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4:45 AM The alarm clock on the table cycles through garbled radio broadcasts as it struggles to seek a proper station.
It manages eventually, music flooding the tiny, dingy apartment from the tinier, dingier speakers.
The lump in bed is compelled to rise, revealing its form: A light elemental. Or, a hybrid of one, at least; scattered circular and polygonal markings denoting the difference, along with other minor body variations.Howe rubs their head, pressing their fingers against their temple.
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nnnnnot enough sleep. i think 4 hrs? maybe 5??
head feels weird today buzzy, heavy
think its just a headache. yyaaay another thing to deal with for work
least its not that bad
You let out a yawn, then drag yourself out of bed, stumbling your way into the bathroom.
What little clothes you slept in are pulled off. Your shirt is tossed over the mirror, obscuring yourself.
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feel gross today
not looking at that.
You take a quick shower, feeling half asleep for most of it, but having to rush a little regardless.
Soon enough, you're dried off, grabbing clothes from your 'closet' just outside the bathroom door - really just a clothing rack pushed haphazardly into the corner.
You slip on your work uniform: A burgundy polo shirt featuring the country club logo, tucked into cheap black slacks; some non-slip restaurant shoes tying together the 'look'.
Your barely-working heater gives a good taste of just how cold the late-autumn air must be. So, you grab a bulky blue hoodie with a fluffy collar and slide it on over everything.
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cathy griped at me over the hoodie last time
"you make an impression when you walk in. people expect to see certain standards here." i get in at like. 5:50am. and the hoodie goes in a locker immediately i even take the back entrance, nobody sees and they wouldnt care anyway
i know the strict dress code is Everyone And Their Children Wearing Polo Shirts but its cold, i have to bus and walk here, let me live long enough to get Into the heated building
With the essentials taken care of, you pocket your phone, keys, and pills, and hurry out the door.
It's a relatively short walk to the bus stop, which you're plenty thankful for given the wind is making the air even colder.
The cold at least keeps you awake while waiting for the bus, though it mercifully arrives a little earlier than usual.
You hop on, tap your card to pay your fare, tell the driver 'good morning', and head to the back.
You get a funny look from one of the only other passengers - a karacel with their hair in a bun.
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should be used to it but i would loooove to not be stared at
im not even a real elemental, im a hybrid dont even get the 1000-year lifespan or anything, i just look weird and glow in the dark
or are you just staring because im over six feet tall and still have tits
You scrunch yourself into the very back corner of the bus, propping your shoes up on the back of the empty seat ahead of you.
You stare out the window listlessly, doing your best not to fall asleep.
A familiar roadside sign catches your eye.![[Image: 325YYEX.png]](
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a small town/city(?) that feels like it Wants to be a lot bigger than it is lots of upper-middle class people who come there for the golf courses and the cheap local wine who all Love to gawk and gossip
...think im just tired today. ive seen more of the town a few times. theres a movie theater thats nice. theres the little arboretum ive like. Heard about. that sounds cool. and it Does have some transit, unlike everywhere else nearby
maybe i just dislike it because i work in a country club probably
i still prefer my town
Gold Mills is even Smaller just a couple hole in the wall places, a donut shop, grocery store, and thats basically it
its dead quiet. i get stared at less, nobody cares and a Lot cheaper than living in Cultch, for whatever reason
no jobs in Gold Mills, though. glad theres a bus that heads into Cultch or id be screwed feels like about 5 people ride it though
think i heard somewhere theyre debating getting rid of it
maybe by the time they do, ill have saved up enough to move out of Eva Sierra in general
You scratch your neck, yawning as you muse on whatever happens to occupy your thoughts,
waiting for your stop.
The bus shakes.
The ground Under the bus, shakes. ▶ El Regreso De Patagrande Mica Levi A noise cuts through your ears.
High-pitched, or low- You can't tell.
Is it even a Sound? It feels like
Something pulsing its way through the atmosphere through the bus through Your Head
As if the physical space you reside in is being Occupied.
It feels like your skull is Fizzling
Your eye twitches.
You want to run. You try to stand.
You can't move.
Muscles don't respond.
Neurons fail to fire.
Do you Have a body, anymore?
Your eyes.
With great effort, your eyes can move; sluggish, dragged like a brick across concrete.
You can't see much of the driver, just their hat and shoulder; the bus somehow still moving forward, although it's beginning to list to the side.
But, you have a full view of the other passenger; they're frozen, too. Wide-eyed, looking at you in shared horror and confusion.
In this moment, you find a macabre thankfulness.
You are not alone with this.
You don't know how much time is passing.
Everything is hazy. Your body dead-still.
You ache with a Need to feel Motion, Activity, Normalcy again.
Lights at the front of the bus catch your gaze.
Off-yellow light is coming from where the driver sits. It flickers in a strange, strobing pattern.
The bus's lights follow suit in a way that makes your head hurt.
It feels like the sky outside is doing the same.
Your brain throbs like a piston.
The yellow strobe turns to an off-putting cerulean,
then dissipates entirely.
You can't see the driver at all anymore.
The bus is shifting further and further to the side.
It's slowing gradually, but you can tell: It's drifting to the edge of the road.
It's darker outside than you swear it was before, but you can't tell in the chaos. You want to get up and hit the brakes.
You can't move.
The yellow glow from before appears around the karacel passenger, enveloping them.
You watch as their eyes somehow grow even wider, glancing frantically around.
The manic, glitchy strobing is back. It's a little closer this time, it's More disorienting.
You try to close your eyes. You can't.
The blue flash comes faster this time.
It's too bright to see much, but you could swear you spot a horizontal line - like the slit pupil of an eye - appearing across the karacel in that moment.
Just as they disappear entirely.
Panic truly strikes you now, even through the fog of half-consciousness.
You want to breathe.
Your lungs don't move.
Surely you're choking.
You must be, your thoughts tell you.
You think you may pass out.
That would be easier.
The yellow light swallows you.
Along with a sensation far stranger than any you've experienced.
T o u c h
vibrates your skin
thundering through every part of you
you grow warmer, then Hot
as if you're being boiled a magnifying glass trained on you from the sun itself.
Just as you can't stand it
the final flash signifies the end of it
yours is Red.
