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[GIVEAWAY + TCPDEX RP] TCP Housing Initiative
The person who sits across from you is more than a little intimidating, but you try not to pay it any mind- it'd be rude to comment on it, even if they had a floating skull for a head.
"Well," they clear their nonexistent throat. "Welcome to Taverne's TCP Research Facility. I'm guessing you're here for our ad-" They pause for you to nod. "-regarding housing TCPs in need. We've had an exceptionally high influx of TCPs thanks to a new addition to our staff technologies to the table, and they're badly in need of places to go. While we can house people here as research specimens, it's a voluntary position, and the majority of these TCPs are looking for different paths in life."

They slide over a folder. "In here is all of the information you'll need, as well as a few forms. They're as straightforward as we can make them, and shouldn't take too long to fill out- though please, answer honestly. This is a commitment. TCPs are people, and despite what many people will tell you, not toys or pets. You'll only be allowed to take in one TCP to start, though if reports prove your situation to be a stable and beneficial one, we may grant you the clearance to take in more. We have a responsibility here to ensure that TCPs spawned under our care are given resources and benefits...for their sake, I hope that you'll cooperate with that."

They stand up, gesturing for you to head back to the waiting room. "Leave your folder by the front desk. We'll call you up once we've matched you with some TCP candidates. Make sure to fill out every part of the form- and thank you for your interest and patience."


  1. Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
  2. What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
  3. What kind of housing will you be providing?
  4. For how long will you be providing housing?
  5. What resources will your residents have access to?
  6. What are local job/academic opportunities?
  7. What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
  8. What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
  9. What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
  10. What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
  11. Why this kind of personality?
  12. What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
  13. Why?
  14. What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?

Thank you for your cooperation. Please turn in this form when you are complete.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
1. Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
I represent a children’s museum focused on educating children ages 5-12 on the world around them.

2. What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
The Children’s Science Museum

3. What kind of housing will you be providing?
We will be revamping a section of the volunteer break room to include living accommodations scaled for the candidate.

4. For how long will you be providing housing?
The TCP Education program is projected to be a permanent fixture of our museum; housing will be available for the entirety of the program’s run.

5. What resources will your residents have access to?
Since our exhibit is focused around TCP abilities, there will be TCP-accessible food readily available at all times. Aside from that... we have kids’ exhibits? You can drop a ball from a few different heights to “experiment” with gravity. The ball would be a bit big for most candidates though...

6. What are local job/academic opportunities?
Accepted residents will be employees of the museum. In terms of academic opportunities, the museum is dedicated to education about sciences and the natural world, albeit at a grade school level.

7. What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
TCPs whose abilities can be used to demonstrate natural phenomena or scientific concepts would be a great bonus.

8. What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
TCPs whose abilities may be disturbing for children to witness would not be a good fit.

9. What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
Any TCP who could be dangerous to expose to kids is a no-go. We don’t want any lawsuits.

10. What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
We are looking for someone who is good with kids and can handle crowds! They can’t be shy about using their ability in front of people.

11. Why this kind of personality?
Our exhibit is meant to feature TCP abilities and allow for children a better understanding of how they work. This means a lot of interaction with children and crowds.

12. What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
Anyone easily frustrated or overwhelmed.

13. Why?
They have to be around kids. A lot of ‘em. For many hours a day.

14. What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
The Children’s Science Museum hopes to educate children on TCPs and their abilities. Depending on the candidate’s typing, they may also choose to participate in other demonstrations as well (for example, a fire type in a lecture on the properties of fire, etc.)
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: 0lmbqZC.png]
The first candidate introduces herself as Clarice, a collision type. She's never technically met a child, but she's a very patient kind of person, and would be more than happy to show off her ability for the sake of education! She's done plenty of practice exercises here at the research facility, and rest assured, has her powers completely under control.

[Image: 54OozB2.png]
The second candidate introduces himself as Wilhelm, a cosmos type. He seems a lot shyer than Clarice, but still makes eye contact- as much as you can tell with a TCP, anyway.  He speaks clearly- he hasn't experimented with his ability much, but what he has tried, he loved. He wants more opportunities to learn....and what better way to learn than to teach?

[Image: qCASE2h.png]
The third and final candidate introduces themself as Jerry, a slime type. They admit that their ability may not be as exciting as the other candidates, but they think they'd do well with kids- they met a few on a field trip day to the research facility, and seemed to be a hit with them!

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?

I own complex of tcp sized town houses

What is your name/the name of your company/complex?

My name is Sharp Point. My Complex is called Pink Point.

What kind of housing will you be providing?

Town houses, mostly

For how long will you be providing housing?

For as long as they need, as long as they can pay the very minimum rent

What resources will your residents have access to?

Mostly anything that they would need.

What are local job/academic opportunities

There is a coffee shop hiring down the street, and many other shops and jobs that are hiring. It is a relatively new community. Not many academic opportunities,

What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?

Food, storage, abstract, nature

What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?


What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?


What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?

Respectful and understanding,

Why this kind of personality?

So that no fights or arguments happen too often between tenants

What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?

Destructive mostly. I don’t mind if they have a short temper as long as they don’t destroy anything.


I want to have a safe environment

What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?

Just to make sure that others have a place to stay is my main goal. And to see more tcps interacting in our fairly new community

Thank you for your cooperation. Please turn in this form when you are complete.
@clockwork citrus

You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: DYL5Vcv.png]
Your first candidate offers a hand before remembering the glass between you. They introduce themself as Imogen, an invention type. They assure you that they plan on using their ability to get a job as soon as possible- that rent isn't going to make itself, and while they were just introduced to the concept, they would never want to be late on it.

[Image: VHyVald.png]

Your second candidate watches you get comfortable before speaking up- her name is Candice, and she's a jelly type. She doesn't quite understand the whole "rent" thing...but she's been told she can find work easily thanks to her typing. That would be okay though, right?

