKA DOT: …do you know when we’ll have found the right curse?
POLKA DOT: Like, the curse is probably there in that forest. No doubt about it.
POLKA DOT: But what if there’s, like…different curses that come up?
POLKA DOT: What do we do then?
CROSSBONE: Admittedly, I’m not sure I have an answer there.
CROSSBONE: But! I think that we’ll get a feel for it as we go.
CROSSBONE: And if it showed up in my dream, it’s gotta happen, right?
POLKA DOT: …yeah.

My dreams, too…

POLKA DOT: Just…play it safe, okay?

She squeezes your wing.

CROSSBONE: I promise.
...which leaves just one more topic on my mind…

POLKA DOT: We should…probably talk about, the, uh-

Cross tilts her head at you with an inquisitive beep.

CROSSBONE: What, the bet-?
POLKA DOT: No! Not that, not yet-
POLKA DOT: …about Roulette.
CROSSBONE: …which part in particular?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
First things first, Feels wrong to leave Devo out of this conversation, let's get him in on this.
As for Roulette where do we even start?!
It's self-sacrificial tendencies? It's seemingly ever increasing distance from essentially everybody? It's insistence that if something bad happens to It that it It's fault and we should let it happen instead of letting us help because us helping "might make waves?" Or should we talk about the fact but if we try to bring any of this up, It comes up with some self-justifying reason for all of this?
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
It seems like it's just... hard on itself. Like, really hard on itself. I don't mean just in training, but in general. It blames itself for a lot of things it shouldn't, and it seems to have this perception that when things go wrong, it's its fault. Even if it's just bad circumstances or complete happenstance.

It seems like it wants to be better, and I'm not sure what "better" means, exactly, but it's burning itself out trying to get there. I think that's why it gets so nervous sometimes, it's just afraid of screwing up again, or not being what it's supposed to be.

...I don't have any idea what to do about it, though. It seems like talking to it just stresses it out more, or makes it think it's done something wrong, but I also feel like we shouldn't talk about it behind its back too much, either. Maybe there's a way to approach it that would make things a bit easier? I don't know. I'm not sure if this is even a thing we can work out, like, immediately. Or even soon. But... I feel like it's something we should at least talk about? Maybe talk to Laurie about it, too?

*vague shrugging gesture*

I just want everyone to be safe out there, Roulette included.

EDIT: shit yeah slow down and include tim/devo too, i cant read lol
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
(09-06-2023, 04:08 AM)knux400 Wrote: but I also feel like we shouldn't talk about it behind its back too much, either.

I'd love to get Roulette in on these conversations too, but I get the feeling if we did It would try its best to stop the conversation before it even begins.

(09-06-2023, 04:08 AM)knux400 Wrote: Maybe there's a way to approach it that would make things a bit easier?
Maybe talk to Laurie about it, too?

I feel like getting Laurie in on this would be a good idea, but I get the feeling I could just as easily backfire if we aren't careful.
(Especially since roulette's thinking about leaving Laurie's) we think but don't say out loud.
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
POLKA DOT: Where do I even start...
You glance back over your shoulder, Tim carrying Devo on his back at this point. The two of them look like they're having a good talk, but...

POLKA DOT: Maybe we should involve those two too.
POLKA DOT: They're part of the party after all...
CROSSBONE: Suppose so...

She leans back as well, gesturing for your two friends to come in closer.

Tim takes notice only after Devo starts pointing for him to look, the dog plush catching up with a bit of strain.

TIMOTHY: H-hey! What's up?
CROSSBONE: We're having a serious talk, apparently-
POLKA DOT: -about Roulette.

Devo doesn't look too thrilled about hearing it, but from the look on his face...

He knows it's important.

TIMOTHY: ...yeah.
TIMOTHY: That's...probably a good idea...
TIMOTHY: ...Devo, are you good for that?

The bear's quiet at first, his bead eyes screwing shut before sighing into Tim's shoulder.

DEVO: I kind of have to be, huh?
DEVO: It's in this mess because of me.
POLKA DOT: I wouldn't look at it like that, just...

He doesn't let you finish.

DEVO: I know-
DEVO: I know things look like they might be rough, but I believe in its abilities to get through this. I really do.

He looks hesitant to go on at first, but Tim gives him a light nudge.

TIMOTHY: Look, there's a big bench a block away.
TIMOTHY: We can all just...sit down for this, okay?
DEVO: ...can I still sit in your lap? Or your arms, or something?
DEVO: Sitting on a hard surface probably wouldn't do me much good right now...
DEVO: ...thanks.

You and Cross have no objections, the duration of walking the block feeling more and more tense as you get closer to the bench. It takes Cross brushing some snow off before all of you can sit, the four of you crammed in and looking extremely awkward.

CROSSBONE: ...what were you saying, Devo?
DEVO: ...I've known Roulette for a while now.
DEVO: It's a good person.
DEVO: I know that more than anything.
DEVO: We met in a really bad situation, but it being there, and being my friend-
DEVO: My...first friend after-

His voice catches.
DEVO: After Saddler...
DEVO: It got me through it. We got each other through it.
DEVO: I don't know where I'd be without its help.

You try to ignore the knot in your chest, remembering Roulette's words.

It...plans on leaving him after this....

DEVO: I...
DEVO: I know you have concerns, about it being on the party-
DEVO: And it's my fault for putting it into a situation it doesn't want to be in in the first place-
DEVO: But I know it's got this.
DEVO: I know it'll make it through. I know it'll help.
DEVO: And...maybe this'll be good for it, you know?

It kind of sounds like he's trying to reassure himself.
DEVO: It needs more friends, and-
DEVO: More good experiences.
DEVO: It doesn't really let itself have those much...
DEVO: ...I know it better than anyone else here. I can say that pretty certain.
DEVO: So I guess...if you want to ask anything...
DEVO: ...
DEVO: I'll say what I can.
DEVO: Anything-
DEVO: Anything to keep it alive.

The mood feels even more strained after that line drops, Cross's pixel character shifting nervously back and forth.

CROSSBONE: It was Ribbon who was bringing it up, so-
CROSSBONE: What are, um-
CROSSBONE: Your thoughts, Ribbon?

Jeez, spotlight on me...

You tap your wingtips against your thigh.

POLKA DOT: I'm worried about a lotta stuff.
POLKA DOT: I want to make sure everybody's safe. Roulette itself included.
POLKA DOT: And, uh.
POLKA DOT: The whole...self sacrifice, thing-
POLKA DOT: Blaming itself for pretty much anything-
POLKA DOT: And then not wanting to get close to people even when they try to help-
POLKA DOT: Fuck, especially when they try-
POLKA DOT: I dunno. I'm worried.
POLKA DOT: And I don't want this to end in someone getting hurt or worse.
POLKA DOT: ...Ortho seemed pretty clear on who they thought would be in that position.

Devo seems to grow more and more tired with every point you bring up, but he doesn't protest.

DEVO: ...yeah.
DEVO: I...didn't like hearing that either.
DEVO: Roulette is....
DEVO:'s one of the strongest people I know.
DEVO: But that's. That's the problem.
DEVO: It shouldn't have to be. And it makes itself be.
DEVO: I get the feeling that sometimes, with me-
DEVO: It hides what it's feeling or going through, just so that I don't get stressed.
DEVO: And I think there's like.
DEVO: After hearing Ortho said that, I immediately thought-
DEVO: Oh, god. It's going to get injured out there and not tell anyone.
DEVO: Or it's going to rush into battle and do something unnecessary, because it wants to protect someone.
DEVO: ...probably me, at that rate.
DEVO: And I'm-
DEVO: I'm so selfish for making it come along, for all of that. Knowing that this is something that could happen.
DEVO: Just because I wanted it to go with me.
DEVO: ...
DEVO: But if I leave without it...
DEVO: It'd be alone.
DEVO: And I don't think it'd make the choice to change that.
DEVO: I pretty much shoved myself into its life in the first place, hah...

The tiniest bit of blue embroidery stitches itself by the corner of Devo's eye.

DEVO: I care about it, so, so much...
DEVO: But I know it doesn't feel the same way about itself.
DEVO: And I hope-
DEVO: I really hope I can help change that, someday.
DEVO: Or that it can help itself. Either or.
DEVO: ....
DEVO: I didn't use to have a lot of people to love.
DEVO: And when I did, they'd just- hurt me.
DEVO: Roulette's the first person to pick me up and tell me that I deserved help.
DEVO: I just wish I could do the same. That I could be the same.
DEVO: It means the world to me.

He takes a deep breath.

DEVO: I guess the question now is just...
DEVO: ...will you help me have its back?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Do you even have to ask? Of course we're going to have its back, us dumbasses have to stick together!

((OOC:Fuck, do we tell Devo Roulette plants leave after the adventure? The longer we keep this a secret The worst it's going to be one of one of us eventually slips up.))
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
Obviously! Same as I'd have any of your backs.

((fffffuck, i don't know. it said it planned on talking with devo at some point before it left, but i'm not sure if it meant before the trip, or after the trip, or what- and if roulette finds out we told people prematurely, there's a very good chance it'd be upset with us. i'm genuinely not sure which option is the least bad here))
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Actually Devo, there is something important that me you and Roulette got to talk about before we head out on the adventure. I think we can set up a time to talk tomorrow?
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
POLKA DOT: I mean, obviously.
POLKA DOT: Don't even have to ask that.
POLKA DOT: I'd have any of your backs.

Cross' voice startles both you and Devo, the two of you looking over to look at the virtual pet. Self conscious, she shrinks into herself a little.

CROSSBONE: I-I mean...
CROSSBONE: You're all going on this adventure with me...
CROSSBONE: I'm really grateful.
CROSSBONE: ...I'll do whatever needs to be done to keep people safe.

You smile wide at that, looking back at Devo and Tim expectantly- and just as you hope, they're both looking relieved.

DEVO: Thank you...I really appreciate it.
POLKA DOT: There's just one thing-
DEVO: ...oh?

His pleased expression fades.

POLKA DOT: I think...there's something Roulette wanted to talk to you about.
DEVO: ...can more specific?
POLKA DOT: ...nope.
POLKA DOT: B-but we could go chat about it tomorrow or something-
DEVO: offense, but if it's something Roulette needs to tell me...
DEVO: I think it'd go over better if it was just me.
DEVO: We go back a lot further than you've even been here...I think it'd be best handled just us.

You feel your chest tighten, feeling conflict at being left out of something that feels so important.

POLKA DOT: Y-you sure? Could be good for like-
POLKA DOT: Moral support!
DEVO: ...I'm good.
DEVO: Thank you, for all you've done-
DEVO: But when it comes to me and Roulette...
DEVO: I want to handle it more personally.
DEVO: I said, no offense.

You sigh, rubbing the side of your face.

POLKA DOT: ...alright.
POLKA DOT: Wishing you luck, then.
DEVO: ...thanks.

I hope I don't regret that...

The rest of the walk goes uninterrupted, you and Cross walking alongside Devo and Tim, talking more about your adventure ahead...

....and you get to Laurie's, Devo and Tim heading back to Devo's apartment and parting ways with the two of you.

CROSSBONE: ...they're probably going to get some rest.
CROSSBONE: Maybe some gay time.

She leans on you, her pixel character shifting around.

CROSSBONE: I wouldn't mind a sleepover tonight myself, though we probably shouldn't overdo it...
CROSSBONE: I'm just wondering about what you want for that bet of yours.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Thinking back to our first date night and how much Cross liked the cake, it might be nice to do something like that tonight. Polka definitely seemed to enjoy it, at least.

"Well... I do have something in mind, as long as you don't mind stopping by a patisserie on the way home. We gotta make sure you grow big and strong, right?"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Winning this bet...
It has to be something good. Something really fun, and-
I want to make her feel good, too.
I don't want this to just be for me.

Your mind wracks your options, sifting through the memories you've made with Cross.

I really liked the...biting stuff, but I think I...want to go slow with that.
It's exhilarating, but, maybe not today...
Stuff with her projected form would be good. She likes that, especially since becoming a monster in that form.
So that's something...
But...I need more than just that. Like, I could sit around and pat her or whatever, but I gotta step it up a bit more than that.


It hits you.

POLKA DOT: Hey, Cross.
You grin, remembering the incredible look on her face that first night you spent together, eyes locked on yours as she ate out of your palm.

POLKA DOT: I think I've got an idea.
Your partner straightens up with an excited beep.

POLKA DOT: Mmm, I think we can talk it over after a quick detour.
CROSSBONE: Oh? We're already pretty much home-
POLKA DOT: Yeah, but...
POLKA DOT: Even after that big dinner, I think I could go for one more bite.

He chain tail rattles, the virtual pet picking up on your meaning-

-but is she unsure? She must be wondering what my exact implication is...hehehe.

POLKA DOT: Cmon, it's just two blocks away.
You extend your wing for her to take, Cross taking it with a nervous pixel shuffle on her screen.

Got her.

She knows where you're going, for sure. You'd been there once or twice before- stepping out of Laurie's for a fifteen minute detour to your day, picking up something both alone or with either Cross or Tim. It was a good place, and a solid option when the cafe at Laurie's was closed.