You swear you see two diagonal lines in your vision, just as it does so. An X. ⏸ You can MOVE again
You stand
The bus SLAMS into something outside.
You're thrown forward.
Your shoulder catches a pole on the way to the floor, where you smack your head.
You groan, picking yourself up off the floor.
The bus is almost pitch-black; lights off, save for the occasional flicker. You can hear some part of the bus steaming, and it's tilted forward somewhat.
Your head is sore. Your shoulder is worse.
But nothing broken, as far as you can tell.
Unsteady, you manage to make your way forward,
and pull the level to open the door, stumbling your way outside. ▶ Intro Cymbal Wind Dean Hurley The bus has crashed into some fence poles on the side of the road. An open field is past them.
You expected to see livestock, maybe, but the field is empty.
The sky is now unnaturally dark, and it's difficult to tell if it's cloud cover, or something else.
Tendrils of light flash above, on occasion.
At first glance, you assume it's lightning, but it's too straight, too oriented.
Looking at them makes your head hurt, like you're seeing something you shouldn't.
Square, ember-like sparks flit through the air, seeming to appear and vanish at random.
The air itself feels
dense, heavy, still; the wind is gone.
You could swear you smell metal, or something similar. Blood? Smoke? You aren't sure.
No matter what, it makes you uneasy.
Something tells you that it isn't safe outside.
Up the road, you spot a gas station, with a motel across the street. The signs for both flicker and pulse in odd, gradual patterns, like slow-burning flames.
The gas station is devoid of cars, and it's difficult to tell, but it looks to be empty. The motel, meanwhile, has a couple of cars in the parking lot.
Further up the road, past both of them, there's a concrete point where everything past it looks to be covered in a thick, still smoke. The smoke doesn't seem to drift past there, as if it's all contained on the other side of some invisible barrier.
There's a similar wall of smoke far behind you, only this one is so dense with smog as to look almost solid.
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I say take a look at the gas station first, it's on the way to the motel so it most likely wouldn't hurt to take a peek at the least
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also, there's more than likely not but I'd say check and see if there's anything on the bus you can take with you besides your stuff
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Check the bus for your (and others') belongings, and check to see if it's still driveable.
Then head for the gas station, in the bus if possible.
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i dont think the bus is safe to drive after crashing, and i worry that taking too long looking for things in the bus itself could lead to issues, considering we're smelling smoke right now. i also have no idea how vehicles work so take that with a grain of salt
however gas station is a good idea
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Take a look around the bus for signs of the others- but be quick, as has been said. If it isn't safe outside, the bus isn't much better.
But being able to tell what happened to them could still be helpful.
☽ ☆jus a buppy ☆ ☾
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11-26-2023, 03:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2023, 03:07 PM by SHIVERS.)
You glance back at the bus you'd practically crawled your way out of.
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maybe theres stuff on it- or maybe its still drivable-
its. pitch-black in there, i dont have any way to see in it and. Whatever happened in there doesnt give me any confidence thered be anything to scavenge anyway
and i cant drive Cars much less buses i think thats a whole different ballgame like, isnt the engine for those in the back??
and theres. Steam coming off the back
okay no i dont think theres any point in trying to 'check' that how would i even know if its fine or not?
need to. get my head together better
Speaking of: The buzzing in your head is still present.
But, it feels like it's slowly fading into the background; like you're getting used to it.
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dont. really wanna think about that especially not with everything else going on
dont wanna think about everything else going on either. just. need to get somewhere safe
gas station. try there first
▶ A Voice at the End of the Line M. Ward You make your way over, now painfully aware of the pain in your right shoulder.
It's small, with only two spots to fill up gas, an overhang above both of them.
Muffled radio music plays through the cheap speakers above. It feels somewhat ominous, given the state of emptiness of the place.
You push through the glass door, a little chime signaling your arrival inside. The music is a little bit more clear indoors.
Just as you predicted: It's empty, no one behind the counter.
But, the gas station is fully stocked, plenty of food, drinks, and various other goods. Only one of the overhead lights is working, though, the other just giving the occasional flicker; you can see enough, but it's eerily dim in here.
Is there anything you want to look for while you're here?
There is a short hallway in the back, with doors labeled Restroom and Office across from each other, along with an unlabeled door past both of them; you assume it's a back entrance.
There's a rattling noise coming from either the office or through the back door; you can't really tell which.
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stuff some nonperishable snacks into your pockets and look for a first aid kit, for sure
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11-26-2023, 07:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2023, 07:21 PM by knux400.)
First of all, we should verify we still have everything we brought with us initially.
Seconding nonperishable snacks and a first aid kit, also look for some bottled water if it's there. This is a bit of a long shot, but any way of carrying things would be nice, too. It's going to be difficult fitting all this into pockets.
Finally, a weapon of some sort wouldn't be a bad idea. Anything relatively heavy you can swing at things would work. The gas station should have a fire extinguisher somewhere, or possibly some hand tools.
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Some gas stations can have a lot of useful things, right? See if this one has camping equipment or anything like that, or things for emergency situations like car wrecks. You may not have a car, but it should still have a flashlight or other emergency equipment.
Hand tools are also a really good idea. re: above. Anything that can deconstruct, like pliers or a screwdriver, could pull double duty as a weapon or simply a tool.
Also, maybe anything to keep yourself from getting bored. A notebook or games or something. Gotta take care of your mental state, too!
☽ ☆jus a buppy ☆ ☾
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Maybe get some coffee or something.
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Any medication in this gas station? Things like pain meds, bandaids...
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(aa forgive me for double posting)
Also look for a pack of frozen peas or something for your shoulder.
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Make sure you're truly alone so you don't get in trouble grabbing stuff for yourself.
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If we're going through with yoinking stuff right away, I'm seconding trying to find like, painkillers, a flashlight and maybe a backpack of some sort? should probably be practical and discerning in what we take, have space for what we need and can use rather than whatever catches our eye (Do we have any money we could maybe leave of we feel bad enough about absconding with stuff? If not, fuck it)
Also do we want to chance seeing what the banging is? I'm guessing there's a 3 way split for what it could be: 1.) Actual Danger in which case we should be prepared to defend ourself or run 2.) Someone who needs help 3.) Nothing and this place is fucking with us I vote yes ftr
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You pat your pockets just in case.
