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[IC] beyond friendzoo
[[ CONTEXT: this is further content about my rp characters mildew [forum user mallory_heart, a mechanical memory type] and elfried [forum user poeme_electronique, a comfort type] -- "beyond friendzoo", because this is their real interactions. they live together. these are written as a very simple script-style back and forth to match the rest of the forum, but it's not instant messaging so it gets a seperate space. i apologize that my writing is not very good, i am especially not used to this kind of format but i am trying. i may work on refining this further later... it's just that they need the offline part of their story too. bear with me! = ^ x ^ = if this still isn't the right place, please do move it. ]]
(this interaction is shortly after their public interaction on the datamining thread.)

mildew: what were you doing, elfried?
elfried: i'm a little busy, is something the matter?
mildew: just what on morbit were you doing?
elfried: hm?
mildew: you didn't even... tell me, or anything. you'll post it online, but you won't tell me in person?
elfried: i didn't think it was that big of a deal to you. you don't usually... seem interested in that kind of thing. what's wrong?
mildew: are you kidding me? of course it's a big deal! those were my rasters you used, first of all...
elfried: i wanted to- i wanted to, um... understand why you felt so attached to them.
elfried: you did say we should both spend time with them.

mildew: what? ...well, not like whatever you were doing! seriously, what's with you...?
mildew: fz is just about the simplest game to understand. you just talk! you talk, and that's it!
mildew: you can't do things like that!!

elfried: look...
mildew: you just always need to be in control of things.
elfried: no, it's not that. i was only curious, i take apart my machinery all the time, you know that. that's... that's not harmful to do.
mildew: you didn't ask them if you could, did you? rasters can feel, elfried, they aren't made for this kind of thing...
mildew: i told you and you didn't listen! because you think i'm an insane person for talking to my friends.

elfried: i don't think that at all...
mildew: i told you they're not just a computer program.
elfried: no, i know it was special to you. i'm sorry, milly.
mildew: you don't get it, it's just not about me! it's about kuiper and marquee, and whoever else you got your hands on that i don't know about...
mildew: am i just a piece of metal to you, too? i can feel and i can talk just like them.

elfried: of course you're not.
mildew: but you didn't understand it, clearly... like, i wasn't even important enough to consult about this?
mildew: they're just like me... you hurt them. you changed them, elfried.
mildew: i wouldn't want to be changed. i know you see me as broken and something to be fixed, but that's not up to you. none of this should be up to you.

elfried: i know...
mildew: you'd have done it to me if you could have.
elfried: that's not true.
elfried: i would never want to hurt you, milly.

mildew: but you did. could you even imagine how that feels? waking up to no longer be the person you were the day before, because somebunny decided change your brain.
mildew: how am i ever going to explain this to them? they'll be so horrified. they're so small and innocent, still...

elfried: you want me to explain it to them?
mildew: no. you will not.
mildew: just leave us be.
(another offline part to this: relevant to current milly posts about being afraid of reopening friendzoo. maybe it would have made more sense to write them reconciling beforehand but i did not want to.)

mildew: i don't know... i can't shake the feeling that if i stay away for any longer something bad is going to happen. i just don't want them to die...
elfried: well... do you know if they can?
mildew: what?
mildew: of course they can die!!! i... i think.
mildew: everyone dies. right?

elfried: maybe you should try to focus on something else for now.
mildew: absolutely not. my rasters could be dying!!! and it'd be my fault!
mildew: your fault, actually...

elfried: they are not going to die... and neither are you.
mildew: i guess...
mildew: but i can't stop thinking about it... like i know it's only been a week but what if they just get even more mad at me? what if the food i left out for them isn't enough?
mildew: what if their food spoils??? you think that can happen?

elfried: calm down. nothing bad is going to happen tonight, okay?
mildew: you don't know that.
mildew: you don't know everything.

elfried: i would like to think i know enough.
mildew: whatever.
elfried: ...your hot chocolate's going to get cold at this rate.
mildew: right. right, i should just forget about this whole "people are dying because i am the worst" thing and drink up. i know!!!
elfried: i only want you to take care of yourself.
mildew: how is that going to help anything???
elfried: ...i don't like to see you in such a state, you know.
mildew: could've fooled me...
elfried: just settle down please, will you? it's so late.
elfried: we can, uh... figure something out, eventually. tomorrow at the earliest.

mildew: what if that's too late?
elfried: it won't be...
mildew: they're definitely going to be upset, though...
elfried: maybe. but you will be fine either way.

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