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05-07-2023, 02:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-08-2024, 07:25 PM by skinstealer.)
There is a large house with many rooms. No one knows where it is, where it came from, or how to get out. ![[Image: 2_14_03_24_2_55_12.png]]( There is a TCP here. His name is Simon. He is a stained glass cookie type, with a minor fiery modifier. He doesn't know how he got here. He woke up with a diary and a pen next to him, and has started writing in it. He is not sure what to do. New TCP- 50 Forum Cash Amazing Event- 20 Forum Cash Positive Event- 10 Forum Cash Neutral Event- 5 Forum Cash Negative Event- 10 Forum CashDisastrous Event- 20 Forum Cash-Item Discovery (specify type of item such as weapon/toy, not specifics), 10 cash -Memory Recovery, 5 cash -Room Discovery, 30 cashUnlock Mirror, Specify Character (Once per character)- 100 Cash Induce Fracture, Specify Character (Unlimited, requires Mirror)- 200 Cash Unlock Mindscape, Specify Character (Unlimited, requires Mirror)- 300 CashUnlock Fracture Skill- 150 cash, Specify Fracture and one Keyword (Once per fracture)Choose Diary Perspective- FreeChoose Overall Diary Topic- Free -Examine Happenings- Free -Examine Anxieties- Free -Examine Hopes- Free -Examine Relationships (Specify)- Free -Switch Fracture- Free -Revert Fracture- Free
Simon- Fractured. Mindscape: Giant's Kitchen - "Fake Snub". Skill: Cinnamon Scramble
Mist- Unmirrored. Shrump- Fractured. No mindscape.
George- Unmirrored. Bunny- Unmirrored. Hen- Unmirrored. Annabelle- Mirrored. Fleur- Unmirrored. Liz- Mirrored. Tinsel- Mirrored. Mindscape: Winter Woods - "Sick Effect". No skill.
- "Acid Tongue". No skill.
This game may update frequently, or not at all. Send cash at your own risk. This game may get scary and contain triggering content. You have been warned.
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Choose TCP Focus: try not to freak out!!!! Choose Diary Topic: what do i remember?
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Simon’s Log
Day 1
Well, this is ridiculous. Not only have I ended up in another stupid house- with no explanation as to how they did it this time! - but it’s already seeming to break down around me. I spent my first day wandering around, looking for something to work with. I found a kitchen, and managed to light some candles to light the damn place, but it didn’t take long before the hallway floor fucking crumbled beneath me, sending me into some kind of basement.
All I have is the candle that fell down with me, my journal, this pen, and a whole lot of stone around me. I’m pretty sure other TCPs would find it cold down here, but I’m more concerned about how gross and moist it is. Really hoping there’s no leaky pipes.
…or rats.
While I'm stuck down here, I may as well recount what I know about the situation.
-I'm pretty sure this is the third fucking house I've been in, and by far, the worst maintained. They aren't even trying anymore. -They managed to knock me out without me seeing anyone. Again. -I feel like I'm missing even more memories than last time, both about whatever life I had before this mess, and the last couple of houses. A side effect of the drugs? -I need a goddamn drink.
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Simon's Log
Day 2
This basement goes on forever. I've stopped a few times to rest and take a look at my surroundings, but it's just dusty room after dusty room, all empty except for cobwebs. I haven't seen any spiders, but I'm hoping if I do, they're not out for cookies.
The main problem today was- if you can fucking believe it, the floor gave out again. I'm a whole other floor deeper, and this one looks even more decrepit than the last. More like a dungeon than a basement- I even saw some barred chambers and chains! There could be prisoners down here!
I don't like it one bit. Part of me is tempted to hole myself in one of these cells and refuse to come out, hope that my captors get sick of it and take me to some other house. It's not like I'm going to find any alcohol down here anyway, so I may as well sit and mope.
...both of the falls did do some damage, though. Another reason to hunker down and stay put, maybe...
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I'll bite New TCP and a Neutral Event
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+1 DISASTROUS EVENT +1 NEUTRAL EVENT +1 NEW TCPSimon's LogDay 3...a lot happened today. More than I feel like I can get down. I'll keep it brief. I'm not alone in this house. I should have expected as much- it feels like I've never been alone, at least not for long. I can't remember the faces I've seen, but I know there's been others. I was walking through what I've soooo fondly named "the dungeon", peeking through cells. Occasionally I'd see some kind of fluid stain...never fresh, always dried. The more I walked, the more I hated it. After hours of this, I heard a fucking horrible roar, louder than anything I'd ever heard before- I ran as fast as I could, only to shut myself in a cell and try to calm myself down. I could hear something chasing me, even saw something rush past- but it didn't see me. Thank god. I realized after a moment that I was not alone- not just a monster, but a person- not that I could tell the difference, at first. She's huge, but probably a TCP. Doesn't answer when I ask her what type. Chained up, though. She's got a diary and a pen too, and it's clear she's been writing in it...but I don't think she'd let me read. We share the same cell, now. Waiting for the end to come. She says her name is Mist. Doesn't say much else. She hasn't asked me to take off her chains, and I don't know if I want to. Those teeth smack of something dangerous, and I don't trust anything that looks like it's got a taste for TCP flesh.
