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[GIVEAWAY + TCPDEX RP] TCP Housing Initiative
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: sSvCVCV.png]
The first candidate is Tessa, a lone brood type. She's all nerves, fidgeting with her feathers and avoiding too much direct eye contact. She heard that this place takes in TCPs that need help with their abilities, and well...she doesn't have the rest of her brood, she spawned weird, and maybe they could help her...

[Image: ghb3QPK.png]
The second candidate is Foal, a chaos type. He seems mainly preoccupied with looking you over, gauging you by appearance. He says that he's got a good head on his shoulders, but his ability's a little, uh. Haywire. He's not the type to cause a fuss on purpose though, he promises.

[Image: ybhOpvt.png]
The third and final candidate is Cantor, an eyeball type. They greet you enthusiastically, remembering to use their inside voice. It's a pleasure to meet you, and they're really relieved somebody out there's looking into housing body types- you have no idea how many possible places they've been rejected by. But hey- if they're not a good fit here either, that's cool too. They know they'll find a place eventually.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
After a brief chat with each of the TCPs in the room and a small time of deliberation Fantasy seems to have made their decision.
“I believe that all of you would fit in at The Coven but at this moment I think that Foal would make the best match with our team and our residents.”
[Image: ghb3QPK.png]
NAME: Foal
TYPE: Chaos
HOUSING: The Coven Housing Association
NOTES: Has difficulty controlling his ability and performed poorly on ability tests. Ability also appears to be stronger than most other chaos types- we believe this is due to a lack of restraint, rather than an anomaly. Prefers savory food type products, energy level fluctuates between high and low states, and similarly goes through periods of seeking out and avoiding contact with others. Had trouble getting along with others, but doesn't seem to bear any ill will or malice. Will do best in a housing situation willing to take on TCPs with difficulty settling into routines and consistent patterns, and has promised to put his best foot forward. Some infractions with staff, but none worth warning about.

[You may now use Foal for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about him- he is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
My name is entropy.
What kind of housing will you be providing?
I am simply looking for a roommate, kerosene is awfully busy and i find myself alone quite frequently.
For how long will you be providing housing?
for as long as they are willing to reside with me.
What resources will your residents have access to?
I am close friends with an accomplished doctor, so all medical needs can be easily met. we can import TCP compatible food from Morbit.
What are local job/academic opportunities?
I will warn you, my residence is quite peculiar. I reside in a pocket dimension known as an "angelspace", a small tear in reality which i created at the request of  kerosene. There is limited access to Morbit, though they may accompany me every time i visit morbit should they wish. Our dimension is small, and still developing but the Medical district is flourishing under tonic's care.
What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
i should be able to care for most types, including weapon and body types, which i've heard can be undesirable in some places. i can relate to body types in being seen as something strange or disturbing, and my doctor friend should be able to help weapon types with any pain issues they might have. he is quite talented.
What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
TCPs that may require an above average intake of tcp food products will present some issue, as we have to import such products from morbit, It is not a major issue and i am happy to provide but the idea of running out and having it negatively impact my guest distresses me greatly.
What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
I suppose any TCP types that are capable of collapsing a pocket dimension... do those exist?
What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
open-minded please, and not afraid of coming to new and strange places. One who would not mind befriending a being such as me.
Why this kind of personality?
my home is far from morbit and (The rest is erased.)
What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
any tcp who is easily frightened by or distrustful of the supernatural.
to be straight forward, i am not of this reality. I was once a part of an Angel, but was severed from It and came to rest in a single mortal reality. i assure you i am not dangerous! But my Angel qualities may unnerve some and i do not wish for that to happen.
What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
like i said, i am very lonely and wish to have someone around. I thought that maybe i could at least benefit someone by providing a home exchange for their company.
[Image: tumblr_pf5w4d8u371tckf0go1_250.gifv] [Image: tumblr_pf5w4d8u371tckf0go2_250.gifv]

You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: 5wUDl8s.png]
The first candidate is named Indie, a bear trap type. She seems thrilled to be getting such an adventurous opportunity, and if she gets chosen, she's going to look at everything. Who knew such a place could ever have existed?

[Image: cVSl5pw.png]
The second candidate is named Ozley, a claw type. You can't really make out most of what they're saying, but they grab a (complex sized) pen and begin to write to you- they have trouble speaking, but their penmanship is surprisingly clear. They say that they're grateful for the chance to meet you, even if they don't get chosen. It's an honor, really.

[Image: qObieDC.png]
The third and final candidate is Maps, a sameness type. He is alert and watchful as he talks, making plenty of hand gestures. He may not seem very exciting- I mean, just look at his typing. Even then, he's an avid student in angel studies...what he can get his hands on here, anyway. There isn't exactly much reading material here, and some firsthand experience sounds incredible.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I would be honored to take into indie into my care.
[Image: tumblr_pf5w4d8u371tckf0go1_250.gifv] [Image: tumblr_pf5w4d8u371tckf0go2_250.gifv]
[Image: 5wUDl8s.png]
NAME: Indie
TYPE: Bear Trap
HOUSING: Entropy
NOTES: Has adequate performance during ability tests. Does not particularly enjoy using her ability, but can be coaxed with sufficient reward- typically information or something of intrigue. Prefers sweet food type products, has higher than average energy level, and has varying levels of social interaction- this seems to be directly linked to whether a situation would best be explored alone or with a peer. Gets along with others with a common goal, but can get argumentative with those she doesn't agree with. Will do best in a housing situation that provides plenty to explore and learn. Good behavior with the majority of staff, does not seek out fights.

