Coffin Type

“The inside of a coffin type is lined rather luxuriously. Some of my specimens chosen to ride around in it request more time, even at the risk of being hurt. Needless to say, I do not let them, much to their protesting.”

ID: 0358
Type: Coffin
Category: Storage
Height: 13 inches
Max Health: PERFECT(8)

Coffin types can store TCPs inside themselves, slowly draining their health. TCPs with types that represent the undead can remain inside unharmed, such as a zombie type or a vampire type.
Physical Appearance: Coffin types are large TCPs, their torso shaped like a traditional coffin. The top portion has an angle that naturally forms earnubs, and there are engraved markings on the lid that resemble eyespots and a heart. The arms and legs appear fairly normal, albeit with additional engravings on the elbow and knee areas.
Voice: Wooden creaking and groaning.
Skin: It feels wooden, but old- almost to the point of rotting.
Fluid: No fluid, only wood.
Special Attributes: Inner cavity is lined with plush.
Other Notes: None

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