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[TOY] Plaything
Best to leave things be for now, if it's really needed you can always talk about it later.
You don’t want to overwhelm it, that’s for sure…but…this feels important.

You’ll keep it simple.

POLKA DOT: It was…back in the uh, Toy Store…
I don't need to go into too much-

POLKA DOT: I did some things I’m not proud of, I guess is how I’d put it.
POLKA DOT: Really, really awful shit.

But you can't stop yourself there.

POLKA DOT: I...don’t feel good about any of it, and I don’t know if I ever did, but…
POLKA DOT: But nobody really knows about any of it.
POLKA DOT: And I don’t…know if I want them to.
POLKA DOT: So when it comes to people not knowing you, I feel that too.

The gravity of your past starts hitting all over again, and even though your next words are soft in volume, they come out heavy, and every syllable feels like you can't possibly hold it back.

POLKA DOT: …feels like if they did, they’d run.
Roulette turns its head just enough to look at you,
lens opening once more.

It takes a long time, looking you over.

ROULETTE: ...You really... don't remember, do you?
ROULETTE: It was... dark, so... it's possible you... couldn't see-
ROULETTE: Wouldn't, recognize-

An ice cold feeling runs down your back.
Everything seems to slow down, and when you manage to choke words out, they're horribly strained.

POLKA DOT: ...why...would you know-
ROULETTE: I've known since-
ROULETTE: ...I remembered in the pawn shop. That it was you.

The robot's voice is shaky, turning more often into unintelligible, quiet static.

ROULETTE: I... almost-
ROULETTE: For- For what you Did, I nearly k-

It rolls over onto its side away from you, pulling the blanket up over itself.


ROULETTE: The wrench-
ROULETTE: ...I aimed for your head.
ROULETTE: I think- I remember, try-trying that-


ROULETTE: ...are alive, I can only assume, because I...
ROULETTE: ...missed.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Damn, having one eye must've really messed with your depth'll need to aim better than that in the spooky death forest.

Well, not really like anything's going to change the past, or that you in fact, failed to commit murder. Not exactly like it's worth holding a grudge over what was probably justified and failed to follow through...not exactly like a corpse would've held a grudge either, but you know.

These things happen sometimes! Probably. In any case uh, aiming for the head was probably a pretty good call. Shows good judgement. So, everything's okay! Great, actually.
Lucky for me, hopefully stays that way.
You stare down at your wings, silent for what feels like way too long to be comfortable.

How do I…respond to something like that?

It’s not its fault, how could it ever-

POLKA DOT: I…I mean…
POLKA DOT: You were justified!
POLKA DOT: I k-killed your friend!
POLKA DOT: Aiming for the head was the best call there!

The robot keeps itself well-hidden under the blanket,
electronic voice somewhat muffled.


ROULETTE: ...Denny did not die.
ROULETTE: You did not kill them, only... came close.
ROULETTE: Regardless, why would you think it's alright for me to kill You in-
ROULETTE: What, out of revenge?
ROULETTE: That doesn't make it any less reprehensible, what I tried to do.

ROULETTE: ...Maybe you don't remember, but you had your weapon Down.
ROULETTE: I remember.
ROULETTE: I rem- I remember the look on you-your face, when-
ROULETTE: ...You had clearly been talked into it, or- I imagine something in that ballpark.
ROULETTE: You didn't want to. You were done.
ROULETTE: Your weapon was down.
ROULETTE: You were afraid.
ROULETTE: ...That did not Stop me, Polka Dot.
ROULETTE: I took the swing anyway.
ROULETTE: A pointless- A meaningless act of violence, drawn up in anger, that-

Under the blanket, its posture curls up some.

ROULETTE: ...And the fact that that me, that I am Capable of that-

ROULETTE: ...How could you possibly want me with you on this trip? Or-
ROULETTE: No one is really safe, if I am there.
ROULETTE: I ca- I should Not, Risk, anyone's safety, by-


ROULETTE: If you are sure you need me, and you are sure Devo is coming along.
ROULETTE: ...I do not have much choice.

ROULETTE: But after this, I am done.
ROULETTE: Once we clear the forest, on the way back-
ROULETTE: ...I am leaving Laurie's.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I mean, that's really just two counts of attempted murder then. One by me, one by you Evens out. Everything's okay.
I mean, to be fair, there's a decent chance we're going to have to kill some monsters if they try to harm us and there's no other way out...
so really you're just adding to the overall safety.

Whether or not you leave is your own choice, but do remember, it's not exactly like you're looking to murder people gee wizz what a fun time. You actively understand that act is wrong and what not. You're bothered by that! That's, a. Good thing! Asides you can't just, let something that didnt even follow through dictate your whole life? I mean you can. It's your life and your choice but like. Wouldn't Devo miss you? Or whatnot? Make sure you think this kinda thing through before committing to it.
POLKA DOT: …whether or not you leave is your choice. I’m not gonna tell you how to live your life.
POLKA DOT: But…wouldn’t Devo miss you?
ROULETTE: I should've been more careful with that, I know.
ROULETTE: That's something I have to live with.
ROULETTE: But he has others around him, now. He's making friends and more, and fitting in well.
ROULETTE: He'll have that, and then he'll be safe once I am not a factor anymore.
ROULETTE: So, it will still be for the best, even if I know it's going to hurt.
ROULETTE: I'm only glad that I didn't make connections with anyone else, it would've made this harder on others, too.
POLKA DOT: ...he's not in danger with you, though, not from what I can tell.
POLKA DOT: And if you're really worried about the whole "attempted murder" thing, which again, I do not blame you for, we're going to need that kind of instinct.
POLKA DOT: There's monsters out there!
POLKA DOT: You don't have to treat it like some kind of you're a weapon or something.
POLKA DOT: It's not like you're going to hurt like somebody like that again. It's not inevitable.
ROULETTE: ...Then I can come on the trip, and I'll leave after that.
ROULETTE: And I'd say that solves the issue.

ROULETTE: ...Thinking about it, it may actually play better that way.
ROULETTE: There's no real reason for you to-


ROULETTE: ...Will you try to stop me, if I tell you?
POLKA DOT: No promises, I might.
ROULETTE: Then I cannot tell you, can I?
POLKA DOT: Guess not, when you put it like that...

You're quiet again, wings in your lap.

POLKA DOT: ...just...
POLKA DOT: You should at the very least talk to Devo or something before you go.
POLKA DOT: If you leave, you leave, but from what I can tell, he cares about you.
POLKA DOT: It'd be kinda fucked to just...bail without a goodbye. I dunno.
ROULETTE: I plan to talk with him.
ROULETTE: Not that you should be worrying about that in the first place, but...I'll be speaking with him about it, before I go.

You nod, figuring that's as satisfied as you're going to get with this.

POLKA DOT: Sorry for being nosy and all, just...yeah.
POLKA DOT: And for what it's worth...I, uh, forgive you. For all that.
POLKA DOT: You don't- you don't have to do the same for me.
POLKA DOT: But I wanted to say that.

It finally pulls the blanket off from over itself, seeming to have calmed down relatively.

ROULETTE: ...I forgave you as soon as I remembered it happened.
ROULETTE: It's only now that I have the chance to tell you.
ROULETTE: ...I hope you forgive yourself.

All of a sudden, there's a knock at the door, and a familiar voice.

