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[DIGITAL_HORROR]: okay im going to see if i can get wiggles moving again
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: ill bbl with results…
[DIGITAL_HORROR]: hopefully
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: youve got this babe <3
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: ive got logs of my own!
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: have any fucked up murder animals shown up for you yet?
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: nope! just my little sluggy
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: she is sooooo cute.
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: says some weird stuff but that’s okay!
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: who isn’t weird these days, right?
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: just show us the logs, please
[CRITTER_CATCHER]: this shit has me on edge
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: ok ok! just a note i taught her a bunch of words before this

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[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: at this point she just flopped on a pillow and went to sleep…
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: she was showing signs that she was tired before, so it could have been nothing
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: i recommend teaching your friends smileys!!
[PASSWORD_JOURNAL]: nonverbal communication is important uwu
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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RE: [GROUP IM: FRIENDZOO DEVELOPMENT] - by skinstealer - 04-21-2022, 06:40 AM

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