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[Image: 1-4-1.png]

[image description: a close up of a surgical instrument tray, with a slight view of an X-ray image, tile walls, and a curtain. the image is tinted blue, and has a cool feeling.]

SYNNA: This is the main surgical wing. It's what it says on the tin.

Someone passes by with a rather mutated looking person on a gurney.

CHARON: That... isn't an in-house incident is it?
SYNNA: No, we treat a lot of irradiated people.
SYNNA: The nearby city, Mockery, has a rep for a high monster population, and a lot of casual horror radiation to cause it.
SYNNA: Sometimes people’s mutations take them off guard or go in ways they aren't prepped for, and we're here to help with that.
CHARON: And success rates? Overall pretty good?
SYNNA: Oh, yeah. For sure.
SYNNA: We're one of the best facilities in Taverne and we have earned that title.
CHARON: Noted.

[Image: 1-4-2.png]

[image description: another panel overlaid on top of the previous one, like a stack of photos. this one is warmly tinted orange, and features a nurse tending to a patient. the nurse is a canine furry with a cute round nose, a bob cut, glasses, and patterned scrubs, and the patient is a rabbit furry with a singular large eye and fangs.]

SYNNA: Here's the patient rooms- keep your voice down.
SYNNA: You're not gonna be over here much considering you're working under the lab, but I figure hey, it's worth showing you around.
CHARON: They seem quite nicely accommodated for.
SYNNA: We've got tons of room for them, and a lot of little areas for physical therapy- we've even got a pool.
CHARON: Do wish them the best, know the process myself…
SYNNA: Feel free to sign up to help visit and cheer some of them up on your off days- I come in and show them my new gear sometimes, bring them trinkets.
SYNNA: They love it.

The dog manages a tiny smile at that, full of a subtle warmth.

CHARON: I may do that.
SYNNA: Any questions before we move on?
CHARON: None at the moment, let's keep the pace.

The adjacent area is full of people running around, people carrying clipboards, folders and trolleys.

SYNNA: Research wing. Don't touch anything.
CHARON: What are they researching here?
SYNNA: Body mods, typically.
SYNNA: I spend a lot of time out here working on my inventions, got a little workshop on the other end.
SYNNA: There's also a lot of looking into organic modification, and even some horror based stuff.
SYNNA: Top notch, and a lot of it is top secret, so don't go nosing around too hard.
CHARON: I'm curious if anything here could help me.
SYNNA: Yeah? With what?
CHARON: Anything, updating technology is very useful as a knight.
SYNNA: Could look into it, as long as you call somebody in advance and make an appointment.
SYNNA: We have enough sudden interruptions to the schedule here as is, we don't need people getting even crankier.
CHARON: Fair enough, if you can fill me in on some details I can get a bit of research ahead. Avoid stepping on too many toes.
SYNNA: Easy, I can get you that by the end of the week. Remind me if I forget.
CHARON: Will do.

[Image: 1-4-3.png]

[image description: another panel laid on top of the pile, this one depicting a colorful cafeteria tray closeup. there's a stylized meal with lots of spices and vibrant colors, resembling meat and beans on top of some kind of dough. also on the tray are a bottle of pink juice and a yellow fruit with a bite taken out of it.]

SYNNA: Starting to loop around back to where we started...this is the cafeteria where you'll probably be eating. It's the closest to the main lower lab entrance.
CHARON: Off the record, what's the food like here?
SYNNA: Not half bad, actually. We've got pretty good chefs- it's not like, restaurant quality or anything, but it's a varied menu suitable for any kind of person, and they make accommodations for patients and staff with specific diets all the time.
CHARON: Do they accept volunteers?
CHARON: I'd love to assist from time to time.
SYNNA: You cook?
CHARON: A decent amount.
SYNNA: I'd have to ask, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
SYNNA: All hands on deck, right?
CHARON: Absolutely.
SYNNA: You're really getting into everything around here, huh?
CHARON: As much as I can contribute.
SYNNA: You're showing potential, man.
SYNNA: Keep it up.

[Image: 1-4-4.png]
[image description: another panel laid on top of the pile, this one depicting a closeup of a massive metal door, rivets and paneling all over it. there's a triangular hazard sign on the door itself, depicting a monster face with an X behind it, and an exclamation mark on the front.]

SYNNA: Last stop before I show you your new place.

Synna leans against the heavy metal door, thunking it with her knuckles.