TIMOTHY: Everything alright in there, Ribbon?
TIMOTHY: Some guy told me you came up here, wanted to check in-

The bot lowers its voice to an electric whisper.

ROULETTE: ...would you like the room? To stay and rest?
ROULETTE: I can go back downstairs.
ROULETTE: can see the stars through the sunroof, here.

It points, the vivid night sky hanging above you.

You manage a smile at that, nodding.

POLKA DOT: ...yeah. That sounds good.
ROULETTE: Good luck.

It braces itself momentarily,
taking a few seconds, rubbing its claws down over the sides of its head.

It walks to the door,
placing a claw on the handle.

The camera lens looks back at you, Roulette giving you a near-motionless wave,
then turning the handle.

ROULETTE: Ribbon is in here.
ROULETTE: Apologies for the confusion.

The robot's flat affect is back in full force,
making you aware of its absence throughout the bulk of your previous conversation.

TIMOTHY: Oh! Hey Roulette!
TIMOTHY: Glad that she found'd it all go? Everything alright?

As it speaks, it casually shifts past Timothy out the door.

ROULETTE: I was having, ah... a little bit of trouble, but Silk Ribbon talked me through it.
ROULETTE: She's very dependable with that sort of thing.

By this point, it's already reached the stairs.

ROULETTE: ...Nice to see you, as always.
It nods to Tim, then makes its way down.

The scottie dog gives it a friendly expression as it passes, turning to you with wide eyes.

TIMOTHY: You were hanging out with Roulette? That’s awesome!
He flops onto the bed with you, shuffling into a cross legged position.

TIMOTHY: How’d it go? Is it in our party? Are we set?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
It... probably wouldn't be very wise to make things complicated by immediately telling people Roulette wants to leave, nor would it be very respectful to Roulette since it told us this in confidence literally 30 seconds ago. Just tell Tim that Roulette's in the party, and don't elaborate unless asked.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Yeah, it's in our party. The situation is... complicated but I'm not really at liberty to break down the really nitty gritty of it.  How's the party going for you, are you having fun?

also, Tim there's something I want to talk to you about that's been weighing on me for a bit now. I don't want to bring the mood down but I'm worried we won't find or have much time to talk before the trip, and we almost certainly won't have time to talk about it on the trip itself.  (this is working towards telling Tim at least part of the bad dreams PD's been having and what polka dot's remembering about her past)
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
POLKA DOT: Yeah, it’s in the party…
TIMOTHY: …is everything okay?
POLKA DOT: It’s…complicated. Not really at liberty to get into it much.
TIMOTHY: Well, that’s a relief…

Tim’s own tone seems reluctant, and you can’t help but give him a look.

POLKA DOT: Is everything okay with you?
POLKA DOT: Party going okay?
TIMOTHY: Welllll….

He sighs, rubbing a paw against the side of his face.

TIMOTHY: Kind of…gave Devo a lecture.
TIMOTHY: Which I hate doing, it makes me feel like the biggest asshole in the world.
TIMOTHY: I don’t like the fact that he was willing to just, use himself as a bargaining chip for the Roulette thing.
TIMOTHY: It’s not fair to Roulette to use that as leverage…he just…went from going “I’ll go if Roulette does!” to “Okay, tell Roulette I am coming.” And while he says that part of it is definitely him getting more conviction to go…
TIMOTHY: I don’t know. I told him he shouldn’t be doing stuff like that.
POLKA DOT: …how’d he react to that?
TIMOTHY: I…don’t know if I worded things right, but-
TIMOTHY: He’s…probably gonna talk to Roulette about it. Give it an out and apologize, that way if it goes, it’s doing it of its own volition.
TIMOTHY: Devo seemed pretty upset, but…
TIMOTHY: I think…more with himself than anything.
TIMOTHY: He didn’t yell or anything, just got really quiet and apologetic.
TIMOTHY: I couldn’t really get him to stop apologizing-
TIMOTHY: I wanted to just text you when we were done, but Devo looked like he needed some space, so….I went looking for you instead.
TIMOTHY: …guess we swapped heavy talks.
POLKA DOT: That’s a way to look at it…
POLKA DOT: …you guys gonna be okay?
TIMOTHY: Oh, yeah! I think it’ll be fine…
TIMOTHY: Might be awkward for a bit, but…I think his heart’s in the right place.
TIMOTHY: Just a really shitty way to go about it, and I know that Roulette would be hurt like that.
POLKA DOT: …good on you for calling him on it then.
TIMOTHY: Yeah…I’m just…trying.
TIMOTHY: I’m not great at this whole “relationship” thing sometimes, it feels like…
TIMOTHY: Not like my history with it’s any good. It feels like there were so many ar….

He trails off, his voice growing quiet.

TIMOTHY: …it doesn’t matter anymore.
TIMOTHY: But I really do feel good around Devo. I want to make it work.
POLKA DOT: You will, man. You will.

That cheers your canine friend up significantly, his ears perking up.

TIMOTHY: Thanks, Ribbon.
There’s quiet, and the two of you flop back onto the bed, looking up at the skylight.

Roulette’s right- the stars are beautiful from here.

POLKA DOT: …do you remember what I said yesterday? About not wanting to face my past?
TIMOTHY: That stuff bothering you right now?
POLKA DOT: …yeah.
POLKA DOT: I don’t want to bring the mood down-
TIMOTHY: Please! I just talked about how I had to scold my boyfriend!
TIMOTHY: I’d go for any other topic right now.

The line about scolding his boyfriend gets a laugh out of you before you can help it, but the smile that comes with it fades quickly.

TIMOTHY: ...especially if it means actually helping somebody.
TIMOTHY: So... go ahead.
POLKA DOT: If you're sure...

POLKA DOT: I’m…facing it a lot sooner than I expected, I think.
POLKA DOT: Or wanted.
POLKA DOT: All of these fucked up dreams, lately…
POLKA DOT: And…getting one of them confirmed as real.

When you glance over to your side, you see Tim looking right at you, attentive and listening.

TIMOTHY: I’m here.
POLKA DOT: …I just feel like if I don’t talk about it now…
POLKA DOT: I won’t get to on the trip itself.
POLKA DOT: Can’t shake the feeling.
TIMOTHY: Then go ahead. Let it out!
TIMOTHY: You’ve…heard my story. I’m here for yours.

You nod, turning back up towards the stars. They’re just…little glowing cutouts in the sky, but there’s something about them that gives you something to hold onto.

You pick out the biggest one, and as you start to talk again, you hold onto it like a raft, keeping you afloat through the nerves.

POLKA DOT: I have a lot of dreams about Willow, which is great…
POLKA DOT: But on the nights I don’t…it’s…usually about this other person.
POLKA DOT: I don’t ever remember a name.
POLKA DOT: Every time I hear it, it’s like it’s…muffled.
POLKA DOT: We’re friends, I think. In the dreams.
POLKA DOT: …up until the point where I upset them.
TIMOTHY: They lash out at you?

You nod again, and Tim’s muzzle scrunches up.

TIMOTHY: I can relate, there…
TIMOTHY: What do they do?
POLKA DOT: That’s the thing, I’ve only ever gotten a few glimpses, but…
POLKA DOT: …I think they were violent. I know they were violent.
POLKA DOT: I have proof of that now-

Your voice hitches, and the weight of Roulette’s confirmation starts to hit you in full force.