[Image: r1VtEIu.png]
Your third and final candidate is Maurice, a waterfall type. He speaks quietly but quickly, words hard to catch- he promises not to destroy anything with his ability, even if it looks dangerous...he works really hard to keep it in check.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I would like Imogen
@clockwork citrus
[Image: DYL5Vcv.png]
NAME: Imogen
TYPE: Invention
HOUSING: Pink Point
NOTES: Performed well in all ability tests. Excels at inventing simple objects, struggles with more complex machines- though their simplistic creations are of premium quality. Prefers sweet food type products, takes frequent (but short) naps, and socializes decently well. Overall pleasant disposition, will fit into new home with ease. Expresses interest at leaving the facility for better things, but never once fought with staff or regulations.

[You may now use Imogen for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about them- they are yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
1. Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
I represent SC Entertainment, which will be providing the housing.

2. What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
Small Cat Entertainment.

3. What kind of housing will you be providing?
A personal mansion, with service staff to accommodate them. They will be cared for 24/7.

4. For how long will you be providing housing?
For as long as they are marketable.

5. What resources will your residents have access to?
We have a dance studio as part of each mansion, as well as a personal kitchen, stylist, and photo studio.

6.What are local job/academic opportunities?
They will become a member of SC Entertainment's upcoming G-core group, PopRoX (PRX)

7. What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
We're looking for a cute type, ideally. Creature or Food.

8. What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
Weapon or Body.

9. What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
Weapon or Body.

10. What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
Spunky, but cute. Someone with good character, who doesn't curse, drink, drive, or get involved in romance. None that are outright repulsed by romance, though. They also need to be resilient, able to stand long hours of dance training or signing signatures. They need to adaptable.
(We are also looking for one with some sort of gimmick, such as a catchphrase or hand sign, though this is not in any way required. Those can always be made after we take them in.)

11. Why this kind of personality?
It is what SC Entertainment requested.

12. What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
Vulgar or weak-willed.

13. Why?
Whoever we take in will reflect back on the company. We don't want anyone who doesn't accurately portray our morals, nor do we want anyone who won't have what it takes to be a Gcore Group member.

14. What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
A star.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
(This form appears to be filled out with a pink glitter gel pen, and yet the writing is in extremely neat cursive)

Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?

I am Frailie Wander, a member of a board of directors in my community.

What is your name/the name of your company/complex?

Silver Heights

What kind of housing will you be providing?

TCP-sized two-story homes, but we also have small apartments for those who won't need so much space.

For how long will you be providing housing?

For as long as the TCP can afford rent for apartments. For those moving into the houses, they can pay a small amount every month until they've completely covered the normal cost, upon which they will own the house and can stay for as long as they wish. We offer a grace period of up to two months for those struggling to find employment.

What resources will your residents have access to?

We offer a private pool and fitness center, as well as easy access to the lake a few blocks away, with accompanying lake and boat houses, as well as a variety of hiking trails. We also offer various courts for recreational sports and an outdoor pavilion.

What are local job/academic opportunities?

We are a twenty minute walk away from a large metropolis, with many stores always looking for new blood, especially seasonals. The city holds a local college with courses made just for TCPs, especially those without much education, and may offer these courses for free depending on the TCP's income. There are also job opportunities at our amenities, especially during the summer, in exchange for being exempt from rent or home payments.

What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?

We welcome all types of TCPs, but we believe Creature and Nature types will probably feel the most at home here.

What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?

We will do our best to accommodate all types, but for the sake of our residents we must warn that Body and Weapon types may have a harder time "fitting in," so to speak.

What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?

All types are welcome, but please take note of the warning above.

What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?

Friendly and sociable, within reason.

Why this kind of personality?

We pride ourselves on having a close-knit community, almost like a large family. Those who can't or don't try to fit in usually don't fare well.

What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?

Overly aggressive TCPs.


We don't want our other residents to feel unsafe or threatened.

What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?

We want to show that our community can support all species from all walks of life, and we do not want to leave out Morbit's littlest residents. We are hoping to bring more diversity to our family, and make them feel as welcome as possible.
[Image: 3DaQdhK.png]

  1. Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
        I represent a company centered around finding homes for all kind of TCPs
  2. What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
        My name's Floof, founder of the "Floofy Cat Friend Agency"
  3. What kind of housing will you be providing?
        Depends on where the TCPs want to go, we work all across Taverne, building little communities and resources for the TCPs in each zone (except for Consumption, Bluster and Whimsy for the most part, we also have a remote post on Fallow's Island). The most common options are that the TCPs can live in a colony with other TCPs or move in with complexes that renovated part of their homes to house TCPs.Of course we check in with the TCPs regularly to see how they are doing, until we can be sure that they have found the right place to stay and that the people they live with are treating them right.    For special cases we work together with the greater god Quill, who leads a facility called the "Sanctuary" in Solitude, where they take care of TCPs struggling due to their abilities (resulting in many body type inhabitants), but also just TCPs in general that may struggle to adjust to living in other spaces due to experiences they had in the past, be it when they spawned or otherwise.
  4. For how long will you be providing housing?
        The housing is in most cases permanent, when a TCP wants to move in with a complex it can be the case that the housing is only for a certain duration of time.TCPs are always free to leave and find homes on their own or just settle in with another colony of ours somewhere else in Taverne. 
  5. What resources will your residents have access to?
        The Floofy Cat Friend Agency will provide the TCPs with what they need. In many cases the TCP colonies are self sustainable, the food types providing what's necessary for the others, form and nature types providing materials and so on, however if necessary the FCFA will help them out. TCPs can also visit courses on basic education about Morbit in case they are newly spawned.
  6. What are local job/academic opportunities?
        It really depends on where the TCPs go, but if there is something a TCP really wants to do we can find a place for them, it's always a special moment when you don't just find a place for them to live, but also can help a dream come true.
  7. What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
        Generally we handle all kinds of TCPs, though it is obviously easier to find places for TCPs willing to work with us and the community they end up in.
  8. What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?    Uncontrollable abilities and especially ones that cause harm to the TCPs around them unintentionally. A place can be found, but it is sadly always a struggle. We're grateful that the Sanctuary offers a place for many TCPs like this, but even it isn't always the right place for them.
  9. What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
        Not really any restrictions.
  10. What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
        Willing to work with us and the community they end up in, otherwise anyone is accepted.
  11. Why this kind of personality?
        We don't feel like there should be a restriction on who can and can't live here, if they want to make it work and find a place for themselves then that's all we need.
  12. What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
        Given the previous question people that are not willing to work with us, or general ill will.
  13. Why?
        Cause it is hard to help someone that doesn't want to be helped.
  14. What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
        We want everyone to have a chance at finding a place for themselves here on Morbit and not having to feel lost and alone.
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]
@king clod

You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: SyxtSK0.png]Your first candidate is named Gracie, an alley cat type. She's a little ragged around the edges, but it gives her a unique charm, don't you think? People these days love this kind of look, and she's willing to play up her quirkiness as much as possible! As an added bonus, she does a cute paw gesture, raising them to her cheeks.