There is a new TCP discovered in the House. Her name is Mist. She is a cannibalism/blueberry/lapis hybrid, with a major fluffy modifier, a minor plastic modifier, and tail, voice, and leg anomalies.
You may now specify whose diary entry you want to read on a given day.
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Change to Mist's perspective! Diary topic: What am I doing here
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Mist's Journal
Day 4
The new guy in my cell talks a lot. I don't know how to feel about him yet- it's clear that he's scared of me, and I know I'm not doing much to assuage those fears. I don't know how to tell him, though.
What would he think, knowing I woke up like this days ago? That I don't even know how I can perceive days down here, just that I know when time passes and the urge to journal hits? He seems to have the same sense, as we both sit down to write around the relative same time, but I don't know. If I were in his shoes, seeing a TCP like me chained up...I'd be worried too. I'd rather not make him feel bad.
He's asked me what my typing is a couple times now, and not too politely either. I haven't answered. The most I've given him is "a rock" and "a food", but he keeps asking to know what's given me that mouth of if I had any control over that.
The chains will come in handy if I start getting hungry, though- the other reason why I haven't removed them. I was considering getting out of here and looking around before he came in...and while I don't feel much now, I worry about later. With any luck, the fact that he's on fire will dissuade me, but I know how the hunger can get.
...I really wish I knew what was going on, though. This place gives me such a headache...
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Diary Topic: what else have I seen in this house
back at it again at krispy kreme
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Mist's Journal
Day 5
Simon, the cookie type, and I have been talking. I have been hesitant to talk to him, admittedly...he seems abrasive at best, and I can tell something is getting to him the longer he's down here. He doesn't seem content with just sitting around like I am...
But...he's not so bad. As much as I don't trust him, we seem to be on basic conversational terms, at least. We've swapped our knowledge of what's happened to us in this...he calls it a "house". All I've seen is the dungeon- more specifically just this cell- but he insists that two floors above us is a fairly normal-seeming house, albeit just as creepy and decrepit. We've determined that we should try to head for that level again, and that there surely must be stairs somewhere. I would be completely capable of going it alone, truth be told- I'm hard to hurt and I can. Well. Just consume a TCP if they cross me, I suppose- as much as I am loathe to do such a thing. But... an excellent light source. Once I got over my initial suspicions, I realized the fire has been helping with my mood and overall disposition. I know that I'm not the easiest person to read, though, so I doubt he sees my appreciation...and I kind of don't want to tell him. Not yet.
I took off my chains, and we're about to head out. He seemed startled that I could break them so easily, to which I replied that our captors clearly weren't expecting me to be as strong as I am.
...or maybe they did. I suppose breaking chains would be rather dramatic under worse circumstances...
Off we go, though.
Another update. We've run into some good fortune- a storeroom with all kinds of things. It's surprisingly modern considering the rest of the layout we've been dealing with, endless dark hallways more akin to catacombs than a "house". At one point, Simon joked that he wouldn't be surprised if a skeleton popped out...I told him I would handle it if it did, and he quieted down quickly. I hope I didn't scare him.
We've both taken bags, and filled them with pre-packaged food type products. There was plenty of variety, and I should hopefully be able to sate any cravings with this and keep him safe. He was also able to find a small blade- I insisted I would be fine with my teeth, tail and fists, and he didn't question it.
We're holing up in a hopefully safe corner for now, we need to rest. It was a lot of walking to get here...
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Mist's Journal
Day 6
We ventured out from the storeroom today. No sign of any way out yet, but the conversation has been...decent.
Simon says he's been in more than one of these houses, though his memory's spotty on what they were like. He says some kind of deal got him into this mess, and I don't remember making any deals with anyone myself. The only things I can really remember are what happened to Hen, and this strange memory of a beautiful woman I can't remember...
...I shouldn't focus on those things. They'll make me feel sick.
I don't talk much while Simon and I walk, but that doesn't seem to bother him. Once he gets going, he's content to talk without interruption, and that suits me fine as well.
Tonight we rest in another cell. This one has cot-like beds, at least.
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Simon's Log
Day 7
Trapped in this damn place for a week now, but our luck is finally starting to fucking turn- we found a way out of the dungeon! It's just a staircase going up to the basement level, but we'll take it. Mist may not be a big talker, but even she burst out into hooting and hollering with me once we found it. I've never run up stairs so fast in my life. Goodbye, whatever the hell was down there!