POLKA DOT: Do you know what you're getting yet?
CROSSBONE: T-that depends-
CROSSBONE: It's your bet, right?
CROSSBONE: So...maybe you should pick.

You smirk.

POLKA DOT: You want to leave that up to me?
CROSSBONE: ...yes.
POLKA DOT: Okay, but you gotta stop me if I pick too much.
CROSSBONE: It won't be!
CROSSBONE: It won't be too much.

She's blushing now, pixel character covering its face with its little orb hands.


She manages to regather her cool as you step inside the patisserie, the glass case full of all kinds of goodies. You can tell exactly where her little one-pixel-wide eyes go, though...

The worker at the register smiles at you- a geometric toy that seems to rotate and spin cube-like pieces as it talks.

????: Evening!
????: What can I get you two?
POLKA DOT: I'm it possible to get a slice of-

You point to a strawberry shortcake, Cross gripping your hand just enough to be felt.

POLKA DOT: -this one right here?
POLKA DOT: It's my girlfriend's favorite.

She elbows you subtly, and you have to keep yourself from grinning.

????: Coming right up!
The two of you watch as the miniature is cut free, a thick, fruit-stuffed slice resembling the same dessert you had gotten on that first date.

She shouldn't have told me where to get this, heh...

Cross is quiet aside from a quick "thank you!" to the cashier, but when the two of you get outside, she bursts out laughing.

CROSSBONE: Oh, my god, you are terrible.
POLKA DOT: It's called building the mood.
POLKA DOT: I've been doing research!
CROSSBONE: W-well! It's-
CROSSBONE: It was funny.
CROSSBONE: And it is my favorite.
POLKA DOT: I thought so.
POLKA DOT: Ah ah ah!
POLKA DOT: You get to hear about what we do when we get home.
POLKA DOT: Not on the way.

Cross nods, sending a little pixel smile your way.

She swings her tail from side to side as the two of you walk home, clearly excited over what's to come.

She's probably running the times we've tried this through her head right now...thinking it over...

You have to admit, the anticipation's killing you, too. So much that as soon as you get up the stairs and into Cross's apartment, you nearly jump a foot as Cross lets out an excited, expectant beep.

CROSSBONE: O-okay! We're home!
CROSSBONE: You said-
POLKA DOT: Wow, you're really eager.
CROSSBONE: You built this up!
POLKA DOT: Hehehe...

You set your stuff down, still carrying the miniature in a little plastic bag as you sit on the couch. Crossbone speedwalks after you, keychain tail thumping against the ground at this point.

She can barely contain herself!

POLKA DOT: Alright, uh-
POLKA DOT: I want your projected form for-

You blink as she immediately projects, looming over you as a hungry, expectant monster.

You forgot about the size difference.

With more than a little blush coming to your face, you take out the cake slice and waggle it at her.

POLKA DOT: On your knees.
She follows instructions perfectly, her face now coming up to your chest.

Jeez, she's still huge...

POLKA DOT: Good girl.
POLKA DOT: You sure you're good for a big ol' slice after your ramen bowl?
CROSSBONE: I'll tell you if I need to stop, ok?
POLKA DOT: Nothing wrong with leftovers.
POLKA DOT: But for now...

The look on her skull face is perfect as you get ready to give her the first piece.

POLKA DOT: We're gonna make you big and strong for your trip.


In her arms, you dream.

Of what?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Dream of something funny but concerningly prophetic.
[Image: blazblue.png]
Dream of a hard won victory, and the treasures you and your friends have earned with it!
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
It's quiet at first, noise fading in with a soft hum.

You're not sure what to make of it at first-


You're surrounded by incredibly happy people, congratulating you, shaking your wing- you won! You made it to the Hallowed Wood, and-

Cross wraps you up in a huge hug, her body monstrous yet familiar. You think she might be crying, so overcome with emotion at her new form, so wrapped up in all the sensations...

You're so proud of her, for coming so far.

You turn after sharing her embrace, seeing Devo and Tim supporting each other with arms over their respective partner's shoulder, whistling and hollering in support of everything that's happened, your complete and utter success.

But where's-

Looking around for Roulette brings nothing, just masses of people you don't recognize, toys of all types- but all with spooky features, a sea of purple, green and orange.

All of a sudden, though-

Your eyes are drawn to a figure on the side.

A rabbit, not quite a bunny but at the same time maybe too much of one. It doesn't sit well with you.

The rabbit is in the middle of a exercise routine, very intense until your gaze lingers a little too long.

Its head tilts toward you, locking directly onto your face and suspended mid squat. It feels like a eternity.

POLKA DOT: Who- thing...even a toy?

POLKA DOT: What are you...doing?
Cross doesn't even seem to notice it.

???: Why're you lookin?
POLKA DOT: I don't-

You break away from your girlfriend, walking over to the squatting rabbit with your wings on your hips.

POLKA DOT: I don't know, but something about you's fucking weird.
???: I ain't done anything. You're weird.
POLKA DOT: I called you weird first!
POLKA DOT: You're-

It doesn't belong here, somehow.

A piece from a different puzzle.

Is it even a toy?

POLKA DOT: You're not from here, are you?
The awareness that this is a dream hits, and even though you're not really in control, you can tell that something is off.

Your words spill out.

POLKA DOT: My head.
POLKA DOT: for this. This whole thing.
POLKA DOT: You're not part of the plan.

It goes back to its routine, squatting with unmoving eyes.

You go to ask another question, but you're snapped out of it-

The only sound in the room is Cross' electronic heartbeat.

No more weird rabbit.



POLKA DOT: Fucking hell...
POLKA DOT: ...maybe a bit more sleep would be good.

Your dreams are lapine-free.

A week passes.

You get some more training sessions in- mostly with Cross, some with Tim, but Devo and Roulette are harder to come by. Scheduling, people tell you.

Makes me more nervous than I want to admit...

...Probably fine, though.

The day comes when you're ready to hit up Wanderer, you and Cross getting dressed up in some of your most respectable clothes before heading down to the motel-styled rooms.

You haven't been in yours much, lately. You top it up just to be safe, but your time's starting to stack up on your keyfob, unused from all the hours spent at Cross'. Sometimes you like having your own space,'s nicer to be around her, and share her company.

Laurie seems fine with it, at least.

You're not sure you're heading in the right direction up until you see Tim, fidgeting and shimmying in place outside a motel room door.

TIMOTHY: Oh, thank god-
TIMOTHY: I was worried I was in the wrong place.
TIMOTHY: Double checked the number you sent over text, triple even-
TIMOTHY: But I'm never sure about stuff like this...
POLKA DOT: You're good, man.
CROSSBONE: Narrative got us to the right place in the end, probably!
CROSSBONE: ...are Devo and Roulette coming separately?
TIMOTHY: Yeah, hopefully not too long...
TIMOTHY: ...Devo said he'd try to get Roulette, anyway.

It takes a few minutes before you hear the voice of a very familiar bear.

DEVO: Damn, got here faster than I thought we would!
DEVO: Cmon, almost there.

Tim waves down the hallway, his tail wagging as his partner comes closer.

Your camera-headed...friend? Acquaintance?
It trails behind Devo as he approaches, hanging back an extra few feet.
It keeps quiet, only giving the occasional quick glance at everyone.

POLKA DOT: H-hey, Roulette!
POLKA DOT: It's, uh-
POLKA DOT: Good to see you here.
ROULETTE: Likewise.

...I can't get a read on that.
It's fine. It's Fine.

You clear your throat.

POLKA DOT: So, uh-
POLKA DOT: Should I do the honors?
CROSSBONE: I can, if you're nervous.
CROSSBONE: It's my mess that got you all into this, after all.

The virtual pet strides forward, straightening her back before knocking on the door.

You hear footsteps on the other side of the door before the latch clicks and the door opens, Wanderer sticking her head out, her voice and demeanor quite different for just a moment before she realizes it's you.

WANDERER: Why hell- oh. I see, it is you.
WANDERER: I was assuming you had given up on your dangerous endeavour.
CROSSBONE: N-no, ma'am-

She sticks out her hand, pixel character darting around nervously on her screen as she keeps her posture rigid.

CROSSBONE: Very intent on doing this.
CROSSBONE: It's a p-pleasure to meet you.

You see Wanderer's wings shake, and she tilts her head a moment before reciprocating the hand shake.

WANDERER: You are the one looking to get cursed.
You feel like that should have been a question, but she somehow already knew.

CROSSBONE: ...yes.
CROSSBONE: I know it-
CROSSBONE: I know it probably sounds foolish.
CROSSBONE: But to me, it's- it's becoming the true me.
CROSSBONE: That's worth it to me.
WANDERER: An understandable and admirable goal to be sure.
WANDERER: Is there anything anyone wants to be more than their true self?
WANDERER: But I ask this with all the compassion I have.
WANDERER: This is dangerous.
WANDERER: These friends of yours could get hurt, or worse.
WANDERER: Is your heart ready to weigh your true self against the consequences of attaining it?

Cross is quiet.

CROSSBONE: I'll do my best to protect them just as they are for me.

Wander sighs and drops her head slightly.

WANDERER: That is not what I am asking. You cannot protect everyone.
WANDERER: Even if they are all willing to pay what price must be paid...
WANDERER: Will you ever be able to see your new self in the mirror without thinking about what... or who it cost?

Cross' pixel character stops fidgeting.

CROSSBONE: ...I think so, yes.
CROSSBONE: And if I...If I can't-
CROSSBONE: I'll...process that.
CROSSBONE: It's a risk I'm willing to take.

Wanderer lets out a bitter chuckle.

WANDERER: Everyone always thinks so.
WANDERER: When you get to be my age...

She trails off and stands there silently for a moment.

WANDERER: Nevermind. I know you won't be turned away, you're clearly as stubborn as I used to be at your age.
WANDERER: Come in.
WANDERER: Before I begin giving out gear and showing you how it's used, do you have any questions for me?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"Are you deliberately trying to be ominous, or is it just sort of happening naturally?"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
"Less a question for you and More one for everybody else, have you guys been having dreams lately? Like weirdly ominous and prophetic dreams? Because I've been having them lately and I get the feeling we should talk about them."
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
POLKA DOT: ...are you trying to be ominous, or is this just.
POLKA DOT: A thing for you.
WANDERER: We all deal the best we can with the hand we are dealt.

You file in with the rest of your party, getting a good look at the room.

The first thing you notice is that the lights are pretty dim, or rather they were, as soon after you all enter you see Wanderer fiddle with a knob, and the entire room gets much brighter. The room is very neat, it lookes much the same as yours did when you first moved in, before you got a chance to really make it your own. The only thing you notice that's different from the plain default are the many flowers around the room, and the larger bed that Wanderer is currently sweeping petals off of... ah.

WANDERER: Forgive me for the state of my room. I assumed I was going to have guests tonight, but of a very... different nature.
Something that you are noticing now is that the only thing she has on is the scarf loosely draped around her wings. When you met her before you had been struck by just how many eyes she had stiched into her wings, all closed. Not that you are getting a more unobstructed view of her you notice one you had not seen before. A large glass eye, bigger than any you've seen on any toy, constantly looking around the room, barely settling on one thing before it turns it's attention elsewhere, takes up the lower third of her torso.

WANDERER: When I told you to assemble your friends to meet me here I was under the impression that you would meet me later that day, or perhaps the day after.
WANDERER: After three had passed it seemed likely to me that you were not coming, and so I began working.
POLKA DOT: N-no sweat.
POLKA DOT: Sorry, to, uh...interrupt.

You shuffle awkwardly, no one else really wanting to interject on the nature of Wanderer's business.

POLKA DOT: B-but, I did have, another question.
POLKA DOT: More towards everyone, though.
POLKA DOT: I've been having these weird dreams lately, and-
POLKA DOT: They've been right before. I'm wondering if they're still right now.

You spot Roulette's lens opening a little wider,
but it quickly returns to normal, the robot glancing a few degrees in the other direction.

Devo's the first to speak up.

DEVO: I-I mean.
DEVO: Everyone's got weird dreams, right?
DEVO: With, like...
DEVO: ...

Tim rests a hand on the bear's shoulder.

TIMOTHY: You can talk about i-
DEVO: I know.
DEVO: Just-
DEVO: I dunno, I can't imagine that like...
DEVO: D...doppelganger dreams, those aren't useful at all, right?
POLKA DOT: ...doppelgangers?
DEVO: Yknow, like in horror movies.

You've seen a couple with Cross, enough to get the gist, but...

POLKA DOT: So like, evil versions of yourself or something?
Devo nods, looking incredibly embarrassed.

DEVO: That kind of shit isn't real, though.
DEVO: It's my weird dream brain making shit up.

Roulette seems incredibly reluctant,
but speaks up regardless.

ROULETTE: ...I've had... possibly prophetic dreams, as well.
Leaving the floor open.

TIMOTHY: Anything, uh....
TIMOTHY: Worth mentioning?
TIMOTHY: Any dangers?

It keeps its lens focused on different people in the room, switching every once in a while;
as if unsure where to put its focus.

ROULETTE:  . . .
ROULETTE: ...I don't think any of it on my end warrants detail.
ROULETTE: It could very likely mean nothing.

You aren't sure who it's trying to convince.

TIMOTHY: Are you sure?
TIMOTHY: I've got some stuff too-
TIMOTHY: It could be really good to cross-reference here.