[You may now use Indie for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
(This forum has some mysterious has some mysterious stains on it.)

Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?


What is your name/the name of your company/complex?

Tremor, greater god in a far off pantheon of Mutations and Mourning.

What kind of housing will you be providing?

Cats in my care will be housed in my research facility. They will each be given a private room, with an attached bathroom.

For how long will you be providing housing?

There will initially be a contract for one year. After that, the cats are free to leave to settle down in Epiphora, or anywhere in Urovis, but can stay for as long as they desire.

What resources will your residents have access to?

What's mine is theirs. My facility houses a grand library and aboveground greenhouse, as well as an exercise room and pool. Trips to the nearby town are also permitted.

What are local job/academic opportunities?

Cats under contract will work as my research assistants, with pay of course. Throughout the year they will be taught biology, psychology, and other useful scientific knowledge, and be taught useful everyday skills like cooking, gardening, and housekeeping. The nearby town always has small businesses hiring for those who leave after the contract expires, or contracted cats looking for a part time gig.

What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?

Body types. My research is geared towards them specifically, as I am looking to see if their abilities can safely be used or manipulated in a medical field to heal physical and mental injuries for more complex lifeforms. Food types and Abstract types are also suitable.

What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?

Weapon types. I've done polls with the patients who have signed up for my experiments, and this is the type they are least comfortable with.

What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?

Weapon types, for the reason listed above.

What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?

Cooperative, easygoing, and willing to learn.

Why this kind of personality?

I want assistants that my patients will feel at ease around.

What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?

Defiant, stubborn, or outright aggresive.


I don't want my patients to be wary of my assistants. Nor do I want an accident to occur if someone doesn't want to follow directions.

What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?

Overall, I want to see how much Morbit's littlest residents can help those bigger than them, whether is be through physical or mental healing, and help types who are usually looked down upon find their place among us.
[Image: 3DaQdhK.png]
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

Show ContentSpoiler:
Your first candidate is Michelle, an anatomical surrealism type. She greets you with an inquisitive look, pleased to notice you aren't scared of her at all. Most people at the very least grimace! She hopes she can measure up to the job if she gets picked- she's really willing to step up and learn.

[Image: Ovh33SK.png]
Your second candidate is Fondant, a fantasy (genre) type. He's reading a book by the time you get to him, marking his place with a fancy bookmark and paying full attention. He asks you if you've read this one- oh, no matter. He imagines that you'll have plenty of things to talk about if he gets chosen. 

[Image: f3uNMb6.png]
Your third and final candidate is Sprinkle, a trash type. They seem a little embarassed...after all, you asked for a food type, and lots of people say trash types are some of the worst food types of them all...but! The researchers here say that there's a lot you can learn from their typing, and they're willing to give 110%.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Tremor folds his claws as he looks over his candidates, eyes hardly moving. He wants to make a decision, and fast, so he can get out of this cramped meeting room. But, this is an important decision, and he must consider his options carefully.

His gaze settles on Michelle, piercing through her for what seems like an eternity. He considers every scenario, every possibility, every reaction...

Then, finally, a long claw points at her, the beast rasping, "This one...shall suffice."
[Image: 3DaQdhK.png]
Show ContentSpoiler:
NAME: Michelle
TYPE: Anatomical Surrealism
NOTES: Good performance during ability tests, creates cross sections with little hesitance or issue. Has significant distress when people are disturbed by her ability, but otherwise seems unbothered. Prefers salty food type products, has an average energy level, and enjoys socialization with others. Has a difficult time finding peers to bond with due to her typing, but has no intention of giving up. Is very insistent on having a living situation that'd accept her completely, something we will aim to fulfill as best as we can. Has good behavior with staff, and has offered to help on multiple occasions.

[You may now use Michelle for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
The gray Ruffneck seems unbothered by the unnerving sight, though their hands move a little too quickly for their ease to be more than feigned. They keep quiet as the being before them speaks, merely nodding as their emerald eyes begin scanning the papers. "Very well. I will be finished shortly." They return to the waiting room, folder and pen in hand.

