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[Image: 4-5-1.png]

[image description: Close shot of Charon Judgment with a slight grin responding to a call from Maes on a cellular phone.]

[align=center]The upper floor feels all too quiet without Maes in tow, the first time she hadn't walked back at least part of the way with him.

Ruby had said she'd been pulled away for another impromptu meeting.

...It should be expected from time to time. Suits don't particularly care for armed guards at the table.

Charon quickly gets comfortable on his bed, joints feeling achy.

It's a few minutes before his phone goes off, buzzing and playing its full tune.

He's quick to flip it open and answer.

CHARON: Hello?

There's a significant pause, before a familiar cadence comes through.

MAES: Ruby said you did well today.

It's the first time he's actually heard her voice on the phone.

CHARON: I put my best foot forward as always.
MAES: You must be tired.
CHARON: Just a little.
CHARON: Everything go well on your end?

A pointed lack of an answer.

MAES: What are your plans from here?
CHARON: Not sure yet, why?
MAES: I haven't eaten.
CHARON: Continue.
MAES: I seem to have found some supplies delivered to my apartment.
MAES: Interesting, I can't say I expected to find a set of pans and condiments at my door.
MAES: It would be a shame if they went unused.

The dog's ears perk up.

CHARON: You need a expert?
MAES: I need someone willing to put their heart into a dish.
MAES: So fresh it's still beating, remember?
CHARON: Not a bad time for dinner, I can arrange something.
MAES: Immediately.
MAES: I'm texting you my apartment number.
MAES: And- Judgment.
MAES: If you agree to it, consider this a formal session.

CHARON: You know, for being in charge of this place I'm surprised the setup is so simple.
CHARON: Expected it to be a bit of a step up from everyone else.

Charon takes a moment to really take in the apartment.

CHARON: Only thing my spot's missing is the full sized fridge.

Maes sits back on the couch, leaning over on one of its arms.

MAES: I don't see a point in making my space luxurious, Judgment.
MAES: Accommodations for myself are all I really need, and those are plenty expensive on their own.
MAES: ...Besides, I funnel as much of my salary as I can into the rehab project.
MAES: It's not exactly something I can ask for public funding for.
CHARON: That's fair enough, does speak volumes I suppose.
CHARON: Just.. don't think I've ever seen this little of a gap between the average crew member and the top of the ladder.
CHARON: It's a nice change of pace to be frank.
MAES: ...did you think of me as a CEO-type?
MAES: My position is more out of necessity than anything else.

She can't help but raise a brow.

CHARON: No, you'd be more well rested if you were.
MAES: Tch.

She smirks.

MAES: Touche.
CHARON: Good thing for you is that I like tired.

The corner of her mouth twitches, her thoughts twisting into something more...

Ah, here we go...

MAES: Are you the type to see eyebags and grow flustered, Judgment?
CHARON: I'm the type to appreciate a all-nighter.
MAES: Well, aren't you bold.

Maes can feel her face heating up, the karacel lifting a hand to cover it.

CHARON: ...Wasn't intended that way, admittedly.

His metal limbs rattle as he gives a dramatic flourish.

CHARON: Vampire, you know how that goes.
MAES: A shame, really...and here I thought you'd be propositioning me for dessert as well.
MAES: Though, I can't say that I do know much about vampiric people outside of those with similar horror mutations...myths and lore tend to go over my head.
CHARON: Mm.. I'm sure you've done some research on the side.
CHARON: That is tempting though, admittedly.
CHARON: If it's worth anything, I've thought about getting a bite in.
MAES: You biting me?
MAES: Now I definitely get to call you bold.
CHARON: It's a biological urge, can't be helped.
MAES: And do you get such a biological urge towards just about anyone?
CHARON: Like this?
CHARON: Hardly, and even then, its not something I've indulged in often.
MAES: And what makes me so different?
CHARON: You're just a little spooky.
MAES: Spooky.
MAES: Hmmm.
CHARON: That's a good thing.
MAES: It's not a word I've ever heard slung in my direction.
CHARON: Not a substantial enough answer for you?
MAES: It's certainly not what I'd expect for something like vampiric cravings.
CHARON: Fair enough.
CHARON: Maybe if tonight goes well, then I'll expand on that further.
CHARON: What's our gameplan for now?
MAES: was a long day, and someone promised me a meal.
CHARON: Dinner shouldn't be too hard..
MAES: After that, well...I have my audiobooks, and a speaker.
MAES: Would that be exciting enough for you?
CHARON: That sounds like plenty for.. what are we calling this, beyond a formal session?
MAES: What would you like to call it?
CHARON: Anything between a get together and a date seems plausible.
MAES: Tell you what.
MAES: If you can convince me to move away from my raw meat diet, I'll call it a date.
CHARON: Consider it done.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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