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[TOY] Plaything
I'm all good! How about you guys?
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: I’m all good, excited to get started with this stuff.
POLKA DOT: Been training with Cindi, so…
POLKA DOT: How are y’all doin?
ROULETTE: Tim was just picking out a weapon.
CROSSBONE: ...a weapon?
CROSSBONE: I thought you already had a gun.
TIMOTHY: W-well!
ROULETTE: I think he ended up not wanting the extra hassle of a firearm, though I would not want to speak for him.
ROULETTE: Do you both have weapons already picked out?

That takes you by surprise a bit- you could have sworn he was set on it. You barely catch Tim give Roulette a look with an expression you can't place...gratitude, maybe?

POLKA DOT: Oh, uh-
POLKA DOT: Hammer for me. One of those claw ones.
CROSSBONE: Hatchet on my end.
ROULETTE: Perfect. Feel free to get started when you're ready.

The robot quickly makes its way inside.

Tim lingers a bit, his face lightening up significantly.

TIMOTHY: Do you want to see what I got?
CROSSBONE: Maybe inside... don't want anyone freaking out!
TIMOTHY: O-oh, good call.

The three of you walk in, following Roulette as best you can with it going so quick.

Guess it's not feeling super social...

Eager for small talk to fill the void, you start rambling.

POLKA DOT: Yknow, I've been wondering if I should like. Take up a martial art as a hobby.
TIMOTHY: First time I'm hearing about this.
POLKA DOT: I mean, you know I love to punch stuff.
CROSSBONE: Mhm, I can say that much. You ramble your head off after your sessions with Cindi.
POLKA DOT: I've got thoughts on this stuff!

At the entrance to one of the training rooms, a familiar bear stands with a slight hunch. He notices his robotic friend first, perking up.

DEVO: H-hey! Roulette, how was going out with Tim? What'd you even get up to?
Roulette skids an inch or two, stopping suddenly when it hears Devo.

It quickly makes its way over, the others apparently in tow.

ROULETTE: Pawn shop.
ROULETTE: Also, everyone is here.
DEVO: Oh, cool- I haven't been waiting long.
DEVO: I've, yknow- been getting stretches done.
DEVO: Gotta get prepped.
TIMOTHY: You did stretches?

Tim's face lights up, the dog scooting over next to Devo with an eager look in his eye.

TIMOTHY: Did they go okay? You're not hurt?
DEVO: Feel pretty good, actually.
DEVO: Also got ahold of some, like...trainer person.
DEVO: They're down for running us through some practice sparring later, but they're on lunch right now.
DEVO: There's some training dummies we could have a go at, though.
ROULETTE: Good luck. I'll catch up in a little while.

The robot gives a nod, making its way out of the room and down a hallway, disappearing from sight.

Devo's look back at the robot is equally indiscernable to Tim's earlier.

DEVO: Follow me, then...
The training room he leads you into is huge, with training dummies set up on posts in long rows, with plenty of space for people to move.

POLKA DOT: God damn.
TIMOTHY: No kidding...
DEVO: Pretty intimidating, huh?
DEVO: It's not so bad once you get used to it...
DEVO: Go ahead and claim one.
DEVO: They're...really durable, and they replace them if you bust 'em up too much.

Cross is already off to go pick her own out by the time you turn to face her, with Tim going up to Devo and showing off-

Is that a sword?!
The two of them also leave before you can ask, leaving you on your own.

The closest training dummy is scuffed up, as is the distinctly gymnasium-like floor beneath it.

You take a deep breath and pull out your hammer.

[OOC: You can MOVE and ATTACK.]
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Do some showboating, really ham it up and show off for your sword girlfriend
Let's start off slow. Get used to the weight of the hammer, how it feels in our hands, and once we're ready...

Send that dummy to the stratosphere
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Okay…it probably wouldn’t hurt to showboat a little for Cross.
I gotta show her I have what it takes…

You squint at the dummy, weighing the hammer in your hand.

It’s heavier than you’d think looking at it, feeling more like metal and wood than a solid piece of plastic…but you suppose that’s just how it is here. At this point, it makes sense.



Your grip tightens, and you pull back, going low-

-And hitting the dummy directly under the chin in a large swing, enough to hear seams rip and have the head go off-kilter, stuffing poking out from underneath its “chin”.

Something about it sends a chill down your back, and you’re not sure whether it’s a thrill or fear.

Recognition, maybe.

But the feeling of it being natural doesn’t go away.

You hear a clapping sound from in front of you, and when you peek around the dummy, you see Cross giving you a big thumbs up.

Looks like she’s watching…

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[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
swing with the claw side of your hammer and catch the inside of the tear and rip the whole head off.
Practice grappling with the claw end.

First stand a good distance back, then see if you can hook the dummy with the claw and bring it closer for a follow-up punch with your non-dominant hand.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
You back up, spinning your hammer to wield the claw end and narrowing your eyes at the dummy.

I’ll have to protect her out there.
Gotta show her I have what it takes.

The following swing comes out fast, hooking under the dummy’s chin as you pull your arm back- the pole the dummy’s on bends, under strain-

-You punch, going for a hard enough punch to send the head off flying into the person next to you’s face.

????: H-HEY

You can hear Cross laughing, and a quick glance shows that she’s delighted with you and your antics. You can’t make out the character on her screen, but you get the feeling it’s cheering for you.

She waves you over, and you're jogging towards her with zero hesitation.

POLKA DOT: You see that?
CROSSBONE: How could I miss it?
CROSSBONE: Gave me a distraction from my own mess...
POLKA DOT: Getting cold feet?
CROSSBONE: Do you think getting a personal trainer would help me out? Maybe private lessons...
POLKA DOT: Hey, if it helps, it helps. I say go for it.

Her pixel character smiles as she gives you a quick kiss, running off to go talk to one of the trainers watching on the sidelines.

With Cross gone, you turn back to your beheaded dummy.
You find yourself debating further ways to maim it when an unfamiliar voice catches your attention.

????: Devo? You in here?
You stretch out, trying to look cool as you turn around.

POLKA DOT: You looking for Devo?
At the doorway to the training room stands a pocket synthesizer in an orange jumpsuit with a whistle around their neck, glancing around the room.

????: Yup- Oh, I got 'im.
They point over in the bear's direction, just a couple spots down, the trainer making their way over to him.

