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King's Mulligan [Interactive Project]
[Image: image.png]
 You sigh and decide to have a heart to heart.

Tiles: Hey, no self deprecation. It’ll take time to get used to the new situation but I’m sure you’ll make it work.

Tiles: You and Creme were having trouble deciding? See if you can get a sample of what you both want and figure it out from there.

You offer out a hand and an arm, giving her the option between a hug or a held hand.

[Image: image.png]

She flops onto you full force for the hug, you can feel her poof up a little at that.

Your ant-like might comes in clutch.

You feel your STRENGTH improve slightly.

Ibarra: Good catch. Don’t know why you offered this considering our ill blood… but It does make me feel somewhat better…

Tiles: Creme is my ally, and potentially you can be too.

Tiles: I’m giving you an opportunity, don’t waste it.

Ibarra: You’re wonderfu-

The two of you are cut off by

Dive: Ib!

Dive: That’s you, right?

Ibarra: For now. We’ll be alternating between Creme and I from now on it seems.

Ibarra: What happened with you?

Dive: Got a bedroom set up. They let me go off after..

Dive: The rabbit went on a long discussion about oceanic life but eventually let me go.

Courier: Which rabbit? That’s broad.

Dive: Your rabbit.

Courier: Ah. Well you’re welcome to join us for dinner. Starman will be a bit annoyed we ate without them but… we’re all hungry I think.

Dive: That’d be nice I suppose, as long as Ib is okay…

He gives you a look for holding Ibarra.

Dive: Don’t pull anything funny. You already hurt her before.

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RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 12-03-2021, 01:09 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 12-07-2021, 07:48 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 08-29-2022, 08:44 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 03-09-2023, 07:52 PM

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