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[TOY] Plaything
do you... like it here? everyone's been so considerate and welcoming so far but I'm just not sure how much I can trust that - I feel like it might be a facade of some kind.

also, someone bumped into me in the street and called me a "newbie", but the way they said it made it sound like a Really Bad Thing.
what's your pay and how does it compare to other folks? how are the working conditions? why do we have to "eat" things instead of eating them? you know any bodies of water nearby?, I want to go swimming when it warms up.
What's the thing you hate most about this job? And uh, what should I be wary of before starting my shift? I don't have any hair I need to worry about getting in the dough, but I don't want to make other simple mistakes that makes the food inedible. Is there anything I'll be using in the kitchen that I should be careful around, like a stove?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Do it here?
VINE: Well...
She stopped to think for a moment, your nerves rising up with her pause.

VINE: I'm grateful for it.
VINE: I don't do any of the sexual side of things, no interest in it- but this place served as a haven for me when I was poor and looking for a place to stay and something to do with my life.
VINE: A lot of the people here...they look to me as kind of a guiding figure since I've been here for so many years. 
VINE: I was one of the first people Laurie hired, even. I offered to help cook for him in exchange for a place to stay, and we realized that the system works. 
VINE: Better than anything out there, anyway.
VINE: Damn wasteland of a city.
POLKA DOT:'s really not a facade or anything?
VINE: Nope, honest to god it isn't.
VINE: We run an earnest business here, and sometimes, newbies get lucky and wander in.
VINE: Lots of older returning customers who live in the area, scattered around the city...
VINE: Hell, we've started to get curious folks who heard about us from other settlements. Reputation of being a clean business is going far.
VINE: But...
She hesitates again.

VINE: Not everyone comes in with as genuine intentions.
VINE: We've had to fire people who don't want to play by our rules, and don't get it.
VINE: And sometimes that gets ugly. Not on our account, but because people who don't want to follow rules as simple as "respect peoples' boundaries and share what you can with those who need it" can just be nasty inside.
VINE: We have bouncers in playrooms for a reason.
VINE: We don't ask a lot if you're a decent person, but more often than I'd like, someone'll come in yelling about how you're infringing on their rights to do whatever they want.
VINE: Never understood it, honestly.

POLKA DOT: And the pay's good?
VINE: I get a paycheck along with my apartment considering I work full time, yep.
VINE: Haven't had issues with it yet- I'm definitely not qualified as anywhere near rich, but since I'm working for my rent and I can get a lot of my meals on the job, I don't have to worry too much about that.
VINE: It works.
POLKA DOT: So, like, what do you hate about the job, anything?
VINE: Oh, I definitely hate it when we get people who want to tussle.
VINE: Or people blaming us for stuff that isn't our fault, like food disappearing early for god knows whatever reason.
VINE: Don't really have many problems with management of the place, honestly...but people can be a real pain. 
VINE: This is as safe of a place as it gets, but don't let your guard down until you know you can trust the people you're around. 
VINE: That's my advice.
POLKA DOT: Yeah...
You can't help but feel a sharp pang in your chest.

POLKA DOT: Think...I learned that one already, a long time ago.
She gives you a sympathetic but unreadable look, and you avoid eye contact, feeling awkward. 

POLKA DOT: About the newbie thing...
VINE: Yeah?
POLKA DOT: When I first woke up here, somebody bumped into me and called me that, and it didn't seem like a good thing.
VINE: The word itself is neutral, but some people are just assholes about it.
VINE: Everyone wants their piece of the pie, and new people to the world just slows them down, in some peoples' eyes. 
VINE: No time to educate someone who just popped out of the Store-
POLKA DOT: The...Store? 
VINE: Oh, boy, that's an explanation for after work for sure. After my shift, not just yours. 
VINE: If you're interested in a rundown on that, you'll have to wait around for a few hours after we're done. Bar's nice, you could walk around, go to your room...or take a chance and go outside for a bit.
VINE: Not my choice what to do with your time, but let me know by the end of our time together whether you want a lesson on that.
Huh. You're really curious about this one, but it looks like you're gonna have to wait.

VINE: Word itself though, it just means you're new.
VINE: Doesn't mean you did anything wrong, and you're still an adult in the room.
VINE: Don't fret too much over it.

POLKA DOT: much time do we have left?
VINE: I can spare a bit more.
POLKA DOT: you, uh...
POLKA DOT: Know where I can get to any water around here?
VINE: To drink, or-
POLKA DOT: Swimming. I remember swimming being something I liked, and I miss it.
VINE: We do have a playroom with a small pool, but it's usually pretty occupied.
VINE: Takes forever to clean, but there's a lot of water toys that need that kind of thing- not even as a sex thing, just for their peace of mind.
VINE: I haven't seen too many ducks like yourself, but I know that you guys need it.
VINE: Just ask about the pool room and see when it's being used as a lounge and when it's being used for more active parties.
POLKA DOT: Got it...
POLKA DOT: Is there anything I should know before my shift starts again?
VINE: Nah, you're gonna be on dough duty again- this time making noodles.
VINE: This is actually something I can't do without gloves on and have a hard time with either way, because we use slime as a sauce.
VINE: If that gets on my fabric, I'm gonna stain and struggle to get cleaned up without help.
VINE: You're smooth rubber, so you'll be perfect for the job.
POLKA DOT: Okay, but is there anything I could fuck up and do and just, make things inedible?
VINE: Worrying too much.
POLKA DOT: ...what?
VINE: If you get freaked out and think that the food's going to taste like nothing, it's going to taste like nothing. Same for it tasting bad.
VINE: Prepared food's weird like that. The second a toy gets involved in making food or changing something newly popped in's properties, it takes on intent.
VINE: So...just treat it with some care and optimism.
VINE: Even something ugly and messy will still taste good if you put your heart into it- but it will get us yelled at, so don't push it out the door.
She can't help but laugh at her own comment, and you end up snickering along.

VINE:'ll be fine, I can tell you had fun with those specials earlier. The flower ones especially, I love flowers.
VINE: You ready to head back and get to it?
VINE: Last chance to ask quick questions, and then I'm putting you to noodle detail.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I would like to learn more about the Store that you mentioned, where can I find you after your shift?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
there's a lot of stuff I'm curious about, but for now I think I'd like to get back to work.
POLKA DOT: That Store you mentioned...
POLKA DOT: I want to hear about it after work. Feels...important.
POLKA DOT: Where can I meet you after work?
VINE: I wrap up my shift in about four hours, so...
VINE: After you wrap up here, that'll be three hours for you to kill time.
VINE: I'll meet you in the bar when I'm all done, that sound good?
VINE: Like I said, you can do whatever you want until then. Might be a good idea to check on your room or take a look around the place.
VINE: You're a free agent as soon as you're out of my hands, so...
The older bear shrugs.

VINE: Do what you want.
POLKA DOT: Thanks. I will.
The two of you get up and head back to the kitchen, Vine leading you over to the now freshly cleaned dough station.

VINE: Okay, so, pasta.
VINE: You see this machine right here? It works the same as the swirly one, you put dough in, crank, and it comes out in different shapes.
VINE: This specifically makes thin, noodle like strands, and a proper mess of them.
VINE: So...when you crank it, try to make it fall down in a nice even pile, swirl it if you can.
VINE: If you try to mold them after the fact, they might stick together and get uneven, and while that's fine, it doesn't look as nice.
She taps a huge jar of translucent red substance next to the counter. 