????: Hey, this your group?
They peek their head out from around Devo's section, looking at you and Tim.

????: Didn't you say five total?
POLKA DOT: Willow's off with a personal trainer. Wants to brush up on some stuff before joining the group skirmishes.
DEVO: And Roulette's over-

He glances over his shoulder, his face lighting up.

DEVO: Right over there, actually.
The trainer follows his eyeline, finding the robot in the doorway, looking like a deer in headlights.

????: So four, then?
????: ...Cool, I got just the thing.
????: If you're all ready, let's go get started.

The synthesizer motions for everyone to follow, soon walking with them in tow.
Roulette lags behind, perhaps pretending they wouldn't notice, but a backward glance from the trainer is all it takes to get it moving again.

????: Name's Ortho, by the way.
ORTHO: Met Devo already, but what about the rest of you?
POLKA DOT: I'm Silk Ribbon. Ribbon for short.
TIMOTHY: I'm Tim! It's very nice to meet you.

Ortho turns to the robot.

ROULETTE: Roulette.
ORTHO: Got it.
ORTHO: Well, since we've got an even number here, and since you're all gonna be going up against monsters out in the wild...
ORTHO: I think the best way for you to practice is sparring in teams.
ORTHO: You can learn to coordinate with each other, while also going against other combatants.

Ortho makes their way through a door along with you and the others, leading into a large, square, open arena,
about the size of a gym.

It's divided into four sections by color, with each section having its own foam obstacles:

The northwest section is green, and is tiled randomly with raised and lowered cushioned pads, making it difficult to walk through without falling.

The northeast section is red, and has walls made out of foam in the shape of a little building. The front and south walls have doors, while the west wall has a rectangular chunk missing, like a window. There's enough room to move between the actual physical walls of the arena and the north and east walls of the little building, but the space would be relatively tight.

The southwest section is blue, and has a giant pit of foam cubes taking up the bulk of its space, only a narrow rim around it otherwise. There's a foam bridge across the pit, running east to west; wide enough so that two people could comfortably cross it together, side-by-side.

The southeast section is yellow, and consists of three raised, square platforms stacked on top of each other in different sizes; the bottom platform takes up the entire floor of the yellow section, while the top platform is only big enough for one person to stand on safely. Each platform is about half your height taller than the one below it.

There's a small, extra section to the south in orange, separated from the others by a net - clearly meant as a rest area and audience section.
It's got one long bench, and a vast array of foam weapons.

Ortho walks over, gently lifting away everyone's weapons, replacing each with vague approximations of them in foam.

ORTHO: Rules are simple.
ORTHO: Work with your teammate, try to land hits on the other team - doesn't need to be hard at all, just a simple tap'll work.
ORTHO: First team to have BOTH team members score TWO hits, wins.
ORTHO: Any questions so far?

Tim raises a paw.

ORTHO: Yep. Shoot.
TIMOTHY: Which section are we starting in?
TIMOTHY: They all look...interesting.
ORTHO: I'll be assigning each of you a section once I pick your first teams.
ORTHO: Sound good?

Tim nods, Devo seeming to think something over and shake it off.

DEVO: I'm set.
POLKA DOT: Guess it's safe with the foam...
POLKA DOT: I'm set too.

Roulette is at the net, looking over the different sections.

ORTHO: Alright, how abouuuut...
Ortho waves a plastic claw in a circle, looking over the four of you.
They point at Devo and Tim.

ORTHO: You two, together.
ORTHO: Versus...

They use both claws to point at you and Roulette.

ORTHO: You two.
Your robotic teammate swivels around, glancing between the coach, and you.
You still have trouble reading the bot's expressions, but you think it looks...apologetic.

ORTHO: Devo, you're at red - in the building, Tim, you're on the blue bridge.
ORTHO: Roulette's in the rough terrain at green, and Ribbon's on the top platform at yellow.
ORTHO: Head out there, and I'll count ya down.

Devo stops to give Roulette a quick wave before heading off with Tim, leaving the two of you to walk to your spots.

POLKA DOT: Don't worry, alright?
You give Roulette what you hope is a reassuring smile-
But to be honest, I'm worried too...
...better than against it, I guess...

POLKA DOT: We can take 'em.
ROULETTE: I am not worried.

It parts the opening in the net, stepping through.

ROULETTE: Be careful not to fall from that top platform.
ROULETTE: Foam or not, I do not imagine that's safe.
ROULETTE: ...I don't know that this is a good idea in the first place...

It makes its way over into the center of the green section, stumbling on a random raised tile, but not falling.

You take a moment to steel your nerves, Roulette's words getting to you more than a little.

It's fine. It's totally fine.

Getting up the first platform is easy enough, as are the second and third. Even so, there's not much space to stand at all...

Cmon. You got this. Think about what this means to Cross.

ORTHO: Alright. Look alive, you four.
ORTHO: Ready?
ORTHO: 3...
ORTHO: 2...
ORTHO: 1...

[OOC: You can now MOVE, ATTACK, and PROTECT as either Polka Dot or Roulette. You can only do one of these things per character, per turn.

During combat, you'll very rarely be by yourself.
You can make suggestions for what your party members should do, too.
Though, while Polka Dot will always do what you ask, you'll have varying degrees of success depending on which party member and what you ask them to do.

Different characters may be more or less likely to follow your suggestions. Pay attention for best results...]

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[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Ok I think the best plan of action is for PD to stay where she is, it's prolly the best place to be on the map. Taunt tim, try and draw him in and hunker down and be ready to PROTECT yourself. Same plan with Roulette, only it doesn't have a taunt, but try to get Devo to engage it in the rough terrain where it has the edge in mobility.
POLKA DOT: Hey, Tim!

Tim's still tensed up and unsure of how to move, from the look of it.

POLKA DOT: Bet you're gonna fall off that bridge before you can get here!
TIMOTHY: Hey! I'm-
TIMOTHY: I'm not that unbalanced!
DEVO: Yeah, at least get your taunts directed at the right person!
DEVO: If anyone's going to eat shit, it's me!

You can't help but laugh at that, the bear laughing with you.

Roulette looks through the 'window' into Devo's area.

ROULETTE: I'd offer another piggyback, but I think you'd just stab me with your fake knife.
It begins making its way to the center of the arena, doing its best to balance within the rough terrain.

