12-24-2020, 01:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-24-2020, 02:36 PM by Lilium Mortem.)
The Real Earth Society Webpage
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Home | -About- | Contact Info | Forums(under construction)| Affiliates
What is The Real Earth Society?
The Real Earth Society is a community of people dedicated to learning more about the alien planet of Earth. Earth is a strange place that holds great value. we only know it via certain beings and concepts(not the species) that have made their way across the ocean of ideas to form into something here on Morbit.
What is Earth?
Earth is a planet with only a single species, all others having gone extinct at some point. There are many things about earth that make it a worthwile subject of study. The have achieved spaceflight(note that the banner photo is taken from space), They have no horror, their Angels are much rarer and less destructive on average than Morbit's, their oceans are saltwater, and their zones and regions do not need to be claimed by gods and are self-regulating ecosystems. That just scratches the surface though, and we will get into much deeper into how this fantastical and alien place works.
Who are you?
I go by DieDifficult007, a reference to a popular earth play in which the character Hamlet has to save the holiday 'Christmas' by punching Morph-Supremacists during the revolutionary war of the zone France. I'm a freelance reporter with a side job at a laundromat, and avid enthusist of the occult and weird. My species is a secret
How can I join?
A Mpress acount is all you need to join in on the discussion! If you have new Earth information, hit up the contact info page. Feel free to discuss things in the comments or the forums! I look forward to hearing from you!