  1. Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
     I am an individual.
  2. What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
     My name is Ren.
  3. What kind of housing will you be providing?
     I can and will build whatever sort of housing the cat may desire. The temporary quarters I have prepared are made of treated wood, and are currently furnished with a bed, blanket, rug, and a bell for their use to get my attention.
  4. For how long will you be providing housing?
     For as long as they desire to reside with me.
  5. What resources will your residents have access to?
     I live near the woods. They will have opportunity to go hiking, swimming, and other such activities, and I am willing to teach them the crafting skills I know, for their use. Not far from my house is a small, well-rounded town called Maghem, which includes a local market and a small library.
  6. What are local job/academic opportunities?
     Should the cat wish to stay near to home, they can accompany me into the forest to forage, trap, fell lumber, and fend off whatever necessary. If not, there are an assortment of work opportunities in Maghem. I believe there is a small school, should they wish to attend.
  7. What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
    Nature types are an obvious choice, but I have no doubt that abstract and form types will also thrive under my care. 
  8. What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
     Food types. I am afraid the wildlife may be too brave and curious and elect to eat a food-type cat.
  9. What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
     I would like to avoid types that have to do with fire, and body and machine types.
  10. What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
     Mellow, and not a trickster.
  11. Why this kind of personality?
     Patience and ease will discourage haste, and the ability to be serious will help avoid potential mishaps. 
  12. What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
     Hyperactive or quick to anger, mischievous, timid.
  13. Why?
     See 11, and I have little patience for cowardice.
  14. What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
     Company. Hopefully a friend.
[Image: 46L7SNf.png]                         [Image: AccxU29.png]

You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.
[Image: aQ2TKve.png]
The first candidate is Deadpan, a blessing type. Despite her delicate appearance, she assures you that she's well suited for a life in the wild- and has every intention of making it more comfortable should she be chosen. The woods hold plenty of opportunities, and she would be foolish not to take advantage.
[Image: Q02o39Q.png]
The second candidate is Penny, a circle type. They introduce themself with a friendly tone, immediately asking if there's significant amounts of wildflowers in the area- they've read so much about them in books, and would love to start a collection.
[Image: e2bCcxf.png]
The third and final candidate is Buzz, a flytrap type. He studies you carefully, saying that you have good vibe to you- yeah, he thinks this would work out great if given the chance. He's a pretty good judge of character, and has a feeling you two would get along like peas in a pod.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Ren's eyes linger briefly on Deadpan as they consider her, but when Buzz studies them as intently as they do him, they seem to forget the other two. With an amused snort of emerald smoke, they murmur, "Yes, I will have Buzz as my companion. He seems to be quite an interesting character."
[Image: 46L7SNf.png]                         [Image: AccxU29.png]
[Image: e2bCcxf.png]
NAME: Buzz
TYPE: Flytrap
NOTES: Decent performance during ability tests, however he struggles with practical applications. Seems particularly upset if plants he creates are disturbed or worse, destroyed. Prefers meaty food type products, has an average energy level, and prefers the company of small groups and individuals to larger social circles. Would best be paired with a companion versus a housing project, and has expressed such personally. Has good behavior with staff, no infractions.

[You may now use Buzz for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about him- he is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
1. Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
I am the owner, and as such the representative, of my own company of sorts. My company is a traveling show made for the express purpose of showing the truly bizarre, magical, and wonderful side of the world for the sake of entertaining and potentially even educating.

2. What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
My show is presently called The Mask's Traveling Wonders, the name's still subject to change (but that'd be unlikely, just thought you should know that though).

3. What kind of housing will you be providing?
Due to our nature as a traveling show I shall be providing temporary housing for them along with the rest of my crew in locations all across the world, but rest assured I provide nothing but the best for my employees even if they require specialized housing.

4. For how long will you be providing housing?
As long as the TCP wants the position they'll be provided housing, and even then I'll continue housing them for a while after they choose to leave should they not have a home immediately ready in addition to helping them move their things if need be.

5. What resources will your residents have access to?
They will have anything they need or request as long as it should prove attainable, meaning just about anything they want or need I can get them.

6. What are local job/academic opportunities?
Since we will be near constantly on the move academic opportunities as well as alternative job options will be changing quite often, but while they are my employee their position will grant them a lot of money.

7. What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
Really I could house any TCP, but ideally the TCP that I would be selecting for this position would have some kind of magical or otherwise odd/fantastical ability; I'd also prefer it if their ability wouldn't be blatantly dangerous.

8. What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
As previously mentioned I could house any TCP but I would prefer to not have a TCP that constantly damages their surroundings such as an acid type.

9. What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
While none are restricted per-se,  fire or acid type TCPs, or other similar TCPs, would not be ideal due to their high maintenance nature.

10. What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
I'd prefer them to be charming and charismatic, capable of drawing the attention of a crowd and building up excitement through words and personality alone; it'd also be okay if the TCP can only act this way but isn't naturally like this.

11. Why this kind of personality?
Since we are a traveling show the TCP having a strong charismatic personality is important for building up anticipation for their act.

12. What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
Someone who is nervous in front of crowds would not be good for this line of work, TCPs that are naturally sad or otherwise depressed would not be good either.

13. Why?
If the TCP gets nervous in front of crowds it would be hard for them to put on a good display for others, and TCPs that are naturally sad or otherwise depressed wouldn't be good for the show either as I feel they would sadden the atmosphere.