You can hear its fans whir a touch faster.

ROULETTE: ...It's all-
ROULETTE: When I attempt to describe what I've seen in my head, most of it is...flowery, poetic, possibly metaphorical.
ROULETTE: Likely vague enough that it could represent anything, which...again, is why I say it may not be worth bringing up.
ROULETTE: I am not sure what any of us have to gain from endless speculation.
ROULETTE: ...But. I can, if it might be helpful, somehow.

It gestures towards a nearby armchair, looking at Wanderer.

ROULETTE: Would it be alright if I sat down?
ROULETTE: My legs are tired from the walk over.
ROULETTE: ...Extra training, from yesterday.

Its legs seem mildly shaky, hardly noticeable at all until it pointed it out.

WANDERER: Ah, where are my manners. Yes, please, take a seat.
ROULETTE: Thank you.

The robot carefully sits.

ROULETTE: I do not remember everything, at present.
ROULETTE: I would have to think more, and even then, I may have simply forgotten many of the details.
ROULETTE: But as for notable things I do remember:

ROULETTE: Shadows were a particular theme. I saw many of those.
ROULETTE: A shape like a sunflower, as well.
ROULETTE: Ominous. Somehow.

It shrugs with its shoulders, looking like it felt self-conscious admitting that.

ROULETTE: Something metal, that was heavy to carry.
ROULETTE: Could be a weapon, or a tool of some kind.

It focuses intently, peering away at nothing.

ROULETTE: ...oh.
ROULETTE: ...Something red, that smelled like rust.
ROULETTE: Everywhere.

The robot's cooling system runs another notch faster, more audible.

ROULETTE: It was somehow...deeply unsettling to look at, to feel-
ROULETTE: Everything in the dream felt...muted, after I experienced it-

A quick shake of its head.

ROULETTE: I would rather not think about it.
ROULETTE: ...Then, a figure with a cane, or a stick, or scepter.
ROULETTE: Perhaps royalty? Unsure. ...Unlikely.
ROULETTE: The stick looked to have a notch or gnarl at the top, or maybe a spherical gemstone; something rounded, more or less.

It taps one of its claws to the top of its head, keeping it there as its lens closed.

ROULETTE: ...I know there was more, but that's everything I can remember as of yet.
ROULETTE: ...Apologies. Not particularly helpful.
ROULETTE: At any rate, not really worth discussing, I am sure.

Everyone takes this in, with you trying to wrack your mind over whether you've seen similar.

CROSSBONE: Something red and rusty...blood, maybe?
CROSSBONE: ...doesn't bode well, if that's the case.
DEVO: Blood's not real, though.
DEVO: At least, us toys don't have that.
POLKA DOT: ...what if there's stuff...other than toys, out there?

Tim peers over at you.

TIMOTHY: Like...monsters?
POLKA DOT: I dunno. Like.
POLKA DOT: In one of my dreams, I saw this...rabbit-y guy.
POLKA DOT: It didn't look right. Like I couldn't tell what materials it was made up of.
TIMOTHY: Oh! Oh!!!!

He points at you, half excited and half anxious.

TIMOTHY: I've seen that guy! A weird rabbit!
TIMOTHY: It seems so scary in my dreams!
TIMOTHY: Like it's up to something!
TIMOTHY: Sometimes I hear this horrible laugh with it too, one that makes me feel terrible.
ROULETTE: ...I think I remember a rabbit, too.
ROULETTE: It did not seem notable, with everything going on.
ROULETTE: ...I think it must have been a different rabbit from yours. ...If any of this means anything at all.
ROULETTE: Could be that rabbits came up in discussion for some of us at some point recently, and we'd forgotten about it.
POLKA DOT: ...mine was exercising.
ROULETTE:  . . .
ROULETTE: I don't think any of these are the same rabbit.
DEVO: Yeah, this...sounds too scattered.
DEVO: No rabbits here in my head.
CROSSBONE: None for me, either...
CROSSBONE: I mainly just dream of my transformation, honestly.
CROSSBONE: Sometimes it gets a bit scary, or painful...
CROSSBONE: But it's manageable, I think.
CROSSBONE: ...I really hope all of this other stuff isn't omens, though.
CROSSBONE: Wanderer, do you have any thoughts here?

You didn't notice until Willow brought your attention to her, but some time during you all talking about the rabbit, her wings seems to have started fluttering. She stands there, head cocked to the side as she watches you all, before nodding.

WANDERER: Hmm, yes.
WANDERER: You are certainly a very... interesting group.
POLKA DOT: What's that supposed to mean?
ROULETTE: ...Are these sorts of dreams common, in your experience?

Wanderer turns to face you with her usual, serene expression.

WANDERER: Asking me to explain a vague statement? Didn't you hear I'm trying to be ominous?
Before you have a chance to reply she turns to face Roulette.

WANDERER: They aren't... uncommon, but shared elements are... somewhat rare.
TIMOTHY: Then it's true?!
TIMOTHY: All of this stuff-
TIMOTHY: Or at least, most of it.
DEVO: No one else has dreamed of my doppelganger weirdos though, so...
DEVO: That's at least good.
DEVO: Right?
ROULETTE: Technically none of it could be real.
ROULETTE: We have some matching elements, but we have been in relatively close contact for a while now leading up to this.
ROULETTE: And many of us have history in some ways.
ROULETTE: It makes sense that we may be dreaming about some of the same things.
ROULETTE: To me, the incosistencies - such as with the rabbit - makes me think that there may be nothing to this.
ROULETTE: It would not hurt to be cautious about what we've seen, but I also do not want to be bogged down with excessive worry over dreams that could mean nothing.
ROULETTE: We will be dealing with enough difficulty as is.

Wanderer's wings begin shaking yet again, and this time you swear you can almost... hear something?

WANDERER: You are right to be afraid of what is in these dreams, but you are just as right to dismiss them.
WANDERER: Some elements are prophetic and some are nonsense.
WANDERER: It is not always possible to tell which is which until it has passed you by.
WANDERER: And worrying unduly helps nothing.

Roulette watches the stranger carefully.

ROULETTE: ...We do not have to discuss this further if it might be upsetting.
Wanderer shifts a little bit backwards and her wings stop moving, the faint sound your were hearing disappearing as well. You get the feeling she would have blinked then if she ever opened any eyes other than her lower one.

WANDERER: Upsetting?? Why the he-
She interrupts herself and lets out a small cough, before her face returns to her usual placid expression. Her tail, which you have only seen laying still, has begun flicking back and forth behind her.

WANDERER: Apologies. I... do not understand what you meant by that.
It sheepishly sinks into its seat.

ROULETTE: Your wings-
ROULETTE: Misinterpreted behavior. I apologize.
ROULETTE: We can continue.
WANDERER: Ah, I see. Do try to ignore them.

An eye on one of them flickers open and looks at you.

WANDERER: They have minds of their own, you see.
You do your best not to be unnerved.

POLKA DOT: H-hey, there, wing eye.

More eyes on both wings open and fix their gazes on you.

WANDERER: Don't- don't do that.
You freeze.

POLKA DOT: R-right.
POLKA DOT: about thoooose items?
WANDERER: Yes, let me know what you have. Not all items make sense to have spares of.
POLKA DOT: I've got, uh....
POLKA DOT: Big winter coat, snow pants, a hat, boots, and a backpack.
POLKA DOT: Got some rope, a flashlight, a claw hammer, and a knife for cutting stuff.
POLKA DOT: Willow made sure we all got food, too.
CROSSBONE: Everyone should have enough food for a week and a half, and I've looked up stuff we can forage as well, just in case.
CROSSBONE: Some stuff is still around even in the winter...

She stops herself before she can gush.

CROSSBONE: I have a hatchet, and similar supplies to Polka.
CROSSBONE: A coat, a sweater, snow pants, boots, and mittens.
CROSSBONE: well as some sturdy chains.
TIMOTHY: Chains?
TIMOTHY: What do you need those for?
CROSSBONE: I-I mean, in case-
CROSSBONE: In case my transformation does go bad-
CROSSBONE: I want people to be able to restrain me.
CROSSBONE: ...for safety's sake.
WANDERER: Chains are heavy, hard to carry long distance. Better to use a strong rope. What kind of food are you bringing?
CROSSBONE: Mainly packaged things that don't require a fridge.
CROSSBONE: Like...jerky, crackers, water bottles...
WANDERER: ...I'm giving you some hardtack. Just in case.
CROSSBONE: Hard...tack?

She makes a confused beep.

WANDERER: Best food for travelling. Or worst, depending on your definition.
CROSSBONE: Thank you, then.
CROSSBONE: We'll take it.

Tim raises his paw.

TIMOTHY: Should I go next?
TIMOTHY: I've got...a longsword, a big coat, snow pants, boots, and a knife.
TIMOTHY: I'm also the designated first aid guy, I carry stuff like bandages and sewing equipment.
DEVO: Braces, coat- with a hood- snow pants, boots, and a knife. For stabbing things.
DEVO: ...and...

His voice goes quiet.

DEVO: Extra pellets and stuffing.
DEVO: Not a lot. But enough just in case.
ROULETTE: I have a sickle.
ROULETTE: It's longer than you might expect, though. More like a scythe.
WANDERER: Who is going to take point on navigating?
CROSSBONE: I can take care of that.
CROSSBONE: I...have a good feeling about it.
WANDERER: Looks like I'm giving you everything so far.
WANDERER: To tell the truth, I was expecting you youngsters to be more underprepared than this.
WANDERER: You have good heads on your shoulders
CROSSBONE: We...thought a lot about this.
CROSSBONE: ...I'm really grateful for everyone's commitment.
WANDERER: One moment.

Wanderer retrieves a large backpack from the closet and sets it on the bed, opening it.

WANDERER: Forgive me, but seeing how much you already have, I feel like I'm not putting enough into this wager.
WANDERER: So, in addition to the hardtack... theeeee rope and -ah, there it is- the map, I think I'll give you something extra helpful.
TIMOTHY: Wait, wager?

You kind of forgot about that part.

POLKA DOT: I mean, I had to trade something to get this stuff-
CROSSBONE: wasn't too much, was it?
WANDERER: Favor for a favor, don't worry, it only applies to your friend Ribbon. None of the rest of you owe me anything.
WANDERER: Course, I certainly wouldn't turn it down if any of you also wanted to make a deal.
ROULETTE: What exactly are you offering for a deal?
WANDERER: What do you desire? I have many rare items, and keep many secrets. There are few places unknown to me.
WANDERER: As you know, I traffic in favors as well.
WANDERER: All of this I can make deals with.
ROULETTE: Only curious if you had anything specific in mind.
WANDERER: Afraid I dont know you well enough to know what to offer.
ROULETTE: Oh, that's fine, it's-
ROULETTE: Forget I said anything.
WANDERER: Understood. Though if you think of anything you want in particular, and this goes for all of you
WANDERER: My door is open to you.
WANDERER: And if you wish to make a deal without others around, that is doubly true.

No one speaks up, but a couple of your party members nod.

POLKA DOT: So, uh...
POLKA DOT: Our...wager.
POLKA DOT: What...did you want me to do, exactly?
WANDERER: I told you before, but if you need a reminder...
WANDERER: If you come back alive thanks in part to my help, I 'win' the wager and you owe me a favor.
WANDERER: If you die or none of the advice or gear I have given you has helped, you do not.
POLKA DOT: ...right.
POLKA DOT: Easy enough, I guess....
POLKA DOT: Oh! Fuck, right-
POLKA DOT: The, uh. The charm.
POLKA DOT: That still on the table?

Wanderer stops rummaging through the bag, withdrawing her hand.

WANDERER: Ah, yes. Now keep in mind that while the other items I give you now are gifts, this is simply a loan.
WANDERER: Anti-curse charms are rare, and I only one I can spare.

She crosses the room back to the closet and pulls a small, fragile looking, ceramic pot from the shelf, and places it gingerly on the bed next to the other items.

WANDERER: You may take this with you for now only if you follow my instructions.
WANDERER: On the journey, when the pot begins to rattle, open it.
WANDERER: Do not open it before then.
POLKA DOT: That's...easy enough, right?
POLKA DOT: Guess the question is who should carry it.
ROULETTE: Devo. Would you want it?
ROULETTE: Given the weapon you have, you would need to get closer to monsters than any of us.
DEVO: ...

He looks down at the ground, thinking it over.

DEVO: ...yeah.
DEVO: Probably the best option.

He doesn't seem as enthusiastic as he could be, but straightens up once he realizes his own tone.

DEVO: Thank you, Wanderer.
DEVO: I...get that it's a big deal, and I appreciate it.
DEVO: I'll take good care of it.
WANDERER: I would expect no less.
CROSSBONE: Does anyone have any other questions? Concerns?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"So, about the pot... I'm assuming breaking it counts as opening it. Not that we'd intentionally do that, of course, but if someone takes a hit in the wrong spot while they're holding it or whatever, it might... I mean, it looks kind of fragile. No offense. But could we like... wrap it up or something, or would that make it harder to feel it when it starts rumbling? Actually, on that note, how long do we have after it starts rumbling to take it out and open it? Is it more of a 'drop everything and open it right away' thing or is it more of a 'finish whatever you're doing and open it after' thing?"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
What's it like directly outside the city? Is it possible to scavenge for supplies once we leave? I get the feeling like this won't be the last time we have to go on an adventure.