VINE: This is the slime. Once you've got your noodles on the plate, take a bit and spread it across the top- your hands are fine for it, it's stretchy and spoons don't work amazing with it.
VINE: Try not to drown it, but don't leave customers with too little, either.
VINE: Once you're done, you can put more shapes on top like you did with the special- but only use red, green, and white. Anything else starts tasting fruity, and it gets kind of weird recipe-wise.
VINE: Couldn't tell you why, but yeah. Put those decorating skills to work, Ribbon.
VINE: Need any help, or do you got ideas on how to do this?
Same situation as can either ask for help, or try to go in with your own plans. You do know more about dough this time, so it shouldn't be too bad, but the option's there.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Make sure you get enough practice before you go crazy with the decorations. I'd say spiky shapes, stars, firebursts, diamonds, that kinda thing, make it a little firework.
POLKA DOT: I've got it.
VINE: Alrighty, go get 'em.
She gives you a confident look before returning to her own station, looking at the orders coming in and resuming her work with blinding speed and efficiency.

You wonder if you'd be as good as her, if you stuck around doing this...No time to worry about the future, though. You had noodles to make.

You start by getting some yellow dough and putting it into the machine, quickly realizing that Vine wasn't joking- this stuff came out fast and in tangles, and you're going to have to finagle the machine into cranking this shit out in a shape that you like. Swirls, swirls, go for swirls...You take a few tries to get used to the right motions, rolling up any botched dough back into a ball before putting it back in. It's almost starting to get frustrating, but you remember what Vine told you- your intent matters here. If you get all pissed off at the food, it's probably going to taste like trash.

After what feels like forever of fumbling, you manage to get a near-perfect looking swirl of pasta on the plate. The orders were stacking up, had to get moving.

You take some slime out of the jar with your hand, trying not to be taken aback by the texture- it's both tantalizing but also, oh god, so sticky and stretchy. You are absolutely terrified of getting it everywhere, but somehow you manage to drizzle it onto the plate, spreading it carefully over your pasta and hurrying to get some basic confetti-like shapes on there. It's put out for the server to take and you catch Vine giving you another encouraging gesture, fueling you to press forward.

The next squeeze of dough comes easy, and before long, you're getting fancy with it. You go for stars and bursts, sparkly shapes, trying to make it look like a firework display. Even the server looks impressed, and even though your slime coverage wasn't the best, you get it done.

The next set of orders gets filled with the same pace- you fumble here and there, but it all looks pretty good in the end, and you have to admit, you're having fun. If what Vine said was true, that's what mattered when people got it. Maybe you actually had a calling with this...or got lucky, considering it's your first job ever. Even still, it feels good to know you have something you can do here.

You walk over to Vine once the orders are done, the beanbag deep into making what looked like a mix of different slimes in a pot. Like she mentioned earlier, she had gloves on- and you can tell she's pretty tense over it.

VINE: Don't touch me or anything or I'll get this all over myself.
POLKA DOT: You got it. I finished up with the pasta orders, am I done now?
She glances up at the clock for an instant and nods, getting back to her...soup, as she dumps some glitter in.

VINE: You're all set, you're a free bird until we meet up later.
VINE: You're free to redeem your meal at the bar, take a walk around, signs should tell you where you need to go if you want to check into your room.
VINE: Just stay away from the playrooms, I know that Laurie gets rightfully nervous about sending newbies in that direction.
VINE: You did good, newbie. Stay out of trouble.
POLKA DOT: ...thanks.
Well, it's as she said. You're a free bird now...with three hours to kill.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Let's get our free meal real quick, and then check out our room. We can chat with people after, but honestly I think we might want to lay down for a bit.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
head to your room and read that ding dang pamphlet
You head out to the bar, instantly hit with noise- it's even more crowded than earlier, but as you take a seat at the bar itself, you feel yourself relaxing. Another bean bear comes up to you, wiping down a cup. Their nametag says "KATIE", and their voice is...extremely peppy.

KATIE: Oh, you look new!
POLKA DOT: I keep hearing.
KATIE: What can I getcha today?
POLKA DOT: Uh...Laurie said I could get a free meal today, up to twenty dollars.
POLKA DOT: Is this the right place for it?
KATIE: You betcha!
KATIE: Here-
They hand you a menu, and you are instantly overwhelmed with options. You don't know what half of these dishes are, but they all look really good...

But you'll play it safe. Besides, you're curious.

POLKA DOT: I'll take the pasta of the day. Extra slime.
KATIE: Good pick, the orders we just put out got rave reviews!
You can't help but smirk a little bit at that, puffing out your chest.

POLKA DOT: Let's hope mine's just as good, then.
POLKA DOT: I'll...get some lemonade with it.
KATIE: Done deal!
They take your order to the chef's window, and you take in the scene around you. It's...something, alright. Toys sit together on floor cushions, some with limbs tangled over each other, while some kind of electronic toy sings on stage- their voice smooth yet distorted. A knitted doll near you is busy with some slime soup, stopping their spoon right before it touched their face to avoid stains. Sure enough, it disappears, just like that. You're still getting the hang of this stuff, but it definitely feels like you've been over the basics of eating before...

Your mind gets a bit cloudy as you think over Vine's words...mentioning the Store. It hit something in you when she said that, some moment of recognition- but you're not sure what to make of it yet. Part of you wants to never hear about it and you just can't place why, but your curiosity on what bearing it has on your memories is very much winning out. 

Maybe it could help you in your quest to find out who the fuck hurt you, something you are still entirely dead set on, even if you still don't know how you were hurt, why, when...

As you get lost in thought, your pasta is placed in front of you- you can't help but feel a bit smug as the dish doesn't look as sparkly and wild as your own handiwork did, but it's a lot cleaner presentation wise, with glitter placed on top for some extra pizzazz. Vine must not have trusted you with that yet, and as you take a bite you realize why- it adds a hell of a zing, and you get the feeling that if you had dumped even a bit too much on, it'd totally overwhelm the dish.

You feel like usually, being treated like a novice would have pissed you off, but you like Vine...and you weren't exactly keen on poisoning someone on your first day of work ever. You shrug it off and power through the dish, relieved that once you're done eating, you actually feel full, something wonderful and far, far worth the work alone. 

KATIE: You've still got a good bit of credit on the house, you know!
KATIE: Can I interest you in a dessert?
POLKA DOT: Nah, I'm stuffed...but thanks.
KATIE: It's no problem at all, come back again soon- and thank you for helping out in the kitchen!
POLKA DOT: How'd you know about that?
KATIE: Oh, Vine mentioned it when I popped my head in. 
KATIE: Isn't she a treat? 
POLKA DOT: Yeah...she's pretty cool.
Katie gives you a warm look as you get off of your stool, reaching for the key in your pocket and holding it tight as you walk towards the sign labelled "GUEST LODGING". 

The halls seem to go on forever as you walk along, and you feel frustration start to bubble up- something tells you that this is just how travel works in this world, only able to find things when god knows what wants you too. It'd fit with everything you know about food, anyway...

But your number finally pops up, and the door unlocks with a simple turn of your key.

Your key fob starts counting down as you step through, something you try not to get too anxious about. You had to have under two hours until you met up with Vine again, and that would still leave you plenty of time to rest. Probably.

The room itself is like the rest of the establishment- covered in red velvet and wood, but the carpeted floor is enough to make you kick off your heels and enjoy, practically wiggling your toes into the soft surface. The lighting is warm and inviting, and there's a large, single bed available towards the center of the room. Inspection of the two other doors reveals a small closet and a bathroom, complete with a shower and sink. It's nice, and you feel even more like your work was worth it.