14. What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
I aim to have someone capable of amazing people, someone capable of making people go "Wow!" through their unique and splendiferous displays of their magical ability.
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: YIeCD13.png]
The first candidate is Suzy, a chaos type. She seems fairly reserved, an odd choice...until she takes some props from behind her and starts doing tricks, using her ability to make things unpredictable and exciting. She puts her props away after a few moments of showing off, returning back to a relaxed sitting position. She hopes that's good enough, though she has plenty more up her metaphorical sleeves.
[Image: MUmrDMk.png]
The second....candidates? are named SeanAlonso, Olympia, and Bertram, and they make up a pirate crew type. While their abilities aren't much for showmanship, surely the fact that there are four of them has some draw- they can put on a hell of a show if given a chance!

[Image: mHsRsRH.png]
The third and final candidate is named Parallel, a witch type (Earth variant). You don't recognize this kind of witch at all...the notes you've been given indicate him as a type being based on an off world concept- something alien and new. Parallel seems proud of this fact, saying that his unique powers and typing will bring in crowds from miles around!

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I will admit this was a hard choice to make, seeing as they all have great potential for this line of work, but I have chosen Suzy as I feel they will make a great addition to the team since their ability means they can put on a unique show every time.
[Image: YIeCD13.png]
NAME: Suzy
TYPE: Chaos
HOUSING: The Mask's Travelling Wonders
NOTES: Above average performance on all ability tests, especially enjoys using her powers for tricks and games versus actual practical applications. Enjoys collecting objects that she can use for all kinds of feats and performances. Prefers savory food type products, has an above average energy level, and enjoys socialization- particularly in large groups where she can be the center of attention. Despite this, she is a quiet TCP that prefers to communicate with acts and performances than words, and would do best in a housing situation where she has the opportunity to do so. Good behavior with staff, should be rehomeable easily.

[You may now use Suzy for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)? Individual
What is your name/the name of your company/complex? Gen
What kind of housing will you be providing? Housing and travel, a few long-term residences and traveling to work on commission
For how long will you be providing housing? However long they're willing to stay. Long-term residents preferred. 
What resources will your residents have access to? Food and shelter from the weather regardless of location, contact with different types of clients and exploration 
What are local job/academic opportunities? Odd jobs and apprenticeships. Online study if required
What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for? Creature, weapon, abstract, or body types. 
What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for? Food types, machine types, and nature types. 
What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing? Messy food or form types.
What kind of personality would your ideal resident have? Energetic, willing to work and try new things or to argue their point of view / defend themselves
Why this kind of personality? Easier for them to handle, there's sometimes dangerous situations around here and I'd like to not need to worry or handhold them. 
What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation? Very reliant on others, can't handle conflict. 
Why? Personal bias, I don't think we'd get along well and I don't want to fall into bad habits or stress them out 
What do you aim to get by housing this TCP? Company and something interesting to do.

You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: pbMzbv9.png]
Your first candidate is Freeze, a collision type. They seem excited to be here, greeting you with enthusiasm and a bright personality. They say that the fact that there could be danger with this housing doesn't bother them one bit, and that they've always wanted a challenge...not that always has been all that long, really. 

[Image: kMWlXyL.png]

Your second candidate is Cezar, a humor (body) type. He sits up straight and addresses you directly at all times, confident despite his droopy appearance. He says that while his typing is kind of gross, he always picks up after himself, and refuses to make a mess. Hopefully that should help his entry.

[Image: XusDt2z.png]

Your third and final candidate is Steps, a worm on a string type. She doesn't seem all that talkative, but wriggles around with great energy all the same. She may not look like much, but she promises she can get the job done given a good opportunity...with as little words as possible.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
“I think I and Cezar will get along.”
The questionnaire is filled in with a typewritten font befitting a fixed-width printing press... printed in maroon glitter ink.
    • Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
      I’m a someone, but I also represent several teams of divine TCPs that already live with me. After I play and win a session, anyone that wants it gets my help designing where they wanna live.
    • What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
      Syn Thesis, idol extraordinaire! Perhaps you’ve heard of me?
    • What kind of housing will you be providing?
      Customized, well-funded, TCP-sized. I’ve been at this for years. Anyone who wants a complex-sized castle can get one, bound to a custom pocket dimension, and they'll be travelling with me on the road in several large specialized vehicles. Three, right now, but we'll need more eventually.
    • For how long will you be providing housing?
      Indefinitely. If I die, my pals who already live there will keep taking care of it.
    • What resources will your residents have access to?
      Anything a modest fortune can buy, but I’m particularly well stocked on devices that make life easier for TCPs with inconvenient or harmful abilities and auras, and for psychological help resources-- mostly catering to post-session trauma, but I'm sure we can adapt.
    • What are local job/academic opportunities?
      There’s already a community of TCPs here, and they have a sizable physical library and several magic-science research facilities. Facilities for therapy, stress relief, various forms of entertainment, gourmet TCP food, artistic pursuits, and many more such things have been suggested and subsequently built. People are free to leave the crew for anywhere we stop and settle down, too.
    • What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
      Something like a horror crust type-- dangerous but controllable abilities eager to be explored in a safe and controlled environment. Not sure how the community got as big on science as it is, but it’s been really cool to watch. Of course, I’m equipped for something harmless and pedestrian too, or something that requires various precautions to be stable, but the people here have been working on neat stuff.
    • What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
      Anything that would require a specific environment, such as something with an abyssal modifier. It’s still doable, especially with the research on pocket dimensions the community has done, but it’s not ideal for the road. Most of the crew likes to get out and explore at various stops.
    • What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
      I’ve never had a colossal and I’ve never wanted to figure out the logistics of it; mostly I wouldn't know whether to charge them rent. Types themselves… I can probably find a way for anything to be safe.
    • What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
      Curious, adventurous, and willing to make a few mistakes and accept a few more.
    • Why this kind of personality?
      As a community, the TCPs I house love to learn and tend towards more risky hobbies.
    • What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
      Narrow-minded or prone to excessive fear. Wouldn’t recommend anyone overly bossy or who needs all their ducks in a specific sort of row, either.
    • Why?
      The sheer variety of people here would make it hard for someone to go on while afraid of all the people here. They’re good folk, whether they’re milk types or angel-touch types. Everyone is tolerant and respectful of everyone else, and I refuse to see that ruined.
    • What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
      Another new friend, and maybe some perspective for the session-born TCPs I’m more used to housing. All I’m after is to spread good in the world. Y’all want TCPs housed, I’ve got room and board to eagerly provide. Works well for everyone.
I love everybody because I love you...
It takes some time for you to quite discern the neat, sweeping cursive as writing rather than spiralling runes.

  • Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
    I arrive as a representative.
  • What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
    My name is Naraka Gregi, and I am here on behalf of the Synalboc Research Initiative for the Bizarre (SRIB).
  • What kind of housing will you be providing?
    Luxury dormitories sized for anything from a miniature pill type to Wax himself are available and accessible via an above-ground train network.

  • For how long will you be providing housing?
    For as long as the individual is affiliated with our organization in any way, and wishes to remain in our provided housing.
  • What resources will your residents have access to?
    You've heard I run a rival research institution to your own, haven't you? I come here as head of the TCP division, and I will give them access to anything they could need to learn more about their type and the world around them. We're known for our angel department; it is nothing to be proud of considering how little information there is in general, but we have the bulk of it.
  • What are local job/academic opportunities?
    This is an academic opportunity. We provide employment beyond simple research, if the individual would prefer, however; a food type cook for the cafeterias, a teacher that provides community outreach...
  • What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
    Horror, pocket dimension, time travel, god, chaos, facebank... The more dangerous, interesting, or simply bizarre their abilities are, the more suited they are for the bulk of what I would like done. I am a fiend; I am not worried about my own safety, and I have protected my other researchers on countless occasions.
  • What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
  • Typeless. That being said, anyone can make a good researcher with the right attitude.
  • What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
    None. Do your worst.
  • What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
    So long as they are open to being researched or doing research, they will be able to find work and be capable of getting along.
  • Why this kind of personality?
    We have a fairly vast TCP research division-- not quite as prolific as your own, but sizeable. If someone has very particular needs, or even the very ordinary need to stay away from horror radiation, such a thing is provided here.
  • What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
    I have no interest in somebody who would not wish to know more about themselves and the world.
  • Why?
    This is a research center. Whatever job they end up with, they will be surrounded by a culture of curiosity.
  • What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
    I aim to hire somebody, ideally a researcher with interest in their own typing and its mechanics, but I will take whoever you feel appropriate for my organization to receive.
[Image: kMWlXyL.png]
NAME: Cezar
TYPE: Humor (Body)
NOTES: Average performance on all ability tests, insists on cleaning up after himself in all cases. Very aware of how other people may view his typing, and does his best to counteract the stigma against it. Prefers mild/bland food type products, has an average energy level, and enjoys small bursts of socialization over crowds or large groups. Very proper in his mannerisms, behaves in all circumstances, and prone to helping others whenever they need it. Will be an easy TCP to rehome. Good behavior with staff, no infractions.

[You may now use Cezar for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about him- he is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: H2XwG8H.png]
Your first candidate is Axis, a moon type. They float above the provided chair without much reaction to your presence, simply watching. It takes a few moments before they speak up, saying that they hope that you're prepared to handle the power of a celestial body TCP. Not many can.

[Image: Rd8Qpwf.png]
Your second candidate is Glisten, a pride type. She's posing dramatically when you move over to her section, and you get the feeling she's been holding it for a while. She says that she heard you were up for a challenge, and that sure is in her papers!
Show ContentSpoiler:
Your third candidate is Stonewell, a gore type. He is stoic and cold, but there's a sense of familiarity with the way he talks- like a long lost friend. He says that his typing may be unappealing to some, but it's encouraging to see people matched to him regardless.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: t1Mn9DE.png]
The first candidate is Lumi, a martian type. She's excited to see you, absolutely thrilled to have the chance to be part of a research center. After all, nothing is really known about her typing, and such exploration would be exhilarating!

[Image: kjhMOJz.png]

The second candidate is Russ, a prayer type. He's seemingly caught up in his prayer when you reach him, and apologizes as soon as he notices you there. When asked who he was praying to, he simply replies that it's to anyone who'll listen. 

[Image: HyT6wrI.png]
The third and final candidate is Synergy, a nothing type. For a typing so...mysterious, they seem awfully open and friendly, greeting you with a warm and enthusiastic hello. They warn you that they're a little bit weird, but they're excited to learn whatever you have in mind!