Also, technically if we're counting advice for the bet then I guess I already lost. You did advise me to have us prep as much as we could.
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
POLKA DOT: Okay, so...
POLKA DOT: The pot.
POLKA DOT: Does breaking count as opening it?
POLKA DOT: Not! That we'd intentionally do that, but it's- it looks fragile, yknow?
POLKA DOT: What if someone takes a hit in the wrong spot?

Devo shoots you a tired look.

WANDERER: Please do not break the pot.
WANDERER: I do not know what would happen, as I typically do not break magical items.
POLKA DOT: I mean! We're not gonna try to!
POLKA DOT: Would like...wrapping it up work, maybe?
POLKA DOT: Or would that make the rumbling less noticeable...
WANDERER: I usually have it wrapped up in my bag, it's fine.
POLKA DOT: Thank you.

You sigh in relief.

POLKA DOT: How long do we have after it starts rumbling- is it like, really urgent?
WANDERER: You know, mysterious people bestowing magic items don't normally get asked for an instruction manual to go with it.
POLKA DOT: Look, I-!

You slump.

POLKA DOT: Fair enough.
Tim makes a throat clearing noise, wanting to take a turn.

TIMOTHY: For...monsters.
TIMOTHY: I'm guessing we'll have to, yknow...
TIMOTHY: ...Kill them.
TIMOTHY: They're not like, people, right?
WANDERER: If I tell you 'no, they're more like animals' does that make it easier, or harder?
TIMOTHY: ...I'm not sure.
WANDERER: Whether it is worse to take a life that has chosen its path, or one who knows nothing else.
WANDERER: One who has hopes, aspirations, connections to others, or one with naught but the blood in their veins and their next meal on their mind.

You feel the gaze of Wanderer's large eye settle on you a moment before it fixes its gaze on Devo.

WANDERER: Who can really say, in the end.
Her words sink in like cold, freezing water, causing you to avert your eyes and focus on the bear in your party instead.

You feel like you must be seeing things-

Devo's cheeks and eyes seem to tint darker- almost black- if only for a moment.

When you blink, it's gone.

The robot in the armchair nearby is watching Devo intently, studying him. But, it averts its lens soon after; so as not to stare.

The rest of your party doesn't seem to notice.

POLKA DOT: I dunno, both options are-
POLKA DOT: ...we'll figure it out.

You shake your head, getting a grip. Tim doesn't seem to have an answer either, by the look of it.

POLKA DOT: What's it like directly outside of here, anyway?
POLKA DOT: Monsters aside.
POLKA DOT: Will we be able to like, find shit out there? Supplies, resources, anything.
WANDERER: Directly outside, huh? Well, there's a few landmarks. They shift around though, like everything else out there.
WANDERER: Mostly abandoned old buildings and junkyards.
WANDERER: There's plenty you can get from places like that, if you know where to look.
WANDERER: There are places out there where things will just...
WANDERER: I suppose the best way to put it is they pop into existence.
WANDERER: Also, unless one of you is a knowledgeable forager, don't bother with wild foods.
WANDERER: The wild is a terrible place to get sick.

Sick...I don't wanna find out what that's like.

You fidget on your feet.

POLKA DOT: You've already given us a lot-
POLKA DOT: Should we get out of your hair?
WANDERER: I have one last thing actually, I was looking for it in my bag when you reminded me to grab the charm.

She moves back to her bag, rummaging once again.

WANDERER: If all of you were in danger and needed to run as fast as you could, who would you say would have the most trouble with it?
You try not to immediately look at Devo.

Cross coughs, a harsh beeping sound.

CROSSBONE: I-I mean...
CROSSBONE: It feels bad to single someone out...
DEVO: It's fine, Willow.
DEVO: You can say me.

He sighs, rolling his eyes.

DEVO: I've got braces on and I'm...understuffed. So I have trouble running.
Wanderer nods silently, and pulls a tied bundle out of her bag.

WANDERER: I am by no means young anymore, so I understand a thing or two about being the slowest in a group.
WANDERER: I would like to offer you this, a set of enchanted bolas that work in most parts of the wild.
WANDERER: You don't need to know how to use them, the magic takes care of that.

Devo reaches out and takes the bolas, weighing them in his paw.

DEVO: Th...thank you.
DEVO: These should help a lot, if things get bad...
DEVO: Thanks.

He pockets them, perking up a little at the gift.

WANDERER: Keep in mind though, the rope is not strong enough to hold larger monsters for long enough for you to get away.
DEVO: ...smaller monsters, then?

Wanderer's large eye glances across your party.

WANDERER: That is... one use for it.
WANDERER: But if you ever find yourself falling behind in a chase with the rest of your group
WANDERER: There are other ways to escape.

She leans in and whispers something to Devo. You can just barely make out the word 'take,' but the rest of the sentence eludes you.

This time, you don't think you're seeing things.

Another black flash, gone as soon as it came.

This time, Tim sees it, reaching forward-

-Only for Cross to hold his shoulder, shaking her head.

She saw it too.

Devo pulls back, his face conflicted.

DEVO: ...I hope I won't need to use this, then.
DEVO: Th...thank you. Again.

Roulette glances at you, Cross, and Tim,
then steps over next to Devo, addressing Wanderer.

ROULETTE: We very much appreciate the help.
ROULETTE: I think we should be ready to set off tomorrow.
ROULETTE: Let us know if there's anything else you need; anytime.

It gives a quick nod, then opens the door to leave.

You look back between Roulette and Wanderer, shuffling on your feet.

There's so much I wish I could ask, but... we should move on. Or at least, Roulette thinks so.

POLKA DOT: We...won't let you down, Wanderer.

Cross steps forward and bows slightly at the yarn doll.

CROSSBONE: I owe you so much, ma'am.
Wanderer shakes her head and waves her hand.

WANDERER: Oh don't be silly!
WANDERER: The only one who who owes me anything is the duck.
CROSSBONE: ...I guess I owe my girlfriend, then.
CROSSBONE: Thank you.

She lets out a grateful beep, heading for the door with you in tow, Tim holding Devo's hand and leading him off as well.

You linger in the doorway, for a moment.

WANDERER: I have one last vital piece of advice for you and your friends.
WANDERER: A curse leaves its mark on its user as much as its victims.
WANDERER: Beware anyone in the Hallowed woods with hands that are too filthy.

Her small smile widens slightly.

WANDERER: Or too clean.
Roulette is beside you, by the doorway; watching Wanderer, eye contact.

ROULETTE: ...Thank you.
You make sure to say thank you again, and then-

-the door is closed, leaving the five of you in the hallway.

Tomorrow's the day.
Once we go-

There's probably no turning back.

What do I say?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
hey Devo, for my own peace of mind, the strategy for those magic bolos isn't 'hit one of us with them so we become monster bait and you can escape', right? that'd be messed up.
"...Would it be too corny to do an 'everyone puts their hand in the circle' thing? I could just leave it at 'best of luck, see you all tomorrow.' I dunno."

"...It's been great training and hanging out with you all and I hope we don't die??? I'm not good at this stuff, so tell me to shut up if I'm making it worse."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: S-so, uh...
POLKA DOT: Those, magic bolas-
POLKA DOT: They wouldn't be for tripping us up so you can escape, are they-?

Devo sighs, giving you a tired look.

DEVO: What, was I supposed to tell her to her face that that's a shitty idea?
DEVO: She gave us so much stuff, I didn't want to like...risk that.
DEVO: I wouldn't use it for that. Don't worry.

You breathe a sigh of relief.

CROSSBONE: ...she was probably just looking out for you.
CROSSBONE: In...her own, weird way.
DEVO: ...yeah.

He shuffles on his feet.

DEVO: I dunno how comfortable I am with it, but...
DEVO: It's...the gesture's appreciated, even if I'd never go for it.

ROULETTE: ...You can trip me with it if you want.
ROULETTE: I think it would be funny.

Devo snorts, caught offguard.

DEVO: It would not be funny!
DEVO: ...silly.

He looks a bit more chipper, after that.

ROULETTE: A little slapstick never hurt anyone.
Tim interrupts by giving Devo a gentle pat, his face still concerned like earlier.

TIMOTHY: There was...a weird moment, back there.
TIMOTHY: When she was telling you that stuff.
DEVO: Did I make a weird face or something?
TIMOTHY: K....kind of.

He leans in, squinting at Devo's cheeks.

DEVO: ....?
ROULETTE: I'm sure any of us might feel strange, being in that position.

Quickly moving along.

ROULETTE: What else do we need to do before we leave tomorrow?
ROULETTE: I think we're all set, but it wouldn't hurt to double-check.
CROSSBONE: I need to double check to make sure everything's packed...I've already put in my vacation request with Laurie.
POLKA DOT: Same here.
TIMOTHY: Shoot, we need to do that?

He doesn't tear his eyes away from Devo even with the topic change, the bear looking away nervously.

DEVO: i'm fine man, s-
DEVO: quit looking at me like that.
TIMOTHY: S...sorry.
TIMOTHY: We can talk about it later.
DEVO: ...yeah.

Roulette watches between Tim and Devo, expression inscrutable.

ROULETTE: I also need to do that.
ROULETTE: I'll stop by Laurie's office next stop, I think.
ROULETTE: Devo, would you like to come with me?
DEVO: Sure!

He sounds a little too eager, Tim's ears drooping.

DEVO: We can meet up at my place later, alright, Tim?
The dog's expression doesn't change as he nods.

TIMOTHY: Just...stay safe.
ROULETTE: I'm sure he will.
POLKA DOT: W-well, uh-
POLKA DOT: It's been great, training and hanging out with y'all.
POLKA DOT: Here's...hoping shit goes well, right?
CROSSBONE: I think we can do it!
ROULETTE: ...Good to see you.

Devo starts walking, giving Tim's hand a squeeze before getting to Roulette's side.

DEVO: Take care, alright?
TIMOTHY: I'll! See you later!

The bear nods, gesturing for him and Roulette to start walking.

Roulette gives the other three a quick wave before making its way off with Devo.

Tim lets his posture slump down as soon as they're out of view.

TIMOTHY: I'm just worried about him, what if he's sick?
POLKA DOT: Hey man, I'm sure he's fine.
POLKA DOT: We're all gonna be fine.
CROSSBONE: You can talk to him later about it, right?
TIMOTHY: ...yeah.
TIMOTHY: Thanks.

You can tell even when he smiles with his eyes that it's a bit forced.

TIMOTHY: I'll go pack up some more. You two hang tight, okay?
CROSSBONE: We'll be good, don't worry!

The dog heads down the hall, hands in his pockets.

It's you and Cross now, both of you starting to move towards your room.

CROSSBONE: sure you don't want to stay over with me tonight?
POLKA DOT: Gotta say goodbye to my room proper.
CROSSBONE: It's just for a few days, silly.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, but...I like my room.
POLKA DOT: It's done me good.
CROSSBONE: Maybe...when we get back, you can stay with me more often.
CROSSBONE: I'll probably need some help adjusting to my new monster size...

Something in your chest flutters at the idea of helping Cross cook, clean things, even just getting comfortable in bed...

POLKA DOT: Could be fun, yeah!
POLKA DOT: ...I'll think about it.

Her pixel character smiles at you, and you smile back.

When you reach your room, she gives you a peck on the forehead.

CROSSBONE: Text me when you're ready to head out, okay?
POLKA DOT: Promise.

She pulls away, hesitating before turning to leave.

CROSSBONE: I love you, Polka.
CROSSBONE: Thank you...for all of this.

You unlock your door, opening it wide and stepping through before looking over your shoulder.

POLKA DOT: Any time, Cross.
POLKA DOT: I love you too.

She lets out one last cascade of beeps, and then it's just you.

Tomorrow, you go on an adventure.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

The TV's on.

Devo's not sure when he turned it on, or why the screen's sticker displaying static noise, as if there's something wrong with the channel.

Must've fallen asleep...

DEVO: Where's the damn remote...
Patting around doesn't get him anywhere, the bear sighing as each peek around the couch and side table get him nowhere.

Just my luck...gotta get up and turn it off.

He hauls himself to his feet with a grunt, stretching out his back before shambling over to stand in front of the television.


He lingers, for a moment.

The static continues to fuzz, making a light buzzing noise. The audiovisual combination seems to make his own head buzz as well, something unpleasant and unwanted.

And yet...

He can't look away.

Time passes, though how much, Devo isn't sure. It's enough to make his legs ache, and the buzzing gets louder and louder the more his eyes are locked on the television's sticker.

He can almost hear a voice, through the static.
Don't you want to play with me, Devo?

DEVO: ...I dunno, what's the game?
That's very silly...when did you get a sense of humor?

DEVO: Since I started talking to TVs, I guess.
Well...I have plenty of games in mind.
I can show you so many, all you have to do is ask.

Devo hesitates, swaying back and forth on his feet.
What's wrong? Don't you want to find out what I have in store?

DEVO: What if I don't like these games?
This is weird, I don't-
Why am I-?

I won't hurt you like he did.
I promise.