POLKA DOT: T-that….they made me violent, too.
POLKA DOT: I’m…I’m scared that I did a lot of it on my own…
TIMOTHY: Do you dream of doing it all by yourself?
POLKA DOT: No, but-
TIMOTHY: Then I don’t think that’s giving yourself enough credit.
TIMOTHY: I may have only known you for a month or so, but…
TIMOTHY: You don’t seem like the kind of person that’d hurt somebody without a reason.

A flash of your near-fight with Cindi makes you feel a bit sick.

POLKA DOT: …I appreciate it, but…
POLKA DOT: I…don’t know if that’s true.
POLKA DOT: …I think they twisted my head up.

It’s Tim’s turn to be quiet, and after a few moments of silence, you can’t help but look over in a panic-

He’s staring up at the ceiling, paws resting against his forehead.

TIMOTHY: …I feel you.
TIMOTHY: I really do.

You turn back to the stars.

The big one’s still there, twinkling away.

…you wonder if Tim’s watching the same one.

TIMOTHY: …if we meet this person, the one that messed with you, and they give you shit-
TIMOTHY: I’ll…beat them up or something.

The idea of sweet ol’ Tim wailing on anything is almost funny, but you don’t dare laugh with how serious he sounds.
POLKA DOT: For real?
POLKA DOT: You don’t, uh, have to-
TIMOTHY: I know you’d do the same for me.
TIMOTHY: But…is there anything else I should know about?
TIMOTHY: About this, other dreams, anything?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Share whatever could be useful, and let Tim know you really appreciate his words. Knowing people have your back in this confusing, weird world is valuable.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: …there was another dream, too.
POLKA DOT: I think…it may have been a premonition. About the adventure.

The look Tim gives you is dead serious, his eyes focused on yours.

TIMOTHY: …how bad was it?
POLKA DOT: Bad. Really bad.
POLKA DOT: I…I don’t know all the details, but you were there, and Devo, and Willow.
POLKA DOT: No Roulette, but…I don’t think that means anything in particular, not when it was so iffy that it’d be coming anyway.
POLKA DOT: There was this…thing.
POLKA DOT: …you said it was hunting.
TIMOTHY: Hunting us, you mean?

You manage a nod, and he sighs- not out of irritation, but a different emotion you can’t place.

TIMOTHY: I mean, we knew there’d be monsters…sounds like there’s just…an extra nasty one.
TIMOTHY: Not really a “just” situation, though.
TIMOTHY: Did we, uh…live?

The look on your face tells him more than your words could.

TIMOTHY: Mmgh. Awesome.
TIMOTHY: Anything we should know about this thing?
POLKA DOT: It…had something to do with tar. I couldn’t make any details out, but…
POLKA DOT: Tar, and weird voices.
TIMOTHY: Not much we can do with that, but…
TIMOTHY: Something to look out for, I guess.

No one speaks for a few moments, your eyes on the stars.

TIMOTHY: …I’ll help take that thing down. I will.
POLKA DOT: You can’t do that on your own-
TIMOTHY: We don’t know that yet.
TIMOTHY: I’m planning on going to these…training grounds deeper in the city when I can. I figure we could get the whole party together and get some practice sessions in before we go…
POLKA DOT: Yeah, Willow mentioned something like that…
TIMOTHY: Then that’s our next step.
POLKA DOT: That, and talking to that old toy I met about gear- Wanderer, I think her name was.
TIMOTHY: Easy enough…should probably do weapons first. Make sure we’ve got things down.
TIMOTHY: …winter clothes, too.
TIMOTHY: Might be snowy out in the wilds, too!
TIMOTHY: Don’t want to freeze to death out there…
POLKA DOT: …I didn’t even think about that.
POLKA DOT: Are…Willow and Roulette going to be able to handle that?
TIMOTHY: Hell if I know! I don’t know how electronic toys work even a little bit.
TIMOTHY: But…that’s why we should get some warm clothes, and supplies for warming up.
POLKA DOT: What a fucking mess…

You rub your wing against your beak, your anxiety clearly shining through.

TIMOTHY: …yeah.
TIMOTHY: I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried, too…
TIMOTHY: The more I think about it, the more antsy I get.
TIMOTHY: This means a lot to Willow.
POLKA DOT: More than I can even wrap my head around, if I’m being honest…
POLKA DOT: She just…she seems so happy thinking about this.
POLKA DOT: And, like, when I think about stuff like her being a big ass monster and doing gay shit with that, that seems great!
POLKA DOT: And the way she’s so enthusiastic about it, that seems great too!
POLKA DOT: I…hope she realizes how serious this shit is.
TIMOTHY: …you gonna try to talk her out of it?
POLKA DOT: No chance in hell. She’s obsessed with this stuff, and with how good it makes her feel, I can’t blame her.
POLKA DOT: I’m not jealous, but…I can’t help but wish I had something like that to shoot for.
POLKA DOT: Some kind of goal, you know?
TIMOTHY: …yeah.
TIMOTHY: I get that too.

You can hear him shuffling around beside you, and when you glance over, you can see your canine companion holding a pillow to his chest, giving it a squeeze.

TIMOTHY: S-sorry, uh-
TIMOTHY: Force of habit.
POLKA DOT: Stress thing?
TIMOTHY: …yeah.
POLKA DOT: I get it, man…I get it.
POLKA DOT: I appreciate you being here for me, okay?
POLKA DOT: Feels like you always got my back.

He sits upright at that, giving you a determined look.

TIMOTHY: O-of course I do!
TIMOTHY: I…don’t try to half ass things, and that includes friend stuff.
TIMOTHY: …besides, I know you’d do the same.
TIMOTHY: You’re good like that.

After you give him a grateful nod, he flops back over, getting back to squeezing and squishing the pillow.

TIMOTHY: …you think Devo and Roulette are doing okay right now?
POLKA DOT: Hope so…but I guess we’ll find out about it either way.
TIMOTHY: Hell of a night…

You don’t talk much after that, just…watching up above.

It’s comfortable, more than you could have expected.

When you get home, you crash into bed and almost immediately pass out, not even bothering to kick off your shoes.

When you dream this time, it’s good. For fucking once.

What do you see?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You see someone nice for a change, maybe even a little wish fulfillment.
...something that's both nice, and horrifying? But like in a way where you don't know if you're scared, intrigued, or it's actually really cool. Something that utterly confounds the soul.
There’s the sound of a familiar, rhythmic beeping…soft and gentle, resembling what you’ve been told is a heartbeat…

You open your eyes, slowly, and smile as soon as you see your favorite shade of purple.

Cross is sleeping, your partner’s display showing a pixel character curled up under a blanket. Her arms are wrapped around you, and even though it’s a more rigid position than it would be if she was projected, it’s still…

You close your eyes again, focusing on the sensations around you.

The beeping, lulling you into a sense of warmth and security.

Ridged plastic arms, perfect for you to run your wings across.

Soft rubber buttons, lightly squished against you but not enough to actually be pressed.

Your wings on her waist, feeling the curve there.

She stirs slightly as you snuggle up to her, pixel character shifting a bit.

CROSSBONE: Someone’s cuddly…
POLKA DOT: Just a little…

She leans in to kiss you on your forehead, her screen smooth against your rubber skin as she lets out a little beep.