[Image: cdyVKGu.png]
Your second candidate is Bruno, a bread type. His patterning shines and sparkles in the light- and he seems plenty proud of it. He's not afraid to flaunt his stuff, and promises that his food type chunks would make amazing merchandise to lucky, lucky fans. He says he doesn't have a hand gesture yet, but he can definitely pull off some poses.

[Image: BI1EHFy.png]
Your third candidate is Marjorie, a hedgehog type. They roll around before striking a pose, preferring to show off instead of using their words. They don't seem very talkative...but the more quiet types are popular. They do a wavy motion with their hands, punctuating it with a cutesy pose.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: RS8moGM.png]
The first candidate introduces themself as Judy, a cat type. They seem very shy, but happy to be here- they're really relieved somewhere so nice is open for residents, and that they matched up...they're not the most confident when it comes to jobs, but with a housing situation like this, it'd be worth the work.

[Image: CIn7E3g.png]
The second candidate introduces herself as Bonnie, a fantasy type. She's a lot more energetic than the previous contender, talking quickly- she's so so so excited!! They have a POOL after all, and she LOVES pools, they have one here and she got to use all kinds of floaties and- okay, she's in it for more than the pool, but that's definitely a high point.

[Image: b6EDQ18.png]
The third candidate's name is Timothy, a morriña type. He opens with a questions- are small, personal gardens allowed? He could just keep it on a balcony or a porch or something, nothing intrusive...but if that's part of the deal, he really wants to give this a try.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I think I'll take Timothy!

(And yes, personal gardens are allowed).
[Image: 3DaQdhK.png]
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: X621HTy.png]
The first candidate doesn't seem very confident in himself, but wants to make a good impression- he tries to stand tall and not drip all over everything. He introduces himself as Markus, a corpse type. He's heard that this housing operation is good with body types, which is kind of rare so far...he's very grateful for the chance.

[Image: c8ALyb9.png]
The second candidate's name is Teddy, a loss type. They're surprisingly cheerful despite their appearance, greeting you warmly and saying that they appreciate you coming in. Their ability can be kind of distressing for others to think about, but they think with a positive environment, they can make great strides in reducing stigma.

[Image: Y0Yy6ye.png]
The third and final candidate is Rey, a waterfall type. She keeps looking around the room, distracted- but she says that she wouldn't mind such a nice place to stay, even if this research facility has a lot of the things she needs. It'd just be better to have a place to call her own, really.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
The ruffneck pinches the area between his eyes and lets out a long sigh, seemingly in disgust. "This is a... rather skim selection I must say. But, I was told not to come back empty handed, so I suppose we'll have to make do." He looks between the TCPs. "Definitely not Bruno, this is aiming to be a girl group, after all. Such a shame, too. His pattern would certainly fit the pallet." He glances to Gracie and Marjorie. "Tacky color schemes... our stylists can work around that. Subpar dance moves, but it's at least something."
cw: misgendering
Show ContentSpoiler:
"We'll take Gracie. Her gimmick is promising, perhaps we can make her the "quirky" one in the group. We'll just have to adjust Monica's demeanor, which shouldn't be difficult in the least." He chuckles somewhat, a cold and hollow sound. "She very eager to please. But yes, we'll take Gracie. We can straighten her whiskers, bedazzle her collar, the works. Perhaps if PRX goes in a different direction her ragged style would fit better, but for now she'll just have to be in progress."
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]
[Image: b6EDQ18.png]
NAME: Timothy
TYPE: Morriña
HOUSING: Silver Heights
NOTES:  Decent performance in all ability tests, though he has some trouble with controlling intensity of nostalgia given. Seems to do best with memories of nature, most likely due to his affinity for gardening. Prefers savory food type products, has higher than average energy levels, and socializes well, albeit a bit quietly. Should fit into a low maintenance, welcoming home. Good behavior with all staff, only wants to leave the facility if better, more relaxed offers present themselves. 

[You may now use Timothy for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about him- he is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: SyxtSK0.png]
NAME: Gracie
TYPE: Alley Cat
HOUSING: Small Cat Entertainment
NOTES:  Aura seems normal, performs well in ability tests. Enjoys sitting near unwitting people and watching as her aura takes effect, observing them as they become simultaneously more relaxed and more energized. Likes hunting and chasing games. Enjoys meaty food type products, has a high energy level, and is fast to socialize in groups- extremely extroverted. Will require a housing situation with heavy social interaction, and will not do well in an isolated environment. Excited to leave facility for a new life, but due to her occasional belligerence with the staff, we worry about authority figures.

[You may now use Gracie for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Floof's heart melts a bit when they see the corpse type that's trying its very best. They look at everyone and contemplate for a good while, before taking a deep breath.
"It's a really tough choice to pick just one of them, they're all lovely. But I think I will choose Markus. I know that it can be very complicated for body types, especially ones with his typing, to find a place to stay so I want to make sure he will find somewhere nice to call home."
 ~ Chompy -[Image: Trapling_Chompy_1.png]- some well chosen quote -[Image: Trapling_Cinnanom_2.png]- Cinnanom ~
~ I somehow started drowning in tiny cats and I don't know how it happened ~
[Image: Markus_Card_2.png][Image: Teddy_Card_2.png][Image: Ender_Card_2.png]
[Image: Tiny%20TCP.png]

  1. Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?

    I am an individual, but I travel frequently with two other scrap wizards who currently wish to remain unnamed.