Something about the way the voice says it-

He only manages to get one word out before a paw, so similar to his own, reaches out and takes him by the front of his shirt, surprisingly strong-

-pulling him into the TV itself, as if the sticker were a doorway he hadn't realized.

When he opens his eyes, he's...on something soft, but unfamiliar. it a bed? They feel kind of silky...

The room is red, similar to the crushed velvet of Laurie's Place, but...different.

Wait, no, I do know this place-

????: Isn't it perfect?
????: I know you always wanted to go there...
????: One of the premium playrooms.
????: Just for us.

Devo whips his head around to see-

Oh. Oh no.

Himself, but...sporting red accents, and thinner, more curved- the other bear sporting a natural bust even without a bra or form fitting clothing. With a bit of embroidery stitching itself into his cheeks, he notices the sheer stockings and gloves on her- how do I know that's what she uses?- legs and arms, her feet sporting deep red heels, just barely visible from the angle he's at.

Which...oh god, that angle.

He's laying on the bed, the only clothing on him being a bra and his usual nondescript underwear. It's nothing special, something he lounges in frequently-

But seeing this...bizarrely attractive-

DEVO: W-wait a sec-
DEVO: You're! You're one of those doppelgangers!
DEVO: This is a dream, you're going to be weird again!

He doesn't move from his spot, more embroidery crossing his face as she scoots a little closer.

RED BEAR: Why do you have to call me that?
RED BEAR: You're so cruel to me, Devo...
RED BEAR: After all we've been through, I would have thought you'd remember me.
DEVO: Why would I remember some weird dream thing?
DEVO: I barely remember what happened in these when I wake up-

He stops, his chest tightening as her face looks genuinely hurt.

RED BEAR: You used to let me in so close...
DEVO: L-look, I don't know you!
DEVO: I don't!

The red-tinged bear pulls away from him, paws in her lap.

RED BEAR: ...I just...
RED BEAR: Want to go back to loving you again...
DEVO: ...

Devo makes a soft noise as he notices embroidered tears well up by the corners of her eyes.

DEVO: H-hey, don't cry-
RED BEAR: What does it matter to you?

She wipes her face, turning away as her voice grows cold, hurt and bitter.

RED BEAR: No matter what I do, you won't remember me!
RED BEAR: A-and, this is-
RED BEAR: This is the only way I know how to talk to you-
RED BEAR: When we w-wake up, I'm gone again, and-

She holds back what Devo's pretty sure is a sob, causing the blue bear to sit up and reach out for her shoulder.

As soon as he makes contact, she yanks herself away.

RED BEAR: D...don't touch me.
RED BEAR: Not until I know you really care.
DEVO: I...
DEVO: I'm not trying to hurt you-
RED BEAR: Then just!
RED BEAR: Remember me already!
RED BEAR: Say my name, tell me something you know about me, anything!

Her voice grows more and more frantic, her paws balling into fists as she whips around to face him.

Her bead eyes are full of pain, the tear embroidery running down her face at this point.

RED BEAR: I used to matter to you!
RED BEAR: I used to be your everything!
RED BEAR: You said we'd be together forever!

Devo's stunned at this point, frozen in place. With every word she says, he feels a sick feeling in his belly start to churn, feeling worse and worse.

Anything I could say right now-
I don't! I don't know her!!
I don't want to hurt someone I've never-
Why does hearing her cry make me feel like this...

RED BEAR: don't even look at me the same way...
RED BEAR: ...maybe I don't know you anymore, either.
RED BEAR: We're just.
RED BEAR: Strangers.

She spits the word out, as if it's a horrible cuss.

Suddenly, the look in her eye changes.

RED BEAR: But that was enough for you, right?
Devo blinks.

DEVO: Huh?
DEVO: What was enough for me?
RED BEAR: You didn't care about Tim being a stranger.

She spits the name out just as vitriolically as earlier, making the sick feeling in Devo's stomach worse.

DEVO: H-hey, don't-
DEVO: Don't drag him into this-
RED BEAR: Why not?
RED BEAR: It's clear you like him more than me, even when he's just going to use you.
RED BEAR: Just like Saddler.

Devo stares at her, even more stunned than before.

DEVO: ....
DEVO: could you say something like that?
DEVO: Tim loves me!
RED BEAR: I love you!
RED BEAR: Why don't I matter, Devo?!
RED BEAR: I protected you! I have always, always protected you!
RED BEAR: I was there for you when no one else was!
RED BEAR: And now you're going to throw me away!
RED BEAR: Call me a doppelganger, as if I'm some....
RED BEAR: Some...stupid image in a mirror!

She clutches at her own chest, Devo finally noticing the pattern on the left side-

A heart, just like mine-
But broken, taped up.

RED BEAR: How does it feel, then!
RED BEAR: How does it feel to look at yourself crying, to know you hurt me so badly?!
RED BEAR: When all I have ever, ever wanted to do is love you!
RED BEAR: I would give you my everything.

She leans in, her voice like ice.

RED BEAR: But you wouldn't even take it.
No one speaks.

Devo can barely think, the world feeling cold and alien around him.

This playroom, once craved and desired, now feels like a cage.

RED BEAR: ....
Her chest is heaving, as if doing everything she can to keep from screaming.

RED BEAR: Say something.
DEVO: I...
DEVO: I'm sorry-

Oh, god.

He can feel the embroidery streaming on his own cheeks, now.

Now I'm crying-
And I don't even know why-

DEVO: I'm sorry, I'm-
DEVO: I'm trying to remember you, but I don't u-understand-
DEVO: I- I promise, if I knew you, I would say something, I pr-promise-

He can't stop the tears now, his own shoulders shaking.

DEVO: I don't know who you are, a-and-
DEVO: I don't l-like what you're saying about Tim-
DEVO: But I don't want to hurt you, not like this-

The red bear is silent, looking away again.

RED BEAR: you mean it?
RED BEAR: Do you really mean it?
DEVO: Yes.
DEVO: I may not know you, but I-
DEVO: Something a-about you-
DEVO: It hurts to see you sad...

She whips her head back around, wiping away her tears and scooting in closer, as if he'd just said the magic words.

RED BEAR: A-are you sure?
RED BEAR: Maybe you remember something!
RED BEAR: Something, anything!
RED BEAR: Please-!

Devo shakes his head, looking up at her with what feels like the most devastated expression he's had in months.

DEVO: I'm...
DEVO: I'm so sorry.

She doesn't pull away, this time.

RED BEAR: Then...
RED BEAR: Prove it to me.
RED BEAR: Prove that you care about me.
RED BEAR: Even if I’m just a shadow to you.
RED BEAR: Just a reflection.
DEVO: H-how?

The red bear moves closer, until she's by his side, nearly touching him.

RED BEAR: Hold me.
RED BEAR: Like you used to.
RED BEAR: Hold me the way you said you'd never stop.

Devo hesitates, looking over the tear-streaked bear's face-

...she's beautiful.
-and pulling her into his arms.

She's warm, so warm, as if holding a sun.
It's intoxicating-

And then she's gone.

Devo opens his eyes wide, feeling around for her, for the playroom bed, but he's not there anymore. He's on his ass, uselessly flailing around a pure, black void, nothing to see or touch or-

He hears it first.

The sound of knife on wood, digging into a wall.

He freezes, recognizing the sound.
I need to-
I need to get out of here, I can't-
I can't be here if he is-!

It's with an even deeper horror that he realizes he's naked, the heart patch Tim stitched between his legs as a repair missing, his loose seam exposed and ripped along the edges. Even just seeing it is enough to make him feel sick, but knowing that-

I have to go-!
B-before I get another fucking cut-

He scrambles to his feet, only to realize that despite the space he's in being completely featureless-

He's up against a wall. Trying to scramble along it smacks him into another one, and another in the opposite direction.

T-trapped! I'm cornered, trapped, I can't-! I can't get out!
It's a fucking hallway!

Devo hears the sound again, louder this time. He can barely contain his shaking sobs, only having just now realized he's crying again.

He sees the shape at the end of the hallway, now.

Tall, looming and heavy stepped, dragging a knife along the indiscernible void-wall.

Sharp claws, clenching and unclenching into fists.

A jagged mouth that opens and closes, breathing heavily-

That's...that's not Saddler-

As the figure grows closer and Devo shrinks back against the wall, his fear taking over every part of his body, he sees it more clearly now-

Another doppelganger, this one with black accents, twisted and changed into a monstrous form, as if warped from the bear he resembled.

Devo barely notices how the other bear tries to hide it- a loose seam, just like his, with a trail of pellets left behind in his wake.

MONSTER BEAR: You have a lot of nerve, showing up back here.
MONSTER BEAR: You didn't learn from last time.
DEVO: L-last time-

This time, he remembers.

A knife, plunging into his plush chest, over and over. Carving into him, the beast in front of him barely able to contain his own cries of anguish and rage.

DEVO: It's you, you're the one k-
DEVO: Killing me in my dreams!
DEVO: Y-you won't let me sleep!
DEVO: What do y-you even want?!
MONSTER BEAR: ...That's an easy answer.

Devo chokes as the monster grabs him by the neck with a single hand, lifting him off the ground and raising him against the wall.

DEVO: L-let me go!
MONSTER BEAR: I want to take it from you.
MONSTER BEAR: All of this shit.
MONSTER BEAR: All of this disgusting, pervert shit you got us into-
MONSTER BEAR: The filth you surround yourself with-

The knife flashes as it gets pushed against Devo's forehead, digging into the fabric there.

DEVO: S-stop...
DEVO: P-please, I don't-
DEVO: I don't know what you're talking ab-!

He chokes as the monster squeezes his neck, kicking his legs and desperately trying to get free.

MONSTER BEAR: You're the problem, Devo.
MONSTER BEAR: I just want to solve that.

The monster pulls the knife back, the handle clenched tight in his hand.

Devo looks him directly in the eyes, more out of desperation than anything.

...he's terrified.

MONSTER BEAR: You were never meant to survive.
MONSTER BEAR: This is for your own good.
MONSTER BEAR: Pray that you don't wake up.

The knife goes deep into his forehead, and all Devo can hear is his own scream as the world goes black.

He's still screaming when he feels a huge hand against his neck-

This time, gentle.

????: There, there...
The voice he hears is deep, rumbling, and familiar.

????: It's's going to be okay.

S..somewhere soft...
I'm on something nice right now...
A bed? Am I back with the red bear?, the voice is different...
He doesn't want to open his eyes, screwing them shut even as he catches his breath, stopping his screams.

No more pain in his head. Just the feeling of warmth underneath and around him, as a large, soft paw strokes his neck and shoulders.

DEVO: I...I don't want anymore-
????: Oh!
????: Do you need me to stop? I can stop petting you...
????: I just see Tim do this when you're scared, I figured it would help!

Devo freezes, but not out of fear this time.

DEVO: you like Tim?
DEVO: You don't hate him?
????: Why would I?
????: He's so nice to us!
????: Well, mostly you...
????: But I think he'd like the rest of us too!
????: All we need to do is figure things out a bit more, and then we can all be like-
????: A happy bunch, all together!
????: It sounds like a dream come true...

Devo makes a surprised noise as the surface underneath him shifts, causing him to open his eyes.


He's not on a bed at all, sprawled belly-down on-

On a huge plush, twice as big as he was and wide enough to act as a huge, cushy bed.

To his relief, Devo realizes he's wearing his pajama pants- though the bear underneath him is very naked.

It doesn't seem to bother him, though, his yellow eyes closing in a pleased expression.

BIG BEAR: Hello, Devo!
BIG BEAR: It's so good to see your eyes again...
BIG BEAR: I could never get sick of those!
DEVO: know me, too?
DEVO: feels like everyone knows me-
BIG BEAR: ...I know that must feel so strange, especially when you don't remember anything...
BIG BEAR: But I think everything will start making sense soon!
BIG BEAR: It's just a big puzzle that we have to put together, piece by piece!

The massive doppelganger reaches one of his paws up to stroke Devo on the head, the touch feeling immensely soothing all at once.

DEVO: Hhgh...that's nice...
BIG BEAR: You like that?
BIG BEAR: I'll have to try and gets so fuzzy, waking up from the dreams.
BIG BEAR: You may not even remember any of this yourself...
BIG BEAR: Probably not, really.
BIG BEAR: But I hope you remember this feeling.
BIG BEAR: If not from me, then when you're with Tim.

The bear stops petting Devo for a moment, looking into his eyes with the most warm expression Devo's ever seen on a toy.

BIG BEAR: The feeling that you are loved.
BIG BEAR: You don't have to remember me right away, I know...Fatale is really upset about that....
BIG BEAR: But I'm patient!
BIG BEAR: I will wait for you as long as it takes, even if that's forever.
DEVO: ....

Even though he can't remember this bear, just as he couldn't remember the other two-

The name comes to him.

DEVO: T...thank you...
DEVO: Thank you, Scout...

Scout's entire face lights up, wrapping Devo into a sudden, tight squeeze that squishes the blue bear entirely into his chest and stomach. All Devo can do is make a muffled yelp as Scout rolls back and forth, snuggling him in a ridiculously snug embrace.

