Chain Type

“There is seemingly no end to the chain within a chain type, though we have not wanted to test that for sure. Risking a TCP's physical and psychological wellbeing for science to that severity never sits well with me, even if they're a volunteer…”

ID: 0491
Type: Chain
Category: Weapon
Height: 6 inches
Max Health: POOR (3)

Chain types can pull a length of chain from the wound along their torso, draining health in the process. The chain's appearance is uniform and does not change.
Physical Appearance: Chain types have a slim build, two legs, and one arm. Where their second arm would be is instead a slit-shaped wound running alongside their torso, from which a chain emerges. Chain types have manacle like shapes around their one wrist and ankles, along with a collar-like shape around their neck. They have slim, curved eyespots and slightly curved earnubs.
Voice: Metal clanking and the sound of metal dragging across concrete.
Skin: Standard skin.
Fluid: Standard fluid interspersed with chain links
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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