  2. What is your name/the name of your company/complex?

    Please refer to me as Lumikki, Lumi for short. My only constant companion is Kringle, a holly/snowglobe tcp

3. What kind of housing will you be providing?

As stated above, I am frequently traveling. I stop often at other wizards homes to rest, but when that is unavailable I spend time camping among the stars. Yes a bring a tent, but I have occasionally had to set up a rushed shelter or hide in a cave. I hope that's still reasonable!

4. For how long will you be providing housing?

For as long as the individual likes! I would love another traveling partner (I do have one small friend with me already) but if they find somewhere they feel more comfortable, they are welcome to leave at anytime. I offer them a look at many different places in tavern, so they don't ever have to settle for one place.

5. What resources will your residents have access to?

It depends mostly on where we are at the moment. I can try to provide them with anything requested, but I cannot promise it will always be available. I'm sorry, that probably sounds really bad. 

6. What are local job/academic opportunities?

This is where it gets a bit tricky. I would, ideally, like to help a cat who is scrap sensitive learn to control their powers, or just have someone around who likes to travel. When we are stopped somewhere I can help guide them to jobs in the area if they would like to try, as we do often stop for a month or so at a time, but mostly they would have to get used to odd jobs and seeing injured people, or being in possibly dangerous places. We spend a lot of time in Hearth if that helps.

7. What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?

Creature types, nature types, and body types will likely have the easiest time. Weapon and form types would have mixed results.

8. What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?

I'm not really sure how most machine types would do.

9. What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?

No one isn't allowed, by I do worry about who would be fit for my work. 

10. What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?

Ideally they would be adaptable, empathic, open minded, and adventurous! They also must be able to take a joke in order to deal with my companion. 

11. Why this kind of personality?

It just works better for the job.

12. What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?

I don't quite know what wouldn't work. Lazy? I feel rude calling someone lazy, there of plenty reasons why someone may not be as active as someone else. Can I just say "anyone who would like to continuously stay in one place" or is that not an accurate personality?

13. Why?

That just wouldn't be good, moving them around when they don't want to. I can't just force someone to go on an adventure.

14. What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?

I think I said this earlier, but I'd love to have another TCP companion to travel with me. If not, I'd love to just... know I helped a cat get where they are supposed to be! 

On the back of the paper, in very small writing, is a little note hastily added, the ink slightly smudged.
Oh I hope it was clear the cat doesn't have to be scrap sensitive, I just thought maybe if you had one I could help them with that. Kringle is not very sensitive to scrap, she knows they exist but can't control it. But the cat just needs to understand that's what I work with, does not have to use it themselves. Very sorry!
Give Me Your Coins
[Image: X621HTy.png]
NAME: Markus
TYPE: Corpse
HOUSING: Floofy Cat Friend Agency
NOTES: Does well in ability tests, but prefers not to use his ability. He seems distressed by its results, and has yet to find a practical application that he's comfortable with. Enjoys salty food type products, has a less than average energy level, and is slow to socialize with others. Any bonds he makes seem to be long lasting, however, and he's expressed interest in communicating with peers he's leaving behind in the move. Will require plenty of space to rest and be on his own, but is flexible otherwise. Worked well with staff entirely, and should have no problem being rehomed. 

[You may now use Markus for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about him- he is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
i’ll take clarice! thank you very much =)
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: 7ozBnuX.png]
The first candidate is Novelty, an author type, sitting prim and proper at the table. They seem a bit...reserved for an adventuring companion, but assure you that they're out to catalog and record anything they can find. They are scrap sensitive, but can only touch them- not to mention, their scrap affinity is a rather rare one.

[Image: a3JlyJM.png]
The second candidate is Mana, an ink type. She's already got a backpack ready to go, patting it with an assured pose. She's been wanting to go on all kinds of adventures ever since she heard about the outside world, and has been reading a lot about scraps! She isn't a sensitive, but knows plenty.

[Image: P67yt6G.png]
The third and final candidate is Trevor, a shark type. He has a bit of an attitude, but seems good natured enough, playful jokes over blatant rudeness. He asserts himself as a full scrap sensitive, though he isn't the best with his powers yet. Still, his coral scrap affinity should come in handy if they wander around some seaside areas.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: 0lmbqZC.png]
NAME: Clarice
TYPE: Collision
HOUSING: The Children’s Science Museum
NOTES: Excellent control over her ability, performed excellent in all tests. No signs of slip ups while in control of her ascended form, and enjoys complex puzzle solving. Prefers sweet food type products, has average energy levels, and socializes well, especially if there's a shared task or goal at hand. Will require higher than average amounts of stimulation, and a place with sensory puzzles/equipment should suit her best. Good behavior with all staff, volunteered to help with work around the facility quite often. Will fit in best with a working environment.

[You may now use Clarice for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Lumikki is absolutely thrilled meeting the candidates, mostly just that they didn't fail the questionare. And didn't get arrested, like their friends assumed they would. They manage to sneak kringle in so she can properly greet the candidates too, as Lumi's right hand cat of course.

Lumi has a tough time picking between them, asking a few questions, swatting Kringle for being rude or mumbling things in their ears, and finally the two of them manage to come to an agreement. One cat really sticks out as being perfect for Lumikki to help train, and being able to throw back the perfect amount of sass Kringle provides. Any cat that can leave Kringle speechless is a perfect fit for their group

"While I would just love to have all of them join us, that simply isn't an option. I'd love to bring Trevor along with us. I won't have to worry about Kringlr being too.... Kringle for him, and I can teach him all sorts of ways to handle his scrap! Oh my friends will just adore getting to teach him things, they're going to be sorry they didn't join me in this!"
Give Me Your Coins
Filed in enthusiastic, slightly childish handwriting:


1. Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?


2. What is your name/the name of your company/complex? 

Mercy, new and lesser god in a small pantheon 

3. What kind of housing will you be providing?

Town-houses / doll-houses set up in a proper, small neighborhood indoors, personalized touches and home improvement encouraged. The eventual goal is to place and provide for a colony! 