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Syn browses each candidate with a friendly, glowing smile, enthralled in what they have to say to him-- more and more with each he sees. He compares the gore type to a gemstone immediately upon seeing him, and it's clear that the beatfox has made his choice. "I'd love to have taken home all of them," he comments, twirling whatever strange pen he used for his form's typewritten look, "but since I only get one... I think it's gotta be Stonewell."
I love everybody because I love you...
Naraka is all business in looking over her candidates, though the patient, appreciative smile she slips Lumi cracks through her cynical facade. It takes her much pacing across the room to properly decide, and you can hear glimpses of her muttering to herself... "Perhaps the prayer type-- he appears to have the right attitude, and I may finally track down that wily Poet... But the martian type; simply exposing researchers to her aura would drive them to better results, and she wants to know more about it. A nothing type, meanwhile... Of course, that's the ability that most draws me in! How useful to a researcher, to be able to nullify whatever one sees fit, even things like contaminants on one's hands-- and after that incident with the cognitophage type, we already have all the necessary precautions... Each of them would be a valuable asset, but I know which of them is truly indispensable, now."
With gossamer, insectile wings humming melodically behind her, Naraka makes her decision. "I'd like to choose Synergy."
Show ContentSpoiler:
NAME: Stonewell
TYPE: Gore
Good performance in all ability tests, though he seems fairly reserved about using his ability. Good at problem solving, tries to find the most efficient route to finding solutions. Prefers salty food type products, has average energy levels, and keeps to himself. Will of course require a housing situation that finds his typing acceptable, but should be easy to rehome otherwise. No infractions with staff, good behavior all around.

[You may now use Stonewell for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about him- he is yours now!]

[Image: HyT6wrI.png]
NAME: Synergy
TYPE: Nothing
NOTES:  Good performance in all ability tests, seems to be content with their current strength. Is able to solve puzzles and seems to enjoy it, using their ability effectively to complete tasks. Prefers mild food type products, has average energy levels, and seems to enjoy socialization. Should be easily rehomed, but would prefer a housing situation where their thirst for knowledge can be satiated. Good behavior with all staff, no infractions.

[You may now use Synergy for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about them- they are yours now!]

[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?


What is your name/the name of your company/complex?

My name is Phantom.

What kind of housing will you be providing?

I am offering an apartment complex in the historic district of Smoulder, the capital of my zone. The complex is called Woodwork Apartments.

For how long will you be providing housing?

For as long as the residents wish. I hope they'll grow to see Smoulder as their home though.

What resources will your residents have access to?

I'll be setting up everything for them, and willing to offer financial assistance if they require it. The historic district holds a library and multiple museums, although both are a bit dated. The apartment complex has a gym right next door for its residents, and there's a local community college for those willing to learn more.

What are local job/academic opportunities?

The museums, library, and college are the best places to go to learn. The district holds many small, family-owned businesses that are always looking for an extra hand, and there's a temp agency for those who don't know what they want to do yet.

What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?

The owners of the complex I'm working with don't mind any particular type, but I do have a particular fondness for Creature types.

What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?

Machine types maybe? Or Abstract types? Any type that could do a lot of damage in a short amount of time basically.

What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?

All types are welcome, despite the above, and I'll do my best to accommodate for anyone interested.

What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?

Easygoing, probably. Someone who doesn't have a lot of issues with adjusting to change. But hopefully not a pushover either.

Why this kind of personality?

I must be honest here, the rest of Smoulder isn't Although the trouble out there usually doesn't come to the historic district, I'd feel more at ease knowing that my charge can look after themself if I'm not around to help.

What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?

Highly aggressive cats would be unacceptable.


Like the above, the historic district is one of the few peaceful, safe spots in Smoulder, and I don't want that to be compromised.

What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?

Smoulder has actually never had any TCP residents before, or at least not any that lasted longer than a few months, and the historic district has been on the decline for several years now. I've been working with the residents to breathe new life into the area, and decided to knock two birds out with one stone. More interest will be drawn to the district if it holds the city's first TCP resident, and draw more cats to the safe location. And jf they are under my protection, hopefully no harm will come to them.
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: HUBCqAe.png]
Your first candidate is Isabella, an amphipod type. She starts off with a question- was the community college accessible for TCPs? Well, she supposes she could make do without any special accommodations...but that was important, just in general! She begins to ramble passionately, and it's some time before you can move on to the next candidate.
[Image: Pnu7sD7.png]
Your second candidate is Reflex, a gecko type. He seems shy at first, but it's clear he's able to relax the more the two of you talk. He speaks evenly and with eye(spot) contact, not afraid of you at all. You get the feeling he's the adaptable type. 

[Image: RPvCcKr.png]
Your third and final candidate is Spinner, a worm on a string type. They're distracted by a bug in the room- they even try to grab for it a few times, nearly stumbling out of their seat. Once they compose themself again they apologize, saying that they're easily thrown off track- but they've never let it stop them before!