You flop onto the bed and get down to business...time to read that pamphlet and get up to speed on whatever the hell this "sex" thing is that everybody's so crazy about.

There's a picture of two toys linking arms and leaning close to each other, looking happily out at the reader. 

"Welcome to a new world- you're fresh out of the Store and probably face to face with strange feelings as you enter the world of mature adults. If not, no worries- this still serves as a guide for anyone, not just those who find themselves face to face with sexual attraction."

Weird start, but alright. You don't know if you've ever felt this whole...sexual attraction thing yourself, but you definitely felt weird seeing toys laying all over each other back in the bar.

"Now that you're considered fully mature and ready for the world at large, you may have felt strange, often warm feelings when interacting with others- potentially with a want to be close to them. This may also come with feelings of discomfort- and that's just as normal, but something to keep in mind when you make decisions for yourself. Physical attraction for toys involves a desire for closeness, and is incredibly common with our kind- but when it involves a need for excitement and release, we can consider that sexual. Researchers have found that sexual attraction is typically found in beings that reproduce, but seeing as we toys can't do's just for fun, pleasure, and intimacy!"

Okay, so...the feelings you felt before might not have been it, but it's definitely...related? Probably?

You keep reading.

"Sexual arousal manifests differently in everyone, but can often be described as feeling warm, along with feelings of tension (that might not be unpleasant!) and excitement. If you feel uncomfortable along with these feelings- evaluate thoroughly whether engaging with sex, either by yourself or with other people, is a good idea. Satisfaction from arousal can be done through many things, and it differs just as much from person to person- the most common form of sexual activity is more intense cuddling and affection. You do not need genitalia at all to derive pleasure from these kind of activities, but some people choose to get some modified on- you can find some examples of common mods later in the pamphlet. However, this kind of physical contact isn't necessary for satisfaction. Everyone has different interests, and some toys may develop what's called "kinks" and "fetishes" for acts beyond this. It can be anything, but please try to avoid things that would permanently harm others, violate consent- and make sure to engage with it safely! You can read more about about different kinds of kinks later in the pamphlet."

Permanently harm...others? Wait, as in some people liked getting hurt? That's what gets people off sometimes? Okay, now you're starting to feel a bit weirded out and flustered, but you guess that you'll just have to read more on that later.

"While being intimate with someone doesn't inherently mean you want to be with them in a relationship, it can come with its emotional vulnerabilities. Showing someone affection can always be an emotional gamble even in a nonsexual context, so it's best to take it slow and gauge how you're feeling before doing anything. Sex isn't necessary for getting close to anyone, and is something you should only engage with if all parties are feeling comfortable and up for it. Don't let anyone pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do!"

There is...a lot left. As you flip through, you can see sections on "sex work", "techniques", "dangers and precautions", "kinks", "anatomy", and "gear and toys- not the people kind".

At least they're thorough?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Read 'Sex Work' since that's what this place does, presumably, and 'dangers and precautions' since that's something you probobly should know above all else. safety first!
Ditto to that.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You flick over to the "Sex Work" section, immediately taken aback by a photo of a robotic toy in some kind of leather getup. You sure haven't seen any kind of look like that before, but it's kind Kind of punk. You could get behind it. 

"Sex work is just as viable of a career as any other, and can come in many forms! Before considering sex work as an option, you should have some degree of sexual experience and know what you like and what you don't. You can also talk to sex workers willing to share their perspectives yourself to get a feeling for what their work involves- though one of the biggest things to keep in mind is your own boundaries and what kind of services you want to offer. Here are some different types!"

Okay, easy enough. Laurie definitely seemed insistent on the boundaries and respect thing...which does make you feel a bit more at ease with this.

"Escort- A sex worker providing a variety of services in exchange for money- this can extend to things like erotic massages, private sessions involving a variety of sexual activity, and much more! In our world, the majority of escorts work either for professional establishments or are self employed. All escorts practicing responsibly have boundaries and rules established from the get go to ensure safety of both themselves and their clients. Some escorts are even up for nonsexual sessions, such as dates and physical intimacy, but it's up to the individual and/or their establishment to determine what services exactly will be provided."

"Dominant/Dominatrix and Sub/Submissives- There are many forms of sex work involving kinks, but professional dominants and submissives are one of the most common types. This kind of work has a focus on power play, including sadism and masochism and as the name would imply, domination and submission."

Oh god, there's the pain stuff again. Considering your only experience with pain that you can remember was some kind of...betrayal, or something, you can't exactly see the appeal outright...but if these things are so popular, then there has to be some reason why people like it, right?

Might not be your thing, but you can't deny you're curious about why it's such a big interest for people.

"Proper safety measures are absolutely necessary for doms and subs, both professional and otherwise. A professional dom or sub will set up rules immediately, just like any other worker- but due to the potentially dangerous nature of BDSM sessions, it's especially vital that everyone is equipped with the right precautionary measures and boundaries ahead of time. If your dom/sub does not communicate with you or listen to you, don't engage with them!"

Okay, so...people...don't hurt each other like you were, because you know it wasn't agreed on or felt good, at all. That's a bit of a reassurance...

"Dancer/Performer- Some sex workers choose to take a more performance oriented route, with dancing, stripping, and other means being a way for them to get a paycheck. Actual sexual contact with performers is less common, but not unheard of- ask about boundaries with the performers before doing anything, or play it safe- don't touch a performer (just like any other sex worker) without express consent!"

That must be what Laurie was talking about with people strip Huh. That actually sounded pretty cool, even if you have no idea what it'd be like in actuality. Considering people were just being okay with being nude though- and it didn't feel particularly weird to you either, even if you get a sense that for some people it would be- you're left wondering just how much appeal stripping has. If you kept working here, you'd probably get a chance to see it, though.

"There are many more kinds to discover- if you're curious, you can look into what's in your area!"

Easy're starting to feel like you have more of a handle on this now. It's feeling a lot less foreign, and you're getting kind of riveted by this stuff now. 

Onto the "Dangers and Precautions" section. 

"There are dangers to sexual activity, the main one being violation of consent- if anyone pushes you into doing sexual activity that you are not comfortable with or agree to, that is sexual assault, and in most places with any sense, a serious crime. Even in the settlements and areas where it isn't considered illegal, sexual assault is a massive violation of someone's boundaries and safety, and can extend to any kind of sexual contact, even things like cuddling or touching."

...oh. That's...a bit scary...but you're glad something told you about that. You really wouldn't want something like that to take you off guard...

"Consent is a vital part of any activity, but especially with kink. Consent can be defined as definite, express and explicit agreement to proceed with something, anything at all. It can be anything from verbal play like using certain terms for each other, physical and sexual acts, or even just how someone acts around you. If you aren't comfortable with something, make that boundary known, preferably before it has a chance to happen. If anyone breaks that boundary- either talk with them if they're someone you trust, or disengage if it doesn't feel right!"

"When engaging with sexual activity, especially with someone you don't know and trust, set rules and boundaries ahead of time, as well as a safeword- while many consider safewords to only be necessary during kink activities, it's not a bad idea to have in any kind of situation, sexual or otherwise. A safeword is fairly simple- it's a word you say to indicate that you need to stop play immediately. Some people even have multiple words for checking in and letting their partner(s) know whether to keep going, slow down, or stop. It's up to you to decide what approach you do, but pick something that you wouldn't say normally in a sexual situation, and can be distinctly identified as the safeword. Nothing too long!"

That's...okay, that's something to keep in mind, and makes you feel a bit, well, safer. That's easy enough, and you're pretty sure that anyone who wouldn't agree with that would be someone to avoid the hell out of anyway.