Your phone, keys, and pills are all still there.
With that, you get down to business.
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okay. okay need
supplies food meds first aid w-
something to hold them all in. that first
Not far from the door, you spot a rack of backpacks. They're simple, not too big, and look pretty cheaply-made - you doubt they'd hold together well with strain - but they'll do.
Though, most you can see are in various camouflage patterns. Against your better judgment of wanting to act quickly, you take the time to sift through them. They are, in fact, all in camouflage patterns.
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right. most of the people here are Really into hunting. plenty of times ive seen a bunch of people crammed into a Giant pickup truck headed to the woods outside of town
from what ive heard from people in the country club, think they just do it for sport mount some horns or a head or both on a wall
a couple of the guy coworkers keep asking me to go and dont really feel like killing something for fun ...dont really get whats supposed to be Fun about that in the first place
if youre killing something for Food thats one thing but it- okay im. i dont care. i dont care right now. get this done already
You resign yourself and grab one of the pink and purple camouflage backpacks, zipping it open, stuffing in whatever you can think of that fits.
A first aid kit, pain relievers, bandages.
A pack of two flashlights.
Various nonperishable food: Packs of jerky, protein bars, dried fruit, some canned food, some bottles of water.
Some coffee, too, while you're at it.
You feel a twinge of guilt. Or at least, worry that you could be jumping to conclusions, acting rash.
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this. could be
weird weather or. i hit my head in the bus crash harder than i thought or-
People DISAPPEARED in FRONT of me and- and the sky is BLACK and EVERYONE IS GONE and it
that Feeling- how it Felt it- noNo. no im not. thinking about this right now
if it turns out to all be some kind of horrible terrifying misunderstanding then i can just say i hit my head hard in the crash and i didnt know exactly what was happening
or something. its fine get it together
not going to think about-
i have this i Have this. think fast stay alive
i am NOT going to die in CULTCH of ALL places
You hurry and finish up, grabbing a small tool kit and cramming it in.
There's almost no room left. On a whim, you snag a tiny notebook and some pens and stuff them in the backpack.
You zip it up.
The rattling noise from before returns.
Or maybe you'd drowned it out in all your focusing. Either way, you hear it.
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. . .
could be nothing
could be someone needing help
could be something worse.
There's a long, sharp-looking screwdriver next to the tool boxes.
You kneel down carefully to pick it up, staying quiet.
With it in hand, you--
A horrid, metallic CRUNCH rings in the air.
A metal doorknob flies past the aisle you're at.
You gasp and duck away on instinct.
Your elbow lands against bottles of motor oil as you fall back,
which subsequently clatter their way down to the floor behind you. ▶ Lipstick to Void Mica Levi Terror roots you to the spot.
Some part of you can't bear to move.
Your heart beats faster.
You hear soft footfalls that sound
off - almost Wet, akin to someone lightly tapping freshly-caught fish to tile floor -
Your chest starts to hurt.
Your pounding heart slows
you Hear it
Your heart
Outside Your Body.
You look up.
Before you is a creature you don't have time to fathom.
Standing like a tripod on three legs. Only slight hints of a torso and head, with no arms. Shades of teal mark its translucent body - looking somewhere between squid limbs, a kitchen sponge, and water snake toys in texture. A deeper aquamarine fluid pumps through bright orange, simplistic, organ-like structures around its body - watching the motion makes you feel sick somehow.
At its midsection, slightly to the left side; the largest organ, almost spherical in nature
pumps, in a slow rhythm.
Your own heart
mirrors every beat.In Perfect Sync.
Before you can think
of anything else
you realize
the creature's heartbeat
is still slowing
as is yours.It Hurts.
You clutch your chest with a pained whimper.
You try your best to back away, to stand.
But you can't feel your fingers.
The creature follows along with you, anyway. Gently.
You smack at your chest with your best approximation of a closed fist. Your movements are slow. You cough.
Nothing helps.
You feel cold and sluggish The radio speaker overhead screeches with static.
The creature loses focus.
Your heart resumes. Once. Twice.
You use everything you have to grip the screwdriver tight
and Plunge into one of the creature's legs; it's all you can reach.
It soaks the floor with blue-green fluid as the limb deflates, giving the creature a limp. ▶ Lipstick to Void (4:51) Mica Levi It's otherwise unperturbed.
The speaker shorts out, goes quiet.
You pull the screwdriver back out.
Its attention is on You again.
You don't finish another strike as both hearts once more grow still.
Despite the lack of a face
you feel like it's staring at you
as the edges of your vision begin to fuzz over.
your thoughts slow
you curse your hybrid anatomy
for having a heart at all
A gunshot thuds dull in your bloodless ears.
One heartbeat. Two.
You open your eyes a little.
You hadn't realized you'd closed them.
The creature's head drips teal fluid onto your shoe as you watch it turn towards the door.
Two more gunshots tear through the air
and rip through the orange heart at the creature's middle.
You move your arms again.
The creature slumps into itself
and falls. ▶ You Can Talk To Me Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
Your heart beats on its own.
You can feel your fingers again.
You watch as someone - a white, brown-and-blue-spotted bat with a large tail, holding a revolver -
walks in front of your aisle and Slams their boot down on the creature with a horrible squelch.
You groan, sliding your legs along the tile as you try to gain enough traction to get up.
They turn to you.
"...hell--" The bat places their firearm in a holster at their side.
"You good? I gotcha. Here." Their free paw grasps your arm, and hefts you up to your feet with surprising strength.
They drape your arm over their neck, using their own to shoulder you. "C'mon, we're goin', okay? I gotcha, but do y'r best to walk if you can, yea? We'll move faster that way."
Most of you still feels numb, and disoriented.
And you're very tired.
Your eyes close.
You hear the gas station door open, then close behind you.
The bat's paw nudges your shoulder. "Hey hey, stay with me. Keep awake. You pass out n' I gotta carry ya, and I won't have a free hand if somethin' like that comes around again. So, whatever y' gotta do to stay awake.
...What'd that thing do t'ya? Anything y' can tell me?
Y'r name works, too. Aubrey. By th' way."