DEVO: Aww, why don't you trust me-
TIMOTHY: Wait, you gave Devo a piggyback?
DEVO: You jealous? You wanna carry me?
POLKA DOT: Save the flirting for after the fight!

You tense up and get posed for attack, watching as Tim starts tiptoeing across the bridge. Looks like he's taking the bait.

Devo on the other hand, also seems to be staying put, the bear passing his knife between his paws visible through the building's doorway..

By this point, Roulette has made it out of the green area, right to the middle,
where it quickly makes its way around,
cornering Tim at the east side of the bridge - blocking him from getting to you, scythe raised.

Tim narrows his eyes, getting his sword up as he approaches.

TIMOTHY: Alright, we're doing this…
ROULETTE: Apparently.

It steps onto the bridge, forcing him to back up.

ROULETTE: You first.
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[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I'm betting Roulette's scythe has a longer reach than Tim's sword. Let Tim take the first swing, then go for the legs. Ideally he'll trip and fall off the bridge.

As for Polka, I don't think Devo's going to go anywhere. May as well start hopping down the pyramid towards him.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Ok, taunt Tim to distract him so Roulette can attack. keep your eye on Devo and shout if he makes any move on Roulette.
You take a look over at Tim and Roulette facing off before starting down the pyramid- if Devo wasn't gonna move, you were gonna go to him.

Tim, in the meantime, takes a careful stance, readying his sword.

TIMOTHY: Any reason you're letting me take a swing?
ROULETTE: ...Would you prefer I swing first?

He swings the sword, going for the bot's side.
There is seemingly an attempt at a dodge as Roulette moves back,
but the sword makes contact anyway,
as Roulette slips off the bridge and into the water-simulating foam.

A whistle blows moments later.

Everyone in the arena looks over, Devo needing to peer through one of the doorways to see them.

ORTHO: This is a training session, people.
ORTHO: You want outta this training, Roulette?
ROULETTE: ...Sorry?
ORTHO: Are you wantin' to leave?
ROULETTE: ...I'm fine here.
ORTHO: Then no more purposefully takin' hits, alright?

The bot's lens opens a little wider.

ORTHO: If you want out then tell me you want out.
ORTHO: Otherwise, my job is to help you all get better at fightin' in here so you got a better chance fightin' out there.
ORTHO: Can't do that if you're not givin' it your all. I need to see how you fight.
ORTHO: And that goes for the lot of you. Fight as best you can, just as long as you're not hurtin' each other.
ORTHO: Sound good, everybody?
DEVO: Cmon Roulette, Tim can take it!
DEVO: You can! I believe in you!
TIMOTHY: W-well...I mean- I'll give it my best!
POLKA DOT: You got it, coach.
DEVO: Don't expect much out of me, but I'll try my best.
ORTHO: Careful with puttin' yourself down, too.
ORTHO: I'm sure you got more in you than ya think.

Devo leans through the doorway with an unimpressed look.

DEVO: We'll see.
ORTHO: I saw plenty just earlier, in our training.
ORTHO: Don't let your nerves get to ya.

The coach focuses back on the pair at the bridge.

ORTHO: Now, before we resume:
ORTHO: Tim, you want that point refunded, since Roulette took the hit?
ORTHO: Or you wanna keep it?
ORTHO: Choice is yours; not a trick question.

Roulette sinks slightly deeper into the foam, as if trying to hide.

TIMOTHY: Yeah... I'll refund that.
TIMOTHY: Sorry Roulette, but we have to take this seriously.

Devo slinks back into the building at the mention of training- and seeing you approach.

ORTHO: Got it. Everyone's still at nil, then.
ORTHO: Alright, get goin'!

Another blow of the whistle.

Roulette makes quick work of climbing back up onto solid ground to the southwest, as far from Tim as it can manage.

You bring your focus in front of you- you've reached the building's entrance.

Devo is pressed to the far corner wall, knife at the ready.

You can't quite make out the expression on his face from here.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
sneak around and jump through the window while Tim is distracted with Roulette, can't have him telling Devo we're sneaking up on him.
(06-03-2023, 05:01 AM)dediles Wrote: sneak around and jump through the window while Tim is distracted with Roulette, can't have him telling Devo we're sneaking up on him.

Seconding this, but first see if you can encourage Roulette a bit.

"It's okay, this is what we're here for. Tim's a tough guy, he can take a few hits from a glorified pool noodle." Flash encouraging thumbs up for good measure.

Roulette: Same suggestion as before- avoid Tim's swing, then go for the legs while he recovers.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Devo narrows his eyes as you suddenly duck to the left, out of the doorway.

DEVO: We playing games now?
You pause as you peek around the corner- sure enough, there's a window there, just like you thought.

Before you sneak over, you look over your shoulder and give Roulette a thumbs up.

POLKA DOT: Cmon, Roulette! We're here for this!
POLKA DOT: Tim can cope with being smacked with an oversized pool noodle!

The bot doesn't respond, taking position at the east end of the bridge once more.

Sheesh, taking this so seriously...

You shake your head as you step over slowly, trying to keep your footsteps light before hauling yourself through the hole in the wall-
You swear you catch a sudden glimpse of red as Devo's foam knife slashes against your shoulder. It's enough to knock you back on your ass, landing with a squeak.

DEVO: okay?
When you get to your feet and get your bearings, there's no sign of any red aside from the building you're in.

Must be seeing things.

POLKA DOT: Yeah, I'm good....damn, you got me!
DEVO: Guess I did...
DEVO: I wasn't expecting to draw first blood, but you, uh...
DEVO: You're very noisy.

Ortho yells from the sideline.

ORTHO: One point for Devo! Only need one more!
Tim lights up, hollering all the way from the bridge.

TIMOTHY: I know you could do it, Devo!!
TIMOTHY: Did you hear that, Roulette? He did it!
ROULETTE: I heard, I'm proud.
ROULETTE: Do not let it distract you.

It raises the scythe, held in both claws now, taking a step forward onto the bridge.

Tim "swallows" before stepping forward, snapped out of his gay excitement.

TIMOTHY: We're doing this for real.
He closes his eyes for a moment before rushing forward, going for a stabbing motion.