CROSSBONE: You’re extra cute when you’re affectionate…
POLKA DOT: Feels like that’s a constant with you.
CROSSBONE: Well, that just supports that you’re always cute.

It’s your turn to give her a kiss back, going for the plastic right to the side of her screen- her cheek, in a sense.

POLKA DOT: Says you.

Both of you grow quiet, but it’s still just as warm…

Something shifts, Cross’ hand shaking a bit against your back.

POLKA DOT: …you okay, babe?
CROSSBONE: I’m…I’m good-

Before you can get a good look at her screen, liquid plastic splatters against your face, her head splitting open and falling into a hood-like shape around her neck

You can’t even react, frozen in horror as a skull head unfurls, more canine than usual-

I’ve seen this before.

Taking a deep breath, you try to steel your nerves as the rest of her body shifts, growing larger and nearly encompassing you. Her ridged plastic arms may end in flaming claws, but they’re still smooth to the touch, and the fire’s warm, not burning. There’s still those cute little buttons, albeit far less little now… and to top it off, her now-humongous wings surround the two of you like a blanket, making a cozy cocoon.

CROSSBONE: I’ve got you…
She’s got me.

You can hear the beeping now that the panic’s wearing off, that little heartbeat just as soft and sweet as before.

CROSSBONE: You’re safe…
I’m safe.

CROSSBONE: And I’ll always, always protect you…
Prickles of tear-paint start to form at the corners of your eyes at that, those words meaning more to you than you’re ever ready for.

CROSSBONE: You don’t have to be strong all the time, Polka…
CROSSBONE: Let me take care of you.

All you can do is nod, holding onto her tighter.

She runs her hands up and down your back, the flames somehow soothing even with the tingly feeling that comes with them. It’s enough to make you feel like you’re melting.

CROSSBONE: Hey, Polka…
CROSSBONE: You know what I can do like this?

She leans in, her jaw opening just slightly, getting closer and closer-

Your alarm starts blaring, the expression on your face as your eyes snap open only describable as “irritated”.

I was just getting to the good part! Fuck!

…guess I’m kind of into the idea of monster Cross too…

 You aren’t sure how to process that right now, that’s for sure.

Speaking of the devil, you’ve got some texts.

[♥ Cross ♥]: hope the party went okay last night!
[♥ Cross ♥]: fill me in whenever you can, i wanna know how stuff went
[♥ Cross ♥]: <3
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Be cute and offer to meet up to do catch up soon.
[Image: blazblue.png]
[Silk Ribbon]: party went p good, wish you were there tho
[Silk Ribbon]: would have been cool to dance with my fave devil girl~
[Silk Ribbon]: we can catch up soon, okay?

You set your phone down, trying to take inventory.

No work today, bar’s closed for some sort of bank holiday.

You’re still totally wiped from the party anyway….but there’s still a lot to do. Too much to do, really.

Your phone buzzes before you can get too far.

[♥ Cross ♥]: awesome!! <3
[♥ Cross ♥]: ok so i wanna meet up but i have work with featherweight today
[♥ Cross ♥]: howeverrrr he says you can come over and talk as long as you’re not too disruptive
[♥ Cross ♥]: i need his stuff to make us some winter clothes anyway
[Silk Ribbon]: …winter clothes?
[♥ Cross ♥]: duh, you think we’re going on an adventure in t shirts? it’s gonna be cold out there!
[♥ Cross ♥]: provided devo and roulette are in this as well, i’ll be getting ahold of them to figure out what they want as well…
[♥ Cross ♥]: gonna need some more heavy duty stuff than we’ve been working with…

Sheesh, she’s taking this seriously…

…better that than the alternative, I guess...

[♥ Cross ♥]: you could get directions to get over here from laurie’s office!
[Silk Ribbon]: is it a long walk?
[♥ Cross ♥]: nope, and it’s pretty safe, that whole pathway’s guarded with community watch members. otherwise i wouldn’t be making the walk over!
[Silk Ribbon]: well…guess i don’t have other plans, and i do wanna catch up and see you…
[♥ Cross ♥]: then it’s a date <3
[♥ Cross ♥]: bring your best coat ideas!

You close your phone with a sigh, albeit a content one.

Showering and getting yourself dressed up is mundane at this point, some of the gloss worn off of the routine after being here for a month. All the same, you can’t help but enjoy the process- there’s something about having the structure of it all that grounds you in your morning.

It’s good to have things to hold onto.

…the thought that you won’t have this on the road passes into your head as you’re putting on your boots, making you frown.

...I’ll find new habits out there.

And then I’ll come back home, and maybe then I’ll be able to get a like…real apartment here…yeah.

Yeah, this’ll work.

You double check to make sure you’ve got everything before heading out the door, wings in your pockets. Walking to Laurie’s office is a slow endeavor, the hallways seeming to twist and turn more than usual-

-but you do get there, a little bit of tinsel around the doorplate.

Minnie waves at you idly from her usual spot at the front desk, gesturing for you to come closer.

MINNIE: You got an appointment?
POLKA DOT: Uhh, nope-
MINNIE: He’s busy today.
POLKA DOT: …is there any way I could get directions to Featherweight’s?
MINNIE: Sure, I can pull that u-

Both of you jump a little as the door behind you opens and closes, followed by the sound of boots on tile and the click of a cane tapping the ground.

LAURIE: Are you headed that way, Silk Ribbon?
It’s been a bit since you’ve seen the club’s owner, and never fully out of his office before. The tiedyed bean bear stands taller than you’d expect, wearing a thick winter outfit and a faux fur coat, holding a cane in one hand for stability.

LAURIE: I was just on my way over to check in.
LAURIE: We were talking on the phone and I realized I have to see his new harness stock in person to fully get the impact.
LAURIE: If you’d like, I could take you there.

W-walking over with my boss?! I-

It’s more than a little intimidating, even with all Laurie’s done for you-

But his eyes are warm.

POLKA DOT: …I mean, we’re going to the same place, right?
LAURIE: My thoughts exactly!
LAURIE: Minnie, you hold down the fort for me, okay?
MINNIE: You got it.

You and Laurie step out into the outside world.

It’s cloudy today, not too bright- and thankfully, warmer than what you had to deal with last night.

Your boss starts to lead the way, albeit slowly.

LAURIE: …admittedly, coming with me means you’re going to be hindered a bit when it comes to getting there fast.
LAURIE: Got a bad leg.
LAURIE: But that just means we have more time to talk, don’t we?

His voice is chipper- he seems genuinely excited to talk to you.

…he also appears to be leaving the conversational ball in your court.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Reassure that the leg isn't a issue, get some small banter in.
[Image: blazblue.png]
"Don't worry about it! I like taking the time to see the scenery. And besides, I'm not sure it even matters how fast we walk. The narrative will get us there whenever."
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: Eh, no worries.
POLKA DOT: Had a big walk last night anyway. I don’t mind taking it slow.

The bear immediately turns to look at you as he walks, nearly bumping into a mailbox without much reaction. His eyes are twinkling- you’ve caught his interest.

