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The package is easy for complexes to miss, but just right for your size- shaking the container gets you a strange sound, and opening the box itself gets you something've never seen something like it before. Before you can examine it further though, a hologram projects from it, a familiar skull-faced figure standing tall and poised.

"You've been selected for our Pocket Dimension Research Program, something new and exciting we're working on at the lab...the device I'm currently projecting from is vital to this program, so please, don't lose it. This device, like other equipment sent through the Research Initiative, is custom built for your typing, and will allow you to access a personal pocket dimension existing in your mind. It's believed that everyone can have these spaces, but we are just now able to access them with new technology...and allow others to access them as well.

We cannot predict what kind of pocket dimension you'll have, as anything appears possible. From our test sessions with specimens back at the lab, they appear to be based on the subconscious...tread carefully. To help you explore your own pocket dimension, we've come up with the Mission System. This system will allow you to have other candidates enter your pocket dimension no matter where they are in the world, for whatever purposes you can imagine. We do have a few recommended uses for the Mission System, but due to the versatile nature of these personal pocket dimensions, you are welcome to utilize this feature as you like. 

Included in the bottom of this package is a document with more information, as well as some guidelines for hosting and joining missions. Do your best."


Pocket Dimensions
Everyone on Morbit has their own personal pocket dimension based on their subconscious, newly accessible through exclusive tech. These dimensions are based off of an individual's subconscious, and can be any sort of environment, have any sort of personal mechanics (such as physics, threats, etc) and have the capacity to change at any point in time. Some of these spaces have been shown to be infinite, while others seem to have finite amounts of space- it cannot be said enough that these spaces vary based on the individual, and can be designed however you want. Each TCP you get in this RP has their own pocket dimension, allowing for more mission settings to be made with each new TCP.

Using the mission system, TCPs can host missions- these can be anything, so long as there is an overall objective. A good comparison is missions in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series. Recovering items, helping a host with a problem, countering a threat, or simply exploring, are all valid objectives. The mission section of this post will help give you more information on how to structure a mission, but the sky's the limit.

All pocket dimensions have a starting area, a safe point where TCPs can enter the pocket dimension (host or otherwise). As long as this area is safe from threats in some way, it can be any sort of structure (or lack thereof). This will be the consistent point where all missions in a pocket dimension begin. You are welcome to make a map of your pocket dimension, which may help with the step/milestone system listed in the mission section, but it is not required. 

Scraps and other items may be imported into a pocket dimension upon entering- these are temporary imports for those visiting the dimension, though the host can import objects permanently inside. These are copies of objects from the physical world, not direct ports- you will still be able to access items outside of missions for things like research initiatives.

Starting/Managing Threads
Upon starting a mission thread, some info is required.
  • Please place the mission name in the title of the thread. This can be anything you like, so long as it's unique- this helps people keep track of what missions they've done.
  • You need to list the TCP hosting the mission, as well as their ID card. An additional, brief description of the pocket dimension is not required, but can help people gauge whether they want to participate in that setting. 
  • List the objective of your mission! This can be anything so long as it's achievable. 
  • List how many TCPs are allowed to join your mission, with a maximum of four (not including your host TCP). This is called your Party.
  • List any applicable rules for the mission, including content you'd like to avoid, and overall conduct (no PVP, etc)
  • List any possible content warnings for the mission. Worth noting that TCPs cannot permanently die in pocket dimensions, and are knocked out of the pocket dimension if they are downed in combat situations. Still, warn for if this is a potential risk in your mission, as such things can be distressing to both TCPs and their players.

Once you either have the amount of TCPs you're looking for to enter your mission, or are simply happy with the amount of applicants as is, mark your mission as [IN PROGRESS] in the thread title. If you're still accepting applicants, keep it to [OPEN], and [CLOSED] once the mission is complete. 

Each TCP can only host one mission at a time. TCPs can join multiple missions at once, but don't bite off more than you can chew, and leave space for others!

Joining a Thread
To join a mission thread, post your TCP's id card. Full body images and pixels are not required, but can provide extra context/assets for the person running the mission. Hosts can also require other, applicable information- such as a TCP's fears for a pocket dimension/mission that changes based on those, or what a TCP likes/dislikes. In addition, it's highly recommended you require a list of applicable inventory items and scraps that a TCP is bringing with them into the pocket dimension, but not required. Place whatever limits on what can be imported to make your mission run smoothly!

Missions are RP focused events that anyone can run, and function off of a milestone system. Missions are segmented into RP sections and milestones, where the party can roleplay freely until they unanimously agree to have the host of the mission check their actions and decide if they can move on or not. Once a party is allowed to move on, they have hit a milestone, and both they and the host will be rewarded points. A mission can have as many milestones as the host wants.

Here's an example: For the first section of a mission, the party is tasked with finding an item. They are presented with an environment by the host, as well as any other relevant information. The party is in a forest clearing, with some hollow logs, bushes, and trees. The party can then roleplay looking around the clearing, discussing and roleplaying with each other before deciding on where to look. Once everyone has found a spot to look, they can submit the okay to move on. The host determines whether anyone has found anything, and if they completed the objective- if so, the party has hit the milestone, and everyone gets points. From here, the mission can either end or move onto the next objective.

How much players are allowed to do per post is up to the host, and some missions may benefit from other mechanics like a turn order or limited amount of actions. Keep in mind that the more intensive your mission mechanics are, the more you have to facilitate and keep up with- an easy mission to manage will allow minimal check ins! However, if you want to make more involved missions, you are welcome to.

Another optional thing to include with your missions are maps- the pixels obtained from the TCPdex points shop are an excellent asset for moving things around on maps and helping to keep positioning clear, but be aware that adding these will require more management/upkeep on your behalf as the host!

Upon starting a mission, the host will be awarded 5 points, with an additional 5 per player in the party.
Upon hitting a milestone, everyone in the party (including the host) will be awarded 5 points
Upon finishing a mission, everyone in the party (including the host) will be awarded an additional 5 points per milestone in the mission

Please ping a mod either here or in the official Morbit Discord to have points awarded!

Special TCPs
Some specially obtained TCPs have bonus qualities to their pocket dimensions: they will be listed here.

Darkest Night TCPs- Pairs of Darkest Night TCPs will have linked dimensions, allowing for joint missions and shared worldbuilding to be created should the players owning both of them agree to. How these dimensions are linked is up to the players.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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