Vulnerability Type

“A vulnerability type can reveal your darkest secrets…though most seem to keep these to themselves.”

ID: 0894
Type: Vulnerability
Category: Abstract
Height: 7.5 inches
Max Health: PERFECT (8)

Vulnerability types can sacrifice health to enter an ascended state. Once in this ascended state, the TCP can analyze vulnerabilities another being or object has, of any kind. The more deeply concealed a vulnerability is, the more health it takes to truly sense information about it.
Physical Appearance: Vulnerability types have a standard shape with a stout, husky build. They have two arms and two legs. They have abstract eyespots which resemble curved moons, the left of which appears to have a tear budding underneath, and pointed, scalloped earnubs. They have markings along their entire body, resembling wisps of fog or clouds.
Voice: Whimpering and blubbering, as if on the verge of tears.
Skin: Moist and clammy.
Fluid: Salty and runny, like tears, with wispy pieces.
Special Attributes: Data pending.
Other Notes: Vulnerability types are adaptable to any environment, but vastly prefer spaces that are safe, comfortable, and secure from threats and danger. Comfort is a major priority for these TCPs and much of their time is spent shaping their spaces and experiences in a way that provides safety for themselves and others. These TCPs are generally very sleepy and relaxed, and prefer slow moving activities. They make few friends, but those who are close to them are trusted for life. They prefer warmed up food type products that feel cozy to eat, and gravitate towards comfort food in their specific area. While these types aren't any more inherently dangerous than their other abstract peers, many groups have been curious as to whether their abilities should be used for shady purposes.

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