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12-01-2023, 05:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2023, 06:51 AM by MarxzVulpez.)
My name's Howe, thank you very much Aubrey, nice shootin
that thing it
I think it hijacked my heart. It felt like it synced up whatever equivalent organ it had with my pulse then just stopped it. I don't think I would have lasted much longer if you hadn't shown up. It seemed like it needed to concentrate in order for it to work though, it got distracted for a second and the effect stopped/lessened.
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Uhhh bus crash, painful light, red X, sky dark, weird lightning, went to get food, jelly thingy came out, and heart stopped.
I'm how hi howe are you
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Whaaaaaaaaaat the fuck is happening bat man?(bat girl? bat dude?) thanks for saving me from that Joker. you're like some kind of Dark Knight. cooool.
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12-22-2023, 09:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2024, 08:31 PM by SHIVERS.)
"...Howe... nice, shooting..." Your head droops.
The bat nudges you once more. You groan out of protest from your body. "C'mon. Halfway there."
You struggle to stay upright, Aubrey putting in most of the work to keep you moving. Following their advice, you do your best to keep talking, to keep awake.
"Had... bus crash. painful light, red X... went to... gas station. That, thing it... hijacked my heart..." "Hijacked?" "Stopped my pulse." "...hell." They shake their head with a sigh. "Good t' know, I guess."
"What the fuck is... happening...?" "Hell if I know. I was helpin' out wi- hey--" They catch you as you topple, straining to get you back in position and continue on. "...Was. Helpin' out with some U.M.I.R.A. business. Said they had, reports of somethin' goin' on out here, weren't sure what. Guess they were right. ...I just got to th' motel last night. Was asleep this mornin' when shit hit the fan."
You want to listen, but you can't remember the last time you felt this tired.
Your eyes close.
"Hey. Hey! C'mon kid we are ALMOST there!"
You barely feel as they try to shake you awake.
You sleep. Lost.
Run aground in fog.
The shore laps at your heels.
You sink ankle deep into muck.
Lights burn bright overhead.
Falling like stars.
Dotting landscapes you can't fathom.
They take knowable forms.
Street lamps.
Lanterns in tunnels.
Will o' wisps.
One appears along your path.
You don't know if
excavation, exaltation, or bright obliteration
awaits you.
But you wish to follow it regardless.
You reach out.
Movement stops.
Ivy. Grows at your heels.
Up and around you.
Thorns scrape your hide.
Unfurling you.
A bony claw
climbs the murky depths.
It pulls away the vines.
But it frightens you more.
Your gaze meets glowing eyes below which have witnessed you already
you-- You awaken to music.
You're frightened and groggy at once, for a few moments, until you realize you're in a motel room; lights off.
The alarm clock radio next to the bed you're in is playing music.
You can hear rain outside.
The motel room door opens up. You flinch on instinct, swiveling your head to the door.
"Hey." Aubrey steps in.
They shut the door behind them, then make their way over and abruptly unplug the alarm clock from the wall.
The music instantly stops.
"Sorry, thing's been goin' off on its own since I got t' town. Dunno if it's busted or it's somethin' to do with everythin' else happenin'. Don't really wanna find out."
The bat rubs their back, and makes their way around to the other bed, taking a seat.
"How long have I been out?" is all you can think to ask. "Bout-" The bat checks their watch. "-four n' a half hours. Probably needed it." "Oh."
Things are awkward as you sit in silence.
Aubrey looks like they're working up to something.
"Said y'r name was Howe?" You nod. "Pronouns?" "They, I guess." "She for me. Non-binary.
...Look, Howe. Got things I wanna go over with ya. So if y' got questions, now's th' time t' ask."
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ok. how about what the fuck???????
why did the sky vanish? What was that monster? Why does it feel like the godsdamn end of the world? what happened to the people on the bus?
...what's going to happen to me? am I gonna die here?
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12-22-2023, 10:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-24-2023, 02:31 AM by knux400.)
...What was the time on the alarm clock, before you unplugged it? Is it the same as your watch?
Oh! What was your symbol, when all this first started? Was it a blue eye or a red X?
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What's the Abridged Edition of the kind of torment nexus here in as far as you know?
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Thanks again for the save, don't know what tipped you off but I'm glad you arrived when you did. Is it alright if we nibble on something while you give us the details of what's going on, earlier took a lot out of us. Also, I was pretty out of it while you were helping me back, you said you were asleep when stuff went down today? did uhhh you happen to have any stranger dreams than usual (maybe detail the dream you just had if prompted? idk don't want to rule out too much as being unrelated/unhelpful for the situation?) Also also I think we should fill her in a little better on our end of things with how we wound up here, we weren't exactly able to be detailed earlier.
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You'd been so caught up in the exhaustion and confusion of everything that you'd somehow forgotten just how bad things are.
With the freedom to speak, it comes back into focus, panic rising in your veins.
"...How about what the Fuck is going on?!" Your hand clutches the bed's blanket tightly. "Why's the sky just Gone?! What was that monster that nearly Killed Me?!" "Hey--" "Why's it feel like the end of the World?! Am I gonna DIE--?!" "HEY."The bat raises her voice just enough to properly get your attention.
"Hey. Easy. Shit's fucked, I'm aware.
But I've been in situations... sorta similar before. Got outta those, gonna get outta this one, too.
I got y'r back, alright? Y'r gonna get home safe. Promise. F'you need to lose y'r shit, do it after we've had a sec to talk, alright? We're all we've got, so let's make sure we're on th' same page, yea?"
You swallow and nod, anxiously waiting for answers.
"Alright then." The bat rubs her forehead. "...Right. Let's--" Your stomach growls, interrupting the conversation.
"...I picked up some food at the gas station. I think. Can I...?" "Yea, please do. Will probably help ya right now."
You retrieve your backpack, feeling a slight headrush as you stand up. You thumb around for the first things you can find; a protein bar and some dried mangoes. You also spot the water bottles in your pack, but don't want to waste them yet.
Finding the complimentary cups by the coffee machine, you snag one and fill it with tap water. You find yourself downing an entire cupful before refilling it, making your way back to the bed.
With everything settled, you sit back on your bed in front of Aubrey as you nibble on snacks. You feel somewhat sick to your stomach after the ordeal, but you force the food down regardless.
