03-07-2025, 09:59 PM
![[Image: 4-7-1.png]](http://homebrewdeviants.com/static/story/pca/4-7-1.png)
[image description: Close up of Maes' face as she grabs a bite full of meat dripping from the fork with cream. Emphasis is played on her absurd amount of teeth.]
Maes follows through with the setup, everything going nice and smooth...with a significant amount of hands grazing against Mar's as the two of them set up.
Eventually, she sits down at her place, hands crossed.
Mar makes herself a spot across from her as requested, and sets down a second chair for Charon himself. The dog carefully places down the plates and utensils.
CHARON: Shouldn't be too hot, feel free to take a bite.
MAES: In a moment.
MAES: I've decided how I want this night to go.
Charon wraps up, getting situated himself.
CHARON: Care to share?
CHARON: I'm curious.
MAES: I'm going to eat this meal in front of both of you- you're free to eat as well, but consider this your first task in our strange arrangement.
MAES: I'm not willing to take the plunge on more severe play until I have a better read on any of you.
MAES: So you're going to watch me eat this, and visualize it being you on my plate, and I will do the same.
MAES: I want to see how we both react to this.
CHARON: ...I suppose this is a type of foodplay, curious to see if you'll end up wanting to try me seasoned after this.
MAR: Charon!
CHARON: I'm putting things as they are.
Maes snickers, not bothering to quiet her amusement.
MAES: He's allowed.
Charon makes a pleased snicker, Mar responding with a shy hum.
MAR: You're usually not this direct...
CHARON: It'll be fine.
CHARON: Now then, Boss?
MAES: We'll play it by ear after our meal, but...I am looking forward to listening to some books together.
Maes takes up her fork and knife, visibly and clumsily hesitating before cutting in.
CHARON: ...You usually eat with your bare hands, don't you.
MAES: ...n...no I don't.
Clearly lying.
MAES: -besides, even if I did- you put sauce on this.
MAES: It's-
MAES: It would be impractical.
CHARON: You're allowed to cheat if you need to, I understand.
MAES: Mmgh.
MAES: Are..you sure?
CHARON: Nobody's watching.
CHARON: Besides, you're not going to be sticking a fork in me I assume.
She sets the utensils down, taking a moment before picking up the steak in her hands, her claws already getting the sauce all over them. Another moment before bringing it to her mouth-
-the cat letting both Charon and Mar get a better look of her teeth than they'd managed to before now, and then chomping in.
The two can only watch with quiet anticipation for her response.
There was a moment of quiet as she savors the bite, eyes widening and ears perking up.
-the cat letting both Charon and Mar get a better look of her teeth than they'd managed to before now, and then chomping in.
The two can only watch with quiet anticipation for her response.
There was a moment of quiet as she savors the bite, eyes widening and ears perking up.
CHARON: ..How is it?
MAES: C...completely new to me.
MAES: Like nothing I've ever had.
CHARON: Is that good?
She takes another bite, her teeth more eagerly ripping in.
The dog can't hold back a smile, the proxy nudging him as a friendly reminder to eat before food gets cold.
...though really, more an excuse to take a crack at leading conversation.
The dog can't hold back a smile, the proxy nudging him as a friendly reminder to eat before food gets cold.
...though really, more an excuse to take a crack at leading conversation.
MAR: Charon and I wouldn't mind doing this regularly...
Maes swallows, a little bit of cream sauce still on her lip.
MAES: I- I would not be opposed to that.
MAES: This is-
MAES: I'm not used to it, but I, hm.
Another large bite, ripping and tearing.
MAR: Could introduce you to more foods, it's not exactly difficult to make larger portions-
Charon pulls a fast one and slips a bite into the proxy's mouth.
CHARON: Mm, I'm used to cooking for big tables, so it's not really all that much.
CHARON: I know your biology requires a lot more protein than most.
MAES: And a ravenous appetite...
Another chomp, a soft noise somewhere between a light moan and a growl paired with it.
MAES: You're making a dangerous offer.
The two of them have to hide a reaction to her noises.
MAES: You've given me my first taste for something like this...offering to do so more frequently, well-
MAES: It's a lot of cooking to keep up with, for someone like me.
MAES: Not just in terms of portions, but frequency.
CHARON: I have a number of hands that can help.
MAR: Mm, good opportunity to meet the others.
MAES: And will they be so interested in our arrangement?
She lingers on the next bite, drawing it out in a show just for the two of them.
MAR: I'm certain-
MAES: I suppose I can put them to work.
A break to try the mushrooms, taking a slice in between her claws and making an active effort to give them a good look of her teeth and tongue.
MAES: Mm...surprising how meaty these taste...
CHARON: It seemed like a natural fit if we're trying new things.
The warmth in his voice grows.
MAES: You thought correctly...
One last bit of steak, with Maes being the most gratuitous she'd been yet.
CHARON: Really playing it up...
MAES: I want you to know just what I'd do to you if given the chance.
MAES: As I said, willing meals don't come easily.
MAES: ...and you made this special.
CHARON: ...Have you never done this before?
MAES: If you keep asking me whether something is my first time, you're going to make me feel self conscious.
MAES: The answer is going to be yes.
CHARON: That's.. not the intention at all...
The dog's tone is apologetic, Maes wincing.
MAES: ...my apologies.
CHARON: I guess put best, I want to gauge your experiences.
CHARON: I know you also have been deprived of many people take for granted so... I don't want to overwhelm you with introductions.
MAES: A...good clarification.
She sighs.
MAES: ...I have a limitation for tonight's play, if that reassures you.
MAES: A concept you can refuse, of course, but-
MAES: I am not about to dive off the deep end.
CHARON: Bring it.
MAES: First of all...how are the two of you feeling, after watching me demonstrate?
CHARON: Admittedly, I was more worried you wouldn't like my cooking..
MAR: Are you going to eat me next?
MAES: I can assure you...it was delicious.
MAES: Almost overwhelmingly so, frankly...
MAES: And, as for you, Mar...would you like that?
The proxy's scales rattle.
MAR: Mm...
MAR: Not really going to be the same though, but I at least like it in concept.
MAES: I'll have to figure out how to tempt you with it...
MAES: But-
MAES: My main reason for asking is this.
MAES: I'm taking my time with physical contact.
MAES: It's not something I'm familiar with- as established- but I crave some steps in that direction.
MAES: And, if the two of you happen to be excited by this dinner...
MAES: I wouldn't mind allowing you to release some tension.
CHARON: Mm.. bring it.
MAR: Mm.
MAES: And you're done with your meals?
MAR: We are.
She turns her chair around to the side.
MAES: Kneel in front of me.
MAES: Both of you.
The dog manages to just fine, Mar audibly struggling.
MAES: Mar, you can sit in a way that's more comfortable for you.
MAR: Its a bit hard to when I'm not sure on context for this..
MAES: ...I'll put it outright, I'd like you two to either get off to me, or tell me your current thoughts on the meal, or both.
MAES: Whatever lets the three of us experiment with the dynamic.
CHARON: Ah, an offering.
MAR: It's really more of a exhibition..
CHARON: A public execution, then.
CHARON: Suppose that's fitting.
CHARON: Rules?
MAES: No touching me, though you are allowed to look and ask for posing- as long as you explain your reason why.
MAES: If you want me to be a certain image for you, I'd like that information for later.
The smug look on her face tells them all they needed to know.
MAES: In general, I'd like feedback.
MAES: I'm allowing you to get release in exchange for learning how the two of you tick.