4. For how long will you be providing housing? What resources will your residents have access to?

As long as required! Permanent residents preferred, with any resources required available on request with time - up to and including experimental hybridization

5. What are local job/academic opportunities?

We've made an agreement with local stores and more intensive workplaces to (at the very least) interview TCPs and find new ways to use unique typings to facilitate production or work! As well as paying for residents to attend any - online or in person - classes at nearby universities they wish! 

6. What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?

Smaller TCPs! Object or creature types!

7. What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?

Large storage types in the forms of buildings, maybe? Don't have a good idea of how to fit them.. do they need houses to go inside? Do they Want to be a residence? (A series of doodles follows).

8. What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?

Especially dangerous weapon or body types, abstracts ): Weapon or body types are okay in general though

9. What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?

Willing to reach out and friendly! They don't have to talk a lot though

10. Why this kind of personality?

I want to be able to help if they need anything! They don't have to be my friend but I'd like if they're nice people

11. What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?

Aggressive or isolationist TCPs 

12. Why?

As much as I would love to help, I'm not very experienced.. and the others said very firmly to be safe and careful

13. What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?

Helping to care for others is part of my responsibilities! TCPs were suggested by a higher god as a good starting point, and I want to learn how to work with people and give them options!  

[Image: P67yt6G.png]
NAME: Trevor
TYPE: Shark
HOUSING: Lumikki
NOTES: Good control over his ability, though testing focused more on his natural scrap sensitivity. Seems to find those applications far more satisfying than those using his aura. Prefers meaty food type products, especially fish, has high energy levels, and socializes well (as long as those around him can handle playful joking). Craves adventure and excitement, would do best with an active lifestyle, possibly traveling around. Sometimes got into arguments with staff, but nothing difficult to solve.

[You may now use Trevor for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about him- he is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: GXnQKrf.png]

The first candidate's name is Patrice, a blanket type. She wants to find a place to live where she can exist comfortably, and share her ability with people and help them do the same. This seems like a wonderful opportunity for such a thing...

[Image: foYPTTo.png]
The second candidate is Mischief, a lone brood type. He appears kind of sniffly and lonely, as you'd expect from a brood type on his own...but he tries his best to speak up, and says that he's hoping he could fit in with such a community!
[Image: 5Mzlejj.png]
The third and final candidate is Crux, a magical girl type. They stand strong and confident, their voice even as they say a dollhouse would be a perfect place for them to live, seeing as doll stuff suits them anyway!

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
I'm a HR liaison for the South Bluster Observatory Project.

What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
Lithgow, and I'm representing the maintenance and assistant department of the project today.

What kind of housing will you be providing?
We have several rooms that have been converted into TCP-scale apartments for trainees, and two private rooms and a storage closet on-site have had similar alterations. All rooms have been designed to allow for hands-free door operation, and can be removed from the main block if maintenance is required.

For how long will you be providing housing?
The training period will take 4 months, and is followed by a 15 month rotation to our facility in Bluster. Those willing to do future rotations will be given housing of their choice near our training location.

What resources will your residents have access to?
The town near our training facility has an active TCP community, from which we source food and TCP-scale goods. On rotation food and supplies have to be brought into the site, though we have tools and machines that have been modified to allow for TCP use for creating items.

What are local job/academic opportunities?
Most of our intake is focused on maintenance of laboratory and HVAC equipment, though there are possible roles in service industries at our training location.

What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
Wheeled types, as the facility has even surfaces and already has accommodations for trolleys. Types with little sensitivity to heat and atmospheric changes would also be ideal.

What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
Types that need to use abilities for daily tasks, as there is limited food during rotation and we only have a single food-type on-site currently. Due to being a dry environment aquatic types will have issues.

What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
Gaseous or temperature-sensitive types, as the facility uses powered ventilation. TCPs with compulsive issues or abilities must be avoided due to the indoors-only nature of the posting.

What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
Social and cautious, with a high tolerance of constant noise. Some mechanical and laboratory experience would be ideal.

Why this kind of personality?
TCPs chosen are going to be working with complexes and be required to describe what they are doing during activities on-site. They will also be in groups patrolling the facility for maintenance issues, this will include working near and inside vent ducts. As this is an indoor facility there will be constant noise from movements and machinery.

What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
TCPs with anxiety or requirements for alone time, as we run a constant buddy system due to the isolated location.

As the facility has limited space and is ventilated there is the risk of disorientation, and noises from passing machinery, air, and people disturbing those on-site, in addition trapped or unconscious personnel may not be able to signal for help or move to a safe location unassisted.

What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
We are looking to better support the TCP community in North Hearth, and due to the location of the observatory there is a need for more personnel without putting further resource strain on the facility. In particular TCP hires would allow for better work hours and safer team sizes for all personnel involved in the project.
Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
I am an individual seeking to offer housing and employment to a single TCP at this time.

What is your name/the name of your company/complex?

My name is Happen Stance, you may address me as Syr Stance or Happy. I am the co-owner and sole operator of the Grinn Lightworks, a lighting store located in Wonder's capital. 

What kind of housing will you be providing?

The resident will be provided accommodations in the form of an unused office on the second floor of the apartments above Grinn Lightworks. The remaining space of the apartment is mine. The office is ample space for one of that scale.

For how long will you be providing housing?

To be determined. This depends on the fact that the shop may not remain in my care for much longer, depending on a specific, pending lawsuit in response to a will.

What resources will your residents have access to?

My resident will have access to all essential amenities and will have options for participation in local TCP events.  

What are local job/academic opportunities?

I am offering a paid position as an employee at my shop along with the housing. There are local TCP education buildings.

What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
I am best equipped to take on a form-type that can create or alter materials for the better storage of lighting implements. This is not a requirement, however.

What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
Unwieldy typings who are accident-prone would not be fit for this offer.

What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
Sound-based typings that produce around 550 hertz of sound on a consistent basis will be very bad for business. 

What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
Amiable and friendly. Or able to fake being friendly. The ideal resident should possess at least a little charisma and enthusiasm for sales, or even lighting itself. I wouldn't mind some help in my workshop, so if they are technically inclined, I wouldn't shy away from them.