"You all good?" You nod, with a chunk of peanut butter protein bar in your mouth. Your worry certainly isn't Gone, but you feel more settled now, having other things to focus on definitely helping. "Got it."
She takes a deep breath, breathing out as she looks upward, rubbing her face. "So, like I said, I've been workin' with U.M.I.R.A." "Dunno wha thath ith." You swallow your bite. "Sorry." "S'fine. Unknown Matters... Investiga- ...-tion...?
. . .
...look, th' acronym doesn't matter. They check in on unknown stuff. Cryptids, horrors, ghosts, extranatural things, sometimes evil cults; the works. I'm a private detective, but I got friends in it, so I help 'em out from time t' time. Ghost said - that's a friend o' mine who works there--" "Your friend investigates ghosts and their name--" "Yea, it's all hilarious; stay with me here, kid.
Ghost said there were... I dunno, readings up around in Cultch before things went down. Extranatural stuff."
You squint and tilt your head quizzically.
"Like, angels, stuff with Memoirs, the neleval, that kinda stuff."
You only recognize angels out of those, but it's enough to know it's very bad. You've heard enough horror stories to know the damage they can cause.
"So I came out t' take a look. N' like I said; just got here, shit was bad. Y'know the rest." "Oh, what uh... symbol, did you get, when this first started?" "...what?" "Your- Okay, when I... first got here, I came in on a bus for work - the shitty country club at the edge of town - and the three of us on the bus got like... held in place? Or. Stopped in time. Something. We each got surrounded by different colored lights, and I thought I could see symbols. It was blue and a horizontal line, kind of like an eye I think? For the other two people. And they both disappeared right after. For me, it was a red X, and I ended up stuck here. And the sky was black, after that happened." " . . .
...huh. Yeah, can't say I had that happen at all. Granted, I was passed out, n' woke up to th' fuckin' apocalypse sky." She shrugs. "Could've happened when I was asleep."
"Did you have weird dreams?" "Nope. If I did, can't remember." "Oh."
"Well... thanks again for the save earlier. Don't know what tipped you off but I'm glad you were there." "Yeah I was explorin' a bit by the smoke walls when I heard th' radio goin' crazy at th' gas station. Loud, buzzy static. I took a look n' saw your legs n' that thing standin' over you. ...Pretty lucky th' speakers were on the fritz." "...yeah..."
You don't really want to think about what would've happened otherwise.
"What was the time on the alarm clock before you unplugged it? Did it line up with your watch?" "Dunno. Doubt it. My watch is still tickin' and I saw th' alarm clock change time, too. ...don't think it's some kinda 'time's frozen' situation, for th' record." "Okay."
"That everythin'?" You nod again, getting back to your snacks. "Right. Movin' on. Far as I know, Ghost n' some other U.M.I.R.A. agents are already around... somewhere. So our best chance is t' meet up with 'em. Got a big problem, though."
Aubrey stands up, motioning for you to follow her.
She opens the door and steps outside; shielded from the rain by the 2nd floor walkway above.
Once you're outside, she points to the mass of smog not far ahead, down the road.
"Rest of th' town's that direction, give or take, anyway. But that wall of smoke is, pretty much actually a Wall. I tried t' get through earlier, could hardly pass into it at all; felt like it was pushin' me out th' whole time. When I did get my head n' hands in, I couldn't breathe. ...I've got a map in th' car, and it's even got th' same places blocked out, all 'cept the little square of space we're stuck in.
So, no way we're leavin' til we clear it somehow.
'But how do we do That?' I hear y' ask."
She moves forward, almost into the rain, gestures for you to follow, and points upward. She gently repositions your paw to follow her eyeline.
"See it?" ▶ Photos in the Woods Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein At the lowest level of the sky above, you see a slowly-pulsing tendril of sickly, olive-green light. You don't like looking at it.
"The... tendril thing?" "Yep. Follow it with y'r eye."
You squint.
It seems to originate at the top of the wall of smoke blocking entry to the rest of Cultch. Following it along, its path goes almost directly above you.
You walk out into the rain, too curious not to check further.
The tendril's path descends over the motel, becoming fainter in the process.
"Yea. Comes down right around here... somewhere."
You step back in from the rain, brushing yourself off.
"...I'm no expert in this stuff, but I got Some experience. I think... least I got a guess, that, that big line, tendril, whatever y' wanna call it - it's like a wire, leadin' to some kinda power source. And I think there's a chance that if we turn it off, break it, whatever we need t' do t' shut it off, then th' wall of smoke might come down."
Aubrey rubs the back of her neck.
"Long shot, I know. Probably wrong in every way I Can be. ...but I've searched all along th' walls of our allowed square of town: Haven't found anythin' else that seems promisin' at all."
The bat shrugs.
"Think it's worth a shot at least, so I'm gonna try lookin' around for what it leads to, unless y' got other ideas.
Our chances're probably better if y' come with me, too, that way I can watch y'r back. I know you're not used t' this stuff, and I got a Gun, so. I'd rather have ya where I can cover ya.
...But you c'n stay here in th' room if you'd rather. Bolt the door n' hide if anythin' comes around. Up t' you, but I'm not waitin' around longer.
I wanna get this done so if it Doesn't work, I know t' move on n' keep lookin'. ...That, and if we're both here, there's probably other folks needin' help. Can't afford to just sit n' wait."
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01-16-2024, 11:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2024, 11:58 PM by MarxzVulpez.)
Let's stick with Aubrey and go investigate stuff. We've got a backpack for carrying stuff, and it beats sitting scared and bored in a hotel room
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adventure time with aubrey! pester her with lots of questions too
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01-16-2024, 11:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2024, 11:42 PM by knux400.)
......Let's... go... unplug... the tendril thingy????
[shaky thumbs up]
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Suggesting upgrading that thumbs up to a patented Rebecca Chambers tired thumbs up
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horror movie logic and tabletop gaming logic say don't split the party. Does this feel weirdly artificial to you? like a square region of land fenced in, assumed signposted progression, and those spotlights and symbols from the bus? feels like someone or something made this whole situation deliberately, or at least there's some intelligent design in whats going down.
