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King's Mulligan [Interactive Project]
[Image: admirable.png]

Your scrapbook opens up, pages rapidly lined with connecting threads as Jackie is engulfed in light.

Tiles: J-Jackie?!

It becomes blinding briefly, before eventually lulling.

Jackie stands in front of you, looking as strong as you remembered him being as a kid. He clutches a rifle close, adorned with a bayonet and knuckledusting studding  to the stock and scope.




Combat Ranges:
Close Quarters (A)
Mid-Range: (A)
Long Range: (A)

Class Traits:

TRICKSHOOTER: Rifle fires snares, traps, and flares that debuff opponents in various ways.

SILENCER: Melee attacks attached a tether to the opponent that severely weakens their ability to cast magical abilities. Tether decays rapidly with distance and time but is reset with another successful melee strike.

DECOY: Can use illusions to create various decoys of people and objects by striking a surface.

TROUBLESHOOTER: Effects of abilities are stronger and more disruptive on those with drastically heightened tension. 

Personal Traits:

MIRROR SUMMON: Can only appear in party while in the mirror world or when magic levels in the area are heightened.

“I’ll always be there…”: Gains a random buff when protecting party members.

“Fine, one more time…”: Can play a harmonica to give the ENCORE buff to a party member. ENCORE gives benefits to certain skills when cast twice in a row, such as a free use without burning pages.

“Gotta survive however you can…”: May PICKPOCKET opponents in close range. (Prioritizes FOOD and CASH, will not target those in poor circumstances)

“I am what I am…”: Jackie has a slime based biology without vital organs.
Jackie: Now what’s all this?

Tiles: I… don’t know actually.

Jackie: Feel stronger…

Ibarra: Your brother didn’t seem to get much time in this world. Barely reached the early days of adulthood at best.

Ibarra: This world was merciful enough to give him the tools needed to survive and grow even if it’s a little late for that..

Ibarra: Seeing your reunion… I don’t think I really have the heart for this today but…

Ibarra: Cherish this time, as long as it lasts..

Ibarra: I'm sorry, I refuse to go down after everything..
[Image: nooo.png]

She whips out a axe, bigger than the three of you combined.

Ibarra: Have at you.

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RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 12-03-2021, 01:09 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 12-07-2021, 07:48 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 08-29-2022, 08:44 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 09-28-2022, 09:42 PM

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