The basement looks like more of the same of what I saw earlier. It's...eugh. Dusty, dirty, and covered in those stupid cobwebs. We still haven't seen any creepy crawlies, but I'm glad I have my knife all the same. Nothing's getting the best of me.
Still, feel like my attitude's getting rough around the edges. I can still feel the withdrawal hitting and I do not want Mist catching onto that. There wasn't a single drop of alcohol in the storeroom we found, and the last thing I need is some stranger- albeit a, so far, cooperative one- knowing a weakness of mine. The size difference is already enough to put me on edge.
Sometimes we talk about whether there's anyone else down here. We didn't see anybody else in the jail cells, and no monsters either. If our captors are trying to build some kind of death trap, they're doing a shit job of it.
Here's hoping we find another staircase up tomorrow.
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Diary Topic: Trust and Friendship
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Simon's Log
Day 8
Mist screwed up her foot today. Someone left some nails sticking out of the ground for some godforsaken reason, and when she stepped on them, her foot got all messed up. I thought she was some kind of rock, but looks like she's got...fruit...flesh under the hard outer layer. I asked her why a nail was enough to mess her up, and she said that lapis isn't the strongest rock out there, not when it's not solid. Strong enough to take a punch, sure, but with the amount of pressure she put down when she stepped...
She says I can go on without her, but no chance in hell I'm leaving my new bodyguard. She seemed surprised when I said I was sticking around, but I'd be a damn fool to bail on this kind of muscle. Even if a nail can mess her up when placed just right, it's more than I have as some kind of crumbly cookie, fire or otherwise. Said she appreciated it, and we decided to spend the "night" in a corner with a hanging light bulb. Even found a blanket for her.
...something about her feels familiar, even if I've never seen her before in my life. Maybe I knew somebody before coming here who she reminds me of- no, definitely did. Friend? Family? Who knows. I don't think things ended well with them, though.
...still. Even if it feels like we're only here with each other for practical reasons, I'm putting a lot of trust in her to not eat me while I sleep. Similarly, I know a weakness of hers now. I'm willing to bet she's feeling more than a little vulnerable after this, especially after talking such a big game about not needing a weapon. Could be my chance to get in good and make myself seem more useful. Vital to survival and all.
Maybe we can find her some boots or something. Wouldn't mind some myself.
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05-09-2023, 01:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2023, 01:39 AM by skinstealer.)
+1 NEW TCP Simon's Log
Day 9 I think I cursed us. I think I caused an honest to god curse saying that there could be someone down here. I'd honestly take a monster over the guy we got saddled with now. Mist seems to like them for some reason, but I cannot stand hearing them talk.
They say their name is Shrump Boondoggle, which is probably the most ridiculous name I've ever heard. Not only that, but they're a lawyer- as if they could even reach a witness stand! They're shorter than me, which means that Mist could probably eat them in one gulp if she wanted to. But no! No, they're going around riding on her shoulder. Within biting range!
They have to be out of their fucking mind. The sooner we can ditch them, the better. I don't even want to look at their weird fleshy face anymore.
There is a new character available. Their name is Shrump Boondoggle, and they are a tempura/pulley/wine glass hybrid with an inverted condition and major size anomaly.
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Diary Perspective: Shrump! Diary Topic: Personal Goals
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05-09-2023, 09:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2023, 09:57 PM by skinstealer.)
The Adventures Of Shrump Boondoggle
Day 10
You will never believe the luck we had today, dear diary. I was already so lucky yesterday to meet traveling companions in this dreadful place, but we came across a windfall! A small room that some other TCP had been using as shelter, no doubt- wherever they may have gone, they left behind scores of supplies. We waited all day to see if they would return to their post to no avail, but after some searching, we found a note! It said:
Take what you need. I understand.
Mist said it'd only be right to sample a bit. Both Simon and I agreed completely- the first time we've agreed on anything at all! I don't think he cares for me much, which is a real shame considering how cute he is. <3 Ah, well, Mist makes for a fine friend!
The majority of what was there was clothes- we can't help but wonder why and how someone was able to get their hands on this sort of thing in a place like this, but there was so much that we figured they wouldn't miss a little. Unfortunately for Simon, all of it was in a much larger TCP's size- and besides, he's on fire! He'd just burn it up!
Mist took a fishing vest and heavy duty boots. Everyone was so confused about what to put me in, seeing as I'm soooo small (and cute!) but we found a nice warm sock that Mist cut some holes in with Simon's knife. Simon seemed pretty grossed out seeing me squish into it, but I think he'll come around. It's not my fault I'm perpetually moist!
