Black Hole Type

“Thankfully for the world at large, black hole types are not as dangerous as they may seem initially- though their abilities are not to be taken lightly, and while the suction power of their bodies are not particularly worth worrying about (especially not with proper medication), the black holes they can create are far more potent.”

ID: 0415
Type: Black Hole
Category: Nature
Height: 4 inches
Max Health: PERFECT (8)

Black hole types can sacrifice health in order to create miniature black holes.
Physical Appearance: Black hole types are short and stout, with a standard shape. Their entire torso is replaced by a localized black hole. Black hole types have two arms and two legs, extending from their black hole torso. They have a small head, on which sits their large, black, empty eyespots and scalloped, wing-like earnubs.
Voice: Deep, reverberating chirping.
Skin: Standard, coated in collected stardust.
Fluid: None.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: Black hole types desire nothing more than to be floating in an empty void and often have austere abodes. They enjoy a wide range of activities, though their talents are particularly suited to waste management, especially the disposal of dangerous materials, as well as demolition. Black hole types are not very social at all, and some claim that they can be difficult to be around; however, this is a lack of effort at both parties' fault, and black hole types are perfectly capable of forming meaningful relationships. Black hole types claim they have no preference for food, but few can resist the allure of spaghetti. Black hole types talk a big game about isolation and sucking the life out of the world around them, but in truth they have the same desires as many others, they just become conditioned to react how they do out of fear of someone hurting them and assuming it is their fault for literally being a black hole.

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