Why this kind of personality?
Friendliness is a useful skill in sales. How often do you buy a new lamp? Lights are hard to sell because they're a purely artistic piece of your space. Even utilitarian designs are designed with their aesthetic in mind to a degree. You're selling something to someone that might not need or even want it.

What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
Abrasiveness will not be tolerated.


The shop has lost customers as it is, with my partner's passing.

What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
An assistant of sorts. Someone to help me with the shop. I have this Burgeon fellow who helps sometimes but Burg is mute and makes an incredibly ineffective salesTCP. I'm also honestly looking for someone to trust, a confidant. A friend.
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
"Patrice, please!"
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: bS5Q2aX.png]
The first candidate is Pierre, a hospital type. He says that this job sounds challenging, but his ability could do the trick in a pinch...especially in such dangerous conditions. He can promise that he'll give his all.

[Image: YXGL4Hw.png]
The second candidate's name is Mystery, a television type. She says that she can get signals from places you'd never imagine, and who knows what things could get picked up in Bluster! The very thought of it makes her so excited!

[Image: cxF2JFL.png]
The third and final candidate is Lively, a wheel type. They heard that you were looking for wheeled TCPs...well, here they are. If the fluid leaking is a problem, they have wraps they can apply whenever- should keep the cold out as well. This job seems to have so much intrigue to it, and they think they have what it takes.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
[Image: GXnQKrf.png]
NAME: Patrice
TYPE: Blanket
NOTES: Understands her ability well, very good at finding applications for her blankets, and expresses readiness to help others. Has succeeded at every test involving compassion. Prefers salty food type products, has average energy levels, and is mildly introverted, though she enjoys the company of close friends. Looking forward to a quiet life spent with loved ones, even if it takes a long time to get there. Excellent behavior towards staff, has no trouble with authority figures and rules.

[You may now use Patrice for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.
[Image: 4waDoWg.png]
The first candidate introduces himself as Barker, a blanket type. He thinks that his ability would be ideal for creating nice, soft cushioning for lights- in addition, it'd add a little something extra for people to take home. People love little blankets.

[Image: s6uzZBI.png]
The second candidate is Clive, a serpent type. She's already wrapped herself around a lightbulb, tapping on it rhythmically. Lights are something she liked to hoard, you see...though if in your employ, she would be willing to part with whatever the clients needed.
[Image: 1Nc9baT.png]
The third candidate is Merriweather, a tetrahedron type. They say that they've worked out a way to make large, hollow tetrahedrons- it'd take some finagling, but they're pretty sure they could make unique packaging for the shop. No one would have anything like it.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
I think Lively would be the most suitable candidate for us.
After considering my options, I believe I'd ultimately like to formally extend the offer to Clive.
Vic/Puck - Morbit Discord and Forum Mod - TCPdex Team Member -  Wiki Contributor
Ageless Fae Lord - They/He/It
[Image: 3873]
[Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Story Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] [Random Hoard] [Image: candle_mini_pixel_by_gasara-d5p3lty.gif] 
[Image: cxF2JFL.png]
NAME: Lively
TYPE: Wheel
HOUSING: Lithgow
NOTES: Excels in ability testing, aside from some particularly difficult terrain-focused challenges. Wraps up open wounds effectively to prevent further fluid loss, and has expressed interest in getting permanent caps- has no urge to create extra wheels. Prefers savory food type products, has higher than average energy levels, and is neither particularly introverted or extroverted- they should blend into most social situations readily. Wants to find work, even if that means sacrificing a peaceful life. Willing to sacrifice lots to get it. No issues with authority figures or staff, good behavior all around.

[You may now use Lively for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about them- they are yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
I am just offering housing, as I am a bit lonely at my apartment and im looking for a friend, a tcp would be great.

What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
My name is Drip.

What kind of housing will you be providing?
I live in a apartment, I have made a few different custom setups for different tcps.

For how long will you be providing housing?
As long as the tcp I choose wants to stay with me!

What resources will your residents have access to?
I have found a steady source of tcp food online that I have ordered, if the tcp needs anything I could get it for them!

What are local job/academic opportunities?
I am not very sure as I stay inside alot, but im sure the tcp and I could find something together if they want to do anything like that!

What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
Any really

What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
Probably body types

What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
Any are really allowed!

What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
Maybe friendly!

Why this kind of personality?
I do like friendly tcps, people, whoever. Friendly is just a good thing!

What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?

I dont want to have my apartment destroyed, its already covered in paint.

What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
Maybe a friend, maybe just a TCP who needs a home.
[Image: s6uzZBI.png]
NAME: Clive
TYPE: Serpent
HOUSING: Happen Stance
NOTES: Performed well in ability tests, and has no qualms about her ability affecting others. People around her are warned that the aura is particularly strong, moreso than other serpents- though the exact reason why is unknown. Prefers meaty food type products, has lower than average energy levels, and is neither particularly extroverted or introverted- though when anxious, she prefers time alone. Definitely looking for something to do as well as a place to go, especially if her skills and interests can be useful. Talks back to staff on occasion, but apologizes after- does not display mean-spirited qualities.  

[You may now use Clive for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: YecdVV9.png]
The first candidate is Burst, an aesthetic type. She seems very happy to meet someone new, waving you forward with a relaxed pose. This living situation sounds nice and lowkey, which is just what she needs...somewhere to settle down! 

[Image: cYDCPnT.png]
The second candidate is Marsh, a banana split type. He wants to study the whole world someday...from the safety of his own home. There's just so much to explore, but so much danger out there! A solid place to research and rest would be super ideal.

[Image: h0FHqpQ.png]
The third and final candidate is Routine, a dinosaur type. They seem very poised and attentive as they watch you sit, saying that they think you've got a good character to you already. They just know it. They're definitely here to make a friend, if you'll have them.

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
"I think I will take Routine, they seem perfect!"
[Image: h0FHqpQ.png]
NAME: Routine
TYPE: Dinosaur
NOTES: Performs well in all ability tests, though practical applications have been a struggle. Prefers to use physical strength to solve problems over their aura, and does not enjoy particularly difficult mental puzzles. Prefers meaty food type products, has average energy levels, and is neither introverted or extroverted. Very friendly towards other specimens, but does not seek out companionship unless prompted. Curious about creative expression, has expressed wish to experiment in that field. Good behavior towards staff, though there have been some outbursts over accidental mistreatment.