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You think over the proposal.
Show ContentThoughts:
im. really scared. almost died and dont know whats happening but i want this over with. i wanna go home already
"...I guess it beats sitting scared and bored in a hotel room. So... sure?" You give her a slow, tired thumbs-up.
"Plus... tableto- Horror movie logic says don't split the party." "That's th' spirit. Let's get goin'."
You follow her out the door, making your way around your block of motel rooms, heading for the center.
"So: Plan is: We get to th' middle, in between all th' motel rooms, get a better look at where that light's comin' down to, then go search th' rooms around in that spot. That work?" "Yeah.
...Guess we can go get the keys from the office?"
The bat grins, holding up an oddly-shaped key and swinging it on her claw.
"Got a skeleton key from there already." "...Those are still a thing? I thought they were just... old. Mostly in movies." "Nahh. Places like this - older motels that still use proper lock n' key - usually have 'em f'r th' cleanin' staff." "...oh. That's good."
You look down at the pavement, thinking.
"...Does this feel weirdly artificial to you? Like it's, scripted?" Aubrey stops in her tracks, putting a paw to her chin. "Hm." "Square bit of land where we're shut in, the way forward- what we Hope is the way forward, is signposted by a big tendril in the sky, and those lights and symbols on the bus... ...worried there's someone or something pulling strings."
The bat scratches her chin. "Eh. Doesn't matter yet, if it's that or not. Not like we've got much choice." She continues walking. "...I guess." You follow along.
You both reach the approximate center, heading over by the pool to get a better look at the sky.
The bat puts her paw at her eyebrows, squinting into the dark sky.
The tendril's color fades quickly as you follow it downward.
"...dammit..." The bat gives up. "C'n you make it out? Eyesight's shit these days, can't see it much."
You're able to follow it without too much trouble, pointing your finger to the area you think it's going down to; a few motel rooms at the opposite end.
"...can't tell if it's the 2nd or 1st floor, but probably the 2nd, since they're higher up." "Guess we'll see, good goin'." The bat gives your shoulder a pat; with more force than she probably realizes, nearly making you stumble.
Soon enough, the two of you are making your way up the stairs.
You give the sky another glance, pretty sure it's leading to a specific motel room, which you point out. "Think it's... thiiiis one?" "On it."
She whips out the skeleton key, giving it a little twirl before sticking it in the lock.
She unlocks it.
Or, tries to.
With multiple attempts with varying strength and angle, she finally manages to unlock it with great effort.
She turns the knob and pulls.
It doesn't budge.
Even pulling as hard as she can, nothing happens.
The bat scratches her head. "Huh...
Could kick it in or break th' window, but don't wanna make Too much noise, case there's more heart attack bastards around."
She looks skyward, thinking.
As you stand and brainstorm solutions, Aubrey's ears twitch.
Suddenly, she's listening intently.
You do the same.
Music, coming from the adjacent room.
"I hear--" "Yep."
She unlocks that door, the song pouring out as you both enter and shut the door behind you. Another alarm clock radio.
"Fuck's sake, again?" She grumbles, making her way over and swiftly unplugging the alarm clock.
Otherwise, the room is fairly standard, other than the door connecting this motel room to the next one.
Aubrey notices it at the same time you do.
"...huh. Lucky, I guess."
You look at the door, then the radio.
"...remember what I said about things feeling scripted...?" " . . . ...Fuckin' better not be someone screwin' with us."
Aubrey approaches the door.
The skeleton key slides into the lock. It turns and unlocks.
Before she opens it, she motions to something on the floor.
You lean down to look.
There's a green-brown vine that's snaked its way under the door at some point, having curled up against this side of it.
Aubrey steps back from the door.
"...You open it." "You're trying to use me as Bait--?!" "Nope. When y' pull it open, pull yourself back behind th' door, on This side of it. That way if somethin' comes through, it won't see you, you'll have the door t' protect you, and I can take it down right away."
She raises her revolver to the side.
"Oh. ...Okay." "Sound like a plan?"
You nod, getting in position.
"Ready?" "Hit it."
She raises the revolver.
You pull on the door.
It doesn't budge.
Again, as hard as you can. It doesn't budge.
You step back, rubbing your still-sore shoulder.
The bat shakes her head, stepping over.
"...fuck this."
She turns the knob, and RAMS her shoulder into the door.
It busts open with a CRUNCH.
Inside, the room is absolutely covered in vines, buds, and various flowers. Sunken into the bedsheets and mattresses, weaving itself through the ceiling and lights, coating a huge percentage of the surface area in the room.
You cough, the earthy smell coming on strong.
Aubrey steps inside after a pause, careful not to trip over the vines and roots along the carpet.
You follow along, doing so less successfully."...why the hell'd I take on another U.M.I.R.A. job...?" she mutters to herself."...maybe we shouldn't, uh... ...maybe it's... the wrong room...?"
Aubrey's shoulders droop as she spots something.
"'s the right room."
She nudges your side, pointing.
Partially-covered by the destroyed bed, on the wall opposite the front door, a rusted, metal gate stands - inside the wall.
White mist is visible through the vine-covered slats, and there's an occasional, dim pulse of a light on the inside, further in that you can see.
You both stare at it, your jaw going slack.
Realizing the gate must lead into the bathroom on the other side, you cautiously step around the corner to look into the bathroom, figuring it must just be filled with mist on the inside.
The bathroom is mostly-intact and clear of any sort of fog, save for more plant-life growing inside, having cracked tiles. It looks completely different from the area you could see through the gate.
Aubrey comes to the same conclusion as the both of you stare inside.
She shakes her head, rubbing her muzzle.
"...Don't think f'r a second--"
The radio in the room suddenly crackles to life, startling you both. Another song. "God's sake--"
She stomps over, leaning around all the plants to get at the cord. "Like th' damn thing's following..."
She trails off.
Your eyes widen.
The bat slowly lets go of the cord.
"It... has to be a warning..." " . . . " "Someone's... trying to help us-" "No-" "The one, at the gas station drew you over-" "No way in hell-" "That's how you knew to Save me, and it distracted-" "Kid-" "What else could it be?" "Anything! I've seen plenty of weird shit, it--"
She glances around, worried, as if something were watching her.