SYNNA: You see this bad motherfucker? This big ass door?
CHARON: Mm. What's the deal?
SYNNA: That's the entrance to the lower lab.
SYNNA: You're going to get real familiar with this.
CHARON: Take it this is where the bulk of my work will be?
SYNNA: Yep. You're gonna be doing a lot of up and down here.
SYNNA: Our main renovations guy, JB, will help you out getting through it, and as far as I know, Maes wants to oversee a lot of the work done personally.
SYNNA: She's taking a lot of time off her usual surgery jobs and passing them off to others- equally qualified of course- to do it.
CHARON: Is she usually this personally invested into reconstruction projects?
SYNNA: That'd be classified information.

She shrugs.

SYNNA: I can't tell you everything.
CHARON: Fair enough, I know that this project is particularly important.
SYNNA: And for right now and possibly ever, that's all you need to know.
SYNNA: And if you know what's good for you, you won't talk conspiracy theories with Maes either.
SYNNA: She hates them.
CHARON: Conspiracy theories about her or in general?
SYNNA: Both, but especially the former.
CHARON: There a lot of them?
SYNNA: More than she likes to hear, that's for sure.

[Image: 1-4-5.png]
[image description: a final illustration panel on top of the pile, this one depicting a close up of a bedside, including a cozy-looking pillow and blanket and a potted plant on a nightstand. the atmosphere is warm and inviting, and tinted in pink. ]

SYNNA: Hohkay....last stop. You holding up okay from all this walking and tram riding?
CHARON: Mm. Just a little tired.
SYNNA: Good news for you, you've got a brand new bed with your name on it.
CHARON: I could use that right now.
CHARON: When will I be able to go and retrieve the rest of my personal belongings?
SYNNA: Tomorrow'd probably be best, after you pick up your ID from my office.
SYNNA: You'll need it to get into staff-only areas, which should make getting around a lot easier, especially if you've got stuff to move in- how much are we talking, anyway?
CHARON: A couple travel bags and a toolbox.
SYNNA: Easy. How far away are they?
CHARON: They're in town, at the hotel I was staying. I can go pick them up tomorrow morning if you'd allow me.
SYNNA: Yeah, of course. I'll try to get your ID ready by then.

She steps forward and unlocks the door, tapping the number on the door plate.

SYNNA: Memorize this. It's your new home now.
CHARON: I'll have it figured out.

She opens the door up, stepping in with a goofy grand gesture. The apartment itself is simple but tidy, with a fairly large bed, kitchenette, television with a couch and armchair setup, and presumably a bathroom door to the side. It isn't fancy or anything, but it’s spacious for a studio setup.

CHARON: ...Is everyone equipped like this?
SYNNA: Yep. My apartment's the same layout, so's Maes'. Nobody gets special treatment.

He sits himself down on the bed, getting a feel for it.

CHARON: It's nice...
SYNNA: Yeah? You dig it?
CHARON: Mm. This is excellent.
SYNNA: It's your space, so feel free to accessorize- just don't like, paint the walls or anything.
SYNNA: Bathroom's nice, got one of those shower tub combos, a sink, toilet, the works. Should come with towels too, so don't worry about that much.
CHARON: I don't know how you manage to set everyone up this well but... I really appreciate it.
SYNNA: Basic rights, you know?
SYNNA: Everybody deserves a place to eat and sleep.
SYNNA: We don't want anybody to go without here.
CHARON: That's a good mindset, gives me a lot of confidence about working here.
SYNNA: Yeah, well...I can't take credit.
SYNNA: Maes' idea to make sure everyone was set up like this.
CHARON: This is the best living situation I've had in awhile, so I may have to thank her personally.
SYNNA: I think she'd appreciate that, honestly.

She starts heading towards the door, looking over her shoulder.

SYNNA: I left my number by the phone, on the nightstand.
SYNNA: Call if you need anything, okay?
CHARON: I will if something comes up.
CHARON: Thank you for taking the time to show me around.
SYNNA: No prob- I'm glad to see Maes actually took the plunge on somebody.
SYNNA: We really need the help, and I've got a good feeling about you.

She shoots a finger gun at him before heading out.

SYNNA: Don't trash the place too hard.
With that, she closes the door and leaves him to his own devices. Charon lays himself down on the bed, soaking it all in.

CHARON: Things are looking up…
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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