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Freckle Type

“Freckle types generally use their abilities for fashion, adding a single freckle to a person's face, or creating many freckles in distinct patterns. They can be quite artistic if they feel like it.”

ID: 0669
Type: Freckle
Category: Body
Height: 9 inches
Max Health: PERFECT (8)

Freckle types can sacrifice health to create freckles on any surface they touch.
Physical Appearance: Freckle types are large TCPs with elongated necks. They have markings on their hands, feet, belly, and face, as well as numerous dots scattered all round their body. They have small dot eyespots and curved earnubs.
Voice: Soft popping and clicking noises.
Skin: Standard skin, albeit with many freckles on it.
Fluid: Standard fluid.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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