[You may now use Routine for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about them- they are yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
1. Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
I represent an association that is offering housing as part of an employment opportunity.

2. What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
Unknown Matters Investigative Research Association, often shortened to U.M.I.R.A.

3. What kind of housing will you be providing?
We have a TCP division campus within our headquarters that includes 'dormitories', though they are more akin to full suites.

4. For how long will you be providing housing?
For TCPs continually working with us, residence would be provided indefinitely. Should any TCP staying with us decide they would like to pursue other opportunities, we will continue to provide them residence until they are able to find other employment, and, most importantly, another safe place to live. 

5. What resources will your residents have access to?
The TCP campus has access not only to accomodating housing, but a large library, a recreation center with full gym, a park with a community garden, and several fully-licensed counselors are available to those who may need their services for any reason. As part of employment, they would additionally have access to the the various research buildings within the campus, as well as the rest of the entire headquarters via safe 'catwalks' suspended in our hallways. They would be treated as equal parts of our team, with input valued on par with all other employees. Our headquarters is also a short public transit ride from a nearby major city that is extremely TCP-accessible. 

6. What are local job/academic opportunities?
As previously stated, we are offering employment opportunities within our association in exchange for housing, as well as regular pay. We are a growing organization, and the bulk of our TCP Division has left to help establish our new recently-formed branches in other regions as part of our expansion. This means we are in need of TCPs to join the empty spots at our main branch and headquarters located in the Idyth region. Employment could consist of a large variety of tasks, as we want to see where any TCPs that join us feel they fit best, but in the most general sense: they would be assisting in researching and investigating into unexplained phenomena around the Idyth region. This could range from simply helping archive data and file paperwork to actively investigating and conducting interviews out in the field, and everything in between. It just depends what each specific TCP feels would suit them best. 

7. What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
We are prepared to house and and all types of TCPs, even those that may need special accomodation, though I have noted some related details that may influence your decision in my answer to question #9 on this form.

8. What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
See previous answer.

9. What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
No TCP types are entirely disallowed from our housing, but we have evidence of certain specific types being unnaturally affected by certain phenomena we investigate. While these incidents could often be considered circumstantial, we still feel morally obligated to provide a list of TCP categories and types that have encountered unwanted or even potentially harmful effects while on active investigations or while researching:
  • Food-type TCPs
  • Body-type TCPs (with exception to some types based around mental disorders, such as Dissociation type TCPs, for instance)
  • Form-type TCPs

10. What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
With regards to the housing situation, any personality a TCP may have would be just fine, so long as they are not destructive or harmful to other residents. Speaking on the matter of employment, though, TCPs who possess a hardy resilience to fear of the unknown, an analytical mind (such as those who enjoy solving puzzles; putting pieces together), and an unrestrainable curiosity are more likely to find this a good fit for them.

11. Why this kind of personality?
Looking into unexplained phenomena often leads to uncovering more than you were prepared for; things that can hardly be understood or processed. These three general qualities help combat even the toughest challenges we face in our work, and they are a commonality among those that find themselves enthralled working in this niche field.

12. What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
Those that are uninquisitive or easily-frightened may not want to apply for such a position.

13. Why?
I believe this speaks for itself.

14. What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
Ideally, we would love to have someone who enjoys this line of work and is a dedicated addition to the team, but if the TCP decides this work is not for them, we are still more than thankful for the opportunity to support them during their transition to a new home.

You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.

[Image: lQij7af.png]
The first candidate has a miniature puzzle cube in her massive hands, fidgeting with it and not noticing you until you ask for her name. Her name is Minnow, and she's an anxiety type...sorry for not responding right away, she's just a little stuck on this bit. She already blew threw all of the other ones the facility gave her, and this is the last one. She hopes that wherever you're from, you have puzzles.

[Image: LiTvklR.png]
The second candidate's name is Midas, a divination type. He says that he's thrilled to see you, and that he's forseen your arrival...and other things. The one thing he can't pin down though, is if you take him with that, that he'd like to find out.
[Image: PTFTIHf.png]
The third and final candidate's name is Blithe, a vessel type. They don't say much at first, just watching you. They start off with a slow voice, saying that they would very much like this job, and are willing to seek the truth no matter what. 

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
The recruiter speaks at length with each of the three candidates, and thanks them all for their time.

"It was a very close decision, and we would love to have all three of you working for us in the future. However, since we may only move forward with a singular candidate at this time, we would like to extend our offer to Minnow. To Blithe and Midas: please feel free to apply via our normal channels in the future, should you still be interested. Thank you again."
[Image: lQij7af.png]
NAME: Minnow
TYPE: Anxiety
NOTES: Has succeeded in most of her ability tests, though she struggles with problems requiring lack of sensory input. Requires something to do at all times, lest her anxiety get the better of her. Does not enjoy inducing her ability on others, and would rather use her intellect to solve problems. Prefers salty food type products, has lower than average energy levels, and is notably introverted. Despite this, she has been polite to all other specimens and staff. Prefers the company of puzzles and brain teasers to people, but has expressed interest in solving puzzles with other people. Would like a housing opportunity that tests her skills, and allows her to continue learning.

[You may now use Minnow for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
The form appears to be filled out in print instead of handwriting, and the odd-looking, vaguely robotic bird that returns it in its beak seems to be slow to respond, almost as if it were being controlled by something else.

Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
I am an individual.

What is your name/the name of your company/complex?

What kind of housing will you be providing?
I own a small number of apartment complexes scattered throughout Taverne, both TCP-sized and standard-sized, and I am in the process of building more throughout Morbit as a whole.

For how long will you be providing housing?
Until the TCP wishes to leave, or I am forced to remove them due to violent behavior towards myself or other residents.

What resources will your residents have access to?
I maintain an underwater tunnel system that connects various parts of the world to my own abode. Residents will have the opportunity to use said tunnel system to travel to various places in the world.