"Kink play can come with its own forms of danger, and each one is different. Before getting into anything for the first time, do your research and/or ask people who are more experienced what their times with that kind of play is like. Don't get in over your head, especially with how permanent injuries and strains can be for us toys! Knowing your own body and personal limits is vital to kink play especially, considering that every species of toy is different- this can be kind of fun though, as every species has their own traits that could lead to more viability with certain kinds of kinks."

Okay, you need to learn more about this kink thing, this stuff sounds weird and kind of wild, and your curiosity is going nuts. But...there's other sections left too.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
flip through the pictures in the "anatomy" section as fast as you possibly can so they embed themselves into your memory without actually teaching you anything. that leather stuff DOES look punk though so take a more thorough look in the gear section instead
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
you've covered the important stuff and what's relevant to your workplace, go ahead and look at the kink section.
You decide to check out the anatomy section first, just a quick peek- but one look at what's labelled as a "prosthetic penis" and you are flustered as hell and flipping through it as fast as possible. Nope, okay, not looking at that yet. Something about it feels a bit overwhelming to see pictures, somehow you suspect even more than if you saw the real thing. That's...for later. 

May as well go look at what really caught your interest, this kink stuff...time to dive in and see what there is to offer. 

"BDSM, an acronym that varies based on who you ask, is a kink centered around power dynamics and play with it. The most common and accepted meaning of BDSM is Bondage, Dominance, Submission/Sadism, and Masochism. Bondage involves gear and tools meant to restrain, including rope, handcuffs, and various sensory blocking tools. There's a lot to explore with bondage alone! Toys into this kink can often be divided into dominants, people interested in taking a more power-oriented role, and submissives, who as the name imply, want to submit to that power. People who are interested in both roles are referred to as switches, and it's not unheard of for peoples' interests to fluctuate as they learn more about the kink and themselves. Consent is a key element of BDSM, especially when sadism and masochism are involved- causing pain to other toys may lead to their injury, as well as emotional vulnerability for all parties involved. Aftercare is a key part of all kink participation, but especially BDSM. Taking care of your partner(s) and checking in with everyone's emotions is vital! Make sure to get all injuries treated as soon as possible, and do not engage with any pain play without having resources available for repairs, be it self-repair materials and equipment or guaranteed access to medical care."

Easy...enough? Well, no, it was a lot of information, but you guess it's not too bad when it's all laid out like this...some people like to be like, bossed around and stuff, or hit, or...yeah. You still don't know if you get the appeal after your own experiences, but it doesn't seem that bad if people do it right.

"Weight gain, stuffing and inflation, are all kinks with a similar vibe, and are actually viable outside of fiction for some toys! While we toys cannot gain weight/mass via eating, some toys enjoy being filled with water, stuffing, beads, sand, or other materials. It's important to have a way to manage and/or remove the excess weight when finished, especially if it ends up impeding movement. Some people enjoy the temporary immobility, but it's good to have a backup plan for when you're done playing around. Not all materials are safe for this and not all toys are compatible with this- check your materials and ask a doctor or specialist before engaging with anything like this!"

...huh. Weird. You have no idea if that'd even work for you, or what it would feel like, but it's neat, you guess?

"Gore is an extreme kink not to be explored by people who are new to sexual play and kink content, and thus will not be gone into much- but it is possible to engage with safely with some toys, as long as careful and extensive precautions are taken. This kink involves play to do with one's anatomy, including ripping, tearing and cutting the body's material. It's not recommended to engage with this kink at all without immediate and thorough medical attention on hand, express consent and boundaries established, and extensive knowledge of the participants' bodies and limitations. Going too hard on this kink can have serious consequences, so we cannot stress enough- do not go into this without research, guidance, and professional assistance." 

Scary! Fucking scary! No on that one! You experienced pain already and this sounds even scarier than the BDSM stuff! Aaagh! 

...still interesting, but you definitely don't know about that one. 

"Clothing and fashion play is immensely common among toys, and is a fun kink that can be enjoyed with little to no risk. Dressing up in outfits that make you feel attractive or help you fit a role is easy enough once you have the stuff, and can be an engaging way to explore different roles and feelings. This can also be something that helps you with non-sexual feelings, with some examples being gender dysphoria and comfort from chronic pain. It can easily be combined with other kinks as well!"

...consider you interested, actually. From your brief encounter with Laurie's box of clothes, you know that fashion is definitely something you're interested in, and if there was a way to bring that into something like this...well, you're even more curious now. You aren't sure if you'll actually commit to doing anything about this, but this stuff seems really cool- and as the pamphlet mentions, lower risk than a lot of the other stuff mentioned here.

"Roleplay is a bizarre kink in our world- due to the nature of so many actions involving "playing pretend", it's very possible for abstract feelings to be made real simply through play acting and mimicry. This can be a good way to interact with more extreme kinks without actually going through with anything severe- pretending to cause injury will cause pain, without actually causing wounds to appear and require attention. This can also be done through text or simply talking, and still give exciting and vivid feelings!"

Oh, this one's cool too. Nice to know there are options for the scarier stuff...not that it makes you any less nervous about it. At least you had a way to look into it safer if you went down that path...but you're really unsure about that. 

"Species-specific kink play is a thing to be aware of- almost every toy species has their own abilities to bring to the kink table, as well as vulnerabilities to keep in mind. The vast majority of toys can't heal wounds on their own, so it's important to be careful with pain and injury...but at the same time, some toys are able to engage with previously mentioned kinks easier than others, with no potential for damage to themselves. It's also worth noting that some species are especially vulnerable to specific substances, such as most electronic toys avoiding water or other fluids. On the flipside, some toys such as water toys may enjoy play involving fluids in some way, as it reminds them of comfort and home. Explore away- there are plenty of resources and people with experiences to find!"

...Vine mentioned that you were a water toy...weird to have something here apply to you already. Would you enjoy playing around in the water...but in a way like this? You're not sure yet.

One last bit...

"There are many more different kinds of kink to discover, and even if some of these aren't possible for you in reality- there's always fantasies! Look up art, talk to trusted peers, explore media for things you like!"


With your head absolutely packed with new knowledge, you move on to the next section- "Gear and Toys (Not The People Kind)"

It's mostly pictures, and it almost gets the same reaction as the genitalia images- until you see the outfits. The "toy" section is kind of intimidating, with objects in all kinds of shapes and materials listed out with their names and basic functions...but there's too many to focus on. The outfits on the other hand, you want to look at all of them. Kink or otherwise, no matter what this actually "meant" to you, the idea of fashion with a purpose made you immensely, immensely curious. Harnesses, latex, leather, lace...there was so much, and you're absolutely entranced by all of it.

You don't know how long it takes to read all of the little blurbs, but you are wowed by just how much there is. You were going to have to ask someone about this, out of sheer amazed interest alone.

There's still a bit more to read, but you're starting to feel pretty tired of looking at words, and by the look at your key fob, you have 30 minutes before you're set to meet Vine. Do you want to try and power through the techniques section, or start heading out?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
yes we are reading it i love instant gratification and making rin think really hard for extended periods of time
VYN - website programmer and designer
my gallery
Nah, enough reading for now, we can still do that later
what I'm more curious about would be a mirror, mostly just out of curiosity how our outfit actually looks on us, since we kinda just grabbed things we thought were neat, so I just want to check how polka feels about the look
(not necessarily in relation to kink, but maybe that's something worth thinking about too? Definitely seemed like the most immediately eye catching one to polka)
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
You may want to explore the room and familiarize yourself with it a bit, especially if you're going to be staying there long-term. It might also be a good idea to leave a little early so you have some leftover time, just in case you need it for something.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
Can we try out the shower? It won't be the same as a pool, I suspect, but it'd still be nice to know what water would feel like on our skin.
Then yeah, I'd like to look over our outfit in the mirror, really let Polka Dots see what it looks like on her, not just in the box.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You decide to put the pamphlet down for now, hopping off of the bed and heading for the bathroom. Just as you thought you saw from your quick glance earlier, there’s a mirror over the sink, and you actually can get a good look at yourself.