Roulette instantly moves its left leg and shoulder back, leaning to the side to dodge,
while in the same motion shoving the end of the scythe forward.

The dull end of the blade tags him in the gut,
before it's turned and yanked back against Tim's outstretched wrist,
twisting enough to entirely loose the sword from his grasp.

His blade topples into the foam moat below.

Roulette pulls the scythe back, drawing it low,
blade pointed at the dog.

ORTHO: One point for Roulette!
TIMOTHY: ...damn!
TIMOTHY: Yeah, I'd be a goner.
TIMOTHY: Next time though, I'll get you for real.

He glances at the scythe.

TIMOTHY: You can probably lower that now.
TIMOTHY: You've got me totally cornered.

The bot doesn't move.

ROULETTE: We need two points each.
ROULETTE: You should fetch your sword.
ROULETTE: Be careful.

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Okay uhh anyway. We have a massive range advantage against Devo, but we have to make sure we actually land our swings, because Devo is much faster and can strike while we're recovering. We need to keep our distance until we're sure we have a good shot.

As for Roulette, no need to fix what ain't broke. Let Tim get his sword (we're not that mean), then keep using the scythe to grapple, hook, and unbalance him. Tim still doesn't have any points, so if he manages to adapt his strategy, Roulette will have a chance to think of something to counter it.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
It's you and Devo in the building, now. He's a few steps away and still clutching at his knife, watching and waiting.

POLKA DOT: You scared?
DEVO: Just trying to figure out how I'd do this.

You take another step back, getting some distance between the two of you as you brace yourself for his next move.

DEVO: Are you scared?
POLKA DOT: You got one point on me. I gotta keep you from getting a second one.
DEVO: Gonna make me rush for it...

He takes a step towards you, just a single one.

DEVO: Playing dirty with a guy who can't walk super well.
POLKA DOT: You stabbed me just fine earlier!
DEVO: You were loud! It was easy to line up.

He snickers, getting into a fighting stance.

DEVO: Cmon, then. I'm making you approach first.
DEVO: Ortho taught me not to overextend.


Tim takes a moment to steel his nerves before hopping over the side of the bridge, landing with a flop and grabbing his sword.

Roulette releases its stance, leaning its scythe down as if to tap his head with the blade to secure another point.

It hesitates, though, then turns it sideways and holds it down within his reach.

ROULETTE: I can pull you up.
ROULETTE: We can resume afterwards.
TIMOTHY: ...won't that count as a point? You're still touching me with the weapon.
ROULETTE: Not the blade.
ORTHO: That's fine, I'm not gonna be a stickler for stuff like that.
ORTHO: If you aren't attacking, it's not a point.

Tim nods and grabs hold.

Roulette pulls him up and out of the foam moat, to the southeast side.
It then backs away and raises its weapon.


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Polka: ATTACK. We can't just stand there forever, and it seems like Devo's committed enough to being patient that taunting won't work. Just don't miss.

Roulette: PROTECT. Still the same plan as the previous two suggestions (that being to wait for an opening and go for a grapple) but in game terms, the closest equivalent would be to protect.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
You narrow your eyes as you take a few steps forward and swing your hammer low, aiming for the bear's side.

DEVO: Shit-
He tries to get away and fumbles, the hammer making contact-

-but not before he manages to graze your neck with his blade. It's not a full "cut", and wouldn't have amounted to much with a real weapon, but...

DEVO: D...did that count?
DEVO: Ortho, I barely touched her, does that count as a hit?
ORTHO: ...Hm.
ORTHO: Gonna say a tap or a graze doesn't count for the moment.
ORTHO: You want a hit, not a touch.
ORTHO: One point for Ribbon!
POLKA: Whoo!
DEVO: Goddamn....well, guess it's down to the wire now.

He gets back into a fighting stance.

Tim lunges forward and goes for a sideways swipe, putting his full strength into it- more than he probably needs to.

Roulette is quicker,
snagging Tim's blade with one claw and twisting it, turning the dog's wrist,
as its scythe comes up from down low,
slotting in just against the plush's neck.

The robot's watchful gaze feels far more intimidating with a scythe pressed to his throat.

Tim blinks, eyeing the scythe against him with a nervous expression.

TIMOTHY: W-well...
TIMOTHY: I'm glad you're on our side, that's for sure!
ORTHO: One point for Roulette, one point for Tim!

Roulette tilts its head an inch.

ORTHO: I don't care if you're made of metal.
ORTHO: In a real fight, all you can do is guess at whether or not the opponent's weapon will bounce off or slice clean through.
ORTHO: Good way to lose your hand, there.
ORTHO: Considering you use yours two-handed, that's one hell of a downgrade if you lose it.
ROULETTE: ...Apologies. Instinct.

It waits a moment.

ROULETTE: ...And, for this.
The robot tugs very slightly on Tim's neck with the foam scythe,
leaning him towards the fake water.

TIMOTHY: Wh-whoa!
The dog stumbles, flopping into the foam pile.

TIMOTHY: That's dirty!
ROULETTE: Swimming makes for good exercise.
ROULETTE: ...Sorry.

It turns its attention towards the building.
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It might be time to regroup with Roulette. Devo's just too quick to handle one-on-one. Tim should be occupied with the sea of cubes for at least a moment, so Roulette can run over and help Polka. She just has to not get hit for long enough for Roulette to make it over there.


ROULETTE: MOVE (towards polka)
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
You need to be careful. Devo's got the whole...weakness issue going on, but he's not to be messed with. He can move quick if he wants to...

You start stepping to the left with your hammer raised, slowly but surely.

He keeps pace with you, following your movements.

It's quiet for a few moments before he lunges again-

Only for his knife to be pulled out of the way by the blade of a scythe, narrowly missing you.

Looking to the side, Roulette has its arms put through the building's window, scythe protruding all the way over to throw off the potential strike.

POLKA DOT: Nice save, Roulette!

You could have sworn there's another flash of red out of the corner of your eye before Devo backs up, trying to assess the situation.

Roulette hops in through the window, scythe at the ready.

ROULETTE: Sorry, Devo.
ROULETTE: I would like to get this over with.
DEVO: Guess you're not gonna take it easy on me...

The robot cocks its head to the side playfully.

ROULETTE: Would you want me to?
Devo snorts.

DEVO: Not a chance.

