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Stygiomedusa Type

“Stygiomedusa types are much larger than jellyfish types, but have fewer tentacles. Their toxin produces more of an aching pain as opposed to the itchy pain produced by their jellyfish type cousins…”

ID: 0654
Type: Stygiomedusa
Category: Creature
Height: 11 inches
Max Health: GOOD(5)

Stygiomedusa types make others want to bounce around.
Physical Appearance: Stygiomedusa types have large, hollow heads with frilled bottoms. Emanating from inside the head are several large tendrils, the largest of which resembles a torso with arms and legs. The smaller tendrils are each tipped with a stinger that injects painful toxins into whatever it touches. They have line eyespots and sideways earnubs.
Voice: Soft glooping noises.
Skin: Extremely thin and wispy.
Fluid: Standard fluid.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: Subtype of Jellyfish type.

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