The outfit fits you well, better than you would have assumed for something secondhand…but something tells you that’s just how things work here, just like eating or pretending or any of it. Even the boots managed to fit your flippers, stretching around them effortlessly. There’s something about it that exudes a powerful energy as well- you feel strong in something like this, dark and lacey and…commanding, a little bit? But not in a weird way, just…you felt like you looked like someone not to mess with, and you like that. Even with the ruffles of your shirt, your cute poncho capelet and your apparent newbie energy, you feel like with time, you’ll be able to pull off a look of confidence and strength. If you stuck around here, people were going to respect you and whatever boundaries you set, and you did not plan on getting hurt like before again.

Your thoughts flash back to the immediate rage you woke up with, and your…need for some kind of revenge mission. You haven’t forgotten about that, not one bit…but it was nice to have something to keep it from overtaking you entirely. You still feel something bitter lurking deep down, but you’ve met kind people now…and you might be able to start getting answers about your memories, too. Not bad for a first day in a new world.

You strip down from your extremely cool outfit and decide to go ahead and take a shower, curious about how the water will feel.

Immediately, as soon as the water hits you, it does not disappoint. The feeling of comfort that literally seems to wash over you as the cold water pours on your head is amazing, and it takes every fiber of composure in your body not to start splashing around. Oh god, you actually needed this, so badly. You don’t even know what you’d do if you had access to a bath or god forbid a pool- were water toys like yourself really so susceptible to comfort from this?

It’s something to ask someone about at least, but for now, you enjoy your shower immensely. 

Feeling refreshed after you hop out and towel on, you gear up again and take one last look in the mirror before heading out- you’ve still got around ten minutes according to your fob’s countdown, but you want to get a head start on this meetup.

Locking your door behind you, the halls stretch on for far less time on your way over to the bar. Whatever forces dictate this, they’re on your side.

The bar’s in full swing now, the clock on the wall saying that it was about to be 10 PM. There’s no one on stage, but there’s a sign saying that some kind of show was due to come on at 10:30. You just kind of stand there for a few moments, relieved when you see Vine heading out of the kitchen, her apron slung over her arm and a warm, heavily embroidered sweater on instead. She waves back, gesturing for you to come closer and meet her at the bar.

It takes a bit of scooting around people, but you make your way over and hop up on a stool, Katie giving you a kind look as you do. Vine seems exhausted but satisfied with her day’s work, judging by the look in her eyes.

VINE: You’re right on time, Ribbon.
POLKA DOT: I guess I try to be punctual.
VINE: Good habit to get into, especially if you’re going to be working here more.
VINE: How’d you like your room? Enough to want to stay more nights?
A bit of small talk wouldn’t hurt, but you’re still really curious about that Store place…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
yeah it's nice. I just have to wonder is this it? everything feels like it's going great for me, being dropped on the street with amnesia notwithsanding. If this place is somewhere that makes people happy, shouldn't I be happy here? Part of me wants to forget about the store and my past and just get washed away in all this... but I need to know.
We'll wait a little before diving into things. She said she'd discuss the Store with us, I trust that she'll get to it in time.

Tell her about how nice it was to wash up, both after the long day, and also just. Water's fantastic. Maybe ask her who we need to ask to see about going for a swim in the pool here?

Could we ask about what performance there'll be at 10:30? I think that'd be a good place for us to start with learning about sexuality stuff beyond the pamphlet.

Oooh, actually, could we ask where we can get more clothes? I really like our outfit, it's a nice look, but I'd like variety. Like, a different outfit for each day of the week eventually.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Yeah, it’s nice…
VINE: You don’t seem too confident on that.
POLKA DOT: I mean…
POLKA DOT: Is this just, it?
POLKA DOT: I just woke up on the fucking street and I don’t remember anything. I’m apparently an adult, and I feel it, but…aren’t I supposed to have a childhood? Like, that feels like something-
VINE: You did. Everyone has.
VINE: We’ll get to that, though. Keep going.
POLKA DOT: It’s just….if this place is somewhere that makes people happy, shouldn’t I stay and try to be happy here?
POLKA DOT: Part of me wants to forget about whatever the hell the Store is and what apparently happened to me there, and just lose myself in this place…

You tense up.

POLKA DOT: But I need to know what happened.
POLKA DOT: I need to know why I woke up so…angry.
VINE: Do you feel angry now?

Her tone is gentle.

POLKA DOT: Well…no.
POLKA DOT: I had an amazing shower, and just…water feels so, so great. 
POLKA DOT: It’s…freeing.
VINE: It’s like that for most water toys. There aren’t as many here as a settlement down south, on the coast…
VINE: They like the heat and the easy access to water. Entirely different culture there, and from what I hear, it’s easier on people than this city.
VINE: Hell of a trip though, and the trains broke down…you’d have to go by foot.

Katie sets down a mug of “water” for Vine, and she eagerly raises it to her face to take a drink. 

VINE: Not an easy journey for anyone.
POLKA DOT: I don’t know if I want to go that far just for a dip…
POLKA DOT: Who do I have to talk to to get into that pool?
VINE: Talk to Minnie, she’ll get you a ticket in exchange for money or work.
VINE: You’d have to select whether you want one of the play sessions or just when it’s being used as a lounge, but that’s your call- did you read the pamphlet?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, I did, almost all of it anyway…I have a lot of things to think about now.
VINE: Once you’ve read all of it, you should be able to have a talk with Laurie and get access to the playrooms and other services, if you want that kind of thing.
VINE: It’s not hard to pick up on, but it is a lot of information all at once.
VINE: And hey, if it’s not your thing…no shame in it.
POLKA DOT: I’m not sure yet, but there was some stuff I was curious about…
POLKA DOT: …is the show set for 10:30 something to do with that?
VINE: Yep, today’s a sort of fashion show. We have a deal with a local gear and kink wear shop to show off their products, in exchange for giving people here a look at stuff we bought for rental.
VINE: Some of the people who sign up to show off stuff are customers, even. It’s open to anyone who’s willing.
VINE: Pretty tame, you’d probably be fine for it if you get the basics.

It’s almost too good to be true after your discoveries about this stuff, you can’t believe your timing. 

POLKA DOT: So…we’ll get to see people dressing up?
VINE: Yeah, it’s one of the few things I’m completely comfortable watching myself.
VINE: People are respectful and don’t get touchy or catcall-y, just…appropriate clapping and cheering. 
VINE: I can’t really engage with stuff that goes any further than that, but I can appreciate good craft when I see it, even if it isn’t something I’m into at all. 
POLKA DOT: Makes sense…
VINE: Of course, if you’re not up for it, we can just walk around outside or something.
POLKA DOT: I mean…it sounds cool.
POLKA DOT: I was just thinking that I wanted to pick up some new stuff myself…
POLKA DOT: I love the outfit Laurie gave me, but like. I want something for every day of the week, you know?
VINE: Gonna have to earn your keep for that, but I know some good thrift places to hit up.
VINE: I know some of the people who swing by here pretty often take people on group trips- easier to find the place when there’s more intent floating around for it.
POLKA DOT: I want to meet them…
VINE: You will. He’s a nice guy- wrote your pamphlet, even. 
POLKA DOT: Oh! Well…he did a good job.