You hear a noise approaching from behind you- through the doorway, you can spot a familiar dog headed your way.
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[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
We have to press our 2v1 advantage quick while we still have it. The rules say each team member needs two hits to win, it doesn't specify who the hit is against. If Polka and Roulette both land their shots, it won't matter if Tim gets there or not.

Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: Just gotta land a hit before he gets here, right?
You ready your hammer.

POLKA DOT: Piece of cake.
You dash forward, hammer at the ready and ready to swing into the bear's shoulder.

Roulette juts its scythe forward, as well,
though it attempts to pull Devo's knife-holding arm away from Polka while she tries for a swing.

Devo squints-

And as Polka just barely makes contact with his upper arm-

-he manages to swipe forward and get Roulette, right on the collar area.

ORTHO: That's one hit for Devo!
ORTHO: And one hit for Silk!
ORTHO: Looks like Silk Ribbon and Roulette take the win!

Roulette's shoulders relax.

ROULETTE: Well done.
Tim just barely manages to skid inside the building, panting.

TIMOTHY: Ah, shoot...
TIMOTHY: G-good job, Devo!
DEVO: Heh, you should have seen it!
TIMOTHY: Wish I did....good job to Ribbon and Roulette, too!
ROULETTE: Thank you.
ROULETTE: Everyone did well.

The robot lowers its scythe,
making its way to the net.

ORTHO: Hold up! Don't get hasty.
Roulette slowly cranes its neck over.

ORTHO: ...We got one more round.
ROULETTE: ...what.
DEVO: ...another one?
TIMOTHY: Fine by me!

Tim brightens up considerably while his partner slumps.

TIMOTHY: I, uh, barely got to help during the last one....

The synthesizer waves their hand a little, thinking.

ORTHO: ...Devo with Roulette.
ORTHO: Tim, you're with Polka.
DEVO: Hell yes.
DEVO: Time to show them what we can do, right, Roulette?

The robot's fans are audibly running faster.
It's watching the floor, not seeming to pay much attention.

TIMOTHY: W-wait-
TIMOTHY: I have to go against Devo?
ORTHO: And Roulette, yup.
ORTHO: Gotta switch things up, make sure you can all work together.
ORTHO: Plus, I gotta get a good sample of what y'all can do.
ORTHO: So, one more round.
ORTHO: So y'all take a quick breather, get a good stretch in, maybe talk strategy with your new partner.
ORTHO: Then we get goin'.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Time out. We should take roulette aside and ask it if it's ok fighting us... Given our past. Also we should probably do some introspection on that too. Are we going to be ok sparring with Roulette? What if another flashback happens like at the pawn shop? What if we lose control in anger?
alright planing time! so here is what we know about Roulette's fighting style.
1. they prefer long range combat
2. they are level headed
3. there used to there metal body tanking hits
I understand the concern about flashbacks and/or episodes, but if we're going to have them, it's better to do so here than out in the field. No one can get seriously hurt with foam weapons, and Tim, Devo, and Ortho can jump in if absolutely necessary.

If Roulette still doesn't want to fight us, we can ask Ortho if we can go diagonal from each other- that way there's the least possible chance of interaction. We could also suspend the next match for a bit to give us time to talk privately with Roulette about things. On a related note, how long do we get this room for?

Obviously if Roulette is heavily against any of this, we won't force it to cooperate- but I do think it's a good idea to work this out here, in a safe and somewhat private setting. Worst case scenario, we can switch from 2v2 matches to just one-on-one matches. That way everyone still gets a chance to train, but we can specifically avoid having us and Roulette go against one another. It's less efficient, but it'll give the people sitting out a chance to rest (thinking mostly of Devo here) and it'll ensure that everyone gets matched up with everyone else they want to.

(06-10-2023, 08:26 PM)Guest Wrote: alright planing time! so here is what we know about Roulette's fighting style.
1. they prefer long range combat
2. they are level headed
3. there used to there metal body tanking hits

Roulette uses it/its pronouns please!
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
You sidle over to the robot, trying not to look as anxious as you feel.

POLKA DOT: H-hey, Roulette, you, uh-
POLKA DOT: Doin' alright?

Roulette doesn't look at you, staring off at the floor ahead.
The robot takes a long time to respond, as if it'd barely heard you.

ROULETTE: ...If you need to stop, you can tell the coach.
ROULETTE: On my end, you do not have to worry; I won't make it an issue.
ROULETTE: Do what you need to do.
POLKA DOT: No, like- I'm good.
POLKA DOT: ...okay, I'm a little worried, but-
POLKA DOT: Better for us to work this out here than in the field, right?
ROULETTE: This isn't working it out.
ROULETTE: You should talk with Tim. It seems like he's having some trouble.
ROULETTE: ...I apologize.

The robot abruptly walks away, moving back over by Devo.

As you glance over, the bear gives Roulette a little wave, still full of energy-

...though he does look a little nervous, judging by his shifting from foot to foot.

The bot doesn't notice, still looking like it's zoning out.

You manage to catch a bit of conversation.

DEVO: You alright, Roulette?
DEVO: You, look, uh.
DEVO: Out of it.
ROULETTE: ...It's alright.

You're caught offguard, not sure what to say or do...

...It's probably right, though. Tim looks like a wreck.

You sigh and pad over to your canine friend, who seems to be massaging the side of his face in an anxious fit.

POLKA DOT: ...are you okay?
TIMOTHY: What? No, I'm-
TIMOTHY: I'm fine. I'm good.
TIMOTHY: J-just...
TIMOTHY: It's...
TIMOTHY: Complicated.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
we're feeling kinda weird too, so probably a good idea to take five?
Yeah let's uh. Take a break.

"I don't want to force anyone, but it seems like all of us are dealing with stuff to some degree, so if people want to talk publicly or privately, with me or with each other, now would probably be a good time."

"We could also just sit. Either way is fine."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Maybe we should go grab some snacks to help everyone calm down a bit.
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
POLKA DOT: Look, man, you look like you got hit by a truck.
POLKA DOT: If it's complicated, we can sit and talk about it or something.
POLKA DOT: Hey Ortho!
TIMOTHY: H-hey, wait-
ORTHO: Yep? Need somethin'?
POLKA DOT: Can we like, officially take five? Think we need to huddle up and talk.

The synthesizer checks their watch.