"...Look, I don't know, kid.
It... Could be that.
But it's not somethin' we c'n just trust automatically. Maybe it's someone screwin' with us. Maybe it's someone tryin' t' scare us away, so they c'n pick us off. Maybe it's a ghost! Maybe they drew me over so I'd get killed by that thing, too,
or maybe among all th' Other crazy shit goin' on, th' radio just plays stuff that's relevant t' what's happenin'.
Doesn't mean it's Definitely a person. And if it is, doesn't mean they wanna Help."
The radio changes tracks. Both of you stare.
"...can't just sit here n' play with th' radio, no matter What's actually happenin'. Just. Doesn't change anythin' right now." "We still gotta Go In There; it's th' Only lead we've got. If... if it's a warnin' then... just..." She rubs her face. "...then we just gotta be quick, quiet, careful; in, out, done."
The radio shorts out, coming to a stop.
One of the roots had apparently grown through the cord, when you give it a look.
" . . .
...In. Out. Done. stayin' here?"
"I'm not staying here Alone."
"...Alright then."
She puts a gentle paw on your shoulder. You hadn't realized you'd been shaking.
"...s'gonna be okay, kid. You got this. We got this."
Aubrey makes her way up to the gate.
She puts her paw on it.
"I go first, no matter what, unless I say otherwise. If we talk, we keep our voices Low. Quiet. Same with y'r footsteps, best y' can. As we go along, keep the Layout in mind - t' make sure y' c'n find th' Exit again - and so y' can find Safe Spots, n' Places t' Hide, if y' need 'em. Don't fight unless I tell y' to, or unless y' have to.
Got all that?" "...Think so." "Good enough."
She takes a deep breath.
You try. You're too scared. It's shallow.
Aubrey pushes the gate open.The both of you walk through, into the mist. The gate creaks as it swings, clinking shut behind you.
Your stomach drops.
You follow along.
Every step, every noise, makes you want to run back to relative safety.
It's difficult to see well into the mist.
As best you can tell, you're in a corridor.
Following Aubrey.
You can't stop thinking
about how the bathroom should've been there.
Or one of the other apartments.
How you'd be currently stepping off the balcony of the motel room on the other side, right now,
how you were likely now walking Above where the pool should be, down below you.
The mist gradually seems to change in color, the further down the tunnel you go.
From white-grey
to the sickly, green-yellow you'd seen on the tendril.
It's getting darker, too.
You can't stop thinking through it.
The logistics.
Reality of it all.
The lack thereoff.
You feel sick.
The noises are getting to you.
You can't stop thinking about waking up from all this.
Just when you can't stand it any longer.
Just when you're ready to tap her shoulder, to tell her you want to go back.
You emerge from the tunnel.
It's clearer, on the other side. But the same discolored mist is still there, albeit in much less concentrated quantities, even if the particles of it seem... concerningly-larger; as if it may not be mist at all.
You almost miss the obscuring fog.
You do your best to comprehend what you're seeing.
As best as you can understand it:
You're likely atop some plateau. To your left, not far up ahead, there's a drop-off.
You can't see the bottom of it.
You can see occasional glimpses of
things, in that distance.
Some are plants. You think.
Swaying. Taller than any tree you've ever witnessed. You think, anyway. You don't know. You swear you spot one twitching, every once in a while.
Some of the things you see that are definitely Not plants are immeasurably large, given your best estimate of the distance.
You think you might be able to feel the very Slight vibrations of their leviathan footsteps. You don't know if you're imagining it.
Others are. Smaller. In comparison, anyway.
Hardly spotted at all. Only the occasional spots between plants that flash with quick movement.
You don't want to look that way anymore.
Before you. Out in front.
Is a short path leading to an elevator, on the underside of a cliff.
There's a sign nearby there, which reads: OLIVAN NATURAL AREA & BIODOMEThe letters on it are nearly too withered to read.
Up above it, on top of the cliff, is a giant dome structure of metal and glass.
You think you see some kind of light from the inside. Pulsing faintly. It's difficult to make out from where you're at.
To your right, you spot dark woods, with a path running through it. Non-illuminated, but the vague ambient light makes it not Entirely pitch-black. As if it's moonlit. Still, it's darker than anything else you can see. You don't even like looking inside.
Beside the woods, also on your right, is a series of shaky rope bridges, hung to pass over what looks like a swamp. The bridges don't make up an entire path, even from what little you can see from where you're at; sketchy-looking rocks that look difficult to traverse but technically doable mark the spots where the bridges aren't.
On the other side of the woods and swamp lies a stone bridge and staircase, which leads up to the top of the cliff, to the giant glass structure.
"...should check up there, might be it," Aubrey whispers to you. "...but don't like the look of... either path over there. Elevator's probably worth a look, too."
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With how overgrown this place is, there's a good chance the elevator's not working. Let's look there first to double check, but I'm not optimistic.
"Um... Not to be rude, but can you... Fly? I mean, I see the wings and all, and it might come in handy at some point."
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I don't think I trust an elevator in a place like this, but we might as well take a look at it first. so do we risk falling in a swamp and being eaten by swamp monsters or getting ambushed by darkness monsters in the woods?
I vote woods, if for no other fact then I don't want to fall in muck and have to be wet and miserable for an unknown amount of time.
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Okay, I know this place is really creepy and spooky but like, it's also kind of cool and pretty too yeah? I do have an appreciation for nature reserves, though maybe I should save judgment until we get to the dome...
Also, hey so uhhh, you know how I mentioned something about weird dreams? yeah uh this is lining up more and more with one I had when I was k.o.ed earlier -> tell Aubrey what happened in the dream
we did grab a two pack of flashlights from the gas station, might be a good time to get those out and give one to Aubrey, if she doesn't have one already.
As for where to go...
Elevator should be first stop, don't want to ignore a potential easy option. Also maybe check if it Is not working that it's potentially off rather than busted, that's something that we could keep an eye out for when we get to the dome. The elevator could make for an easier exit than retracing our steps through the other two options. Speaking of those options...
The Swamp route looks like it has the better visual advantage but I don't trust those rocks in case of if there's potentially something in the swamp.