I looked around some more and found a small collection of toys- so delightful! Simon seemed entirely disinterested until he spotted a small puzzle cube, and spent a good hour or so trying to solve it. I honestly expected him to get frustrated with it based on what I'd seen of his temperament yesterday, but he was incredibly patient with it! It seems to calm him down a bit...good to note, I think! Mist and I perused the plushes, and settled on a rat-like stuffed toy for me to sleep next to. Last "night" I had the worst dreams, and hopefully this will help! Mist is going to carry it for me for now, and I've been trying to brainstorm names since. I've been here long enough that I think I know a bit more about this place than they do. We haven't shared much about ourselves yet, but I seem to have the most memories of the outside world compared to the two of them. I goal is to help them figure out their pasts! That way, we can all benefit and figure out a way out of here!
Though, personally, I'd just like to make a friend or two. I didn't have many of those it'd be a nice change of pace. :)
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Examine Anxieties Examine Hopes
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The Adventures Of Shrump BoondoggleDay 11We’ve found something new in the basement! Our party reached the end of what felt like an endless stretch, with only an ornate, elaborate door waiting for us…No one really wanted to approach it for some reason, as if we were more scared of the unknown than the familiar (and horrible!) basement we’ve been wandering for days. I was the first to speak up and say we should check it out, because while none of us felt like it was likely to be a way out of here, I still got a hunch that it was important! And boy, I don’t even know if I’m right on that still! The door gave way to a whole…observatory! Even though we’re supposedly underground! Beautiful gold accents and flourishes on all kinds of equipment, with a dome ceiling covered in star charts…I’ve never even seen the stars before, so imagine my delight when there’s an actual telescope! Mist even held me up to take a peek, though all I really saw was what she calls “space dust”. Even still, I thought it was sooooo pretty.  The walls are lined with shelves and boxes, and there appears to be multiple stories to this area. We’re holed up in what appear to be whoever worked here’s personal quarters for the night- there’s actual beds! So comfy! Tomorrow we’ll probably explore around here a little bit…there’s a lot of books to read and diagrams to study. Simon doesn’t seem all that interested in any of it, and is mostly just trying to keep from lighting anything on fire by getting too close. I’m excited for a little break from walking around, and everyone agrees it could be good to take a load off and gather thoughts about our situation… …I still don’t know what to make of it all. I remember being a lawyer in the outside world, and I remember being good at it. But…so much is messy and scattered in my head…Memories of things like growing up, they’re so sparse and weird, and it makes me sad… …even sadder knowing that I have the most recollection here…Simon says he’s been in more than one of these houses before, but he seems to remember almost nothing from his life prior. Mist remembers people, but doesn’t seem to want to talk about it. I don’t know what to make of it… But! But!!!! I think we’re getting along better with every passing day! Even Simon, who seemed so repulsed by me on our first day, has admitted that my ability to fit into small spaces has come in useful for checking nooks and crannies- I was even able to help find the key to the very quarters we’re staying in now under a very low desk! I’m so glad I’m able to make myself useful <3
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Diary perspective: Mist Diary topic: Hunger
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Diary topic: Star charts, the future
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Diary perspective: Mist Diary topic: Shrump's company
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Mist’s Journal
Day 12
…today was…strange.
I’m dealing with a lot of feelings. It feels almost wrong to write about them, but the same compulsion the three of us have been getting has struck again like clockwork…I feel like I have to, whether I really want to or not.
Shrump and I have been growing closer, and I don’t know how much I want to explore this. We’ve only known each other for a short time, realistically, and while we’re comfortable around each other to share a sleeping space and each other’s company while walking around, there’s so many things that could go wrong. I know that not all of my fears are rational, but…I don’t know. Maybe writing these things down will help me make sense of it…
The logistics of me being in a relationship, even if just casually, are…dicey. Admittedly, if it did come down to a situation where I needed to eat, they’d be able to regenerate…but…
I don’t know.
I guess a saving grace is that Shrump is. Well.
I don’t mean this unkindly. In fact, it’s a huge benefit and a load off my back.
But they’re…not very appealing as a meal. I know it must sound ridiculous that a cannibal is being choosy, but Shrump’s weird combination of shrimp flesh mixed with uncooked tempura batter on the inside is. I would rather not. Simon’s got the same thing going on with being partially made of fire, and I genuinely consider both of these to be advantages towards our party’s survivability. I can commit to not worrying about that.
Which raises the question- why am I still worried about it, then? If Shrump doesn’t even register to me as food then why am I so…torn up about the idea of this?
I guess the hard answer to that question comes with what happened in the lower levels of the observatory.
We were looking through a library full of star charts, seeing what’s out there- and boy, there is a lot. I would honestly be fine staying here for a while to read more things, even if it makes Simon antsy…even moreso after what he found.