ORTHO: Yep, I got time.
They blow their whistle.

ORTHO: Alright, people let's take five for a bit.
ORTHO: Come back when you're ready.

Devo looks just as startled for a moment, looking over at Roulette.

DEVO: Huh...a break might not be a bad idea.
DEVO: Might help you get your nerves out.

Roulette's lens is a little wider, though it says nothing as it makes its way through the arena net with the others.

Devo's the first to speak up once the party gets out into the hall, stretching his limbs in the process.

DEVO: That...was a hell of a round-
DEVO: Roulette, you kicked ass out there!
DEVO: I, uh...
DEVO: Had fun.

Tim doesn't speak up, lost in thought.

The robot had been making its way away from the group, stopped in its tracks.

ROULETTE: ...I appreciate it.
ROULETTE: You did well, too.
DEVO: I mean, better than I thought I'd do, hah...
TIMOTHY: I knew you'd do good, though.

Tim manages to snap out of his funk long enough to give Devo a pat on the back, the bear's eyes brightening up with pride.

POLKA DOT: Everybody managed to do a good job, I think-
TIMOTHY: I mean, I only got one hit.
TIMOTHY: And...Roulette pretty much gave me that.

He sounds a bit tense at that, even Devo noticing the immediate change in tone.

Roulette's fans spin faster.

ROULETTE: ...I was not trying to.
ROULETTE: I apologize if it...felt that way.
TIMOTHY: No, it's-

He sighs, rubbing the side of his snout.

TIMOTHY: I'm not accusing you, I-
TIMOTHY: ...I just wish I had done better. That I'm able to do better out in the field.
ROULETTE: My weapon has reach over yours, and the bridge made it difficult for you to approach me.
ROULETTE: It was not your fault remotely.
ROULETTE: I am sure you will have better luck next round.
POLKA DOT: Besides, uh...
POLKA DOT: Whole point of this is to get practice, right?
POLKA DOT: If you slip up here, it's safe.
TIMOTHY: I don't want to slip up period...
DEVO: Yeah, can't just be perfect, either.
DEVO: ...I have similar worries and shit, but I guess that's why we're working as a team, right?
POLKA DOT: Yeah! That's how I see it!
TIMOTHY: ...I guess...
POLKA DOT: Cmon, man. It's gonna be fine.

The door behind you opens up, a familiar toy's face peeking out.

CROSSBONE: Oh! Someone told me I could find you all here...
CROSSBONE: How'd training go?

Roulette abruptly swivels to face her.

ROULETTE: ...we-
ROULETTE: We are still in the middle of training.
ROULETTE: Would you like to participate and train with everyone?
CROSSBONE: I'd be happy to get some group time in.
POLKA DOT: Hell yeah!

Without another word, Roulette leans in through the doors and has a very brief conversation with Ortho.

It soon pulls back out into the hall.

ROULETTE: Ortho will assign teams when you're all ready, then.
The robot starts making its way down the hall, still turned to face everyone.

ROULETTE: Good luck.
Devo snaps to attention, pulling away from Tim and following after it.

DEVO: H-hey, wait!
DEVO: Where are you going?
ROULETTE: Two-v-two training session.
ROULETTE: I offered Willow my spot.
ROULETTE: She deserves the chance, and I have some errands I can take care of, anyway.
ROULETTE: I am sure you will do well.

The bear's face falls.

DEVO: sure?
DEVO: I-I mean, I have no issue with Cross subbing in, just-
ROULETTE: Very sure.
ROULETTE: It will be alright.

It catches the bear's expression.

ROULETTE: ...Sorry...if it is disappointing.
ROULETTE: ...You can let me know later, how you did.

You're hard-pressed to read the robot's expressions as per usual, having trouble deciphering the look on its face.

ROULETTE: Be safe.
With that, it makes its way down the hall and out of view.

Devo watches it go, Tim catching up to him and placing his paw on the bear's back. Devo shakes it off after a moment, trying to give his partner a reassuring look.

DEVO: I'm good.
DEVO: It just needs space right now, I think.
DEVO: We've...still got stuff to figure out here.
DEVO: Show must go on or something, right?

You aren't really sure what to say, Cross sidling over and whispering low enough for just you to hear.

CROSSBONE: ...did I mess up?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"No, no, you're fine! Roulette just... Needs a break, I think. You didn't do anything wrong."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Not at all Cross, think Roulette just needs a break is all.
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
POLKA DOT: No no no, you’re all good-
POLKA DOT: Roulette’s, uh-
POLKA DOT: I think it just needs a break.
POLKA DOT: You didn’t do anything wrong, okay?

The virtual pet hesitates for a moment before nodding, resigned to a low beep-sigh.

CROSSBONE: If you’re sure…
POLKA DOT: I’m sure.
POLKA DOT: Let’s go train together, alright?

You open your wing up for a quick side hug, to which she gladly indulges.

POLKA DOT: I got you.
The character on her screen smiles, a little pixel sun popping up.

You catch Tim giving you a grateful look from the side, and without any more words, the four of you walk back into the training gym.

With everyone back inside the arena, Ortho sizes up Cross.

ORTHO: Alright! Gonna say...let's see...
ORTHO: ...Willow, you're with Devo. Ribbon and Tim team up.
ORTHO: Quick reminder, and for Willow's sake: land hits on the other team, doesn't gotta be hard, taps work fine.
ORTHO: First team that has both team members score two hits is the winner.
ORTHO: Tim's startin' out in the rough terrain at green, Willow's at yellow, on the top.
ORTHO: Devo's on the blue bridge, Ribbon in the red building.
ORTHO: Head over n' get situated.
POLKA DOT: Alright! Tim, you r-

The dog  next to you is gripping his sword like his life depends on it.

POLKA DOT: ...relax, man. It's gonna be okay.
TIMOTHY: How can you be so chill about this?
TIMOTHY: You're fighting your partner too!
POLKA DOT: ...probably because it's just practice.
POLKA DOT: Like Ortho said, all you need is a tap, right?
TIMOTHY: ...I guess....
POLKA DOT: Cmon. Let's go get this done.

Tim sighs before giving you a stiff nod, walking over to the rough terrain and taking big, fumbling steps.
You make your way into the red building, tossing your hammer from wing to wing.