Vine would have smiled if she had a mouth, taking another drink.

VINE: Guess it’s time to get to business, though…we want to squeeze at least some talk in before things get busy around here.
You glance over at the clock- it’s only 10:10, even though the two of you have been talking for what feels like has been a good while already.

VINE: Time passes weird in this world.
VINE: Like how your fob keeps track of time…things pass by faster and slower seemingly based on where you are, what’s happening, and the people you’re with.
VINE: Seems to flow the same for people in the same place, at least. So…this bar, probably flowing different than the kitchen, but everybody’s at the same “time”.
VINE: …you get used to it.
VINE: Point is, seems like it’s going slower and we’ve got time. 
VINE: Where should I start?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
What can you tell me about the time before I woke up in the street? what is the toy store?
From the top, I guess. I don't even know where to start with the Store.
...Does it have stairs?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: I guess…what can you tell me about the time before I woke up?
POLKA DOT: What is the Store?

Vine takes a moment to think her words over.

VINE: The Toy Store is where all toys come from.
VINE: All of them, no exceptions.
VINE: You can liken it to being “born”, I guess…and your time there as a childhood.
VINE: A lot of people claim it doesn’t exist, because they can’t remember it at all aside from bits and pieces…
VINE: But I know people who have been back there.
VINE: Not without consequences, though…

She finishes her water, setting the mug aside.

VINE: The Store doesn’t take well to people coming in and out of it, and from what my friend was able to tell, the place is a proper labyrinth.
VINE: Places in settlements, like this city…they change where they are, but as long as you know where you’re going and a relative direction, you should be able to get to it- especially if you’ve been there before.
VINE: The Store?
VINE: You can get lost in there forever, if you’re not careful. Being able to get out is at the complete mercy of the forces that drive this world- call it what you like, but something pulls at everyone and everything’s strings. 
VINE: You don’t get out until whatever runs that place decides you can.
VINE: And it often takes…well, no one’s got a proper estimate, but a good few years passed between my friend getting there and coming back.
VINE: When you get out for the first time, though…you’re always an adult. 
VINE: Some people speculate that the Store spits you out for the first time once it determines you’re mature enough to handle the “real world”- whatever that entails.
VINE: No kids allowed in places like these, I guess.

You’re taking in her words as best you can, but she continues on after a few moments’ pause. 

VINE: That doesn’t mean the Toy Store is all sunshine and rainbows for the kiddies, though.
VINE: Pretty much…everyone comes out of there messed up somehow, even if they can’t remember it.
VINE: I’m just as clueless as anyone else as to my origins, but I’ve picked up bits and pieces…
VINE: Things like having to fend for myself for food, and losing people who tried to protect me.
POLKA DOT: Like…they died?

She doesn’t say anything, but you can tell by the way that her eyelids fall that whatever it was, it wasn’t pleasant for her.

VINE: I guess the way I posture myself here’s a result of that.
VINE: I want to provide for others, and I want to make sure people are well set up. S’what appealed to me about Laurie’s Place.
VINE: Some people have called me pretty “parental”, but I don’t know if that sums it up, really. Don’t think I’m cut out for a role like that.
VINE: More content to just…be a mentor.

She shakes her head.

VINE: Enough about me. You’ve probably got more questions.
POLKA DOT: …are there…stairs there?
VINE: Yeah, of course. Mainly escalators, but there’s plenty of houses and structures within the Store- the place is huge. Oversized.
VINE: If you remember something like that, it’s probably pretty important. Whatever flickers people seem to retain are formative…possibly even “useful” in the outside world. 

You aren’t sure how to feel about that one.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Can you tell me more of what your friend saw, if it's your place to say? How did they get there, what did they remember, and how did they get out again? seem to remember a lot more about your experience than I do. Do more memories come with time?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
Why do we know we're toys? Why call it the toy store? there has to be some kind of context, we have to pretend to do things to do them, why can't we do those things and how do we know about them?
...huh. it almost feels like whatever powers that be are deliberately fucking us up. If the weird reality-bending forces are even stronger in there than they are out here (and they're pretty strong here), you could pretty easily engineer a situation to do specific things to a person.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
POLKA DOT: Are you allowed to tell me more of what your friend saw?
Vine nods, drumming her hand on the bar.

VINE: Bodies.
POLKA DOT: …bodies?
VINE: Empty ones, not dead. They weren’t people yet.
VINE: Eventually one of those bodies would come to life as a new toy, and they’d be in the Store until they “grew up”.
VINE: But…the longer you’re there, the more frantic it feels to find the exit, even if you’re there for a return visit.
VINE: Entrance disappears once you’re inside, so…
VINE: It’s a race to get out before the feeling overtakes you. 

You really, really hate the sound of that…but something about it feels familiar, like you can almost remember something like that.


POLKA DOT: How do you get in?
VINE: That, they wouldn’t tell me.
VINE: Said it was too dangerous to let anybody know the way in, not unless they had a really good reason to go- and I’ve got no inclination to make a return trip myself. 
VINE: Aside from that, though…
VINE: It’s oversized, super scaled up. 
VINE: Massive shelves “stocked” with toy bodies, empty shells…
VINE: Accessories, buildings, food, all in packaging unless somebody managed to tear it open…

Like your choker, maybe…

VINE: Apparently they came across some people living in one of the houses- but they were pretty much teens, and not doing well considering how long they’d been there. 
VINE: They were nice though…I hope that a lot of the toys there get the chance to stay nice, considering how cruel that place can be.
POLKA DOT: Is it, like…
POLKA DOT: Doing it on purpose?
POLKA DOT: Keeping people there until they’re desperate?
POLKA DOT: It sounds like these “forces” or whatever deliberately want to fuck people up.
POLKA DOT: Like, if they’re even stronger than out here…it could get pretty twisted, just in the way that they want.
VINE: Some people think so, yep.
VINE: My personal take…

She looks you in the eye, her own eyes tired.

VINE: …whatever makes a better story, right?
Something about that feels so horribly wrong to you, filling you with dread- the idea that you’re being watched, that this is all just someone puppeting you and everyone else around…

VINE: I don’t think it’s…I don’t know.
POLKA DOT: You don’t think it’s what?
VINE: Cruel. I don’t think it’s wholly, only cruel.
VINE: If it was, it wouldn’t allow places like this to exist, and allow people to actually stay in them, build relationships, build families…
VINE: Whatever it is, I don’t think it thinks. I think it just…does what would fit the narrative of a “better story”, and we’re all stuck in it.
VINE: Thankfully, good stories count too. 

You wonder if the “story” you’re stuck in is a good one, considering your own memories…but you have more questions that take priority.

POLKA DOT: So, why do we know we’re toys? Or any of this stuff?
POLKA DOT: Why do we call it the Toy Store?
VINE: No one knows that one, unfortunately.
VINE: We just…know things, presumably even from the moment we’re “born”.
VINE: Guess the stories wouldn’t work if you had to stop to learn and explain even basic concepts.
POLKA DOT: And memories…do they come back?
POLKA DOT: You said you remembered things.
VINE: Mm, they do.
VINE: Not entirely, as far as I can tell. 
VINE: But with time, they can. 
VINE: Typically when triggered by something related to them.
VINE: Be careful when digging around, though…
VINE: Not everything from back then is good to remember. 