The person who was here before us had some kind of gun hidden in one of the books, still loaded as well. Simon considered taking it with us until Shrump pointed out that he doesn’t have ammo for when it runs out, and that his knife would probably be safer. Simon confessed he doesn’t know how to use a gun anyway, and while it does feel like a bit of a sour grapes situation, I think it’s for the best. Getting near that thing did something to my head…
I remembered Hen, more. He always carried something like that around the house, and he did fire it at me. At least once. I remembered the fact that he was cruel to me, and that I hurt him in kind before running. It was all I could do.
I couldn’t tell Shrump about it, even though I know they would understand. They’ve already told me I could tell them about any memories I recover, but…I wasn’t blameless in that relationship either. I don’t think I want to pursue things because I can’t just hide that my last one ended so disastrously, it wouldn’t be right. I don’t know…
We’re going to read more star charts after dinner tonight. I’ll likely end up sleeping next to Shrump again, and I’ll…do my best to figure out my feelings going forward in a way that doesn’t hinder our progress.
What a mess of an entry I've made.
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+1 NEW TCPMist's JournalDay 13The person who's been "running" this observatory came back today- and it wasn't too happy about us rooting around through its stuff. Simon countered that none of this stuff really "belongs" to anyone, but George, as it's called, really seems to believe otherwise. Once we explained that we were just as stuck here as it is though, it seemed to calm down. George had been going out to look for supplies in the basement, and managed to find the same treasure trove we did- it says it really appreciated whoever set that up, but it's just as clueless as to who could have done it. It's also been here for 13 days. We're beginning to suspect that everyone in this house started at the same point...but in different locations. This is where George woke up, which it says suits it fine- it's an astronomer in the outside world, and insists that this, albeit a less than ideal situation, is kind of a dream come true for it... ...I don't understand it much. Once it learned we weren't a threat, and that Shrump and I are actually very interested in all of the stuff found here, it said we could stay for a while longer. It seems distrustful still, but I think it'll work out for now...
![[Image: 2_13_05_23_10_21_29.png]]( A new TCP has been discovered in the house. George is a face bank/ovibos type with a major fluid anomaly, and can be selected for diary perspective.
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Diary Perspective - George
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George's Journal
Day 14
i can barly writ this but need to jrnal. nt sure why but we need to we alwys nd to. hurts an they wont stop lookig at me
part of th ceiling downstars crumbld and crushed my leg. th noise was awful. nothng pierced skin thnk god but it crushd a lot of snails and i felt their pain i wish they were okay. i dont think a lot of thm died but i am so so sad for them and hpe they forgive me
the new peopl fed me and i thnk the hurt snails ar ok now but i know things are bad and i don know what happens when they die. scary to think abot
shrum seems extra worrid but not much i can do there. they seem nice at leas
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Diary Perspective: Shrump Diary Topic: George's Injury
back at it again at krispy kreme
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George's Journal
Day 15
doing a bit better today. theyve been giving me food type products and i think it's making new snails...grow in? i still feel the loss of the old ones but i think they are resting somewhere now. i want to believe that, anyway. i have seen so many things in the sky and beyond and i hope, so hard, that there is some kind of little snail afterlife for them. my sweet creatures...
the new snails are adjusting. i think they want vegetables, but i've mostly been eating chips and jerky. mist says that she and shrump will go out and look for some for me, but simon doesn't seem too keen on being left alone with me here....i suppose i don't trust him much either, especially not with my leg still recovering. all the same...
i will write more later.
they managed to find me some packets of lettuce! i can't believe it, only a few hours later and we're eating one of our favorite snacks...some kind of god must be looking out for us, i swear. tonight we eat like kings, and remember our fallen comrades. shrump has been sitting with me and i confided in them about why i was so distressed, and they seemed very alarmed at the fact that part of me had literally died...they said that i should be more careful, and let mist help more with physical tasks.
they seem very kind...
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Diary Perspective: Shrump Diary Topic: George's injury, Mist's company
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05-14-2023, 10:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2023, 10:02 PM by skinstealer.)
The Adventures of Shrump Boondoggle
Day 16
Things didn’t go so well today…
Another part of the lower floors crumbled, and thankfully nobody got hurt! But…we’re realizing that even though it’s comfortable here- and previously safe!- it’s not somewhere we can stay long term. Something about it is falling apart…
Simon says the basement was having issues as well- maybe our captors put us in a purposefully faulty house? I don’t know…I’m just sad that we’re already planning to pack up and leave, I’ve grown pretty attached to this place…
…I like the company, though. Simon may be grumpy, but even he’s coming around, I think…getting a lot less snarky comments out of him ever since Mist told him off for being rude to George the other night. He even apologized!
George is doing better, it even walked around a little bit…I’ve been doing my best to be encouraging, since that sort of thing always helps people feel better! I‘ve asked a couple of questions about the snails in order to help out better, too- apparently they like being gently pet, so I’ve been helping massage the area that got hurt. Simon says it can’t be that affected with how small I am, but I always make it work. :)
And then…Mist. She’s been a little weird around me lately, but I always like hanging out with her! Our little adventure yesterday was surprisingly fun now that we have each other to talk to, and I even made her laugh a couple times!!!