The woods has a disadvantage of being more enclosed but it is on more stable ground sooooo I guess the woods?? what do you think Aubrey?
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"With everything overgrown like this, I doubt the elevator's working but... yeah we should definitely check, just in case." Aubrey nods, and the two of you head over to it, keeping quiet.
"You mess with it. I'll watch y'r back." The bat stands to the side, idly glancing over but otherwise leaving you to it.
You press the elevator button. It buzzes quietly.
Still powered
The elevator looks to be up above, as best you can tell, but doesn't seem to be coming down from the call button. You examine it a little more closely, and find what looks like a sensor just above the button.
Aubrey spots it at the same time you do. "Damn thing. Gonna need a key fob or card or somethin' for it, I bet." She sighs through her teeth. "Figures. Well, keep y'r eye out." "...yeah.
Hey. Do... do your wings- Can you--" "Kid, y' Seen me? These things aren't gonna lift me, I'm nearly three-hundred pounds. S'what I get f'r bein' born a hybrid, I guess; giant tail n' me not bein' small in general makes these things close t' useless. ...Wish I could, though." "Got it..."
You follow her as she makes her way towards the separate paths.
The bat puts a paw to the back of her neck, lifting her head in thought.
"...I think we should try the woods. More enclosed, but it's on stable ground." "Was bout' t' say th' same. Don't trust that mud not t' be filled with things. Not riskin' a fall.
Y' ready?"
You push past your nerves to speak up.
"...also, I had a dream. When I was asleep." "You c'n share later, we shouldn't be waitin' around like th--" "It's lining up with what's been happening." " . . . ...go on, just make it fast." "So I, don't remember all that much of it at this point, but... I remember getting lost in fog, like what we walked through earlier. And some kind of muck I sunk into a little as I walked.
There were all these different kinds of lights, and I followed one of them. I tried to reach the light I was following, but I got stopped by all this... vines or ivy or something growing on my legs.
A claw came up out of the mud and grabbed my leg I think, but it pulled away the vines in the process. I looked down into the muck and glowing eyes looked back up at me.
That's all I remember." " . . . well, good thing we aren't goin' over by th' mud. Don't read too much into it, though. In n' out of here quick, remember? Let's get goin'.
Stay behind me, keep quiet, n' remember what I said earlier. ...n don't talk at all unless y' have to. Tap me if y' need somethin'. Got it?"
You nod, she nods back, and presses forward into the woods, with you behind her. The scenery goes dark as the dense trees blot out most of the light.
Aubrey squints, and turns back to you.
Her expression is some strange mix of surprise, confusion, worry, and slight annoyance that you barely have a chance to process.
You realize what you'd failed to consider:You Glow.A slight bioluminescence graces your hide, making you stick out like a sore thumb.
The bat corrects herself, facing forward as she pulls you a little closer towards her back, apparently attempting to hide you.
She picks up the pace.
Your eyes still haven't quite adjusted, but you don't want to slow her down; you want out of here as FAST as possible.
You put your faith in her, trusting that everything ahead is safe for-
You suddenly SMACK your snout into her back as she stops.
Her gun is raised.
You peek around her,
desperate to see why
squinting into the dark.
Your ears pick something up before you see anything.
Something bounding its way in your direction.
Your muscles tense.
A silhouette appears in the darkness ahead.
You barely have time to see it.
It has four legs. And giant, glinting fangs.
And-It LUNGES.You wince.
A strained, gurgling YELP comes from the beast.
You look for it.
Surely Aubrey must have killed it without using her gun?
It isn't on the ground.
Your eyes scan the dark.
Just ahead of you both.
Only a few feet away from making contact.
It rises up, further and further.
Certain body parts dangle, while others seem tensed to the point of complete stillness.
You keep staring. You can think of nothing else to do.
Aubrey hasn't moved.
It rises up further and further towards what you can see of the treeline.
Just as it's almost disappeared, you spot them:
Threads, or something similar.
Thin and dark, but they catch the light ever so slightly.
There are many of them, pressing into the
corpse of the animal that had been alive just moments ago.
Or maybe it isn't dead. You can't tell. You can't see it well enough.
But it's deathly still, being puppeteered skyward by some macabre, fishing line-like... things.
It's gone.
Aubrey's arm is shaking. Her gun is still raised, but it's pointed higher than before.
Up at the treeline.
You can't see her expression, and you're too afraid to move.
You hear the quietest of gasps as you are suddenly pulled down to the grass by a single of her arms.
You look over at her, beyond alarmed; both of you on the ground now.
She points.
The threads are hanging all over just up ahead. Gradually lowering from up above.
Most of them stop, about three feet from the ground. A few of them dip down further.
The bat takes all this in.
She rises only enough to see ahead. You do the same, periodically checking above and around you, paranoid that one of the threads will dangle too close at any moment.
They're so difficult to see in this dark.
You find Aubrey looking between two directions.
Almost everywhere you can see is covered with those threads, including Behind you, now. But, they stop up ahead; you think you both might be able to crawl under them, if you are as CAREFUL as you possibly can be.
But you worry even touching One could be deadly.
To the right, though, not far ahead, there's a fairly thin path where the trees must be too close together to allow the threads to dangle, as there are none along it.
There is an odd, white plant in that direction, on the other side of one of the trees. ...You Think it's a plant, at least. It's really difficult to tell from your position. It looks to be planted in the ground, so you assume it must be a plant, but there's no way to know. It stands out from the rest of this place with its off-white color, making it almost glow.
You need to think quickly. Aubrey looks to be assessing the situation as well.
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04-08-2024, 12:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-08-2024, 12:17 AM by knux400.)
Uhhhhh. Well, based on the limited information we have, the threads seem way more dangerous than the plant does and I'd be worried about Aubrey's wings sticking upward when crawling, soooo weird plant it is? Don't say anything, just tap and point.
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Could you trick the threads by throwing rocks at them? for just enough time to crawl past while they're retracted? if not I say throw a rock at the ''''Plant'''' to see if it reacts, might very well be another monster.
Posts: 448
Threads: 6
Joined: Apr 2019
Forum Cash: 344Cash
The threads do seem like the bigger threat at the moment: head towards the plant but also be on the look out for any opening to get by both, especially if the plant tries to pull any funny business as well