You’re about to ask more when a chime echoes through the room, and some kind of bendy, cat looking toy steps out of the curtain. You glance up at the clock- it’s finally 10:30.

HOST: Welcome to Laurie’s Place’s tenth official fashion show, sponsored by Featherweight Creations!
HOST: Our theme tonight is straightforward- we’re having a focus on fashion mixed with function as usual, but with a bit of a winter twist.
HOST: Expect warm fabrics, cozy materials, and- if you’re really feeling fun, festive accents!

Most of the bar starts clapping, and you can’t help but join in for whatever reason. 

Vine leans over, rotating on her stool to face the stage. 

VINE: We can still talk during the show, as long as we keep it at a low volume.
VINE: Probably best to keep things light on the conversation topics, though.
VINE: Just dropped some heavy stuff on you, yknow?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
what do people around here do for fun besides Laurie's place stuff?
POLKA DOT: What do people around here do for fun?
POLKA DOT: Like, outside of the stuff here.
VINE: Well…there’s some bookstores, a park, I think there’s a community center around here somewhere, but I have the hardest time finding it.

The curtain’s pulled back and decently loud, bass-heavy music starts to play…with…jingle bell samples? Weird, but you can kind of get into it. You like the way it makes your body rumble. 

VINE: Plus, work keeps me pretty busy. I’m the kind of person that’d rather stay inside after working hard, versus going out and about.
VINE: You strike me as the type that likes to explore and get into trouble, though. 
POLKA DOT: I mean…I may not remember much, but that tracks.

The first model steps out from the back, the same kind of toy as Minnie…but in an extremely revealing sweater dress, the entire back open and holes cut in various places along the front, creating an interesting effect as the toy’s internal figure darted between them. It has a turtleneck around the top that looks distinctly like tinsel, sparkling under the overhead lights.

You are transfixed. 

HOST: This piece has everything you need for those parties that go to wild places…while still looking your best- depending on how you accessorize, this can be an elegant or super sultry look!
HOST: You can also layer something underneath…lace and lingerie peeking out can make for an excellent added surprise. 

VINE: Huh, that’s a look.
VINE: Bit too shiny for me, but I think I’d like something that fluffy if it had more coverage too.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Oh definitely. It's a bit much for an everyday outfit for me, but it's an eye-catcher for sure. Love how they utilize the holes in the fabric. Less is more I guess.
The party bit interests me a little. What are those like, do you know? Have you ever been to one?
Oh, and. This is the tenth fashion show, right? How common are they? What do you have to do to enter one of these?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You said there's a book shop, is there a library?
POLKA DOT: I dunno if I could get away with something like that every day, but…catches the eye for sure.
POLKA DOT: I really like the holes in the fabric…
VINE: You can get a lot of stuff like that, yeah.
VINE: A few of the people who stop by here to help out have…what are they called again?
VINE: Keyhole sweaters, or something. Just a hole on the chest.
VINE: A lot more suitable for just wearing around.

The model gives a flashy pose before returning back stage, the crowd clapping (including yourself and Vine, of course) as they vanish behind the curtain. Another model steps out- this one some kind of electronic pet toy, a little character displayed on the screen on their face. This one does admittedly make you feel a little bit flustered- their entire outfit is made up solely of thick, silky ribbons with a striped pattern, banded across their body and adorned with gift wrap-like bows. 

HOST: Want to be the present for your partner for the holidays? Look no further!
HOST: While you can’t get away with this one on the street, it’s a look that can’t be beat when it comes for silly yet sexy statements!

All you can do is nod in appreciation, and can’t get the thought of “what if it was black, or purple, though” out of your head. Vine seems to catch onto your distraction and laughs a little, giving you a playful elbow. 

VINE: Makes sense that you’d think that one’s cool- you’re Silk Ribbon after all, right?

You can’t keep your eyes off this one, but you can’t just leave it awkward like that. With your gaze still set on the stage, you try to keep the conversation going. 

POLKA DOT: The party thing’s kind of interesting…
POLKA DOT: Do people wear stuff like this to them?
POLKA DOT: What do they wear to them?
VINE: Never been to one, but I tried out cleaning duty early on after some casual playroom meetups. 
VINE: Sometimes there were stragglers that’d hang out in the halls, and they seemed like they had a good time. 
VINE: So…can’t help you too much on that one, since it’s not my scene.
VINE: Aside from some people unused to how we do things here, people seem to behave and enjoy themselves.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Sit back and enjoy the show, you've talked enough for now. there's a lot of stuff you still gotta internalize. lets figure things out one step at a time.
Yeah, probably for the best not to chat too much outside of the show, we've talked about a lot today. I would like to learn more about modeling, though. Maybe we can ask around tomorrow?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
You decide to focus on the show for now…you have a lot to take in, and while you’re really curious about the modeling gigs, that could wait until tomorrow. 

You hear the next model before you see them, a loud but pleasant jingling signaling their arrival onto the stage- this one’s some kind of stuffed deer, and something about the harness on their chest, absolutely covered with jingle bells and metal rings, feels…fitting, somehow. They’re wearing some kind of full cover hood…mask…thing on their face, even covering their eyes. It’s a little silly due to the large, red nose on the tip of their muzzle, but they’re actually…pulling it off, somehow. They seem confident, striking poses as the host commentates.

HOST: You all know them and love them- it’s Kristie! 
HOST: Sporting one of our signature hoods with a little holiday twist, as well as a harness that can’t be ignored- for those who like that extra themed goodness, this is perfect for you!
HOST: Please note that the harness, like all of our BDSM oriented gear, can be used with many of our bondage accessories with ease!

More of that bondage and BDSM stuff, huh…you like the strappy look, but you’re not sure how a harness ties into stuff- wait, what about the whole “restraint” things? Maybe that?

The next model is pretty tame considering what you’ve seen so far, a large, bulky dinosaur plush with patchwork fabric skin. He’s wearing only shorts and a collar- the former extremely short and covered in glitter, the latter adorned with a trio of ornament-like charms. It’s simple, but you still like it a lot…passable as regular wear, maybe?

HOST: A simple look that still catches the eye…
HOST: For those who want to spread cheer without going overboard, this’ll still make you a hit at any club!
HOST: Perfect for dancing and showing off, don’t you think?

The glitter’s a little much for you, not your style…but it’s a cute look for sure.

Then, the next model comes out, and you’re pretty sure your beak falls open a little. 

She’s another virtual pet but of a different model, the character on her screen looking like a little ghost and her shell painted with skulls. Even with the spooky appearance, the festivity is still there- in the form of a black bodysuit made of mesh, accented by white, snowflake-like lace. It’s like your top but so much more, and…there’s something about the vpet that draws you to her a bit, not sure where to look first.

Vine snickers a bit again, not out of malice or mockery. 

VINE: That’s Willow.
VINE: She’s a regular model around here, comes around for playroom stuff too.
VINE: Generally pays with laundry and errands for other staff members…been working here since she was a newbie too.
POLKA DOT: Uh…huh.

You don’t look away until she’s off of the stage, her keychain tail clattering as she turns to leave with a slight spin. 

Anything the host said is totally lost on you.

You try to focus before the next one comes on stage. Get it together. For fuck’s sake. 

This one’s a large, powerful looking horse plush, and at first, you can’t tell what’s supposed to be “sexy” about the dress it has on- it’s layers of green ruffled fabric and tinsel, looking like a decorated tree. You’re pretty lost…until it cheekily raises one of the layers to reveal a cage-like slip underneath.