I suspect she has something she’s not telling me... but I don’t want to press. Whatever it is, she can tell me when she’s ready!
Maybe today wasn’t so bad after all.
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Diary Perspective: Simon Diary Topic: New guy, Mist's behavior
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Simon's LogDay 17Left the observatory today. We decided to take George with us, though I don't know how to feel about dragging around a guy who crunches when something lands on it. Its leg's doing better, but it cost us a fuckload of our rations, and I'm not feeling great about that either. We just avoid each other for the most part, which, thanks to the shrimp and the cannibal buddying up with it, means people pretty much ignore me most days. Guess it saves me the trouble... Still, I don't know what to make of these guys. Mist seems like she's hiding something, and I don't trust that one bit. She hasn't gone and attacked anybody yet, and doesn't look all that hungry, but who knows what's going on in that head of hers. I've got my eyes peeled...
Guess today's a two entry day, because of course it is. We ended up finding a while it looked kind of sick at first, I don't know how to feel about its...occupant. It's an arcade, full of different machines that don't even require coins to play. They all work, and there's even some that stand at my height. We played games for a bit, even if it felt kind of silly to mess around in a situation like this. Then we stopped by the prize counters, and found some... guy, sleeping in the middle of it. Like the cheap toys were some kind of hoard. He says his name isn't important, but for us to just call him "Bunny". He's been here just as many days as us, but says that he's pretty sure we're all dead. Guess he's some kind of dumbass, but he did say there were...ghosts, somewhere here? Says we'll figure it out soon enough. Fuck this.
![[Image: 2_15_05_23_7_54_52.png]]( A new TCP has been discovered in the house. Bunny is a horn type with a major geometric modifier, and can be selected for diary perspective.
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Shrump's perspective, diary topic: chatting up the new guy and gamin on ya
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Bunny's Perspective: Ghosts
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05-17-2023, 05:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-17-2023, 05:34 PM by skinstealer.)
The Adventures of Shrump Boondoggle
Day 18
I've been talking to the new guy! Bunny seems like an...interesting soul. :) He's very relaxed and chill, even if some of the ways he expresses that are concerning...he doesn't seem to mind being in the house at all, and says he doesn't see a real need to leave- nor does he think it's possible. Simon says that that can't be true, he's been in multiple of these houses, and Bunny asked if he had proof. Simon...doesn't, so Bunny shrugged it off and went back to doing his thing. He says he'll probably stick around this arcade and not leave with us if/when we go, so I guess that's his goal there...
Playing games has been fun! Bunny actually guards the prize counter and makes us actually earn our cheap prizes, so I've had to get really good at this one matching arcade game to get lots of tickets. I'm getting really good at it! >:) I won Mist a little toy to match the one that she's been helping carry around for me, and we've joked that they're buddies. It really seemed to cheer her up, she's been feeling down lately...
...she reminds me of someone, I think. I knew someone on the outside a long time ago who was kind and sweet and quiet like her, and I think we were very close. I don't think she's a replacement for that person by any means! I's nice. To have that familiarity.
I hope we can stick together, even after this...
PS: No sign of the ghosts yet, beyond things falling over mysteriously....
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Bunny: Opinions on the newcomers
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Bunny's perspective: Thoughts on Simon, ghosts
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Bunny :]
Day 19
Wow…these new people sure know how to party! That shrimp guy and Mist went out to explore the spots I’ve never looked, and found a whole closet full of stuff! We got tons of food and supplies, which is cool, considering I think they were getting sick of arcade candy lol. They even brought back some clothes for me, so now I’ve got this cute crop top sweater and a choker. Shrump kept a bowtie for themself- I think it was more for a plush than a TCP tho looooool. They wrote down the location so we can go back there if we ever need to restock, too. Everyone lightened up a bit while we sat around and talked…
I’ve tried telling them, that like, we’re dead, soooo many times by now. Simon just thinks I’m straight up crazy lol but George seems kinda intrigued. It says that it’s been through some shit here that makes it suspicious of whether it really is an afterlife- because surely, it’d be some kinda hell if it was. I don’t think so, though. This place has been really nice to me! Which is cool, considering everything. I always thought if I was gonna end up anywhere, it’d be somewhere real shitty. But I guess I made the right deal to get in here! Giving up works sometimes I guess :]
Overall impressions tho…
Simon: Hardass who really needs a break. Something’s getting to this dude baaad. Mist: Cute, seems nice. She keeps looking at me weird, but that’s probably just me being so big. Shrump: lolll I love this guy. They’re so funny! George: Cool to talk to. Wouldn’t mind getting to know it better.