SCOUT: I know it's just the beginning, but I just know you'll remember us someday!
SCOUT: And when you do, we can all be so happy together, I promise!
SCOUT: Even just hearing my name! It's so wonderful!
DEVO: H-hey, buddy, u-uh-

Scout realizes how tight he's holding Devo, releasing him as the blue bear wheezes.

DEVO: T...thanks.
SCOUT: Guess we're not on the "bear hug" stage of our relationship yet, huh?
SCOUT: Well! You can always ask!
DEVO: was nice....
DEVO: Just a little...tight.
SCOUT: Hehehe...sorry!

He pats Devo on the head, the blue bear looking at him with a dazed expression.

SCOUT: We'll probably wake up soon, but...
SCOUT: Do you want some more cuddle time?
SCOUT: Gentler this time, I promise!
DEVO: won't crush me again?
SCOUT: Nope!
SCOUT: Even if I know you like that kind of thing!

Devo can't help but have his face heat up with blush at that, giving the yellow-tinted bear a hell of a look.

SCOUT: Hehehe!
SCOUT: Sorry, sorry! I can't help but tease...
SCOUT: But I can hold back on flustering you.
SCOUT: It'll be more fun when you remember, anyway!

What have I gotten myself into...

DEVO: I'll...take the cuddle, at least.
DEVO: I j..just don't want to go back there.
DEVO: With the monster.
SCOUT: Shhh, I've got you...

Scout starts rubbing the blue bear's back, Devo sinking into his belly again.

SCOUT: No more of that, okay?
SCOUT: Whatever he did to you, it's gone now.
SCOUT: I'll take it all away...

The last thing Devo feels is a light kiss on his forehead, right where the knife sank in.

Devo's eyes open slowly, blearily, as he recognizes the ceiling of his bedroom.

Just a dream.

Wh...what was I dreaming again?

TIMOTHY: You're up.
Devo nearly jumps out of his skin, turning to see Tim sitting on the side of the bed, looking down at his paws in his lap.

DEVO: What time is it, why are you up?
TIMOTHY: ...three AM. I haven't been able to sleep at all.
TIMOTHY: keep tossing and turning.
TIMOTHY: Saying things. I dunno.

His voice cracks.

TIMOTHY: I'm worried about you, Devo...
DEVO: Tim...

The bear scoots over towards his partner, slumping against the dog's back.

DEVO: It's okay.
DEVO: I promise, it's okay.
DEVO: I just had weird dreams again, alright?
TIMOTHY: ...about the doppelgangers?
DEVO: Yeah...I think so.
DEVO: Kinda hard to remember...
DEVO: But...they aren't real, remember?
DEVO: It's probably just weird dream stuff. Nothing to worry about.
DEVO: My head's probably just trying to figure out stress about this shit.

Tim doesn't say anything, his shoulders falling as he sighs.

DEVO: ...Tim....
DEVO: I promise, it's not gonna turn into something bad.
DEVO: I'm sure once this is all over, the dreams'll stop.
DEVO: And we won't have to worry about any more of it.
DEVO: Never again.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Winter sunlight drags over the city with a grand hesitation; lethargic and cumbersome, as if it knows it's expected to rise.
Bundled-up citizens yawn as they fix up coffee.
Watch the news.
Start their cars.

Today's the day.

The alarm clock reads: 6:24 AM

The faintest hint of dawn makes its appearance past the window blinds in the dim room.
Shadowy color bars of soft, grey-blue trickle in from it, coating the dark; fighting for space with the neon red otherwise lighting up the walls.

The alarm clock reads: 6:25 AM

Dull beeps and vibrations fill the air.
The room's clock buzzes at its occupant.

An eye stares back at it.
Already awake.

The robotic claw reaches over, shutting off the alarm, then flicking on the desk lamp.

The robot sits up, looking over the room.
Entirely bare, save for items on the floor: A backpack, some clothes, its key, and an open envelope with a note inside.

It stands up, getting ready.

The light from the window catches its lens.

Roulette can't help but pause, hearing the sounds of the city through the blinds,
one last time.

Change of clothes, out the door.
Placing the key in the envelope. Sealing it.

Off down the hall.

It passes Devo's door.


not yet.

A third time.

the decision's been made.
i don't have time for this.

The stairs finally appear, and it makes its way down,
emerging at first floor.

It glances into the bar, spotting Laurie there,
then hurries nonchalantly to his office door.

It glances over, checking for anyone.
Only the key attendant.
They looked to be solving a crossword.

With a quick and quiet motion, it slips the envelope fully under Laurie's door, walking quickly back to the stairs, heading up again.

This time, it takes significantly longer to reach Devo's room.

knock it off.

Finding it at long last.
It takes a breath, and knocks.
Devo opens the door- almost too quickly, as if he'd also been awake.

He looks...frazzled.

DEVO: Hey.
DEVO: We, uh-
DEVO: We doing this? I'm letting Tim sleep a bit more.
ROULETTE: We said we'd meet up at 6:30, I thought.
ROULETTE: To... head downstairs a little early?
ROULETTE: ...Am I Too early?
ROULETTE: I can come back in a little while, if need be.
DEVO: He takes a bit to get up, not gonna be that much extra.
DEVO: I'm good.

He reaches to the side and hauls up his bag, getting it strapped to his back.

DEVO: Braces are on.
DEVO: I'm good to go.
ROULETTE: ...No second thoughts?
ROULETTE: It... still isn't too late to back out.
DEVO: I couldn't do that to Cross, not when we're this far into this.
DEVO: Besides, could be...good for me, or something.
DEVO: Figure out some soul searching of my own.
ROULETTE: ...Could always try and convince her not to, as much as...I know that would be hard to hear.
ROULETTE: I do not know if this is worth her or anyone else being seriously injured over, or worse.
ROULETTE: We...none of us ended up with all that much training
ROULETTE: Not that I don't...understand, why she would risk it, why any of us would, why this is happening, I...
ROULETTE: ...I think I might be trying to convince myself, more than anyone.
ROULETTE: But. There...
ROULETTE: ...It still isn't too late to back out.
ROULETTE: I had to bring it up, at least once.
DEVO: ...
DEVO: you want to stay?
DEVO: I know I, uh-
DEVO: Kind of roped you into this myself, but-
ROULETTE: ...You didn't.
ROULETTE: If you're going, then I am going.
ROULETTE: Or I could go, and you could stay-
DEVO: No. No chance.
DEVO: I...
DEVO: I know I'm at a disadvantage here.
DEVO: But...I can do my best, right?
ROULETTE: That isn't why I suggested it at all.
ROULETTE: You are plenty capable of doing this.
ROULETTE: None of us are safe if we do this, is the point.

It tightly squeezes the side of its jacket, trying to settle itself.

ROULETTE: ...I do not want anything to happen to you.
DEVO: I've got the anti-curse charm, right?

He steps out of the room, carefully closing the door behind him.

DEVO: It'll be okay.
DEVO: Between you and Tim, everybody's worrying about me too much...
ROULETTE: It isn't about...curses.
ROULETTE: Our lives could be at stake-
ROULETTE: ...Sorry.
ROULETTE: The worst hasn't left my head.

Devo freezes, weighing its words in his own head.

DEVO: ...I've got this weird feeling about all that.
DEVO: Kind of hard to explain, though. Probably won't make any sense.
DEVO: But...

He gestures down the hall.

DEVO: If you want me to try, we can walk and talk.
ROULETTE: I can listen.
DEVO: Cmon, then.

He starts down the hall, hands on his backpack straps.

It follows along.

DEVO:'s like...
DEVO: I dunno.
DEVO: I had a rough time back at Saddler's, I know that, you know that.
DEVO: ...but the more I do this, like, training stuff-
DEVO: It feels like I'm remembering something.
DEVO: When I fight with my knife, it's weird.
DEVO: I both know what I'm doing, and I don't.
DEVO: And it's so-
DEVO: It's so confusing.
DEVO: But the more I do it, the more correct it feels.
DEVO: Like I've unlocked some kinda door.

He pauses, realizing how he sounds.

DEVO: N-not! Like I like using a knife or anything, not like that.
DEVO: ...but I think...doing this will help me unlock more doors.
DEVO: ...yeah.
ROULETTE: I like using my scythe.
ROULETTE: Or...sickle. It's about the same length as a scythe, anyway.
ROULETTE: ...I do not really enjoy...combat. At all.
ROULETTE: But there is something to training or sparring - with strangers, or those I know very very well - that can be satisfying.
ROULETTE: My life is often very slow, and I feel I often have little control over where it goes. It often feels as if things happen...'to' me.
ROULETTE: But, with something like that in my hands, I can control a little of what's happening, for a little while.
ROULETTE: ...Again, not real combat. But. Duels for fun. Or simply practicing.
ROULETTE: There's a sense of control in the ring. I know what I'm doing there.
ROULETTE: And you can only focus on what is directly in front of you.
ROULETTE: It is not nearly as...complicated, as...Everything Else.
ROULETTE: ...Even with other skills, it...
ROULETTE: Cooking, for instance.
ROULETTE: There is such, to that. So much expression to it.
ROULETTE: ...I could not figure it out at all.
ROULETTE: It felt-
ROULETTE: I's something you are meant to be vulnerable with.
ROULETTE: And Vine described similar, from what I could glean.
ROULETTE: ...It felt terrible.
ROULETTE: In the ring, I don't have to Be Anyone. I do not even have to be Me.
ROULETTE: I become only the actions that I have to take. The steps to follow.
ROULETTE: It is very easy to disappear into that.
ROULETTE: ...It is comfortable, in a way. Falling into that, for a little while.
ROULETTE: When there aren't real stakes at all. No one to get hurt.
ROULETTE: Not even me. Only...a tool, acting on its own.

It stares off down the hall.

ROULETTE:  . . .
ROULETTE: ...Sorry. I lost my train of thought.
ROULETTE: And, I was rambling far, far too much. Apologies.
ROULETTE: My point was simply that: It isn't a bad thing, if you find satisfaction in using your weapon.
ROULETTE: Perhaps you may have used it to protect yourself, more than you remember?
ROULETTE: could feel like...holding control that was taken from you.
ROULETTE: ...Only a guess, and filtered very much by my some of my own feelings on it.
ROULETTE: Apologies.
ROULETTE: Your thoughts?

Devo takes it all in, nodding to himself as Roulette talks.

DEVO: I's definitely something to do with Saddler.
DEVO: Maybe a lot to do with Saddler, I dunno.
DEVO: Like...
DEVO: ....
DEVO: It's weird, right? That I...
DEVO: ...that I feel most comfortable using the weapon that gave me a ripped seam.
DEVO: Maybe it's the control thing you mentioned. I dunno.

It falters a step.

ROULETTE: I wasn't aware that...that was what-
ROULETTE: ...Well.
ROULETTE: It could be some of that, then. Though...
ROULETTE: ...I would be careful, there, if that's the case.
ROULETTE: ...Could be there is...still a lot to process.
DEVO: ...yeah.
DEVO: I'll watch out.

A tiny speckling of black, on the edges of his cheeks.

DEVO: Got it under control, I guess.
ROULETTE: ...Not what I was...meaning-

The stairs suddenly appear.

ROULETTE: We can always talk more about it later. Anytime you'd like.

The pair descend down to the lobby, Roulette giving a subtle glance over at Laurie's door - making sure Devo doesn't see it look.
Still there. A relief.
Turning its attention back to the bear.

ROULETTE: We have a few minutes beforehand.
ROULETTE: We can go spend some time somewhere down here, if you'd like.
ROULETTE: Though, I do have something for you...if you'd like it.
DEVO: Huh?

The speckling disappears.

DEVO: You didn't have to get me anything!
ROULETTE: I wanted to.

It rummages through its bag, pulling out a little black present with a white ribbon.
Handing it out to him.

The bear looks at it for a moment with an almost stunned expression, picking it up and carefully undoing the ribbon.

As it opens, he finds:
A metallic choker - mostly a deep blue, but the metal was iridescent with a slight pattern burned into it in wavy shapes; the iridescent metal changing with many colors depending on the angle you looked at it.
And, a set of many metal tags in different shapes and colors: White, black, blue, purple, red, and several others, in plenty of fun shapes.

ROULETTE: Both of those are-
ROULETTE: Well...I wanted them to be able to go with any outfit you would happen to pick out.
ROULETTE: The choker has a hard plastic circle where the tags can attach - on the front there-
ROULETTE: But I mainly got them for your collar, when you get it. They're blank, so you can add whatever you like to them.
ROULETTE: Should also be near-noiseless, with how short the plastic attachment is, so as not to draw attention while we're in the wilds.
ROULETTE: ...If you want them. I won't take offense if they don't suit you. I am not the best at fashion.

Devo blinks.

DEVO: ...h...where did you get this?
DEVO: It's gorgeous.
DEVO: It's-

He looks like he's almost tearing up as he reaches to unfasten his current, simplified black choker, replacing it with the new one with great care.

DEVO: Th...thank you....
It leans in slightly as if for a hug, only to hesitate, patting his shoulder instead.

ROULETTE: ...I hope you like it.
ROULETTE: There is a custom jewelry store towards the edge of this side of town.
ROULETTE: I had been saving up.
ROULETTE: You might like to look in there sometime.
ROULETTE: You could also still exchange it, if you need to. I left the receipt in the bo-
DEVO: No way in hell, I'm keeping this forever.
DEVO: You're the best, Roulette.