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
The wispy cluster of heads examine each cat carefully, paying close attention to how they speak and their body language as they whisper to each other, trying to reach a consensus. The heads seem to have a hard time agreeing, until finally their collective gaze falls upon one cat.

"I admire your passion, Isabella. I think you'll feel right at home in Smoulder."
Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
Individual, looking to become a company... Of actors!
What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
The name is Vinegar.
What kind of housing will you be providing?
I have a flat in Precipice, near the border of Hoopla. We will be travelling up to Hoopla frequently for shows and such where we will stay in hotels and other non-permanent housing situations.
For how long will you be providing housing?
For as long as they are willing to stay with the company!
What resources will your residents have access to?
Is the limelight a resource?
What are local job/academic opportunities?
I am offering a job that simply comes with housing due to its' nature. Not much time for studying anything other than your lines, though!
What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
Something glamorous or eye-catching. Or maybe even something will a knack for practical effects...?
What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
Anything that might be overly off-putting for the audience.
What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
TCPs who can't travel easily sadly won't work. Sad
What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
Skilled actor or eager to learn. Hopefully good with people, or if not, good at pretending they're good with people.
Why this kind of personality?
What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
Shy or timid, though I am willing to work with them to overcome stage fright if this really is their passion!
If someone doesn't enjoy performing I wouldn't want to force them to do so.
What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
A fellow cast member and worker of the theatrical arts! (Also TCPs seem popular and if we're co-starring maybe people will actually show up to my shows but nevermind all that!)
  • Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
    an individual.
  • What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
    name's legato.
  • What kind of housing will you be providing?
    i'm providin a room in my home. it's in luxson.
  • For how long will you be providing housing?
    for as long as theyd like to stay, honestly..
  • What resources will your residents have access to?
    i'm more than glad to share my own things. ive got a variety of assistive devices around for disability purposes that i am more than glad to let 'em use, too; since i'm pretty resourceful, i'm sure i can figure something out for anyone smaller or larger than what i have on hand.
  • What are local job/academic opportunities?
    they're more than welcome to come along with me; i do a lot of work as a disability advocate. i'm more than glad to split my pay with 'em.
  • What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
    most, particularly those with mental or physical disabilities; so, body and weapon types, in particular.
  • What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
    any type with a particularly large food intake.
  • What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
    machine; also, anyone who would be unable to be around my smoking for their health.
  • What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
    someone who's motivated to learn new things. they don't gotta be particularly energetic or talkative, they just gotta be willing to learn.
  • Why this kind of personality?
    since i do a lot of disability related work, they will be doing a lot of learning about these sorts of things should they decide to come along with me to my job.
  • What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
    someone particularly angry.
  • Why?
    aggression is.. difficult for me to be around. 
  • What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
    i've been told that living with someone else would be beneficial for me.. so.. does that count for anything? i'm aimin' for companionship, i guess, be it on a professional or friendly level.
im normal Smile
[Image: HUBCqAe.png]
NAME: Isabella
TYPE: Amphipod (Designer Modifier)
NOTES:  Exceptional performance in all ability tests, excels in most challenges given and is always looking for more. Extremely attentive to lessons and when receiving new tasks, enjoys tough problem solving and puzzles. Prefers salty food type products, has higher than average energy levels, and likes socialization with others. Will require a housing situation with educational opportunities, and wishes to pursue learning further beyond the lab. Good behavior with all staff, no infractions.

[You may now use Isabella for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: NBWoOeT.png]
Your first candidate is Underwood, an antihero type. They seem happy to see you- they have big plans, they exclaim with a wide, sweeping gesture. They love to act, and their appearance and typing really bring everything together- you aren't gonna get a better candidate, no siree!

[Image: ZyeyPeR.png]
Your second candidate is Mallow, a love type. She's a lot more reserved than your last candidate, but opens up the more she talks. While acting is a relatively new dream of hers, she loves poring over screenplays and imagining how the characters actually stand in their shoes on a stage would be thrilling.

[Image: YYjbwBX.png]
Your third and final candidate is Spectre, a spotlight type. He's not much for acting, but he'd be great on a stage crew. He's helped the lab here with tons of different tech setups, and can make his way around a backstage easily. He could even get some fancy special effects going, given the tools...

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: 4jjHyDN.png]
Your first candidate is Annabelle, an armor type. She's quiet but enthusiastic, keeping her sentences short and her tone excited. She doesn't have a whole lot to say, but what she does say, she seems very confident in. Helping people is definitely something she wants to do, especially if they really need it.

[Image: i5jtSfj.png]
Your second candidate is Riptide, a bear trap type. He's a bit more outspoken than your last candidate, but he carries just as much care and gentleness to his voice. It takes you a moment to realize that he's softening himself up on purpose- making sure that his mannerisms are gentle to contrast his typing. You get the feeling he'd bring a lot of compassion to your work.

[Image: JlkIvb4.png]
Your third and final candidate is Baron, a hand type. They sit proudly in their seat and speak clearly, pronouncing every word just right. They have a huge interest in the field of disability, especially considering their ability to create entirely new hands for people- who knows how useful it could be when applied in the field?

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
theres a moment of silent contemplation, legato visibly admiring every one of the cats. their gaze slowly settles one a particular one, however..