What are local job/academic opportunities?
"Local" is a term that is ill-fitted for my situation. TCPs may relocate as they please via the aforementioned tunnel network and stay in one of my apartment complexes. Although the complexes are few and far between, I am attempting to strategically place them in key parts of the world to allow for residents to choose between as many environments as possible.

What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
I consider myself to be able to support a variety of TCP types, so long as they are relatively self-sufficient.

What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
Due to the nature of my housing initiative, I am less able to provide special care for TCPs that need it, such as weapon types or TCPs with certain conditions/modifiers.

What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
I try to accommodate TCPs of all types, but on rare occasion a few of the more destructive types (fire type, acid type, etc.) have been turned down due to the cost of repairs for their living space.

What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
Ideally a TCP should be self-sufficent, able to ask for what they want, and willing to live peacefully in close proximity to other TCPs.

Why this kind of personality?
As my housing network grows larger, it becomes more and more difficult to monitor each resident closely. I am prone to oversight, and it would be best that if a TCP cannot manage themselves, they at least be able to make their dilemma known.

What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
I do not want TCPs that are prone to conflict with their neighbors.

The purpose of my housing network is to keep people out of dangerous situations, and it rather defeats the purpose of doing so if the situation they are coming into is equally bad. Verbal conflict between residents is discouraged and physical conflict is grounds for eviction.

What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
I aim to offer solace and protection to those who need it. The only thing I ask in return is that none of my residents judge each other and live peacefully amongst themselves. If the TCP so chooses, they may help with maintenance for my facilities.

In addition, I believe my particular situation would be well-suited for research activities, as I can provide relatively safe and quick travel throughout different parts of Taverne and other locations as my tunnel network expands.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]

You are called into the meeting room, three TCPs sitting behind glass dividers.
[Image: O2yUOoE.png]
The first candidate is Almond, a glitch type. He seems particularly excited about the underwater tunnels- are they made of glass? Can you see all the fish swimming around while you walk on by? It's just so fascinating, he can't help but think of all the possibilities!

[Image: 1xufiAk.png]
The second candidate is named Petra, a knight type. She's a lot calmer than the past candidate, but seems more intent on the research opportunities- you sound like someone with a practical head on your shoulders, and she respects that. She has full confidence that this would be a good living situation for her.

[Image: lK8fZxG.png]
The third and final candidate is Looper, a wind-up toy type. Like Almond, they seem particularly excited about the tunnels- though they're more worked up over the idea of being able to travel across the world. It'd take a lot of winding up, but who can resist that?

Who do you choose?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
The tiny robotic bird opens its beak and a recorded voice comes out.

"I choose Petra. Thank you for your time."

The bird closes its beak again, then turns and hops out of the room, expecting Petra to follow.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
[Image: 1xufiAk.png]
NAME: Petra
TYPE: Knight
HOUSING: Forceps
NOTES: Excellent performance on all ability tests, has a great grasp on her aura and how to utilize it to solve problems. Prefers doing activities and problem solving with a singular companion, and seems to get overwhelmed in groups. Prefers sour food type products, has average energy levels, and as mentioned earlier, prefers the company of individuals rather than groups. Has expressed interest in seeing more of the world and learning more about it. Good behavior with all staff, if not a little quiet. Should rehome nicely.

[You may now use Petra for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
   We are a small team committed to housing TCPs who are looking for somewhere to stay, whether this stay is a permanent one like some of our residents who have had a hard time finding the appropriate housing for their needs or just as a temporary housing for those on the hunt for a more permanent location.

What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
   We are officially known as; The Coven Housing Association but amongst some of our staff and many of our residents we are simply known as The Coven. My name however is Fantasy and i am the founder of this organisation.
What kind of housing will you be providing?
   The current housing we offer varies wildly depending on the needs of our residents but our most standard rooms are in apartment complexes with both individual and shared living spaces available depending upon availability and request for residents who prefer their own space for whatever reason.

For how long will you be providing housing?
   As previously stated we offer housing on both temporary and permanent accounts and this is completely up to the resident’s wishes, there is however no time limit on a room so even if they decide they only want to stay here temporarily we will not ask them to leave until they are ready to do so.

What resources will your residents have access to?
   Residents have access to a wide variety of resources including personal bedrooms with ample storage space, outdoor areas complete with activities and seating for relaxation alongside a wide variety of resources needed for hobbies, if something is needed that we do not have a resident can simply ask us and we shall do our best to locate whatever they need.

What are local job/academic opportunities?
   We work alongside local companies to offer a selection of jobs for our residents who wish to work in traditional job settings, we also have the resources for a variety of art related jobs and ready access to computers for those who are handy at technical things. As for academia we also have contacts in several teaching facilities who can offer places for our residents as well as doing night classes right here at the residency.

What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
   The Coven was originally started for TCPs who’s abilities are often seen as more severe by society and as such we are best equipped for body, abstract and creature types. Weapon types have also found our housing to be beneficial for them.

What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
   We however have not yet had many residents who are storage types or form types and so we may find it harder to cater to their specific needs but we will do our best.

What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
   No TCPs are specifically restricted but as stated above we may have a hard time accommodating TCPs that we do not have much experience with so it may be wise for these restrictions to be taken into consideration.

What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
   There is no “ideal” for our housing residents as we have a wide variety of residents from various walks of life living with us but we do have specific measures and training for those who are more withdrawn and shy since we have discovered these measures are useful to have for some of our more sensitive permanent residents.

Why this kind of personality?
   As stated we just have more resources available for these specific TCPs and we find that these TCPs often have a harder time without the appropriate care so we like to offer our services when we can.

What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
   Any particularly loud or boisterous TCPs may not be the perfect fit for our housing.

   Due to our large volume of sensitive TCPs we find that louder TCPs tend to cause some discomfort for our shyer and more reserved residents however we can still find a place for them in one of the rooms that has public living areas.

What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
   We simply aim to provide a safe and stable place for TCPs to stay for as long as they need to. Money is not a concern of ours and shouldn’t be a concern of our residents as we have a range of generous benefactors who ensure we remain open without having to charge our residents anything.

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