LAURIE: Was it a party, by any chance?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, at, that, uh…Miasma guy’s house.
LAURIE: Ah, Miasma…
LAURIE: He’s a dear friend of mine. Further than that, really.
LAURIE: I considered going myself, but the Place had paperwork to be done, more than I could afford to put down.
LAURIE: The toys in charge of this city…they try every year to get me caught up in red tape. But I won’t have it!
LAURIE: They’re going to push extra hard once they find out that we’ve blacklisted one of their own, but…

He shakes his head.

LAURIE: That’s…I’m rambling on.
POLKA DOT: No, it’s-
POLKA DOT: Do they have to find out?

It gets a laugh out of Laurie, albeit a bitter one.

LAURIE: Well, I’m not stupid enough to send them a letter about it or anything.
LAURIE: …how much do you know about all that?
POLKA DOT: Vine told me that this, uh, Saddler guy- he preys on newbies. Didn’t go into too much detail, just that it gets violent.
LAURIE: Mmm…I’m still on the fence on whether even that much information going around is safe.
LAURIE: But…I’d rather there be roughly-accurate rumor spreading amongst our clientele and staff- especially the newbies- than everyone pretending that this scum of a man is safe to be around.

The ferocity in his voice makes you straighten out your posture on instinct, the bear catching your eye again and gesturing with his cane to something in the skyline.

LAURIE: Look over there.
Following where his mobility aid is pointing, you see-

A billboard, with a smiling face and the words “VOTE FOR SADDLER” in big, chunky letters. The more you look at it to try and discern details of his appearance, the more your head hurts. Even with the poor photo quality, you can make out a clay, canine face with a wicked grin made of sharp, pointed teeth- surrounded by slicked back faux fur.

POLKA DOT: What…is he?
LAURIE: He claims to be some kind of “art toy”. One of a kind, he says.
LAURIE: Gets on a whole high horse about it in his campaign ads. It’s enough to make you sick.
LAURIE: However…his distinct look also gives us an advantage, as well as the fact that he plasters his own mug on every surface he can find it.
LAURIE: If you ever see that face, you turn around and go the other direction- and tell someone in our network.
LAURIE: Especially if he’s near the Place or any associated businesses, residences, anything.
LAURIE: As long as he’s not actively attacking someone, you’re not to engage with him at all, you’re just to leave and get help.

His voice softens, but his gaze does not.

LAURIE: Can you do that for me, Silk Ribbon?
LAURIE: Can I trust you with that?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
hehe I see my reputation as a loose canon proceeds me. yeah ok I can do that boss man.

also is this city just full of terrible people? why would they vote for this guy? I mean I figure his odds aren't terrible given you've just described very expensive electoral campaign ads. wait no I know this one, the reason is that the other guy is equally bad if not worse.
May as well, should be easy. Besides, a name like saddler screams cult leader or bad lawyer anyway.
[Image: blazblue.png]
You can’t help but smirk a bit, Laurie giving you a confused look.

POLKA DOT: Guess my reputation precedes me.
The bear’s face softens at that, seemingly relieved you weren’t laughing at the situation itself.

LAURIE: Well…Vine and I are good friends. We talk.
LAURIE: She speaks highly of you…
LAURIE: …but also tells me you need a stern guiding hand. No offense meant.
POLKA DOT: None taken…she’s done a lot for me.
LAURIE: You’ve done a lot for her, too.
POLKA DOT: …really?
LAURIE: I could go on and gossip away, but first-
LAURIE: The original question.
POLKA DOT: Oh, uh-
POLKA DOT: I mean, it should be easy, right?
POLKA DOT: Guy kinda screams like. Bad lawyer anyway.

That gets a snicker out of Laurie, the bear almost bumping into a fire hydrant in his giggles.

LAURIE: He does, doesn’t he?
LAURIE: But…even bad lawyers get clients, just through suckering those who have no other options.
LAURIE: Which…is a lot of people, here.
POLKA DOT: …yeah.

The two of you walk in silence, the conversation’s mood gone back to feeling dire.

LAURIE: …you’re scared of this place, aren’t you?
POLKA DOT: I’m not-
LAURIE: It’s okay to admit that you are.
LAURIE: By asking you that, I’m not seeing if you’re a coward, I’m seeing if you’re smart.
POLKA DOT: …it’s just…
POLKA DOT: this city just, full of terrible people?
POLKA DOT: Why would they vote for this guy?
POLKA DOT: I get that he’s got all these gross fuckin’ ads everywhere-
POLKA DOT: Is…the other guy in the running just, worse or something?

Laurie’s quiet as he thinks things over, glancing over at you occasionally.

LAURIE: It’s an interesting conundrum.
LAURIE: When toys leave the Store…they are placed somewhere seemingly random.
LAURIE: There are many settlements that we know of, countless really-
LAURIE: But this one is considered…well, it’s not held in high regard.
LAURIE: For one thing, it offers no “theme”, no particular draw for any one type of toy.
LAURIE: It’s just a city. And while I see the merits of that, some will argue that it’s boring compared to the more fantastical places out there.
LAURIE: But then you look at the high crime and violence rate…
LAURIE: It does beg the question- why, god why, do people stay?
LAURIE: It varies, but…
LAURIE: Many people just showed up here and this is all they know.
LAURIE: Others realize that the structures in place here can benefit them, even if it’s at the expense of others- primarily those who show up here and know nothing different.
LAURIE: Then…there are people who find others they care about. People they love.
LAURIE: They make a little home for themselves here, amidst all the violence.
LAURIE: And…it becomes hard for them to leave that, into a world of uncertainty.
LAURIE: I know that I probably make that last angle worse for people, by creating a haven that keeps them here.
LAURIE: But…I would rather try than not. I would rather make a space for people that is safe, and hope that change…radiates outward, or something.
LAURIE: It’s part of why my network is so large. I want to make connections that last long after I’m gone.
LAURIE: And…maybe someday, the Saddlers of this city will be toppled. I don’t expect to fill that void, my ambitions don’t line up with becoming a politician or anything-
LAURIE: …but maybe sharing these resources with people will allow someone who could to take a stand.
LAURIE: …am I just an old fool, do you think?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
No. I think I might have fallen to this city's influence without you. I got here and only felt rage. Imagine where I could have ended up?

I think you might just be preventing some future Sadlers from being made. I think things could change, as long as we keep helping each other.
Think you're just being smart. Place does worry me but it's what we got right now, so let's make the best we can out of it.
POLKA DOT: Nah, like…
POLKA DOT: You’re being smart.
POLKA DOT: This is what we’ve got right now, right?
POLKA DOT: ‘sides, I probably would’ve gotten fucked up by this city without you.
LAURIE: What do you mean?
POLKA DOT: It’s like…
POLKA DOT: When I got here, I woke up on the ground with a lot of anger rumbling around.
POLKA DOT: It’s all I felt, and I didn’t know what to do with it.
POLKA DOT: Still…figuring that part out, but the Place helped me take a second to calm down and get my head in order.
POLKA DOT: Met a lot of nice people, learned a lot of cool things.
POLKA DOT: …it’s hard not to imagine how things would’ve went if I didn’t have that.

Laurie’s quiet for a few moments, the only sound being his cane tapping along the sidewalk.