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Bunny :]
Day 20
Whoaaa, day two-zero! Tomorrow, we'll have been here a whole three weeks. Not that it super matters, I'm just happy to be in this arcade.
Simon finally saw a ghost today! He screamed so loud, even though all it did was poke at him. Thing didn't like the fire burning its little ecto-hand, though...
Well, at least they believe me now. I think Sime's having some kind of breakdown over it, tbh. Not sure what to do about it, any attempts by Mist or Shrump to comfort him goes tits up. George seems to be giving him space, but it seems pretty weird about it too.
I don't get it! The ghosts don't even hurt anything, they just mill around. No big deal for me.
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Mist's perspective: New body type? Ghosts? Memories? there's a lot going on!
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Mist's Journal
Day 21
...would it really be so bad if we stayed?
I just...I know Simon wants out. He insists that he's been to multiple of these houses, that there's no way this is the afterlife, but...
...from the sound of it, none of us had particularly good lives out there. Simon doesn't remember much at all, but I've seen the way he sulks when certain things come up. Shrump's told me how they used to be very lonely even with a successful career, and George confessed that it's had people judge it countless times and call it a religious old fool. Bunny doesn't say much, but with how happy he seems to be with our current situation...something's not right there.
On top of it all, the hunger's been growing stronger now that I've been around TCPs that appear more...edible to my palette. Bunny especially- he's large, which means a bigger meal, but he could probably fight back easily. He probably wouldn't, knowing him- I've seen ghosts (which are now starting to get a lot more after) toss him around with ease and he just laughs, while the rest of us cower. It's like a game to him...
...but I don't want to eat any of these people. I hate that my mind even goes to it as an option, that it plans so strategically. That it has flavor preferences to begin with. It feels twisted, and makes me feel gross all I should be on my own entirely. Even though I'm glad to have friends here, I don't want to hurt anyone. Simon should have left me back in the dungeon...
That would be enough to worry about, but then there's the dreams.
The more I remember about the world outside, the more I wonder whether it'd be right to just. Let myself be at peace, afterlife or not. I remembered more about Hen today, and I really wish I didn't. I really, really wish it.
George touched my shoulder today and I flinched. It wasn't even a hard tap, or a squeeze- but it seemed so startled that I had that reaction, especially since Shrump's been all over that part of my body for their little joyrides. In the moment, I just remember Hen grabbing me- even with me being far bigger, he was so strong...
Being a food type meant that I'd heal easier, no matter what happened, back then. It was easy enough to stay home from work and recover for a day or two- I can't remember specifics, but I know they were accommodating. But it also meant he got away with it, every time.
Shrump caught me crying over it after...I told them everything I knew about Hen, and they held me with their tiny arms for hours. We've sequestered a little closet for ourselves to sleep in privately- it's small for me, but for them, it's luxurious. I'm glad that they understand, at least...
...even if it makes the feelings worse.
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(perspective + topic suggested by kit via discord bc she couldnt access browser)
Simon's Log
Day 22
Fuck this place. I know everyone wants to stick together at this point, but sticking around in this haunted-ass arcade is fucking crazy. I felt one of those things grab me and I don't want to stick around to find out if they do more! I can't believe how unbothered everyone is by this compared to me. Sure, they get a little existential, but not enough to actually do something about it!
Besides, I'm sick of being complacent. We should be looking for a way out, not trying to find some place to stay. The only way we're going to find a way out of here is to get moving and stay moving. Collecting resources is fine, sure, but I don't know. It feels like everybody's losing it but me, and I'm the one who's been real twitchy with withdrawal. Still no fucking drinks. Maybe it's getting easier the longer I'm sober, but I can't tell, I really can't. I've managed to hide a lot of the symptoms, but I don't know how long I can hold out. Don't need anyone calling me weak.
...maybe I should go on my own, if things don't change soon. Might be what it takes to get out of here.
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Perspective switch to Shrump!
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The Adventures of Shrump Boondoggle
Day 23
I...think I remember some things.
I had a partner, out in world? Real world? Outside world? Whatever it is, I had a partner. Maybe even two! I think I loved them both very much, but and I hope they're doing okay without me...if I did die, I hope it was peacefully, so they don't have to suffer at all. I don't know how much I fully buy the afterlife thing, but...
It's hard.
I remember one of them being another food type, and so pretty...She had all sorts of stars and little planets floating around her, and this amazing way of hugging people. The other, they were super messy, but really cute too...
...I miss them, but I know they would want me to live as good of a life as I can in my current situation. I also know that they'd really like Mist, and I wish I could introduce her to our little group...
...maybe in more ways than one.
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Perspective Switch: George
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05-26-2023, 10:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-26-2023, 10:38 PM by skinstealer.)
The Adventures of Shrump Boondoggle
Day 24
Today was...something alright!