HOST: A secret surprise for your holiday get together…silly on top, but saucy underneath!
HOST: Pair with lingerie for extra flair!

Everyone claps as always, and you feel yourself calming down from the whole…Willow situation. You’re chill.

HOST: Our last model of the night’s up next!
He steps out, a robotic dog toy with cuffs on both his wrists, neck and ankles, a leash in his own hand, and some kind of mask over his visor screen, iridescent and sparkling under the light. It takes you a minute to realize that the cuffs and leash are a light, metallic candy stripe, the tones close enough to each other to be subtle as hell. 

HOST: This look keeps your body bare but accessorizes well- with plenty of chances to get tugged around with our signature leashes!
HOST: Just like the harness, you have so many opportunities with other gear from our lineup- we have free catalogs available after the show!

The crowd cheers, and as the model heads out, you feel your entire body untense. That was…a ride, but you’re pretty sure you enjoyed the hell out of it. You wanted to see more of this stuff, and you got it.

VINE: So…how was that?
VINE: Wasn’t too much for you?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
It was interesting. Not too much for me, a little weird, but not bad. I even got a few ideas of stuff I'd like to wear. Maybe fashion can be my thing, who knows? Either that or VENGEANCE.
Oh no, it certainly wasn't too much. Makes me curious about what fashion is like in other areas, though. These all seemed to fit in the same sort of theme. I think I'll grab a catalog once the crowd disperses a bit.
So uh. Willow's a regular, huh? Not bring that up for. Any particular reason I just would like to know the general staff that I'll be seeing out and about and you seemed to know a lot about her specifically I don't know I should probably stop talking at this point wow.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: It was…interesting.
POLKA DOT: Not too much, a little weird, but not bad at all.
POLKA DOT: Makes me curious about what kind of stuff exists in other places…and what kind of stuff I can score for myself.
VINE: Well, everything here’s available for rental.
VINE: You planning on getting the catalog? 
POLKA DOT: Yeah, once the crowd disperses a bit.
POLKA DOT: Maybe fashion can be, like…my thing.

Aside from figuring out the bastard who hurt me… You can’t help but think.

Pushing thoughts of revenge out of your head, you get a bit brave, asking what you really want to ask. 

POLKA DOT: Willow’s a regular, huh?
VINE: Why, you interested in making a friend?

You can just feel that if she had a mouth, she’d be smirking.

POLKA DOT: Not! For any particular reason, I just want to know who I’m going to be working with, and you know a lot about people here, and, uh-
Oh god, she’s super judging you. Probably.

POLKA DOT: I’m just saying that you seem to know a lot about her and I should probably stop talking now.
VINE: Relax, kid. 
VINE: She’s not too used to this place either, only been here for about a year.
VINE: Showed up around the same time, actually…that’s just how it goes, newbies always pick up around this time of year.
VINE: That’s a talk for another night, though. I’ve already overloaded your little head with knowledge.
VINE: Back to Willow, though…
VINE: She’s some kind of spooky virtual pet, all ghost themed. Changed forms a few times since she showed up, but she seems to be sticking with this one.
VINE: She signed on with Featherweight’s modeling program after working in Laundry for a few months…guess she got into all that costuming stuff.
VINE: I know she does a lot of rental, but last time I checked, she’s also pretty interested in making her own stuff too. 
VINE: Might even leave us and work for Featherweight himself one day…but I dunno, she’d probably come around here plenty. 
VINE: Likes sweets, I think. The spooky ones usually do. 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
What do you mean by changing forms? What about this Featherweight character, what's their deal?
Mm... I might look into modeling myself. I'm not sure yet.
Oh shoot. Right - can I help you in the kitchen again tomorrow? I'm gonna need to make money, and I actually really liked helping out with that. It was a bit stressful to be sure, it's probably more-so for you since you could get stained and all. Do you think I could handle the sauces tomorrow?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
POLKA DOT: Changing form?
POLKA DOT: Whatcha mean by that?
VINE: Ahh, yeah…you probably don’t remember how that works.
VINE: So, the plastic body you saw was Willow’s “shell”- the character on the screen on her face is a more accurate depiction of her “soul”, or something.
VINE: She, like most other virtual pets, can make some kind of projection of her true form- usually more detailed than the character on screen, and more blatantly person-like.
VINE: She can walk around like that in her “true form” for a while, but it takes energy and she can only go so far away from her shell.
VINE: People usually use it when they want to experience their senses more directly, because they can’t actually eat or feel as much with the shell. You gotta press the buttons on them to interact with the soul.
POLKA DOT: Weird…but I think I get it.
POLKA DOT: She likes dressing up the shell, then?
VINE: Yeah, but she could just as easily dress up the true projection. 
VINE: Might not even need to own the actual clothes for it, so…
VINE: I dunno. Guess she just prefers being in her shell than outside of it.
VINE: …probably safer that way.

The two of you dwell on that for a moment, watching people start to clear out.

POLKA DOT: What about this Featherweight guy?
VINE: Fashion designer and one of our partner businesses. Specializes in kink fashion, but word has it that his crew does fabric repair on the side.
VINE: No licenses for it, so they can’t actually market it as doctor work…
VINE: But it’s helpful if you have a small cut or tear and need an easy stitch up. They’ll charge you enough for that that you’ll feel like you’d be better off selling the arm itself at that point.

You can see someone handing out catalogs by the stage, but you don’t want to go over quite yet.

POLKA DOT: I might look into this modeling thing, but…
POLKA DOT: Would it be okay if I helped you in the kitchen again tomorrow?
POLKA DOT: I’m gonna need money, so…
POLKA DOT: And I liked it. I really did.
POLKA DOT: It was a bit stressful, but like…
POLKA DOT: I could help you with the sauces or something- it won’t stain me.
VINE: Hmm.

She thinks it over, gears turning in her head.

VINE: Yeah, sure.
VINE: I’ll let Laurie know you want another day with me, and if you can hack it doing some more intense work and like the place, we can see about getting you some part time hours.
VINE: I start in the afternoon, so you can go ahead and get more hours for your room from Minnie and have some time to yourself.
VINE: Sound good?
POLKA DOT: It sounds great!
POLKA DOT: I mean…thanks. I really appreciated.

She reaches over to pat you on the back, pointing at the toy on catalog duty.

VINE: Better go over and get yours before they’re all gone. 

You hop off your stool, Vine doing the same as she gathers up her bag and adjusts her sweater.

VINE: Had a good chat with you tonight, kid. Stay out of trouble.
POLKA DOT: No promises.

With one final appreciative look, you start heading over to the catalog giver. They’re a plastic giraffe toy with a really long neck, peering down at you with a smile.

????: Interested?
POLKA DOT: Yeah, one please-

There’s another soft voice behind you, startling you out of your skin.

???? (2): I’ll take one too, please. 
???? (2): My friend wants one…

You look over your shoulder and just about die inside when you see the purple shell and a pixel ghost hovering on a screen.

WILLOW: It couldn’t make it…but I know it wants something for our next play party.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
up whats? I mean is what up- whups sap? ...hi.

Make the rubber duck squeaking noise and run away.
Grab one of the catalogues first, if you have to run!

And try to say nice to meet you or some form of conversation if you can managed it and it's not too overwhelming
Try saying your outfit was really cool!
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
We can be chill, hopefully. We're not running yet, this might be our only chance to talk to her.
Say she was really good tonight, and that you really liked the shirt she modeled. Ask if modeling lets her keep the clothes, or if it's more of a rental thing. Just light small talk.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]

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