LAURIE: I don’t think you give yourself enough credit.
LAURIE: You may have made some mistakes early on without the Place, yes, but-
LAURIE: From what I can tell, you’re brave and have a strong heart.
LAURIE: …cheesy, and maybe you do have these qualities to a fault-
LAURIE: -but those aren’t to be downplayed in a place like this.
LAURIE: It’s part of why you’re going on that adventure outside, isn’t it?
LAURIE: To help someone you care about?
POLKA DOT: …Vine told you about that too, huh?
LAURIE: Oh, word travels. You’re not the only one asking people for advice.
LAURIE: You didn’t think Willow was going into this half-cocked, did you?

…you realize that you kind of did think that, a little bit. The whole…becoming a monster goal, it just seemed too out there-

POLKA DOT: She’s…been asking around?
LAURIE: Mm, though not the same questions, I bet.
LAURIE: From what I can tell, she’s been looking into how to manage transformations and the like.
LAURIE: Vine’s told me you’re handling a lot of the prep stuff, party gathering, the works…
LAURIE: …Willow’s making sure that this choice won’t harm you, or anyone else.
LAURIE: Or at the very least, trying to mitigate as much of that damage as possible.
LAURIE: Chances are, this will end in someone getting hurt. Perhaps her, perhaps someone else.
LAURIE: But she’s looking into ways to bounce back from that.
LAURIE: …you should ask her about it, when you get there.
POLKA DOT: Guess so, huh…
LAURIE: I’m sure you have your own worries, too…
POLKA DOT: Boy, you could say that again.
LAURIE: Then why don’t you pitch them to me?
LAURIE: We can rehearse.
LAURIE: Tell me what’s getting to you about all this.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Honestly with everything said, I want to really know fully what I'm getting into here. No getting sucker punched, no surprirses that get others hurt, what kind of damage we're really facing.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: …with everything I’ve heard so far…
POLKA DOT: I want to know what I’m getting into. Not just…surface level stuff, the whole deal.
POLKA DOT: I don’t wanna get sucker punched, I don’t want any surprises that lead to somebody getting fucked over, I wanna know just how bad it’s gonna get.
LAURIE: You want to know every risk, then.
POLKA DOT: Yeah! Yeah, exactly.

Laurie laughs, catching you off guard immediately.

LAURIE: Good luck with that.
POLKA DOT: I-I mean-
LAURIE: You’re headed out into the wilds!
LAURIE: You’d have a better shot of guessing the future literally anywhere else.
LAURIE: I know that’s not reassuring, but listen-
LAURIE: You’re going about this wrong.

You huff, it coming out more like a strained squeak.

POLKA DOT: How should I go about it, then.
LAURIE: Don’t get huffy with me, kid. This is good advice coming up!
LAURIE: When you’re dealing with the narrative, especially wild narrative, you have to think bigger than just “the risks”.
LAURIE: You can’t account for everything, you just can’t. There’s too many options.
LAURIE: Knowing them is still useful, but let’s break it down.
LAURIE: You’ve got monsters! I could give you a whole bestiary on those and you’d still be likely to deal with nasty surprises.
LAURIE: You’ve got hazards- and in your case, that’s likely to be weather. Unpredictable even on the best days.
LAURIE:  And then, worst of all- other people.
LAURIE: While running into other travelers is rare outside of settlements themselves, you still could have conflict amongst your party.
LAURIE: All of this is probably making your head spin, isn’t it?
POLKA DOT: You’re doing a really bad job at making me feel better about this.
LAURIE: That’s because I haven’t gotten to that part yet!
LAURIE: You can look up every single detail about where you’re going in as many books as you can, try to figure out every path-
LAURIE: But there’s going to be one path, in the end. And that is what it is, it’s the journey you take..
LAURIE: Prep is important. Don’t shirk on that.
LAURIE: But…use that to make goals.
LAURIE: Concrete, yet flexible.
POLKA DOT: …how can a goal be both of those things?
LAURIE: Well…let’s see.
LAURIE: What would you say your main goal is, with all this?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Well, there's two main goals really.
1. Don't let anyone die. (Dying is illegal.)
2. Project Prophecy Monster (The main goal)

I mean,,, they're concrete in the fact they're discrete. Well defined? Not really sure how to be flexible on them other than like. Getting to them? Or accepting the inevitability that partial or total failure may be utterly out of the control of anything but fickle chance...what are you getting at????
POLKA DOT: Nnnnot dying?
LAURIE: Good start.
LAURIE: What else?
POLKA DOT: …well…
POLKA DOT: Getting Willow to become a monster, I guess.
LAURIE: Mmmhm.
LAURIE: I’ve met people with similar goals, actually.
POLKA DOT: Wait, really?
LAURIE: We can get into it after this.
LAURIE: Do you have conviction in these goals?
POLKA DOT: I mean, yeah.
POLKA DOT: I know I don’t want to die, and I know this is what Willow wants.
LAURIE: Then that’s the concrete part.
POLKA DOT: So you mean, they’re…well defined?
LAURIE: Mmmmmmmmmmhm.
POLKA DOT: Then…is flexibility, like- related to getting to them?
LAURIE: That’s one way to interpret it, yes.
LAURIE: You have these goals, you believe in them-
LAURIE: But things may change and shift around as you go, and you’ll have to change your course to accommodate.
LAURIE: More succinctly…
LAURIE: If you have a strong goal, the narrative is more likely to work with that.
LAURIE: How it works with that is out of your hands, so be willing to wiggle around and get weird with it along the way.
LAURIE: Well, somewhat.
LAURIE: But more advanced narrative manipulation, well, I don’t know if you’re ready for something like that.
LAURIE: We’ll see!

You feel even more confused than earlier.

How does anyone make sense of this guy....

POLKA DOT: Th…thank you? For the…ad…vice?
LAURIE: You’re welcome!

Still, he’s trying to help me…

POLKA DOT: What were you saying about the whole…knowing people with similar goals thing?
LAURIE: When you’re as old as I am, you meet a lot of different kinds of people.
LAURIE: And I’ve known some people in my time with similar quests- seeking out magic, especially transformative kinds.
LAURIE: After all, doesn’t everyone want to be a little different than how they currently are?
LAURIE: Dysmorphia’s a hell of a drug.

A little twinkle shows up in his beady eyes.

LAURIE: Go on, ask away.
LAURIE: I can tell you’re dying to know.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
What's your drug? Give us the beans.
[Image: blazblue.png]
POLKA DOT: Dysmorphia as some kind of drug…you say that like you deal with it yourself, or something.
POLKA DOT: Why not spill the beans on that?

Laurie blinks his beady eyes.

LAURIE: Well, I was more expecting you to ask about other people wanting to turn into monsters and such, but-
LAURIE: I suppose I have my own issues as well, yes.
LAURIE:  Not! With turning into a monster per se.
LAURIE: Dysmorphia tends to go hand in hand with dysphoria, and I deal with that a fair bit.
POLKA DOT: You lost me.
LAURIE: Hmm, how do I put this…
LAURIE: When I came to in the Store, I was labelled as a “girl toy”- most Bean Buddies have some kind of gendering in their tag poems, and that’s what I got slapped with.
LAURIE: I liked the clothes found in the aisles I was born in, but when people called me all kinds of feminine words, it just didn’t stick with me.
LAURIE: Not until I got to the real world and started using them in a way that felt good, anyhow.
LAURIE: I don’t mind being called a girl now, just…on my own terms.
LAURIE: Girl, but as a performance.
LAURIE: A lot of people refer to what I do as drag, but I personally prefer crossdressing. It feels…right.
LAURIE: Since starting the Place, I’ve tried to be especially welcoming to toys who need a space for that kind of thing.
LAURIE: Whether it’s wanting to become a monster or play around with gender and their own body, anyone who messes with their presentation is welcome under my roof.

