Fruit Eating Bat Type

“As the name would imply, fruit eating bat types appear to enjoy eating fruit based food types the most. Their cravings are a bit difficult to deal with, to be frank…”

ID: 0367
Type: Fruit Eating Bat
Category: Creature
Height: 4.5 inches
Max Health: GREAT (6)

Fruit eating bat types generate a passive aura that enhances the hearing of those around them. In addition, they can echolocate by shrieking loudly.
Physical Appearance: Fruit eating bat types are small TCPs with wings instead of arms. They have a fluffy collar around their neck, and a long snout ending in a nose. They have large eyespots and even larger earnubs.
Voice: Shrill squeaks.
Skin: Thin and leathery, with a soft fur coat in some areas.
Fluid: Standard fluid
Special Attributes: None
Other Notes: Subtype of Bat Type.

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