He mirrors its shoulder pat, smiling with his eyes.

DEVO: You really  are.

ROULETTE: ...thank you.
ROULETTE: I'm very glad you like it.

The robot glances away, fans running a little faster.

keep it together.
decision is made.

ROULETTE: ...Well. Be- Before we leave. While we wait.
ROULETTE: Is there anywhere in Laurie's you'd like to go?
DEVO: Right now...
DEVO: I think I'm good just being here with you.
ROULETTE: I'd like that.

Sunrise flows in through yellow curtains, creating an array of color across the vibrant purple sheets of the bed.

It's not too crowded yet.
An occasional knick-knack here and there, but there's a noticeable clutter;
a telltale mark that someone, in fact, lives here.

The duck's phone plays a tune, signaling her to wake.

You stir, patting around the bed until you roll over and grab your phone, staring bleary-eyed at the time.

Fucking hell, so early...
Big day, though.
Cross'll be waiting for me.

You had already packed up your stuff last night, but it's good to get everything together one last time, rifling through things-

Cross calls you in the middle, and you have to spend a good minute or two trying to get her to chill out, and saying that you'll be right there.

Here goes...

CROSSBONE: Do you have your hammer?
CROSSBONE: Everything in your backpack?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, yeah, I checked twice-
CROSSBONE: You sure you didn't forget anything back at your room?
POLKA DOT: I came over as soon as I did like, five checks.
CROSSBONE: You said you checked twice.
POLKA DOT: Cross, cmon...

Your girlfriend is running all over her apartment, your stuff packed and by the door. Lugging your pack up the stairs had been unpleasant, but you couldn't help but come over when Cross called you, sounding nervous and needing help getting the courage to leave.

CROSSBONE: This! Is a big deal!
CROSSBONE: There's noooo takebacks on this!
CROSSBONE: This is the start of my whole new life!
POLKA DOT: I know this is huge, but like...
POLKA DOT: You're gonna make yourself sick.
POLKA DOT: You barely look like you've slept...
CROSSBONE: I got! Enough sleep!
CROSSBONE: I just...shit.

She stops running around, leaning against the counter. You get close to her, unzipping her coat for a moment, smirking when she tilts her head in confusion.

POLKA DOT: I know what'll help you out.
CROSSBONE: If this is you trying to get saucy like ten minutes before we leave-

You hum a little tune as you lift Cross' sweater up, exposing her buttons-

-and navigating to her screen's item menu, taking out a pixelated plush bird graphic.

It drops next to her character, the ghost on screen shimmying before picking it up and giving it what you assume is a squeeze.

You had earned it for her through playing games on her screen, something the two of you started doing before bed- it helped her fall asleep, bit by bit.

POLKA DOT: Just hold that until we get down to the bar, okay?
POLKA DOT: Saying goodbye to Vine won't take too long, and I'm sure Tim won't be too late.
CROSSBONE: Thank you...

She puts her sweater back and zips up, planting a little kiss on your forehead as her character scoots around the screen.

CROSSBONE: does help.
POLKA DOT: Knew it.

The last of Cross' quadruple checking goes without a hitch, your virtual pet partner calming down significantly as she verifies everything's in its place.

Going down the steps to the bar is significantly easier than going up, but each step down feels heavy with the pack on your back- and it's not just the weight itself. You can tell that this is it, and...

Vine is sitting at one of the tables in the bar, not noticing you at first. There's a lump in your throat as you move to wave, stopping as you realize-

Oh god, Laurie's here too.
What the hell?
What's he doing here?

Cross also seems to tense up, reaching for your hand as she notices the tie dye bear. He'd been nothing but kind to both of you, but seeing your weird boss here-

As you step forward, Vine recognizes the two of you, getting out of her chair and walking to face you.

VINE: Look at you, all bundled up.
VINE: You've got quite the look there.
VINE: Very...festive.

She pokes at your pompom hat.

POLKA DOT: I like my hat.
VINE: Good. You even got it in purple.
VINE: You going to be okay out there, Ribbon?
POLKA DOT: Gonna try, best I can.
VINE: Don't let anybody eat any trash out there, you hear me?
VINE: You may not be able to cook like you can here, but-
VINE: If I hear any of you got sick off of something you ate off the ground, I'll never let you hear the end of it.
POLKA DOT: Heh....I'll keep an eye out.
VINE: You better...

Without warning, she pulls you into a tight hug, squeezing a squeak out of you.

VINE: I'm gonna miss my best student.
POLKA DOT: I'm...I'm gonna miss my best teacher.
VINE: You're going to have a lot of teachers, Ribbon.
VINE: But I'm happy to be the best chef.

She pulls away, clearly emotional.

VINE: You've got this.
VINE: And as for you...

She turns to Cross, the virtual pet straightening up.

VINE: Don't you go getting anyone into more trouble than you have to.
VINE: Things happen, but if things go wrong-
VINE: Make sure you make things right.
CROSSBONE: Y-yes! Yes ma'am!
VINE: Good.

She turns to sit back in her chair, sighing.

VINE: I was just telling Laurie about us meeting up.
LAURIE: I'm not usually up this early!

He sounds incredibly...strained, as if running on even less sleep than Cross.

LAURIE: But! I had a feeling something would happen.
LAURIE: I'm glad I came to see you two off, even if it's by chance.
LAURIE: You're both very diligent helpers to our cause here, and I wish you well in your quest.

He winks at Cross.

LAURIE: Perhaps we'll see a different side of you by the time you return!
CROSSBONE: That's the plan, hah...
LAURIE: Embrace it!
LAURIE: It's your journey! Have fun!
LAURIE: Meet new friends! See new sights!
LAURIE: Oh, but-

He leans back in his chair, almost enough to tip over.

LAURIE: Watch out for dust bunnies.
LAURIE: They have a nasty bite.

Your face pales, remembering your dream from before.

Vine interrupts before you can ask for clarification.

VINE: That's a tall tale and you know it, Laurie.
VINE: Don't listen to him, he loves spooking newbies with stories like that.
LAURIE: Oh, but they're true!
LAURIE: Dusters gone wrong-
VINE: Laurie.
LAURIE: Hehehe...
LAURIE: You're no fun.

You stumble over another attempt to ask what the hell he's talking about, only to hear a familiar dog cause another interruption.

TIMOTHY: S-sorry! I'm not late, am I?
He skids in, nearly knocked over by the weight on his back.

TIMOTHY: Whoof! Okay!
He gives a shaky wave, Cross returning it.

TIMOTHY: N-no running with this thing on. Got it.
POLKA DOT: You okay there?
TIMOTHY: Yeah! Perfectly cool!

He wheezes.

TIMOTHY: I thought I was late, so I, uh, ran the whole way, and-
TIMOTHY: The narrative must have thought that was funny or something-!

You grimace.

POLKA DOT: Infinite hallway?
TIMOTHY: Y...yep.
TIMOTHY: I'm cool, though! I'm cool!
TIMOTHY: Can already feel myself chilling out.
TIMOTHY: Do you think Devo and Roulette are ready yet?
TIMOTHY: I know Devo left extra early to go meet up with it...
CROSSBONE: They said they'd meet us at the entrance, so...
CROSSBONE: Let's go together.

It's barely a walk to the front door, getting one more hug for Vine out of your system before making your way over and finding the last two members of your party right where you expect.

The robot and bear sit on a bench in the lobby, idly chatting.

As you appear from down the stairs, the robot motions to its bear companion,
standing up and offering a small wave.

Devo gets to his feet fast, and Tim's eager to rush past you and see how he's doing.

TIMOTHY: How's- Whoa, what's that?
DEVO: You like it?

He turns his head to better show off the blue, metallic choker on his neck.

DEVO: Roulette picked it even gave me some tags to use with our eventual collar.
TIMOTHY: That's incredible!

The dog peeks over at Roulette, tail wagging.

TIMOTHY: Thank you, Roulette!
TIMOTHY: It's perfect for him.

The robot does its best not to glance away as the spotlight is placed on it.
Instead, it nods politely.

ROULETTE: ...It  was nothing.
ROULETTE: I had some money saved up.

Swiftly changing topics.

ROULETTE: ...Is everyone ready to leave?
ROULETTE: Anything else we need? Or, second thoughts?
POLKA DOT: I think I'm good.
CROSSBONE: I just want to get the show on the road...
CROSSBONE: I've been told we won't have to worry about traffic or anything, but I'm still antsy and want to beat any waves of adventurers.
TIMOTHY: I'm set as well...
DEVO: Then we're good to go, right?
ROULETTE: Seems so.

The metal toy moves to the back of the group, ready to follow.

CROSSBONE: Then we're off!

The first leg of the walk is quiet, nobody saying much as you walk on the slush-covered sidewalk.

Cross is the first to break the ice.

CROSSBONE: I've only seen the gate once or twice, never gone out.
POLKA DOT: ...the gate?
DEVO: Eh, it's a gate. You see it once, you see it a million times.
DEVO: Keeps the monsters and animals out, and us inside.
TIMOTHY: Is that why there's no animals around?
DEVO: Yeah, they built it tall enough that even flying ones don't bother much.
DEVO: Kind of a waste if you ask me, some wildlife would be cool...
POLKA DOT: How does Like, getting out of here.
CROSSBONE: You apparently don't need paperwork or anything, you just have to say where you're going or where you're coming from.
CROSSBONE: No one really knows what they do with the info, but they ask before they let anyone in or out.
TIMOTHY: ...well! Hopefully it goes fine...

The party grows quiet again, watching the sun rise in the distance as you see it- The Gate.

It's a massive plastic wall, towering over even some of the nearby buildings- with a simple box-like opening in the middle, barely big enough to let a car through.

POLKA DOT: that it?
CROSSBONE: Yep...everybody look your best.

Cross takes the lead, approaching the opening and watching as a window in the gate rolls down. A toy truck leans out, his boxy head craning to see all of you.

CROSSBONE: H-hi! Party of five, heading out-
GUARD: Where to?

His voice is deadpan, as if he'd been waiting here for some action for hours.

CROSSBONE: T-the Hallowed Wood!

Without warning, the toy guffaws, leaning over in his window.

GUARD: What are you, stupid?
GUARD: Couldn't you have at least waited for the snow to melt?
POLKA DOT: We're not stupid! We're just-
POLKA DOT: We're on a quest!
GUARD: Sure, sure.
GUARD: Seen a million toys with that kind of attitude.
GUARD: But how do you expect to even get past the outpost?
GUARD: Pack of newbies like you'll get eaten alive by the dusters.
GUARD: You even have a plan at all?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"All five of us are trained in hand-to-hand combat, we've got food and water for (idk how many but polka can fill this in herself) days, and we've got a charm to protect us from curses.

I'm flattered you're concerned with our safety, but scaring us is only going to worsen our chances out there.

We got this, Tonka Boy. Now move over."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
"Dude just open the damn door."
Let's just ignore this heckling idiot. pretty sure he's just trying to get a rise out of us.
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
POLKA DOT: I'll have you know that the five of us are combat trained, we've got food and water for like two weeks, and we've got a charm that protects us from curses.
POLKA DOT: Thanks for being concerned for our safety or whatever, but trying to scare us isn't gonna help.
POLKA DOT: We've got this handled- so just open the damn door.

The truck stares at you for a few moments, his silence mysterious-

Until he breaks into snickering, unable to contain himself as he leans back in, messing with an unseen panel of buttons.

GUARD: Cute! Real cute.
GUARD: Have fun getting your heads bitten off, for all I care.
GUARD: With any luck, the dusters won't strip your corpses too clean by the time we get some scavengers out to clean up after you.

He nods at Cross, the virtual pet looking away uncomfortably.

GUARD: Circuit boards go big on the market these days, and dusters have no use for 'em.
GUARD: Maybe you should watch out for people even more!

The shorter robot steps to the front.

ROULETTE: Then the sooner we leave, the sooner you can pick through our remains.
ROULETTE: We are burning daylight.
ROULETTE: I would very much appreciate it if you would open the gate.

You exhale as Roulette steps forward, only just now realizing your wings are clenched into fists.

GUARD: Yeah, yeah...
He makes a long, drawn out honk as he finishes fiddling with the controls, as if this is the most exasperating task in the world.

GUARD: Go on. Get yourselves killed.
The gate rises up, leaving a path through the solid wall.

You shoot the guy one last dirty look, Tim doing the same.

Roulette doesn't bother looking at him.

As you make your way out into the wilds-

You're blinded momentarily by a swath of white, as far as you can see, before your eyes adjust.

When you get a grip on what you're seeing, you can parse it as a field of white snow, gently hilly and extending a large ways in front of you. There's more walls to your left and right, but not as high as the other ones.

The only way to go is forward.

DEVO: It's like this, for a bit.
DEVO: There's some branching paths to places like junkyards and farms, but it's a bit of a walk to something people call the outpost.

He starts moving forward and trudging through the ankle-deep snow, Tim close behind.

DEVO: Used to be a place where people could restock up and meet with people from the city without going inside.
TIMOTHY: ...used to be?
DEVO: ...dusters got into it, makes it hard for people to get in or out of the city's outskirts.
CROSS: Dusters...I read about those, I think.
DEVO: Yeah!