You think back to your time Cross put you in a corset, imagining the changed shape it gave you…

POLKA DOT: Yeah. I think I get it.
POLKA DOT: I’m happy being a…whatever I am, a girl, I guess?
POLKA DOT: But…there’s been stuff I’ve done that makes me feel extra good about it.
POLKA DOT: Does that count?
LAURIE: Mmmhm.
LAURIE: Anything that gives you that little rush.
LAURIE: Ah, look-!

He gestures with his cane to an upcoming building, two stories made of molded plastic bricks with some kind of colored flag in one of the windows.

LAURIE: Bold of him to put those up…
LAURIE: But here we are! Featherweight’s!
LAURIE: Looks like the narrative thought that was a good point to end on, eh?
LAURIE: About time, I could use a sit down…

Even with his bad leg, he manages to lead the way, holding the door open for you.

The space inside is absolutely covered in work in progress garments, reams of fabric stacked high enough to reach the ceiling. Something about it fills you with a sense of wonder-

How much stuff could you make here?!

LAURIE: Featherweight, we’re here!
The voice that follows is muffled, a stork bean buddy barely managing to poke his head out from behind a pile of supplies.

????: We? Who’s-
????: Ah!
????: You’ve brought a guest.
????: Is this…the Silk Ribbon I’ve heard about?
LAURIE: The one and only.

As the stork steps out of the mess, you notice two things immediately-

One, he’s wearing a cute, strappy outfit, decked out in suspenders and a pleated skirt.

Two, he is tall.

He extends a wing, his expression soft.

FEATHERWEIGHT: Pleasure to meet you.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Willow’s told me so much.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Activate *realistic* wing to wing shaking action!(handshake)

I hope only the good stuff. Nice to meet another bird, I love your wings. Thank you so much for letting Willow use your facilities and letting me come by.
You extend your own wing to meet his, the stork giving you a nice firm shake.

Nice to meet another bird…

POLKA DOT: Hope you’ve only heard the good stuff.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Good is in the eye of the beholder, but if you mean hearing gushing from Willow-!

That gets painted blush to spread all across your face, torn between being shy about it or feeling proud of the bond you’ve built with Cross.

POLKA DOT: Well, I mean-
POLKA DOT: W-watch out, I can talk a mean game back when it comes to her.
FEATHERWEIGHT: As long as it doesn’t detract from the work, talking’s more than welcome in my shop.
POLKA DOT: Yeah, thanks for letting Willow use this place-
FEATHERWEIGHT: Use? Please, she helps keep me in business.
FEATHERWEIGHT: Her modeling has sold us a lot of stock.
FEATHERWEIGHT: It’s all I can do to let her use my shop when she needs it.
FEATHERWEIGHT: …granted, when she’s back from your little adventure, I’m planning on offering her a seamstress position.

He winks.

FEATHERWEIGHT: But you didn’t hear that from me.
When we come back…

…what is it going to be like, when we come back?

You hadn’t really thought about it before now- Cross would be a monster, then.

Would she still be able to get the job?

Featherweight seems to pause as he looks at your expression, only to be distracted by Laurie wandering off to poke at various fabric reams.

FEATHERWEIGHT: Ah ah ah! Be careful!
LAURIE: Oh, it’s fine.
LAURIE: Stop worrying about an old man perusing your goods.
FEATHERWEIGHT: You, sir, cannot get away with the elderly card.
FEATHERWEIGHT: The last time I left you unattended, you caused a massive collapse of the fabric stacks-
LAURIE: I saw a button I wanted to put on my coat!
FEATHERWEIGHT: And I would have given it to you, if you let me grab it-

You step away from the two men bickering, wandering through the shop yourself.

There’s so many colors, and with just how valuable fabric is…you can’t help but wonder how such a store stays stocked. Just being around this many sewing supplies makes your wings itching to make things…

You take a turn and stop dead in your tracks, hiding behind a stack of materials.

Cross is there, working at a little sewing machine miniature and looking very intent on her work. Her chain tail thumps the ground at even intervals, a tell you’ve come to recognize as her deep, deep in thought.

She hasn’t even seemed to notice your arrival to the shop, completely immersed in it.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Wait until she's at a natural stopping point before you go up and talk to her, you don't want to startle her and mess up her work so far.

(Gay)ze longingly at your partner. Oh oh take a picture of her with your phone. Canded photos of your loved ones are always fun.
Pose cool for when she eventually turns around.
[Image: blazblue.png]
You don’t approach right away, choosing to watch for a little while.

You realize after a moment that she’s actually humming to herself, a soft chime that just slightly varies in pitch and volume.

Never seen that before…

It’s so cute…

You get the feeling you could listen to it forever.

The feeling lingers, filling your chest with a warm, fuzzy sensation. You know through your vague memories that you’ve felt something similar, a long time ago- but it still feels new and special now, this strange and beautiful emotion that may be a little scary, too. Right now, though- you don’t feel any fear.

Just her.

She makes a noise all of a sudden, and you almost startle, immediately assuming a cool leaning pose against the material stack.

Gotta look cool-

But she doesn’t look up, just fussing with the needle on her machine.

CROSSBONE: Fiddly little thing…
It’s at least a few more minutes before you clear your throat, the sound coming out a little squeaky.

Cross looks up with a happy expression on her screen, recognizing the sound immediately.

CROSSBONE: You goof!
CROSSBONE: …how long have you been standing there?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Not long enough.
[Image: blazblue.png]
(03-20-2023, 11:45 PM)ThreadLurkingComorant Wrote: Not long enough.

Waggle your eyebrows whilst saying this.

ask her what she was humming, if it was anything in particular. also what's she working on?
You lower your eyelids and waggle your brow, getting a beeping giggle out of Cross immediately.

POLKA DOT: Not long enough.
CROSSBONE: You’re too silly.
POLKA DOT: I mean it. I could look all day.
CROSSBONE: You’re just flattering me…
POLKA DOT: No, I mean it-

You notice that her posture seems to hunch over, just enough to be noticed.

POLKA DOT: …you okay?
CROSSBONE: Just…a lot on my mind.
CROSSBONE: You know how it is.

Must be about the adventure…
…I can’t say I know how wanting to be a giant monster is, but…

POLKA DOT: You wanna talk about it?
Cross shakes her head, gesturing to the mess of fabric surrounding her.

CROSSBONE: I can’t afford to take breaks.
CROSSBONE: We’ve got a whole party’s worth of outfits to make and I’ve only gotten Tim’s halfway done.
POLKA DOT: Halfway? Didn’t you just start today?
CROSSBONE: I work fast, I guess….
CROSSBONE: Tim tossed me a thrifted coat to work with before heading off to work this morning, said that he’s had it for a while now.
CROSSBONE: I’ve been lining that to make it more durable for harsh weather- it was plenty warm, but we might be dealing with proper blizzards out there.
CROSSBONE: Going to be making him a snowsuit to wear underneath…
CROSSBONE: Devo also sent me his requests, and those I’m going to need to do research for.
CROSSBONE: Going to try and do some braces for his arms, legs and core. Stuff that holds stuffing and pellets more in place…
CROSSBONE: …I think I can do it. I know I can.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
alright, you need help. We can't have you burned out somewhere dangerous. Is there anything I can do? or do you need me working on other things?
"I think we can do it. Is there another sewing station around here?"
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: I think we can do it.
POLKA DOT: You need help, alright?
POLKA DOT: You’re gonna burn yourself out before we even get out there, and what happens when we’re out in the wilds?
POLKA DOT: You’re gonna get yourself in trouble…

Cross looks down at her hands and sighs, tapping the edge of the sewing machine.