Mist and I went on another scouting mission today, and found an exit out of the arcade to a new section of the house. It's like nothing we've seen before...or, well, nothing here! To me, it was the most natural place I could have been...
It hit me all at once as soon as we stepped out into the cave-like "room"- that my old home was back in Hoopla, and that I had been to many grottos such as this with my partners. Somehow there was a dim light coming from cracks in the walls- it was so gorgeous! :) There was a shallow water pool in the center that was cool to the touch, enough for me to dip my feet in at first. Mist took a look around, able to cover more ground than I did...and I started to notice just how nice her gem-like skin was in the moody lighting... feels kind of saucy to write an entry like this! But as I remember more about my old partners...I think that they would want me to embrace these feelings. It was an open situation back then, I think...
Once Mist had checked over the whole initial cave, with me doing my best to act subtle about the fact that I was watching her, she came to sit with me. Usually I shower Mist in compliments, so it wouldn't be too off base to tell her what I was thinking! But I dunno! Felt different! She'd been so open with me about her time with Hen, and I hadn't told her about my partners, and here I was thinking all of these silly crush thoughts...
But...we sat there on the side of the pool, talking about how this could be a cool place to explore and see how deep it goes. I could definitely get into any crevices easy, and she could move any large blockages...we'd make a great cave exploration team! I even got to ramble on about how I remembered similar places from my "youth", and she helped me remember even more with all the questions she had. It was lovely...
Suddenly, in a moment of uncharacteristic spontaneity, Mist got up and started taking her vest and boots off! I asked what she was up to, and she said she was going for a dip. I wasted no time getting my weird little sock-suit off and joined with her, climbing onto her shoulder and holding on tight as she lowered herself in. It only came up to her upper chest at its deepest point, but it was so refreshing for both of us...
We didn't talk much, during our dip. It didn't feel like there was a lot that needed to be said. She was calm, and rested her head against me. It'd happened so many times at night when we laid down to sleep together, but I think...I think there was more to it this time.
Dear Diary, I think I might have it bad!!!
(George queued for next update)
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George's Journal
Day 25
Today I visited the grotto that Shrump and Mist snails enjoy the moisture and little dips we can take, and it helped to take somewhat of a bath...I was starting to feel very sticky and grimy after subsisting off of arcade snacks and soda.
But...I am...grappling with the idea of the afterlife, dear diary. I have talked to Bunny extensively about his theories, and while he seems nice enough....I don't know. I've written about it many times before, but I can't get over the idea that this could be some kind of hell. Sure, the arcade and grotto have been nice, and I didn't even mind the observatory when I was "living" there, but with the injury to my snails...
....I don't even know if they could have gone to an afterlife, if we're already here. The thought distresses me...
I can't even remember how I died, if I even did! Wouldn't there be....I don't know, some kind of visual indicator to my cause of death? That's what I always believed, though I guess it's less gruesome this way... least I have good friends, here.
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George's Journal
Day 26
I remembered something today...something very strange. It contradicts Bunny's theory, I think...
It's the last thing I can remember before waking up here. I had been working late at night, studying the space dust as usual through my telescope...when I heard a voice. At first, I thought it was some kind of sleep deprived hallucination, or some of my snails making conversation. It's hard to recall what exactly it said, but...
I think it was something along the lines of "Would you like to see sights beyond your wildest dreams?"
And...well, I didn't think anything of it at the time, but I said yes, of course I did, that's the whole point of my job.
That's all I remember before waking up in the observatory. There could be plenty missing in between then and now, but for some feels chronological.
After having this realization, I realized I had wandered into a new part of the arcade, where some ghosts had broken an arcade machine and scattered glass everywhere. I think I'll carry a piece with me, my gun only has so many bullets...
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06-07-2023, 11:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-07-2023, 11:53 PM by skinstealer.)
George's Journal
Day 27
Simon's really getting restless. He keeps talking about how he's going to get out of this arcade and set out on his own soon, but I don't think any of us are inclined to go with him, especially after discovering the grotto. We have fresh water, we have food, we have places to sleep (we've managed to set up some piles of arcade plushes and sweatshirts as makeshift beds, and they work surprisingly well), we have entertainment, and for the most part, even the ghosts are fine! At first they startled my snails quite a bit once I had some experiences, but Simon insists that they have it out for him, and that he wants to find a way out.
Bunny has tried telling him that there isn't a way out, to which he's gone off about how he's been in these houses before, different houses, and that there's got to be a way. I don't think any of us...disbelieve him? Not even Bunny....but Simon did get very mad when Bunny suggested that maybe that's what happens when you die here. Some sort of houses all the way down situation...
Maybe I could venture out with him to try and soothe his nerves. I'm well armed, and my snails are getting very effective at warning me of danger before I can sense it myself. They truly are family to me...
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