Everyone's mildly startled at the sudden enthusiasm, Devo's voice getting notably more excited.

DEVO: They're really cool.
DEVO: You can find dusters pretty much anywhere, but they look different based on their environment-
DEVO: They take pieces of things they find around and make it part of their body!
DEVO: They're smart enough to use weapons, even-
TIMOTHY: ...and we have to kill these things?
DEVO: ....
DEVO: Probably.
DEVO: But that's nature, right?

You get a peek at Devo's face-

Yellow cheeks...that's new.

ROULETTE: ...If we're lucky, there are many we could simply avoid before needing to defend ourselves.
DEVO: Yeah!
DEVO: Maybe we can just, leave them alone!
DEVO: Or watch them from afar...
POLKA DOT: ...this isn't exactly a sightseeing trip.
DEVO: True, but...
DEVO: A guy can dream!

Tim gives you a worried look as Devo shuffles even more ahead, the dog moving to hold his partner's hand.

TIMOTHY: you feeling alright?
DEVO: Yeah! I'm good.

You fall back with Cross and Roulette.

POLKA DOT: ...did either of you know he liked monsters?
ROULETTE: It's understandable, given that he has fought some before.
ROULETTE: Everyone has interests.
POLKA DOT: ...yeah, you're right.
POLKA DOT: Not like I know him that well anyway...
CROSSBONE: It'll help to have someone who knows what they're talking about with those...

Your conversation fades into silence, the five of you trudging through snow as you hear Devo rambling excitedly to Tim about the biology and behavior of dusters. Tim seems to lighten up over time, his nervous clinging giving way to relief as it turns out that yes, Devo is fine, just....enthusiastic.

All of a sudden, Tim's ears perk up, the dog pointing ahead.

There's a worn down, gray stone structure up ahead, capping the end of the walled "hallway".

DEVO: That's it!
DEVO: Look alive, then! Outpost ahead!

Roulette stops to look at it; staring, clearly thinking over something, though you don't have the faintest idea what.
It catches up moments later.

You follow suit, the five of you standing in front of the structure. The doorway is completely opened up, snow falling into the outpost itself.

Tim takes a step forward, peeking in.

TIMOTHY: Just a lot of rubble inside...
TIMOTHY: ...cmon-
ROULETTE: -Hold on.

Tim finds a claw on his shoulder, gently pulling him back.

ROULETTE: We should have a plan if we're traveling into any kind of enclosed space or difficult terrain.
It quickly removes its claw, as if the touch were somehow hurting Tim.

ROULETTE: ...Apologies.
TIMOTHY: No, you're-
TIMOTHY: You're right. We should be careful.
ROULETTE: I'll go in first.
ROULETTE: Tim, I think it would be best if you followed along next. But leave enough room that we can both get out quickly if need be.
ROULETTE: Devo and Willow could be next in line, but spread out somewhat from each other horizontally; that way you would be able to flank or hide and ambush as needed.
ROULETTE: And Silk Ribbon could take up the rear; equal access to assisting Tim, Willow or Devo as necessary, while also able to warn us if something follows us in.

ROULETTE: Does that work for everyone?
POLKA DOT: Works for me.

Everyone else gives quiet noises of approval, lining up accordingly.

Taking up the back end feels nerve-wracking, but at least you have everyone's backs....

POLKA DOT: All set back here.
ROULETTE: Alright.
ROULETTE: I'll make my way in.
ROULETTE: Try to keep your voices low, and I suggest we find a way through quickly.

The robot carefully makes its way inside, surveying, sickle out of its holder and at the ready.

The first room isn't huge, the quarters made tighter by the presence of rubble littering the right side of it. A quick inspection above reveals that the ceiling had fallen in, revealing a second floor above in the process.

To your left, there's a stairwell, presumably going up to said floor. To your right...a bunch of boxes, some kind of storeroom.

Ahead, there's a hallway, lined with a tattered, raggedy rug.

POLKA DOT: long has this place been like this?
DEVO: Longer than we've been out of the store, that's for sure.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, it-

Everyone freezes as a noise comes from the storeroom, from behind the boxes.

Something clattering to the ground.

Show ContentSpoiler:
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Glance behind us at the seemingly sealed wall. Try not to freak out.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
All right time to focus, let's keep our eyes and ears open for anything that seems off. Our first order of business should probably be checking out that store room.
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
make sure to have someone watch the other two exits of the room and investigate. get ready for a fight.
Devo's eyes widen, the bear reaching into his coat pocket and holding his knife close.

His voice is quiet, barely a whisper.

DEVO: It could be a monster...
DEVO: I don't want to hurt it if we don't have to, but!
DEVO: I really want to go see it...
ROULETTE: ...I am sorry, but we really should not risk that.
ROULETTE: We should try and move through here as quickly and quietly as we can.
TIMOTHY: W-wait, but-
TIMOTHY: What if it comes after us from behind?
TIMOTHY: We should go and see if it's dangerous, at least...
DEVO: Yeah! That too!
ROULETTE: If it doesn't know we're here, then there's no reason to potentially aggress it.
ROULETTE: If it's dangerous, then all the more reason to not risking getting its attention.
ROULETTE: Let's move on.
POLKA DOT: ...I dunno, not to pile up or anything, but-
POLKA DOT: A quick peek should be safe, right?
POLKA DOT: I'd rather know what we're in here with.

Roulette stares.

ROULETTE: ...I will go take...One, quick look.

It makes its way towards the storeroom.

DEVO: Waitwaitwait-
The bear carefully steps after it.

DEVO: I want to see-!

Devo's eyes are full of pure excitement.

A small sigh.

ROULETTE: ...If it means this much to you, then we can.
ROULETTE: But we should really be careful about this, in the future.
ROULETTE: I'll move in first, around the left side.
ROULETTE: You can make your way around the right side.
CROSSBONE: The rest of us can watch out at the other exits...
CROSSBONE: But be careful, okay?
CROSSBONE: If we can just, sneak by, that'd be best.
CROSSBONE: One peek.
ROULETTE: One peek.

It takes a deep breath, putting a claw to the side of its head, thinking.

ROULETTE: ...Willow, how about you take the entrance to that large hallway, and Ribbon can wait beside that stairway.
ROULETTE: That way you can hear if something is coming down, and get the drop on them.
ROULETTE: Tim, you could wait here in between us, that way you can back any of us up quickly.
ROULETTE: Does that work for everyone?

Everyone nods, shuffling into place with as much tiptoeing around rubble as you can muster.

You press yourself against the west wall, looking around at the stairwell with your hammer at the ready.

Cross takes the north exit, trying to peer down the hallway- the dim light getting dimmer as it goes.

Tim stands in the middle of the room, looking wildly around for the first sign of trouble.

Devo aligns himself by the south edge of the storeroom, starting to wedge himself in between a large box and the wall.

Roulette takes another, silent breath, and makes its way as slowly and quietly as possible around the giant box near the north wall.
After a minor amount of struggling, it's on the other side.

Its lens squints in the near-dark light, searching.

There's something crouched in the corner, rummaging through a pile of plastic "cans". It occasionally taps at one, its back to Roulette.

Its visible arm is made of...stone pieces, from the look of it, similar to the walls of the outpost itself. It's hard to tell what's holding them together, thin rods of it connected by cube-like chunks at the joints. There's more "skin" exposed where the arm attaches, made up of more rocky material...but the rest of the thing's body is shadowed, the edges wispy and fuzzy, almost as if made of some kind of lint.

At its back, it sports a large, fluffy tail, a slightly lighter gray than the stone- a similar material around its neck. Paired with the torn, round ears on its head, it's almost...cute.

Roulette's lens widens for hardly a second, before narrowing,

It slowly begins to back up.

Without warning, there's a loud shimmering noise, Tim whipping around just in time to see the open entrance to the outpost seal- a purple, iridescent miasma enclosing the party within.

He can barely keep himself from yelling out, quickly running to grab your shoulder and get your attention, doing the same for Cross while you're holding back a swear.

Before the three of you can react, there's a noise from upstairs- running, paired with a weird set of squeaks.

You ready your hammer, getting ready to pounce-

-as another monster, similar to the other one, jumps down through the hole in the ceiling, stumbling on the rubble before getting back to its feet-

This one is holding a sword.

[OOC: You can now MOVE, ATTACK, and PROTECT as any party member. You can only do one of these things per character, per turn.  

If there is a sealed Arena Exit, you can RUN with a character and have a chance to ESCAPE. Be aware that escaped party members will not be able to rejoin the fight and will be separated from the active party until the fight is over.

While Polka Dot will always do what you ask, you'll have varying degrees of success depending on which party member and what you ask them to do.  
Different characters may be more or less likely to follow your suggestions. Pay attention for best results...]
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There's no way we can engage the blue monster without alerting the red one. Devo and Roulette need to back out of there- it's better to let the monster go over the boxes trying to get to us than making things awkward by fighting around them.

At the same time, we need to draw the blue monster away from Roulette and Devo to cover their escape and allow them to regroup with the party. Luckily, Polka is in the perfect position to do exactly that. Cross needs to get back into the room and regroup with Tim- if everything goes to plan, half of the party will each be dealing with one monster.

POLKA: TAUNT (blue monster)
CROSS: MOVE (towards Tim)
DEVO: MOVE (just outside the boxes, towards the south side of the building)
ROULETTE: MOVE (just outside the boxes, towards the south side of the building)

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Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
 You steel your nerves, take a deep breath-

The monster across the room turns to look at you, its mismatched eyes- one a circle, the other an X- blinking as it tilts its head.

TIMOTHY: A-are you sure that's a good idea-?!
POLKA DOT: I can take-

The monster jumps out of the pile of rubble, making a startlingly fast rush in your direction.

Oh, fuck.

In the storage room, Roulette freezes up at the noise.
It swiftly slides into the shadows behind one of the large boxes, just as the monster lifts itself up from the pile of trash it'd been examining.

Roulette presses its back to the box.
Devo, across the room, watches the monster rush past Roulette before squeezing its way out of the storage room.
The robot takes a moment to breathe a silent sigh of relief, then begins making its way through the boxes to leave.
Devo shuffles in place, looking a bit more excited than he probably should even from just a peek-

Before squeezing himself through the boxes as well, poking out and spotting the monsters in action.

He has to keep himself from letting out a little "wow!", his yellow eyes alight with wonder- before he realizes Tim could be in trouble, shaking his head and regaining his focus.

In the same instant, the sword-wielding monster is rushing at you, only to suddenly swerve to the left.

It's going for Tim!

Thankfully, your canine companion is ready, bringing his sword down on the monster as it gets close, aiming for its mechanical-looking shoulder joint-

But it catches his blade on its own, eyes narrowing and letting out an irritated hiss.

Cross wastes no time darting around behind the sword-wielder, nearly tripping on some rubble before managing to catch her balance.

Fuck, I got them both into this mess-

You get ready to join the brawl before you hear pounding coming down the steps behind you.  You flatten yourself against the wall as a third, green-tinted monster- almost as if it has moss growing on its rocky sections- wielding a knife comes down. It looks around wildly at first, trying to find the source of all your ruckus, before turning to see you with a surprisingly aggressive squeak.

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Polka: Remember fighting Devo in training? This is a sort of similar situation. You have a reach advantage, but the monster is going to be able to swing faster. Luckily, it probably won't be as patient as Devo is, especially not after you just shouted at it. Hold position and wait for it to make a move, then strike at an opening.

Tim + Cross: The sword monster is focused on Tim. Tim can focus on defense while Cross nails it in the back.

Roulette + Devo: This is going to be a bit tricky since Roulette is tangled up in boxes and won't be able to move as effectively. If it can manage to take a swing at the red monster, it'll hopefully pull its attention back towards Roulette and Devo- we don't want it interfering in what Tim and Cross are doing. Devo, in the meantime, should move closer to Roulette so that he can cover Roulette getting out of those boxes.

DEVO: MOVE (towards Roulette)
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
You stand your ground, raising your hammer in a defensive stance-

-only for the monster to mimic your movements, pacing around you in a wide arc and letting out more agitated hisses.

Fucking standoff....great, just what I needed.

Tim's similarly on the defense, but much more actively than you- he's got his sword clashing with the sword-wielding, rabbit-like monster, making noises of exertion as both parties hold their ground.

Cross raises her hatchet behind the monster, before swinging it down into its back. The blade sticks into the "seam" between the shadowy, fluff-like wisps and its rubble skin, the beast making a sound not unlike a tea kettle screeching.

Roulette's lens widens at the screech, and it quickly looks out from the boxes, finding the monster it had evaded setting its sights on Cross.
It makes quick work of stepping up behind, keeping silent, getting in range.

The weapon is lowered behind itself.
A step forward as it uses its bodyweight to flick the scythe up and across with blinding speed.
A strange noise fills the air; a combination of grinding rubble and ripping fabric as the monster's head comes clean off, tumbling to the floor.

Devo doesn't seem nearly as rattled by all the violence as one would expect him to be, giving Roulette an affirmative gesture after one last peek at the monster's body. He takes in the rest of the scene-

Tim and Cross seem to have their things handled, but....

You could use the help!

He immediately hops out of the rubble and starts heading your way, minding his step.
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