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[TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative
Darkest Night 1-4

These letters come with no sand, no confetti, no anything. One letter is slightly stained by what seems to be fluid. The letters are hastily numbered.

I’ll stop with the sand in the letters soon, as Lumikki doesn’t think we will stay in Hoopla much longer. Boing is incredibly upset we are moving, but refused Lumi’s offer to join us. She did take a scrapeglobe though. 

Part of the campfires was telling each other ghost stories, so I’ll only summarize a few I heard. I generally find them all to be somewhat similar and boring. Horror monster crawls out from the sea, clown hides in the sewers,killer car comes to life, it’s boring. I didn’t want to dwell on them too much.

William told this long story about a ship getting wrecked during a storm, with the crew landing on a foggy island. They spend three days waiting for help, with the captain even going missing. They become overjoyed when a ship approaches them in the fog, waving a yelling. When it gets to them, a ladder is lowered so they can get on, but there’s no crew on the ship. There’s nothing. They feel uneasy, but leave the island anyway. When the moon is high in the sky, and the crew is resting, they are all startled by ghostly screaming on the deck. The deck is alive, another ship sitting next to it, two pirate crews fighting. They’re a combination of ghosts and skeletons, but ignore the living crew until they try to sneak off. Suddenly, the ship sinks, taking the crew with it. That’s the scary thing I guess. 

Skip talked about sirens, the mermaids ugly cousins he called them. Claimed they hung out in rocky caverns singing songs for sailors, alluring them by mysteriously sounding like their loved ones. When they got too close they'd end up shipwrecked due to the rocks. He said the sirens would either eat people or drown them, but some stories talked of them turning other creatures into sirens as well. I'm not quite sure how I feel about them, they're just a way to justify people not coming back.

Cluster quietly started her own story, talking about a lab that released something into the world no one had seen before. They forced it to hide away, then made it become folk lore. A ghost story that people tracked down and visited, running away screaming when they found it was real. It gurgled, it bled, it moved around slowly and slashed it was at things like it was trying to hurt them. It came from a lab and seemed to possess some thirst for blood. The scariest part? When she revealed that she was the monster, that she was a story people told. have you ever felt guilty about something you can't control?

Kringle and I will be walking Boing home now, I hope to write to you again soon.

This letter remains unsigned, so you must move on to the second one. The writing is hasty, words crossed out and rewritten, sentences not quite even with each other. 

I'm sorry the letters came in late, and I'm sorry I will not be able to send any others for a while. I do not have a time.

Cats were waiting for us with Boing. It was all fine, I was talking to Kringle, I didn't notice Boing move behind us.

The reaper cat appeared a few feet in front of us, staring me down. His scythe shined in the light… it was real, it wasn't a costume. Kringle went to back up, Boing pushed her forward. Boing pushed her forward and she fell and I didn't catch her and there was some other hybrid and it started talking about wizards and witches and picked me up and

We are leaving. The middle one, the Reaper, slashed my fin as I tried to pick up Kringle. I'm still not sure how we escaped, but Lumikki cannot risk us staying here another moment. I cannot even say goodbye to my friends.

My fin will heal, Kringle's glass is… she's alive. You will not be able to contact me while Lumikki hides our tracks. Whatever you do, look out for them. They don't want us alive. I'm sorry.

A picture is attached, signed on the back with only a T. 

Give Me Your Coins

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[TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by skinstealer - 09-23-2019, 11:35 AM
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RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by cosmo - 10-08-2019, 09:12 PM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by cosmo - 10-09-2019, 12:23 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by cosmo - 10-10-2019, 07:31 PM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by cosmo - 10-11-2019, 01:36 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by AceOfNothing - 11-03-2019, 03:22 AM
RE: [TCPDEX] TCP Research Initiative - by knux400 - 12-22-2019, 12:17 PM

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