CROSSBONE: …I know you’re right.
POLKA DOT: Then point me to something I can help you with.
POLKA DOT: Is there another sewing station around here?

Cross points to a nearby table, still within earshot.

CROSSBONE: …can you do embroidery?
POLKA DOT: Embroidery? No prob.
CROSSBONE: Okay…Tim texted me Roulette’s request right before you got here- a scarf with some interesting patterns, and while it’s not as important functionally as Devo’s braces, it seems…important.
CROSSBONE: I don’t know Roulette, but from everything I’ve heard…
POLKA DOT: It’s kinda…the practical type, right?
CROSSBONE: So…I really want to make that happen.
POLKA DOT: Got it…any specifics?
CROSSBONE: Black, with white eyes.
POLKA DOT: …eyes?
POLKA DOT: Huh. More…punk than I expected.
CROSSBONE: People are allowed to have punk sides.

You settle in at the station after a bit of gathering, having to grab materials from their precarious stacks. It takes a moment before you remember how to start, but once you get to stitching, it feels more natural than you could have imagined.

POLKA DOT: You’ve got your punk side on full display, huh?
CROSSBONE: Just a little-
POLKA DOT: It’s a good look on you!

There’s a little bit of amusement in her voice when she says it, the virtual pet resuming humming and working her sewing machine. The sound of the machine stitching is…comforting, in a way, and you feel a distinct warmth at being able to share the space with her like this, working in your own little areas.

CROSSBONE: So…how was the party?
CROSSBONE: Obviously people are in if they’re giving me their info, but…how did they take it?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Devo was on the fence about coming, and had the condition that we convince roulette. he didn't want to leave it alone here while we were gone. Devo came up with a gambit, tell Roulette that he was going as part of our pitch to it. looking back it seems kinda shitty, but I dunno I was desperate and Devo thought it'd be good for Roulette. Roulette doesn't like the plan, but it's willing, might be some tension in the group over that.

It's... a lot, and I think everyone kinda gets that, and has their own stuff they're dealing with.
(04-02-2023, 12:01 AM)skinstealer Wrote: There’s a little bit of amusement in her voice when she says it, the virtual pet resuming humming and working her sewing machine.

((wait, is the virtual critter inside working a tiny sewing machine too? if so that is fucking ADORABLE))

Devo... kinda sorta had us trick Roulette into joining? They said they would only go if Roulette did, but they said to tell Roulette they were already going when I asked it. Roulette wasn't excited, but it was willing to tag along, so... I guess all's well that ends well? I'm not sure.

But everyone is going, at least.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: It, uh…
POLKA DOT: Everyone’s…going?
CROSSBONE: …you don’t sound super thrilled about that.
CROSSBONE: Did something happen?
POLKA DOT: I talked with Devo and Tim first.
POLKA DOT: Devo was worried Roulette wouldn’t want to go, so he had me do this whole…gambit, thing.
CROSSBONE: A gambit…?
POLKA DOT: At first, he said he wouldn’t go unless Roulette did. The two seem close as hell.
CROSSBONE: Following so far.
POLKA DOT: But then, he wasn’t sure Roulette would go, and said to tell Roulette he’s going.
POLKA DOT: Yyyyeah.
CROSSBONE: Is…that going to cause problems, do you think?
POLKA DOT: Tim called Devo out on it when I went to go talk to Roulette, and he’s gonna apologize to it and give it an out, or something.
CROSSBONE: Worst case scenario, I guess it could be you, me and Tim.
POLKA DOT: Isn’t that, uh, dangerous?
CROSSBONE: Maybe, but…
CROSSBONE: …this is important to me, you know?
CROSSBONE: Is that selfish?

A little, but…I don’t wanna say that!

POLKA DOT: I-I mean-
Cross seems to catch on immediately, her shoulders drooping.

CROSSBONE: …I know I’m asking a lot.
CROSSBONE: I just can’t imagine living without this. Even if it’s a drastic change, or dangerous…
CROSSBONE: I’d…go on my own if I had to. That’s what I’ve been thinking about, a bit.
CROSSBONE: I don’t want to. I know that going through this kind of adventure by myself, especially in winter, would be a suicide mission.
CROSSBONE: But that’s how desperately I want this.
CROSSBONE: …to become a monster.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Fair enough, I guess!

Let's get back to work, shall we? No point ruminating on the morals of something inevitable-
We're not going to let you go alone, but if we can I want to gear up just in case it really is just us. Who knows what we'll come across?
[Image: blazblue.png]
You'd rather risk dying to be yourself than be safe and forced to be something you're not, am I reading this right? I love care about you because you're- you're you. It would tear me up watching this eat at you if you never went. I don't want the life where you didn't go, so I'll make sure you come back from the life where you do go become a big adorable monster.
I know she’s really serious about this. That much is like, that’s clear.
But the way she’s talking about it…

POLKA DOT: …you’d rather risk dying for this than-
CROSSBONE: I know, I know-
POLKA DOT: Lemme finish.
POLKA DOT: From what I can tell, you feel like…you’re something you’re not, right?

She nods, just enough to be noticed.

POLKA DOT: And you’d rather risk dying than be like. Stuck like this.
POLKA DOT: Then you don’t have to be alone for it, alright?
POLKA DOT: I’ve said it before that I’m going and I meant it, because I care about you and I know that if you never went, you’d be stuck here and unhappy.
POLKA DOT: So we’ll do it. You and me, if it comes down to it.
POLKA DOT: Just…gotta prepare for that option.
POLKA DOT: Who knows what’s out there, right?

Cross is quiet, not saying anything at first-

Did I fuck up?

-and then she lets out a long, stretched out beep- something you’ve learned to recognize as a sigh.

CROSSBONE: Thank you…
CROSSBONE: I guess I just…
CROSSBONE: When we first talked about it, I said I could go without going if it scared you.
CROSSBONE: I do think I meant it, then.
CROSSBONE: But every passing day makes it harder. It feels like I’ve caught a glimpse of something I can’t unsee.
CROSSBONE: Opened some kind of box I can’t shut.
CROSSBONE: And the harder I try to get it off my mind, the worse it gets.
CROSSBONE: …and I don’t…want to get it off my mind, not really.
CROSSBONE: I worry I’m thinking too much about this stuff, that I’m being weird or freaky, or asking too much of people to help me with this.
CROSSBONE: For example…
CROSSBONE: I know that after I change, everyone’s going to look at us differently.
POLKA DOT: …like, you and me?
CROSSBONE: You’ll be the one with the monster girlfriend.

You can’t even pause for a moment to take that word in, Cross barreling on.

CROSSBONE: People are going to think you’re weird, for my decision about my body.
CROSSBONE: …they might even harass you.
CROSSBONE: I’m…scared of that.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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