POLKA DOT: Back here...
But now, it's my turf.

ORTHO: Everybody good to go?
The synthesizer eyes everyone making it to their spots.

ORTHO: 3...
ORTHO: 2...
ORTHO: 1...

The whistle blows.

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[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Well, we already know Devo's going to play defensive and let Tim come to him. Willow... We've never seen her in one of these sparring matches before, so it might be best to hang back and try to feel her out.

No not like that you horny duck get your mind out of the gutter

TIM: MOVE (towards Devo)
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
>Tim: Channel rage. cut loose.
Tim, try to stay calm and focus. It's just a sparing match. As for us, let's see if we can get Cross to focus on us.

TIM: move (towards Devo)
POLKA: Taunt Cross
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
You walk forward a few steps, leaning against the open doorway as Cross starts taking steps off of the pyramid- looking straight ahead at you.

POLKA DOT: Oh, so you're coming to take me out?

Her chain tail jangles as it falls behind her, making a loud noise as she hops down each giant step.

POLKA DOT: Even after you saw what I did to that dummy earlier?
CROSSBONE: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmhm.
POLKA DOT: You gotta be real confident, then!
CROSSBONE: I've got some tricks up my sleeve.

She reaches the base of the pyramid- just a few feet between the two of you, facing off.

No one moves, the tension palpable- and you get the feeling it's not just fighting nerves.

In the quadrant to your right, Tim seems... conflicted. Devo's not moving, waiting for him to approach-

He grips his sword, having a hard time figuring out where to go. He could go after Cross, he could back you up, or-

Devo's still standing there, pacing on the bridge and giving him a knowing look.

Tim takes a step forward, and then another.

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[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
PD: say something really gay and really embarrassing(but not too embarrassing, don't be mean) to your girlfriend to fluster her and while she's destracted go in for a hit(physically(with your hammer(in a non sexual way))).
POLKA: TAUNT (as lilium described above. sweep her off her feet with your silver tongue before actually sweeping her off her feet with your hammer)

TIM: MOVE TOWARDS DEVO (devo has a strategy and he's sticking to it. apparently you either approach him first or you die of old age)
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: You feel that energy?
CROSSBONE: Definitely something in the air...
POLKA DOT: Kinda reminds me of something.

You smirk, Cross snickering out a line of beeps.

CROSSBONE: What's with that goofy face?
POLKA DOT: It's just- I've felt that kind of electricity before.
POLKA DOT: It's almost li-!

The hatchet swipe that comes out at you just barely misses your neck, instinct taking over as you swing at Cross' legs and in turn, just barely miss her thigh.

The two of you stagger and immediately turn back to face each other, your expressions somewhere between fierce and excited. Even though she still struck out at's clear from the little hearts above her pixel character's head that your playful teasing is keeping her mind at least a little distracted.

You're having fun!

....Tim on the other hand, is not.

He starts across the bridge, every step feeling like his legs are covered in lead. His head is pounding, seemingly made worse by the fact that Devo's tensing up, ready for him.

He gets close enough for Devo to lunge, a flash of red just barely visible to the dog as he tries to dodge-

-only for it to be a fake out, Devo switching directions and getting Tim in the upper leg.

DEVO: GOT you!
A quick blow of the whistle.

ORTHO: One point for Devo!
Tim's frozen for a moment, processing what just happened.

DEVO: You okay, man?
Devo stands up straight, stretching for a moment before getting back into fighting stance.

TIMOTHY: I wasn't-
TIMOTHY: You got me!
DEVO: Yeah! Yeah, I actually did.
DEVO: Don't hold back on me though, alright?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Of course our girlfriend would be immune to our taunts. Darn.

Tim needs to learn not to pull punches- if he freezes up like that in the forest, it'll be much worse than a slash from a foam knife.

POLKA: ATTACK (but if we can still maintain banter, then definitely do so)

Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
TIM: ATTACK (Try to go for a faint. Make it look like you going for an overhead slash, but swing for Devo's right arm.)
Your friendly neighborhood dumbass/Goblin
You stay poised and ready on your side of the doorway, looking at her with a cocky expression as you try to gauge the best place to hit.

POLKA DOT: Not even gonna let me finish!
CROSSBONE: Flirting on the battlefield’s a sneaky tactic.
POLKA DOT: Why are you doing it back, then?

Cross stances up, her chain tail lashing.

CROSSBONE: I think I can win.
You’re ready for her to move, but not ready for her to pounce, slamming her elbow into your shoulder to knock you down before your hammer swing can make contact -

And tap the top of your head with a hatchet.

ORTHO: Point for Willow!
POLKA DOT: What the hell’s gotten into you?
CROSSBONE: Practicing my monster moves.
CROSSBONE: If I’m gonna be big and strong, I gotta get ready to throw that weight around.
CROSSBONE: Any complaints?
POLKA DOT: …nope. Not one bit.
CROSSBONE: Now…let’s see how you get out of this one.
CROSSBONE: Go ahead. See how you get out of being pinned.

She flashes you a little :) on her screen.

Tim closes his eyes for a moment.

He focuses.

This can’t be easy for him. He’s against his partner, and he doesn’t want-

He doesn’t want to hurt him.


Devo’s saying to give it his all. To not hold back.

Something’s burning up in him.

He can’t pull punches anymore. It’d be worse in the wild.

Both plushes raise their weapons.

Tim moves his sword into position for an overhead slash-

Devo sidestepping before Tim shifts gears, slicing down across Devo’s arm-

There’s a flash of black in the corner of Tim’s vision, just for a moment.

The foam sword makes a goofy noise as it slips across fabric, taking Tim out of the intensity and snapping him back to reality.

ORTHO: Point for Tim!
When Tim looks back, the black is gone- just the blue of Devo’s cheeks and eyes, the expression on his face nothing but congratulatory.

DEVO: Whoa, you got me good!
DEVO: Would’ve taken my whole arm off, damn.
DEVO: No, that’s good, man!
DEVO: Monster wouldn’t be able to do shit to that.
DEVO: Gimme a sec, though…

He places a paw to his head.

DEVO: Feeling a little dizzy.
Tim’s expression immediately turns to concern.

TIMOTHY: Are you okay?
TIMOTHY: Are you sure I didn’t go too hard-
DEVO: What? No, you’re fine.
TIMOTHY: Alright…
TIMOTHY: Ortho, can Devo and I take five?
ORTHO: Gotcha.