"..yeah. riptide. i think youd be a perfect fit."

..and they crack a tiny smile.
im normal Smile
(i might edit this to an in-character response later, but i choose spectre! they were all fantastic, thank you.)
1. Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
An individual, though I am expecting rent, so I guess that might make me an apartment comlex
2. What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
Twilight’s Lilly(Given name: Lilly, family name: Twilight(possessive))
3. What kind of housing will you be providing?
I’m currently living alone in what used to be the family home. It’s old, and was retrofitted to house The Selected snakes, but it’s pretty big. Each TCP will get their own room, but may have to share bathrooms.
4. For how long will you be providing housing?
Five years minimum, If I can earn my way in living expenses from rent or find a job, Indefinitely.
5. What resources will your residents have access to?
We have easy access to public transport, a family computer, tv, and a garden if any TCP wants to take up gardening they are free to use it, right now it’s just overgrown.
6. What are local job/academic opportunities?
Well I’m not sure about the job market here, but we’re close enough to the city that it shouldn’t be too much of a problem to find jobs nearby. Schools in wonder are great though, if you’re able to pay your way or get a scholarship.
7. What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
Larger ones, and I guess nature type on account of the garden.
8. What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
Food, some weapons and form types, the house is carpeted, It’s really hard to get stains out.
9. What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
TCPs under 11 inches, unless they have a way to reach door handles and operate other things such as appliances built for 3’0-10’0 people. Food, sorry they make me really uncomfortable. Oddly enough body types are ok for me. Sorry, my brain is weird.
10. What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
Friendly and quiet
11. Why this kind of personality?
I’d like to get along with the TCPs that stay here, and maybe make some friends?
12. What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
Aggressive and/or loud.
13. Why?
I don’t deal well with confrontation and loud noises bother me, sorry.
14. What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
It’s been really quiet here since my sisters moved away for post grad work and my father passed. No one is using the rooms and I might be able to make some cash off of this. I’m not looking to replace my family, just have some friendly faces around the house.
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

Show ContentSpoiler:

Your first candidate is Jocelyn, an anatomic surrealism type. She doesn't seem to feel discomfort from the slices in her body, and looks even more at ease to find out that you're comfortable with types like her.  Her posture is prim and proper, and she speaks evenly- every moment spent with her is charming, and you get a great feeling from sitting down with her.

[Image: r6iOW7O.png]
Your second candidate is Launch, a kaiju type. He's practically bouncing in his seat, excited as he could be- but when he speaks, his voice is soft, a complete surprise from his appearance. He is careful with his movements, making sure not to break anything. You get the feeling that he'd settle right in, should you give him a chance.

[Image: 0bLYJQj.png]
Your third and final candidate is Phoebe, an ocean type. They don't say much, but listen to your every word. It's clear that they're a respectful, kind TCP in every aspect. They perk right up once you mention your garden, and say that even though they're made of saltwater, they love taking care of plants. 

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: YYjbwBX.png]
NAME: Spectre
TYPE: Spotlight (Designer Modifier)
NOTES:  Great performance in all ability tests, enjoys particularly creative challenges. Very fond of finding solutions for problems that let him try something new. Prefers mild food type products, has average energy levels, and can socialize with others given enough time to recuperate after. Will require a housing situation with creative outlets and new opportunities. Good behavior with all staff, no infractions.
[You may now use Spectre for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about him- he is yours now!]

[Image: i5jtSfj.png]
NAME: Riptide
TYPE: Bear Trap
NOTES:  Poor performance in ability tests, mainly due to not wanting to use his abilities. Panicks when asked to use his bear traps, claiming he does not want to hurt anyone even in completely safe tests. Prefers sweet food type products, has average energy levels, and enjoys socialization as long as the environment is comfortable and quiet. Would be best suited towards a housing situation focused on helping others, and will adjust well so long as his situation isn't overly hectic. Good behavior with all staff, no infractions.

[You may now use Riptide for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about him- he is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"Oh jeez I don't want to disappoint anyone" Lilly mutters, more to himself really than to the staff. "I can't take Phoebe, salt water would ruin the carpets. That helps narrow it down, but it's still a pick between two lovely people. Give me a minute."

The Selected(he would rather just think of himself as a snake, He's not better than anyone else.) paces around the room, trying to think about what the best choice would be. He stops and wraps his tails around one of his hands, a coping mechanism for anxiety. After about a minute of curling around himself he lets go and moves forward to the staff member.

"Ok, I thought about it, and while Launch was really nice, I think Jocelyn would be best, I feel like maybe not a lot of people would appreciate her because of how she looks."

Show ContentSpoiler:
NAME: Jocelyn
TYPE: Anatomical Surrealism (Designer Modifier)
NOTES: Excellent performance in ability tests, no issue with using her ability in the slightest. Not bothered by the gruesome nature of her ability, and expresses disappointment when others do. Prefers sweet food type products, has average energy levels, and enjoys socialization as long as it remains civil. Would be best suited in a housing situation with someone gentle, and has asked for companionship before. Excellent behavior with staff, very polite and no infractions.

[You may now use Jocelyn for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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