Promise Type

“In some cases, the effect of a promise type can be undone by natural means, particularly if the subject learns that they have been affected by a promise type. Don't think you can get out of returning your neighbor's lawnmower that easy.”

ID: 0442
Type: Promise
Category: Abstract
Height: 7 inches
Max Health: PERFECT (8)

Promise types can sacrifice health to enter an ascended form to view and alter the unfulfilled promises of those around them, either by altering the nature of the promise itself or by increasing or decreasing the importance of the promise to both parties.
Physical Appearance: Promise types have two different colored markings on their feet, and two overlapping markings on their torso resembling a pair of arms shaking hands. They have teardrop-shaped abstract eyespots and small curved earnubs.
Voice: TCP babbling, but pointed and meaningful.
Skin: Standard skin.
Fluid: Standard fluid, with dual-colored W-shaped chunks inside.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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