Ortho blows their whistle.

ORTHO: We're takin' a quick breather.
ORTHO: I'll be back in five.

The synthesizer makes their way out of the room.

With that settled, Devo turns to his partner.

DEVO: …what’s got you so worried, man?

Tim sits on the edge of the bridge, letting his feet dangle. Devo follows suit, resting a paw on his shoulder.

TIMOTHY: I don’t want to go too hard on you.
DEVO: …it is not physically possible to bonk me hard enough with a foam sword to take my arm off for real.
TIMOTHY: I know, I know-
TIMOTHY: I just…
TIMOTHY: I had a talk with Roulette about this stuff before we met up.
TIMOTHY: About how I’m scared of how angry I am.
TIMOTHY: About going too far.

The bear looks down at the foam cubes, swinging his legs a little.

When he speaks, his voice is quiet, so as not to let any of the others hear.

DEVO: Is this like…related to dom stuff?
DEVO: I know you worry about going all out on me-
TIMOTHY: Yes, and no…
TIMOTHY: …I just… love you.
TIMOTHY: And I want you to be safe.
TIMOTHY: I don’t want to be a reason that gets endangered.
DEVO: …I’m not as fragile as you think, you know?
TIMOTHY: I didn’t say that-!
DEVO: You didn’t have to.

Devo gives him a soft, but stern look.

DEVO: I can hold my own.
DEVO: Take the kid gloves off and face me, alright?
DEVO: We might not have known each other that long, but like-
DEVO: If we’re going on an adventure together, I want you to have my back in a way that like…
DEVO: Respects my deal. And treats me like I’m on the same level.
TIMOTHY: I didn’t mean to-
TIMOTHY: …I never meant to make you feel like that.
DEVO: I know, man…
DEVO: But that’s why we talk about it, right?
TIMOTHY: You’re…you’re right.

Devo leans on his shoulder for a bit, Tim returning the nuzzle.

DEVO: …should probably get back to it. Ribbon and Willow are probably either beating the shit out of each other or making out on the battlefield.
DEVO: Possibly both.

Tim can’t help but snicker.

TIMOTHY: You think they’re into that?
DEVO: Probably.
TIMOTHY: Gotta ruin their fun, then…

He gets to his feet, extending his paw to Devo.

The bear takes it, hauling himself up.

DEVO: Let’s do this.
TIMOTHY: For real this time.

In the meantime, you and Cross have been shooting the shit.

POLKA DOT: And I’m just saying- a claw hammer can do more than a hatchet.
CROSSBONE: Hatchet chops.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, but claw hammer like- you can bash someone’s head in and tear with the claw end.
CROSSBONE: Sure, I guess…
CROSSBONE: But hatchet also has utility in the field!
CROSSBONE: What if we come across a tree that’s in the way?

You grin.

POLKA DOT: I’ll just smack the shit out of it.
POLKA DOT: You like me silly, though.

The synthesizer steps back into the room, stretching out.

ORTHO: Alright-
ORTHO: Y’all ready to get back to it?

Everyone in the party gives the okay, and you get back into your places- Tim and Devo facing off, and Cross having you pinned.
The whistle blows.

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[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Kiss cross, then throw her off.
We're sort of close to the doorway, it looks like. Can we try to roll to one side and smack Cross into the wall?

As for Tim... Well, Devo gave a much better pep talk than Polka ever could, especially considering she's busy. Take a deep breath, then take a swing.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA: ATTACK (Try to for cross's legs)

TIM: CHANNEL RAGE (Holding back at this point would just be an insult.)
You go for the sneak attack, lunging forward and giving her a big smooch on the screen.

POLKA DOT: A little kiss-

With your partner blushing and distracted, you roll to the side with a sharp motion, harmlessly smacking Cross off of you and bouncing her against the foam wall.

POLKA DOT: A little bit of that-
It takes you a moment to get to your feet, striding forward and tapping the virtual pet with the tip of your hammer, right between the horns.

POLKA DOT: And my turn for a bonk.
Ortho scratches their head.

ORTHO: Hell of a way to get a point, but creative thinkin’ I guess.
ORTHO: One for Ribbon!
POLKA DOT: What, not gonna complain about cheating?
CROSSBONE: Oh, no, I’ll totally take that.
CROSSBONE: I got a kiss out of it!

She lets out a cheery beep and your heart melts.

You help her up, lingering on the feeling of her hand before the two of you get back into fighting stance.

CROSSBONE: One more hit left.
POLKA DOT: One more hit.

Tim takes a second to steel himself.

Devo wants him to go hard. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s gotten rough with him, but this was different from one of their BDSM sessions-

But it was just practice. It was going to be okay.

Tim lets his emotions rumble up- not quite the usual anger he felt, but more…


He lunges, not hesitating even when he swears he sees something shift in Devo’s face-

Making contact with the bear’s neck, Devo’s knife outstretched as if to go for the same spot.

It’s unmistakable, now.

Devo’s cheeks and eyes are black, and his expression is full of something…raw.


Tim blinks.

There’s no black, just the usual blue, and Devo looks cheery as can be.

ORTHO: Tim’s up to two!  
DEVO: Awesome, dude!
DEVO: You would have gotten my whole head that time! That’d get a monster for real!

The bean dog shakes it off- it must be his mind playing tricks on him.
Besides…that actually felt pretty good.

TIMOTHY: Thanks, Devo.
TIMOTHY: You sure I didn’t go too hard?
DEVO: Nah! I wanted you to get that hit by the end- but I wasn’t gonna let you have it easy.
DEVO: …or at least, that was the plan.
DEVO: I got kind of overzealous going for the throat when you’re in sword range…

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[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Cross seems very aggressive, I'm not sure it would be a good idea to fight that head on. I'd say stance up and wait for her to make a mistake.

Tim's got two points, but that doesn't mean the fight's over. Devo can still get his two points, which would be bad if Polka loses her matchup with Cross. Now that Tim has what he needs, his best play is to hang back and force Devo to come to him. Devo's been extremely reluctant to be the aggressor so far, but at this point there's literally no reason for Tim to initiate anything. If Devo wants the win, he's got to earn it by stepping out of his comfort zone.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]

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